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15me03 Basic Thermodynamics

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This course aims to enable undergraduate students of first year mechanical engineering to
apply concepts of energy and entropy to simple systems with justifiable assumptions, through
theoretical concepts and illustrations.

The student shall be able to
CO1: Apply concepts of energy conservation to open and closed systems
CO2: Arrive at benchmark performances of heat engines and refrigerator / heat pump and
compute entropy changes
CO3: Depict various thermodynamic processes on property diagrams, estimate properties of
mixtures and quantify deviation from ideal gas behavior
CO4: Calculate changes in properties during different processes


Units and Dimensions – Types of systems - Forms of Energy (Microscopic and Macroscopic) -
Properties of a System - State and Equilibrium - Processes and Cycles – Heat and different forms
of Work - Temperature Measurement and Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics - Pure Substance -
Phases of a Pure Substance - Phase Change Processes of Pure Substances - Property Diagrams
for Phase Change Processes (p - v, T - v, and p - T) - the p - v - T Surface - Property Tables – state
postulate - Ideal-Gas Equation of State - Compressibility Factor - Van der Walls Equation of
State. (6)


Introduction to the First Law of Thermodynamics - Heat Transfer - Work Transfer - Mechanical
Forms of Work - Comparison of Heat and Work - First Law of Thermodynamics – PMM 1-
Specific Heats - Internal Energy, Enthalpy, and Specific Heats of Ideal Gases - Internal Energy,
Enthalpy, and Specific Heats of Solids and Liquids - Thermodynamic Analysis of Control Volumes
- Flow Work - Steady-Flow Process – Steady Flow Analysis of Engineering Devices - Nozzles and
Diffusers - Turbines and Compressors - Throttling Valves - Mixing Chambers - Heat Exchangers.


Thermal Energy Reservoirs - Heat Engines - Kelvin-Planck Statement - Refrigerators and Heat
Pumps - Clausius Statement – PMM 2 - Reversible and Irreversible Processes - Carnot Cycle and
Principles - Thermodynamic Temperature Scale – Performance of Carnot Devices - Heat
Engines, Refrigerators and Heat Pumps - Clausius Inequality - Entropy - Increase of Entropy
Principle - Entropy Balance - T-s Diagram - Evaluation of Entropy Change - Entropy Change of
Solids and Liquids - Entropy Change of Ideal Gases - Reversible Steady Flow Work - Irreversibility
- Available and Unavailable Energy - Availability of Closed System and Steady Flow Systems.


Thermodynamic Potentials, Gibbs and Helmholtz Functions, Maxwell Relations – TDS Equations
– Clausius Clapeyron Equation, Difference and ratio of heat capacities. Mixtures of perfect
Gases - Mole Fraction, Mass Fraction, Dalton's Law of partial pressures, Avogadro's Laws of
additive volumes - Mole fraction, Volume fraction and partial pressure, Equivalent Gas constant
and Molecular Internal Energy, Enthalpy, Specific Heats and Entropy of Mixture of Perfect Gases
and Vapour. (6)

Atmospheric air - Psychometric Properties - Dry Bulb Temperature, Wet Bulb Temperature,
Dew point Temperature, Thermodynamic Wet Bulb Temperature, Specific Humidity, Relative
Humidity, Saturated Air, Vapour pressure, Degree of saturation - Adiabatic Saturation, Carrier's
Equation - Psychrometric chart. (6)

TOTAL: 30 + 30 = 60

1. Dr. Yunus A. Cengel, "Introduction to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer", McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc., 1997.
2. C. P. Kothandaraman and Domkundwar, "A Course in Thermodynamics (Thermal
Engineering)", Dhanpat Rai and Co. Ltd., 2007.
3. Nag P K., "Engineering Thermodynamics", Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
4. Rajput R. K., "Engineering Thermodynamics", Laxmi Publications, 2009.

1. Van Wylen, "Fundamentals of Thermodynamics", John Wiley and Sons, 6th Edition, 2007.
2. Jones and Dugan, "Engineering Thermodynamics", Prentice Hall of India, 2009.


1. Gas from a bottle of compressed Helium is used to inflate an inelastic flexible balloon,
originally folded completely flat to a volume of 0.5m3. If the barometer reads 760mm of
HG, what is the amount of work done upon the atmosphere by the balloon?

