Woodward DTSC-200 Configuration
Woodward DTSC-200 Configuration
Woodward DTSC-200 Configuration
ATS Controller
Software Version 2.0xxx
Manual 37483C
Manual 37483C DTSC-200 - ATS Controller
Read this entire manual and all other publications pertaining to the work to be performed before
installing, operating, or servicing this equipment. Practice all plant and safety instructions and
precautions. Failure to follow instructions can cause personal injury and/or property damage.
The engine, turbine, or other type of prime mover should be equipped with an overspeed
(overtemperature, or overpressure, where applicable) shutdown device(s), that operates totally
independently of the prime mover control device(s) to protect against runaway or damage to the
engine, turbine, or other type of prime mover with possible personal injury or loss of life should the
mechanical-hydraulic governor(s) or electric control(s), the actuator(s), fuel control(s), the driving
mechanism(s), the linkage(s), or the controlled device(s) fail.
Any unauthorized modifications to or use of this equipment outside its specified mechanical, electrical,
or other operating limits may cause personal injury and/or property damage, including damage to the
equipment. Any such unauthorized modifications: (i) constitute "misuse" and/or "negligence" within
the meaning of the product warranty thereby excluding warranty coverage for any resulting damage,
and (ii) invalidate product certifications or listings.
To prevent damage to a control system that uses an alternator or battery-charging device, make sure
the charging device is turned off before disconnecting the battery from the system.
Electronic controls contain static-sensitive parts. Observe the following precautions to prevent
damage to these parts.
• Discharge body static before handling the control (with power to the control turned off, contact a
grounded surface and maintain contact while handling the control).
• Avoid all plastic, vinyl, and Styrofoam (except antistatic versions) around printed circuit boards.
• Do not touch the components or conductors on a printed circuit board with your hands or with
conductive devices.
This publication may have been revised or updated since this copy was produced. To verify that you
have the latest revision, be sure to check the Woodward website. The revision level is shown at the
bottom of the front cover after the publication number. The latest version of most publications is
available at:
If your publication is not there, please contact your customer service representative to get the latest
Important definitions
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in damage to equipment.
Provides other helpful information that does not fall under the warning or caution categories.
Woodward reserves the right to update any portion of this publication at any time. Information provided by Woodward is believed to be
correct and reliable. However, Woodward assumes no responsibility unless otherwise expressly undertaken.
© Woodward
All Rights Reserved.
Revision History
Description became more detailed, especially what settings are taken into account for
monitoring and control:
• Chapter Breaker, see page 52 ff.
• Parameter 3430 ‘Limit Switch Monitoring’, see page 66.
B 2013-09-18 GG New parameters 8820 and 8821 added for a special application of In-Phase monitoring (Synch
Check). In application mode Util-Util it is possible to define a phase angle range for transfer
condition. See chapter “Monitoring: Load transfer between two utility sources with special
(phase angle) conditions” on page 78 for more details.
New LogicsManager 19.21 and 19.22 S1/S2 failed status and 20.22 Synch. Check active.
See chapter Logical Command Variables: [19.00] - ATS Status Flags and Logical Command
Variables: [20.00] - ATS Status Flags on page 132 for more details.
Correction: Default setting of parameter 4570 In-phase monitor is “OFF” (see page 145).
Setting range of parameter 4577 explains now special value 0.10 (see page 81).
List of parameters updated.
Minor changes and layout optimization.
A 12-07-11 GG Command Variables 00.16 and 04.01 removed: no auto mode selection.
New unit display language available on parameter 1700: Russian.
Setting range of parameters 10411 … 10415 changed to “1 … 9999”.
NEW 11-11-17 TE Release Software Version 2.0xxx - Based on 37386A
Figure 2-1: ToolKit - visualization screen ................................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 2-2: ToolKit - analog value trending screen .................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 2-3: ToolKit - configuration screen ............................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 3-1: Event history- display............................................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 3-2: Source stable and outage timers ............................................................................................................................. 37
Figure 3-3: External timer bypass - push button ....................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 3-4: Elevator pre-signal - example 1 .............................................................................................................................. 43
Figure 3-5: Elevator pre-signal - example 2 .............................................................................................................................. 43
Figure 3-6: Elevator pre-signal - example 3 .............................................................................................................................. 43
Figure 3-7: Source priority selection - S1 preferred .................................................................................................................. 46
Figure 3-8: Source priority selection - S2 preferred .................................................................................................................. 46
Figure 3-9: Load shed relay wiring - standard transition switch ............................................................................................... 50
Figure 3-10: Load shed relay wiring - delayed or closed transition switch ............................................................................... 50
Figure 3-11: Open transition switch - connected to source 1 .................................................................................................... 52
Figure 3-12: Open transition switch - connected to source 2 .................................................................................................... 52
Figure 3-13: Delayed transition switch - connected to source 1 ............................................................................................... 53
Figure 3-14: Delayed transition switch - neutral position ......................................................................................................... 53
Figure 3-15: Delayed transition switch - connected to source 2 ............................................................................................... 53
Figure 3-16: Closed transition switch - connected to source 1 .................................................................................................. 54
Figure 3-17: Closed transition switch - neutral position ........................................................................................................... 54
Figure 3-18: Closed transition switch - connected to source 1 and 2 (overlap position) ........................................................... 54
Figure 3-19: Closed transition switch - connected to source 2 .................................................................................................. 54
Figure 3-20: Breaker - transition pulse ..................................................................................................................................... 58
Figure 3-21: Test modes - load test configured for timer exerciser........................................................................................... 62
Figure 3-22: Test modes - no-load test configured for timer exerciser ..................................................................................... 62
Figure 3-23: Test modes - parameter IDs of the timer exercisers ............................................................................................. 63
Figure 3-24: Test modes - configuring exerciser 1 for a daily exercise .................................................................................... 64
Figure 3-25: Test modes - configuring exerciser 2 for a weekly exercise ................................................................................. 64
Figure 3-26: Test modes - configuring exerciser 3 for a 14-day exercise ................................................................................. 64
Figure 3-27: Test modes - configuring exerciser 4 for a one event exercise ............................................................................. 65
Figure 3-28: Test modes - display screen with pending exercise event .................................................................................... 65
Figure 3-29: Test modes - display screen with running load test .............................................................................................. 65
Figure 3-30: Inphase monitoring............................................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 3-31: Switch reaction time ............................................................................................................................................. 82
Figure 3-32: Monitoring - load time-overcurrent ...................................................................................................................... 86
Figure 3-33: Monitoring - overload .......................................................................................................................................... 88
Figure 3-34: Monitoring - battery overvoltage.......................................................................................................................... 91
Figure 3-35: Monitoring - battery undervoltage........................................................................................................................ 93
Figure 3-36: Discrete inputs - control inputs - operation logic ................................................................................................. 96
Figure 3-37: Interfaces - Principle of PDO mapping .............................................................................................................. 108
Figure 3-38: LogicsManager - function overview .................................................................................................................. 122
Figure 3-39: LogicsManager - display in ToolKit .................................................................................................................. 123
Figure 3-40: LogicsManager - display in LCD ....................................................................................................................... 123
Table 1-1: Manual - overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Table 3-1: Application - load shed with standard transition switch .......................................................................................... 49
Table 3-2: Application - load shed with delayed or closed transition switch ............................................................................ 50
Table 3-3: Monitoring - standard values - load time-overcurrent.............................................................................................. 86
Table 3-4: Monitoring - standard values - overload .................................................................................................................. 88
Table 3-5: Monitoring - standard values - battery overvoltage ................................................................................................. 91
Table 3-6: Monitoring - standard values - battery undervoltage ............................................................................................... 93
Table 3-7: Discrete inputs - assignment .................................................................................................................................... 96
Table 3-8: Discrete inputs - parameter IDs ............................................................................................................................... 97
Table 3-9: External discrete inputs - parameter IDs .................................................................................................................. 97
Table 3-10: Relay outputs - Assignment ................................................................................................................................... 98
Table 3-11: Discrete outputs - parameter IDs ........................................................................................................................... 99
Table 3-12: External discrete outputs - parameter IDs .............................................................................................................. 99
Table 3-13: Internal flags - parameter IDs .............................................................................................................................. 102
Table 3-14: Daylight saving time - configuration example ..................................................................................................... 115
Table 3-15: Daylight saving time - examplary dates ............................................................................................................... 115
Table 3-16: LogicsManager - command overview ................................................................................................................. 122
Table 3-17: LogicsManager - logical symbols ........................................................................................................................ 123
Chapter 1.
General Information
DTSC-200 - Installation 37482 -
DTSC-200 - Configuration this manual 37483 -
DTSC-200 - Operation 37484 -
DTSC-200 - Application 37485 -
DTSC-200 - Interfaces 37486 -
Table 1-1: Manual - overview
Intended Use The unit must only be operated for the uses described in this manual. The prerequisite for a proper
and safe operation of the product is correct transportation, storage, and installation as well as careful operation
and maintenance.
This manual has been developed for a unit fitted with all available options. Inputs/outputs, functions,
configuration screens and other details described, which do not exist on your unit, may be ignored.
The present manual has been prepared to enable the installation and commissioning of the unit. On
account of the large variety of parameter settings, it is not possible to cover every possible
combination. The manual is therefore only a guide. In case of incorrect entries or a total loss of
functions, the default settings can be taken from the enclosed list of parameters at the rear of this
Chapter 2.
Configuration Via PC
Install ToolKit Configuration and Visualization Software
Woodward’s ToolKit software is required to configure the unit via PC.
Alternatively ToolKit can be downloaded from our Website. Please proceed as follows:
1. Go to http://www.woodward.com/software
2. Select ToolKit in the list and click the “Go” button
3. Click “More Info” to get further information about ToolKit
4. Choose the preferred software version and click “Download”
5. Now you need to login with your e-mail address or register first
6. The download will start immediately
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 must be installed on your computer to be able to install ToolKit. If not
already installed, Microsoft .NET Framework will be installed automatically. You must be connected to
the internet for this. Alternatively you can use the .NET Framework installer which can be found on the
Product CD.
Alternatively ToolKit configuration files can be downloaded from our Website. Please proceed as follows:
1. Go to http://www.woodward.com/software/configfiles/
2. Please insert the part number (P/N) and revision of your device into the corresponding fields
3. Select ToolKit in the application type list
4. Click “Search”
ToolKit is using the following files:
1 2
File name composition: [P/N1]* -[Revision]_[Language ID]_[P/N2]* -[Revision]_[# of visualized
Example file name: 8440-1234-NEW_US_5418-1234-NEW.WTOOL
Content of the file: Display screens and pages for online configuration, which are associated with
the respective *.SID file
File name composition: [P/N2]* -[Revision].SID
Example file name: 5418-1234-NEW.SID
Content of the file: All display and configuration parameters available in ToolKit
File name composition: [user defined].WSET
Example file name: DTSC-200_settings.WSET
Content of the file: Default settings of the ToolKit configuration parameters provided by the SID
file or user-defined settings read out of the unit.
* P/N1 = Part number of the unit
* P/N2 = Part number of the software in the unit
3. Go to the “Application” folder and open then the folder equal to the part number (P/N) of your device
(e.g. 8440-1234). Select the wtool file (e.g. 8440-1234-NEW_US_5418-1234-NEW.wtool) and click
“Open” to start the configuration file
4. Now the home page of the ToolKit configuration screen appears
Please use the ToolKit online help for further information.
1. Plug the DPC cable into the service port. Use a USB cable/null modem cable to connect the USB/RS-
232 serial port of the DPC to a serial USB/COM port of the PC with.
The USB/RS-232 serial interface is only provided via the optional Woodward DPC (direct configuration
cable), which must be connected to the service port. For additional information refer to Chapter
“Service Port” in the installation manual (37482).
2. Open ToolKit via Windows Start menu -> Programs -> Woodward -> ToolKit
3. From the main ToolKit window, click File then select “Open Tool”..., or click the Open Tool icon
on the tool bar.
4. Locate and select the desired tool file (*.WTOOL) in the ToolKit data file directory and click Open.
5. From the main ToolKit window, click Device then click “Connect”, or select the Connect icon on
the toolbar.
SID Files for Using ToolKit on the CAN Bus With Other CANopen Devices
If a PC with ToolKit is connected to the DTSC-200 via a CAN bus with other external CANopen devices (like a
Phoenix Contact I/O expansion board, for example), it may happen that ToolKit cannot establish a connection
with the DTSC-200 because it looks for a SID file for such an external device, which does not exist.
A special *.sid file can be created in this case. Contact Woodward for support or create a *.sid file with the
following content:
The file name must be the same as the Identifier plus the extension *.sid. The file must be stored to the
configured SID file directory.
Depending on the computer used and the installed operation system, problems with the
communication via an infrared connection may occur.
If your computer is equipped with a Bluetooth interface please deactivate it temporarily in the Windows
system control menu in the case that ToolKit is freezing building up a connection.
It is also possible to connect to the unit via CAN bus. If a suitable CAN adapter is used, this may be
selected in the Connect window. We recommend using the IXXAT USB-to-CAN converter using the VCI
V3 driver.
Be sure to configure the correct baud rate and timeout in the Properties dialog of the Connect window.
The Password for CAN Interface 1 (parameter 10402 on page 117) must be entered before being able to
edit the parameters.
Navigation through the various visualization and configuration screens is performed by clicking on
the and icons, by selecting a navigation button (e.g. ), or by selecting a screen from the drop-down
list to the right of the arrow icons.
It is possible to view a trend chart of up to eight values with the trending tool utility of ToolKit. The following
figure shows a trending screen of the measured battery voltage value:
Each visualization screen provides for trending of monitored values by right-clicking on a value and selecting the
"Add to trend" function. Trending is initiated by clicking on the Start button. Clicking the Export… button will
save the trend data to a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file for viewing, editing or printing with office software,
like Microsoft Excel, etc. The Properties… button is used to define high and low limits of the scale, sample rate,
displayed time span and color of the graph. The trend functionality is not available if ToolKit is used utilizing a
CAN bus connection to the unit.
Entering a new value or selecting a value from a defined list will change the value in a field. The new value is
written to the controller memory by changing to a new field or pressing the Enter key.
Navigation through the various configuration and visualization screens is performed by clicking on the
and icons, by selecting a navigation button (e.g. ), or by selecting a screen from the drop-down list to
the right of the arrow icons.
General Information
The DTSC-200 has been developed to control ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) units.
The main purpose of the ATS controller is to control and monitor the transfer switch as well as issuing an engine
start signal to a connected genset control. The controller is continuously monitoring the presence of a source. If
the preferred source fails, it attempts to transfer to a second source (emergency power supply, etc.).
It is NOT the task of an ATS controller to monitor a start/stop sequence. Start and stop failures will be displayed,
but have no effect on the functionality of the controller. Only switch failures or problems with connected position
limit switches, which signal the actual position of the ATS (connected with utility or connected with emergency
power supply, etc.) to the controller, block the ATS controller for further automatic functions.
Important Designations
• Source 1 Usually the preferred power source, e.g. utility supply (depends on application)
• Source 2 Usually the emergency power source, e.g. genset (depends on application)
• Transfer Change from one source to the other
• Blocked Transfer Switch Failure or inhibit command blocks transfer
Monitoring Functions
Source Monitoring
• Overvoltage / undervoltage
• Overfrequency / underfrequency
• Voltage imbalance
• Rotation field monitoring
If one of these monitoring functions is triggered, the ATS controller attempts to change to the non-
preferred source.
Load Monitoring
• Overload
• Overcurrent
Switch Monitoring
• Monitoring for plausible position feedback
• Monitoring for transfer switch failure
If one of these monitoring functions is triggered, then all automatic transfers are blocked.
Generator Monitoring
• Unintended stop
• Start failure
Battery Monitoring
• Overvoltage / undervoltage
Interface Monitoring
• Monitoring of the CANopen communication
Discrete Inputs
The discrete inputs are grouped into two categories:
• programmable
The programmable discrete input has been programmed with a factory default function using the
LogicsManager. The following text describes how these functions may be changed using the LogicsManager.
• fixed
The discrete input has a specific function that cannot be changed. The discrete input cannot be used in the
Depending on the configured transfer switch type (parameter 3424); the discrete inputs can be
"programmable" or "fixed". Please refer to Table 3-7 on page 96.
Reply from ATS limit switch: Breaker in source 1 position fixed to discrete input [DI 1], terminal 51/50
Note: Normally closed (break) contact!
This discrete input indicates to the control that the breaker is closed to source 1 position if it is de-
energized (logic "0").
Reply from ATS limit switch: Breaker in source 2 position fixed to discrete input [DI 2], terminal 52/50
Note: Normally closed (break) contact!
This discrete input indicates to the control that the breaker is closed to source 2 position if it is de-
energized (logic "0").
Reply from ATS limit switch: Breaker in source 1 open position fixed to discrete input [DI 3], terminal 53/50
Note: Normally closed (break) contact!
This discrete input indicates to the control that the breaker is in source 1 open position if it is de-
energized (logic "0"). This discrete input is programmable when transfer switch type is configured as
Reply from ATS limit switch: Breaker in source 2 open position fixed to discrete input [DI 4], terminal 54/50
Note: Normally closed (break) contact!
This discrete input indicates to the control that the breaker is in source 2 open position if it is de-
energized (logic "0"). This discrete input is programmable when transfer switch type is configured as
Disconnect switch: Inhibit ATS programmable to discrete input [DI 5], terminal 55/50
Note: Normally closed (break) contact!
This discrete input indicates to the control that the disconnect switch is actuated. If this discrete input is
de-energized (logic "0"), the "Inhibit ATS" function is enabled.
Control Inputs programmable to discrete inputs [DI 6] through [DI 12], terminals 56 through 62 / 50
These discrete inputs may be used as control signals for functions, including priority selection, remote
peak shave, inhibit transfer, etc. The control inputs can be configured freely. Please refer to Discrete
Inputs on page 86.
Relay Outputs
The discrete outputs are grouped into two categories:
• programmable
The relay output is freely programmable using the LogicsManager (which is described in the following text).
• pre-defined
The relay output has been pre-defined (programmed) with this function using the LogicsManager (which is
described in the following text). The function may be changed by using the LogicsManager.
The relay outputs can be "programmable" or "pre-defined" for a specific function required for the
configured transfer switch type (parameter 3424). Please refer to Table 3-10 on page 98.
LogicsManager Relay {all} programmable to relay [R1] through [R3], terminals 32 through 34 / 31
Note: Normally open (make) contact!
All relays not assigned a defined function, may be configured via the LogicsManager.
All relays not assigned a defined function, may be configured via the LogicsManager.
By energizing (or de-energizing, depending on the utilized contact) this relay an engine start signal will
be issued to the genset control.
Command: close to source 1 position {all} pre-defined to relay [R6], terminals 42/43
Note: Normally open (make) contact!
By energizing this relay, a "close to source 1 position" command will be issued to the ATS.
Command: close to source 2 position {all} pre-defined to relay [R7], terminals 44/45
Note: Normally open (make) contact!
By energizing this relay, a "close to source 2 position" command will be issued to the ATS.
Command: open from source 1 position to neutral position{all} pre-defined to relay [R8], terminals 46/47
Note: Normally open (make) contact!
By energizing this relay, an "open from source 1 position to neutral position" command will be issued
to the ATS.
Command: open from source 2 position to neutral position{all} pre-defined to relay [R9], terminals 48/49
Note: Normally open (make) contact!
By energizing this relay, an "open from source 2 position to neutral position" command will be issued
to the ATS.
Chapter 3.
The description of the parameters is confined to the illustration via the PC-program. The parameters are described
as follows.
The following parameter is used to set the unit display language.
CL0 {0} {1} {2} The desired language for the unit display text is configured here.
The DTSC-200 utilizes a password protected multi-level configuration access hierarchy. This permits varying
degrees of access to the parameters being granted by assigning unique passwords to designated personnel. A
distinction is made between the access levels as follows:
Once the code level is entered, access to the configuration menus will be permitted for two hours or
until another password is entered into the control. If a user needs to exit a code level then code level
CL0 should be entered. This will block unauthorized configuration of the control. A user may return to
CL0 by allowing the entered password to expire after two hours or by changing any one digit on the
random number generated on the password screen and entering it into the unit.
It is possible to disable expiration of the password by entering "0000" after the CL1 or CL3 password
has been entered. Access to the entered code level will remain enabled until another password is
entered. Otherwise, the code level would expire when loading the standard values (default 0000) via
CL {0} {1} {2} The password for configuring the control via the front panel must be entered here.
Event History
The event history is a FIFO (First In/First Out) memory for logging alarm events and operation states of the unit.
The capacity of the event history is 300 entries. As new event messages are entered into the history, the oldest
messages are deleted once 300 events have occurred.
The individual alarm messages, which are stored in the event history, are described in detail in ‘Appendix A:
Alarm Messages’ operation manual 37484. The operation states, which are stored in the event history, are listed
in the table below.
The event history display is password-protected.
The button deletes the highlighted entry!
A date/time stamp is added to each entry. Additional characters (+ and -) indicate the state of the alarm. The
"+" character indicates an alarm condition that is still active. If the alarm conditions are no longer present
anymore, the "+" character will be changed to "-".
Ereignisspeicher anzeigen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Individual entries can be selected with the or keys and deleted from the event
history with the key.
Refer to ‘Appendix A: Alarm Messages’ operation manual 37484 for a complete list of all entries, which
may appear in the event history.
Ereignisspeicher löschen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} YES ..............The complete event history will be deleted. After the event history
1706 has been deleted, this parameter changes back to "NO" automatically.
