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Xxii Paper 10

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156 Hazards XXII # 2011 IChemE



James Perry, Alexandros Hanna, Silvia Fernandez and Geoff Stevens, Arthur D. Little Limited, Cambridge, UK

For many firms Hazard and Operability Analysis (HAZOP) has become a by-word for the “correct”
approach to systematic hazard identification and analysis of process plants. But to be successful the
technique requires sufficient design development, appropriate resources and sufficient time for
implementation. Against a background of shortening schedules and pressure to reduce costs,
there is the potential for HAZOP to be used under circumstances where it does not produce the
best results.
This paper draws on our practical experience of implementing both HAZOP and alternative
approaches matched to the stage of development of the project. In particular we review:

. The use of questionnaires for Process Hazards Analysis (PHA) at the early stages of a project
during conceptual design.
. The use of Major Hazards Review (MHR) workshops for existing facilities which may have
been in operation for some time and where potential hazards are well understood.

The aim of this paper is not to describe the PHA, HAZOP or MHR techniques but to give prac-
tical examples of their application, to demonstrate the effectiveness of alternative techniques and
examine shortcomings when an inappropriate method is chosen for the stage of development of
the project.

INTRODUCTION Where credible deviations are found, the team

All three techniques discussed in this paper can be said to reviews whether the situation could be hazardous or might
have a common aim; identification of hazards in process make the plant difficult to operate. This review involves
plant. The identification step forms an integral part in considering the consequences which might occur, the safe-
overall process safety management which covers identifi- guards already in place to manage the risk and, in cases
cation, assessment, and mitigation of risks in process plant. where the team feels improvement is desirable, recommen-
The main point of the paper is to illustrate with prac- dations aimed at further risk mitigation.
tical examples circumstances under which each technique is The discussions during the team review of each node
most effective and the consequences which can occur if the are recorded using a HAZOP Worksheet which is typically
identification techniques are applied inappropriately. projected to allow participants to keep pace with the find-
ings. The facilitator will also annotate the P&ID to show
progress and recommendations so that the mark-up and
the HAZOP worksheet together provide a definitive record
HAZARD AND OPERABILITY STUDY (HAZOP) of each session which is reviewed and agreed by each par-
Many organizations have incorporated Hazard and Oper- ticipant on behalf of the function they represent.
ability Study (HAZOP) as part of their process safety man- The objective of the HAZOP study is to identify
agement procedures(1). These procedures typically use potential hazards and to assign actions to make good any
HAZOP as a method for evaluating, in a systematic way, shortfall in risk management rather than taking time to
the safety and operability of plants and auxiliary facilities. design solutions. However, if a solution is obvious to the
The approach is used by both Plant Operating Companies team, a summary of the suggestion can be included in the
and the contractors working for them on process projects worksheet recommendations.
or re-vamps and the procedures for HAZOP may be incor- The approach described for one node is repeated until
porated into company standards or be part of the contrac- all nodes on the set of P&IDs have been examined under
tor’s own approach to safety management. normal operating conditions. Further review sessions
The HAZOP Study involves a formal team review of focus on transitional phases of operation such as catalyst
Piping and Instrumentation diagrams (P&ID) under normal activation, start-up, shut down and regeneration. Particular
operation conditions and also under transient conditions attention is given to emergency shut down systems.
such as catalyst activation, start-up or emergency shutdown
to ensure the plant is in a safe condition during all these
phases. The technique involves team assessment wherever PROCESS HAZARDS ANALYSIS (PHA)
deviations from the design intention can occur. Deviations Some organizations have adopted Process Hazards Analysis
are identified though systematic application of parameter- (PHA) as a means to ensure safe plant design and to identify
guideword combinations to nodes which are selected to the required safeguarding devices to minimize the risk of
break the plant down into different functional blocks. design changes in the detailed engineering phase of a

SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 156 Hazards XXII # 2011 IChemE

project. In the PHA study, a check list approach is used to give participants clear information (with a photographic
evaluate the following issues associated with the plant. record where possible) about the credibility and potential
impact of incidents. The aim is not to be alarmist but to
. Hazardous plant equipment and materials (e.g. fuels,
counter feelings that “we don’t/won’t have accidents” to
highly reactive chemicals, toxic substances, explosives,
encourage participants to focus on the rare but still credible
high pressure systems, and other energy storage
chains of events which can lead to a major incident.
The workshop proceeds by reviewing each section of
. Safety-related interfaces between plant equipment items
the risk register step by step. The team considers if each
and materials (e.g. material interactions, fire/explosion
hazard listed in the register might occur on their particular
initiation and propagation, and control/shutdown
plant, what the consequences might be and what safeguards
are already in place. If the team feels the safeguarding could
. Environmental factors that may influence the plant
be improved, recommendations are made and added to the
equipment and materials (e.g. earthquake, vibration,
workshop record.
flooding, extreme temperatures, electrostatic discharge,
The second part of the workshop consists of a risk
and humidity).
assessment by which team members give their views of the
. Operating, testing, maintenance, and emergency pro-
frequency and consequences of hazardous events before
cedures (e.g. human error importance, operator
the recommendations are carried out and after they are
functions to be accomplished, equipment layout/acces-
implemented. The cost of the additional safeguard is also
sibility, and personnel safety protection).
estimated. The assessments are made using calibrated
. Facility support (e.g. storage, testing equipment, train-
ranking matrices, typically 5 point scales calibrated against
ing, and utilities).
hazard frequency for the industry and loss history. The
. Safety-related equipment (e.g. mitigating systems,
assessments are made independently by individual experts
redundancy, fire suppression, and personal protective
and if time permits the individual scores are compared and
discussion facilitated between team members who have
The PHA should identify major hazards and accident expressed widely differing views. The aim of the discussion
situations that could result in undesired consequences. It is to reach a common consensus on the risk evaluation.
should also propose design features or alternatives that In the final part of the analysis for each recommen-
could eliminate or reduce those hazards. The study is con- dation two items are compared:
ducted as a facilitated team investigation designed to
. The loss aversion expected from the additional safe-
inspire imaginative thinking by a group of experts. They
guard (the difference between the risk before and the
focus on hazards and operational problems by examining
risk after implementation).
the process units typically using a process flow diagram
. The cost of implementation.
(PFD showing major equipment sub-systems) with team
members referring to the P&ID and other available project From these inputs a benefit cost ratio can be deter-
documentation as needed. mined allowing recommendations to be classified either in
This objective clearly overlaps with that of a HAZOP terms of the risk reduction they achieve or the benefit cost
study, although the approach and the methods adopted are ratio they offer as a return on safety investment.
different. Both methods may be used on the same project The quality of the workshop hinges on the thorough-
with PHA used in the early stages of the plant design and ness with which the risk registers are prepared and hence
HAZOP study using the parameter-guideword method per- the quality of the previous HAZOP studies on which
formed in the subsequent detailed design phase. they are based. Provided these are points are acceptable,
the approach provides an effective way of identifying the
MAJOR HAZARDS REVIEW (MHR) major safety performance improvement measures which
Major Hazards Review is a workshop technique used to can be justified for a particular plant.
review the precautions on a particular plant to safeguard
against the main generic hazards recognised on plants of
the same general type(2). The main working document is a STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF THE
risk register which covers each section of the plant listing THREE METHODS
the main hazards which have the potential to occur. The reg- All three techniques can deliver good hazard identification
ister is prepared before the workshop, drawing on all the given an expert team, a skillful facilitator and a well pre-
hazards identified in previous HAZOP studies of the same pared design basis. Where these conditions do not prevail
type. Typically at least three previous studies are required, some undesired outcomes may result.
competently executed and with full recording, so that a
thorough view of potential hazards is available. The register LACK OF TEAM EXPERTISE
also includes a tabulation of accidents which have occurred If those participating in the study lack experience of the unit
on plants of the type under study drawn from the database under study the quality of the work is likely to be seriously
we maintain. This tabulation can be especially helpful in impaired. In essence either a HAZOP, PHA or MHR study is
the introductory phases of the workshop where it serves to only as good as the team which carries it out. It might seem

SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 156 Hazards XXII # 2011 IChemE

as if these meetings could be a good training for a new recent studies between the number of drawings for review
engineer but in practice this is often a frustrating experience and the time taken for study.
both for the new recruit as well as other members of the It is immediately apparent that the PHA approach
team who quickly recognize a “passenger”. Those crucial (purple line) allows more drawings to be progressed in a
experts assigned to the study team can often be busy given time. However it is important to realize that the analy-
people with many demands on their time. It is very disrup- sis achieved by PHA is not as deep as that obtained by
tive to proceedings if the attention of such individuals is HAZOP. Only a single point is available for MHR but we
diverted by phone calls or their attendance interrupted by suggest the analysis achieved by MHR corresponds to that
the need to participate in other meetings. of HAZOP because the study items are drawn from previous
HAZOP studies.
Analysis shows that the larger number of drawings
which can be processed by PHA is not because the work
If the facilitator lacks confidence or experience this can slow
rate in terms of numbers of items discussed is greater.
the progress of the study and unsettle the team. Facilitators
Figure 2 suggests there is little difference in this respect
need to gain experience of course but this is best done on the
between all three techniques, MHR, PHA and HAZOP in
foundation of a good training course and supportive initial
the hands of the same facilitator. A note of caution is
assignments involving short studies with familiar technol-
needed because relatively few points are available for MHR
ogy to allow the fledgling facilitator to gain confidence.
and PHA and there is a wide scatter between the HAZOP
It is important to recognize that different types of
studies. Those who have facilitated HAZOP will recognize
facilitation skills are required by the three methods. For
the different rates of progress achieved by different teams
PHA the facilitator needs to have strong interpretation
and the “bedding down” which occurs as team members
skills so that team members can be guided to appreciate
become used to working with each and can accelerate discus-
the relevance of a general question to a particular design
sions without feeling they are skipping important points.
feature of the plant in question. For MHR the technique is
The linear correlation for items per day shows more
very practical but requires facilitation with a strong appreci-
scatter than Drawings per day in Figure 1 (compare R2
ation both of the operation of the plant in question and
values) indicating that some groups move at different
the safeguards used elsewhere. HAZOP is by comparison
speeds to the average. For example this occurs where one
the most methodologically structured approach and can be
or more team members are unfamiliar with the principles
successful even in the hands of a facilitator who does not
behind hazard identification and take up too much discus-
know the particular plant, provided there is a strong ground-
sion time with procedural irrelevances or “hobby-horses”.
ing in and a willingness to apply thoroughly the HAZOP
By contrast small groups of experts who are familiar with
the process and with working together can progress at a
rate which is above average.
TOO LITTLE TIME FOR SCOPE TO BE COVERED A similar analysis can be conducted for the number of
It is essential that whoever commissions a HAZOP, PHA or recommendations generated in a day’s work. The following
MHR study understands the time required and makes an graph shows data for HAZOP, PHA and MRH with the
adequate provision. Figure 1 shows the relationship in our linear trend line for the HAZOP data.

Drawings progress
y = 7.0496x
R 2 = 0.751

Drawings studied



y = 2.8588x
R 2 = 0.7907

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Number days

Figure 1. Drawings per day of study. Source: Arthur D Little PHA Purple, HAZOP: Blue MHR Turquoise

SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 156 Hazards XXII # 2011 IChemE

Study progress
Items reviewed


600 y = 104.31x
R 2 = 0.5921

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Duration days

Figure 2. Items studied per team day. Source: Arthur D Little PHA Purple, HAZOP: Blue, MHR Turquoise

