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An Overview of Cell-Level ATM Network Simulation

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An Overview of Cell-Level ATM Network Simulation

G. Kesidis and A. Singh

E.& C.E. Dept, University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON, Canada, N2L 3G1
g.kesidis@eandce.uwaterloo.ca asingh@etude.uwaterloo.ca

An ATM simulator is often faced with the challenging task of estimating rare events
in a very large network without the availability of a large amount of simulation time.
This paper provides an overview of cell-level ATM network simulation, and concen-
trates on strategies that can be employed to overcome these challenges. We rst give
some possible simulation objectives and describe the general software structure of the
simulator. Parametric and nonparametric trac modeling methods are then de ned.
In the context of trac modeling for the purposes of simulation, we describe prelimi-
nary calculations, trac aggregation, importance sampling, and extrapolation methods
(the last two methods are used for estimating rare events). Finally, the role of paral-
lelism is explored including the use of parallel independent experiments and distributed
simulation using multiple workstations or tightly-coupled multiprocessors.

1 Introduction
ATM-based B-ISDN is mandated to provide individual quality of service (QoS) guarantees
to a wide variety of trac types (e.g., video, voice and data). The precise QoS received by
a particular connection is not presently calculatable even if Markovian models of the trac
sources are given. Consequently, ATM network designers are forced to use simulation to
evaluate, for example, the precise trac capacity of a particular network design.
This paper gives an introduction to and overview of cell-level simulation of ATM Net-
works. Whenever possible, good survey papers on the subtopics covered are cited. As there
is presently a lack of realistic benchmarks to evaluate the performance of each approach to
the simulation problem, we have focused on describing promising approaches in an organized
There are two main challenges for an ATM network simulator. The rst is that ATM
networks often have very large dimensions and ATM cells are quite small. So, a cell-level
simulationmay require a large amount of simulation time. The second is that the simulator is
often asked to estimate a very small quantity such as a cell loss probability of the order 10?9.
A large amount of simulation time would be required by a direct Monte-Carlo approach to
obtain an accurate estimate of the likelihood of such rare events.
We assume that the ATM network we are simulating functions in discrete-time and
that all devices are synchronized. That is, all cell transmission times and propagation
and queueing delays are multiples of some constant c?1 (for a 155Mbps network, c?1 =
53  8=(155  106)s = 2:7s). In this way, integer operations are used instead of oating
point operations when, for example, making compares for insertions into event lists (cf. x3).
Also, since c?1 is so small, the lack of synchronization among the devices of a real network
has negligible performance consequences.
Another approach to ATM network simulation is based on \ uid" source models (see,
e.g., [16]). Instead of keeping track of a potentially enormous number of cells in the network,
the simulator keeps track of the rate at which each source is currently emitting cells. The
advantage of the uid approach is that a reduction in complexity results in a speed up over
the cell tracking approach (source rates typically change over a longer time scale than a
cell transmission time). However, keeping track of how changes in source rates propagate
through the network is complicated for large networks; work-conserving bandwidth sched-
ules cause similar \ripple e ects" in the network because bandwidth allotment temporarily
increases to some FIFOs when another FIFO becomes idle. Another disadvantage of the
uid approach is that uid models must be found for both trac sources and the bandwidth
schedulers used at the switches (like the GPS uid analogue of the PGPS scheduler [50])
thereby reducing the variety of ATM networks that can be simulated. Also, cell delay is
more complicated to measure for a lossy connection. In [33], a speci cation of a uid ATM
network simulator is given.
This paper is organized as follows. In x2, we list possible simulation objectives. The
software framework of our paper is described in x3. The role of trac modeling and related
issues like preliminary calculations, importance sampling and trac source aggregation are
discussed in x4. Computationallyinexpensive extrapolation methods that are used to quickly
estimate rare events are described in x5. The role of parallelism is discussed in x6. Finally,
we summarize in x7.

