NA To Sls en 1991-1-6
NA To Sls en 1991-1-6
NA To Sls en 1991-1-6
NA to SLS EN 1991-1-6:2018
NA to SLS EN 1991-1-6:2018
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Sri Lanka Standards are subject to
periodical revision in order to
accommodate the progress made by
industry. Suggestions for improvement
will be recorded and brought to the notice
of the Committees to which the revisions
are entrusted.
© SLSI 2018
All right reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced
or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying
and microfilm, without permission in writing from the SLSI.
Committees responsible for this National Annexe
The preparation of this National Annexe was entrusted by the Technical Committee on Euro
codes, appointed by the Sectoral Committee on Building & Construction Materials, upon which
the following members were represented:
This National Annexe has been prepared based on EN 1991-1-6:2005+AC: 2013 by the Working
group on the development of the National Annexes to Euro Codes (SC35/WG/12), Basis of
Structural Design. It is to be used in conjunction with SLS EN 1991-1-6:2014 along with any
further revision, amendment or corrigendum thereto.
This National Annexe was approved by the Sectoral Committee on Building and Construction
Materials and was authorized for adoption and publication as a Sri Lanka National Annex by the
Council of the Sri Lanka Standards Institution on 2018 -02-23.
In the preparation of this standard the assistance derived from the publication of the European
Committee for Standardization (CEN) and British Standards Institution (BSI) is gratefully
NA to SLS EN 1991-1-6:2018
Sri Lanka decisions for the nationally determined parameters described in SLS EN 1991-1-
6:2014 are given in Table NA.1.
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TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1991-1-6:2014
Sub clause Nationally Determined Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision
1.1 (3) Design rules for auxiliary May be defined in the National Annex or for the Use the recommended design rules in SLS EN 12810,
construction works individual project. SLS EN 12811, SLS EN 12812 and TG20:(05) [1], as
appropriate and define for the individual project.
2.2 (4) Note 1 Positioning of construction The limits may be defined in the National Annex and The limits of movement for construction loads classified as
loads classified as free for the individual project. "free" should be defined for the individual project.
3.1(1)P Design situations corresponding For wind actions during storm conditions (e.g. cyclone, Use the recommended design situations for wind actions
to wind actions hurricane) the National Annex may select the design during storm conditions and the BCSA Publication No.
during storm conditions situation to be used. The recommended design situation 39/05 Guide to steel erection in windy conditions [2]
is the accidental design situation.
3.1(5) Note 1 Return periods for the The return periods for the determination of The values should be defined for the individual project,
determination of the characteristic values of variable actions during using the
characteristic values of execution may be defined in the National Annex or for recommended values as a minimum.
the individual project. Recommended return periods for
variable actions during
climatic actions are given in table 3.1, depending on the
execution nominal duration of the relevant design situation.
3.1(5) Note 2 Minimum wind speed during May be defined in the National Annex or for the The recommended value should be defined for the
execution individual project. individual project.
The recommended basic value for durations of up to 3
months is 20 m/s in accordance with SLS EN 1991-1-4.
3.1(7) Rules for the combination of These rules may be defined in the National Annex or
snow loads and wind actions for the individual project. Not applicable to Sri Lanka
with construction loads
NA to SLS EN 1991-1-6:2018
TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1991-1-6:2014 (Cont.)
Sub clause Nationally Determined Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision
3.1(8) Note 1 Rules concerning These imperfections may be defined in the National The imperfections should be defined for the individual project.
imperfections in the Annex or for the individual project. See also Annex See also Annex A2 and SLS EN 1990:2012, 3.5 (3) and (7).
geometry of the structure A2 and SLS EN 1990:2012, 3.5 (3) and (7).
3.3(2) Criteria associated with May be defined in the National Annex or for the The criteria associated with serviceability limit states should be
serviceability limit states individual project. See SLS EN 1992 to SLS EN defined for the individual project. See SLS EN 1992 to SLS EN
during execution 1999. 1999.
3.3(6) Serviceability requirements for May be defined in the National Annex or for the The reconunended rules and values may be appropriate;
auxiliary construction works individual project. however, they should be defined for the individual project. See
also SLS EN 12810, SLS EN 12811, SLS EN 12812, SLS EN
12813 and related codes such as TG20:(05) [1].
4.9(6) Note 2 Actions due to ice, including The loads and water levels may be defined in the Not applicable to Sri Lanka
floating ice National Annex or for the individual project.
4.10(1)P Actions due to atmospheric The representative values of these actions may be Not applicable to Sri Lanka
icing defined in the National Annex or for the individual
project. Guidance may be found in SLS EN 1993-3
and in ISO 12494.
4.11.2(1) Recommended characteristic The characteristic value Q ca - The characteristic value qca,k of the uniformly distributed
Table 4.1 values of construction loads qca,k of the uniformly distributed load load may be defined for the individual project and a minimum
Qca and Qcb may be defined in the National Annex value of 1.00 is recommended.
or for the individual project. Q cb - The characteristic values may be defined for the
individual project.
