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This chapter will discuss about background of the problem,RESEARCH PROBLEM, OBJECTIVE OF THE
STUDY,The significance of the study,and The definition of terminology.

1. Background of the Problem

Speaking is the action of conveying information or expressing one's feelings in speech. Speaking is
important skill for students' master. Speaking and listening are related with each other. If students can
speak English, they also can hear English well. Therefore, good communication can run smoothly and
there are no misunderstandings.

In Curriculum 2013, students must for mastering all of skills of English such as listening, speaking,
writing, and reading skills. Especially, Students can be said to master English if they can speak it well and
fluently. Based on the author' research that Students of eleventh grade USAHA PERJALANAN WISATA
SMK 3 PALANGKARAYA city, they must master speaking skill but in fact students' speaking English ability
is still quite low. This is due to the lack of student interest in learning, and also students are not
accustomed to discipline by the rules applied by the teacher. Some male students are not focused in
participating in learning English.

The main problem in that class, many students do not have confidence when English speaking skill.
Therefore, the teacher needs to find a way to solve the problem. The teacher needs to find the method
learning English speaking for increasing student interest in learning and attract them to study English
speaking skill.

Teacher will use the real practice of procedure text by using direct method of speaking skill. For
example, students learn about procedure text for next material and the teacher tells them to make their
favorite fried rice. As an alternative for practicing speaking students for the next meeting, the teacher
tells students to bring the fried rice that their make and the ingredients needed to make it. Then,
students must explain individually why they like fried rice, and also they can explain how to make fried
rice briefly by using English language.

This media is considered interesting because students can learn directly by using real material and
practice directly by using English with the guidance of a teacher. For finding out the effectiveness of this
method the author will apply the direct method in learning of English speaking. The author will deliver
subject material that is in accordance with the competency standards and basic competencies that
students must master in grade 11 of the UPW ( usaha perjalanan wisata). The subject material is
procedure text of how to make friend rice.

Based on the things mentioned above, the teacher decides to conduct a class action research under the
title :


The research problem of classroom action research: What is speaking skill students class XI UPW of
vocational high school 3 Palangkaraya city can be improved with direct method?


The aim of classroom action research is to increase English speaking skill and training the level of
student' confidence class XI UPW vocational high school 3 Palangkaraya city.

D. The significance of the study

The authors hope this research can provide the following benefits:

1. This research is expected to increase students' interest in learning English, especially for speaking

2.This research is also expected to provide a solution for students who lack confidence in practicing
speaking English.

3. This research is expected to improve students' skills in speaking English fastly and fluently .

4.This research is also expected to provide benefits for English teachers in finding interesting teaching
methods for learning English speaking skill.

E.The definition of terminology

1. Speaking

There are many definitions of speaking according to experts. Harmer (2007:284) states speaking is the
ability to speak fluently and presupposes not only knowledge of language features, but also the ability to
process information and language.

while Quianthy (1990:7) defines speaking as the process of transmitting ideas and information orally in
variety of situations.

Nunan (in Kayi, 2006:1) defines speaking as the use of language quickly and confidently with few
unnatural pauses, which is called as fluency.
Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and nonverbal
symbols, in a variety of contexts. (Chaney, 1998:13)

Therefore, the researcher concludes that speaking is the ability to produce the language and share their

2. Direct Method

The method Direct is named “direct” because meaning should be connected directly with the target
language without translation in to the native language.

· Procedure

· Only English used

· A lot of teacher-students dialogues, later systematic teaching of grammar and vocabulary

· Mainly speaking, both communication and stressed a grammatical syllabus

The Direct teaching method is a method of foreign and second language teaching which consist that
only the target language should be used in class and meaning should be communicated “directly” by
associating speech forms with action, objects, mime, gesture and situations.

· The direct method has one very basic rule: no translation is allowed. In fact, the direct method
receives its name from the fact that meaning is to be connected directly with the English language,
without going through the process of translating in to the students’ native language.

According to Haviz Mutoharoh “Direct method is a method which target language is used in teaching
learning process without translating in the students’ native language, if there is a word that is difficult to
understand by students, the teacher can be interpreted by using real media, picture, and others”.
According to Larsen-Freeman “The direct method has one basic rule: No translation is allowed”. It means
that the teacher should not translate when she teaches about the material.

In addition Diane Larsen Freeman says that “Since no translation is allowed in Direct Method, object
(such as, real, pictures etc) presented in the immediate classroom environment should be used to help
students understand the meaning. It means that in Direct Method, the teacher can use everything
around the school environment as teaching media directly to facilitate the student understand the
meaning of sentences.

According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_Method(education) “The direct method, sometimes

also called natural method, is a method to teaching foreign languages that refrains from using the
learners native language and just uses the target language”.

Brown states that “The direct method includes lots of oral interaction, spontaneous use of language, the
teacher discourages translation between first and second languages, and puts little emphasis on
grammar rules”.
3. Procedure text

Procedure text is a text that explains or helps us how to make or use something. Its social function is to
describehow something is completely done through a sequence of series. Communicative purpose of
this text is to describe how something is made through a sequence of actions or steps. There are three
generic structures in procedure text. The first is goals or purposes. The second is materials or tools. The
third and the last are steps or methods. To know the text that we read is procedure or not is so simple.
You can read the title if the title is started with ‘how to make…’ or ‘how to use…’ it can be certainly that
the text is procedure text.

How to Make Easy Fried Rice


3 cups of cooked rice

1 small yellow onion, chopped

2-3 tablespoons of soy sauce

2 teaspoon of salt

2 eggs, lightly beaten

2 tablespoon of chopped green onions

Some thawed peas

2 tablespoons of sesame oil


1.Heat a skillet to medium heat, then pour sesame oil.

2.Add the chopped yellow onion and peas, and stir-fry until they’re tender.

3.Slide the yellow onion and peas to the side, and then pour the beaten eggs onto another side.

4.Scramble the eggs with the help of spatula, once it’s half cooked, mix all the ingredients.
5. Add the cooked rice, mix them, and then pour the soy sauce and salt.

6. Stir and fry all the mixture, then add some chopped green onions to make it more tasty.

7. Finally, the easy fried rice ready to serve, it tastes better when it’s warm.

E. Research plan

F. research schedule

G. References



According to Quianthy (1990:7)

According to (in Kayi, 2006:1)

According to (Chaney, 1998:13)

According to Haviz Mutoharoh

According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_Method

According to Diane Larsen Freeman

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