NO ................The event history will not be deleted.
This controller is available in two different hardware version with either 1A [../1] or 5A [../5] current
transformer inputs. Both versions are discussed in this manual. The set points for specific parameters
will differ depending upon the hardware version.
It is absolutely necessary for correct rated voltage values to be entered, as many measurement and
monitoring functions refer to these values.
Nennfrequenz im System
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The rated frequency of the system is used as a reference figure for all frequency
related functions, which use a percentage value, like frequency monitoring or
breaker operation windows.
Nennspannung S1
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the rated voltage of source 1 and is the voltage
1774 measured on the potential transformer primary.
The source 1 potential transformer primary voltage is entered in this parameter. The
source 1 rated voltage is used as a reference figure for all source 1 voltage related
functions, which use a percentage value, like utility voltage monitoring or breaker
operation windows.
Nennspannung S2
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the rated voltage of source 2 and is the voltage
1772 measured on the potential transformer primary.
The source 2 potential transformer primary voltage is entered in this parameter. The
source 2 rated voltage is used as a reference figure for all source 2 voltage related
functions, which use a percentage value, like utility voltage monitoring or breaker
operation windows.
S1 voltage measuring Measurement principle: Source 1 3Ph 4W / 3Ph 3W / 1Ph 2W / 1Ph 3W
S1 Spannungsmessung
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Please refer to the comments on measuring principles in the installation
1862 manual (37482).
S2 Spannungsmessung
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Please refer to the comments on measuring principles in the installation
1861 manual (37482).
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Please refer to the comments on measuring principles in the installation
1858 manual (37482).
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Please refer to the comments on measuring principles in the installation
1859 manual (37482).
S1 Load current measuring Measurement principle: S1 Load current L1 L2 L3 / Phase L1 / Phase L2 / Phase L3
S1 Last Strommessung
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Please refer to the comments on measuring principles in the installation
1863 manual (37482).
Current and power from source 1 to the load are only measured, if the transfer
switch is closed to source 1 position (S1).
Parameters 1860 and 1863 must be configured identical because they share one
common CT set at the load connection.
S2 Load current measuring Measurement principle: S2 Load current L1 L2 L3 / Phase L1 / Phase L2 / Phase L3
S2 Last Strommessung
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Please refer to the comments on measuring principles in the installation
1860 manual (37482).
Current and power from source 2 to the load are only measured, if the transfer
switch is closed to source 2 position (S2).
The parameters 1860 and 1863 must be configured identical because they share one
common CT set at the load connection.
It is absolutely necessary for correct rated power and current values to be entered, as many
measurement and monitoring functions refer to these values.
Nennwirkleistung [kW]
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value specifies the rated power.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value specifies the rated current.
Measuring: Transformers
Voltage Transformer
S1 voltage transf. primary Voltage transformer, source 1, primary 50 to 650,000 V
S1 Spannungswandler primär
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Some applications may require the use of potential transformers to facilitate
measuring the source voltages. The rating of the primary side of the potential
transformer on source 1 must be entered into this parameter.
If the application does not require potential transformers (i.e. the generated voltage
is 480 V or less), then the source volt. will be entered into this parameter.
S1 Spannungswandler sekund.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The control is equipped with dual voltage measuring inputs. The voltage
1818 range of these measurement inputs is dependent upon which input
terminals are used (see below). This value refers to the secondary voltages
of the potential transformers, which are directly connected to the control.
• Rated voltage: 120 Vac (this parameter configured between 50 and 130 V)
- Source 1 voltage: Terminals 15/17/19/21
• Rated voltage: 480 Vac (this parameter configured between 131 and 480 V)
- Source 1 voltage: Terminals 16/18/20/22
S2 Spannungswandler primär
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Some applications may require the use of potential transformers to facilitate
1816 measuring the source voltages. The rating of the primary side of the potential
transformer on source 2 must be entered into this parameter.
If the application does not require potential transformers (i.e. the generated voltage
is 480 V or less), then the source volt. will be entered into this parameter.
S2 Spannungswandler sekund.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The control is equipped with dual voltage measuring inputs. The voltage
1815 range of these measurement inputs is dependent upon which input
terminals are used (see below). This value refers to the secondary voltages
of the potential transformers, which are directly connected to the control.
• Rated voltage: 120 Vac (this parameter configured between 50 and 130 V)
- Source 2 voltage: Terminals 23/25/27/29
• Rated voltage: 480 Vac (this parameter configured between 131 and 480 V)
- Source 2 voltage: Terminals 24/26/28/30
Current Transformer
This controller is available in two different hardware version with either 1A [../1] or 5A [../5] current
transformer inputs. Both versions are discussed in this manual. The set points for specific parameters
will differ depending upon the hardware version, indicated on the data plate.
• [1] DTSC-200-1 = Current transformer with ../1 A rated current
• [5] DTSC-200-5 = Current transformer with ../5 A rated current
Last Stromwandler
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This screen only applies to controls equipped with 5 A CT inputs. This
will not be displayed in the controller screen of a unit equipped with 1 A
CT inputs.
The input of the current transformer ratio is necessary for the indication and
control of the actual monitored value. The current transformers ratio should be
selected so that at least 60% of the secondary current rating can be measured
when the monitored system is at 100% of operating capacity (i.e. at 100% of
system capacity a 5 A CT should output 3 A). If the current transformers are sized
so that the percentage of the output is lower, the loss of resolution may cause
inaccuracies in the monitoring and control functions and affect the functionality
of the control.
Last Stromwandler
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This screen only applies to controls equipped with 1 A CT inputs. This
1822 will not be displayed in the controller screen of a unit equipped with 5 A
CT inputs.
The input of the current transformer ratio is necessary for the indication and
control of the actual monitored value. The current transformers ratio should be
selected so that at least 60% of the secondary current rating can be measured
when the monitored system is at 100% of operating capacity (i.e. at 100% of
system capacity a 5 A CT should output 3 A). If the current transformers are sized
so that the percentage of the output is lower, the loss of resolution may cause
inaccuracies in the monitoring and control functions and affect the functionality
of the control.
Application: Application Mode
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter selects the basic function of the unit. If the unit is used to transfer
4148 the load between two utility sources (setting "Util-Util"), no engine start signals are
Source 1 Source 2
Util-Gen ....... Standard application "utility-generator" {1}
Engine start signals will be issued for source 2 only.
Source 1 Source 2
Gen-Gen ...... Application "generator-generator" {2}
Engine start signals will be issued for source 1 and source 2.
Source 1 Source 2
In Util-Gen application, source S2 is considered as the generator.
Refer to the application chapter of the Application manual 37485 for details.
Please refer to “Transfer delay timer S1->S2” (parameter 4496) and “Transfer delay timer S2->S1”
(parameter 4497) for details.
Transfer zustimmen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This function is only effective if a transfer from the preferred source to the non-
4146 --- --- preferred source is requested.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Usually a transfer to S2 is performed as soon as the “S2 source stable time”
4496 --- --- (parameter 3332) has expired. The “Transfer delay timer S1S2” can be used to
add an additional delay to the transfer, after the “S2 source stable time” has expired.
If the “Transfer delay timer S1S2” is configured to a value > 0 Seconds, it will
always be triggered after the S2 stable delay timer has expired. A bypass of the
timer is possible via the “Bypass “Softkey on the display screen or via
LogicsManager “Ext. bypass” (parameter 12820). Once this timer is configured to a
value >0 it will always be active during each transfer. It will never be automatically
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Usually a transfer to S1 is performed as soon as the “S1 source stable time”
4497 --- --- (parameter 3333) has expired. The “Transfer delay timer S2S1” can be used to
add an additional delay to the transfer, even if the “S1 source stable time” has
already expired.
If the “Transfer delay timer S2S1” is configured to a value > 0 Seconds, it will
always be triggered after the S1 stable delay timer has expired. A bypass of the
timer is possible via the “Bypass “Softkey on the display screen or via
LogicsManager “Ext. bypass” (parameter 12820). Once this timer is configured to a
value >0 it will always be active during each transfer. It will never be automatically
S1 Startverzögerung
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter delays the energizing/de-energizing of the start relay ( engine start)
4149 --- --- if source 2 is considered as "not OK" or a start, "Load Test", " No Load Test",
remote peak shave or interruptible power rates request is performed.
The counter starts as soon as source 2 is considered as "not OK" or the start request
is initiated.
If source 2 returns before this counter has expired, the timer will be terminated and
the controller returns to standby mode (since it is not intended that the engine starts
with every short temporary line fault).
If the timer has expired and source 2 has not been considered as "OK", the engine
start relay will be energize/de-energize, the engine will be started, and flag 20.05
"S1 Start Signal" will be enabled.
If this timer is running, the "S1 start delay" message and the Bypass softkey are
S2 Startverzögerung
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter delays the energizing/de-energizing of the start relay (engine start)
3330 --- if source 1 is considered as "not OK" or a start, "Load Test", " No Load Test",
remote peak shave or interruptible power rates request is performed.
The counter starts as soon as source 1 is considered as "not OK" or the start request
is initiated.
If source 1 returns before this counter has expired, the timer will be terminated and
the controller returns to standby mode (since it is not intended that the engine starts
with every short temporary line fault).
If the timer has expired and source 1 has not been considered as "OK", the engine
start relay will energize/de-energize, the engine will be started, and flag 20.06 "S2
Start Signal" will be enabled.
If this timer is running, the "S2 start delay" message and the Bypass softkey are
S1 Stabilisierzeit
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures the delay before source 1 is considered as OK. This
3333 timer starts after the last monitored value has returned within the restore limits
following a source 1 outage. Source 1 will be considered as OK again after this
timer has expired. If the voltage and/or frequency exceeds the restore limits again
before the timer expires, the timer will be reset (refer to Figure 3-2).
The source 1 stable timer is automatically bypassed if source 1 is the preferred
source and the outage delay of source 2 (non-preferred) has expired.
If source 1 fails unexpectedly before this timer has expired, it will be terminated
and the load will still be supplied by source 2.
This timer is intended to delay the transfer to ensure that source 1 voltage and
frequency are definitely stable before the ATS switch is operated to perform a
transfer to source 1.
If this timer is running, the "S1 stable timer" message and the Bypass softkey are
The S1 source stable timer is automatically bypassed, when the transfer switch is in
neutral position and only S1 is available (only valid if the parameter “Transfer
switch type” (parameter 3424) is configured to “Delayed” or “Closed”. This
ensures the fastest possible transfer to S1 if the DTSC-200 is powered up while the
system is in neutral position.
In case a "load test" is being performed (i.e. the load is supplied by source 2, but source 1 is present as
well and OK) and source 2 fails, the "S1 source stable timer" will be bypassed completely to be able to
change back (OK) to source 1 immediately. This is intended to ensure that the load is not de-energized
if a genset failure takes place during a load test.
S2 Stabilisierzeit
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures the delay before source 2 is considered as OK. This
3332 timer starts after the last monitored value has returned within the restore limits
following a source 2 outage. Source 2 will be considered as OK again after this
timer has expired. If the voltage and/or frequency exceeds the restore limits again
before the timer expires, the timer will be reset (refer to Figure 3-2).
The source 2 stable timer is automatically bypassed if source 2 is the preferred
source and the outage delay of source 1 (non-preferred) has expired.
If source 2 fails unexpectedly before this timer has expired, it will be terminated
and the load will still be supplied by source 1.
This timer is intended to delay the transfer to ensure that source 2 voltage and
frequency are definitely stable before the ATS switch is operated to perform a
transfer to source 2.
If this timer is running, the "S2 stable timer" message and the Bypass softkey are
The S2 source stable timer is automatically bypassed, when the transfer switch is in
neutral position and only S2 is available (only valid if the parameter “Transfer
switch type” (parameter 3424) is configured to “Delayed” or “Closed”. This
ensures the fastest possible transfer to S2 if the DTSC-200 is powered up while the
system is in neutral position.
S1 outage delay Source 1 outage delay 0.1 to 10.0 s
S1 Ausfallverzögerung
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This timer defines the maximum time before source 1 (voltage, frequency and
2804 --- --- phase rotation) is considered as "not OK" to initiate a transfer to source 2. This
timer starts if any of the monitored source 1 values exceeds the fail limits. Source 1
will be considered as "not OK", after this timer has expired. If the voltage and/or
frequency returns within the fail limits before the timer expires, the timer will be
reset (refer to Figure 3-2).
This timer is intended to prevent an immediate transfer to source 2 in case of a
temporary voltage or frequency drop during a load test due to a short temporary
failure of source 1 (i.e. ignition miss of a genset, etc.).
If this timer has expired, the alarm "Unint. stop S1" is issued.
Note: If source 2 is the "preferred source" and the "S1 outage delay" timer has
expired (i.e. source 1 is considered as "not OK"), the "S2 source stable timer" will
be bypassed.
S2 Ausfallverzögerung
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This timer defines the maximum time before source 2 (voltage, frequency and
2803 --- phase rotation) is considered as "not OK" to initiate a transfer to source 1. This
timer starts if any of the monitored source 2 values exceeds the fail limits. Source 2
will be considered as "not OK", after this timer has expired. If the voltage and/or
frequency returns within the fail limits before the timer expires, the timer will be
reset (refer to Figure 3-2).
This timer is intended to prevent an immediate transfer to source 1 in case of a
temporary voltage or frequency drop during a load test due to a short temporary
failure of source 2 (i.e. ignition miss of a genset, etc.).
If this timer has expired, the alarm "Unint. stop S2" is issued.
Note: If source 1 is the "preferred source" and the "S2 outage delay" timer has
expired (i.e. source 2 is considered as "not OK"), the "S1 source stable timer" will
be bypassed.
[V], [f]
value source stable timer source stable timer
source source OK
not OK
outage outage
delay delay
timer timer
Figure 3-2 describes the principle of stable and outage timers for an example where a threshold needs
to be exceeded to consider the source as "OK" (like underfrequency or undervoltage).
In cases which a value needs to drop below the threshold for that source to be considered as OK
(overfrequency, voltage imbalance or overvoltage), the restore value is lower than the fail value.
S1 Nachlaufzeit
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures the duration of the cool down phase of engine 1 after the
3343 --- --- load has been disconnected.
If this timer is running, the "S1 cooldown" message and the Bypass softkey are
S2 Nachlaufzeit
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures the duration of the cool down phase of engine 2 after the
3344 --- load has been disconnected.
If this timer is running, the "S2 cooldown" message and the Bypass softkey are
All functions which are described in the following text may be assigned by the LogicsManager to any
relay which is available via the LogicsManager and not assigned to another function. The assignment
of the defined relays to defined functions occurs by selection of the application mode. The same way
some relays are designated to specific functions, others may be assigned to different functions. These
are listed as "programmed" relays. If a relay is "programmable" the function may be assigned to other
relays by configuring the LogicsManager.
Inhibit ATS
If this logical output becomes TRUE, the ATS controller is blocked against automatic transfers and the "ATS
Inhibit" message is displayed. Usually, a selected relay output is configured to this LogicsManager function,
which may be used to block the ATS controller when a disconnect switch is connected to this "Inhibit ATS" relay
All automatic transfers will be blocked. Only the "Engine start" signal will still be issued.
Blockiere ATS
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The LogicsManager and its default settings are explained on page 121 in Appendix
A: "LogicsManager".
The disconnect switch must be located in the ATS cabinet. During a manual transfer, the disconnect
switch is operated to the “Inhibit ATS” position, which will block the controller from performing an
automatic transfer.
If the “Inhibit ATS” function is not active during a manual transfer, serious injury may occur!
Always inhibit automatic ATS transfers before performing a manual transfer!
Application example:
A hospital has a source 1 (preferred source) power failure. Source 2 would then be started, and a transfer to S2
will occur, with the load being supplied by that source. When source 1 returns, a transfer back to S1 may be
prevented by making Inhibit Transfer to Source 1 LogicsManager function TRUE (i.e. energizing a DI). In this
case, a transfer back to source 1 may have some risk involved if a difficult surgery is in progress. A potential
mechanical failure resulting from transfer can be avoided by using this function.
Trans S1 sperren
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The LogicsManager and its default settings are explained on page 121 in Appendix
12610 A: "LogicsManager".
This function has the same behavior as the "Inhibit XFR to source 1" function, except that a transfer to source 2
will be prevented.
Trans S2 sperren
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The LogicsManager and its default settings are explained on page 121 in Appendix
12620 A: "LogicsManager".
Spitzenlast Modus
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The LogicsManager and its default settings are explained on page 121 in Appendix
12630 A: "LogicsManager".
This function may be used in some countries where the provider offers contracts, which contain provisions for the
customer to disconnect from the utility during peak load times and change to a different power supply (e.g.
genset), like the United States. In case the alternative (genset) supply fails during a "Interruptible power rate
provisions" request, a transfer to the preferred source will be performed with the effect that the customer must
pay a reimbursement to the provider.
Anforder. Netzbetr.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The LogicsManager and its default settings are explained on page 121 in Appendix
12660 A: "LogicsManager".
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The LogicsManager and its default settings are explained on page 121 in Appendix
A: "LogicsManager".
If another timer becomes active immediately after the previous timer has been bypassed, the discrete
input must be de-energized before it may be energized again to bypass the next timer. We recommend
using a momentary push-to-make button for this function.
Push button
Discrete input
Gen-Gen Enable
This function is only enabled if the application mode (parameter 4148) is configured to "Gen-Gen". If this logical
output becomes TRUE (by energizing a DI for example), the gen-gen mode will be enabled.
• Only the LogicsManager function "Source priority S1" (parameter 12680) is TRUE:
The source 1 genset will be started. If source 1 doesn't start or fails, source 2 genset will be started
• Only the LogicsManager function "Source priority S2" (parameter 12810) is TRUE:
The source 2 genset will be started. If source 2 doesn't start or fails, source 1 genset will be started
• Both source priority LogicsManager functions (parameters 12680 and 12810) are TRUE or both are FALSE:
Source 1 has priority, i.e. the source 1 genset will be started. If source 1 doesn't start, source 2 genset will be
started automatically.
If the gen-gen mode will be disabled again, all start requests are terminated and the genset, which is currently in
operation, will be shut down with a cool down.
Gen-Gen Aktivieren
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The LogicsManager and its default settings are explained on page 121 in Appendix
12830 --- --- A: "LogicsManager".
The elevator pre-signal flag (20.01) may be assigned to any output relay using the LogicsManager.
The elevator pre-signal is important for buildings which are equipped with elevators. This signal will be enabled
before any transfer in order to signal a transfer to an elevator control. If this signal is received by an elevator
control, the elevator stops at the next floor and opens the doors. This signal is enabled until the transfer is
completed. Then, the signal will be disabled and the elevator is able to operate regularly again.
This function may be used if there is a load test performed during regular hospital operation. A load test means
that two sources are available. This signal will not be set in case of a utility failure. In this case, the elevator
might get stuck between two floors and it makes no sense to enable the elevator pre-signal. Possibly stuck
elevators are accepted and the main target is to attempt to supply the load. As soon as the supply returns, the
elevators are ready to operate again.
The elevator pre signal (EPS) may be enabled in parallel with a motor load disconnect signal (MLD) if a
MLD signal is configured. EPS and MLD are two functions, which operate completely independent and
don't affect each other.
If the EPS timer will be bypassed, the MLD signal will be processed consequently (if configured).
Otherwise, the transfer sequence will be continued. If the transfer has been performed, the EPS signal
will be reset. This is also valid, if the EPS signal has been bypassed prior to the transfer and a MLD
timer was configured additionally.
This timer is automatically bypassed, if not both sources are available (and stable) for transfer.
If, for example, a load test has been requested and cancelled again while the EPS signal is active, the
EPS relay will be reset automatically and the complete process will be terminated.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} OFF ..............No elevator pre-signal is issued, no elevator pre-signal timer starts
4490 and the LogicsManager flag 20.01 is not enabled.
ON ................The elevator pre-signal will be issued before any transfer and the
LogicsManager flag 20.01 will be enabled. The remaining elevator
pre-signal time is displayed.
Warnsignal Dauer
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The time configured here determines how long the elevator pre-signal is enabled
4491 before the transfer process will be continued. The signal will be disabled again if
the transfer process has been completed.
If this timer is running, the "Pre signal timer" message is displayed.
The following examples show the behavior of the elevator pre-signal for different applications.
If the transfer delay timers are configured to “0” seconds, they will automatically be bypassed and no
longer taken in account during a transfer.
The motor load disconnect flag (20.02) may be assigned to any output relay using the LogicsManager.
The motor load disconnect function is intended for sequential load shedding before a transfer and sequential load
addition after a transfer. This shall prevent the addition of the complete load at once.
The loads will be disconnected one after the other before a transfer. Then, the loads will be connected again in the
same order following the transfer.
In contrast to the elevator pre-signal, this signal will also be enabled in case of a preferred source failure. No
automatic or manual bypass of this signal will be performed.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} OFF ............. No motor load disconnect signal is issued, no motor load disconnect
4550 signal timer starts and the LogicsManager flag 20.02 is not enabled.
It will be proceeded with the operation of the transfer switch.
ON ............... The motor load disconnect signal will be issued before any transfer
and the LogicsManager flag 20.02 will be enabled. The remaining
motor load disconnect signal time is displayed with the "Motor Load
Disc." message. After the motor load disconnect timer expires, the
transfer switch will be operated. The signal will be disabled again if
the transfer process has been completed.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures the transfer direction into which the motor load
4553 disconnect signal is enabled.