2 Simulation Objectives
There are basically two categories of simulation objectives for a given ATM network topology
(in the context of any of the simulation goals given below, a simulation study could compare
di erent network topologies and designs). The rst is customer-oriented or cell-level simu-
lation goals (ATM layer). For example, the problem could be to nd the network's capacity
to handle trac subject to individual QoS requirements ( xed network \dimensions") or to
nd suitable network dimensions (i.e., bu er memory and/or link bandwidth) to handle a
particular trac load.
The second category is network-oriented simulation goals (network layer). For example,
the problem could be: to study how, where and with what frequency congestion arises in
the network, to evaluate the performance of call-set up and routing strategies (with respect
to throughput or call set-up times), or to evaluate call blocking probabilities (which is also
a measure of network capacity). In this paper, we will focus on cell-level simulation goals.

3 Event Lists and Program Structure

In this section we will describe the program structure of an ATM network simulator based on
event lists. An event list is simply a stack of jobs that the simulator must execute. Examples
of jobs are: \cell is transmitted by source to node", \cell joins bu er", and \bu er transmits
a HOL cell onto link". The jobs have an associated time at which they must be executed;
in the event list(s), jobs are stacked in increasing order of their time of execution. The
program functions by simply popping jobs from the event list and executing them; note
that the execution of a job may spawn more jobs that must then be inserted into the event
An event-driven approach is recommended over a time-driven approach because the unit
of time c?1 is very small. Consider a voice source which transmits one cell into the network
on every 15000 units of time on average when c?1 = 2:7s. The time-driven simulation
will check the source for a transmitted cell every unit of time whereas an event-driven
approach will deal with the source only when it transmits a cell (the only \event" related
to the source). Mandatory simulation of each time unit for each source, switch, and link
of the network (whether or not an event is present in the object at that time) drives up
the book-keeping costs for a time driven simulation. This results in higher computational
requirements and lower eciency.
Because of the enormous number and variety of devices and sources involved in a large
ATM network simulation, a programming language that facilitates code-reuse should be
employed. Since ATM devices, such as switches, have several functional components (e.g., a
switch fabric, bu ers, schedulers, ow-control devices), hierarchical data structures should
be used. For these reasons, an object-oriented programming language, such as C + + [53],
is recommended so that the resulting code is compact and easy to debug.
The program structure presented in this section describes a sequential simulator. In x6
we discuss the issue of parallelization of simulation of an ATM network.