2. When the valve of the evacuated bottle is opened, atmospheric air rushes into it. If the
atmospheric pressure is 101.325kPa, and 0.6m3 of air enters into the bottle, calculate
the work done by air. (Ans:60.8kJ)

3. A gas is compressed from an initial volume of 0.38m3 to a final volume of 0.1m3. During
the quasi-equilibrium process, the pressure changes with volume according to the
relation, p = aV+b, where a = -1200kPa/m3 and b = 600kPa. Calculate the work done
during the process. (Ans: -87.36kJ)

4. In a reversible non-flow process, the work is done by a substance in accordance with

V=(2.8/p)m3, where p is the pressure in bar. Find the work done on or by system as
pressure increases from 0.7 bar to 7 bar. (Ans: -644.72kJ)

5. A piston and cylinder machine contains a fluid system which passes through a complete
cycle of four processes. During a cycle, the sum of all heat transfers is -170kJ. The
system completes 100 cycles per min. Complete the following table and compute the
net rate of work output in kW. (Ans: -2170kJ/min, 21,000kJ/min, 34,500kJ/min,-
35900kJ/min, -53,670kJ/min, -283kW)

Process Q (KJ/min) W (KJ/min) ∆E (kJ/min)

a-b 0 2,170
b-c 21,000 0
c-d -2,100 -36,600

First Law Applied to Flow Processes

1. In a steady-flow system, a substance flows at a rate of 5kg/s. It enters the system at

a pressure of 6 bar, velocity 300m/s, internal energy 2000 kJ/kg and specific volume
of 0.38 m3/kg. It leaves the system at a pressure of 1.5 bar, velocity 150m/s, internal
energy 1600 kJ/kg and specific volume of 1.26 m3/kg. During its passage through
the system, the substance losses 80 kJ/kg of heat to the surroundings. Determine
the power of the system, stating whether it is from or to the system. Neglect any
changes in the potential energy. (Ans: 1963 kW)

2. In a steady-flow apparatus 135 kJ work is done by each kg of fluid. The specific

volume of the fluid, pressure and velocity at the inlet are 0.37 m3 /kg, 600 kPa and
16m/s, respectively. The inlet is 32 m above floor level. The discharge is at floor
level. The discharge condition are 0.62 m3/kg, 100 kPa and 270m/s. the total heat
loss between inlet and outlet is 9 Kj/kg of the fluid. In flowing apparatus, does the
specific internal energy increase and by how much. (Ans: -20kJ/kg)

3. 75kg/min air enters the control volume of a steady-flow system at 2 bar and 100oC,
at an elevation of 100m above the datum. The same mass leaves the control volume
at 150 m elevation from datum with pressure of 10 bar and at a temperature of
300oC. The entrance velocity is 40 m/s and exit velocity is 20 m/s. During the
process 54,000 kJ/h of heat is transferred to control volume and rises in enthalpy is
8 kJ/kg. Calculate the power developed. (Ans: 5.13 kW)

4. In a steady-flow device, the inlet and outlet condition are given below. Determine the
heat loss/gain by the system. The flow rate through the device is 2.1 kg/s. The work
output of the device is 750 kW. (Ans: -256 kW).

Property Inlet Outlet

Pressure(bar) 10 8.93
Specific enthalpy (kJ/kg) 2827 2341
Velocity (m/s) 20 120
Elevation (m) 3.2 0.5

5. Air enters a convergent nozzle with a velocity of 40 m/s. The enthalpy of air
decreases by 180 kJ/kg .Determine the exit velocity. Assume adiabatic condition in
the nozzle. (Ans: 601 m/s)

6. Air flows steadily at the rate of 0.5 kg/s through an air compressor, entering at 7 m/s
velocity, 100 kPa pressure and 0.95 m3 /kg specific volume and leaving at 5 m/s ,
700 kPa and 0.19 m3 /kg, respectively. The internal energy of the air leaving is 90
kJ/kg greater than that of air entering. Cooling water in the compressor jacket
absorbs heat from the air at the rate of 58 kW. (a) Compute the power input to the
compressor, and (b) ration of inlet pipe diameter to outlet pipe diameter. (Ans:-
122kW, 1.89)

