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PBL Lesson Plan: Global Citizenship and You

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PBL Lesson Plan: Global Citizenship and You

Instructor: Jennifer Vincent Unit Title: Global Citizenship: Becoming an Informed Citizen

Subject/Grade Level: 11th Grade AP, 12th Grade History/Civics


Behavioral Objectives:

Behavior Condition Measurement

Students will demonstrate Students will recognize the use of By using factual sources in their
understanding of sources and propaganda and other tactics to research.
media. manipulate populations thoughts
and opinions on topics..
Students will demonstrate Students will support and justify By taking an active part in school
knowledge of the responsibilities behaviors of a responsible citizen. or community activities to
of becoming an informed citizen. increase awareness or knowledge
of their chosen topic.

Students will create a blog of Students will post regular updates By including findings such as
their research, thoughts, and and show their growing news articles, videos, or other
opinions of their subject using an knowledge and understanding of documents to support their topic
app or tool of their preference. the subject. using factual evidence.

National Standards:
NCSS Standard 1: Culture
NCSS Standard 5: Individuals, Groups, and Institutions
NCSS Standard 6: Power, Authority, and Governance

Sunshine State Standards :

● SS.3.A.1.1 Analyze primary and secondary sources

● SS.5.A.1.1 Use primary and secondary sources to understand history.
● SS.6.W.1.3 Interpret primary and secondary sources.
● G.K12.4.2.3a Critical Thinking - Know: Distinguish between fact and opinion in a
variety of sources.
● G.K12.4.2.3b Critical Thinking - Understand: Recognize bias and value statements in
a variety of media.

Essential Topics Concerning Global Citizens:

Students may choose from the following list of topics, or can submit one for approval to
the instructor. Any approved subject must be appropriate to the unit, supported by at least two
sources, and relevant to the topics at hand. Some subjects, though appropriate to Global
Citizenship are not appropriate for a school setting and are subject to rejection based on their

● Modern Slavery
● Child Soldiers
● Armed Conflicts
● Fair Trade
● World Hunger
● Access to Education
● Child Marriage
● Global Climate Change
● International Refugees
● Endangered Species
● Extreme Poverty
● Gender Equality
● Sustainability
● Clean Water and Sanitation
● Teacher Approved Topic

Global Competencies to be Discussed: (Infographic)

● Self Awareness
● Respect of Differences
● Sense of Global Connection
● Curiosity
● Flexibility
● Effective and Appropriate Communication
● Analytical and Critical Thinking
● Empathy
● Understanding of Global Issues
● Intercultural Knowledge

Visual aids will be placed throughout the classroom, explaining the various topics in this
unit such as photographs, maps, and posters to enhance the various portions of the lesson.
Students will be encouraged to view and discuss the various items throughout the unit and add
others of their own choosing.
The unit will begin with the teacher showing the video, The Benefits of Global
Citizenship. The Global Competencies will also be introduced, including the infographic, Global
Competencies. The teacher will conduct a whole class discussion about the issues concerning
global citizens. Students will be put into small groups of the teacher’s choosing for the duration
of the project. Student groups will need to choose one topic from the list or submit one of their
own choosing for the unit.
By the end of the unit, students will develop an understanding of their subject, its
historical background, methods used to support its continued use or abuse in the modern world,
and its global impact today. They will demonstrate a clear understanding of the subject, provide
several methods of what has been done to resolve or improve it and make suggestions as to how
they can contribute to the awareness and improvement of their chosen subject.
This project will be a whole semester unit in addition to the regular coursework due to the
evolving nature of this project.

This project will activate the following 21st Century Skills:

● Collaboration
● Problem Solving
● Communication
● Creativity
● Information, Media, and Technology Skills
● Digital literacy
● Critical Thinking
● Globalism and Cultural Understanding

Project timeline:
Milestone Condition Due Date
Milestone 1 Unit will be introduced to the September 27th
class by the instructor.
Milestone 2 Students will coordinate with October 4th
their groups and choose a subject
for the unit. Students will justify
their subject choice if they are not
using a pre provided topic.
Milestone 3 Students will create a blog, wiki, October 11th
or other resource to share their
findings and research as well as
their opinions.

Milestone 4 Students will develop a plan for October 25th

engaging in a school or
community activity to improve
awareness or support their chosen
Milestone 5 Students will update their Monthly, beginning October 18th
resources on a regular basis. All
group members must contribute
to their resources.

Milestone 6 Students will demonstrate November 15th

contribution to the awareness of
their topic and provide workable
solutions to their improvement.