4 The Role of Modeling

There is a vast literature on ATM trac modeling. We now discuss the role that trac source
modeling plays in the context of cell-level simulation. The modeling process begins with
raw \cell-transmission-time" data. For example, trac data of the entire Star Wars movie
under MPEG-1 compression can be obtained by anonymous ftp from thumper.bellcore.com.
Trac source modeling is the process by which the statistics of this trac data is represented
in a much more compact form; for example, voice is commonly modeled as a simple on-o
Markov chain [45]. A good model therefore eliminates the need to maintain a collection
of actual source traces. However, highly nonstationary sources (such as compressed, full-
length motion pictures) are dicult to model and, consequently, actual traces or models of
individual traces [43] are often used in network simulation.
Trac models can also allow for preliminary calculations that can give approximate
solutions to the stated simulation objectives. Furthermore, certain models can allow for
signi cant importance sampling simulation speed ups over direct Monte-Carlo approaches.
These two topics will now be brie y discussed followed by a discussion of the role of modeling
aggregate trac.
4.1 Parametric and Nonparametric Trac Source Modeling
We could choose, for example, to \ t" a discrete-time, on-o Markov chain1 to the data
by matching the rst three moments of the (marginal) interarrival time distribution of the
data, m1 ; m2 and m3 , with that of the model. This is a kind of \parametric" modeling (see
[19] for a recent survey). In the context of ATM network simulation, the \goodness" of the
model is determined by the degree to which it accurately represents the relevant statistical
queueing properties of the data. So, in parametric modeling, the queueing properties of the
data are approximated by those of the model.
On the other hand, some modeling methods propose to directly consider the queueing
properties of the data. For example, instead of calculating the mi , a queue is simulated
with the arrival process given by the data and a deterministic service rate c cells/s. Assume
c is chosen between m?1 1 and p where p?1 is smallest interarrival time of the data (p is the
data's peak rate). This queue's occupancy is monitored and the probability that an arriving
customer sees cells in the queue is calculated2 ; let p (c) represent this measured proba-
bility. The function p () is a nonparametric model of the data. Under certain conditions
and for large , we can de ne I(c) := ? ?1 logp (c) where the function := I ?1 (i.e.,
(I(c))  c) is called an e ective bandwidth of the data; see, e.g., [3, 35, 16, 11, 24, 15].
Of course, the e ective bandwidth is also a nonparametric model of the trac. Basically,
a nonparametric directly model regards the relevant queueing of the connection instead
of via some \intermediate" (parametric) modeling. Examples of nonparametric modeling
approaches are found in [42] (the burstiness curve that is related to  ?  constraints) and
[8, 1, 14, 27]. Nonparametric modeling is the basis of the \extrapolative" quick estimation
methods of x5 below.
4.2 Preliminary Calculations
Under certain idealizations, preliminary calculations are possible to get rough estimates of
the desired quantities. For example, consider a suitably decoupled [9] ATM network wherein
1A model with 3 parameters: the two transition probabilities and the \on" cell transmission rate.
2 may be a parameter related to the required QoS of the trac.
e ective bandwidth trac models are used. Conservative estimates of the QoS received by
each connection are calculatable from these models. We can use the loss network framework
[31] to compute call blocking probabilities. Also, we can phrase the bu er dimensioning
problem (i.e., what amount of bu er memory is required at each network node to handle a
particular trac load) as an optimization problem [42]. In both cases, the ATM network is
approximated by a circuit-switched network (i.e., a network that does not take advantage
of statistical multiplexing gains to admit more connections).
Currently, \end-to-end" performance evaluation (see, e.g., [9, 49, 4]) and statistical mul-
tiplexing (see, e.g., [40, 2, ?]) are very active areas of study. Whenever possible, the most
recent results on performance evaluation should, of course, be applied to the problems de-
scribed in x2 before a simulation study is initiated.
4.3 Importance Sampling for Estimating Rare Events
The problem of estimating rare events can be dealt with by using statistical quick simulation
methods such as importance sampling (see [25] for a survey) and extrapolation (cf. x5).
Importance sampling methods typically require Markovian (parameterized) models of the
trac sources. The trac source models are not simulated exclusively with their original
parameters; \tilted" parameters are also used. These tilted parameters can be obtained
from the e ective bandwidths of the trac sources [34, 5]. Unbiased estimates of the desired
quantities for the original parameters are obtained from the tilted simulation via likelihood
ratios. For a single queue, the resulting speed ups over direct Monte-Carlo simulation
using the original parameters are enormous (often several orders of magnitude) even taking
into account the computation of the tilted parameters, etc., at initialization and of the
likelihood ratios during the simulation run. Importance sampling for networks is discussed
in [5, 12, 18]. Apart from the modeling requirements, a disadvantage of these methods is
that the management of the likelihood ratios for a large ATM network is complex.
4.4 Source Aggregation
Source aggregation is method by which a group of trac sources is modeled as a single
source. For example, assume that a group of N i.i.d. Markov-modulated sources (each
having K states) sharing the same virtual path through an ATM network is modeled as
a single Markov-modulated source with n << N  K states where N  K >> 1. To
see the simulation speed up a orded by aggregation, consider a program that creates an
event list of cell transmission times for the N sources. The aggregate model will generate
the transition times of the single Markov chain; between consecutive transition times, cells
will be generated at a constant rate. The aggregate source will simply place a number of
transmission times at the end of the event list for every transition of the Markov chain (the
number depends on the time between transitions of the Markov chain and the current cell
rate). On the other hand, if the N sources are simulated as an N-dimensional Markov chain,
the Markov transitions will take longer to calculate because there will be a greater number
of possible transitions. If the N sources are simulated separately, then their transition
times must be ordered to determine consecutive intervals of time over which the aggregate
cell rate is constant. Another bene t of aggregation is that preliminary calculations can be
signi cantly simpli ed by the reduction in the size of the state-space a orded by aggregation
(see, e.g., [28, 29]) and cf. x6.2.