S1->S2 ..........The motor load disconnect signal is only enabled in this transfer
direction. The LogicsManager flag 20.02 will not be enabled when
transferring from source 2 to source 1.
S1<-S2 ..........The motor load disconnect signal is only enabled in this transfer
direction. The LogicsManager flag 20.02 will not be enabled when
transferring from source 1 to source 2.
Both ..............The motor load disconnect signal is always enabled in both transfer
Lastabwurfszeit S1
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures the maximum duration of the motor disconnect signal
4551 in source 1 to source 2 transfer direction. After the timer has expired, the transfer
to source 2 will be performed
Lastabwurfszeit S2
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures the maximum duration of the motor disconnect signal
4552 in source 2 to source 1 transfer direction. After the timer has expired, the transfer
to source 1 will be performed
The two LogicsManager functions "Source Priority S1" and "Source Priority S2" are used to determine which
source is to be considered as preferred. The LogicsManager enables to use a discrete input (for example) to select
the preferred source externally using a source priority selector switch, which is usually on the operation panel.
In general, the preferred source is the one, which is permanently available. The NON-preferred source serves as
second source, which will be enabled if the preferred source fails or if a remote start signal is present.
Application examples:
Changing the priority while a load test (parameter 12640), remote peak shave (parameter 12630) or
interruptible power rates (parameter 12660) operation is enabled, results in a transfer to the selected
non-preferred source.
If the LogicsManager function "Source Priority S1" becomes TRUE, source 1 will be considered as preferred.
S1 Priorität
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The LogicsManager and its default settings are explained on page 121 in Appendix
12680 A: "LogicsManager".
If the LogicsManager function "Source Priority S2" becomes TRUE, source 2 will be considered as preferred.
S2 Priorität
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The LogicsManager and its default settings are explained on page 121 in Appendix
12810 A: "LogicsManager".
If no source is preferred (both LogicsManager functions are FALSE or both LogicsManager functions
are TRUE), source 1 will be the preferred source.
Transfer direction
upon loss of S1
S1 S2
preferred source non-preferred source
(emergency source)
Figure 3-7: Source priority selection - S1 preferred
Transfer direction
upon loss of S2
S1 S2
non-preferred source preferred source
(emergency source)
Figure 3-8: Source priority selection - S2 preferred
If the preferred source is available, the load will automatically be connected to the preferred source (except when
a transfer to the non-preferred source is forced by a load test or remote peak shave, etc.).
It is also possible to change the source priority while the load is connected to the preferred or non-preferred
If the load is connected to the non-preferred source and this non-preferred source is chosen as the preferred
source, the load remains connected to this source.
If the load is connected to the preferred source and this preferred source is chosen as the non-preferred source, the
load will be transferred to the "new" preferred source.
This function is only effective if the transfer switch type (parameter 3424) is configured to "Closed" and
in-phase monitoring (parameter 4570) is enabled.
If a closed transition is performed, the overlap time of the make-before-break process, in which both sources are
parallel, is as configured in parameter 4577 (Max. overlap time). If this time is to be extended, a LogicsManager
function is available to keep the transition switch in overlap position. This may be achieved by a digital signal of
an external synchronization device for example.
If transfer switch type (parameter 3424) is configured as “Standard”, external sync. permission (ext. permit for
closed transition (parameter 4584) and closed transfer enable (parameter 4584)) does not apply.
If the LogicsManager function "Ext. para. time" becomes TRUE, the transfer switch will remain in overlap
position. If it becomes FALSE again, the source, from which the transfer has been initiated, will be disconnected
and the load will be supplied by the new source.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The LogicsManager and its default settings are explained on page 121 in Appendix
A: "LogicsManager".
As long as this function is TRUE, parameter 4577 (Max. overlap time) is not effective.
If one source fails as long as this function is TRUE, the failed source will automatically be
Both sources remain in overlap position as long as this function is TRUE.
Both sources are not decoupled if
• a load test (parameter 12640 on page 61) is disabled
• a remote peak shave request (parameter 12630 on page 39) is disabled
• an interruptible power rate request (parameter 12660 on page 40) is disabled
• the priority is changed
An overlap situation is only decoupled if
• the "Extended parallel time" function becomes FALSE again
• the phase angle during overlap position is > 2.0° or < -2.0°
The following example shows a typical transfer sequence from source 1 to source 2 with extended parallel time:
Initial situation:
S1 S2 Load is supplied by source 1
Final situation:
S1 S2 Load is supplied by source 2
Load Shed
Load shed is inactive as long as an "Extended parallel time" (parameter 12860) is enabled.
The load shed function bypasses the in-phase monitoring function. This can cause an asynchronous
transfer in case a standard transition switch is used.
The load shed function is intended to shed the load from the non-preferred source if a load shed signal is received
from a master controller (e.g. SCADA system) via a discrete input.
If a load shed signal is received from a master control, the DTSC disconnects the load from the non-preferred
source immediately. The following rules are valid for the load shed function:
• The load must be supplied by the non-preferred source. The load shed function can only trigger to disconnect
the load from the non-preferred source. If the load is supplied by the preferred source while a load shed
signal is triggered, the load will not be disconnected.
• Possible timers for pre-transfer signals like motor load disconnect or elevator pre-signal, which are enabled
prior to the transfer, will be ignored in case of a load shed request.
• If in-phase monitoring is enabled, this will be ignored in case of a load shed request.
• If the LogicsManager function "Inhibit XFR to S1" or "Inhibit XFR to S2" is TRUE and would prevent a
transfer to the preferred source, this function will be ignored on case of a standard transition switch. If a
delayed or closed transition switch is used, the switch will open to neutral position.
• If transfer switches are used, which may only be operated in case a measuring voltage is present, a transfer to
the preferred source may only be possible, when it is present. If only the non-preferred source is present, the
LogicsManager flag "Load shed" (20.11) will be enabled. This flag enables to close a load shed relay, which
connects the voltage of the non-preferred source to the preferred source side of the transfer switch to operate
it. If the neutral position (delayed / closed switch) or the preferred source position (standard switch) is
detected by the DTSC, the load shed signal will be reset again. Refer to Figure 3-9 and Figure 3-10 for more
detailed information.
If the LogicsManager function "Load shed" becomes TRUE, a load shed from the non-preferred source will be
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The LogicsManager and its default settings are explained on page 121 in Appendix
12870 A: "LogicsManager".
Table 3-1 defines the behavior in case of a load shed request when utilizing a standard transition switch
depending on the system conditions.
Load is connected to Pre-transfer In-phase Preferred source Behavior on load shed request
signals monitoring available
Non-preferred source Bypassed Bypassed Yes Immediate transfer to preferred source
Non-preferred source Bypassed Bypassed No LogicsManager flag "Load shed" (20.11) is set to transfer to the
preferred source
Preferred source N/A N/A Yes No action performed - load remains connected to preferred source
Table 3-1: Application - load shed with standard transition switch
Table 3-2 defines the behavior in case of a load shed request when utilizing a delayed or closed transition switch
depending on the system conditions.
Load is connected to Pre-transfer In-phase Preferred source Behavior on load shed request
signals monitoring available
Non-preferred source Bypassed Bypassed Yes Immediate transfer to preferred source
Non-preferred source Bypassed Bypassed No LogicsManager flag "Load shed" (20.11) is immediately set to
open to neutral position
If the preferred source restores while the switch is in neutral
position, a transfer to the preferred source is initiated without
waiting for the preferred source stable timer to expire
Preferred source N/A N/A Yes No action performed - load remains connected to preferred source
Table 3-2: Application - load shed with delayed or closed transition switch
Figure 3-9 shows how to wire a load shed relay for applications, which use a standard transition switch (S1 is the
preferred source and S2 is the non-preferred source with this application).
S1 Close S1 Circuit Close S2
(Relay 6) Breaker (Relay 7)
Figure 3-9: Load shed relay wiring - standard transition switch
Figure 3-10 shows how to wire a load shed relay for applications, which use a delayed or closed transition switch
(S1 is the preferred source and S2 is the non-preferred source with this application).
Open S2 Open S1
(Relay 9) (Relay 8)
S1 Circuit S2
Close S1 Pair Close S2
(Relay 6) (Relay 7)
Figure 3-10: Load shed relay wiring - delayed or closed transition switch
The load shed relay must always be operated at the non-preferred source side with the power of the
non-preferred source.
If a load shed relay is used, preferred and non-preferred source priority must not be changed since this
would lead to a malfunction of the load shed function.
Service Disconnect
Service disconnect is only active, if the "Transfer switch type" (parameter 3424) is configured to
"Delayed" or "Closed". The transfer switch type "Standard" does not support this feature.
This feature allows disconnecting the load from the source in case of a service operation.
If the LogicsManager function "Service Disconnect" becomes TRUE, the transfer switch opens to neutral
position and remains there until this function becomes FALSE again.
No automatic transfers to any source will be performed if the transfer switch has reached neutral position and this
LogicsManager function is enabled.
If the transfer switch is in neutral position and this LogicsManager function becomes FALSE again, the unit
changes to the "preferred source" (if available) automatically. If the "preferred source" is not available, it changes
to the "non-preferred source" automatically.
LS nach Neutral
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The LogicsManager and its default settings are explained on page 121 in Appendix
A: "LogicsManager".
Breaker: Transfer Switch Type
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures the type of ATS switch, which is connected to the
3424 controller. The switch logic behavior depends on the setting configured here.
Standard ......An "open transition" switch is selected.
Delayed ........A "delayed transition" switch is selected.
Closed...........A "closed transition" switch is selected.
Do not use “Standard” switch mode with breaker type transfer switches. Open commands are not
used! “Standard” mode is used with mechanically interlocked transfer type mechanisms only!
Figure 3-11: Open transition switch - connected to source 1
Figure 3-12: Open transition switch - connected to source 2
The following feedback signals are evaluated by the ATS controller for monitoring the actual switch position:
• Discrete input 1 (ATS breaker in Source 1 position) = signal designation: S1
• Discrete input 2 (ATS breaker in Source 2 position) = signal designation: S2
In this mode Use Limit Switch Open Replies (3434) is disabled (setting “NO”).
Figure 3-13: Delayed transition switch - connected to source 1
• Position 2: Neutral
Transfer Switch
Source 1 Source 2
Figure 3-14: Delayed transition switch - neutral position
Figure 3-15: Delayed transition switch - connected to source 2
The following feedback signals are evaluated by the ATS controller for monitoring the actual switch position if
Use Limit Switch Open Replies (3434) is “YES”:
• Discrete input 1 (ATS breaker in Source 1 position) = signal designation: S1
• Discrete input 2 (ATS breaker in Source 2 position) = signal designation: S2
• Discrete input 3 (ATS breaker in Source 1 OPEN position) = signal designation: S1O
• Discrete input 4 (ATS breaker in Source 2 OPEN position) = signal designation: S2O
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Manual 37483C DTSC-200 - ATS Controller
If Use Limit Switch Open Replies (3434) is “NO” the evaluated feedback signals are reduces to S1 and S2.
Figure 3-16: Closed transition switch - connected to source 1
• Position 2: Neutral
Transfer Switch
Source 1 Source 2
Figure 3-17: Closed transition switch - neutral position
• Position 3: Synchronized
Transfer Switch
Source 1 Source 2
Figure 3-18: Closed transition switch - connected to source 1 and 2 (overlap position)
Figure 3-19: Closed transition switch - connected to source 2
The following feedback signals are evaluated by the ATS controller for monitoring the actual switch position if
Use Limit Switch Open Replies (3434) is “YES”:
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Manual 37483C DTSC-200 - ATS Controller
This function is used to define the limit switch reply signals, which are evaluated for determining the current
ATS switch position.
The following four signals are available for determining the ATS switch position:
• Discrete input 1 (ATS breaker in Source 1 position) = signal designation: S1
• Discrete input 2 (ATS breaker in Source 2 position) = signal designation: S2
• Discrete input 3 (ATS breaker in Source 1 OPEN position) = signal designation: S1O
• Discrete input 4 (ATS breaker in Source 2 OPEN position) = signal designation: S2O
All reply signals, which are selected for determining the current ATS switch position must be
connected to the discrete inputs of the DTSC to ensure a correct evaluation of the switch replies.
These discrete inputs have an N.C. logic, i.e. the breaker is considered as "in position" if the respective
DI is de-energized.
Use Limit sw. OPEN replies Use limit switch open replies YES / NO
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter may only be enabled (setting "YES") if parameter 3424 on
3434 page 52 is configured to "Delayed" or "Closed".
This parameter defines whether the limit switch open signals are also used to
determine the ATS switch position.
YES .............. The signals S1, S2, S1O, and S2O are used to determine the ATS
switch position.
This setting provides a higher system safety because the "Switch
Open" replies are also evaluated besides the "Switch Closed"
NO ................ Only the signals S1 and S2 are used to determine the ATS switch
This setting does not use the DIs 3 and 4 for determining the ATS
switch position and makes them available for other functions.
This function is only effective if parameter 3424 (Transfer switch type) is configured to "Closed". If the
LogicsManager function "Delayed mode act." becomes TRUE, the transfer switch type will be set to "Delayed"
until function becomes false.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The LogicsManager and its default settings are explained on page 121 in
12850 Appendix A: "LogicsManager".
Transition Timers
The "Neutral Time S2 -> S1" parameter is only enabled, if "Delayed" or "Closed" is configured as "Transfer
switch type" (parameter 3424).
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures the residence time in neutral position when transferring
3426 the load in this transfer direction.
After this timer has expired, the transfer to source 1 will be performed.
The "Neutral Time S2 <- S1" parameter is only enabled, if "Delayed" or "Closed" is configured as "Transfer
switch type" (parameter 3424).
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures the residence time in neutral position when transferring
3425 the load in this transfer direction.
After this timer has expired, the transfer to source 2 will be performed.
Limit switch reply timeout Limit switch reply timeout 0.1 to 99.9 s
Zeitüberschreitung Rückmeld.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures the maximum waiting time for a feedback signal from
the ATS switch. If no reply is detected within the configured time, a new transition
attempt will be performed after the "Wait time until next XFR attempt"
(parameter 3429) has expired (refer to Figure 3-20 on page 58). If the "Max. of
transfer attempts" (parameter 3427) is exceeded, a switch failure will be issued.
If this timer is running, the Bypass softkey is not displayed. The display message
while the timer is running indicates that a reply is expected and depends on the
command issued:
• If source 1 is to be opened : "Wait S1 open"
• If source 2 is to be opened : "Wait S2 open"
• If source 1 is to be closed : "Wait S1 close"
• If source 2 is to be closed : "Wait S2 close"
Note: The operator coils may be damaged if this timer is configured too long (i.e.
the maximum time, for which the transition pulse may be enabled, must not be
The limit switch reply timeout monitoring is only enabled if a transfer command (C2, C1, C2O, or C1O)
has been issued from the ATS controller.
Wait time until next XFR Wait time until next transfer attempt 0.1 to 99.9 s
Wartezeit vor neuem Transfer This parameter configures the interval between an unsuccessful transfer attempt
Limit switch reply timeout Wait time until next XFR attempt
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures the maximum number of unsuccessful transfer
3427 attempts before a switch failure will be issued. The counter for the number of
unsuccessful transition attempts will be increased with the start of each waiting
time period (parameter 3429)
Note: If this parameter is configured to “0”, the DTSC-200 will issue infinite
transfer attempts, in case the corresponding switch reply signal is not being
recognized. No “Open failure” or “Close failure” alarm will be issued.
As soon as the C1 signal (command: close to source 1) is issued, the "Limit switch reply timeout" timer
(parameter 3428) starts to count and the period for monitoring whether the S1 reply (closed to source 1) is fed
back from the ATS switch to the controller starts. The C1 signal is enabled until the "Limit switch reply timeout"
timer has expired. Thus, this defines maximum permissible pulse duration for the transfer command. If the "Limit
switch reply timeout" timer has expired, the C1 signal will be disabled. If the "Wait time until next XFR attempt"
timer (parameter 3429) has expired, the C1 signal will be enabled again and the "Limit switch reply timeout"
timer is restarted. The fail to close S1 failure is issued after exceeding the configured maximum number of
attempts. The message "Fail to close S1" will be displayed and entered into the event logger.
If the reply from the ATS controller is detected while the "Limit switch reply timeout" timer is still counting, the
C1 signal will be disabled immediately since the transfer was successful. The message is not being displayed
anymore and the reply monitoring is terminated.
Closing the ATS switch will be attempted until the maximum number of unsuccessful transition
attempts (parameter 3427) is reached. The failure will be issued after the last failed transfer attempt.
As soon as the C2 signal (command: close to source 2) is issued, the "Limit switch reply timeout" timer
(parameter 3428) starts to count and the period for monitoring whether the S2 reply (closed to source 2) is fed
back from the ATS switch to the controller starts. The C2 signal is enabled until the "Limit switch reply timeout"
timer has expired. Thus, this defines maximum permissible pulse duration for the transfer command. If the "Limit
switch reply timeout" timer has expired, the C2 signal will be disabled. If the "Wait time until next XFR attempt"
timer (parameter 3429) has expired, the C2 signal will be enabled again and the "Limit switch reply timeout"
timer is restarted. The fail to close S2 failure is issued after exceeding the configured maximum number of
attempts. The message "Fail to close S2" will be displayed and entered into the event logger.
If the reply from the ATS controller is detected while the "Limit switch reply timeout" timer is still counting, the
C2 signal will be disabled immediately since the transfer was successful. The message is not being displayed
anymore and the reply monitoring is terminated.
Closing the ATS switch will be attempted until the maximum number of unsuccessful transition
attempts (parameter 3427) is reached. The failure will be issued after the last failed transfer attempt.
If a closure failure occurs, the system always tries to close the second breaker to a good source.
As soon as the C1O signal (command: open source 1) is issued, the "Limit switch reply timeout" timer
(parameter 3428) starts to count and the period for monitoring whether the S1O reply (source 1 is open) is fed
back from the ATS switch to the controller starts. The C1O signal is enabled until the "Limit switch reply
timeout" timer has expired. Thus, this defines maximum permissible pulse duration for the transfer command. If
the "Limit switch reply timeout" timer has expired, the C1O signal will be disabled. If the "Wait time until next
XFR attempt" timer (parameter 3429) has expired, the C1O signal will be enabled again and the "Limit switch
reply timeout" timer is re-started. If the timer expires again without detecting the S1O reply, the "Fail to open S1"
failure is issued. The message "Fail to open S1" will be displayed and entered into the event logger.
If the reply from the ATS controller is detected while the "Limit switch reply timeout" timer is still counting, the
C1O signal will be disabled immediately since the transfer was successful. “Fail to open S1” will not be
displayed and reply monitoring is terminated.
Opening the ATS switch will be attempted until the maximum number of unsuccessful transition
attempts (parameter 3427) is reached. The failure will be issued after the last failed transfer attempt.
As soon as the C2O signal (command: open source 2) is issued, the "Limit switch reply timeout" timer
(parameter 3428) starts to count and the period for monitoring whether the S2O reply (source 2 is open) is fed
back from the ATS switch to the controller starts. The C2O signal is enabled until the "Limit switch reply
timeout" timer has expired. Thus, this defines maximum permissible pulse duration for the transfer command. If
the "Limit switch reply timeout" timer has expired, the C2O signal will be disabled. If the "Wait time until next
XFR attempt" timer (parameter 3429) has expired, the C2O signal will be enabled again and the "Limit switch
reply timeout" timer is re-started. If the timer expires again without detecting the S2O reply, the "Fail to open S2"
failure is issued. The message "Fail to open S2" will be displayed and entered into the event logger.
If the reply from the ATS controller is detected while the "Limit switch reply timeout" timer is still counting, the
C2O signal will be disabled immediately since the transfer was successful. “Fail to open S2” will not be
displayed and reply monitoring is terminated.
Opening the ATS switch will be attempted until the maximum number of unsuccessful transition
attempts (parameter 3427) is reached. The failure will be issued after the last failed transfer attempt.
Test Modes
There are two different types of system tests:
• Load Test
This is a test with load transfer. If a load test is requested, a failure of the preferred source will be simulated.
The non-preferred source will be started and load will be transferred to the non-preferred source.
This test serves to ensure that the complete system is ready for operation in case of a real failure of the
preferred source.
• No Load Test
This is an engine test. If a no load test is requested, only the non-preferred source will be started, but no load
transfer will be performed.
This test serves to ensure that the non-preferred source is starting and running properly.
A "No Load Test" may only be performed if the non-preferred source is a generator.
If the LogicsManager function "Load Test" becomes TRUE (by energizing a DI for example), a load test will be
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The LogicsManager and its default settings are explained on page 121 in Appendix
12640 A: "LogicsManager".
If the LogicsManager function "No Load Test" becomes TRUE (by energizing a DI for example), a no load test
will be performed.
Motor Test
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The LogicsManager and its default settings are explained on page 121 in Appendix
12650 --- A: "LogicsManager".
Timer Exerciser
This feature allows configuring up to 12 independent times, at which either a load test or a no-load test is
performed. For this, 12 independent timers are available, to configure a recurring or single-time event, on which
either a load test or a no-load test can be started.
If such a configured time is reached, a LogicsManager command variable (20.20 for load test, and 20.21 for no-
load test) will be enabled for the configured duration, which again can be used to enable the LogicsManager
functions "Load Test" (parameter 12640) or "No Load Test" (parameter 12650).
A load test will only be performed if command variable 20.20 is enabled and the "Load Test" LogicsManager
function is configured accordingly.
Figure 3-21: Test modes - load test configured for timer exerciser
A no-load test will only be performed if command variable 20.21 is enabled and the "No Load Test"
LogicsManager function is configured accordingly.