Milestone 7 Students will conclude their December 20th

research, justify their stances and
opinions, and share their findings
and future plans via the blog or a

The Community aspect of the unit will be graded on the following criteria:

Criteria 0 2-3 points 4-5 points 5-6 points Total

Participation Student has Completed but Completed and Completed and addressed with
in outside not completed not addressed in addressed, but reflection, future goals, and
activity this aspect their conclusion. reflection is not permanent long term solutions
supported. suggested.
Reflection Misunderstan Understands key Understands key Student understands the depth
and Critical ds key concepts but does concepts and relates and breadth of the subject
thinking and concepts. Refl not reflect as it back to the matter and how it relates to the
Creativity ection not relates back to unit. Articulately unit. Quality of work
relevant to the unit. reflects ideas, and demonstrates personal
material. opinions. reflection. Work is of
exceptional quality.
Extra Credit Student has formed a student
will be group to work for
awarded in understanding or improvement
the following of their topic in order to raise
case and will awareness. They have obtained
be weighted a teacher sponsor, received
up to an approval of the school, and
additional established guidelines for the
20% of the continuation of the group
unit grade following their graduation (if


The blog or other digital media will be graded based on the following criteria.
Blog Assessment Rubric
Name: ___________________________________

Criteria 0-2 points 3-4 points 4-5 points 5-6 points Total
Topic Topic is not Topic is relevant Topic is approved Topic is both relevant and
Selection approved or but was not but only partially approved and thoroughly
and appropriate. approved. addressed. covered by the assignment.
Reflection Misunderstands Understands key Understands key Student understands the
and Critical key concepts but does concepts and relates depth and breadth of the
thinking and concepts. Reflec not reflect as it back to the subject matter and how it
Creativity tion not relevant relates back to unit. Articulately relates to the unit. Quality
to material. the unit. reflects ideas, and of work
opinions. demonstrates personal
reflection. Work is of
exceptional quality.
Structure Chaotic, Poorly organized, Articulates ideas Demonstrates growth and
disorganized digressive, or effectively. maturation of
presentation of circular ideas. Reflections build on
material. presentation of the unit and relate to the
ideas. lesson at large.
Grammar Frequent use of Uses some Uses correct Writes eloquently free of
and poor grammar, incorrect grammar and all grammar, spelling and
Mechanics sentence grammar, has spelling, has some sentence structure.
structure, and some spelling sentence structure
spelling and sentence errors.
structure errors.
Citations Sources are not Some sources are Citation format is Citation format is correct to
and Format: cited or cited or have web followed but links Chicago Manual of Style.
Chicago credited. links, but citation are missing.
Style style is not
Citation to correct.
be used

Total grade: ___________________________________

Technology will include video to introduce and enhance the lesson, both to set the tone,
as well as encourage students to make connections to the subject. Students will have access to
unit resources relevant to the lesson. Students will be encouraged to utilize these as well as
continue creating their graphic organizers and utilize online research to enhance learning.

ESOL Accommodations:
Students will be paired with a student mentor or a bilingual student if available.
Translation applications and or additional visual aids will be provided in the case of a newer
ELL, though for many abstract concepts, translation may be more useful. ELL will be
encouraged to keep a graphic organizer in order to enhance their understanding of the lesson or
other accommodations as provided in their IEP. ELL will be allowed to utilize translation
software to facilitate understanding using a mobile device or computer. ELL students will be
allowed to complete the blog portion of their project in their native language, but must provide a
translated (through Google Translate or other app) version for the teacher and their group. Group
members will need to work with their ELL paired students to proofread their submission for

Beginning level students will be given simplified instruction and vocabulary, nonverbal
support, as well as bilingual aids in order to enhance their understanding of the lesson.
Intermediate students will be provided sentence frames, an expanded vocabulary list, visual aids,
and group work to include a strong English speaking partner. Advanced students will be given
targeted language instruction along with an enhanced vocabulary lists, and being paired with a
strong English speaking partner.

Because this is a complex unit with a tremendous amount of information, I would need to
provide vocabulary lists, leveled questions, L1 support to beginning ELL or other supports as
appropriate. The lessons include video and audio portions, small and whole group work,
mentoring, and other supports. Poll Everywhere allows you to create a question, but I don't think
I could easily level it for differentiation for students, but maybe a translation app would be
allowable in this case.

For visually impaired students:

I will need to use increased fonts, orally transcribed images or videos, larger images or a 1:1
student screen device so that they can manipulate the size of the image or fonts. Depending on
the degree of visual impairment, this can also be satisfied by seating them closer to the
presentation or passing them physical copies for study.

For hearing impaired students:

I will need to provide transcriptions or closed captioning of any videos, wear a voice amplifier,
or allow the use of headphones for any audio presentations, depending on the degree of hearing

For dyslexic students:

I can provide copies of handouts in an easy to read font, many of which fall into the category of
sans-serif fonts. Additionally, the reading demands can be replaced with audio recordings in
some cases, or the student can use a recording of the lesson in class as a study aid.

For dysgraphia students:

Writing assignments can be reduced or turned in digitally. They may also use oral presentation or
recording in place of various assignments. Writing demands can also be adapted to digital
presentations, depending on the student’s technological skill level.

For ADHD students:

Students will be allowed some freedom of movement during the lesson, or provided a fidget toy
or other items. Assignments may need to be broken down into smaller, progressive chunks.
Assignments can also have reduced length, or differentiated assignments can be used such as oral
or digital presentations.

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