This provides the closest correlation of the three example be inconsistent approaches to PSV mechanical
analyses indicating a relationship between the number of arrangements and sparing philosophy.
recommendations generated and the time available for 2. No quantitative analysis to be performed during
study. Although few points are available for PHA and HAZOP meeting.
MHR they appear to fall within the range of deviation of This often limits discussion on the size of potential con-
the HAZOP data. sequences with the result that different team members
There is an important implication from this finding. It may have different mental models of the potential
shows that the PHA approach, while apparently covering outcome should a particular hazard occur. Information
more ground in terms of drawings does so in a shallower based on QRA nomograms giving approximate effect
manner (fewer recommendations per drawing, about four distances can be helpful for team members to appreciate
per drawing for PHA, 14 per drawing for HAZOP). This the magnitude of some consequences and a matrix
is an important characteristic which needs to be recognized ranking exercise (see discussion from page 9 “Risk
when choosing between PHA and HAZOP. assessment following hazard identification”) can be a
MHR on the other hand generated a higher than useful added value exercise with the team once the
expected rate of recommendations in the single study for HAZOP is completed.
which we have data. This might occur because the team 3. If there is more than one train or pass, only one will be
meetings are focused on only hazardous issues drawn reviewed, considering they are identical.
from precursor HAZOP studies on the same type of plant It is often advisable to do a line check to verify this is in
as the one under study. fact the case otherwise a topic which could be missed is
flow distributions between parallel heat exchanger or
furnace passes. There can be safety implications for
uneven flow distribution in such equipment.
4. Single check valve is adequate for contamination
While the merits of the HAZOP technique are often recog-
protection or excessive temperature unless special
nized, project staff may be tempted to shorten the study time
circumstances exist.
by setting “rules” designed to limit debate. Examples of
Operating plant experience shows numerous accidents
such guidelines include:
have occurred through failure of non return valves.
1. Mechanical protection devices (PSVs, rupture discs) This is a potentially important topic which needs to
are expected to work. be discussed in relation to the service, particularly for
Any equipment has a failure rate even though it may be dirty service or multi-phase service for example oil/
quite small. For Pressure Safety Valves the expected hydrogen mixtures under pressure.
failure rate may be small and this can be an independent 5. Impact on environment (e.g., dispersion) will not be
layer of protection which needs to be considered during analyzed.
SIL assignment. However there are other failure modes This may appear to be a simplifying assumption but
(unintended isolation on inlet, blockage of discharge short consideration will bring to mind major accidents
piping, lifting and then failing to properly reseat) so with huge consequences for the operator arising from
without a discussion on such issues there may for environmental liability.

SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 156 Hazards XXII # 2011 IChemE

