Autonomous Cars Using Embedded Systems & Spherical Wheels
Autonomous Cars Using Embedded Systems & Spherical Wheels
Autonomous Cars Using Embedded Systems & Spherical Wheels
maneuverability at low speeds, with considerations taken for which increased their total vehicle, accident, parking and
a modified high speed control. roadway costs, and the costs of providing public services
d) Power Management: such as utilities and emergency response.
The large amount of electronics onboard of the vehicle will 4) Shaha is hard-working and responsible when sober, but
mean that there will be a need to have a very intelligent and a dangerous driver when drunk. By 2015 she had
reliable way of sourcing the power as needed. The power accumulated several impaired citations and caused a few
management system, will need to store energy in a storage accidents. With conventional cars Shaha would continue
medium (likely to be LiPo Batteries), and be able to distribute driving impaired until she lost her driver's’ license or
the energy to the motors, controllers, and sensors. In addition caused a severe crash, but affordable used self-driving
to controlling the distribution of power, the system will also vehicles allow lower-income motorists like Shaha to
need to monitor itself for any potential faults, as well as ease avoid such problems.
of recharging from a high voltage source (such as 120V Impacts: Affordable used autonomous vehicles allow
mains). The power management system is the heart of this Shaha to avoid impaired driving, accidents and revoked
project and will need to be built and sized for the rest of the driving privileges, which reduces crash risks but
systems on the vehicle. increases his vehicle ownership and travel, and external
e) Frame and Body design: costs compared with what would otherwise occur.
While the vehicle uses a very unique drive system, it is still
in other aspects a motorbike. To provide unparalleled VII. RESULT
versatility for our application we will be designing an entirely Limited automation (Steering, braking and lane guidance) is
new frame that will take into account room for the battery the current state of art developed and available on some new
system, IMU’s, Control Cards, and space to accommodate the vehicles.
motors we will be using to drive the vehicle. While
conventional motorbikes use a single rear swing arm, this
vehicle will make use of a front swing arm as well, posing an
interesting challenge from a mechanical design perspective.
The exterior body of the vehicle will be fabricated using
fiberglass & carbon fiber to keep weight down while not
compromising on strength and aesthetics.
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