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Chemic al Name/ Generic Name Nuroki nd

Brand Name

Functional Class

Dose, Route, Frequency



Contrain dication

Side Effects

Nurses Respons ibilities

Nervijen 750mcg,

Nootropics & Neurotonics/Neurotrophics / Vi tamin B-Complex / with C

Oral, sublingual, injection.

NUROKIND PLUS cap: methylcobala min 1.5 mg, folic acid 1.5 mg, vitamin B1 10 mg, vitamin B6 3 mg, alpha lipoic acid 100 mg. Click

VitB12 deficiency,P eripheral neuropathy,

Hypersen sitivity.

Assess for hypersen sitivity reactions .


Ecospir in

Aspirin BP 75 mg.

Antiplatelet (inhibitor of platelet


Thrombot ic cerebrovascular or cardiovascular disease: 4 tablets of ECOSPRIN 75 daily. After myocardial infarction: 2 tablets of ECOSPRIN 75 daily for one month. Following bypass surgery: One tablet of ECOSPRIN 75 daily

It inhibits the formation of cyclooxygena se products (Thromboxan es, Prostaglandin s, Prostacycl ins) .

Prophylaxis against arterial occlusive events : Stroke, myocardial infarction, myocardial reinfarction and after bypass surgery.

hypersensi tive and gastrointes tinal ulceration, last 3 months of pregnancy.

nausea, dyspepsia, gastrointesti nal ulceration, bronchospas m and asthma in hypersensitiv e patients

It should be administer ed with caution to patients in asthma, nasal polyps, and allergy. Aspirin penetrate s into breast milk, so it should be administer ed with caution to


Clopact 75mg,Cl opiget 75mg, ). Aclotil

antiplatelet agent (thienopyridine class),

Anticoagulants, & Fibrinolytics (Thrombolytics)

Oral Prophylaxis of thromboembolic disorders Adult: 75 mg once daily. Acute coronary syndrome Adult: For STelevation myocardial infarction: In combination with aspirin: 75 mg once daily. Patients 75 years old may be given a loading dose of 300 mg. Continue treatment for up to 28 days. For unstable angina, non-STelevation myocardial infarction: Initial: 300 mg loading dose, followed by 75 mg once daily (with aspirin 75325 mg once daily

inhibits the binding of adenosine diphosphat e to its platelet receptor and the subsequen t ADPmediated activation of the glycoprotei n GPIIb/IIIa complex, thereby inhibiting platelet aggregatio n.

Given alone or with other medications for prevention or treatment of stroke and heart attack (which are usually caused by blood clots)

Lactation, hypersen sitivity, peptic ulcer or bleeding within the skull

Dyspepsia, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, constipatio n, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. GI upset, diarrhoea, paraesthesi a, vertigo, headache, dizziness, pruritus and rashes. Bleeding disorders including GI and intracranial haemorrha ge. Blood dyscrasias

lactating mother. Coadmin with NSAIDs may increase the risk of stomach and intestinal bleeding. Highdose clopidogr el may lead to increase d warfarin levels thus increasin g the risk of bleeding.

Caution needed for patients at risk of increase d bleeding from trauma,

surgery, or other patholog ical conditio ns; ulcer; liver and kidney impairm ent; history of bleeding or haemost atic disorder s, pregnan cy. *Avoid injury or bruising while taking this medicati on. *It may cause dizzines s, avoid

driving a car or operatin g machine ry, or other unsafe tasks.

Megteo l Dobuta mine

Cardiforc e Inj, Dobuta m, Dobutas ys Inj, Dobutre x Vial, Dobutro p Inj, Dotamin Vial, Icidob Vial, Inoject
beta-adrenergic stimulating agent, Ionotropic agent. Dilute with dextrose 5% in water or normal saline solution to at least 50 ml of solution. Know that drug is incompatible with alkaline solutions, such as sodium bicarbonate injection. Stimulates beta1adrenergic receptors of heart, causing a positive inotropic effect that increases myocardial contractility and stroke volume. Also reduces peripheral vascular resistance, severe chronic congestive heart failure and to provide adjunct in cardiac surgery. Idiopathic hypertrop hic subaortic stenosis or known hypersen sitivity cardiovasc ular effects, including tachycardia , hypertensio n, arrhythmias , and precipitatio n of angina. Nausea, vomiting, and headache may also occur. Monitor ECG and blood pressure continuo usly during administr ation. Monitor fluid intake and output.

electrolyt e levels.

