Joint Mobilization What Is Joint Mobilization?
Joint Mobilization What Is Joint Mobilization?
Joint Mobilization What Is Joint Mobilization?
Pondering Thoughts
z Mobilization – passive joint movement for
z Would you perform joint mobilizations on increasing ROM or decreasing pain
someone who has a hypermobile joint? – Applied to joints & related soft tissues at varying speeds &
amplitudes using physiologic or accessory motions
– Force is light enough that patient’s can stop the movement
Terminology z Physiologic Movements – movements done voluntarily
– Osteokinematics – motions of the bones
Roll Spin
zA series of points on one articulating z Occurs when one bone rotates around a
surface come into contact with a series stationary longitudinal mechanical axis
z Same point on the moving surface creates an arc of a
of points on another surface circle as the bone spins
– Rocking chair analogy; ball rolling on ground z Example: Radial head at the humeroradial joint
– Example: Femoral condyles rolling on tibial plateau during pronation/supination; shoulder
– Roll occurs in direction of movement flexion/extension; hip flexion/extension
– Occurs on incongruent (unequal) surfaces – Spin does not occur by itself during normal
– Usually occurs in combination with sliding or spinning joint motion
z Specific point on one surface comes
into contact with a series of points on z Compression –
another surface
– Decrease in space between two joint surfaces
z Surfaces are congruent – Adds stability to a joint
z When a passive mobilization – Normal reaction of a joint to muscle contraction
technique is applied to produce a
slide in the joint – referred to as a
GLIDE. z Distraction -
z Combined rolling-sliding in a joint – Two surfaces are pulled apart
– The more congruent the surfaces are, the
more sliding there is – Often used in combination with joint
– The more incongruent the joint surfaces mobilizations to increase stretch of capsule.
are, the more rolling there is
z Patient’s inability to relax z Grades I & II – often used before & after treatment with
grades III & IV
z Grade III
– Large amplitude rhythmic oscillating movement up to point Indications for Mobilization
of limitation (PL) in range of movement
– Used to gain motion within the joint
z Grades I and II - primarily used for pain
– Stretches capsule & CT structures
z Grade IV – Pain must be treated prior to stiffness
– Small amplitude rhythmic oscillating movement at very end – Painful conditions can be treated daily
range of movement
– Used to gain motion within the joint – Small amplitude oscillations stimulate
z Used when resistance limits movement in absence of pain mechanoreceptors - limit pain perception
z Grades III and IV - primarily used to increase
z Grade V – (thrust technique) - Manipulation
– Small amplitude, quick thrust at end of range motion
– Accompanied by popping sound (manipulation) – Stiff or hypomobile joints should be treated 3-4
– Velocity vs. force times per week – alternate with active motion
– Requires training
z Gliding techniques are applied parallel to the treatment Speed, Rhythm, & Duration of
z Glide in the direction in which the slide would normally occur for the Movements
desired motion
z Direction of sliding is easily determined by using the convex-concave z Joint mobilization sessions z Vary speed of oscillations
rule usually involve: for different effects
z The entire bone is moved so that there is gliding of one joint surface on
the other – 3-6 sets of oscillations z For painful joints, apply
z When using grade III gliding techniques, a grade I distraction should be – Perform 2-3 oscillations per intermittent distraction for 7-
used second 10 seconds with a few
z If gliding in the restricted direction is too painful, begin gliding – Lasting 20-60 seconds for seconds of rest in between
mobilizations in the painless direction then progress to gliding in
restricted direction when not as painful tightness for several cycles
– Lasting 1-2 minutes for pain z For restricted joints, apply a
z Reevaluate the joint response the next day or have the 2-3 oscillations per second minimum of a 6-second
patient report at the next visit z Apply smooth, regular stretch force, followed by
– If increased pain, reduce amplitude of oscillations oscillations partial release then repeat
– If joint is the same or better, perform either of the following: with slow, intermittent
z Repeat the same maneuver if goal is to maintain joint play
z Progress to sustained grade III traction or glides if the goal is to increase joint
stretches at 3-4 second
play intervals
Patient Response Joint Traction Techniques
z May cause soreness z Technique involving pulling one articulating surface
z Perform joint mobilizations on alternate days to away from another – creating separation
allow soreness to decrease & tissue healing to z Performed perpendicular to treatment plane
occur z Used to decrease pain or reduce joint hypomobility
z Patient should perform ROM techniques z Kaltenborn classification system
z Patient’s joint & ROM should be reassessed after – Combines traction and mobilization
treatment, & again before the next treatment – Joint looseness = slack
z Pain is always the guide
z Houglum, P.A. (2005). Therapeutic exercise for
musculoskeletal injuries, 2nd ed. Human Kinetics:
Champaign, IL
z Kisner, C. & Colby, L.A. (2002). Therapeutic
exercise: Foundations and techniques, 4th ed. F.A.
Davis: Philadelphia.
z (images)