Astm F 668
Astm F 668
Astm F 668
covered as follows: (Xenon-Arc Type) with and without Water for Exposure of
1.2.1 Class I consists of polymer coatings extruded over Nonmetallic Materials3
zinc-coated, aluminum-coated, or zinc-5 % aluminum- 2.2 U.S. Federal Standard:
mischmetal alloy-coated, or zinc-5 % aluminum-mischmetal Fed. Std. No. 123 Marking for Shipments (Civil Agencies)4
alloy-coated steel wire. 2.3 U.S. Military Standards:
1.2.2 Class 2a consists of polymer coating extruded and MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage4
adhered to zinc-coated, aluminum-coated, or zinc-5 % 3. Terminology
aluminum-mischmetal alloy-coated steel wire.
1.2.3 Class 2b consists of polymer coating fused and ad- 3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms such as chain-link
hered to zinc-coated, aluminum-coated, or zinc-5 % fence fabric, selvage, knuckle, twist, and diamond count, see
aluminum-mischmetal alloy-coated steel wire. Terminology F 552.
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded 4. Ordering Information
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are provided
for information only. 4.1 Orders for chain-link fence fabric purchased to this
specification shall include the following information:
2. Referenced Documents 4.1.1 Quantity.
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 4.1.2 Class of polymer coating to be applied to the metallic-
A 90/A 90M Test Method for Weight [Mass] of Coating on coated core wire.
Iron and Steel Articles with Zinc or Zinc-Alloy Coatings 4.1.3 Color of coating (see 16.5.1).
A 370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing 4.1.4 Size of mesh (see Table 1 ).
of Steel Products 4.1.5 Diameter of metallic-coated core wire or minimum
A 428/A 428M Test Method for Weight [Mass] of Coating breaking strength, or both (see Tables 1-3).
on Aluminum-Coated Iron or Steel Articles 4.1.6 Height of fabric.
D 1499 Practice for Filtered Open-Flame Carbon-Arc Ex- 4.1.7 Type of selvage if nonstandard (see 12.1 and 12.2).
posures of Plastics 4.1.8 Diamond count if nonstandard (see 9.1 and Table 2).
4.1.9 Certification, if required.
4.2 Any tests required other than those specifically covered
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F14 on Fences in this specification must be stipulated by the purchaser in the
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F14.40 on Chain Link Fence and order or contract.
Wire Accessories.
Current edition approved Sept. 15, 2007. Published October 2007. Originally
approved in 1981. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as F 668 - 06.
2 3
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or Withdrawn.
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Available from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting office or
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700 Robbins Ave.,
the ASTM website. Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
9. Diamond Count
4.3 All rolls of fabric accepted by the purchaser shall be 9.1 Typical diamond count for each standard height is
billed to him on the basis of the original footage of the rolls shown in Table 2. Other diamond counts are permissible,
before sampling, unless changed by contractual agreement. provided that they are consistent within a lot. The purchaser
has the option to specify the typical diamond count of 4.1.8.
5. Materials
5.1 Base Metal—The base metal shall be steel of such 10. Size of Wire
quality and purity that, when drawn to the size of wire specified 10.1 Chain-link fabric shall be fabricated from wire diam-
and coated with an organic polymer, the finished fencing shall eters as necessary to meet the requirements of Table 1. The
be of uniform quality and have properties and characteristics as diameter shall be determined as the average of two readings
prescribed in the specification. taken at right angles to each other on the straight portion of the
5.2 Wire used for the manufacture of fabric shall meet the parallel sides of the mesh and measured to the nearest 0.001 in.
requirements of this specification and shall be capable of being [0.03 mm].
woven into fabric without the polymer coating cracking or 10.2 The permissible variation from the specified diameter
peeling. The polymer coating shall be formulated and produced of the core wire over 0.105 in. [2.67 mm] shall be 60.005 in.
properly to conform to the requirements of this specification. [0.13 mm]. The permissible variation for the specified diameter
on core wires 0.105 in. [2.67 mm] or less shall be 60.004 in.