Figure 3-22: Test modes - no-load test configured for timer exerciser
The timer exercisers 1 through 12 have identical parameters for configuring the exercise time. The parameters for
timer exerciser 1 are described in the following:
Exerciser Type Exerciser type Off / Daily / Weekly / 14-Day / 28-Day / 365-Day / One Event
Testzyklus Art
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Off ................ This exercise timer is disabled
6490 Daily............. A daily exercise will be performed at the configured time
Weekly ......... A weekly exercise will be performed at the configured time
14-Day ......... A biweekly (every 14 days) exercise will be performed at the
configured time starting with a configured date
28-Day ......... A four-weekly (every 28 days) exercise will be performed at the
configured time starting with a configured date
365-Day........ A yearly (every 365 days) exercise will be performed at the
configured time starting with a configured date
One Event .... A one-time exercise will be performed at the configured date and
Depending on the setting of the "Exerciser type" (parameter 6490), some of the following settings are
not important (i.e. if a daily exercise is configured, the exerciser day of week is not important, for
Start Zeit
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The hour of the exercise start time is configured here.
Start Zeit
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The hour of the exercise start time is configured here.
Start Wochentag
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The weekday of a weekly exercise is configured here (1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday).
Start Tag
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The date of an exerciser start is configured here.
Start Monat
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The month of an exerciser start is configured here.
Start Jahr
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The year of an exerciser start is configured here (08 corresponds with 2008).
Testdauer in Stunden
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The exerciser duration in hours is configured here.
Testdauer in Minuten
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The exerciser duration in minutes is configured here.
Test Typ
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Load ............ Command variable 20.20 will be enabled for a "Load Test" at the
6498 configured time
No Load ...... Command variable 20.21 will be enabled for a "No Load Test" at
the configured time
ID Parameter Setting
6490 Exerciser Type Daily
6491 Exerciser start time hour 14 h
6492 Exerciser start time minute 30 min
6493 Exerciser start day of week N/A *
6494 Exerciser start day N/A *
6495 Exerciser start month N/A *
6499 Exerciser start year N/A *
6496 Exerciser duration hours 1h
6497 Exerciser duration minutes 40 min
6498 Exerciser test type No Load
Figure 3-24: Test modes - configuring exerciser 1 for a daily exercise
ID Parameter Setting
6503 Exerciser Type Weekly
6504 Exerciser start time hour 12 h
6505 Exerciser start time minute 00 min
6506 Exerciser start day of week 3 (Wednesday)
6507 Exerciser start day N/A *
6508 Exerciser start month N/A *
6512 Exerciser start year N/A *
6509 Exerciser duration hours 0h
6510 Exerciser duration minutes 30 min
6511 Exerciser test type Load
Figure 3-25: Test modes - configuring exerciser 2 for a weekly exercise
ID Parameter Setting
6516 Exerciser Type 14-Day
6517 Exerciser start time hour 18 h
6518 Exerciser start time minute 45 min
6519 Exerciser start day of week N/A *
6520 Exerciser start day 12
6521 Exerciser start month 10
6525 Exerciser start year 08
6522 Exerciser duration hours 2h
6523 Exerciser duration minutes 45 min
6524 Exerciser test type Load
Figure 3-26: Test modes - configuring exerciser 3 for a 14-day exercise
* N/A means that this setting is not important for the respective Exerciser Type
ID Parameter Setting
6529 Exerciser Type One Event
6530 Exerciser start time hour 08 h
6531 Exerciser start time minute 00 min
6532 Exerciser start day of week N/A *
6533 Exerciser start day 11
6534 Exerciser start month 11
6538 Exerciser start year 08
6535 Exerciser duration hours 0h
6536 Exerciser duration minutes 15 min
6537 Exerciser test type No Load
Figure 3-27: Test modes - configuring exerciser 4 for a one event exercise
* N/A means that this setting is not important for the respective Exerciser Type
If an exercise event is pending at the current date, this is indicated by the *E* in the start screen. This *E* is
displayed until the exercise event has expired. Moreover, the date of the next event is displayed in the
configuration screen of the respective event exerciser.
Figure 3-28: Test modes - display screen with pending exercise event
If a Load Test is currently running (the load is supplied by the non-preferred source), the remaining test time is
displayed as a count-down timer. The running test may be terminated using the Bypass button.
Figure 3-29: Test modes - display screen with running load test
Monitoring: Alarm Acknowledgement
Time until horn reset Self acknowledgment of the centralized alarm (horn) 0 to 1,000 s
Zeit Hupenreset
CL2 {0} {1} {2} After each alarm occurs, the alarm LED flashes and the command variable 03.05
1756 (horn) is issued. After the delay time 'time until horn reset' has expired, the flashing
LED changes into a steady light and the command variable 03.05 (horn) is reset.
The alarm LED is illuminated continuously until the alarm has been acknowledged.
Note: If this parameter is configured to 0, the horn will remain active until it will be
Ext. Quittierung
CL2 {0} {1} {2} It is possible to acknowledge all alarms simultaneously from remote, e.g. with a
12490 discrete input. The command variables of the LogicsManager have to become
TRUE twice.
The first high signal into the discrete input acknowledges the command
variable 03.05 (horn). The second high signal acknowledges all inactive
alarm messages.
The ON-delay time is the minimum time the input signals have to be "1". The OFF-
delay time is the time how long the input conditions have to be "0" before the next
high signal is accepted.
The LogicsManager and its default settings are explained on page 121 in Appendix
A: "LogicsManager".
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Limit switch monitoring evaluates the ATS limit switch replies and checks them
3430 after limit switch failure delay time (3463) for plausibility with reference to the
operating state. If the replies are not plausible, the "Actual" and "Expected" replies
are displayed.
Meanwhile, the status of the breaker replies cannot be reset with the Reset button
and all further transfers are inhibited.
A table with the actual and expected replies may be found in the Operation Manual
ON ................The replies of the ATS limit switch are evaluated and compared with
the expected replies.
OFF ..............The replies of the ATS limit switch are not evaluated.
Note: Do not enable this monitoring function before the system is commissioned
and fully operational. Otherwise, missing reply signals would lead to a limit switch
failure, which blocks the control unit. This can only be solved by wiring the reply
signals correctly or disabling this function using ToolKit. The Limit switch failure
can be reset with Reset Limit Switch Failure (12891).
Limit switch failure delay time Limit switch failure delay time 0.00 to 10.00 s
Verzög. Depending on application switching process has an impact on the limit switch
CL2 {0} {1} {2}
monitoring signal (e.g. for EMC reasons). Limit Switch Failure Delay Time (3463)
enables to eliminate known impact by waiting for stable signaling.
The preset value of 0.02 s is based on experience and valid for standard application
Note: The theoretically possible setting 0.00s would permanently trigger limit
switch monitoring (3430) – may be used for test.
Reset limit switch failure External acknowledgment of Limit switch failure LogicsManager
rücksetzen. It is possible to acknowledge Limit Switch Failure from remote (alternatively to the
CL2 {0} {1} {2}
Reset button on display), e.g. with a discrete input. The command variables of the
LogicsManager have to become TRUE.
The LogicsManager and its default settings are explained on page 121 in Appendix
A: "LogicsManager".
Spg.-Überwachung S1
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The unit can either monitor the wye voltages (phase-neutral: 3ph-4w, 1ph-3w and
1787 1ph-2w) or the delta voltages (phase-phase: 3ph-3w and 3ph-4w).
This parameter influences the protective functions.
S1 Unterspannung rücksetzen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated voltage Source 1 (parameter 1774 on
4450 page 25).
S1 Unterspannung auslösen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated voltage Source 1 (parameter 1774 on
4451 page 25).
This parameter configures the threshold, which must be fallen below to consider
source 1 as "not OK".
S1 Unterfrequenz Wächter
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures, whether underfrequency monitoring for source 1 is
4452 performed.
OFF.............. No underfrequency monitoring is performed for source 1.
ON................ Underfrequency monitoring is performed for source 1.
S1 Unterfrequenz rücksetzen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated system frequency (parameter 1750 on
4453 page 25).
S1 Unterfrequenz auslösen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated system frequency (parameter 1750 on
4454 page 25)
This parameter configures the threshold, which must be fallen below to consider
source 1 as "not OK".
S1 Überspannung Wächter
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures, whether overvoltage monitoring for source 1 is
4455 performed.
OFF.............. No overvoltage monitoring is performed for source 1.
ON................ Overvoltage monitoring is performed for source 1.
S1 Überspannung rücksetzen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated voltage Source 1 (parameter 1774 on
4456 page 25).
This parameter configures the threshold, which must be fallen below to consider
source 1 as "OK" again.
S1 Überspannung auslösen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated voltage Source 1 (parameter 1774 on
4457 page 25).
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures, whether overfrequency monitoring for source 1 is
4458 performed.
OFF.............. No overfrequency monitoring is performed for source 1.
ON................ Overfrequency monitoring is performed for source 1.
S1 Überfrequenz rücksetzen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated system frequency (parameter 1750 on
4459 page 25).
This parameter configures the threshold, which must be fallen below to consider
source 1 as "OK" again..
S1 Überfrequenz auslösen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated system frequency (parameter 1750 on
4460 page 25).
S1 Asymmetrie Wächter
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures, whether voltage imbalance monitoring for source 1 is
4461 performed.
OFF.............. No voltage imbalance monitoring is performed for source 1.
ON................ Voltage imbalance monitoring is performed for source 1.
S1 Asymmetrie rücksetzen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated voltage Source 1 (parameter 1774 on
4462 page 25).
This parameter configures the threshold, which must be fallen below to consider
source 1 as "OK" again.
S1 Asymmetrie auslösen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated voltage Source 1 (parameter 1774 on
4463 page 25).
CL2 {0} {1} {2} If the monitored voltage imbalance of source 1 exceeds the threshold value for the
3914 delay time configured here, an alarm will be issued.
Please ensure during installation that all voltages applied to this unit are wired correctly to both sides
of the circuit breaker. Failure to do so may result in damage to the control unit and/or generation
equipment due to closing the breaker asynchronous or with mismatched phase rotations and phase
rotation monitoring enabled at all connected components (engine, generator, breakers, cable, busbars,
This function may block a connection of systems with mismatched phases systems only under the
following conditions:
• The voltages being measured are wired correctly with respect to the phase rotation at the
measuring points (i.e. the voltage transformer in front and behind the circuit breaker)
• The measuring voltages are wired without angular phase shift or interruption from the measuring
point to the control unit
• The measuring voltages are wired to the correct terminals of the control unit (i.e. L1 of the
generator is connected with the terminal of the control unit which is intended for the L1 of the
Correct phase rotation of the phase voltages ensures that damage will not occur during a transfer to either source
1 or source 2. The voltage phase rotation monitoring checks the phase rotation of the voltages and the configured
phase rotation to ensure they are identical. The directions of rotation are differentiated as "clockwise" and
"counter-clockwise". With a clockwise field the direction of rotation is "L1-L2-L3"; with a counter clockwise
field the direction of rotation is "L1-L3-L2". If the control is configured for a clockwise rotation and the voltages
into the unit are calculated as counterclockwise the alarm will be initiated.
A connection to any source can occur only if the incoming source has the correct phase sequence in relation to
the source that is connected to the load. No transfer will occur if the incoming source has an incorrect phase
sequence with this parameter enabled.
S1 Drehfeldüberwachung
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures, whether phase rotation monitoring for source 1 is
4562 performed.
S1 Drehfeld
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures the phase rotation of the system. If a different phase
4563 rotation is detected at source 1, source 1 is considered as "not OK" and a transfer to
source 2 is initiated.
Spg.-Überwachung S2
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The unit can either monitor the wye voltages (phase-neutral: 3ph-4w, 1ph-3w and
1786 1ph-2w) or the delta voltages (phase-phase: 3ph-3w and 3ph-4w).
This parameter influences the protective functions.
S2 Unterspannung rücksetzen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated voltage Source 2 (parameter 1772 on
page 25).
S2 Unterspannung auslösen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated voltage Source 2 (parameter 1772 on
4466 page 25).
This parameter configures the threshold, which must be fallen below to consider
source 2 as "not OK".
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures, whether underfrequency monitoring for source 2 is
4467 performed.
OFF .............. No underfrequency monitoring is performed for source 2.
ON ................ Underfrequency monitoring is performed for source 2.
S2 Unterfrequenz rücksetzen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated system frequency (parameter 1750 on
4468 page 25).
S2 Unterfrequenz auslösen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated system frequency (parameter 1750 on
4469 page 25)
This parameter configures the threshold, which must be fallen below to consider
source 2 as "not OK".
S2 Überspannung Wächter
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures, whether overvoltage monitoring for source 2 is
4470 performed.
OFF .............. No overvoltage monitoring is performed for source 2.
ON ................ Overvoltage monitoring is performed for source 2.
S2 Überspannung rücksetzen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated voltage Source 2 (parameter 1772 on
4471 page 25).
This parameter configures the threshold, which must be fallen below to consider
source 2 as "OK" again.
S2 Überspannung auslösen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated voltage Source 2 (parameter 1772 on
4472 page 25).
S2 Überfrequenz Wächter
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures, whether overfrequency monitoring for source 2 is
4473 performed.
OFF ..............No overfrequency monitoring is performed for source 2.
ON ................Overfrequency monitoring is performed for source 2.
S2 Überfrequenz rücksetzen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated system frequency (parameter 1750 on
4474 page 25).
This parameter configures the threshold, which must be fallen below to consider
source 2 as "OK" again..
S2 Überfrequenz auslösen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated system frequency (parameter 1750 on
4475 page 25).
S2 Asymmetrie Wächter
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures, whether voltage imbalance monitoring for source 1 is
4476 performed.
OFF ..............No voltage imbalance monitoring is performed for source 1.
ON ................Voltage imbalance monitoring is performed for source 1.
S2 Asymmetrie rücksetzen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated voltage Source 2 (parameter 1772 on
4477 page 25).
This parameter configures the threshold, which must be fallen below to consider
source 2 as "OK" again..
S2 Asymmetrie auslösen
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated voltage Source 2 (parameter 1772 on
4478 page 25).
CL2 {0} {1} {2} If the monitored voltage imbalance of source 2 exceeds the threshold value for the
3904 delay time configured here, an alarm will be issued.
Please ensure during installation that all voltages applied to this unit are wired correctly to both sides
of the circuit breaker. Failure to do so may result in damage to the control unit and/or generation
equipment due to closing the breaker asynchronous or with mismatched phase rotations and phase
rotation monitoring enabled at all connected components (engine, generator, breakers, cable, busbars,
This function may block a connection of systems with mismatched phases systems only under the
following conditions:
• The voltages being measured are wired correctly with respect to the phase rotation at the
measuring points (i.e. the voltage transformer in front and behind the circuit breaker)
• The measuring voltages are wired without angular phase shift or interruption from the measuring
point to the control unit
• The measuring voltages are wired to the correct terminals of the control unit (i.e. L1 of the
generator is connected with the terminal of the control unit which is intended for the L1 of the
Correct phase rotation of the phase voltages ensures that damage will not occur during a transfer to either source
1 or source 2. The voltage phase rotation monitoring checks the phase rotation of the voltages and the configured
phase rotation to ensure they are identical. The directions of rotation are differentiated as "clockwise" and
"counter-clockwise". With a clockwise field the direction of rotation is "L1-L2-L3"; with a counter clockwise
field the direction of rotation is "L1-L3-L2". If the control is configured for a clockwise rotation and the voltages
into the unit are calculated as counterclockwise the alarm will be initiated.
A connection to any source can occur only if the incoming source has the correct phase sequence in relation to
the source that is connected to the load. No transfer will occur if the incoming source has an incorrect phase
sequence with this parameter enabled.
S2 Drehfeldüberwachung
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures, whether phase rotation monitoring for source 2 is
4566 performed.
S2 Drehfeld
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures the phase rotation of the system. If a different phase
4567 rotation is detected at source 2, source 2 is considered as "not OK" and a transfer to
source 1 is initiated.
The in-phase monitoring function is used to determine whether the phase angles of the preferred source and the
non-preferred source are in phase, i.e. whether the relative phase difference of the two sources is within specified
Whenever one power source fails, the control follows the programmed transition operation sequence. If in-phase
monitoring is enabled and both sources are available as determined by the "restore value" levels, the control shall
follow the in-phase monitoring operation sequence.
In-phase Monitoring may be used to improve the transfer with open transition switches. An open (standard)
transition transfer switch is the most simple and commonly used ATS. It may only take on two positions,
connected with source 1, or connected with source 2. If it transfers a load, this will be performed according to the
break-before-make process, i.e. the load will be disconnected from the previous source before it will be
connected with the next source. This results a dead time of approximately 160 ms (depending on the ATS) during
which the load is not connected to a source. Most of the load consumers are not affected by this dead time in the
transfer phase (lamps may only flicker, etc.), but some appliances may be effected seriously, like computers and
motor loads, etc. This could lead up data loss or equipment damage. The problem is that the consumers behave
like generators during this dead time and supply power. While some consumers are running out when changing to
the other source, very high current may flow between generator and load because the phase angles between the
two systems are not synchronous.
Inphase monitoring may be used with open, delayed, and closed transition switches. As mentioned above, high
equalizing current after a transfer may be minimized when utilizing inphase monitoring. However, the behavior
of the ATS in case of a failed inphase transition must be considered. This may happen if the generator is
equipped with a poorly adjusted frequency controller. Then, it may happen that it is not possible to achieve
synchronicity. But the load must be transferred to the other source in any case.
Refer to parameter 4582 "Outcome on in-phase timeout" for the ATS behavior in case of a failed
inphase transition.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures, whether in-phase monitoring is performed.
OFF ..............No in-phase monitoring is performed prior to a transfer.
ON ................In-phase monitoring is performed prior to a transfer. If the phase
angle between both systems is within the permissible limits, the
transfer will be performed.
If in-phase monitoring is enabled and the measurement principle for source 1 (parameter 1862) is
configured as "1Ph 2W", the measurement principle for source 2 (parameter 1861) must also be
configured as "1Ph 2W".
Monitoring: Load transfer between two utility sources with special (phase angle) conditions
To transfer the load between two utility sources for a self adjusted phase angle range is valid for
application mode UTIL-UTIL only.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures, whether special in-phase monitoring is performed if the
8820 --- --- phase angle between both mains voltages is in a defined range. This range is
defined from zero to the value of parameter 8821 Max. phase angle (see below).
OFF ..............In-phase monitoring is performed as configured with parameter 4570
In-phase monitoring (see above).
ON ................Special in-phase monitoring is performed prior to a transfer. If the
phase angle between both systems is within the adjusted limits, the
transfer will be performed.
Max. Phasenwinkel
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures the maximum admissible phase angle between both
8821 --- --- voltage systems in case of connecting synchronous mains.
The monitored range starts from 0 (zero) and goes through the value set with this
If the Max. phase angle is set to 10,
the covered range for the phase angle is 0° … 10°.
In-phase check for DLY trans. Inphase check for DLY trans ON / OFF
Sync bei verzögertem Transfer
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Note: This parameter is used only if “Delayed” transition mode is selected.
OFF.............. If parameter “Transfer switch type” is set to “Delayed”, and this
parameter is “Off”, then no In-Phase check will be performed even if
parameter “In-phase monitor” is configured to “On”. The system will
always transfer using timed neutral position in account during each
ON................ If the “Transfer switch type” is set to “Delayed”, and this parameter
is set to “On”, then the In-Phase monitoring is also active for a
delayed transition transfer. If transferring between two live sources (
S1 & S2 ) In-Phase check will always be performed and the
“Neutral” position timer will be automatically bypassed.
Application example:
Note: During commissioning it can happen that the utility company does not allow
closed transition transfers between two sources unless they have permitted the ATS
system owner to do it. In that case a key-switch can be installed to the ATS cabinet
to toggle the operating modes between “Closed” and “Delayed” transition. If set to
“Closed” transition mode, the DTSC-200 will always perform in-phase transfers
between the two sources. If the customer switches the transition mode to “Delayed”
(via the external keyswitch) and he does not want the “In-Phase monitor” to be
active, the parameter “In-Phase check for DLY transfer” shall be set to “Off”. This
ensures that “In-phase monitoring” is definitely deactivated for delayed transition
transfers even if parameter “In-phase monitor” is configured to “On”. If the
customer switches the Keyswitch back to “closed” transition mode, then the system
will perform closed transition transfers.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated voltage Source 1/2 (parameters 1774/1772 on
4571 page 25).
Positive frequency window Positive frequency window for synchronization 0.02 to 0.49 Hz
Maximaler Schlupf
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures the maximum permissible positive frequency difference
4572 between source 2 and source 1 (Δf = S2-S1).
If the frequency difference is not within the limits configured here, the
synchronization will not be enabled because the frequency difference of the source
to be connected to is too high.
Negative frequency window Negative frequency window for synchronization -0.02 to -0.49 Hz
Maximaler Schlupf
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures the minimum permissible negative frequency difference
4573 between source 2 and source 1 (Δf = S2-S1).
If the frequency difference is not within the limits configured here, the
synchronization will not be enabled because the frequency difference of the source
to be connected to is too low.
This function is only effective if the transfer switch type (parameter 3424) is configured to "Closed" and
in-phase monitoring (parameter 4570) is enabled.
If the LogicsManager function "Extended parallel time" (parameter 12860) is TRUE, the maximum
overlap time is not effective.
