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S.No. : 01 JP_ME_190619
Casting & Welding

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Casting & Welding

Duration : 1:00 hr. Maximum Marks : 50

Read the following instructions carefully

1. This question paper contains 30 objective questions. Q.1-10 carry one mark each and
Q.11-30 carry two marks each.

2. Answer all the questions.

3. Questions must be answered on Objective Response Sheet (ORS) by darkening the appropriate
bubble (marked A, B, C, D) using HB pencil against the question number. Each question has
only one correct answer. In case you wish to change an answer, erase the old answer completely
using a good soft eraser.

4. There will be NEGATIVE marking. For each wrong answer 1/3rd of the full marks of the question
will be deducted. More than one answer marked against a question will be deemed as an
incorrect response and will be negatively marked.

5. Write your name & Roll No. at the specified locations on the right half of the ORS.

6. No charts or tables will be provided in the examination hall.

7. Choose the Closest numerical answer among the choices given.

8. If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one
of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to that

9. If a question is left blank, i.e., no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for
that question.


2 Mechanical Engineering

Q. No. 1 to Q. No. 10 carry 1 mark each Q.6 Green strength in powder metallurgy refers to
the strength of
Q.1 Match List-I (Moulding/casting process) with
(a) original material in the bulk form
List-II (Product) and select the correct codes as
(b) the powder before compaction
given below the lists:
(c) the powder after compaction
(d) the powder after sintering and cooling
A. Slush casting
B. Shell moulding Q.7 Assertion (A): Converging passage is used for
C. Dry sand moulding feeding liquid metal into a mould.
D. Centrifugal casting Reason (R): Inhalation of air promotes blow
List-II holes in casting.
1. Small crankshafts (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
2. Machine tool bed correct reason for (A)
3. Cylinder block (b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is NOT the
4. Hollow castings like lamp shades
correct reason for (A)
5. Rain water pipe
(c) Both (A) and (R) are false
6. Cast iron shoe brake
(d) (A) is false but (R) is true
Q.8 Which of the following process would produce
strongest components?
(a) 2 6 1 3
(a) die casting
(b) 4 1 3 5
(b) hot rolling
(c) 4 5 3 1
(c) cold rolling
(d) 3 1 6 2
(d) forging
Q.2 Light impurities in the molten metal are prevented
from reaching the mould cavity by providing a Q.9 Gating ratio of 1 : 2 : 4 is used to design the
(a) stainer (b) bottom well gating system for magnesium alloy casting.
(c) skim bob (d) All of these This gating ratio refers to the cross-section areas
of the various gating elements as given below:
Q.3 Which one of the following gating system is best 1. Down sprue
suited to obtain direction solidification ?
2. Runner
(a) Top gating (b) Parting gate
3. Ingates
(c) Bottom gate (d) Step gate
The sequence of the above elements in the ratio
Q.4 Hardness of green sand mould increases with 1 : 2 : 4 is
(a) Increase in of moisture content beyond 6 (a) 1, 2 and 3
percent (b) 1, 3 and 2
(b) Increase in permeability (c) 2, 3 and 1
(c) Decrease in permeability (d) 3, 1 and 2
(d) Increase in both moisture content and
permeability Q.10 Converging passage is used for feeding the liquid
molten metal into the mould to
Q.5 Which of the following engineering materials is (a) increase the rate of feeding
the most suitable candidate for hot chamber die (b) quickly break off the protruding portion of
casting? the casting
(a) low carbon steel (b) titanium (c) decrease wastage of cast metal
(c) copper (d) tin
(d) avoid aspiration of air