5 Extrapolative Methods for Estimating Rare Events

Using the following methods, a wide variety of received qualities of service can be estimated
in a reasonable amount of simulation time. Models of the trac sources are not required3 .
3 For these reasons, the approaches described in x5 can also be used for real-time trac policing of stated
trac descriptors [32, 10].
Some of these methods are, however, biased estimators in general. We now consider the
simulation objective of evaluating the QoS received by a particular trac pattern given all
details of a particular ATM network design.
5.1 Extrapolative Methods for Cell Delay
In this section, we will focus a single connection through the network that requires a bound
on the likelihood of excessive total cell queueing delay (i.e., the sum of the cell queueing
delays in each bu er along its virtual circuit). Each connection would be equipped with an
extrapolative estimator (described below) that would be physically located at the connec-
tion's destination.
Thus, we want to estimate PfX  B g where X  c?1 is distributed as the steady-state
total queueing delay of cells through the network and B is large (X 2 Z). A reasonable
amount of simulation time may not be sucient to witness a single excursion by X to
B. The record of these total queueing delays will be \extrapolated" to B by the methods
described below. In preparation, let t be the empirical distribution of the total queueing
delay divided by c?1 over the interval of simulated time [0; t]. We now describe three
extrapolative approaches that use t to estimate PfX  B g.
5.1.1 Chebyshev Inequality
By Chebyshev's inequality,
PfX  B g  B ?n EX n (1)
 (k=B)n t(k) =: f(n): (2)

Let Bt be the smallest integer n  0 such that t(k) = 0 for all k > n (i.e., [0; Bt]
is the support of t). If Bt < B then minimizing f is a decreasing function of n with
limn!1 f(n) = 0. So, although the inequality (1) holds for all n  0, the approximate
inequality (2) in general does not. Typically, this approach and its many variants give poor
5.1.2 The Kullback-Leibler Method
This method assumes that there is an integer B1 such that 0  B1 << B and, for all b  B1 ,
PfX  bg  Ae?bI
where A and I are two unknown parameters. For this method to work, there must be
enough simulation time to accurately estimate PfX = B1 g (i.e., t is large enough so that
t(B1 )  PfX = B1 g).
Consider the following distribution p de ned on integers  B1 ? 1: p(b) = A exp(?bI) ?
A exp(?(b + 1)I) for b  B1 , and p(B1 ? 1) = 1 ? A exp(?bI). The two unknowns A and I
are tted to t by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler distance between p and t over A and I
on [B1 ; 1). The values of A and I that achieve the minimum are [8]:
1 ? (B1 ? 1)
I^ = log 1 + P1 b(b)
b=B1 ? B1 (1 ? (B1 ? 1))
A^ = (1 ? (B1 ? 1)) exp(B1 I^)
P 1 ?1 (b). These expressions for A^ and I^ can be easily updated by
where (B1 ? 1) := bB=0
the simulator. The two-parameter Kullback-Leibler method estimates
PfX  B g  A^ exp(?B I^): (3)
A function p with more than two unknowns can be chosen for greater accuracy (e.g., p(b) =
A exp(?b I) [2]), but we found no closed form expression for the minimizing values of the
unknowns. An alternative \direct" approach to estimating the parameter I is described
[14], equation (10); the expression for A^ above can also be used with this method to obtain
the estimate in equation (3).
5.1.3 Using Generalized Extreme Value Theory
An interesting approach to estimating PfX  B g based on generalized extreme value theory
(GEVT) is described in [1] and [13]. This approach can quickly estimate PfX  B g if
limB!1 B ? log PfX  B g = I < 0 for some constant I even when  = 6 1 (see Equation
(15) and Figure 1 of [1]). GEVT is more computationally intensive than the Kullback-Leibler
approach, however.
5.2 Extrapolative Methods for Cell Loss Probability
In this section, we consider connections through the network that require a bound on cell
loss probability. If we assume that cell loss events at each bu er are independent, then the
end-to-end cell loss probability of a connection is simply the sum of the cell loss probabilities
at each bu er of the connection's virtual circuit [17]. Each bu er will be equipped with the
following extrapolative estimator of cell loss probability. The cell loss probability for a bu er
of size b cells is denoted by F(b). We wish to estimate F(b) when b is the (large) capacity
of the bu er we are considering.
In [14], the following approach was proposed. Let Y be distributed as the steady-state
number of cells in the bu er. Let M = PfY > 0g. The cell loss probability is then
approximated by
F(b)  M^ exp(?bI^)
where I^ is estimated as in x5.1.2 and the estimate M^ is also based on the empirical distri-
bution of Y .