7. Water at a rate the 10 kg/s is compressed adiabatically from 5 bar to 50 bar in a

steady flow process. Calculate the power required, assuming that the specific
volume to be 0.001 m3 /kg, which remains almost constant. (Ans: -45 kW)

8. A certain water heater operates under steady flow condition, receiving 4.2 kg/s of
water at 75 oC temperature and an enthalpy of 313.93 kJ/kg. The water is heated by
mixing with steam, which is supplied to a heater at a temperature of 100.2 oC and
an enthalpy of 2676 kJ/kg. The mixture leaves the heater as liquid water at a
temperature of 100oC and an enthalpy of 419 kJ/kg. How much steam must be
supplied to the heater per hour? (Ans: 705 kg/h)

9. Steam enters a turbine with a velocity of 40 m/s and specific enthalpy of 2500 kJ/kg:
and leaves with a velocity of 90 m/s and specific enthalpy of 2030 kJ/kg. Heat losses

from the turbine to surrounding are 240 kJ/min and the steam-flow rate is 5040 kg/h.
Neglect the change of potential energy. Find the power developed by the turbine.
(Ans:650 kW)

10. A hydraulic turbine with 25 m3/s of water. At the turbine inlet, the water is at 5 bar
and 25oC with an elevation above the datum of 100 meters and a flow velocity of
1m/s. At the turbine exit, the water is at 1.2 bar and 25.1 oC with zero elevation and a
flow velocity of 11 m/s. The turbine loses 5 J of heat per kg of water flowing through
it. Assuming that the water is an incompressible fluid with specific heat of 4.178
kJ/kg.K. Determine a) The change in potential energy, b) The change in internal
energy and c) The power output in MW. (Ans: -24.5MW, 10.4MW, 12.4MW)


1. A certain gas occupies a volume of 0.3 at a pressure of 2bar .The temperature of the
gas at this state is 350K. The gas undergoes a thermodynamic constant volume
process unit the pressure raises to 7 bar. Determine the temperature at the end of
the process, change in internal energy, change in enthalpy and change in entropy
during this process. Take C = 0.712 kJ/kg.K and R = 0.287 kJ/kg.K. (Ans: 1225K,
372kJ, 523kJ, 0.533 kJ/K)

2. A rigid tank of 0.2m3 capacity contains nitrogen at 350kPa and 15OC. The tank is
exposed to a constant temperature source at 170OC, which results in 50kJ of heat
being transferred to nitrogen. Determine (a) final sate of the gas (b) change in
internal energy, (c) Change in entropy, take C = 743J/kg K for nitrogen. (Ans: 97°C,
50kJ, 0.153 kJ/k)

3. The usual cooking gas (mostly methane) cylinder is about 25cm in diameter and
80cm in height . It is changed to 12MPa at a room temperature of 27OC.
(a) Assuming the ideal gas law, find the mass of gas filled in the cylinder.
(b) If the cylinder is protected against excessive pressure by means of a fusible
plug, at what temperature should the plug melt to limit the maximum pressure of
15MPa? (Ans: 3kg, 375 K)

4. 1 kg of nitrogen at a temperature of 150OC occupies a volume of 0.2m3. The gas

undergoes a fully restricted constant pressure expansion without friction to a final
volume of 0.36 m3. Calculate the final temperature, work done, heat transferred and
change in entropy. Take C = 743J/kg K, R=0.297kJ/kg K. (Ans: 761K, 100kJ,
352kJ, 0.6 kJ/K

5. Air initially at 60kPa pressure, 800 K temperature and 0.1m3 volume is compressed
isothermally unit the volume is halved and subsequently the air is cooled at constant
pressure till the volume is halved again. Sketch the process on a p-V plane and

determine Total work interaction and Total heat interaction. Assume ideal-gas
behavior for air and take Cp= 1.005 kJ/kg K. (Ans: -7.2 kJ, -14.6 kJ)

6. A quantity of gas occupying 0.14m3 at a pressure of 1400kPa and 300OC is

expanded isentropically to 280 kPa. Calculate (a) mass of gas (b) final temperature
(c) work transfer and (d) change in entropy. Take Cp = 1.04 kJ/kg K, C =0.74kJ/kgK.
(Ans: 1.14kg, 180kJ, 0)