6. No design work will be done. (FEED) is completed it makes little sense to conduct a
While agreeing that a HAZOP is not a design session it PHA on the PFD’s. However, at earlier stages of the
is an opportunity to review the proposed plant design project if an owner becomes concerned that the project
and particularly if the licensor’s representative is safety culture is weak, PHA can serve as a useful technique
present, it makes sense to allow discussion to draw on to establish a clear Design Philosophy based on Safety Man-
team experience to illustrate approaches to problem agement considerations (rather than based on constraints of
solving adopted on other plants. An experienced facili- cost or schedule). For example basic issues such as locating
tator is expected to judge how far and how deep such pumps in flammable service directly underneath pipe-racks
discussions offer value. and fin-fan banks (design practice which went out decades
7. Simultaneous occurrence of two unrelated incidents not ago) needs to be addressed at the early stages of the
considered. project and not left to the later stages of FEED.
This “rule” so called double jeopardy is often used to To achieve this objective using PHA requires a con-
curtail discussions. However recognizing what is truly sistent checklist appropriate to the stage of the project at
unrelated is worth discussion in the light of actual acci- which it will be applied. As an example of an early design
dent experience where major consequences have issue:
resulted from “coincidence” of superficially unrelated
occurrences. An experienced facilitator will also bear “Is it possible to reduce potential safety and
in mind special operations or plant status when environmental hazards by minimizing leak
normal protections may not be applied allowing hazar- sources such as pumps or tanks?”
dous situations to arise for a single failure.
Such a question may be appropriate to a PHA check-
8. Occurrences such as Natural calamity, (e.g., flood,
list to be applied at the conceptual stage. Consider a check-
earthquake), Dropped objects on live line are some-
list item such as:
times excluded yet have been the cause of major loss
in isolated instances. “Loss of utility failsafe position of valves”
9. Interlock/shutdown system/trip is deemed as protec-
tion/safeguard. Such an item may be an issue for later design when
Obviously the sufficiency of an interlock is the subject reviewing the P&IDs and considering the safe status of
of a SIL assessment requiring understanding of the fre- the plant in emergency conditions such as loss of instrument
quency of occurrence and consequences which might air.
occur were the SIS to fail on demand. Other questions may be included in checklists such
10. Alarm system for operator action or operating ins- as:
truction/operating manual is deemed as protection/
safeguard. “Should there be reliance on instrumented trip
Many accidents have occurred because operators functions”, rather than “inherent safe design”.
failed to respond correctly to alarms in time. The issue may need early consideration even though
11. Assume that the design basis is correct. this may appear to require detailed understanding of the
In a number of projects, random checks have shown control and safeguarding philosophy. The scope of
design weaknesses such as inappropriate PSV design enquiry should be open to the team so that arbitrary limit-
cases, control valve capacities, equipment design ations are not imposed. For example in our HAZOP practice
temperatures, and material selection. It is our experi- we carry out checks for the consistency of the design basis,
ence that such issues can be missed in “P&ID/ for example the application of an appropriate design factor
design review” or assumptions made in design which between the low pressure and high pressure side of a heat
do not stand up to challenge in subsequent HAZOP exchanger. Some object to this practice arguing that this is
studies. a design matter or an issue which should be dealt with in
All the above restrictions have been proposed for P&ID review. We introduce such questioning when we
HAZOP and PHA studies at one time or another. In our can and find quite often inconsistencies in approach
experience such arbitrary limitations fail to curtail discus- between different licensor packages in the same facility.
sion (practical engineers understand the potential risks in A different issue concerns the investigation of poten-
these situations). An experienced facilitator is expected to tial hazards across interfaces. It is sometimes argued for
be able to allow such topics to be raised but to manage example that flare capacity issues lie outside the plant
the discussion to a quick and fruitful conclusion which battery limit and should not be discussed. However in the
satisfies team members that the issues have been sufficiently expansion of an existing site, increasing the capacity of
aired rather than “brushed under the carpet”. the flare system or sizing for adequate liquids handling
can become issues to be investigated. If “rules” exclude
such discussions, the outcome could be unacceptably high
WHEN PHA IS PREFERRED TO HAZOP SIL requirements for instrumented trips to limit flaring.
Once the project has advanced beyond the concept stage and We feel this issue is best anticipated earlier rather than
the extensive work involved in Front End Engineering later when it may come to a head during detailed design.

SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 156 Hazards XXII # 2011 IChemE

A consistent checklist appropriate to the stage of commenced are not best practice and lead to difficult and
design development avoids frustrating members of the inefficient HAZOP studies.
team with different expectations which exclude “looking Two of the approaches discussed, HAZOP and PHA
in too much detail” for example at consistency of instrumen- may not be suitable for the examination of plants which
tation on comparable items of equipment. have been in service for some time, where the hazards are
In our opinion, owners would have been far better to well known and safeguards are in place. Nevertheless a
conduct: formal process is required for example to manage changes
such as revamp or debottlenecking. Under these circum-
. PHA on the PFDs at an early stage of the project for stances a Major Hazards Review (MHR) could be considered.
example during conceptual design.
. HAZOP on the P&IDs depending on the project contract
At the Front End Engineering stage of the project this EFFECTIVE
implies HAZOP in good time to allow the findings to be Major Hazards Review benefits from previous systematic
included in the final FEED documentation. Later in the study but avoids taking time to generate this tried and
project schedule when the focus is on detailed engineering trusted material afresh in another HAZOP for the plant in
and build ie during the Engineer, Procure and Construction question. The technique therefore offers considerable
(EPC) phase, this implies conducting HAZOP prior to saving in time and resource provided the necessary con-
giving ‘approval for construction’. In this latter case the ditions apply.
work comes late in the day so that weak FEED stage The data in Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3 includes a
studies (by PHA or HAZOP) that do not challenge project point for a Major Hazards Review study we recently con-
philosophies, design basis or assumptions are likely to ducted. Comparing the relationship between the turquoise
lead to a troublesome EPC study HAZOP. Significant point (MHR) to the HAZOP trend line in Figure 2 and
delays/difficulty can be experienced if the design has not Figure 3 suggests that MHR produces more recommen-
undertaken sufficient rigorous review during the FEED dations per item discussed. The average ratios from these
stage especially if the EPC stage is by fixed lump sum con- studies are:
tract. Not only does the project risk significant delay, it also
. for HAZOP 5.3 items discussed per recommendation,
opens the door to claims/variation orders if the EPC con-
. for PHA 3.6 items discussed per recommendation
tractor can show the FEED design basis to be inappropriate.
. for MHR just 1.6 items discussed per recommendation.
We notice a trend to postpone design decisions to the
EPC contract in an attempt to reduce the cost and duration of It means that by comparison with the HAZOP and
FEED. It is desirable for both Client and Contractor to have PHA technique, MHR workshops appear more productive
an agreed design before commencing review and not post- in terms of recommendations made in comparison to the
pone difficult discussions to the detailed design HAZOP to number of issues covered.
see whether the issues are identified. Last minute changes This ability of MHR to focus team time is a reflection
leading to issue of revised P&IDs to client on day of the of the depth of analysis in the HAZOP studies on which the
HAZOP or process redesign once the unit HAZOP has review is based. The higher ratio of recommendations