Inj, Kardia Amp.

Dur Ro On Pe atio ute set ak n 1-2 10 I.V mi mi Brief . n n

decreases ventricular filling pressure, and promotes atrioventricul ar conduction

Stay especiall y alert for hypokale mia. Instruct patient to report anginal pain, headach e, leg cramps, and shortnes s of breath. Explain need for close observati on and monitorin g. As appropria te, review all other significan t and lifethreateni ng adverse reactions and interactio ns,

Doxidin Folipar
Folate, VitB Complex group. Folic acid 400mcg, Needed for subcutaneous/iv .8- erythropoesi 1mg/day. s, increases RBC,WBC,pl atelet formation in megaloblasti c anemia. Megaloblast ic or macrocytic anemia caused by folic acid deficiency, hepatic disease, alcoholism, hemolysis, intestinal obstruction. Hypersen Flushing, sitivity, Bronchospa anemias sm other than megalobl asstic/ macrocyti c anemia, Vit B12 deficiency ,, uncorrect ed periniciou s anemia. Assess for fat igue, dyspnoe a, weaknes s.

Insulin Ismo(is
osorbide mononitr ate)

Imdur, Ismo, Monoket .


20 mg (one tablet) twice daily, with the two doses given 7 hours apart

its nitric oxide metabolite, is direct relaxation of vascular smooth muscle. The result is dilatation of peripheral arteries and veins.

angina pectoris due to coronary artery disease.

Hypersen sitivity.

arrhythmias , atrial fibrillation, hypotensio n, palpitations , postural hypotensio n,

careful clinical or hemodynamic monitorin g must be used to avoid the hazards of hypotens ion and tachycar dia.

premature ventricular contraction s, supraventri cular tachycardia , syncope. pruritus, rash.abdom inal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, tenesmus, tooth disorder, vomiting. dysuria, impotence, urinary frequency.a sthenia, blurred

vision, cold sweat, diplopia, edema, malaise, neck stiffness, rigors. arthralgia.a gitation, anxiey, confusion, dyscoordin ation, hypoesthes ia, hypokinesia , increased appetite, insomnia, nervousnes s, nightmares.

bronchitis, pneumonia, upperrespiratory tract infection

Vit K

Phylloqu inone; K1; Menaqui none; K2; sMenadi one; K3

Li Cont Inj. st ainer In N o. 91 1 mL 57 Amp ul 91 1 mL 58 Amp ul Vol Concen um tration e

Cont ainer 1 mg 0.5 2 mL mg/mL 10 mg 1 10 mL mg/mL

Oral-Whenever possible, Vitamin K1 Injection (Phytonadione Injectable Emulsion, USP) should be given by the subcutaneous route. When intravenous administration is considered unavoidable, the drug should be injected very slowly, not exceeding 1 mg per minute.

Promotes hepatic formation of active prothrombin (Factor II), proconverti n(factorVII), Plasma thromboplas tin component or Christmas factor(factor IX),stuart factor (factorX), which are essential for

Hypoprothr ombinemia (prophylaxis and treatment), hemorrhagi c disease of the newborn.

Hepatic function impairme nt, Glucose6phosphat e dehydrog enase (G6PD) deficiency .

Flushing, redness, pain or swelling at place of injection, unusual taste.

Assess for bleeding: emesis, stools, urine. PT during treatmen t, monitor for bleeding, pulse and BP. Nutrition al status: liver, spinach, coffee,

normal blood clotting.

asparagu s, cabbage, lettuce, greens.

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