6 The Role of Parallelism

Even with the methods suggested in x5 above, estimation of rare events for large networks
would require enormous amount of simulation time. A typical telecom switch would process
about a million of packets per second [36], whereas the number of ATM cells that a typical
simulator on a workstation (such as a SPARCstation) can process is of the order of several
thousand cells per second [26]. Therefore, even simulating a single switch could result in
a slow down by a factor ranging from a 100 to a 1000. Simulating an ATM network of a
modest size and complexity for an hour of trac could take days or even weeks. Given
this limitation of a uniprocessor simulation, one might turn to the idea of employing a
parallel or distributed solution to the problem. Depending on the size and complexity
of the simulation, its intended goals, and the hardware and software resources at hand,
the simulation can be done in several di erent ways. In this section, we explore various
types of parallel or distributed solutions to the problem and specify the necessary hardware
requirements for implementing these solutions.
Interfering Traffic


Figure 1: A Virtual Circuit Simulation Schematic

6.1 ATM Network Simulation versus Generic Discrete-Event Sim-

In this subsection we will brie y describe two aspects of ATM networks that can be exploited
to obtain simulation speed up using some form of parallelism. The rst aspect is that ATM
networks are connection-oriented; i.e., all cells of a connection use the same path (called a
virtual circuit) through the network. This preserves cell ordering and simpli es connection
admission control and cell routing in the network. One can exploit the connection-oriented
nature of ATM to decompose the problem of simulating a large ATM network to that of
simulating the individual virtual circuits separately, see x6.2 below. The second aspect is
that many cell operations (e.g., a cell transmission from a bu er) occur simultaneously.
Such simultaneous events can occur in the same switch or in switches separated by great
distances. Thus, an ATM network is intrinsically a parallel, distributed machine. We explore
distributed simulation of ATM networks in x6.3 below.
6.2 Parallel Independent Experiments
Often, experiments involving simulation of an ATM network are quite repetitive in nature.
First, several simulations of the same network may be done using di erent sets of parameters.
Second, experiments may be replicated to get average values of desired quantities.
Alternatively, one could simulate virtual circuits separately using di erent workstations.
Figure 1 is a schematic of one such virtual circuit. The quality of service received by the
connections using the entire virtual circuit (from source \S" to destination \D") are to be
estimated by simulation. These independent simulation tasks would require approximations
of the interfering trac; since trac streams are typically \smoothened" as they traverse
an ATM network, using the source models/data for the interfering trac could result in
conservative estimates of performance. If the diameter of the network (i.e., the maximum
number of bu ers visited by a connection through the network) is not too large, then any
of these individual virtual circuit experiments can be handled by a single CPU simulation.
Also, network importance sampling approaches cited in x4.3 can be e ectively used. Note
that source aggregation on the interfering trac can also be used to speed up each virtual
circuit simulation.
Since the tasks executing in parallel hardly interact with each other, it may not be di-
cult to obtain a speed up factor of N using N workstations. Although, several experiments
can be executed in parallel, a signi cant disadvantage of this approach is that it does not
shorten the turn-around time for an individual experiment.
Such independent simulations can be pro tably executed on tightly as well as loosely
coupled processor networks. One environment that is particularly suited to such experiments
is the workstation environment where a number of workstations are connected via a local
area network. Workstations computing environments are ubiquitous today. Studies have
revealed that in a typical workstation environment even during the busiest hours of the day
about 50% of the workstations are idle [54]. Several researchers have shown the feasibility of
using such idle computing power for the purpose of parallel processing [52, 51, 39]. Although,
issues of e ective load balancing and task migration when a workstation becomes occupied
remain to be addressed in a satisfactory manner, high-level tools available today allow
nonexperts in parallel computing to exploit idle computing power for such experiments
[51, 39].
6.3 Distributed or Parallel Simulation
The nature of parallelism that is exploited by a particular application can be classi ed as
coarse-grain to ne-grain depending on the level of interaction that is required among the
parallel tasks. Fine-grain parallel applications require much more interaction among parallel
tasks to achieve proper synchronization and communication. >From this viewpoint, the
strategy of parallelizing the simulation of an ATM network by running independent parallel
simulations, as discussed in the previous subsection, falls into the category of coarse-grain
parallelism as there is almost no interaction among the di erent parallel experiments. A
ner-grain method of parallelizing an ATM network simulation would be to partition a single
simulation experiment onto more than one processor. This can be done in at least two ways:
First, the ATM network may be partitioned into several parts and each of the parts may
be simulated on a separate processor; we call this topological partitioning. Second, several
book-keeping and monitoring related functions can be simulated on separate processors;
we call this functional partitioning. The following subsections discuss each of these two
6.3.1 Functional Partitioning
Functions such as simulating the trac sources, statistics collection and storage, monitoring
of simulation, etc. can be decoupled from the simulation of the network. These auxiliary
functions can be done on a separate processor. Since such tasks are relatively independent
of the main simulation task, it is easier to develop a parallel solution. However, the expected
speed up factor with this approach will be limited if these auxiliary tasks represent only a
relatively small fraction of the overall computing that is required. Previous research results
indicate speed up factors ranging from 1.3 to 1.6 depending on the distributed processor
architecture used for implementation and details of partitioned functions [6, 7]. Up to a
maximum of 4 processors were used for these experiments and it was not possible to achieve
higher speed ups by employing more processors.
6.3.2 Topological Partitioning
Conceptually, it is possible to partition an ATM network into several parts and the simu-
lation of each of the parts may be done on a separate processor. Each partition typically
handles the task of simulating the nodes belonging to it in an asynchronous manner. In an
event based simulation of the network, each partition receives events from the trac sources
or other partitions. It maintains an event-list(s) where events that require processing are
kept in a sorted manner (x3) . If the next node that should process a cell belongs to a
di erent partition, a message containing this cell is sent to the destination partition. In
this manner, a cell nally reaches its target node where it may be discarded after collecting
results. Insuring correctness in an asynchronous event driven simulation requires a certain
amount of periodic synchronization. The basic ideas for this are related to Lamport's work
on logical clocks in distributed systems [37]. Two techniques -the conservative approach and
the optimistic approach- are commonly employed for synchronization while using topological
partitioning. Details of these approaches can be found in [44, 30, 21, 47].
Since ATM networks will have strong coupling among the partitions, and consequent
higher communication and synchronization requirements, speed up factors that can be
attained by this method would vary signi cantly depending on the cost of synchroniza-
tion/communication relative to the speed of processors used for implementation. On a
loosely coupled processor network, high speed ups are not possible due to higher commu-
nication costs. Indeed, many of the experiments that have been reported in the past have
used slow communication LANs. It may be possible to achieve higher speed ups on loosely
coupled processor networks that employ high speed LANs such as FDDI, ATM [38, 46], etc.
Of course, it is also possible to employ tightly-coupled multiprocessors to exploit par-
allelism via topological partitioning. In theory, each partition could have a single switch.
In practice, however, the size of each partition would be determined by the grain-size of
the computation that can be e ectively exploited on a given parallel machine and number
of processors available for the simulation. Both conservative as well as optimistic methods
for asynchronous event based simulation are amenable to such medium to ne grain par-
allel implementations. Grain size can be adjusted by selecting the size of each partition.
Some experiments with simulation of other similar communication networks have reported
encouraging speed ups on multiprocessors [20, 23, 48].
6.3.3 Combined Approach
It is also possible to combine aspects of functional and topological partitioning. Most
likely, this is the approach with maximum potential for speed up from parallelism. As
mentioned before, auxiliary tasks such as trac source simulation, le I/O, graphics interface
for monitoring etc. may be separated from the network simulation task. The simulation of
the ATM network itself then can be be divided into several partitions all of which would be
simulated in parallel.
6.3.4 Automatic or Semi-automatic Parallelization
Since various switches of an ATM network basically perform the same operations in parallel
to di erent cells, there is a high degree of data parallelism inherent in the simulation of
di erent nodes of the ATM network. Therefore, the task of automatically parallelizing the
simulation of an ATM network using a high level parallel language is worth considering.
The principal source of diculty in this approach is the mapping of nodes to the processors.
The general mapping problem has been proven to be NP-complete [22]. Also, the selection
of appropriate simulation parameters for the purpose of achieving maximum parallelism is
largely dependent on the nature of application. For example, the amount of look-ahead in
the conservative approach, or how often global virtual time is calculated in the optimistic
approach, are dicult to ascertain in an automatic manner. As is the case with other types
of data parallel applications [41], a semi-automatic approach where the user supplies the re-
quired mapping and other simulation speci c parameters whereas the system automatically
generates parallel tasks based on this knowledge, seems more practical.