Recommendations progress

Number of recommendations




y = 29.729x
R 2 = 0.8389

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Number of days

Figure 3. Recommendations proposed per day. Source: Arthur D Little PHA Purple, HAZOP: Blue MHR Turquoise

SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 156 Hazards XXII # 2011 IChemE

to issues discussed in MHR is achieved by careful prep- . A group of 23 recommendations assessed with breake-
aration during which previous HAZOP studies are collated ven benefit cost ratios offering loss aversion of over $
and the main hazards extracted. Team time is thereby 1 million.
focused to hazardous issues making more efficient use of
company resources. The first group of recommendations were character-
ised by close agreement between the assessments of the par-
ticipants. Separate assessments were made for:

RISK ASSESSMENT AS PART OF HAZARD . The frequency with which the potential hazard might
Some of our clients ask us to risk assess as part of hazard . The probability of a loss resulting from the occurrence.
identification in HAZOP, PHA or MHR studies. There are . The size of loss if one occurred.
two ways to tackle this requirement:
By contrast the degree of unanimity for the assess-
. Evaluate risk for each hazard at the time of identifi- ment of the group of 23 assessments was much less. It
cation to determine whether a recommendation is seems a good consensus forms around recommendations
required. which clearly offer safety performance improvement.
. Assess the risk reduction on offer for each recommen- Where on the other hand the rankings are breakeven, imply-
dation as a separate exercise once the hazard identifi- ing that the benefits are less clear cut, there is a wider range
cation is complete. of variation in the team assessment.
We checked the stability of our findings by removing
We have shown previously that reliable risk assess-
one extreme value ie the assessments were either “topped”
ment can be achieved using calibrated ranking matrices (3).
or “tailed” to remove the assessment with the greatest diver-
Our experience has been that attempting such assessment at
gence from the others. The result for the group of nine rec-
the time each hazard is identified is very time consuming.
ommendations is illustrated in Figure 4.
Such timing interrupts the momentum of hazard identifi-
The result shows no change whatever in the assess-
cation in a particular process plant section by requiring a sep-
ment of five of the recommendations which remain stable
arate comparative task needing broad knowledge of failure
when extreme results are removed whereas for four of the
rates and potential losses in different contexts. In previous
recommendations the safety benefit was reduced because
work we have shown(4) that risk assessment after hazard
the exceptional assessment was on the optimistic side. The
identification can be a powerful tool for improvement of
average loss aversion benefit moved from just over $4
investment returns in existing assets. Where procedure
million to $2.7 million. The result gives confidence that a
requires “all recommendations have to be implemented”
substantial loss aversion can be achieved by focusing
assessment is less beneficial.
improvement budgets on just a few recommendations
As part of our MHR practice we include matrix
where there is close consensus in the review team.
assessment of the risk before and after implementation of
This test was carried out with the assessments for
each recommendation(2). In principle such an approach
the group of 23 recommendations with breakeven benefit
could be also applicable to HAZOP or to PHA but due to
cost (see Figure 5). Removal of extreme results allowed
the greater number of days typically and the greater
only one of the recommendations to show a greatly
number of recommendations typically, such matrix assess-
improved benefit cost ratio. Six of the recommendations
ments could add many days additional to what has already
showed diminished benefit cost and the remaining 16
been a long procedure. Because of the much shorter time,
assessments were substantially unaffected. With all assess-
and hence typically fewer recommendations in MHR (see
ments included, a loss aversion of $1.04 million was esti-
Figure 3) the matrix assessment technique can be built
mated and this rose to $1.29 million after “topping and
into the MHR procedure in a quite time effective manner.
tailing” reflecting the significantly improved benefit
Once sufficient time has been spent in the workshop
expected from one recommendation.
to understand the principal involved, these assessments
These results build on our previous finding that
can be done individually and collated separately after the
matrix assessment carried out by independent experts can
workshop is completed. This might at first seem a weak
be a reliable method to assess risk(4). The implication is
process open to manipulation but in practice we find
that time spent trying to resolve differences in individual
teams produce a good degree of consistency where the
assessment may not be well spent. The findings suggest
safety benefit of a recommendation offers a clear safety
that where there is a positive benefit cost ratio, this is recog-
nised clearly by all participants who independently achieve
Of the 98 recommendations in the MHR study
good consensus with their assessments. Where the benefit
example we report here, two categories were recognised
cost ratios are breakeven, wider disagreement in assessment
from the matrix assessment:
is expected, which may take time in team discussion to
. A group of nine recommendations assessed with posi- resolve but rarely leads to identification of worthwhile
tive values of benefit cost offering loss aversion of recommendations making a significant impact on safety
over $4 million were they to be implemented. performance. This finding offers a justification for speeding

SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 156 Hazards XXII # 2011 IChemE

Average of all
Outliers edited
Benefit cost ratios







R3.5 R3.4 R3.6 R3.7 See R4.10 R1a.22 R1b.21 R2.1 R1c.1

Figure 4. Removal of extreme values from group of nine recommendations with positive benefit cost ratio. Source: Arthur D Little
After removal of outlier Purple, Full assessment set: Blue

up the matrix assessment so that it is carried out on an inde- design basis. Data from our studies shows that the PHA
pendent basis without taking time for lengthy consensus approach allows more drawings to be progressed in a
seeking efforts. given time but the analysis achieved by PHA is not as
deep as that possible with HAZOP. The closest correlation
in our analysis was found between the number of rec-
CONCLUSIONS ommendations generated and the time available for study.
All of the three techniques reviewed (HAZOP, PHA and We discuss a number of “short cuts” we have seen which
MHR) can deliver good hazard identification given an attempt to limit discussion in HAZOP to shorten the study
expert team, a skillful facilitator and a well prepared time. We also review the benefits of risk assessment

Benefit cost ratios Average of all

Outliers edited








Figure 5. Removal of extreme values from group of 23 recommendations with breakeven benefit cost ratio. Source: Arthur D Little
After removal of outlier Purple, Full assessment set: Blue

SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 156 Hazards XXII # 2011 IChemE

during the study and show this can be effective particularly process plant hazards? IChemE Hazards XX Manchester
during MHR if the focus is on recommendations which the England.
entire team recognizes as offering safety benefit. 3. G.C. Stevens, A. Verna and M. Marchi, (October
2001) Getting full value from HAZOP. A practical
REFERENCES approach to the assessment of risks identified during
1. P. Beall and G. Stevens (2007) Making HAZOP the method studies on process plants. IChemE Hazards XVI Manche-
of choice for identification and assessment of process ster England.
hazards 9th Process Plant Safety Symposium. AIChE 4. G.C. Stevens, A. Verna and S. Milanese (September 2001)
Houston. Practical application of reliability modeling in the evalu-
2. Alfredo Verna and Geoff Stevens (April 2008) Is HAZOP ation of investment options for refinery and petrochemical
always the method of choice for identification of major plant ESREL Torino.


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