If a closed transition is performed, the overlap time of the make-before-break process, in which both sources are
parallel, is less than 100 ms. If this time is to be extended, an overlap timer is available to keep the transition
switch in overlap position for a configured time. The timer starts as soon as the transition switch is in overlap
position. The source, from which the transfer has been initiated, will be disconnected and the load will be
supplied by the new source as soon as this timer has expired.
Max. Synchronzeit
CL2 {0} {1} {2} 0.11 - 9.99 .... The time for which the transfer switch shall remain in overlap
4577 position is configured here.
0.10............... Special case: With this setting Overlap times below 100 ms are
possible if transfer switch is fast enough.
If one source fails before this timer expires, the failed source will automatically be disconnected.
The following example shows a typical transfer sequence from source 1 to source 2 with overlap timer:
Initial situation:
S1 S2 Load is supplied by source 1.
Final situation:
S1 S2 Load is supplied by source 2.
Open trans. Switch reac. Time Open transition switch reaction time 15 to 300 ms
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The time, which is required by the switch in open transition mode to open from
one source and close to the other source, is configured here.
This time is required for calculating the lead angle for inphase transfers.
Closed trans. Switch reac. Time Closed transition switch reaction time 15 to 300 ms
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The time, which is required by the switch in closed transition mode to close to the
4583 other source to parallel, is configured here.
This time is required for calculating the lead angle for inphase transfers.
t Transfer
It is critical that the following parameter is configured correctly to prevent incorrect synchronization
settings. This parameter cannot compensate for incorrect wiring of the system!
Vector group angle adjustment Vector group angle adjustment -180° to 180°
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter compensates phase angle deviations, which can be caused by
transformers (e.g. a delta to wye transformer) located within the electrical system.
Ensure the following parameters are configured correctly to prevent erroneous
synchronization settings. Incorrect wiring of the system cannot be compensated
for with this parameter.
Synchr. Zeitüberschr.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter configures the maximum time for attempting to detect
synchronization. This timer starts to count as soon as inphase monitoring is enabled
prior to a transfer. If synchronicity is detected between the two sources, the transfer
command will be issued. The timer will be bypassed.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter determines the behavior of the unit after unsuccessful
4582 synchronization using the following 2 options:
If a load test is requested and inphase monitoring is enabled (parameter 4570 is
configured to "ON"), the inphase timeout timer (parameter 4576) starts prior to a
transfer and the unit attempts to detect synchronization between the two sources. If
no synchronization can be detected before the timer expires (because of a
misadjusted voltage or speed controller at the engine for example), the behavior
configured here determines the further transfer proceeding.
If Abort is configured here, the complete transfer request will be aborted. This
means that all remote start requests (like load test) will be ignored if they are still
present and the system will remain on the available source.
Ext. permit for cld. trans. Ext. permit for cld. trans. ON / OFF
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to in-phase monitoring (parameter 4570). This parameter
4584 must be configured to “On”.
Freig. LS Überlappung
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The LogicsManager and its default settings are explained on page 121 in Appendix
12880 A: "LogicsManager".
This parameter is only visible if “Ext. permit for cld. trans.” (parameter 4584 is
configured to “On”.
Monitoring: Overcurrent
Current is monitored depending on the parameters 1860 "S2 Load current measuring" and 1863 "S1 Load current
measuring". Only the current of the source, which is connected to the load, is measured, because the CT is
located at the load connection. The load overcurrent alarm contains three limits and can be setup as a step definite
time overcurrent alarm as illustrated in the figure below. Monitoring of the maximum phase current is performed
in three steps. Every step can be provided with a delay time independent of the other steps.
If this protective function is triggered, the alarm list indicates "Overcurrent 1", "Overcurrent 2", or
"Overcurrent 3".
IRated [%]
Lim.1 < Lim.2 < Lim.3
t[Lim.1] > t[Lim.2] > t[Lim.3]
Lim.3 [%/IRated]
Protected Area
Lim.2 [%/IRated]
Lim.1 [%/IRated]
CL2 {0} {1} {2} ON................ Overcurrent monitoring is carried out according to the following
2200 parameters. Monitoring is performed at three levels. All three values
2212 may be configured independent from each other (prerequisite:
Level 1 < Level 2 < Level 3).
OFF.............. Monitoring is disabled for level 1, level 2, and/or level 3.
Limit Load overcurrent, TOC: Threshold value (Level 1/Level 2/Level 3) 50.0 to 300.0 %
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated current (parameter 1754, see page 25).
2216 The percentage values that are to be monitored for each threshold limit are defined
here. If this value is reached or exceeded for at least the delay time without
interruption, an alarm is issued.
Delay Load overcurrent, TOC: Delay (Level 1/Level 2/Level 3) 0.02 to 99.99 s
CL2 {0} {1} {2} If the monitored load current exceeds the threshold value for the delay time
2205 configured here, an alarm will be issued. If the monitored load current falls below
2217 the threshold (minus the hysteresis) before the delay expires the time will be reset.
Self acknowledge Load overcurrent, TOC: Self acknowledgment (Level 1/Level 2/Level 3) ON / OFF
CL2 {0} {1} {2} YES .............. The control automatically clears the alarm if it is no longer valid.
NO................ An automatic reset of the alarm does not occur. The reset occurs
2214 manually by pressing the appropriate buttons, by activating the
LogicsManager output "External acknowledgement" via an discrete
input, or via an interface.
Monitoring: Overload
Power is monitored depending on the parameters 1861 "S2 voltage measuring", 1862 "S1 voltage measuring",
1860 "S2 Load current measuring" and 1863 "S1 Load current measuring". Only the power of the source, which
is connected to the load, is measured, because the CT is located at the load connection. If the real power is above
the configured limit an alarm will be issued.
If this protective function is triggered, the alarm list indicates "Overload 1" or "Overload 2".
Limit level 2
Limit level P2Hysteresis
Limit level 1
Limit level 1Hysteresis
Rated value
[100 %]
delay level 1 delay level 1 delay level 1 delay level 1
Alarm level 1
(Alarm limit 1)
Alarm level 2
(Alarm limit 2)
CL2 {0} {1} {2} ON................ Overload monitoring is carried out according to the following
2300 parameters. Monitoring is performed at two levels. Both values may
be configured independent from each other (prerequisite: limit 1
< limit 2).
OFF.............. Monitoring is disabled for level 1 and/or level 2.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value refers to the Rated active power (parameter 1752, see page 25).
The percentage values that are to be monitored for each threshold limit are defined
here. If this value is reached or exceeded for at least the delay time without
interruption, an alarm is issued.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} If the monitored load exceeds the threshold value for the delay time configured
2305 here, an alarm will be issued. If the monitored load falls below the threshold (minus
the hysteresis) before the delay expires the time will be reset.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} YES .............. The control automatically clears the alarm if it is no longer valid.
NO................ An automatic reset of the alarm does not occur. The reset occurs
manually by pressing the appropriate buttons, by activating the
LogicsManager output "External acknowledgement" via an discrete
input, or via an interface.
S1 start fail delay time Source 1 start fail: delay time 1 to 6500 s
S1 Startfehler Zeit
CL2 {0} {1} {2} If the "S1 start delay" timer has expired, the engine start signal will be issued. If the
3341 --- ---
"engine start" relay de-energizes, "Source 1 start fail delay" timer starts to count.
Now, the controller expects the engine to start within the time configured here. If
this time will be exceeded, a "Start Fail S1" alarm will be issued.
S2 start fail delay time Source 2 start fail: delay time 1 to 6500 s
S2 Startfehler Zeit
CL2 {0} {1} {2} If the "S2 start delay" timer has expired, the engine start signal will be issued. If the
3331 "engine start" relay de-energizes, "Source 2 start fail delay" timer starts to count.
Now, the controller expects the engine to start within the time configured here. If
this time will be exceeded, a "Start Fail S2" alarm will be issued.
Limit level 2
Limit level P2Hysteresis
Limit level 1
Limit level 1Hysteresis
Rated value
[100 %]
delay level 1 delay level 1 delay level 1 delay level 1
Alarm level 1
(Alarm limit 1)
Alarm level 2
(Alarm limit 2)
Monitoring Battery overvoltage: Monitoring (Level 1/Level 2) ON / OFF
CL2 {0} {1} {2} ON ................Overvoltage monitoring of the battery voltage is carried out
3450 according to the following parameters.
OFF ..............Monitoring is disabled for level 1 and/or level 2.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The threshold values that are to be monitored are defined here. If the monitored
3454 battery voltage reaches or exceeds this value for at least the delay time without
interruption, an alarm is issued.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} If the monitored battery voltage exceeds the threshold value for the delay time
3455 configured here, an alarm will be issued. If the monitored battery voltage falls
below the threshold (minus the hysteresis) before the delay expires the time will be
CL2 {0} {1} {2} YES ..............The control automatically clears the alarm if it is no longer valid.
3452 NO ................An automatic reset of the alarm does not occur. The reset occurs
manually by pressing the appropriate buttons, by activating the
LogicsManager output "External acknowledgement" via an discrete
input, or via an interface.
Rated value
[100 %]
Alarm level 1
(Alarm limit 1)
Alarm level 2
(Alarm limit 2)
Monitoring Battery undervoltage: Monitoring (Level 1/Level 2) ON / OFF
CL2 {0} {1} {2} ON ................Undervoltage monitoring of the battery voltage is carried out
3500 according to the following parameters.
OFF ..............Monitoring is disabled for level 1 and/or level 2.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The threshold values that are to be monitored are defined here. If the monitored
3504 battery voltage reaches or falls below this value for at least the delay time without
interruption, an alarm is issued.
The default monitoring limit for battery undervoltage is 24 Vdc after 60 seconds.
This is because in normal operation the terminal voltage is approximately 26 Vdc
(alternator charged battery).
CL2 {0} {1} {2} If the battery voltage falls below the threshold value for the delay time configured
3505 here, an alarm will be issued. If the battery voltage exceeds the threshold (plus the
hysteresis) again before the delay expires the time will be reset.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} YES ..............The control automatically clears the alarm if it is no longer valid.
3502 NO ................An automatic reset of the alarm does not occur. The reset occurs
manually by pressing the appropriate buttons, by activating the
LogicsManager output "External acknowledgement" via an discrete
input, or via an interface.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} ON................ Monitoring of the CANopen interface is carried out according to the
3150 following parameters.
OFF.............. Monitoring is disabled.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The delay is configured with this parameter. If the interface does not receive a
3154 CANopen protocol message before the delay expires, an alarm is issued. The delay
timer is re-initialized after every message is received.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} YES .............. The control automatically clears the alarm if it is no longer valid.
3152 NO................ An automatic reset of the alarm does not occur. The reset occurs
manually by pressing the appropriate buttons, by activating the
LogicsManager output "External acknowledgement" via an discrete
input, or via an interface.
This protection is only available if an external digital I/O board (e.g. IKD 1) is connected.
Discrete Inputs
Number Terminal Function
Internal discrete inputs
[DI 1] 51 Reply from ATS limit switch: Breaker in source 1 position [S1]
[DI 2] 52 Reply from ATS limit switch: Breaker in source 2 position [S2]
[DI 3] 53 Reply from ATS limit switch: Breaker in source 1 open position [S1O] #1
[DI 4] 54 Reply from ATS limit switch: Breaker in source 2 open position [S2O] #1
[DI 5] 55 Control input (LogicsManager), pre-assigned with Inhibit ATS
[DI 6] 56 Control input (LogicsManager)
[DI 7] 57 Control input (LogicsManager)
[DI 8] 58 Control input (LogicsManager)
[DI 9] 59 Control input (LogicsManager)
[DI 10] 60 Control input (LogicsManager)
[DI 11] 61 Control input (LogicsManager)
[DI 12] 62 Control input (LogicsManager)
External discrete inputs (via CANopen; not included in DTSC delivery; can be e.g. IKD1, etc.)
[Dex01] --- Control input (LogicsManager)
[Dex02] --- Control input (LogicsManager)
[Dex03] --- Control input (LogicsManager)
[Dex04] --- Control input (LogicsManager)
[Dex05] --- Control input (LogicsManager)
[Dex06] --- Control input (LogicsManager)
[Dex07] --- Control input (LogicsManager)
[Dex08] --- Control input (LogicsManager)
[Dex09] --- Control input (LogicsManager)
[Dex10] --- Control input (LogicsManager)
[Dex11] --- Control input (LogicsManager)
[Dex12] --- Control input (LogicsManager)
[Dex13] --- Control input (LogicsManager)
[Dex14] --- Control input (LogicsManager)
[Dex15] --- Control input (LogicsManager)
[Dex16] --- Control input (LogicsManager)
#1..If the transfer switch type (parameter 3424) is configured to "Standard", this DI may be used as control input (LogicsManager)
Table 3-7: Discrete inputs - assignment
Discrete inputs may be configured to normally open (N.O.) or normally closed (N.C.) states. In the state N.O., no
potential is present during normal operation; if a control operation is performed, the input is energized. In the
state N.C., a potential is continuously present during normal operation; if a control operation is performed, the
input is de-energized.
Vdc (GND)
Discrete input (N.O.)
GND (Vdc)
Vdc (GND)
Discrete input (N.C.)
GND (Vdc)
Figure 3-36: Discrete inputs - control inputs - operation logic
The discrete inputs for the breaker position reply messages (DIs 1 through 4) are fixed to N.C. and are
evaluated as N.C., i.e. the breaker is considered as "in position" if the respective DI is de-energized.
DI {x} Funktion
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The discrete inputs may be operated by an normally open (N.O.) or normally closed
1281 (N.C.) contact. The idle circuit current input can be used to monitor for a wire
break. A positive or negative voltage polarity referred to the reference point of the
DI may be applied.
N.O............... The discrete input is analyzed as "enabled" by energizing the input
(normally open).
N.C. .............. The discrete input is analyzed as "enabled" by de-energizing the input
(normally closed).
DI {x} Verzögerung
CL2 {0} {1} {2} A delay time in seconds can be assigned to each alarm or control input. The discrete
1280 input must be enabled without interruption for the delay time before the unit reacts.
If the discrete input is used within the LogicsManager this delay is taken into
account as well.
The preceding parameters are used to configure the discrete inputs 5 through 12. The parameter IDs refer to DI 5.
Refer to Table 3-8 for the parameter IDs of the parameters DI 6 through DI 12. The DIs 1 through 4 are fixed for
breaker position feedback signals to the settings, which are indicated in the List Of Parameters starting on
page 143 and cannot be configured. However, they may still be used for other purposes if the breaker position
feedback signals are not used.
DI 5 DI 6 DI 7 DI 8 DI 9 DI 10 DI 11 DI 12
Operation 1281 1301 1321 1341 1361 1381 1206 1226
Delay 1280 1300 1320 1340 1360 1380 1205 1225
Table 3-8: Discrete inputs - parameter IDs
If a Woodward IKD 1 or other external expansion board (Phoenix BK 16DiDo) is connected to the DTSC via the
CAN bus, it is possible to use 16 additional discrete inputs.
The configuration of these external DIs is performed in a similar way like for the internal DIs. Refer to Table 3-9
for the parameter IDs of the parameters for external DIs 1 through 16.
External DI 1 DI 2 DI 3 DI 4 DI 5 DI 6 DI 7 DI 8
Operation 16001 16011 16021 16031 16041 16051 16061 16071
Delay 16000 16010 16020 16030 16040 16050 16060 16070
External DI 9 DI 10 DI 11 DI 12 DI 13 DI 14 DI 15 DI 16
Operation 16081 16091 16101 16111 16121 16131 16141 16151
Delay 16080 16090 16100 16110 16120 16130 16140 16150
Table 3-9: External discrete inputs - parameter IDs
Some outputs are assigned a function according to the application mode (see following table).
Relay Function
Number Term.
Internal relay outputs
[R 1] 31/32 'Ready for operation '; additionally programmable with LogicsManager
[R 2] 31/33 LogicsManager
[R 3] 31/34 LogicsManager
[R 4] 35/36/37 LogicsManager
[R 5] 39/40/41 LogicsManager (pre-defined with engine 2 start)
[R 6] 42/43 LogicsManager (pre-defined with command: close to source 1 position) [C1]
[R 7] 44/45 LogicsManager (pre-defined with command: close to source 2 position) [C2]
[R 8] 46/47 LogicsManager (pre-defined with command: open from source 1 to neutral position) [C1O]
[R 9] 48/49 LogicsManager (pre-defined with command: open from source 2 to neutral position) [C2O]
External relay output (via CANopen; not included in DTSC-200 delivery; can be an expansion card like IKD1)
[Rex01] --- LogicsManager
[Rex02] --- LogicsManager
[Rex03] --- LogicsManager
[Rex04] --- LogicsManager
[Rex05] --- LogicsManager
[Rex06] --- LogicsManager
[Rex07] --- LogicsManager
[Rex08] --- LogicsManager
[Rex09] --- LogicsManager
[Rex10] --- LogicsManager
[Rex11] --- LogicsManager
[Rex12] --- LogicsManager
[Rex13] --- LogicsManager
[Rex14] --- LogicsManager
[Rex15] --- LogicsManager
[Rex16] --- LogicsManager
Table 3-10: Relay outputs - Assignment
Relais {x}
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Once the conditions of the LogicsManager have been fulfilled, the relay will be
12580 energized. The LogicsManager and its default settings are explained on page 121 in
Appendix A: "LogicsManager".
Above parameter IDs refers to R 1. Refer to Table 3-11 for the parameter IDs of the parameters for R 2 to R 9.
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9
Parameter ID 12580 12110 12310 12320 12130 12140 12150 12160 12170
Table 3-11: Discrete outputs - parameter IDs
If a Woodward IKD 1 or other external expansion board (Phoenix BK 16DiDo) is connected to the DTSC via the
CAN bus, it is possible to use 16 additional discrete outputs.
The configuration of these external DOs is performed in a similar way like for the internal DOs. Refer to Table
3-12 for the parameter IDs of the parameters for external DOs 1 through 16.
DO 1 DO 2 DO 3 DO 4 DO 5 DO 6 DO 7 DO 8
Parameter ID 12330 12340 12350 12360 12370 12380 12390 12400
DO 9 DO 10 DO 11 DO 12 DO 13 DO 14 DO 15 DO 16
Parameter ID 12410 12420 12430 12440 12450 12460 12470 12480
Table 3-12: External discrete outputs - parameter IDs
Configure Counters: Operation Hours, kWh, and kvarh
Counter value preset Counter: Set point value for counters 0 to 99,999,999
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value is utilized to set the hours in the following parameters:
• kWh counter
• kvarh counter
The number entered into this parameter is the number that will be set to the
parameters listed above when they are enabled.
S1 Wirkarbeit [0,00MWh]
CL2 {0} {1} {2} YES .............. The current value of this counter is overwritten with the value
2514 configured in "set point value for counters". After the counter has
been (re)set, this parameter changes back to "NO" automatically.
NO ............... The value of this counter is not changed.
S1 Blindarbeit [0,00Mvarh]
CL2 {0} {1} {2} YES .............. The current value of this counter is overwritten with the value
2516 configured in "set point value for counters". After the counter has
been (re)set, this parameter changes back to "NO" automatically.
NO ............... The value of this counter is not changed.
Transfers nach S1
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter is used to configure the transfer counters to a pre-set value, or
2576 reset it to “0” in case a new transfer switch has been build into the ATS cabinet.
The counter for “Transfers to S1” counts, how often the ATS switch has been
closed to the Source 1 position.
S2 Wirkarbeit [0,00MWh]
CL2 {0} {1} {2} YES .............. The current value of this counter is overwritten with the value
2510 configured in "set point value for counters". After the counter has
been (re)set, this parameter changes back to "NO" automatically.
NO ............... The value of this counter is not changed.
S2 Blindarbeit [0,00Mvarh]
CL2 {0} {1} {2} YES .............. The current value of this counter is overwritten with the value
2511 configured in "set point value for counters". After the counter has
been (re)set, this parameter changes back to "NO" automatically.
NO ............... The value of this counter is not changed.
Transfers nach S2
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter is used to configure the transfer counters to a pre-set value, or
2577 reset it to “0” in case a new transfer switch has been build into the ATS cabinet.
The counter for “Transfers to S2” counts, how often the ATS switch has been
closed to the Source 2 position.
Example: The counter value preset (parameter 2515 on page 100) is configured to "3456".
If parameter 2510 will be configured to YES, the S2 active power counter will be set to 34.56MWh.
LogicsManager: Internal Flags
Internal flags within the LogicsManager logical outputs may be programmed and used for multiple functions. For
conditions and explanation of programming please refer to page 121 in chapter "LogicsManager").
Merker {x]
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The flags may be used as auxiliary flags for complex combinations by using the
yyyyy logical output of these flags as command variable for other logical outputs.
Flag 1 is also used as placeholder in other logical combinations. Flag 8 is preset with a timer start.
LogicsManager: Timer
LogicsManager: Daily Time Set Point
Utilizing the LogicsManager it is possible to establish specific times of the day that functions (i.e. generator
exerciser) can be enabled. The two daily time set points are activated each day at the configured time. Using the
LogicsManager these set points may be configured individually or combined to create a time range.
Setpoint {x}: Hour Timer: Daily time set point {x} [x = 1/2]: hour 0 to 23 h
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Enter the hour of the daily time set point here. Example:
1652 0.................... 0th hour of the day (midnight).
23.................. 23rd hour of the day (11pm).
Setpoint {x}: Minute Timer: Daily time set point {x} [x = 1/2]: minute 0 to 59 min
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Enter the minute of the daily time set point here. Example:
1651 0.................... 0th minute of the hour.