7. 1 kg of gas occupying 0.15 m3at a pressure of 12 bar is heated at constant pressure

until its volume is 0.28 m3. The gas is then expanded adiabatically until its volume is
1.5m3. Calculate a) Temperature at the end of constant-pressure heating and at the
end of adiabatic expansion. b)Total work done, Take Cp = 1.068 kJ/kgK and C
=0.775 kJ/kgK. (Ans: 873°C, 329°C, 576 kJ)

8. 0.5kg of air is compressed reversibly and adiabatically from 80kPa and 60 OC to 0.4
MPa and is then expended at constant pressure to the original volume. Sketch the
process on p-V and T-S diagrams, compute work transfer, heat and change in
entropy for whole path. Take R= 0.287 kJ/kg. K and γ =1.4. (Ans: 94kJ, 571kJ, 0.58

9. A cylinder contains 0.12m3of air at 1bar and 90 OC. It is compressed to 0.03m3, the
final pressure being 6bar .Find the index of compression, increase in internal energy
and heat transferred. Take R=0.287 kJ/kgK and C = 0.717 kJ/kgK. (Ans: 1.3,
15kJ, -5.6 kJ)

10. A certain mass of air initially at a pressure of 480 kPa and temperature 190 OC is
expanded adiabatically to a pressure of 94kPa. It is then heated at constant volume
until it attains its initial temperature when the pressure is found to be 150kPa. State
the type of compression necessary to bring the system back to its original pressure
and volume. Determine (a) the index of adiabatic expansion, (b) the work done per
kg of air and (c) the change in specific entropy of air. Take R= 0.29kJ/kgK. (Ans:
1.4, -31 kJ, 0)

11. 3kg of air at pressure of 150kPa and temperature 360K is compressed polytropically
to 750kPa according to law pV1.2=C. The gas is then cooled to initial temperature at
constant pressure. The air is then expanded at constant temperature till it reaches
original pressure of 150kPa. Draw the cycle on p-V diagram and determine the net
work and heat transfer. (Ans: -74kJ, -74kJ)

12. 1kg of gas expands reversibly according to linear law from 4.2bar to 1.4bar. The
initial and final volumes are 0.004 m3 and 0.02m3, respectively. The gas is then
cooled at constant pressure and finally compressed isothermally back to its initial
state of 4.2 bar and 0.004m3.Calculate the work done in each process stating its
direction. Sketch the cycle on a p-V diagram. (Ans: 4.48kJ, -1.12kJ, -1.85kJ)

13. A perfect gas undergoes a cycle comprises of three processes. It is first compressed
isothermally from 1bar and 27 OC to one-eighth of its initial volume. The energy is
then added at constant pressure, increasing the temperature of gas and the cycle is
completed by isentropic expansion to original conditions. Take Cp=1.25kJ/kgK and
R= 0.5kJ/kgK. Calculate the maximum cycle temperature and pressure. Also find
the net work transfer per kg. (Ans: 8bar, 416°C, 174 kJ/kg)

14. Process1: Air initially at 100kPa and 50 C undergoes reversible adiabatic
compression such that its volume is reduced to one-fifth of its initial volume.
Process2: 940kJ/kg of heat is added to air to constant volume.
Process 3 : a reversible adiabatic expansion up to initial volume.
Process 4: heat is rejected at constant volume to reach the initial condition.
Draw the four processes on a p-V diagram. Determine the maximum
temperature. Net work done and heat rejected per kg of air. Assume adiabatic index
of compression and expansion is 1.4 and constant- volume specific heat as
0.717kJ/kgK. (Ans: 1926K, 446kJ/kg, -494kJ/kg)

15. A non-flow system executes four different thermodynamic processes in sequence

continuously as followed :
1-2: Adiabatic compression, 2-3: Isobaric heat addition,
3-4: Adiabatic expansion, and 4-1: Constant volume heat rejection
The temperature at four silient points 1,2,3 and 4 are respectively 300K, 700K,
1500K and 600K. The working substance is 1kg mass of air, for which Cp = 1.005
kJ/kgK, C =0.718kJ/kgK. Determine the following a) Heat transfer b) Work transfer
c) Change in internal energy also, find d) Net work and heat transfer for the cycle,
and e) Change in internal energy for the cycle comment on results (d) and (e).
(Ans:584kJ, 584kJ,0)

16. Half a kg of air at 180°C expands adiabatically to 3 times its original volume. During
the expansion the temperature is decreased to 20°C. Work done during expansion is
53 kJ. Find Cp, Cv, R. (Ans: 0.9 kJ/kg, 0.66 kJ/kg K, 0.262 kJ/kgK).