6. Manufacture [0.10 mm].
6.1 Class 1 polymer-coated wire shall have the polymer
coating extruded onto wire that conforms to the requirements 11. Height of Fabric
as shown in Table 3. 11.1 Chain-link fabric, unless otherwise specified by the
6.2 Class 2a polymer-coated wire shall have the polymer purchaser, shall be furnished in the standard heights shown in
coating extruded and adhered to wire that is zinc-coated by the Table 1. Custom order fabric is available in heights to and
0.120 1 ⁄2
0.120 3 ⁄8
0.105 5 ⁄8
0.080 5 ⁄8
0.080 1 ⁄2
0.080 3 ⁄8
See Table X1.1 for metric equivalents.
TABLE 3 Breaking Strength of Core Wire to be firmly gripped in the testing machine after straightening.
Specified Diameter of Core Wire, in. Minimum Breaking Strength Polymer coating may be removed from the sample by chemical
[mm] or mechanical means before testing. The actual gauge length
lbf [N] (distance between jaws) of the specimen shall be limited to the
0.192 [4.88] 2170 [9650] undeformed length of wire between the two adjacent bends.
0.148 [4.76] 1290 [5740]
0.120 [3.05] 850 [3780]
0.105 [2.67] 650 [2890]
14. Weight of Zinc, Aluminum, or Zinc-5 % Aluminum-
0.080 [2.03] 380 [1690] Mischmetal Alloy Coatings
14.1 The weight of zinc or aluminum coating shall conform
to Table 4.
including 240 ft. [6.56 m]. The height of the fabric shall be the 14.2 The weight of coating shall be determined on an
overall dimension from the ends of twists or knuckles. Permis- individual piece of wire removed from the fabric. This speci-
sible variations from the specified height shall be 61 in. [25 men may be any length of wire over 12 in. [305 mm] and shall
mm] for standard selvage on fabric with mesh sizes 1 in. [25 include both bends and straight sections, but shall not include
mm] and over and 61⁄2 in. [13 mm] for all fabric with mesh either twists or knuckles.
sizes less than 1 in. [25 mm]. 14.3 The weight of zinc or zinc-5 % aluminum-mischmetal
alloy coating shall be determined by the method contained in
12. Selvage Test Method A 90/A 90M after stripping the polymer coating
12.1 Fabric with 2-in. [50.8-mm] or 2 1⁄8-in. [54.0-mm] as outlined in Section 15.
mesh, in heights less than 72 in. [1829 mm], shall be knuckled 14.4 The weight of aluminum coating shall be determined
at both selvages. Fabric 72 in. [1829 mm] high and over shall by the method contained in Test Method A 428, after stripping
be knuckled at one selvage and twisted at the other. These are the polymer coating as outlined in Section 15.
the standard selvages. Other selvage combinations will be
supplied only if specified by the purchaser. 15. Thickness of Polymer Coating
15.1 The thickness of the polymer coating shall be in
NOTE 2—Caution: Twisted selvages for fences under 72 in. [1829 mm]
in height are not recommended because of consumer safety consider- accordance with Table 5.
12.2 The selvages of fabrics with meshes of less than 2 in. TABLE 4 Weight of Zinc, Aluminum, or Zinc-5 % Aluminum-
[50.8 mm] shall be knuckled on both edges. Mischmetal Alloy Coatings
Minimum Weight of
Specified Diameter of Minimum Weight of
13. Breaking Strength Core Wire,
Zinc or Zinc-5 % Aluminum-
Aluminum Coating,
Mischmetal Alloy Coating,
13.1 Wire constituting the fabric shall meet the minimum in. [mm] oz/ft2[g/m2]
breaking strength shown in Table 3, as determined in accor- 0.192 [4.88] 0.40 [122] 0.20 [61]
dance with Test Methods and Definitions A 370. 0.148 [3.76] 0.30 [92] 0.20 [61]
13.2 Specimens to establish conformance to this require- 0.120 [3.05] 0.30 [92] 0.20 [61]
0.105 [2.67] 0.30 [92] 0.20 [61]
ment shall comprise individual pickets from a section of the 0.080 [2.03] 0.25 [76] 0.20 [61]
fence fabric. The specimens shall be of sufficient length so as
shall include both bends and straight sections, but shall not individual piece of wire removed from the fabric. This speci-
include either twists or knuckles. men may be any length of wire over 12 in. [305 mm] and shall
15.3 For Class 1 and Class 2a material, mechanically strip include both bends and straight sections but shall not include
the polymer coating from the wire and measure the minimum either twists or knuckles.