59.................. 59th minute of the hour.
Setpoint {x}: Second Timer: Daily time set point {x} [x = 1/2]: second 0 to 59 s
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Enter the second of the daily time set point here. Example
1650 0.................... 0th second of the minute.
59.................. 59th second of the minute.
Aktiver Tag
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Enter the day of the active switch point here. Example:
1663 01.................. 1st day of the month.
31.................. 31st day of the month.
The active time set point is enabled during the indicated day from 0:00:00 hours to
23:59:59 hours.
Aktive Stunde
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Enter the hour of the active switch point here. Example:
1662 0.................... 0th hour of the day.
23.................. 23rd hour if the day.
The active time set point is enabled every day during the indicated hour from
minute 0 to minute 59.
Aktive Minute
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Enter the minute of the active switch point here. Example:
1661 0.................... 0th minute of the hour.
59.................. 59th minute of the hour.
The active time set point is enabled every hour during the indicated minute from
second 0 to second 59.
Active second Timer: Active time set point: second 0 to 59 s
Aktive Sekunde
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Enter the second of the active switch point here. Example:
1660 0 ....................0th second of the minute.
59 ..................59th second the minute.
The active time set point is enabled every minute during the indicated second.
Monday active Timer: Weekly time set points Monday: days YES / NO
Montag aktiv
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Please enter the days of the weekly workdays.
1670 Monday ........... YES - The switch point is enabled every Monday
NO - The switch point is disabled every Monday
Tuesday active Timer: Weekly time set points Tuesday: days YES / NO
Dienstag aktiv
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Please enter the days of the weekly workdays.
1671 Tuesday ........... YES - The switch point is enabled every Tuesday
NO - The switch point is disabled every Tuesday
Wednesday active Timer: Weekly time set points Wednesday: days YES / NO
Mittwoch aktiv
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Please enter the days of the weekly workdays.
1672 Wednesday ..... YES - The switch point is enabled every Wednesday
NO - The switch point is disabled every Wednesday
Thursday active Timer: Weekly time set points Thursday: days YES / NO
Donnerstag aktiv
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Please enter the days of the weekly workdays.
1673 Thursday......... YES - The switch point is enabled every Thursday
NO - The switch point is disabled every Thursday
Friday active Timer: Weekly time set points Friday: days YES / NO
Freitag aktiv
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Please enter the days of the weekly workdays.
1674 Friday.............. YES - The switch point is enabled every Friday
NO - The switch point is disabled every Friday
Saturday active Timer: Weekly time set points Saturday: days YES / NO
Samstag aktiv
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Please enter the days of the weekly workdays.
1675 Saturday ......... YES - The switch point is enabled every Saturday
NO - The switch point is disabled every Saturday
Sunday active Timer: Weekly time set points Sunday: days YES / NO
Sonntag aktiv
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Please enter the days of the weekly workdays.
Sunday ............ YES - The switch point is enabled every Sunday
NO - The switch point is disabled every Sunday
Please refer to the Interface Manual 37486 for a detailed description of the interface parameters.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} So that this control unit may be positively identified on the CAN bus, the unit
1702 address must be set in this parameter. The address may only be represented once on
the CAN bus. All other addresses on the CAN bus are calculated on the basis of the
address entered in this parameter.
The CAN bus is a field bus and subject to various disturbances. Therefore, it cannot be guaranteed that
every request will be answered. We recommend repeating a request, which is not answered within
reasonable time.
Baudrate CAN bus: Baud rate 20 / 50 / 100 / 125 / 250 / 500 / 800 / 1,000 kBaud
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter defines the used Baud rate. Please note, that all participants on the
3156 CAN bus must use the same Baud rate.
CAN-open Master
CL2 {0} {1} {2} YES ..............The DTSC-200 is the CANopen Master.
The unit automatically changes into operational mode and transmits
Remote Start messages since Broadcast
Attached external devices were configured from the unit with SDO
messages. The unit sends a SYNC message all 20ms on COB ID 80
NO ................The DTSC-200 is a CANopen Slave.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Independent from the CANopen Master configuration, the unit transmits a heartbeat
9120 message with this configured heartbeat cycle time. If the producer heartbeat time is
equal 0, the heartbeat will only be sent as response to a remote frame request. The
time configured here will be rounded up to the next 20 ms step.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter defines whether the unit generates the SYNC message or not.
Complies with CANopen specification: object 1005, subindex 0; defines the COB ID of the
synchronization object (SYNC). The structure of this object is shown in the following tables:
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter starts the configuration of external Phoenix expansion boards.
Proceed as follows to configure an external device:
• Connect external device
• Configure parameters at the DTSC (Node ID, DI/Os, AI/Os)
• Set this parameter to “Yes”
• Verify the successful configuration of the external device
Note: This parameter can only be used to configure a Phoenix expansion board.
Refer to the IKD 1 manual 37135 for configuring the IKD 1 expansion boards.
2nd Client->Server COB-ID (rx) CAN bus: Client->Server COB-ID (rx) 1 to FFFFFFFF
2. Client->Server COB-ID (rx)
CL2 {0} {1} {2} In a multi-master application, each master must have a unique identifier (Node ID)
to be able to receive remote signals (i.e. acknowledge). The additional SDO
channel will be made available by configuring this Node ID to a value different
than zero. This is the additional CAN ID for the PLC.
2nd Server->Client COB-ID (tx) CAN bus: Server-> Client COB-ID (tx) 1 to FFFFFFFF
CL2 {0} {1} {2} In a multi-master application, each master must have a unique identifier (Node ID)
9022 to be able to receive remote signals (i.e. acknowledge). The additional SDO
channel will be made available by configuring this Node ID to a value different
than zero. This is the additional CAN ID for the unit.
3rd Client->Server COB-ID (rx) CAN bus: Client->Server COB-ID (rx) 1 to FFFFFFFF
CL2 {0} {1} {2} In a multi-master application, each master must have a unique identifier (Node ID)
9024 to be able to receive remote signals (i.e. acknowledge). The additional SDO
channel will be made available by configuring this Node ID to a value different
than zero. This is the additional CAN ID for the PLC.
3rd Server->Client COB-ID (tx) CAN bus: Server-> Client COB-ID (tx) 1 to FFFFFFFF
CL2 {0} {1} {2} In a multi-master application, each master must have a unique identifier (Node ID)
9026 to be able to receive remote signals (i.e. acknowledge). The additional SDO
channel will be made available by configuring this Node ID to a value different
than zero. This is the additional CAN ID for the unit.
4th Client->Server COB-ID (rx) CAN bus: Client->Server COB-ID (rx) 1 to FFFFFFFF
CL2 {0} {1} {2} In a multi-master application, each master must have a unique identifier (Node ID)
9028 to be able to receive remote signals (i.e. acknowledge). The additional SDO
channel will be made available by configuring this Node ID to a value different
than zero. This is the additional CAN ID for the PLC.
4th Server->Client COB-ID (tx) CAN bus: Server-> Client COB-ID (tx) 1 to FFFFFFFF
CL2 {0} {1} {2} In a multi-master application, each master must have a unique identifier (Node ID)
9030 to be able to receive remote signals (i.e. acknowledge). The additional SDO
channel will be made available by configuring this Node ID to a value different
than zero. This is the additional CAN ID for the unit.
5th Client->Server COB-ID (rx) CAN bus: Client->Server COB-ID (rx) 1 to FFFFFFFF
CL2 {0} {1} {2} In a multi-master application, each master must have a unique identifier (Node ID)
9032 to be able to receive remote signals (i.e. acknowledge). The additional SDO
channel will be made available by configuring this Node ID to a value different
than zero. This is the additional CAN ID for the PLC.
5th Server->Client COB-ID (tx) CAN bus: Server-> Client COB-ID (tx) 1 to FFFFFFFF
CL2 {0} {1} {2} In a multi-master application, each master must have a unique identifier (Node ID)
9034 to be able to receive remote signals (i.e. acknowledge). The additional SDO
channel will be made available by configuring this Node ID to a value different
than zero. This is the additional CAN ID for the unit.
The COB IDs must be entered in decimal numbers in ToolKit and in hexadecimal numbers in the unit.
Here are some important conversions:
Hexadecimal value Decimal value
80h 128
181h 385
201h 513
281h 641
301h 769
381h 897
401h 1025
481h 1153
501h 1281
581h 1409
601h 1537
80000000h 2147483648
Interfaces: CAN BUS: CANopen: Receive PDO (RPDO) {x} ({x} = 1/2)
Object Dictionary
xxxxh Application Object 1
PDO Mapping
0 3
1 yyyyh 1
2 zzzzh 1 yyyyh Application Object 2
3 xxxxh 1
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter contains the communication parameters for the PDOs, the device is
9300 able to receive.
Complies with CANopen specification: object 1400 (for RPDO 1 and 1401 for RPDO 2), subindex 1.
The structure of this object is shown in the following tables:
PDO valid / not valid allows selecting, which PDOs are used in the operational state.
The COB-IDs have to be configured different, even if one RPDO is configured to "no func.".
Function Function for RPDO 1/2 no func. / 1st IKD /2nd IKD / Bk 16DIDO
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The unit provides pre-configured CAN bus settings for the connection of different
9050 units. The unit to be connected must be selected here.
No func. ....... No external unit is selected for connection. The CAN bus is disabled.
Values are not sent or received.
1st IKD ......... The unit is pre-configured for the connection of a Woodward IKD 1
expansion board.
2nd IKD ........ The unit is pre-configured for the connection of a second Woodward
IKD 1 expansion board.
BK 16 DIDO The unit is pre-configured for the connection of a Phoenix Contact
BK 16 DIDO expansion board.
Read: If PDO1 is configured as 1. IKD, then PDO2 can only be configured as either 2. IKD or "no func.".
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Node-ID of the attached device. The SDO messages were sent on the standard
9060 SDO-IDs or the answers were expected.
RPDO-COP-ID ext. device {x} RPDO-COB-ID ext. device 1 1 to FFFFFFFF
RPDO-COP-ID ext. Gerät {x}
CL2 {0} {1} {2} Value to be written in the object 1800h sub index 1h of the external device.
COB-IDs already used in other PDOs should be used.
COB-IDs in a CANopen device after loading the standard values:
280h + Node-ID = 640 + Node-ID Object 1801h Subindex 1
380h + Node-ID = 896 + Node-ID Object 1802h Subindex 1
480h + Node-ID = 1152 + Node-ID Object 1803h Subindex 1
The receiving COB-IDs are preallocated:
300h + Node-ID = 768 + Node-ID Object 1401h Subindex 1
400h + Node-ID = 1024 + Node-ID Object 1402h Subindex 1
500h + Node-ID = 1280 + Node-ID Object 1403h Subindex 1.
Problems may be encountered if a COB-ID is assigned multiple times.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter contains the communication parameters for the PDOs the unit is
9600 able to transmit. The unit transmits data (i.e. visualization data) on the CAN ID
9620 configured here.
Complies with CANopen specification: object 1800 for (TPDO 1, 1801 for TPDO 2, 1802 for TPDO 3,
and 1803 for TPDO 4), subindex 1. The structure of this object is shown in the following tables:
PDO valid / not valid allows selecting, which PDOs are used in the operational state.
Transmission type
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter contains the communication parameters for the PDOs the unit is
9602 able to transmit. It defines whether the unit broadcasts all data automatically (value
9622 254 or 255) or only upon request with the configured address of the COB ID SYNC
message (parameter 9100).
Complies with CANopen specification: object 1800 (for TPDO 1, 1801 for TPDO 2, 1802 for TPDO 3,
and 1803 for TPDO 4), subindex 2. The description of the transmission type is shown in the following
A value between 1 and 240 means that the PDO is transferred synchronously and cyclically. The
transmission type indicating the number of SYNC, which is necessary to trigger PDO transmissions.
Receive PDOs are always triggered by the following SYNC upon reception of data independent of the
transmission types 0 to 240. For TPDOs, transmission type 254 and 255 means, the application event is
the event timer.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter contains the communication parameters for the PDOs the unit is
9604 able to transmit. The broadcast cycle for the transmitted data is configured here.
9624 The time configured here will be rounded up to the next 5 ms step.
Complies with CANopen specification: object 1800 (for TPDO 1, 1801 for TPDO 2, 1802 for TPDO 3,
and 1803 for TPDO 4), subindex 5
Number of Mapped Objects CAN bus 1: Transmit PDO 1 - Number of mapped objects 0 to 4
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter contains the mapping for the PDOs the unit is able to transmit. This
9609 number is also the number of the application variables, which shall be transmitted
9629 with the corresponding PDO.
Complies with CANopen specification: object 1A00 (for TPDO 1, 1A01 for TPDO 2, 1A02 for TPDO 3,
and 1A03 for TPDO 4), subindex 0
1. Mapped Objekt
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter contains the information about the mapped application variables.
9605 These entries describe the PDO contents by their index. The sub-index is always 1.
9625 The length is determined automatically.
Complies with CANopen specification: object 1A00 (for TPDO 1, 1A01 for TPDO 2, 1A02 for TPDO 3,
and 1A03 for TPDO 4), subindex 1
2. Mapped Objekt
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter contains the information about the mapped application variables.
9606 These entries describe the PDO contents by their index. The sub-index is always 1.
9626 The length is determined automatically.
Complies with CANopen specification: object 1A00 (for TPDO 1, 1A01 for TPDO 2, 1A02 for TPDO 3,
and 1A03 for TPDO 4), subindex 2
3. Mapped Object CAN bus 1: Transmit PDO 1 - 3. Mapped object 0 to 65535
3. Mapped Objekt
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter contains the information about the mapped application variables.
9607 These entries describe the PDO contents by their index. The sub-index is always 1.
9627 The length is determined automatically.
Complies with CANopen specification: object 1A00 (for TPDO 1, 1A01 for TPDO 2, 1A02 for TPDO 3,
and 1A03 for TPDO 4), subindex 3
4. Mapped Objekt
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter contains the information about the mapped application variables.
9608 These entries describe the PDO contents by their index. The sub-index is always 1.
9628 The length is determined automatically.
Complies with CANopen specification: object 1A00 (for TPDO 1, 1A01 for TPDO 2, 1A02 for TPDO 3,
and 1A03 for TPDO 4), subindex 4
CANopen allows sending 8 byte of data with each Transmit PDO. These may be defined separately if no
pre-defined data protocol is used.
All data protocol parameters with a parameter ID may be sent as an object with a CANopen Transmit
In this case, the data length will be taken from the data byte column (refer to the Data Protocols section
in the Interface Manual 37486):
• 1,2 UNSIGNED16 or SIGNED16
• 3,4 UNSIGNED16 or SIGNED16
• 5,6 UNSIGNED16 or SIGNED16
• 1,2,3,4 UNSIGNED32 or SIGNED32
• 3,4,5,6 UNSIGNED32 or SIGNED32
• etc.
The object ID is identical with the parameter ID when configuring via front panel or ToolKit.
Baudrate Serial interface: Baud rate 2.4 / 4.8 / 9.6 / 14.4 / 19.2 / 38.4 / 65 / 115 kBaud
CL2 {0} {1} {2} A DPC (P/N 5417-557 or 5417-1257) must be used for connecting the
3163 control unit from the service interface to a PC or to another participant.
The serial interface of this unit connects to an RJ45-plug on the side of the
housing. This parameter defines the baud rate that communications will be
performed. Please note, that all participants on the service interface must use the
same Baud rate.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The used parity of the service interface is set here.
Stop Bits
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The number of stop bits is set here.
Baudrate Serial interface 2: Baud rate 2.4 / 4.8 / 9.6 / 14.4 / 19.2 / 38.4 / 56 / 115 kBaud
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter defines the baud rate for communications. Please note, that all
3170 participants on the service interface must use the same baud rate.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The used parity of the service interface is set here.
Stop Bits
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The number of stop bits is set here.
ModBus Slave ID
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The Modbus device address is entered here, which is used to identify the device
3185 via Modbus. If 0 is entered here, the Modbus Slave module is disabled.
Modbus Reply delay time Serial interface: Reply delay time 0.00 to 0.20 s
Antwort This is the minimum delay time between a request from the Modbus master and
CL2 {0} {1} {2}
the sent response of the slave. This time is also required if an external interface
converter to RS-485 is used for example. Please note that you also need the
DPC (refer to page 14) in this case.
System: Configure Display Backlight
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter determines the behavior of the display backlight. The following
4556 options are available:
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This parameter is only visible if parameter 4556 has been configured to
4557 "Key actv.".
If no softkey has been pressed for the time configured here, the display backlight
will be disabled.
It is possible to configure the real-time clock for an automatic change to daylight saving time. Start and end
date/time of the daylight saving time period have to be entered for this.
Example: If daylight saving time starts at 2:00 am on the 2nd Sunday in March and ends at 2:00 am on the 1st
Sunday in November, the unit has to be configured like shown in Table 3-14 to enable an automatic change to
daylight saving time and back to standard time.
ID Parameter Setting
4591 Daylight saving time On
4594 DST begin time 2
4598 DST begin weekday Sunday
4592 DST begin nth weekday 2nd
4593 DST begin month 3
4597 DST end time 2
4599 DST end weekday Sunday
4595 DST end sunday 1st
4596 DST end month 11
Table 3-14: Daylight saving time - configuration example
Sommer-Winterzeit Erkennung
The following parameters will only be displayed, if Daylight saving time (parameter 4591) has been
configured to “On” and the enter button has been pressed.
Sommerzeitbeginn Uhrzeit
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The real-time clock will be advanced by one hour when this time is reached on the
4594 DST begin date. Example:
0 .................... 0th hour of the day (midnight).
23 .................. 23rd hour of the day (11 pm).
Sommerzeitbeginn Wochentag
CL2 {0} {1o} {1oc} {2oc} The weekday for the DST begin date is configured here
CL2 {0} {1o} {1oc} {2oc} The order number of the weekday for the DST begin date is configured here.
4592 Example:
1st .................DST starts on the 1st configured weekday of the DST begin month.
2nd................DST starts on the 2nd configured weekday of the DST begin month.
3rd ................DST starts on the 3rd configured weekday of the DST begin month.
4th ................DST starts on the 4th configured weekday of the DST begin month.
Last...............DST starts on the last configured weekday of the DST begin month.
LastButOne .DST starts on the last but one configured weekday of the DST
begin month.
LastButTwo .DST starts on the last but two configured weekday of the DST
begin month.
LastButThree . DST starts on the last but three configured weekday of the DST
begin month.
Sommerzeitbeginn Monat
CL2 {0} {1o} {1oc} {2oc} The month for the DST begin date is configured here. Example:
4593 1 ....................1st month of the year.
12 ..................12th month of the year.
Sommerzeitende Uhrzeit
CL2 {0} {1o} {1oc} {2oc} The real-time clock will fall back by one hour when this time is reached on the
4597 DST end date. Example:
0 ....................0th hour of the day (midnight).
23 ..................23rd hour of the day (11 pm).
Sommerzeitende Wochentag
CL2 {0} {1o} {1oc} {2oc} The weekday for the DST end date is configured here
DST end nth. weekday Daylight saving time end nth weekday weekday order no.
Sommerzeitende x. Wochentag
CL2 {0} {1o} {1oc} {2oc} The order number of the weekday for the DST end date is configured here.
4595 Example:
1st .................DST ends on the 1st configured weekday of the DST end month.
2nd................DST ends on the 2nd configured weekday of the DST end month.
3rd ................DST ends on the 3rd configured weekday of the DST end month.
4th ................DST ends on the 4th configured weekday of the DST end month.
Last...............DST ends on the last configured weekday of the DST end month.
LastButOne .DST ends on the last but one configured weekday of the DST end
LastButTwo .DST ends on the last but two configured weekday of the DST end
LastButThree . DST ends on the last but three configured weekday of the DST
end month.
Sommerzeitende Monat
CL2 {0} {1o} {1oc} {2oc} The month for the DST end date is configured here. Example:
4596 1 ....................1st month of the year.
12 ..................12th month of the year.
Code level display Password system: Code level via display Info
Codeebene Display
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value displays the code level, which is currently enabled for access via the
front panel display.
Code level CAN port Password system: Code level via CAN-Bus Info
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value displays the code level, which is currently enabled for access via the
10407 CAN interface.
Code level serial port/DPC Password system: Code level via serial RS-232 (DPC) interface Info
Codeebene RS232/DPC
CL2 {0} {1} {2} This value displays the code level, which is currently enabled for access via RS-
10406 232 serial interface #1.
Supercommissioning level code Password system: Password "Supercommissioning" (CL5) 0001 to 9999
CL5 {0} {1} {2} The password for the code level "Supercommissioning" is defined in this
10411 parameter. Refer to the Password section on page 23 for default values.
Temp. supercomm. Level code Password system: Password "Temporary Supercommissioning" (CL4) 00001to 9999
CL5 {0} {1} {2} The algorithm for calculating the password for the code level "Temporary
10412 Supercommissioning" is defined in this parameter.
Commissioning level code Password system: Password "Commission" (CL3) 0001 to 9999
CL3 {0} {1} {2} The password for the code level "Commission" is defined in this parameter.
10413 Refer to the Password section on page 23 for default values.
Temp. commissioning level code Password system: Password "Temporary Commission" (CL2) 0001 to 9999
CL3 {0} {1} {2} The algorithm for calculating the password for the code level "Temporary
10414 Commissioning" is defined in this parameter.
Basic level code Password system: Password "Service Level" (CL1) 0001 to 9999
Code Serviceebene
CL1 {0} {1} {2} The password for the code level "Service" is defined in this parameter. Refer to
10415 the Password section on page 23 for default values.