17. 5kg of air at 30°C is heated with an increase of enthalpy of 500kJ; it is then cooled
with a decrease of internal energy of 500 kJ. Again the air is compressed
adiabatically to original temperature. Find the work done upon the gas during
compression. Assume suitable air properties. (Ans: 144 kJ)


1. A heat engine operates on a carnot cycle between source and sink temperature of
337oC and 57oC, respectively. If the heat engine receives 400 kJ of heat from the
source, find the efficiency, net work done and heat rejected to the sink. (Ans: 0.46,
184kJ, 216kJ)

2. A cyclic heat engine operates between a source temperatures of 800oC and a sink
temperature of 30oC. What is the least rate of heat rejection per kW net output of the
engine? (Ans: 0.39kW)

3. An engine manufacture claims that he has developed an engine which will produce
210 kW of power, while taking in 0.5 kg/min of fuel of calorific value of 42000kJ/kg.
Further, he states that the engine receives heat at 527oC and rejects heat at a
temperature of 77oC. Find if the claim of manufacture is true or false. (Ans: 0.6)

4. An inventor claims to have invented a refrigeration machine operating between -

23oC and 27oC. It consumes 1 kW electrical power and gives 21600kJ of
refrigeration effect in one hour. Comment on his claim. (Ans: 5,6, impossible)

5. A domestic food freezer maintains a temperature of -15 C. The ambient
temperature is 30 C. The heat leaks into freezer at 1.75 kJ/s. What is the minimum
power necessary to pump this heat out? (Ans: 0.3kW)

6. A carnot cycle receives heat at 527oC, causing an increases in entropy equal to

5kJ/kgK. The engine delivers 2000 kJ/kg of work. Determine cycle efficiency and
lowest temperature in the cycle. (Ans: 123°C)

7. A heat pump is used to maintain an auditorium hall at 25oC, when the atmospheric
temperature is 10oC. The heat load of the hall is 1500 kJ/min. Calculate the power

required to run the heat pump, if its COP is 30% of COP of the carnot heat pump,
working between the same temperature. (Ans: 4.2kW)

8. A heat pump maintains a space at 22oC on a day, when the outdoor air temperature
is 0oC. The heat requirement of the space is 100,000 kJ/h and power consumed by
the pump is 5 kW. Calculate the rate at which heat is extracted from the outside air
and COP of the heat pump. Also, calculate the maximum COP. Does the heat pump
violate the second law of thermodynamic? (Ans: 23kW, 5.5,13.4,Ok)

9. A reversed carnot cycle operating as a refrigerating capacity of 100 kJ/s while

operating between temperature limits of - 20oC and 35oC. Determine Power input
and (b) COP. If the system is used for heating purpose only, find its COP. What
would be its efficiency if it runs as an engine. (Ans: 4.6, 21.7kW, 5.6, 17.8%)

10. A heat pump delivers 2 kW of heat to a room maintained at 25oC and receives heat
from a reservoir at -10oC. If the actual coefficient of performance is 50% of that of an
ideal heat pump operating between the same temperature limits, what is the actual
power required in kW to run the heat pump? (Ans: 0.47kW)

11. A substance executes a reversed carnot cycle during which it receives 105.5 kJ/min
of heat. Determine the work required in kW. If the adiabatic compression process
triples the initial absolute temperature. (Ans: 3.5kW)

12. A one-tonne (3.51kW) reversible refrigerator maintains a cold space at -13oC, while
the surrounding are at 40oC. Determine the power consumed by the refrigerator. If
the same refrigerator is used as a freezer maintaining a space at a temperature of
-23oC, while its surrounding remains at 40oC, how much refrigeration will be
produced? Assume same power consumption in both cases. (Ans: 0.7kW, 0.8TR)

13. A reversible heat engine operates between two reservoirs at 600oC and 40oC. The
engine drives a reversible refrigerator which operates between the same 40oC
reservoirs and a reservoir at -18oC. The heat transfer to the heat engine is 2100kJ
and there is a net work output of 370 kJ from the combined plant. Evaluate the heat
transfer to the refrigerator and the net heat transfer to the 40oC reservoir.
(Ans:4300kJ, 6032kJ).

