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Outline of Methods For Hazard and Risk Analysis

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Chapter 8

Outline of Methods for Hazard

and Risk Analysis

8.1 Introduction

Hazard and risk analysis is a large subject in itself, covered by a

substantial quantity of published information. The term hazard
analysis comprises a number of different systematic methods for
identifying the hazards to be associated with a given process or
plant. Such analyses can also be used as a basis for optimizing the
selection of means for preventing and mitigating dust explosions.
Risk analysis consists of four major steps: identification of a rep-
resentative set of failure cases, calculation of consequences, esti-
mation of failure probabilities, and assessment of overall impact.
Cox (1986, 1987) gave an informative summary of the various
techniques in use for hazard and risk analysis, which is quoted
more or less literally, under the following five headings.

8.2 Hazard Surveys or Inventories

These methods are essential preliminaries to many safety studies.

The survey consists of making an inventory of all stocks of haz-
ardous material or energy and noting relevant details of storage
conditions. When carried out at the conceptual stage of a project,
such a survey can contribute to layout optimization and may sug-
gest process changes to reduce stored quantities. It generates
information that can be used in a preliminary risk assessment, but
the hazard survey itself is little more than a "screening" exercise designed
to identify problem areas.

8.3 Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP) and Failure

Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

These two techniques have very similar objectives and methods of

approach. The purpose is to identify systematically all of the possible
ways in which the system investigated could fail and to evaluate these and
formulate recommendations for preventive and mitigatory measures.
FMEA is the simpler of the two techniques. The procedure is to take each
plant item and component in turn, list all possible failure modes and con-
sider the consequences of each. The results are recorded in a standard
format in which recommendations for action can be included. The weak-
ness of FMEA is that there is no specified method for identifying the
failure modes and their effects. The engineer is expected to do this from
first principles or past experience, and the only discipline imposed on him
or her is that of the reporting format itself.
HAZOP overcomes this difficulty by introducing a systematic method for
identifying failure modes. This involves scrutiny of a large number of
possible deviations from normal operating conditions, which are gener-
ated by applying guide words such as more, less, reverse, etc., to each of
the parameters describing process conditions in each component, plant
item, or line in the plant. However, HAZOP in its original form has disad-
vantages, and some industrial companies have modified the way in which
the results of the study are handled. Instead of "recommendations," the
output is "identified problems," leaving more room for a coordinated
rational design revision that is not only cheaper, but also probably safer.

8.4 Analysis of Systems Reliability by Fault Tree Analysis

This method is applied to complex systems, whether the complexity is

due to the nature of the process itself or to the instrumentation required
for running the process. In the basic technique, the "Fault Tree Analysis,"
the failure modes must first be identified, e.g. by HAZOP. These failure
modes are named "top events." An example of a "top event" could be a
dust explosion in a milling plant.
For each "top event." the analyst must then identify all those events or
combinations of events that could lead directly to the failure. The precise
logical relationship between cause and effect is expressed by AND or OR
gates and is usually presented in diagrammatic form. The immediate
causes of the top event have their own contributory causes, and these can
be presented in a similar way so that a complete fault tree is built up. This
process ceases when all of the causative factors at the bottom of the tree
are of a simple kind for which frequencies of occurrence or probabilities
can be estimated.
The synthesis of fault tree is a job that is best done by an engineer with
good experience of the type of system under consideration. It is much
easier to teach such a person how to construct a fault tree than to teach a
reliability specialist everything about the system. However, the quantita-
tive analysis of a fault tree is a separate activity in which the reliability
specialist will play the dominant role.
An illustrative example of a quite comprehensive fault tree for a grain
dust explosion in a grain storage facility was given by National Materials
Advisory Board (1982).

8.5 Quantitative Risk Analysis by Event Tree Analysis

Quantitative risk analysis (QRA) consists of the following steps.

Failure cases are identified first by establishing the location of the main
inventories of hazardous material and then by scrutinizing in detail the pro-
cess flow and instrumentation diagrams using checklist methods or HAZOP.
Once the failure cases have been identified, the consequences of the
failure must be calculated. Event tree analysis is a useful method in this
process. An event tree is the reverse of a fault tree, starting with the initial
or "bottom events" and exploring all possible "top events" that can result
from it. Each outcome has further outcomes and all of these can be related
by means of decision gates. At each gate the conditional probabilities
must be estimated for each of the alternative branches. On this basis the
probabilities of the final hazard, or 'top event', can be calculated.
Criteria have been suggested whereby calculated risks can be judged.
Almost all criteria proposed so far are based on the concept of compara-
bility with the existing general risk background. Cost/benefit and "risk
perception" arguments have been advanced.
Risk analysis has been criticized by pointing at

• inaccurate mathematical models

• incomplete analysis of actual practical problem
• inaccurate primary failure probability data
• inadequate acceptability criteria
• difficulty of checking final result
• complexity and laboriousness of method

Hawksley (1989) discussed the conditions under which the various ele-
ments of quantitative risk analysis are useful in the assessment of risks in

8.6 Safety Audits

Once a plant enters operation, hardware and procedures will start to

change from those originally established by the commissioning team.
Usually, there are good reasons for this: the plant engineers and operators
may find simpler or more economic procedures, and the operational
requirements themselves may change. However, it is also quite possible
that safety standards fall off with time because experience of satisfactory
operation leads to overconfidence and a false sense of security.
For these reasons, safety audits are used in many operating companies.
These may vary from a half-day tour by the works manager to a review
lasting several weeks carried out by a team of engineers covering dif-
ferent disciplines and independent of the regular operational management
of the plant. For the most penetrating audits, the study should not be
announced in advance.

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