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Questions For O.A Sba

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Instructions: Please respond accordingly to the following questions being presented. DO NOW WRITE
YOUR NAMES. Thank you!

1. Gender
Male Female

1b. How long have you been working in this department?

Under 1 year
1-3 years
4-6 years
Over 6 years

2. What position do you hold in this department?

3. State some of the duties you are required to perform.
4. Do you use any form of modern communication technology to help you in carrying out
your job functions?

5. Do you believe that modern communication makes the flow of communication easier for

5b. Please state the reason for answer.


6. Tick the appropriate communication device or equipment, machine you use to assist you
in carrying out your job?

Fax machine
Other(s) Please Specify ___________

6b. Do you find that these equipment help you to be more efficient in carrying out your
6c. Which piece of equipment do you use more regularly?
7. What other forms of technology do you use to perform your duties?
8. Identify one advantage of using modern communication equipments to assist you in
performing your duties? ______________________
9. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the effectiveness of this department in carrying
out its duties?

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10

10. Do you believe that the department is doing a good job in carrying out its function?

11. Do you believe that the department performs well due to the assistance of modern
communication? ______________


1. What are the main duties of the Human Resource Clerk?

2. Why is it necessary to have a Human Resources Department?

3. State some of the daily activities carried out by the department?

4. Does the use of modern communication make work easier in

this department?

5. Is efficiency improved as a result of modern communication in

the office?

School Based Assessment

Office Administration

Interview Schedule

Interview Date: November 27, 2019

Personnel interviewed the Human Resource Managers,

the Human Resource Clerk, and the human Resources


Interview Questions

1. What are some of your daily responsibilities?

2. Did you any receive special training to perform your


3. Do you use any special equipment to carry out your job


4. Does modern communication make your job easier?

5. State one piece of legislation governing the organization?

5b. which year was it passed?

6. Can the human resource stuff have friends at work?

7. Can you explain how the human resources thinks?

8. What's the human resource Job Really Like, Strategic or


9. how to land a human resources job?

10. How to Handle Pay for Two Week's Notice When an

Employee Resigns?



October 21, The topic was chosen and Corrections were

submitted to the teacher made and handed
for approval back to the researcher.
November 21, Correspondence was Letter was corrected
drafted and submitted to and approved by
teacher for approval. teacher.
November 27, Letter was hand delivered A contact number was
to the organization and asked for in order to
left with the security. confirm receipt of the
December 9, The organization was The human resource
called to confirm receipt clerk gave the
of the letter. researcher the time
and date to visit the
December 20, Questions for interview They were corrected
and questionnaires were by the subject teacher
completed and handed in and handed back to
to the teacher for the researcher.
December 27, The researcher visited the Employees got the
organization to hand out questionnaires and the
questionnaires and interview with the
conduct interview with human resource
the human resource manager was
manger successful. All
questionnaires were
collected from


January 03, The researcher All questionnaires were

visited the collected from employees.
organization to
collect the
January 17, The researcher Took long and was difficult
gathered all the to arrange information
information and
made a rough draft
(sba) to be handed to
January 20 The rough draft After the teacher made
(sba) was collected necessary corrections he
from the teacher. approved the (sba) for typing

February The final (sba) was The researcher was very

typed and submitted excited that the (sba) was
to the teacher. finished and was able to be
submitted on time.
Pictures of Equipment’s.
December 3, 2019
These pictures are some of the equipment’s used in the Human Resource



A fax machine is a
device that is used to A fax machine is
Fax Machine send documents
electronically over a a device that
telephone network. The is used to send
transmissions it sends documents
are called “faxes, ” and electronically
December 3, these can be between
2019 two fax machines, or over a telephone
between a fax network. The
machine and computer transmissions it
or online fax service that
is equipped to send and sends are called
receive faxes. “faxes, ” and
these can be
between two fax
machines, or
between afax
machine and
computer or
online fax service
that is equipped to
send and receive

Photocopier A photocopier (also This is a very

known as a copier efficient machine
or copy machine) is because enhances
a machine that The
makes copies of main function of a
December 3, documents and other photocopier is to
2019 visual images onto produce paper
paper or plastic film copies of a
quickly and cheaply. document. Most
photocopiers use
laser technology, a
dry process that
uses electrostatic
charges on a light-
photoreceptor to
transfer toner onto
paper to form an

Computer A computer is a device Some of the

that accepts information popular uses
(in the form of digitalized
data) and manipulates it of computers in
for some result based on offices include
a program, software, or preparation of
sequence of instructions word documents
September 3, on how the data is to be
2019 processed. ... such as letters,
Today's computers have reports,
both kinds of processing of
programming. work documents
such as work
orders and
financial reports,
presentation of
reports and
proposals to and
behalf of
executive and
higher level
office personnel,
management of
email services to
A printer is a The purpose of a
printer is to accept
device that accepts typed text and graphic
Printer text and graphic images from a
December output from a computer and transfer
computer and it to paper. Printers are
11, 2019 sometimes sold along
transfers the with computers, but
information to consumers typically
paper, usually to purchase them
separately. Printers
standard size vary greatly in cost,
sheets of speed, size and
paper. Printers function.
vary in size, speed,
sophistication, and
cost. ... It's an
impact printer that
strikes the paper a
line at a time


Lamination is the The laminator is

technique/process of a device that
manufacturing a material fuses two pieces
in multiple layers, so
that the composite
of plastic
11, 2019 material achieves together with
improved strength, paper in between.
stability, sound The primary
insulation, appearance,
or other properties from reason
the use of the differing for laminating
materials things is to
preserve the
quality of the
material being
laminated. It
provides a
protective barrier
against moisture,
stains and

Telephone telephone. Device that A central phone system

coverts sound and links to up to ten other
electrical waves into individual phone lines
audible relays, and is throughout
used for an office and separates
communication. them by extensions like
The telephone consists “Line 3” or “Line 4.”
September 16, of two essential parts; a ... Phone branch
2019 microphone and a exchange (PBX)
speaker. systems work by
...Telephones are made automating the process
in a variety of forms, of forwarding calls with
including a subset of the a prerecorded message
device called a cell or ability to dial an
phone or mobile phone. extension during menu

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