14. A heat engine is used to drive a heat pump. The heat transfers from heat pump and
heat engine is used to heat the water circulating through a building. The efficiency of
the heat engine is 27% and the COP of the heat pump is 4. Evaluate the ratio of
heat transfer to the circulating water to heat transfer to the engine. (Ans: 1.8)

15. A reversible refrigerator is used in an ice-making plant. It absorbs heat energy from
water at 0oC and rejects heat energy to the ambient at 27oC. If a reversible heat
energy operates between a source at 500oC and the same ambient at 27oC is used
to drive the heat pump, calculate
(a) Energy removed as a heat from the water by the refrigerator for each kilojoule of
energy taken in by the engine.
(b) Energy rejected to the ambient at 27oC for each kilojoule of energy absorbed by
the engine from the source. (Ans: 6.2kJ, 7.2kJ)

16. A reversible refrigerator is used to maintain a space at the temperature of 0oC,

when it rejects heat to the surrounding at 27oC. If the heat removal rate from the
refrigerator is 90 MJ/h, determine the COP of the system.
If the required input to run the refrigerator is supplied by a reversible engine which
receives heat at 400oC and rejects heat to the surroundings, determine the overall
COP of the system. (Ans: 10.1, 5.6)

17. A reversible heat engine operates in two environments. In the first operation, it
draws 12000 kW from a source at 400oC and in the second operation, it draws
25000kW from the source at 100 oC. In both operations, the engine rejects heat to a

thermal sink at 20 oC. Determine the operation in which the engine delivers more
power. (Ans: at high Temp)

18. A household refrigerator maintains a space at a temperature of 0oC. Every time the
door is opened, warm material is placed inside, introducing an average 400 kJ of
heat, but making only a small change in temperature of refrigerator. The door is
opened 25 times a day and the refrigerator operates at 25% of ideal COP. The cost
of work is Rs.3.50 per kWh. What is the monthly bill of this refrigerator? The
atmospheric temperature is at 30oC. (Ans: Rs.128)

19. Two carnot engines are working in a series between a source and sink. The first
engine receives heat from a reservoir at a temperature of 1000K and rejects the
waste heat to another reservoir at the temperature T2. The second heat engine
receives the heat energy rejected by the first engine. It converts some of energy into
useful work and rejects the rest to a reservoir at temperature of 300 K.
(a) If both engines deliver equal power, determine the efficiency of each engine
(b) If thermal efficiency of both engines are same, determine the intermediate
temperature. (Ans: 650K, 0.35, 0.54, 548K)

20. Three carnot engines C1, C2, and C3 operates in series between two heat reservoris,
which are at temperature of 1000 K and 400 K. Calculate the temperature of the
intermediates reservoirs if the amount of work produced by these engines in the
proportion of 5:4:3. (Ans: 550K, 750K)

(a) A house is maintained at a temperature of 20oC by means of a heat pump in the

winter by pumping heat from atmosphere. Heat losses through the wall of the house
are estimated at 0.65 kJ/K temperature difference between inside of the house and
outside atmosphere. a) If the atmospheric temperature is - 10 oC, what is the
minimum power required to drive the heat pump? b) It is proposed to use the same
heat pump to cool the house in summer. If the same power is supplied to heat pump,
what is the maximum permissible atmospheric temperature? (Ans: 2kW, 50°C)

21. A reversible engine supplied heat from two constant temperature sources at 800 K
and 400 K and rejects heat at a constant temperature sink at 200 K. If the engine
executes a number of cycles, while developing 100 kW and rejecting 3500 kJ of heat
per minutes. Determine the heat supplied by each source per minute, and efficiency
of the engine. (Ans: 5000kJ/min. 4500kJ/min, 63%)

1. A heat engine receives 600kJ of heat from a high temperature reservoir at 1000K during a
cycle. It converts 150kJ of this heat to net work and rejects the remaining 450kJ to a low
temperature sink at 300K. Determine if this heat engine violates the second law of
thermodynamics on the basis of a) Clausius inequality and b) Carnot Principle. (Ans: -
0.9, 70%, 25%)