and maximum thickness of the polymer coating with a suitable 16.5 Color:
micrometer. 16.5.1 Unless otherwise stipulated by the purchaser, the
15.4 For Class 2b material, strip the polymer coating by color of the polymer shall be in accordance with the standard
chemical or mechanical means and determine the diameter of colors contained in Specification F 934: Green, Olive Green,
the bare wire. Scrape the coating from one side of the wire and Brown, and Black.
measure the reduced diameter with a micrometer. The thick- 16.5.2 Compliance with this requirement shall be deter-
ness of coating at this point is the difference between the mined by comparison of specimens of the polymer-coated wire
measurement thus obtained and the measured diameter of the to standard flat specimens of fused film of approximately the
bare wire. In a similar manner, determine the thickness of thickness specified for the polymer coating to be applied to the
coating at right angles to the first determination. wire, and measuring at least 1-1⁄2 by 1-1⁄2 in. [38 by 38 mm].
15.5 When removing polymer coating by scraping, take 16.5.3 Standard flat specimens for the evaluation of color of
care not to remove any of the metallic surface. Class 1 and Class 2a coatings shall be prepared by milling,
calendering, or compression molding polymer pellets, using
16. Properties of Polymer-Coated Wire temperatures approximating those to be used in the extrusion.
16.1 The polymer-coated wire from which the fabric is 16.5.4 Standard flat specimens for the evaluation of Class 2
woven shall have a demonstrated ability to conform to the coatings shall be prepared by thermally fusing polymer powder
following requirements: onto a suitable base, using temperatures approximating those to
16.2 Adhesion Tests: be used in the powder coating process.
16.2.1 Class 2a must conform to the requirements of 16.2.2. 16.5.5 The color of the standard flat specimens shall be
Class 2b must conform to the requirements of 16.2.3. determined in accordance with Specification F 934.
16.2.2 Three specimens from each lot shall be tested.
Measure a distance of 3⁄4 in. [19 mm] from the end of the 17. Workmanship
specimen. With a regular hand grip wire stripper, exert maxi- 17.1 Chain-link fence fabric shall be produced by methods
mum hand pull parallel to the axis of the wire. Attempt to recognized as good commercial practices. The polymer coating
remove the measured portion of the vinyl sleeve from the core shall be without voids. The polymer-coated wire shall be
wire. The lot shall be acceptable if the polymer sleeve is not woven into fabric without tears or cuts that reveal the substrate.
capable of being removed from the core wire on all three
samples. 18. Standard Length of Rolls
16.2.3 Three specimens from each lot shall be tested. Make 18.1 The standard length of roll shall be 50 ft [15.24 m] 6
two cuts parallel to the axis of the wire through the coating, 1 % except as otherwise agreed upon at the time of purchase.
approximately 1⁄16 in. [1.6 mm] apart, at least 1⁄2 in. [12.7 mm] 18.2 The length of roll shall be determined by unrolling a
long. With a knife peel back a section of the coating between roll of fabric on a flat surface and exerting tension by
1⁄8 in. [3.2 mm] and 1⁄4 in. [6.4 mm] long to produce a tab.
appropriate means to remove all slack. The tension applied
Attempt to remove the 1⁄16 in. [1.6 mm] strip of coating by shall not reduce the actual height of the fabric by more than 1⁄16
pulling the tab. The lot shall be acceptable if the coating breaks in./ft [5.2 mm/m] of height or by more than 1⁄2 in. [12.7 mm],
rather than separates from the core wire on all three specimens. whichever is less.
16.3 Accelerated Aging—Polymer-coated wire from which
the fabric is woven shall withstand exposure for 1000 h without 19. Field Sampling and Number of Tests
failure at a black panel temperature of 145°F [63°C] when 19.1 The purchaser may select at random one roll from
tested in accordance with Practice D 1499. Type D, E, or F every 50 rolls or fraction thereof for test purposes, except in no
apparatus described in Practice G 23 or Type BH apparatus case shall fewer than two rolls be sampled.
described in Practice G 26 shall be used for the test. The 19.2 Sample rolls thus selected shall be checked for weave
product shall be construed to have failed the test if: (Section 7), size of mesh (Section 8), diamond count (Section
16.3.1 The wire fails to withstand the mandrel bend test 9), core wire size (Section 10), height of fabric (Section 11),
described in 16.4. selvage (Section 12), and length (Section 18).
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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