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Q. No. 11 to Q. No. 30 carry 2 marks each 2. Increasing temperature lowers the rate of
strain hardening. Hence materials are strain
Q.11 Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct
hardened at low temperatures, thus also
answer using the codes given below the lists:
called cold working.
3. During plastic deformation, dislocation
A. Sand casting
density increases. And thus their interaction
B. Centrifugal casting
with each other results in increase in yield
C. Investment casting
D. Die casting
(a) 1, 2, 3 are correct
(b) 1, 3 are correct
1. Turbine blades
(c) 2, 3 are correct
2. IC engine pistons
(d) 1 is correct
3. Large bells
4. Pulleys Q.16 In a sand casting of a rectangular slab, the
Codes: thickness of the solidified layer after 2 minutes
A B C D is known to be 3 cm. Based on Chvorinov’s rule,
(a) 4 1 3 2 the solidified thickness after 4 minutes is
(b) 2 4 3 1 (a) 3.15 cm (b) 3.64 cm
(c) 3 4 1 2 (c) 4.24 cm (d) 4.95 cm
(d) 3 2 1 4
Q.17 Which of the following casting processes are
Q.12 Hot chamber die casting process is not suited expendable mold operations?
P : Centrifugal casting
(a) lead and its alloys
Q : Die casting
(b) zinc and its alloys
R : Investment casting
(c) tin and its alloys
S : Low pressure casting
(d) aluminium and its alloys
T : Sand casting
Q.13 Grey cast iron is best welded applying U : Shell moulding
(a) TIG V : Slush casting
(b) MIG W : Vacuum molding
(c) Submerged work (a) P, R, U and V (b) R, T, U and W
(d) Oxy-acetylene welding (c) P, T, U and W (d) R, U, V and W

Q.14 Volume of a cube of side ‘l’ and volume of a Q.18 Which of the following is used to improve the
sphere of radius ‘r’ are equal. Both the cube and directional solidification for difficult casting
the sphere are solid and of same material. They geometries?
are being cast. The ratio of the solidification (a) Chills (b) Chaplets
time of the cube to the same of sphere is (c) Step gate (d) Runner extension
3 6 2 Q.19 Match List-I (Moulding process) with List-II
 4π   r   4π   r 
(a)     (b)     (Binding agent) and select the correct answer
6 l 6 l
using the codes given below the lists:
2 3 2 4 List-I List-II
 4π   r   4π   r 
(c)     (d)     A. Green sand 1. Silicate
 6   l  6   l
B. Core sand 2. Organic
Q.15 Consider the following statements: C. Shell moulding 3. Clay
1. Phenomenon where ductile metals become D. Carbondioxide 4. Plaster of paris
stronger and harder when they are deformed moulding
plastically is called strain hardening or work 5. Plastic

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4 Mechanical Engineering

Codes: Q.24 Match List-I (Product) with List-II (Process of

A B C D Manufacture) and select the correct answer using
(a) 3 2 5 1 the codes given below the lists:
(b) 3 2 4 1 List-I
(c) 2 3 5 4 A. Automobile piston in aluminium alloy
(d) 2 3 4 5 B. Engine crankshaft in spheroidal graphite iron
Q.20 A spherical drop of molten metal of radius 2 C. Carburettor housing in aluminium alloy
mm solidifies in 10 seconds. Then the D. Cast titanium blades
solidification time of a similar spherical drop of List-II
molten of radius 4 mm is 1. Pressure die-casting
(a) 32 sec (b) 20 sec 2. Gravity die-casting
(c) 40 sec (d) 64 sec 3. Sand casting
4. Precision investment casting
Q.21 If h m = H in both of the below case. The time
5. Shell moulding
required to fill the mould in bottom gate
arrangement (Figure - A) is 20 min. Then what
will be the time required (in minutes) to fill
(a) 2 3 1 5
the mould in top gate arrangement (Figure -
(b) 3 2 1 5
B)? (Ignore frictional effects)
(c) 2 1 3 4
(d) 4 1 2 3
Q.25 Assertion(A): die casting yields a product of
good accuracy and finish
Reason(R): low melting alloys are used in die
hm H H casting
(a) both A and R individually true and R is the
Figure-A Figure-B correct explanation of A.
(a) 10 (b) 11 (b) both A and R individually true and R is not
(c) 12 (d) 9 the correct explanation of A
Q.22 The solidification time of a spherical casting of (c) A is true but R is false
200 mm diameter is 1078 second then what will (d) A is false but R is true
be its solidification factor Q.26 Consider the following statements in respect of
(a) 0.97 × 106 s/m2 (b) 0.52 × 106 s/m2 investment casting :
(c) 1.1 × 10 s/m 2 (d) none of these 1. The pattern or patterns is/are joined to a
Q.23 Which of the following materials can be used stalk or sprue also of wax to form a tree of
for making pattern? patterns
1. Aluminium 2. Wax 2. The prepared moulds are placed in an oven
3. Mercury 4. Lead and Heated gently to dry off the invest and
melt out the bulk of wax
Select the correct answer using the codes given
3. The metal is usually poured by placing the
moulds in a vaccum chamber
Which of the statements given above are correct
(a) 1, 3 and 4 (b) 2, 3 and 4
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only
(c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 2 and 3only (d) 1, 2 and 3

