Vfo With Si
Vfo With Si
Vfo With Si
14200.000 kHz +
1 kHz 4 +00000 -
2.85" SAVE
Version 1.10
Push For Freq Step
November 13, 2016
Written By:
Clint Chron – W7KEC
I. OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 3
A. AUDIENCE ............................................................................................................................. 4
B. OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................... 4
C. SUPPLEMENTARY DOCUMENTATION ........................................................................................... 4
D. OPTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 4
II. SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................... 5
All of the Atlas radio models used the same basic VFO design with the oscillator frequency range being
changed for each band. There was a main tuning capacitor for all bands and a capacitor and inductor
combination that was changed for each band. This design removed the need for a hetrodyne mixing
oscillator and reduced the overall cost of the radio. The downside was that the VFO was never very stable,
even when new from the factory. It was also difficult to get better than 1 Khz frequency accuracy when
trying move to a specific frequency. During a 30 minute warm up, the drift was somewhere between 1 to 2
Khz. There is also a 100 to 300 Hz drift throughout the day after the radio has been warmed up. The VFO
nd rd
output signal also had very strong 2 and 3 harmonics which degraded the performance of the receiver.
The Atlas radios have a different frequency range for each of the five ham bands. In theory, the band with
the highest VFO frequency (10M) would have the most drift, but there have been some cases where a lower
band had the most drift. The mechanical design of the VFO plays a major role in the resulting drift. This is
due to the mechanical switching of frequency capacitors and coils in changing bands. On the Atlas assembly
line, the assemblers would measure the drift on each band and install the appropriate temperature
compensating ceramic disc capacitors to counter-act the drift. I am not sure of the amount of drift on a
brand new radio, but as mentioned earlier, most of the 40+ year old units have quite a bit of drift.
Installation of a digital VFO greatly reduces the amount of drift. On my particular radio, with a digital VFO, I
have a warm-up drift of about 50 Hz during the first 15 minutes. Over the course of 24 hours, the drift is no
more than +/- 5 Hz.
Installing a digital VFO involves removing all existing parts associated with the analog VFO. This frees up
quite a bit of space inside the VFO compartment. Two bandswitch wafers are freed up inside the VFO
compartment. There are two sets of switched contacts on each wafer. One set of switched contacts will be
used to change the band of the digital VFO. Two sets of switched contacts are used for switching the
appropriate low pass filter for the band being used.
There are a large number of different digital chips that can be used in a VFO. This includes the AD9834,
AD9850, AD9951, and the Si570. There are even a larger number of Web sites that sell various digital VFO
kits. The following considerations were taken into account in arriving upon which particular digital chip to
Phase noise
Generated spurs
Generated harmonics
Available output signal drive level
The ADxxxx chips produce excellent VFO signals, have very low phase noise, and are very stable. The one
negative is that they result in a large number of receiver spurs on the 15M and 10M bands of the Atlas
radios. I have found only one chip that will work well with the Atlas radio – the Si570. The one negative in
using the Si570 is the large number of generated harmonics. This problem is resolved by using good low
pass filtering in the output of the VFO.
B. Objectives
This document describes how to build an internal VFO that is very stable and provides a very accurate
frequency display. The design goals were to:
C. Supplementary Documentation
An engineering document has been produced that shows schematics, wiring diagrams, test
measurement results, etc. This document is called “Si570 VFO Engineering Package”. This document
will need to be referenced during various stages of the VFO build process.
D. Options
A bare bones implementation of the VFO would include the SDR-Kits VFO kit, the PA0KLT Atlas chip, and
a Mini Circuits SCLF-23 low pass filter. I have not completed any extensive testing with the bare bones
setup and the Atlas receiver appears to work the same as a factory radio. One can build the bare-bones
package and then update with the additional options at a later date.
The MCL PLP-xx filters provided the best response curves with minimal leakthrough around the
filters. The QRP Labs filters will also work, but the response curves are degraded about 20 to 30 db
as a result of signal leak through around the filters.
The main building block for the Si570 VFO is the kit provided by SDR-Kits. This kit allows one to build out a
fully functional VFO or signal generator with a 16x2 LCD display. Here is a resulting VFO with a 16X2 display.
The built-in controls of this VFO would not work very well for an Atlas radio implementation. Ton Blokker,
PA0KLT has created a customized program chip (AVR) to replace the one provided in the kit. This chip
changes a number of control lines on the VFO board so that they mesh very nicely with the existing control
lines available on the Atlas radio.
If one is unsure about modifying their Altas radio, then the standard VFO can be built out. It can be used as
an external VFO for the Atlas radio, using the Accessory interface socket on the rear of the radio. If one is
comfortable with the operation of the VFO, then the VFO module can be removed from the external VFO
box, replace the factory program chip with the Altas program chip, and install the VFO module in the Atlas
Here is a summary of the specs resulting from using the customized program chip installed in the SDR-Kits
VFO kit:
A. Mini-Project Tasks
The project can be divided into the following mini-projects:
Procure Parts
Prepare Atlas radio
Fabricate VFO enclosure
Build VFO board
VFO board interfacing
Low Pass Filter build
B. Parts Procurement
In order to get needed parts for the project, you will need to place as least three orders.