2. A heat engine is supplied with 1130kW of heat at a constant temperature of 292°C and it
rejects heat at 5°C. The following results were recorded: a) 834 kW heat is rejected b)
556kW heat is rejected, and c) 278kW heat is rejected. Determine whether results report a
reversible cycle, irreversible or impossible cycle. (Ans: -1, 0, 1)

3. The thermal energy source at 800K loses 2000kJ of heat to a sink at a) 500K, and b) 750K.
Determine which heat transfer process is more irreversible. (Ans: 1.5kJ/K, 0.2kJ/K)

4. A 50kg block of iron casting at 500K is thrown into a large lake which is at a temperature of
285K. After the iron block reaches thermal equilibrium with lake water, determine the total
entropy change during the process. (Ans: 4.33 kJ/K)

5. A heat engine receives heat from a source at 1200K at a rate of 500kW and rejects the
waste heat to a medium at 300K. The power output of the heat engine is 180kW. Determine
the reversible power and the reversibility rate from this process. (Ans: 375kW, 195kW)

6. 1kg of ice at -5°C is exposed to the atmosphere which is at 20°C; The ice melts and come
into thermal equilibrium with the atmosphere. Calculate the entropy increase of the universe.
Cp of ice = 2.093kJ/kgK, latent heat of fusion of ice = 333.5kJ/kg. (Ans: 0.095kJ/k)

7. 4kg of water at 27°C is mixed with 1kg of ice at 0°C. Assuming adiabatic mixing, determine
the final temperature of water and ice. Calculate the net change of entropy. Latent heat of
fusion of ice = 334.5kJ/kg (Ans: 0.0726kJ/K)

8. A) One kg of water at 273K is brought into contact with a heat reservoir at 373K. When the
water has reached, find the entropy change of the water, of the heat reservoir, and of the
universe. (Ans: 1.3kJ/K,-1.122kJ/K,0.183kJ/K). B) If the water is heated from 273K to
323K by first bringing it in contact with a reservoir at 323K and then with a reservoir at 373K,
what will be the entropy change of the universe be? (Ans: 0.098kJ/K)

UNIT – 3

1. Calculate the specific enthalpy and specific entropy of 1kg of steam at 10°C, when its
dryness fraction is 0.8. Verify the answers with Mollier Chart. (Ans: 85m3/kg, 2024kJ/kg,

2. Calculate enthalpy, entropy, and volume of 5kg of steam at a pressure of 2bar when its
dryness fraction is 0.6. (Ans: 9128kJ, 24.4kJ/K, 2.66m3)

3. Find the value of s,h,v for 10bar pressure and 300°C using mollier chart. (Ans: 7kJ/kgK,
3052kJ/kg, 0.26 m3/kg)

4. Find the value of h,s,v at a pressure of 5bar and 230°C. (Ans: 2918.7kJ/kg, 7.12kJ/kgK,

5. Steam is stored in a container of 0.45m3 capacity. The pressure of steam is 8bar

and temperature is 200OC. The container is cooled and pressure drops to 200OC.
The container is cooled and pressure drops to 2.5bar. Find (a) quality of steam after
cooling, and b) heat lost to atmosphere due to cooling. Neglect the volume of water.
(Ans: x=0.36, -2359kJ)

6. A pressure cooker contains 2kg of dry and saturated steam at 5bar. Find the
quantity of heat that must be rejected so as to reduce quality up to 60% dry.
Determine the pressure and temperature at the new state. (Ans: 2.9bar, -1630kJ).

7. A quantity of steam at 10bar and 0.85 dry occupies a volume of 0.15m3. Determine
the heat supplied to raise the temperature of steam to 350OC at constant pressure
and percentage of this heat supplied, which appears as external work. (Ans: 598kJ,
93kJ, 16%)

8. Dry saturated steam at 1.4 MPa undergoes a reversible hyperbolic expansion in a

non-flow system until its pressure is 0.80 Mpa. Calculate the work done during the
process. (Ans:110kJ/kg)

9. Dry saturated steam at 1550 kPa is isothermally expanded to 100kPa pressure.

Calculate the change in internal energy, work done and heat transfer during the
process. (Ans: 95kJ/kg, 542kJ/kg, 637kJ/kg)