The reconunended minimum values should be used for bridges.
For other applications use the recommended rules.
NA to SLS EN 1991-1-6:2018
TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1991-1-6:2014 (Cont.)
Sub clause Nationally Determined Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision
4.11.2 (1) Construction loads during Qca, Qcc and Qcf may be given in the National Annex The following recommended minimum values should be used
NOTE 2 casting of for:
concrete Qca: qca,k = 0.75 kN/m2 as given in Table 4.2
Qcc: qcc,k = 0.5 kN/m2 given in Table 4.l.
Alternative values for Qca and Qcc may be determined for the
individual project if a specific assessment is undertaken.
Values for Qcf should be assessed and determined for the
individual project taking account of the information provided in
Table 4.1 and 4.11.2.
4.12(1)P Note 2 Dynamic effects due to Dynamic effects may be defined in the National Values should be specified for the individual project.
accidental actions Annex or for the individual project. Alternatively Euro code recommendation could be used.
The recommended value of the dynamic
amplification factor is 2. In specific cases a dynamic
analysis is needed.
4.12(2) Dynamic effects due to falls May be given in the National Annex or for the The values should be defined for the individual project.
of equipment individual project.
4.12(3) Design values of human The design value of the human impact force may be Use the Eurocode recommendation.
impact loads defined in the National Annex or for the individual
TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in LS EN 1991-1-6:2014 (Cont.)
Sub clause Nationally Determined Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision
4.13(2) Seismic actions The design values of ground acceleration and the The design values for ground acceleration and the importance
importance factor γ1 may be defined in the National factor γ1 may be defined for the individual project. See also
Annex or for the individual project. SLS EN 1998 for further information.
A1.1(1) Note 2 Characteristic values of Representative values of the variable action due to The recommended value may be used; however, values may be
equivalent horizontal construction loads may be set by the National Annex, determined and defined for the individual project
forces within a recommended range of ψ0 = 0.6 to 1.0. The
recommended value of ψ0 is 1.0. The minimum
recommended value of ψ2 is 0.2 and it is further
recommended that values below 0.2 are not selected.
A2.3(1) Note 1 Design values of vertical The design values of vertical deflection may be The recommended values may be used; however, they may be
deflections for the defined in the National Annex or for the individual determined and defined for the individual project.
incremental launching of project. The recommended values are:
bridges ±10mm longitudinally for one bearing, the other
bearings being assumed to be at the theoretical level
(Figure A2.1a);
NA to SLS EN 1991-1-6:2018
TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1991-1-6:2014 (Cont.)
Sub clause Nationally Determined Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision
A2.4(2) Reduction of the The reduction may be defined in the National Not applicable to Sri Lanka
characteristic value of Annex or for the individual project. The
snow recommended characteristic value is 30 % of
loads the characteristic value for permanent design
A2.4(3) Reduced values of The conditions of application of this rule and Not applicable to Sri Lanka
characteristic snow loads the reduced percentage value (x %) may be
for defined in the National Annex. The
the verification of static recommended value for x is 75%.
A2.5(2) Design values of The value of x % may be specified in the The recommended values may be appropriate;
horizontal friction forces National Annex. The recommended value is 10 however, they should be
%. determined and defined for the individual project.
A2.5(3) Note 1 Determination of friction μmin and μmax, may be defined in the National The recommended rules and values for the friction
coefficients µ min Annex or for the individual project. coefficients, µ min and µmax may be used; however, they
and µmax should be determined and defined for the individual
NA to SLS EN 1991-1-6:2018
Annex B may be used for buildings and most civil engineering works. Annex B may not be used
for highway or railway structures unless its use is specified in the individual project.
Standards publications
SLS EN 1991-1-7:2014, Eurocode 1 - Actions on structures - Part 1-7: General actions - Accidental
SLS EN 1993-1-3:2015, Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Part 1-3: General rules -
Supplementary rules for cold formed members and
SLS EN 1998 (all parts), Eurocode 8 - Design of structures for earthquake resistance
SLS EN 12810 (all parts), Facade scaffolds made of prefabricated components
SLS EN 12811 (all parts), Temporary works equipment
SLS EN 12812, False work - Performance requirements and general design
SLS EN 12813, Temporary works equipment -Load bearing towers of prefabricated components
Particular methods of design
Other publications
[1] NASC TG 20 : 05, Technical Guidance on the use of BS EN 12811-1; Guide to Good
Practice for Scaffolding with Tubes and Fittings. National Access and
Scaffolding Confederation, London, 2005
[2] BCSA Publication No. 39/05, Guide to steel erection in windy conditions, British
Constructional Steelwork Association, London, 2005
NA to SLS EN 1991-1-6:2018
Further reading
C5 79, Retention of masonry facades - best practice guide. CIRIA: London, 2003
Health and Safety Executive, The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007.
Statutory Instrument 2007 No. 320.HMSO: London, 2007
Health and Safety Commission, Managing health and safety in construction - Construction
(Design and Management) Regulations 2007 Approved Code of Practice. HSC: London, 2007