1 Use Cautiously in: Known diabetic patients (frequent lab assessment necessary to
quantitate appropriate doses); Neonates (excess/rapid infusion of solutions ⬎10%
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dextrose (dex-trose) mayqrisk of intracerebral hemorrhage); Chronic alcoholics or severely malnour-
glucose, Glutose, Insta-glucose, Insulin Reaction ished patients (administration requires initial pretreatment with thiamine).
Classification Adverse Reactions/Side Effects
Therapeutic: caloric sources Endo: inappropriate insulin secretion (long-term use). F and E: fluid overload,
Pharmacologic: carbohydrates hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hypophosphatemia. Local: local pain/irritation at
Pregnancy Category C IV site (hypertonic solution). Metab: glycosuria, hyperglycemia.
Indications Drug-Drug: Will alter requirements for insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents in
IV: Lower-concentration (2.5– 11.5%) injection provides hydration and calories. diabetic patients.
Higher concentrations (up to 70%) treat hypoglycemia and in combination with
amino acids provide calories for parenteral nutrition. 50%— treatment of hypogly- Route/Dosage
cemia (hyperinsulinemia or insulin shock). PO: Corrects hypoglycemia in conscious Hydration (as 5% solution)
IV (Adults and Children): 0.5– 0.8 g/kg/hr.
Provides calories. Therapeutic Effects: Provision of calories. Prevention and Hypoglycemia
treatment of hypoglycemia. PO (Adults and Children): Conscious patients— 10– 20 g, may repeat in 10– 20
Pharmacokinetics IV (Adults): 20– 50 mL of 50% solution infused slowly (3 mL/min).
Absorption: Well absorbed following oral administration. IV (Infants ⬎ 6 mo and Children): 0.5– 1 g/kg/dose (maximum of 25 g/dose) (as
Distribution: Widely distributed and rapidly utilized. 25% dextrose).
Metabolism and Excretion: Metabolized to carbon dioxide and water. When IV (Infants ⱕ 6 mo and Neonates): 0.25– 0.50 g/kg/dose (maximum of 25 g/
renal threshold is exceeded, dextrose is excreted unchanged by the kidneys. dose) (as 25% dextrose).
Half-life: Unknown.
TIME/ACTION PROFILE (effects on blood sugar in diabetic patients)
ROUTE ONSET PEAK DURATION ● Assess the hydration status of patients receiving IV dextrose. Monitor intake and
PO rapid rapid brief output and electrolyte concentrations. Assess patient for dehydration or edema.
IV rapid rapid brief ● Assess nutritional status, function of gastrointestinal tract, and caloric needs of pa-
Contraindications/Precautions ● Diabetic patients and patients receiving hypertonic dextrose solution (⬎5%)
Contraindicated in: Allergy to corn or corn products; Hypertonic solution should have serum glucose, potassium, and phosphate monitored regularly.
(⬎5%) should not be given to patients with CNS bleeding or anuria or who are at risk ● Monitor IV site frequently for phlebitis and infection.
of dehydration. ● Lab Test Considerations: May cause anqserum glucose level.
⫽ Canadian drug name. ⫽ Genetic Implication. CAPITALS indicate life-threatening, underlines indicate most frequent. Strikethrough ⫽ Discontinued.
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Potential Nursing Diagnoses PDF Page #2
Deficient fluid volume (Indications)
Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements (Indications)
Excess fluid volume (Adverse Reactions)
● Dextrose solution alone does not contain enough calories to sustain an individual
for a prolonged period. Dextrose contains 3.4 kcal/g. D5W contains 170 cal/liter
and D10W contains 340 cal/liter.
● PO: Concentrated dextrose gels and chewable tablets may be used in the treatment
of hypoglycemia in conscious patients. The dose should be repeated if symptoms
persist and serum glucose has not increased by at least 20 mg/dL within 20 min.
May be followed by more complex carbohydrates.
● IV: Hypertonic dextrose solution (⬎10%) should be administered IV into a cen-
tral vein. For emergency treatment of hypoglycemia, administer slowly into a large
peripheral vein to prevent phlebitis or sclerosis of the vein. Assess IV site fre-
quently. Rapid infusions may cause hyperglycemia or fluid shifts. When hypertonic
solution is discontinued, taper solution and administer D5W or D10W to prevent
rebound hypoglycemia.
● Patients requiring prolonged infusions of dextrose should have electrolytes added
to the dextrose solution to prevent water intoxication and maintain fluid and elec-
trolyte balance.
● Additive Incompatibility: whole blood.
Patient/Family Teaching
● Explain the purpose of dextrose administration to patient.
● Instruct diabetic patient on the correct method for self– blood glucose monitor-
● Advise patient on when and how to administer dextrose products for hypoglyce-
Evaluation/Desired Outcomes
● Correction and maintenance of adequate hydration status and normal serum glu-
cose levels.
● Maintenance of adequate caloric intake.
Why was this drug prescribed for your patient?
䉷 2015 F.A. Davis Company