LCD Display
12x2 and 8x2 backlighted 5 volt LCD displays are available on eBay. The wiring scheme is the same as
the 16x2 display tht in referenced in the Si570 VFO kit instructions.
Miscellaneous Parts
Desolder all wires to the band switch wafers in the VFO compartment
Desolder the two wires to the VFO turning capacitor
At this point, all VFO parts should have been removed. Here is how the VFO compartment will
The Si570 VFO board in installed in a Hammond 1590A die cast aluminum case. Here is a link to the
technical specs for the case:
This case will be installed on the top-front of the existing 210X VFO enclosure.
Here is a recommended process for accurately drilling the location of the holes.
Fabricate the brass heat sink. The heat sink is optional. The two voltage regulators do not get hot.
Attaching the two regulators to a heat sink provides better long term frequency stability.
There are three mounting holes for the Si570 board. The stock holes will allow a 2-56 screw to pass through.
The holes can be slightly enlarged so that a 6-32 machine screw can pass. Place the raw board inside the
case and position it in one corner of the case, with the two locations for the voltage regulators next to the
case wall. Mark the inside of the case with a positioning hole for the circuit board hole next to the two
voltage regulators. Drill and tap this hole for a 2-56 machine screw. Mount the circuit board on the outside
of the case and mark the locations of the other two mounting holes. Drill and tap these two holes for 2-56
machine screws.
Assemble the Si570 circuit board. It takes about two hours for the assembly.
It is recommended that a 12” length of multi-colored ribbon cable be used for the interface cable (20 wires).
This will make it easier to hook up the various controls and also makes it easier to trouble-shoot problems.
Install circuit board in case and mark positions on heat sink for the holes in the voltage regulaor tabs
Drill and tap 2 each 6-32 holes for securing the tabs of the two voltage regulators to the heat sink
Apply thermal grease between heat sink and case
Attach heat sink to case with machine screw
Install circuit board in case and secure with three machine screws.
The ends of the three screws should be flush with the bottom of the case.
Apply thermal grease to tab on the LM7805 voltage regulator and attach to heat sink.
No tab insulator is needed
Install thermal insulator on the tab of the LF33ABV voltage regulator and attach to heat sink.
The tab needs to be insulated from the heat sink.
Install circuit board in case.
The Si570 board will be mounted to the inside of the enclosure with three 3 mm nylon spacers and three
2-56 machine screws. The machine screws should not extend past the outside of the bottom of the case.
Install the Hammond VFO box on the top side of the VFO enclosure
Install the Mode select rotary switch and the Save/RIT toggle switch.
Connect the output of the VFO box to the input band-switch contacts
Connect the output of the bandswitch contacts to the existing Atlas VFO cable
In the default mode, the IF Shift is 5645 Khz. To get a 5520 Khz IF Shift, pin 6 on the control cable should be
Normal operation:
Frequency tuning control changes the frequency of the VFO.
Frequency Tuning Momentary Push Button Switch
Short press button: Switchable between slow and fast tuning.
Longer push: The RIT is cleared.
Frequency Lock
Move the Rotary Control from the Off to the Lock position
The frequency will be locked to the current display
Calibration Mode:
Attach a frequency counter to pin 4 of the PC-120 socket
Set band switch to 40 Meters. This puts the Si570 LO frequency in the 12 Mhz frequency range.
Set the tuning rate to the 10 Hz frequency increment
Slide the Calibration switch to the Calibrate position
Adjust the frequency tuning to the desired calibration factor, while monitoring the displayed frequency
Push in the Frequency Tuning Control knob and hold until you see the word “Stored”
Release the switch and return the Calibration switch to the OFF position
Enable RIT
Enabling RIT affects the frequencies for transmit and receive.
Put the DSP/MEM/RIT toggle switch in the down position.
The Tuning knob now adjusts the RIT for the RX and TX modes. The display will show the amount of
frequency offset down to 10 Hz. The main frequency display will change to reflect the amount off-set. The
amount of available offset is 0 to +9.99 Khz and 0 to -9.99 Khz.
To disable RIT, place the DSP/MEM/RIT switch back to the Off position (center position)
Frequency Save
Set the frequency and tuning increment on each band to the desired values
The Rotary Control can be in any position other than DSP.
Hold the DSP/MEM/RIT switch in the up position for 4 seconds and then release switch.
Normally, the VFO operates in the A mode.
Moving the rotary switch to the VFO B position changes to a second VFO.
In the VFO B mode, all normal VFO functions are available with the exception of the Lock feature.
All VFO B frequencies on each band can be saved using the MEM Save function described earlier.
One use of VFO B is to program up specialized receive frequencies such as WWV. The receiver front end
band pass filters are wide enough to receive WWV frequencies on the 80M, 40M, 20M and 15M band switch