7 Future Directions
We are currently building an ATM simulation test-bed that would incorporate several ideas
presented in this paper. A preliminary sequential version of the simulator is now functional
[26]. It is currently being used to gain insights into various ATM related issues such as the
appropriate cell scheduling mechanisms as well as simulation speci c issues such as suitable
synchronization techniques for parallel simulation.

8 Summary
Like any other packet switched network, ATM networks can be simulated using well known
methods of discrete event simulation. However, in this paper we have attempted to focus
on two major challenges that distinguish the problem of ATM simulation: estimating rare
events and large network dimensions. It is suggested that extrapolative methods can be used
to quickly estimate a wide variety of received qualities of service. Simulation of networks
with large dimensions would still require large simulation time. We outline several meth-
ods of parallelizing the simulation. Wherever applicable, conducting parallel independent
experiments is the most ecient and simplest method of speeding up a network simulation.
Indeed, parallel simulation of independent virtual circuit experiments, each employing ex-
trapolative methods to estimate received quality of service, promises to be an acceptably
accurate strategy requiring a reasonable amount simulation time.
A small amount of speed up may be possible by functionally or topologically partitioning
the simulation task on a network of workstations. Fine grain parallelism would require
tightly-coupled multiprocessors. Completely automatic parallelization of the simulation
task is currently not a feasible proposition. However, a semi-automatic approach where a
programmer supplies the application speci c knowledge and the system then completes the
rest of the parallelization task is promising.

We would like to acknowledge the helpful comments made by our reviewers and by Dr. P.
Heidelberger about an earlier draft of this paper.

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