10. Steam at 2 MPa and 250OC is expanded isentropically to 0.35 MN/m2 and it is then
expanded hyperbolically to 0.06 MN/m2. Using steam tables, determine a) Final
condition of steam, b) Change in specific entropy during hyperbolic process. (Ans:
11°C, 1 kJ/kgK)

11. 1kg of steam at 8bar, 250OC expands polytropically to 2 bar according to

p =constant. Determine the quality of stream at final state, heat transfer and
change in entropy during expansion process. (Ans: 0.96, -49kJ/kg, -0.125kJ/kgK)

12. Steam at 0.8Mpa, 250°C and flowing at the rate of 1kg/s passes into a pipe carrying
wet steam at 0.8MPa, 0.95dry. After adiabatic mixing the flow rate is 2.3kg/s.
Determine the condition of steam after mixing. The steam is now expanded in a
frictionless nozzle isentropically to a pressure of 0.4Mpa. Determine the velocity of
the steam leaving the nozzle. Neglect the velocity of steam in the pipeline. (Ans:
superheat, 510m/s)

13. A large insulated vessel is divided into two chambers. One containing 5kg of dry
saturated steam at 0.2Mpa and the other 10kg of steam, 0.8 quality at 0.5Mpa. If
the partition between the chambers is removed and the steam is mixed thoroughly
and allowed to settle, find the final pressure, steam quality and entropy change in
the process. (Ans: 3.5bar, 0.87, 0.43kJ/K)

UNIT – 4:

1. A vessel of volume 0.4m3 contains 0.45kg of carbon monoxide and 1kg of air at
15°C. Calculate the partial pressure of each constituents and the total pressure in
the vessel. The air contains 23.3% oxygen and 76.7% nitrogen by mass. Take the
molar masses of CO2, O2 and N2 as 28, 32 and 28kg/kmole respectively. (Ans:
0.96bar, 0.44bar, 1.6bar)

2. The gravitational analysis of air is 23.14% O2, 75.53% N2, 1.28% argon and 0.05%
CO2. Calculate the volumetric analysis and the partial pressure of each constituent
in the mixture, when the total pressure is 1bar. (Ans: 20.93%, 78%, 0.92%, 0.028%,

3. A volumetric analysis of a gaseous mixture gives the following results: CO2 = 12%,
O2=4%, N2=82%, CO=2%. Determine the analysis of gas mixture on the mass basis,
the molecular weight and the gas constant in the mass basis for the mixture.
Assume ideal gas behavior. (Ans: 0.276kJ/kgK, 17.5%,4.26%,76%,1.86%)

4. A mixture of gases contains 1.2kg of oxygen and 1.8kg of nitrogen. The pressure
and temperature of the mixture are 350kPa and 300K. Determine for mixture. a)
Mass and mole fraction of each constituent gas b) average molecular weight, c) the
partial pressures d) the specific gas constant e) the volume and f) the density. (Ans:

5. A mixture of ideal gases consists of 5kg of nitrogen and 6kg of CO2 at a pressure of
4bar and a temperature of 27°C, find a) the mole fraction of each constituent b) the
equivalent molecular weight of the mixture, c) the equivalent gas constant of the
mixture d) the partial pressures and volumes, e) the volume and density of the
mixture and f) the Cp and Cv of the mixture.(Ans:0.57,0.435,
kJ/kgK, 0.7kJ/kgK,253kJ,340kJ,0.8.kJ/K)

UNIT – 5:

1. A psychrometer reade 40°C DBT and 28°C WBT. Assuming the barometric pressure
as 1.013bar, determine humidity ratio, relative humidity, DPT and enthalpy of the
mixture. (Ans: 0.019kg/kg of dry air, 40.7%,24°C,88kJ/kg)

2. In a lab test a sling psychrometer records DBT as 30°C and WBT as 25°C, Calculate
Pv,Φ,W,µ,DPT and h. (Ans: 0.03bar, 0.018kg/kg of dry air, 67%,23°C,76kJ/kg)

3. The pressure of air entering and leaving the adiabatic saturator is 1bar. The air
enters at 30°C and leaves as saturated air at 20°C. Calculate the specific humidity,
RH of the air-vapour mixture entering. (Ans: 0.01074 kg/kg of dry air, 40%)

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