Mobil SHC 500 Series: Supreme-Performance Synthetic Hydraulic Oils
Mobil SHC 500 Series: Supreme-Performance Synthetic Hydraulic Oils
Mobil SHC 500 Series: Supreme-Performance Synthetic Hydraulic Oils
to provide excellent wear protection for high-pressure vane, piston, and gear pumps in a wide
range of temperatures across all industry segments. Exhibiting outstanding oxidation and shear
stability, excellent rust and corrosion protection, demulsibility, and keep-clean performance,
Mobil SHC 500 Series helps extend the service life of machine components.
Mobil SHC 500 Series helps provide outstanding low- and high-temperature performance
and an extra margin of equipment protection beyond the capabilities of comparable mineral
oil–based products — improving productivity by reducing maintenance shutdowns and total cost of ownership.
decrease machine maintenance, extend oil drain intervals, and potentially reduce hydraulic system energy consumption by
up to 6.2 percent when compared with standard mineral hydraulic oils. The increased hydraulic efficiency gained from using
Mobil SHC 500 can also result in an overall reduction in CO2 emissions, helping your operation better meet environmental goals.
helping keep hydraulic systems and components free from deposits and sludge for trouble-free operation. And its superior shear stability
as compared with conventional high-VI mineral hydraulic oils helps to prevent permanent viscosity loss and therefore stays in grade.
High-Performance Benefits
Equipment protection Ultra keep-clean Hydraulic efficiency Low-temperature performance
Helps provide a high level of Excellent system deposit and High shear-stable VI enables Wide temperature range performance
hydraulic component protection sludge control helps prevent increased hydraulic efficiency beyond the capabilities of standard
for pumps, pistons, and valve sticking and filter clogging of up to 6% compared with mineral oil hydraulic fluids.
servovalves, with the highest and improve hydraulic system standard mineral hydraulic oils,*
level of shear protection when response time. potentially reducing energy
compared with all high-VI oils consumption in high-pressure
in an industry study. hydraulic systems.
Mobil SHC 500 Series — Performance
Balanced Formulation Shear Stability
Density 15°C,
0.852 0.851 0.854 0.858
ASTM D 4052, kg/L
Low-Temperature Performance
Copper Strip Corrosion,
ASTM D 130, 3 hours 1B 1B 1B 1B
@ 100°C
Rust Characteristics,
Pass Pass Pass Pass
**Due to continual product research and development, the information contained herein is subject
to change without notification. Typical properties may vary slightly.
Mobil SHC 500 Series’ excellent low-temperature properties allow for
quicker start-up and increased wear protection at low temperatures The energy efficiency design is a trademark of Exxon Mobil
compared with conventional high-VI hydraulic oils. The graph above Corporation. Energy efficiency relates solely to the fluid
performance when compared with conventional reference
shows hydraulic fluid flow rate measured in a Vickers 104C hydraulic oils of the same viscosity grade in gear applications. The
pump at decreasing ambient temperatures. Mobil SHC 500 Series technology used allows up to 3.6% efficiency compared
with the reference when tested in a worm gearbox under
provides pump start-up performance at temperatures lower than controlled conditions. Efficiency improvements will vary
-20˚C (-4˚F). based on operating conditions and applications.
For more information on Mobil SHC 500 Series and other Mobil Industrial Lubricants and services,
contact your local company representative or visit
*Results are based on a controlled laboratory test and may vary depending on operating conditions.