Emotional Feel of Colors Essay
Emotional Feel of Colors Essay
Emotional Feel of Colors Essay
Kylie Neff
Mrs. Jackson-Owens
English I
Have you ever wondered why some colors give more positive vibes than others?
Why do some people hate some colors and love others? This is all because of how the
person feels when they see that color. Although colors do not seem to be different,
different colors have different meanings and different effects on the way people see
Each color has its own significance. The significance of yellow is the most talked
specifically the color and position of eyes. Amounts, combinations, and gradations of
color repeatedly use a disparaging tone to refer to the color yellow. They do not really
explain why yellow is always called ugly and reprehensible. Eye color and patterns on
the eyes have a lot of significance as well. For example, dots around the iris are said to
indicate wickedness. Also, if eyes are multicolored or have wild patterns then that is just
supposed to mean anything good. Another example is if eyes are brown with a yellow
ring, the person in question was certainly a murder (Pleji, Herman, and Diane Webb).
There’s also value to each color. The drabness of the colors of the earth and the
sea are seen to humans as beautiful because of romanticism and the inherent old
weather (Pleji, Herman, and Diane Webb). The prescription of color is where color often
fails. This is because the prescription of colors cannot lean too heavily on the artistic.
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When this use is overdone that when colors become too dramatic and this can distract
the observer from the tasks they are supposed to be doing. (Birren, Faber). Have you
ever thought about what happens when you gaze at a color until your eyes are fatigued
then you look away at a different color? If you look at a grey or white background when
your eyes are fatigued you will see the complement of whatever color you were just
gazing at. This is called and after image. If this ever happens to you, you are actually
supposed to continue looking at the after image until it begins to fade. It takes about 1-2
seconds to reach full intensity, then for 3-4 seconds it will be at full intensity. After that it
will start to fade away. Most people don’t realize that some colors represent different
symbols. Colors get their value through connections with emotionally toned objects or
else through some relation to emotional situations. The reticence and distance of blue,
the happiness of yellow, are partly explained through the fact that blue is the color of the
sky, yellow the color of sunlight. The reticence of blue can be explained by the sky. The
danger of red can be explained by fire and blood. This is because when people see
Temperature can also affect the way we see color. At first it is red, then orange,
then yellow, and lastly white. If we hold our hands near the piece of iron as its
temperature is raised, we feel the growing energy of the waves as increase of heat. Our
eyes perceive it as changes of color (Sargent, Walter). The therapy of color is also
something that goes into effect of the way people see color. A tremendous opportunity
exists today to build a new therapy of color totally divorced from the esoteric, to
coordinate the efforts of the biologist, the ophthalmologist, the psychiatrist, and the
psychologist, and to follow method rather than mere feeling in getting color to serve the
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best interests of humankind. You might be wondering how color influences human life.
of color in human life. The way humans feel as they see colors mean a lot. For example,
if someone gets depressed when they see blue, then every time they go outside and
see the sky they will be depressed. That is how color can influence lives(Birren,
Faber).You might also be wondering what makes a person like colors and dislike colors.
Many researchers in the field of psychiatry have pointed out certain interesting and
basic facts about human likes and dislikes for color. In the well-known Rorschach test,
for example, an emotionally responsive person will react quite freely to color in general.
color into his inner life. The rigid, emotionally indifferent type may remain unaffected.
meanings and different effects on the way people see them. This helps explain why
people like and dislike colors. There are different ways to feel emotionally when you see
different colors. But what affects that? Overall, the significance of colors, value of colors,
and science of colors are the three main things that affect the way we see colors.