Question Bank
Year/Semester : IV/VII
Regulation means government has set down laws and rules that puts limits on and
defines how a particular industry or company can operate.
2. What is Deregulation?
Electric deregulation is the process of changing rules and regulations that control
the electric industry to provide customers the choice of electricity suppliers who
are either retailers or traders by allowing competition.
Encourage privatization
Increase competition
Increase efficient power generation
Increase efficient transmission
Increase efficient distribution
Restructure Indian power network
Public and private sector coordination
Reduce power cost
Aggregate participants in trading and free to use protocols that may differ
from pool rules.
9. Define Wheeling?
Power injection at many buses and taken out at other various buses
Entity which does not have its own line is granted to use line of other for
competition creation.
13. What is unbundling?
Power exchange
Scheduled co-coordinators
Part B(11 marks)
1.How the utility market in different countries are classified?
2.Explain the terms unbundling,wheeling and deregulation
3.explain the various types of ISO&their role and responsibility in
implementationof deregulation of electrical power system?
4.dicuss in detail the different restructuring models in a power system.
5.Describe the competitive market structure of England and wales
electricity pools
6.Explaint the different auction mechanism employed in competitive
electricity markets?
7.Explain the reform motivation and fundamentals of deregulated
Unit-3(congestion management and ancillary services)
It defines a set of rules to ensure control over generators and loads in order
to maintain acceptable level of system security and reliability.
The robustness of rule set is important as under open market structure a set
of players.
LMP mechanism is one of the most commonly employed tools for market
settlement in the deregulated power system environment. The Locational
Marginal Price (LMP) at a bus signifies the cost of supplying the next
increment of load at that bus. The LMP is the sum of supplying energy
marginal cost, cost of losses due to the increment and transmission
congestion cost, if any, arising from the increment. and congestion, if any,
arising from that increment. The LMP is the true indicator of marginal
pricing of energy.
10. Ancillary services
1. Regulation
2. Load Following
3. Energy Imbalance
4. Operating Reserve (Spinning)
5. Operating Reserve (Supplemental)
6. Backup Supply
7. System Control
8. Dynamic Scheduling
9. Reactive Power and Voltage Control Support
10. Real Power Transmission Losses
11. Network Stability Services from Generation Sources
12. System Black Start Capability
Part-B(11 Mark)
1.What is Meant by congestion in power system?Explain the concept of
Congestion management?
2.Compare and contrast inter and intra Zonal Congestion?
3.With the neat diagram Explain the constituents of generation
rescheduling in congestion management
4.describe the cost recovery method involving in transmission pricing
5.Write a detailed notes on buying and selling ancillary services
6.Explain the various pricing options related to transmission
1. What is transmission pricing?
3.Explain the detail about spot pricing and uniform pricing with suitable
8.Explain the short run marginal cost method of increamental cost based
transmission pricing?
i) Dependent phase
ii) Passive phase
The benefit of the average wholesale generator prices should pass to small
consumers rather than be captured by monopoly distribution companies or
14. List the minimum criteria required for achieving greater market
Assuring open access
2.Explain the opportunities for IPPs andCPPs under the electricity act 2003