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Q.27 Freezing ratio or relative freezing time according (b) which take the form of internal voids or
to Caine’s equation is surfaces depression due to excessive
gaseous material not able to escape
(a) A /V (b) A /V (c) which occur due to discontinuity in metal
casting resulting from hindered contraction
(d) caused by two streams of metals that are
(c) V /A (d) V /A too cold to fuse properly
Q.30 Cold shuts are casing defects
Q.28 Investment casting is used for (a) which occur due to some sand shearing from
(a) shapes which are made by difficulty using the cope surfaces
complex patterns in sand casting. (b) which take the form of internal voids or
(b) mass production surface depression due to excessive
(c) shapes which are very complex and intricate gaseous material not able to escape
and can’t be cast by any other method. (c) which occur due to discontinuity in metal
(d) there is nothing like investment casting casting resulting from hindered contraction
(d) caused by two streams of metals that are
Q.29 Blow holes are casting defects
too cold to fuse properly
(a) which occur due to some sand shearing from
the cope surface

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S.No. : 01 JP_ME_190619
Casting & Welding

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Web: www.madeeasy.in | E-mail: info@madeeasy.in | Ph: 011-45124612


Date of Test : 19/06/2019

ANSWER KEY h Casting & Welding

1. (b) 7. (b) 13. (d) 19. (b) 25. (b)

2. (c) 8. (d) 14. (d) 20. (c) 26. (d)

3. (b) 9. (a) 15. (a) 21. (a) 27. (d)

4. (c) 10. (d) 16. (c) 22. (a) 28. (c)

5. (d) 11. (c) 17. (b) 23. (d) 29. (b)

6. (c) 12. (d) 18. (a) 24. (a) 30. (d)

CT-2019 | ME • Casting & Welding 7


5. (d)
The hot chamber process is used for most of the low melting temperature alloys, such as zinc, lead
and tin.

6. (c)
Strength of the part after compaction is called green strength.

7. (b)
Converging passages or sprues are provided to avoid aspiration effect. Air entrapped due to aspiration
causes blow holes in castings.

9. (a)
Gating ratio is ratio of cross-sectional area of sprue : runner : gates

10. (d)
Converging passages are used as spures to gain in velocity of molten metal as it reduces airaspiration.

12. (d)
Hot chamber die casting is suitable to cast materials which has low melting point. This method is used to
cast the alloys of lead, tin and zinc.
This method can also be used for casting Aluminium alloys because the material has a tendency to pick up
some iron due to extended contact with the casting equipment.

14. (d)
Surface area of cube = 6l2
Surface area of sphere = 4 π r2
According to Chorinov’s relation
 volume 
Solidification time ∝ 
 surface area 

as volume of cube and sphere are equal

2 2
tc A   4 πr 2 
=  s =  2 
ts  Ac   6l 

2 4
tc  4π   r 
=    
ts  6   l

16. (c)
V = LBt t
A = 2 [LB + Lt + Bt]
A 2 [LB + Lt + bt ]
Rectangular Slab
V 1
A  1 1 1
2 + + 
t B L 

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8 Mechanical Engineering

for slab, L >> t and B >> t,

V t
∴ =
A 2
Solidification time,
V 
Tα  
 A

T1 t 
∴ =  1
T2  t2 

T2 4
or t2 = t1 = 3 = 4.2426 cm
T1 2

20. (c)
V 
t = k  

2 2
t1  V1 A2   d   6  
× =  1    
t 2 =  A2 V2   
 6  d2  

t1  d1 
t 2 =  d2 

10  2
t2 =  
 4  = t2 = 10 × 4 = 40 sec

21. (a)

2A  hm − hm − H  = 20 min.
Bottom gate, tA =  
Ag 2g

where, A → area of mould

Ag = area of gate
According to question, H = hm

⇒ tA = hm = 20
Ag 2g

For top gate, H = h m,

A hm tA
⇒ tB = = = 10 min
Ag 2g 2

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22. (a)
d = 200 mm
∴ r = 100 mm = 0.1 m
Solidification time = k  
 A

4 3
× π × (0.1)
3 
1078 = k  2
 4 × π × (0.1) 

k = 1078 × = 0.97 × 106 s/m2

23. (d)
Aluminium, wax and mercury can be used for making patterns.


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