ps1 Northern Lights Art
ps1 Northern Lights Art
ps1 Northern Lights Art
notice commonalities within classes of natural objects or forms.
MAIN FORMS AND PROPORTIONS: Students will learn the shapes of things as well as develop
decorative styles.
A horizontal line can be used to divide a picture plane into interesting and varied proportions of
sky and ground.
Natural forms have different surface qualities in colour, texture and tone.
Natural forms display patterns and make patterns.
Pre-assessment (prior Formative: Summative (if applicable):
knowledge) (if applicable): Collection of art
Student Differentiation:
Hook/Attention Grabber: Instructor will prompt students to remember their inukshuk art that
all fell apart last week. Instructor should then show students website. Instructor will then say
that today they will be making art about something else that happens in the north. Instructor
should then show students website.
Transitioning from Hook to Body: Video of northern lights should play on the SmartBoard
throughout lesson.
Learning Activity #1: Instructor will explain to students the process of making the art and
show the previously made copy. Then instructor will model it in front of the students.
Learning Activity #2: Students will then make their art on their own.
Feedback From Students on Learning: Instructor should ask students what their art was
called and where it happens.
Transition To Next Lesson(s): Students will submit their art to the counter at the back of the
class and then go wash their hands and clean up.
Reflections on lesson: