History of Pepsi
History of Pepsi
History of Pepsi
beveridge in 1893. Since then, the drink spread across the United States and has
become one of the most recognisable brands today!
The Creation
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Caleb Bradham was always interested in medicine and providing new ways to aid in the people's health.
In 1886 he enrolled in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill but after his father went bankrupt, he
returned home. He taught for a short period of time before enrolling in the University of Maryland. After
graduating, he then opened Bradham's Pharmacy in New Bern.
Pepsi was created in 1893 by Caleb Bradham in his Drug Store in New Bern, North Carolina. The original
name of this new drink was called "Brad's Drink" after Caleb Bradham himself. It was made with mix of
sugar, water, caramel, lemon oil, nutmeg, and cola nuts.
On August 28th, 1898, Brad's Drink was renamed to Pepsi after pepsin enzyme. Bradham believed that
his drink was a "healthy" cola that helped with digestion.
The Rise
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Pepsi sales began to rise as word spread of a new drink in North Carolina. The first two franchised
bottling plants are established in Charlotte and Durham, North Carolina in 1905. Demands continued to
rise as 300 more plants were opened across 24 states. Pepsi was an innovator of its time, being one of
the first products to be shipped via motor transport.
After the United States passes the Food and Drug Act that banned dangerous chemicals from the public's
food and drugs, Pepsi stood strong as it was only made with natural ingredients. This converted many
Americans to try Pepsi Cola, since it was a much safer alternative.
Shifting Tides
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In 1923, Bradham went bankrupt after sugar prices during World War I increased from 3 cents per pound
to 28 cents per pound. This resulted in a complete loss of funds and the company was then bought by the
Craven Holding Corporation for $30,000-$35,000. Roy C. Mergargel reorganizes the company into the
National Pepsi-Cola Company. In 1931, Pepsi-Cola is once again bankrupt and is bought by the Loft
Candy Company.
In 1934, Pepsi sells their 12 ounce bottle for only 5 cents during the Depression which rakes in sales
compared to its competitors. Charles G Guth, the company's new owner, moves the headquarters to
Long Island City in New York and creates a new franchise system.
In 1940, the first ever jingle is created to advertise Pepsi. "Nickle, Nickle" is the first ever jingle to be
played on the radio.
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Modern Times
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Pepsi-Cola and Frito Lay Inc merged together in 1965 to create PepsiCo Inc. and then moved their
headquarters to Purchase, New York in 1970. The company is now a worldwide phenomenon with 22
brand and counting! They produce chips and beverages of many different flavors! PepsiCo's history is
long and full of interesting advances all starting from Brad's drink in 1893.
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