CL0 {0} {1} {2} To configure the control via the front panel bus enter the password.
Password CAN Password system: Entry via CAN bus 0000 to 9999
Passwort CAN
CL0 {0} {1} {2} To configure the control via CAN bus enter "password CAN".
CL0 {0} {1} {2} To configure the control via DPC please enter "password DPC".
Factory Settings Factory settings: Factory settings CAN YES / NO
CL2 {0} {1} {2} YES ..............The resetting of the factory settings via CAN bus will be enabled.
1703 NO ................The resetting of the factory settings via CAN bus will not be enabled.
Werkseinstellung DPC/RS232
CL2 {0} {1} {2} YES ..............The resetting of the factory settings via DPC/RS-232 will be enabled.
NO ................The resetting of the factory settings via DPC/RS-232 will not be
Werkseinstellung CAN
CL2 {0} {1} {2} YES ..............The resetting of the factory settings via CAN bus will be enabled.
1705 NO ................The resetting of the factory settings via CAN bus will not be enabled.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} YES ..............The default values, which have been enabled with parameter 1703,
1701 1704 or parameter 1705, will be loaded by the unit.
NO ................The factory settings will not be loaded by the unit.
Bootloader starten
CL3 {0} {1} {2} This function may be used to start the Bootloader. In order to do this, the correct
10500 code must be entered here while the unit is in the code level required for this.
The Start Bootloader function is used to flash the software and may only be used by authorized
Woodward technicians!
If the DTSC-200 parameters are read out via CAN / DPC and stored as standard values, all parameters
behind parameter 1701 (Set default values) will not be overwritten when writing back the standard
value file via CAN / DPC.
This prevents an unintentional start of the Bootloader or an overwriting of the time or date in the unit
with a wrong (old) value. The following version information is only for info anyway and cannot be
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The current hour of the clock time is set here. Example:
1710 0.................... 0th hour of the day.
23.................. 23th hour of the day.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The current minute of the clock time is set here. Example:
1709 0.................... 0th minute of the hour.
59.................. 59th minute of the hour.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The current second of the clock time is set here. Example:
1708 0.................... 0th second of the minute.
59.................. 59th second of the minute.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} YES .............. Adjusted time will be transferred to the unit.
1698 NO................ Adjusted time will be not transferred to the unit.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The current day of the date is set here. Example:
1711 1.................... 1st day of the month.
31.................. 31st day of the month.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The current month of the date is set here. Example:
1712 1.................... 1st month of the year.
12.................. 12th month of the year.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} The current year of the date is set here. Example:
1713 0.................... Year 2000.
99.................. Year 2099.
CL2 {0} {1} {2} YES .............. Adjusted date will be transferred to the unit.
1699 NO................ Adjusted date will be not transferred to the unit.
System: Versions
The parameters in this section are informational only and cannot be modified.
The control unit may be identified from the numbers located on the unit and in the software. The most important
technical information is located on the unit data plate. Technical data can be located in manual 37482.
{0} {1} {2} The serial number (S/N) is utilized to identify individual control units. The number
900 can also be found on the data plate (items #1 & #3).
Boot item number Version: Part number of the firmware (P/N) info
Boot Artikelnummer
{0} {1} {2} The part number (P/N) is the firmware in the control unit.
Boot revision Version: Revision of the item number of the firmware (REV) info
Boot Revision
{0} {1} {2} The revision number (REV) is the revision of the control unit firmware.
Boot Version
{0} {1} {2} This number (Vx.xxxx) represents the version of the control unit firmware.
Program item number Version: Item number of the application software (P/N) info
Programm Artikelnummer
{0} {1} {2} The part number (P/N) is the application software running the control unit.
Program revision Version: Revision of the item number of the software (REV) info
Programm Revision
{0} {1} {2} The revision number (REV) is the revision of the application software running the
940 control unit.
Programm Version
{0} {1} {2} This number (Vx.xxxx) represents the version of the application software running
945 the control unit.
Appendix A.
The LogicsManager is used to customize the sequence of events in the control unit such as the start command of
the engine or the operation of control unit relay outputs. For example, the start routine may be programmed so
that it requires the closing of a discrete input or a preset time of day. Two independent time delays are provided
for the configured action to take place and be reset. The following table shows the function of each relay in each
of the application modes.
Starting the engine can be carried out externally via a discrete input. With it the LogicsManager is used whose
conditions and programming is defined as follows.
Table 3-10 on page 98 shows the assignment of different functions to various discrete outputs.
• Command (variable) - A list of over 100 parameters and functions is provided for the command inputs.
Examples of the parameters that may be configured into these commands are Source 1 undervoltage, Start
fail, and Cool down. These command variables are used to control the output function or relay. Refer to
Logical Command Variables starting on page 126 for a complete list of all command variables.
• Sign - The sign field can be used to invert the state of the command or to fix its output to a logical true or
false if the command is not needed. Setting the sign to the NOT state changes the output of the command
variable from true to false or vise versa.
• Operator - A logical device such as AND or OR.
• (Logical) output - The action or control sequence that occurs when all parameters set into the
LogicsManager are met.
[Cx] - Command {x} [Sx] - Sign {x} [Ox] - Operator {x} [Ax] - Output {x}
Value {[Cx]}
The value [Cx] is
passed 1:1. AND
Logical AND
A logical output may either be delayed when switching on or switching off. The time starts when all
logical functions of the operation have been met.
[Ax] = ( ( [C1] & [S1] ) & [O1] & ( [C2] & [S2] ) ) & [O2] & ( [C3] & [S3] )
Logical Symbols
The following symbols are used for the graphical programming of the LogicsManager.
DIN 40 700
& >=1 & >=1 = =1
Truth x1 x2 y x1 x2 y x1 x2 y x1 x2 y x1 x2 y x1 x2 y
table 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
Table 3-17: LogicsManager - logical symbols
Logical Outputs
The logical outputs or combinations may be grouped into three categories:
The numbers of the logical outputs in the third column may again be used as input variable for other
outputs in the LogicsManager.
Factory Setting
The inputs, outputs, and internal flags, which may be programmed via the LogicsManager, have the following
factory default settings when delivered:
Inhibit ATS
(parameter 12600 on page 38)
{0} If TRUE, the unit is blocked against
{1} automatic transfers.
TRUE, if DI 5 is NOT energized
on DI 5
Gen-Gen enable
(parameter 12830 on page 41)
{0} --- If TRUE, the gen-gen mode will be
{1} --- enabled.
Prepared for: -
Deactivated by default FALSE
Source 1 priority
(parameter 12680 on page 45)
{0} If TRUE, source 1 is preferred.
{2} Prepared for: -
Activated by default
Source 2 priority
(parameter 12810 on page 45)
{0} If TRUE, source 2 is preferred.
{2} Prepared for: -
Deactivated by default
Load shed
(parameter 12870 on page 49)
{0} If TRUE, a load shed from the non-
{1} --- preferred source will be performed.
Prepared for: -
Deactivated by default FALSE
Load test
(parameter 12640 on page 61)
{0} If TRUE, a load test will be
{1} performed.
Prepared for: -
Deactivated by default FALSE
No load test
(parameter 12650 on page 61)
{0} If TRUE, a no-load test will be
{1} performed.
Prepared for: -
Deactivated by default FALSE
External acknowledge
(parameter 12490 on page 66)
{0} If TRUE, alarms are acknowledged
{1} from an external source.
Prepared for: -
Remote acknowledgement FALSE
Relay 5 [R05]
(parameter 12130 on page 99)
{0} If TRUE, relay 5 will be energized.
{2} True, if the Source 2 start signal is dependent
issued on Logics
Relay 6 [R06]
(parameter 12140 on page 99)
{0} If TRUE, relay 6 will be energized.
{2} True, if the command: Close to dependent
Source 1 is issued on Logics
Relay 7 [R07]
(parameter 12150 on page 99)
{0} If TRUE, relay 7 will be energized.
{2} True, if the command: Close to dependent
Source 2 is issued on Logics
Relay 8 [R08]
(parameter 12160 on page 99)
{0} If TRUE, relay 8 will be energized.
{2} True, if the command: Open from dependent
Source 1 is issued on Logics
Relay 9 [R09]
(parameter 12170 on page 99)
{0} If TRUE, relay 9 will be energized.
{2} True, if the command: Open from dependent
Source 2 is issued on Logics
External discrete output {x] [REx{x}] - free (external expansion card, if connected; {x} = 1-16)
(refer to Table 3-12 on page 99 for the parameter IDs of the parameters for external DOs 1 through 16)
{0} If TRUE, the external relay {x} will
{1} be energized, if this is connected
Prepared for: -
Deactivated by default FALSE
Internal flag 1 is used as default
setting in all logical outputs.
Internal flag 8
(parameter 12300 on page 102)
{0} If TRUE, the internal flag 8 will be
{1} enabled. dependent
{2} on Logics
TRUE, once the configured time 1 has Command
been reached [11.01], and the Variables
configured time 2 [11.02] has not [11.01],
been reached as well, if the current [11.02], and
day is the configured day [11.03] [11.03]
Discrete Inputs
[D1] {0}
{1} Reply from ATS switch: Breaker in source 1 position
[D2] {0}
{1} Reply from ATS switch: Breaker in source 2 position
[D3] {0}
{1} Reply from ATS switch: Breaker in source 1 open position
[D4] {0}
{1} Reply from ATS switch: Breaker in source 2 open position
[D5] {0}
{1} freely configurable discrete input (pre-configured to Inhibit ATS)
[D6] {0}
{1} freely configurable discrete input (unassigned)
[D7] {0}
{1} freely configurable discrete input (unassigned)
[D8] {0}
{1} freely configurable discrete input (unassigned)
[D9] {0}
{1} freely configurable discrete input (unassigned)
[D10] {0}
{1} freely configurable discrete input (unassigned)
[D11] {0}
{1} freely configurable discrete input (unassigned)
[D12] {0}
{1} freely configurable discrete input (unassigned)
The discrete inputs for the breaker position reply messages (DIs 1 through 4) are fixed to N.C. and are
evaluated as N.C., i.e. the breaker is considered as "in position" if the respective DI is de-energized.
Appendix B.
List Of Parameters
Project _____________________________________________________________________
Parameter Setting range Default value Customer setting Data type
English / Deutsch / UNSIGNED 16
Language English
Espacñol / Polski / Russian
10416 Password 0000 to 9999 --- UNSIGNED 16
1706 Clear event log YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
1750 Rated system frequency 50/60 Hz 50 Hz UNSIGNED 16
1774 Rated voltage S1 50 to 650000 V 400 V UNSIGNED 32
1772 Rated voltage S2 50 to 650000 V 400 V UNSIGNED 32
3Ph 4W 3Ph4W 3Ph4W
3Ph 3W 3Ph3W 3Ph3W
1862 S1 voltage measuring 3Ph 4W UNSIGNED 16
1Ph 2W 1Ph2W 1Ph2W
1Ph 3W 1Ph3W 1Ph3W
3Ph 4W 3Ph4W 3Ph4W
3Ph 3W 3Ph3W 3Ph3W
1861 S2 voltage measuring 3Ph 4W UNSIGNED 16
1Ph 2W 1Ph2W 1Ph2W
1Ph 3W 1Ph3W 1Ph3W
Phase - N p-n p-n
1858 1Ph2W voltage measuring Ph - Ph UNSIGNED 16
Ph - Ph p-p p-p
1859 1Ph2W phase rotation CW / CCW CW UNSIGNED 16
L1 L2 L3 L123 L123
Phase L1 Ph.L1 Ph.L1
1863 S1 Load current measuring L1 L2 L3 UNSIGNED 16
Phase L2 Ph.L2 Ph.L2
Phase L3 Ph.L3 Ph.L3
L1 L2 L3 L123 L123
Phase L1 Ph.L1 Ph.L1
1860 S2 Load current measuring L1 L2 L3 UNSIGNED 16
Phase L2 Ph.L2 Ph.L2
Phase L3 Ph.L3 Ph.L3
1752 Rated active power [kW] 0.5 to 99999.9 kW 200.0 kW UNSIGNED 32
1754 Rated current 5 to 32000 A 300 A UNSIGNED 16
1819 S1 voltage transf. primary 50 to 650000 V 400 V UNSIGNED 32
1818 S1 voltage transf. secondary 50 to 480 V 400 V UNSIGNED 16
1816 S2 voltage transf. primary 50 to 650000 V 400 V UNSIGNED 32
1815 S2 voltage transf. secondary 50 to 480 V 400 V UNSIGNED 16
1821 Load current transformer 1 to 32000/5 A 500/5 A UNSIGNED 16
1822 Load current transformer 1 to 32000/1 A 500/1 A UNSIGNED 16
Parameter Setting range Default value Customer setting Data type
Util-Gen Util-Gen Util-Gen
4148 Application mode Gen-Gen Util-Gen Gen-Gen Gen-Gen UNSIGNED 16
Util-Util Util-Util Util-Util
4146 Transfer Commit YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
4149 S1 start delay time 0 to 300 s 10 s UNSIGNED 16
3330 S2 start delay time 0 to 300 s 10 s UNSIGNED 16
3333 S1 source stable time 1 to 6500 s 10 s UNSIGNED 16
3332 S2 source stable time 1 to 6500 s 10 s UNSIGNED 16
2804 S1 outage delay 0.1 to 10.0 s 1.0 s UNSIGNED 16
2803 S2 outage delay 0.1 to 10.0 s 1.0 s UNSIGNED 16
3343 S1 cooldown time 1 to 6500 s 20 s UNSIGNED 16
3344 S2 cooldown time 1 to 6500 s 20 s UNSIGNED 16
4496 Transfer delay timer S1->S2 0 to 6500 5 UNSIGNED 16
4497 Transfer delay timer S2->S1 0 to 6500 5 UNSIGNED 16
12600 Inhibit ATS see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting p. 134; default: (!09.05 & 1) & 1 Logman
12610 Inhib. XFR to S1 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 134; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12620 Inhib. XFR to S2 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 134; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12630 Remote peak shave see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 134; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12660 Int. pow. rates see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 134; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12820 Ext. bypass see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 134; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12830 Gen-Gen enable see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 134; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
Elevator Pre Signal
4490 Elevator Pre signal ON / OFF OFF 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
4491 Elevator pre-signal duration 1 to 6500 s 5s UNSIGNED 16
Motor Load Disconnect
4550 Motor Load Disconnect ON / OFF OFF 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
S1->S2 S1->S2 S1->S2
4553 Active direction S2->S1 S1->S2 S2->S1 S2->S1 UNSIGNED 16
Both Both Both
4551 Disconnect time S1->S2 1 to 6500 s 5s UNSIGNED 16
4552 Disconnect time S2->S1 1 to 6500 s 5s UNSIGNED 16
Source Priority
12680 S1 Priority see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 134; default: (1 & 1) & 1 Logman
12810 S2 Priority see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 134; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12860 Ext. para.time see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 134; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12870 Load shed see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 134; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12890 Service Disconnect see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 134; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
Standard Standard Standard
3424 Transfer switch type Delayed Standard Delayed Delayed UNSIGNED 16
Closed Closed Closed
3434 Use limit sw. OPEN replies YES / NO YES Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
12850 Delayed mode act. see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 134; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
3426 Neutral time S2->S1 1 to 6500 s 3s UNSIGNED 16
3425 Neutral time S1->S2 1 to 6500 s 3s UNSIGNED 16
3428 Limit switch reply timeout 0.1 to 99.9 s 1.0 s UNSIGNED 16
3429 Wait time until next XFR attempt 0.1 to 99.9 s 3.0 s UNSIGNED 16
3427 Max. of transfer attempts 0 to 10 2 UNSIGNED 16
12640 Load Test see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 134; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12650 No Load Test see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 134; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
Parameter Setting range Default value Customer setting Data type
1756 Time until horn reset 0 to 1000 s 180 s UNSIGNED 16
12490 External acknowledge see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 134; default: (0 & 0)+ 0 Logman
3430 Limit switch monitoring ON / OFF OFF 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
3463 Limit switch failure delay 0.00 to 10.00 s 0.02 s UNSIGNED 16
12981 Reset limit switch failure ON / OFF OFF 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
S1 Monitoring
1787 Voltage monitoring S1 Ph – Ph/ Phase - N Ph - Ph 3 4 3 4 UNSIGNED 16
4450 S1 undervoltage restore 50.0 to 125.0 % 90.0 % UNSIGNED 16
4451 S1 undervoltage fail 50.0 to 125.0 % 80.0 % UNSIGNED 16
4452 S1 underfrequency monitoring ON / OFF ON 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
4453 S1 underfrequency restore 50.0 to 130.0 % 95.0 % UNSIGNED 16
4454 S1 underfrequency fail 50.0 to 130.0 % 90.0 % UNSIGNED 16
4455 S1 overvoltage monitoring ON / OFF ON 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
4456 S1 overvoltage restore 50.0 to 125.0 % 105.0 % UNSIGNED 16
4457 S1 overvoltage fail 50.0 to 125.0 % 110.0 % UNSIGNED 16
4458 S1 overfrequency monitoring ON / OFF ON 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
4459 S1 overfrequency restore 50.0 to 130.0 % 102.0 % UNSIGNED 16
4460 S1 overfrequency fail 50.0 to 130.0 % 105.0 % UNSIGNED 16
4461 S1 voltage imbalance monitoring ON / OFF ON 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
4462 S1 volt. imbalance restore 0.5 to 99.9 % 8.0 % UNSIGNED 16
4463 S1 volt. imbalance fail 0.5 to 99.9 % 10.0 % UNSIGNED v
3914 Delay 0.02 to 99.99 s 5.00 s UNSIGNED 16
4562 S1 phase rotation ON / OFF ON 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
4563 S1 phase rotation CW UNSIGNED 16
S2 Monitoring
1786 Voltage monitoring S2 Ph - Ph/ Phase - N Ph - Ph 3 4 3 4 UNSIGNED 16
4465 S2 undervoltage restore 50.0 to 125.0 % 90.0 % UNSIGNED 16
4466 S2 undervoltage fail 50.0 to 125.0 % 80.0 % UNSIGNED 16
4467 S2 underfrequency monitoring ON / OFF ON 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
4468 S2 underfrequency restore 50.0 to 130.0 % 95.0 % UNSIGNED 16
4469 S2 underfrequency fail 50.0 to 130.0 % 90.0 % UNSIGNED 16
4470 S2 overvoltage monitoring ON / OFF ON 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
4471 S2 overvoltage restore 50.0 to 125.0 % 105.0 % UNSIGNED 16
4472 S2 overvoltage fail 50.0 to 125.0 % 110.0 % UNSIGNED 16
4473 S2 overfrequency monitoring ON / OFF ON 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
4474 S2 overfrequency restore 50.0 to 130.0 % 102.0 % UNSIGNED 16
4475 S2 overfrequency fail 50.0 to 130.0 % 105.0 % UNSIGNED 16
4476 S2 voltage imbalance monitoring ON / OFF ON 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
4477 S2 volt. imbalance restore 0.5 to 99.9 % 8.0 % UNSIGNED 16
4478 S2 volt. imbalance fail 0.5 to 99.9 % 10.0 % UNSIGNED 16
3904 Delay 0.02 to 99.99 s 5.00 s UNSIGNED 16
4566 S2 phase rotation ON / OFF ON 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
4567 S2 phase rotation CW UNSIGNED 16
In-Phase Monitoring
4570 In-Phase monitor ON / OFF OFF 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
8820 Connect synchronous mains ON / OFF OFF UNSIGNED 16
8821 Max. phase angle 0 to 20° 2 UNSIGNED 16
4585 In-Phase check for DLY trans. ON / OFF OFF 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
4571 Voltage window 0.50 to 20.00 % 1.00 % UNSIGNED 16
4572 Positive frequency window 0.02 to 0.49 Hz 0.18 Hz SIGNED 16
4573 Negative frequency window -0.02 to -0.49 Hz -0.18 Hz SIGNED 16
0.10 s
4577 Max. overlap time 0.1 to 9.99 s UNSIGNED 16
(see page 81)
4578 Open trans. switch reac. time 15 to 300 ms 30 ms UNSIGNED 16
4583 Closed trans. switch reac. time 15 to 300 ms 30 ms UNSIGNED 16
4581 Vector group angle adjustment -180° to 180° 0° SIGNED 16
4576 In-phase timeout after 0 to 6500 s 60 s UNSIGNED 16
Abort Abort Abort
4582 Outcome on In-phase timeout Abort UNSIGNED 16
Delayed Delayed Delayed
4584 Ext. permit for cld. trans. ON / OFF OFF 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
Parameter Setting range Default value Customer setting Data type
Load Monitoring
Overcurrent Monitoring level 1
2200 Monitoring ON / OFF ON 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
2204 Limit 50.0 to 300.0 % 110.0 % UNSIGNED 16
2205 Delay 0.02 to 99.99 s 30.00 s UNSIGNED 16
2202 Self acknowledge YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
Overcurrent Monitoring level 2
2206 Monitoring ON / OFF ON 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
2210 Limit 50.0 to 300.0 % 150.0 % UNSIGNED 16
2211 Delay 0.02 to 99.99 s 1.00 s UNSIGNED 16
2208 Self acknowledge YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
Overcurrent Monitoring level 3
2212 Monitoring ON / OFF ON 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
2216 Limit 50.0 to 300.0 % 250.0 % UNSIGNED 16
2217 Delay 0.02 to 99.99 s 0.40 s UNSIGNED 16
2214 Self acknowledge YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
Overload Monitoring level 1
2300 Monitoring ON / OFF ON 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
2304 Limit 50.0 to 300.0 % 110.0 % UNSIGNED 16
2305 Delay 0.02 to 99.99 s 11.00 s UNSIGNED 16
2302 Self acknowledge YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
Overload Monitoring level 2
2306 Monitoring ON / OFF ON 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
2310 Limit 50.0 to 300.0 % 120.0 % UNSIGNED 16
2311 Delay 0.02 to 99.99 s 0.10 s UNSIGNED 16
2308 Self acknowledge YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
Engine Monitoring
Start Failure S1 Monitoring
3341 S1 Start fail delay time 1 to 6500 s 8s UNSIGNED 16
Start Failure S2 Monitoring
3331 S2 Start fail delay time 1 to 6500 s 8s UNSIGNED 16
Battery Voltage Monitoring
Overvoltage Monitoring level 1
3450 Monitoring ON / OFF ON 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
3454 Limit 8.0 to 42.0 V 32.0 V UNSIGNED 16
3455 Delay 0.02 to 99.99 s 5.00 s UNSIGNED 16
3452 Self acknowledge level 1 YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
Overvoltage Monitoring level 2
3456 Monitoring ON / OFF OFF 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
3460 Limit 8.0 to 42.0 V 35.0 V UNSIGNED 16
3461 Delay 0.02 to 99.99 s 1.00 s UNSIGNED 16
3458 Self acknowledge YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
Undervoltage Monitoring level 1
3500 Monitoring ON / OFF ON 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
3504 Limit 8.0 to 42.0 V 24.0 V UNSIGNED 16
3505 Delay 0.02 to 99.99 s 60.00 s UNSIGNED 16
3502 Self acknowledge YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
Undervoltage Monitoring level 2
3506 Monitoring ON / OFF ON 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
3510 Limit 8.0 to 42.0 V 20.0 V UNSIGNED 16
3511 Delay 0.02 to 99.99 s 10.00 s UNSIGNED 16
3508 Self acknowledge YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
CANopen Interface Monitoring
3150 Monitoring ON / OFF OFF 1 0 1 0 UNSIGNED 16
3154 Delay 0.1 to 650.0 s 2.0 s UNSIGNED 16
3152 Self acknowledge YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
Parameter Setting range Default value Customer setting Data type
Discrete Input 1
DI 1 operation N.C. UNSIGNED 16
DI 1 delay 0.08 to 650.00 s 0.08 s UNSIGNED 16
Discrete Input 2
DI 2 operation N.C. UNSIGNED 16
DI 2 delay 0.08 to 650.00 s 0.08 s UNSIGNED 16
Discrete Input 3
DI 3 operation N.C. UNSIGNED 16
DI 3 delay 0.08 to 650.00 s 0.08 s UNSIGNED 16
Discrete Input 4
DI 4 operation N.C. UNSIGNED 16
DI 4 delay 0.08 to 650.00 s 0.08 s UNSIGNED 16
Discrete Input 5
N.O. N.O. N.O.
1281 DI 5 operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
1280 DI 5 delay 0.08 to 650.00 s 0.08 s UNSIGNED 16
Discrete Input 6
N.O. N.O. N.O.
1301 DI 6 operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
1300 DI 6 delay 0.08 to 650.00 s 0.08 s UNSIGNED 16
Discrete Input 7
N.O. N.O. N.O.
1321 DI 7 operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
1320 DI 7 delay 0.08 to 650.00 s 0.08 s UNSIGNED 16
Discrete Input 8
N.O. N.O. N.O.
1341 DI 8 operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
1340 DI 8 delay 0.08 to 650.00 s 0.08 s UNSIGNED 16
Discrete Input 9
N.O. N.O. N.O.
1361 DI 9 operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
1360 DI 9 delay 0.08 to 650.00 s 0.08 s UNSIGNED 16
Discrete Input 10
N.O. N.O. N.O.
1381 DI 10 operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
1380 DI 10 delay 0.08 to 650.00 s 0.08 s UNSIGNED 16
Discrete Input 11
N.O. N.O. N.O.
1206 DI 11 operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
1205 DI 11 delay 0.08 to 650.00 s 0.08 s UNSIGNED 16
Discrete Input 12
N.O. N.O. N.O.
1226 DI 12 operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
1225 DI 12 delay 0.08 to 650.00 s 0.08 s UNSIGNED 16
External Discrete Input 1
N.O. N.O. N.O.
16001 Operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
16000 Delay 0.05 to 650.00 s 0.20 s UNSIGNED 16
External Discrete Input 2
N.O. N.O. N.O.
16011 Operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
16010 Delay 0.05 to 650.00 s 0.20 s UNSIGNED 16
Parameter Setting range Default value Customer setting Data type
External Discrete Input 3
N.O. N.O. N.O.
16021 Operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
16020 Delay 0.05 to 650.00 s 0.20 s UNSIGNED 16
External Discrete Input 4
N.O. N.O. N.O.
16031 Operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
16030 Delay 0.05 to 650.00 s 0.20 s UNSIGNED 16
External Discrete Input 5
N.O. N.O. N.O.
16041 Operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
16040 Delay 0.05 to 650.00 s 0.20 s UNSIGNED 16
External Discrete Input 6
N.O. N.O. N.O.
16051 Operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
16050 Delay 0.05 to 650.00 s 0.20 s UNSIGNED 16
External Discrete Input 7
N.O. N.O. N.O.
16061 Operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
16060 Delay 0.05 to 650.00 s 0.20 s UNSIGNED 16
External Discrete Input 8
N.O. N.O. N.O.
16071 Operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
16070 Delay 0.05 to 650.00 s 0.20 s UNSIGNED 16
External Discrete Input 9
N.O. N.O. N.O.
16081 Operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
16080 Delay 0.05 to 650.00 s 0.20 s UNSIGNED 16
External Discrete Input 10
N.O. N.O. N.O.
16091 Operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
16090 Delay 0.05 to 650.00 s 0.20 s UNSIGNED 16
External Discrete Input 11
N.O. N.O. N.O.
16101 Operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
16100 Delay 0.05 to 650.00 s 0.20 s UNSIGNED 16
External Discrete Input 12
N.O. N.O. N.O.
16111 Operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
16110 Delay 0.05 to 650.00 s 0.20 s UNSIGNED 16
External Discrete Input 13
N.O. N.O. N.O.
16121 Operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
16120 Delay 0.05 to 650.00 s 0.20 s UNSIGNED 16
External Discrete Input 14
N.O. N.O. N.O.
16131 Operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
16130 Delay 0.05 to 650.00 s 0.20 s UNSIGNED 16
External Discrete Input 15
N.O. N.O. N.O.
16141 Operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
16140 Delay 0.05 to 650.00 s 0.20 s UNSIGNED 16
External Discrete Input 16
N.O. N.O. N.O.
16151 Operation N.O. UNSIGNED 16
N.C. N.C. N.C.
16150 Delay 0.05 to 650.00 s 0.20 s UNSIGNED 16
Parameter Setting range Default value Customer setting Data type
12 Relay 1 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12110 Relay 2 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12310 Relay 3 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12320 Relay 4 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12130 Relay 5 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting p. 139; default: (!20.06 & 1) & 1 Logman
12140 Relay 6 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (20.07 & 1) & 1 Logman
12150 Relay 7 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (20.09 & 1) & 1 Logman
12160 Relay 8 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (20.08 & 1) & 1 Logman
12170 Relay 9 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (20.10 & 1) & 1 Logman
12330 External DO 1 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12340 External DO 2 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12350 External DO 3 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12360 External DO 4 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12370 External DO 5 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12380 External DO 6 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12390 External DO 7 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12400 External DO 8 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12410 External DO 9 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12420 External DO 10 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12430 External DO 11 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12440 External DO 12 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12450 External DO 13 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12460 External DO 14 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12470 External DO 15 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12480 External DO 16 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
2515 Counter value preset 0 to 99999999 UNSIGNED 32
2514 S1 active power [0.00MWh] YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
2516 S1 reactive power [0.00Mvarh] YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
2576 Transfers to S1 0 to 65535 UNSIGNED 16
2510 S2 active power [0.00MWh] YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
2511 S2 reactive power [0.00Mvarh] YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
2577 Transfers to S2 0 to 65535 UNSIGNED 16
Internal Flags
12230 Flag 1 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12240 Flag 2 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12250 Flag 3 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12260 Flag 4 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12270 Flag 5 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12280 Flag 6 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12290 Flag 7 see descr. in LogicsManager chap. starting page 139; default: (0 & 1) & 1 Logman
12300 Flag 8 see descr. in LogicsManager ch. start. p. 139; def.: (11.01 & !11.02) & 11.03 Logman
Set Timers
1652 Setpoint 1: Hour 0 to 23 h 8h UNSIGNED 8
1651 Setpoint 1: Minute 0 to 59 min 0 min UNSIGNED 8
1650 Setpoint 1: Second 0 to 59 s 0s UNSIGNED 8
1657 Setpoint 2: Hour 0 to 23 h 17 h UNSIGNED 8
1656 Setpoint 2: Minute 0 to 59 min 0 min UNSIGNED 8
1655 Setpoint 2: Second 0 to 59 s 0s UNSIGNED 8
1663 Active day 1 to 31 1 UNSIGNED 8
1662 Active hour 0 to 23 h 12 h UNSIGNED 8
1661 Active minute 0 to 59 min 0 min UNSIGNED 8
1660 Active second 0 to 59 s 0s UNSIGNED 8
1670 Monday active YES / NO YES Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
1671 Tuesday active YES / NO YES Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
1672 Wednesday active YES / NO YES Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
1673 Thursday active YES / NO YES Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
1674 Friday active YES / NO YES Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
1675 Saturday active YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
1676 Sunday active YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
Parameter Setting range Default value Customer setting Data type
1702 Device number 1 to 127 1 UNSIGNED 16
CAN Interfaces
3156 Baudrate 125 kBd UNSIGNED 16
800/1000 kBd
CANopen Interfaces
9000 CAN-Open Master YES / NO YES Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
9120 Producer Heartbeat Time 20 to 65530 ms 2000 ms UNSIGNED 16
9100 COB-ID SYNC Message 1 to FFFFFFFF 80 UNSIGNED 32
15134 Configure external devices YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
Additional Server SDOs
9020 2nd Client->Server COB-ID (rx) 1 to FFFFFFFF 80000601 UNSIGNED 32
9022 2nd Server->Client COB-ID (tx) 1 to FFFFFFFF 80000581 UNSIGNED 32
9024 3rd Client->Server COB-ID (rx) 1 to FFFFFFFF 80000602 UNSIGNED 32
9026 3rd Server->Client COB-ID (tx) 1 to FFFFFFFF 80000582 UNSIGNED 32
9028 4th Client->Server COB-ID (rx) 1 to FFFFFFFF 80000603 UNSIGNED 32
9030 4th Server->Client COB-ID (tx) 1 to FFFFFFFF 80000583 UNSIGNED 32
9032 5th Client->Server COB-ID (rx) 1 to FFFFFFFF 80000604 UNSIGNED 32
9034 5th Server->Client COB-ID (tx) 1 to FFFFFFFF 80000584 UNSIGNED 32
Receive PDO 1
no func. no func. no func.
1st IKD 1st IKD 1st IKD
9050 Function no func. UNSIGNED 16
2nd IKD 2nd IKD 2nd IKD
BK 16DIDO BK 16 BK 16
9060 Node-ID of the device 1 to 127 2 UNSIGNED 16
9070 RPDO-COB-ID ext. device 1 1 to FFFFFFFF 181 UNSIGNED 32
Receive PDO 2
no func. no func. no func.
1st IKD 1st IKD 1st IKD
9051 Function no func. UNSIGNED 16
2nd IKD 2nd IKD 2nd IKD
BK 16DIDO BK 16 BK 16
9061 Node-ID of the device 1 to 127 3 UNSIGNED 16
9072 RPDO-COB-ID ext. device 2 1 to FFFFFFFF 182 UNSIGNED 32
Transmit PDO 1
9602 Transmission type 0 to 255 255 UNSIGNED 8
9604 Event-timer 20 to 65000 ms 20 ms UNSIGNED 16
9609 Number of mapped objects 0 to 4 4 UNSIGNED 8
9605 1.Mapped Object 0 to 65535 8001 UNSIGNED 16
9606 2.Mapped Object 0 to 65535 8000 UNSIGNED 16
9607 3.Mapped Object 0 to 65535 8000 UNSIGNED 16
9608 4.Mapped Object 0 to 65535 8000 UNSIGNED 16
Transmit PDO 2
9612 Transmission type 0 to 255 255 UNSIGNED 8
9614 Event-timer 20 to 65000 ms 20 ms UNSIGNED 16
9619 Number of mapped objects 0 to 4 4 UNSIGNED 8
9615 1.Mapped Object 0 to 65535 8002 UNSIGNED 16
9616 2.Mapped Object 0 to 65535 8000 UNSIGNED 16
9617 3.Mapped Object 0 to 65535 8000 UNSIGNED 16
9618 4.Mapped Object 0 to 65535 8000 UNSIGNED 16
Parameter Setting range Default value Customer setting Data type
Transmit PDO 3
9622 Transmission type 0 to 255 255 UNSIGNED 8
9624 Event-timer 20 to 65000 ms 20 ms UNSIGNED 16
9629 Number of mapped objects 0 to 4 1 UNSIGNED 8
9625 1.Mapped Object 0 to 65535 3196 UNSIGNED 16
9626 2.Mapped Object 0 to 65535 0 UNSIGNED 16
9627 3.Mapped Object 0 to 65535 0 UNSIGNED 16
9628 4.Mapped Object 0 to 65535 0 UNSIGNED 16
Transmit PDO 4
9632 Transmission type 0 to 255 255 UNSIGNED 8
9634 Event-timer 20 to 65000 ms 20 ms UNSIGNED 16
9639 Number of mapped objects 0 to 4 1 UNSIGNED 8
9635 1.Mapped Object 0 to 65535 3190 UNSIGNED 16
9636 2.Mapped Object 0 to 65535 0 UNSIGNED 16
9637 3.Mapped Object 0 to 65535 0 UNSIGNED 16
9638 4.Mapped Object 0 to 65535 0 UNSIGNED 16
Serial Interface 1
2400 Bd 2400 Bd 2400 Bd
4800 Bd 4800 Bd 4800 Bd
9600 Bd 9600 Bd 9600 Bd
14.4 kBd 14.4 kBd 14.4 kBd
3163 Baudrate 9600 Bd UNSIGNED 16
19.2 kBd 19.2 kBd 19.2 kBd
38.4 kBd 38.4 kBd 38.4 kBd
56 kBd 56 kBd 56 kBd
115 kBd 115 kBd 115 kBd
No No No
3161 Parity Even No Even Even UNSIGNED 16
Odd Odd Odd
One One One
3162 Stop Bits One UNSIGNED 16
Two Two Two
Serial Interface 2
2400 Bd
4800 Bd 9600 Bd 9600 Bd
9600 Bd 14.4 kBd 14.4 kBd
14.4 kBd 19.2 kBd 19.2 kBd
3170 Baudrate 19200 Bd UNSIGNED 16
19.2 kBd 38.4 kBd 38.4 kBd
38.4 kBd 56 kBd 56 kBd
56 kBd 115 kBd 115 kBd
115 kBd
No No No
3171 Parity Even No Even Even UNSIGNED 16
Odd Odd Odd
One One One
3172 Stop Bits One UNSIGNED 16
Two Two Two
Fullduplex Full Full
3173 Full-, halfduplex mode Fullduplex UNSIGNED 16
Halfduplex Half Half
3185 ModBus Slave ID 0 to 255 1 UNSIGNED 16
3186 Modbus Reply delay time 0.00 to 1.00 s 0.00 s UNSIGNED 16
Parameter Setting range Default value Customer setting Data type
Display Backlight
On On On
Off Off Off
4556 Configure display backlight On UNSIGNED 16
Auto Auto Auto
Key actv. Key act. Key act.
4557 Time until backlight shutdown 1 to 999 s 600 s UNSIGNED 16
Daylight saving time
On On On
4591 Daylight saving time Off UNSIGNED 16
Off Off Off
4594 DST begin time 0 to 23 2 UNSIGNED 8
Sunday / Monday / Sunday
Tuesday / Wednesday /
4598 DST begin weekday UNSIGNED 16
Thursday / Friday /
1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / Last / 1st
4592 DST begin nth. weekday LastButOne / LastButTwo UNSIGNED 16
/ LastButThree
4593 DST begin month 1 to 12 3 UNSIGNED 8
4597 DST end time 0 to 23 3 UNSIGNED 8
Sunday / Monday / Sunday
Tuesday / Wednesday /
4599 DST end weekday UNSIGNED 16
Thursday / Friday /
1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / Last / 4th
4595 DST end nth. weekday LastButOne / LastButTwo UNSIGNED 16
/ LastButThree
4596 DST end month 1 to 12 10 UNSIGNED 8
Password System
10405 Code level display 0000 to 9999 --- UNSIGNED 16
10407 Code level CAN port 0000 to 9999 --- UNSIGNED 16
10406 Code level serial port / DPC 0000 to 9999 --- UNSIGNED 16
10411 Supercomm. level code 0001 to 9999 --- UNSIGNED 16
10412 Temp. supercomm. level code 0001 to 9999 --- UNSIGNED 16
10413 Commissioning level code 0001 to 9999 --- UNSIGNED 16
10414 Temp. commissioning level code 0001 to 9999 --- UNSIGNED 16
10415 Basic level code 0001 to 9999 --- UNSIGNED 16
1703 Factory settings YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
1704 Factory settings DPC/RS232 YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
1705 Factory settings CAN YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
1701 Set default values YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
10500 Start Bootloader 00000 to 99999 --- UNSIGNED 16
Clock Set
1710 Hour 0 to 23 h --- UNSIGNED 8
1709 Minute 0 to 59 min --- UNSIGNED 8
1708 Second 0 to 59 s --- UNSIGNED 8
1698 Transfer time to clock YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
1711 Day 1 to 31 --- UNSIGNED 8
1712 Month 1 to 12 --- UNSIGNED 8
1713 Year 0 to 99 --- UNSIGNED 8
1699 Transfer date to clock YES / NO NO Y N Y N UNSIGNED 16
900 Serial number Info --- UNSIGNED 8
950 Boot item number Info --- UNSIGNED 8
960 Boot revision Info --- UNSIGNED 8
965 Boot version Info --- UNSIGNED 8
930 Program item number Info --- UNSIGNED 8
940 Program revision Info --- UNSIGNED 8
945 Program version Info --- UNSIGNED 8
All parameters shaded in gray color are fixed parameters and cannot be configured by the operator.
Appendix C.
Service Options
To prevent damage to electronic components caused by improper handling, read and observe the
precautions in Woodward manual 82715, Guide for Handling and Protection of Electronic Controls,
Printed Circuit Boards, and Modules.
Packing A Control
Use the following materials when returning a complete control:
We highly recommend that you make arrangement in advance for return shipments. Contact a
Woodward customer service representative at +49 (0) 711 789 54-510 for instructions and for a
Return Authorization Number.
Replacement Parts
When ordering replacement parts for controls, include the following information:
• the part numbers P/N (XXXX-XXX) that is on the enclosure nameplate;
• the unit serial number S/N, which is also on the nameplate.
Woodward GmbH
Handwerkstrasse 29
70565 Stuttgart - Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 711 789 54-510 (8.00 - 16.30 German time)
Fax: +49 (0) 711 789 54-101
e-mail: SalesPGD_EUROPE@woodward.com
For assistance outside Germany, please consult our worldwide directory on Woodward’s website
(www.woodward.com) for the name of your nearest Woodward distributor or service facility.
[For worldwide directory information, go to www.woodward.com/ic/locations.]
Engineering Services
Woodward Industrial Controls Engineering Services offers the following after-sales support for Woodward
products. For these services, you can contact us by telephone, by e-mail, or through the Woodward website.
• Technical support
• Product training
• Field service during commissioning
Technical Support is available through our many worldwide locations, through our authorized distributors,
depending on the product. This service can assist you with technical questions or problem solving during normal
business hours. For technical engineering support, please contact us via our local phone numbers, e-mail us, or
use our website and reference technical support.
Product Training is available on-site from several of our worldwide facilities or at your location, depending on
the product. This training, conducted by experienced personnel, will assure that you will be able to maintain
system reliability and availability. For information concerning training, please contact us via our local phone
numbers, e-mail us, or use our website and reference customer training.
Field Service engineering on-site support is available, depending on the product and location, from one of many
worldwide Woodward offices or authorized distributors. Field engineers are experienced on both Woodward
products as well as on much of the non-Woodward equipment with which our products interface. For field
service engineering assistance, please contact us via our local phone numbers, e-mail us, or use our website and
reference field service.
Technical Assistance
If you need to telephone for technical assistance, you will need to provide the following information. Please write
it down here before phoning:
Your company ____________________________________________________
Please be sure you have a list of all parameters available. You can print this using ToolKit Additionally you can
save the complete set of parameters (standard values) and send them to our Service department via e-mail.
Designed in Germany
Woodward GmbH
Handwerkstrasse 29 - 70565 Stuttgart - Germany
Phone +49 (0) 711 789 54-510 • Fax +49 (0) 711 789 54-101