Astm C1107
Astm C1107
Astm C1107
compressive strength,
MPa [psi] at:
1-dayA 7.0 [1000] 7.0 [1000] Report Report 7.0 [1000] 7.0 [1000]
3-day 17.0 [2500] 17.0 [2500] Report Report 17.0 [2500] 17.0 [2500]
7-day 24.0 [3500] 24.0 [3500] Report Report 24.0 [3500] 24.0 [3500]
28-day 34.0 [5000] 34.0 [5000] Report Report 34.0 [5000] 34.0 [5000]
Height change of
moist cured hardened
1-day 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 %
3-day 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 %
14-day 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 %
28-day 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 % 0.0 to +0.3 %
When required, the purchaser shall specify in the purchase contract.
turning the mixer on. When this water has stabilized at the 10.2.1 Use a 3000-g [7-lb] sample to determine the consis-
desired temperature, discard it and start preparing the batch tency classification and to determine the water content of grout
immediately. tested at maximum flow or most fluid consistency.
8.3 The manufacturer is not prohibited from including, in 10.2.2 Weigh all grout on a balance or on a platform scale to
the package instructions, procedures for adjusting the mixing the nearest 0.1 %.
water temperature to achieve limitations imposed on the grout 10.2.3 Measure the water by mass or volume to the nearest
use temperatures. Use of this technique shall not abrogate the 0.1 %. If the manufacturer recommends maximum water
extended mixing time requirement of this specification. content, calculate the percent water from the packaging infor-
mation and use that amount of water to prepare the grout
9. Proportioning mixture. If the manufacturer recommends maximum flow or
most fluid consistency, use the suggested water content as a
9.1 The minimum and maximum amount of water recom-
starting point and adjust water as necessary to achieve the
mended by the manufacturer on the package shall be used to
maximum flow or most fluid consistency stated on the package.
determine conformance with the requirements of this specifi-
If the required consistency has not been met, make additional
cation. If the manufacturer provides maximum flow (thinnest
adjustments to estimate the water content to use for the next
consistency) information on the package, conduct consistency
batch. Discard current batch and repeat with newly established
tests to an accuracy of 65 % to determine the amount of water
water content.
to be added for testing. In either case, express the weight of
water so determined as a ratio of water to dry grout material by 10.2.4 Place water in the bowl. Start the mixer at speed 1.
weight. If both are given, make tests at whichever involves the Add the dry grout material to the water over approximately 30
larger amount of water by ratio of dry grout mixture. sec. After 1 min, stop the mixer for 15 sec and scrape into the
batch any grout that may have collected on the side of the
10. Mixing bowl. Switch to speed 2 and mix for a total of 5 min as
measured from first contact of dry material with water. Use
10.1 Either the mixer described in Practice C305 or the other mixing procedures if recommended by the manufacturer.
mortar mixer described in 10.1.2 shall be used for performance
qualifications. In the event of a dispute, the mixer described in NOTE 4—It is advisable to cover the bowl with a lid while mixing. A
10.1.2 shall be used for the referee test. metal disc in which a slit has been cut to accommodate the mixer shaft has
been found suitable. If excessive splash-over occurs, a larger mixer should
NOTE 2—The referee test is a test made to settle disagreement as to the be used.
conformance to the specified requirements.
10.2.5 Prepare required specimens from additional batches
10.1.1 Bench Scale Epicyclic Mixer—The mortar-mixing of grout as needed. Use the water content established above for
apparatus shall be as specified in Practice C305. However, the all successive batches. When testing grout at the end of its
mixer shall be provided with a bowl positioner to enable working time, a separate batch of grout shall be mixed
clearance of the largest sized aggregate in the mixture being continually until the time of test unless otherwise recom-
tested. mended by the manufacturer.
10.1.2 Mortar Mixer—A110 to 125-L [4 to 41⁄2-ft3] capacity
horizontal shaft stationary drum mortar mixer (see Note 3) is 10.3 Procedure for Using The Mortar Mixer:
required. The mortar mixer shall have a metal shell with 10.3.1 Prepare all specimens from a single batch of grout
horizontal mixing blades. The mixing blades shall be angled so using the horizontal shaft stationary drum mortar mixer.
that adjacent paddle arms reverse the flow of the grout in the Perform tests to verify compliance with performance require-
mixing drum during rotation of the horizontal shaft. The ments.
mixing blades shall have adjustable wiper blades that wipe the 10.3.2 With materials and equipment brought to the testing
inner surfaces of the mixing chamber. The wiper blades shall temperature, use enough whole bags of material to produce at
be rubber or other flexible, wear-resistant material that does not least 56 L [2 ft3] of mixed grout. Use this batch for both
deleteriously react with the grout mixture. The wiper blades freshly-mixed and delayed-mixed testing at one specified
shall be adjusted to continuously wipe the curved inner surface temperature. Place the total required amount of mixing water in
of the mixing chamber below the grout level and the ends of the mixer (see Note 5).
15.2 The following additional information shall be either
12.1.7 Height change from placement to time of final marked on package or attached to it:
setting, %, 15.2.1 Surface preparation, mixing, placing, and curing
12.1.8 Height change of hardened, moist-cured grout at instructions,
specimen age of 1, 3, 14, and 28 days, %, 15.2.2 Maximum amount of mixing water to be used, or
12.1.9 Height change of hardened grout at 56 days of age maximum recommended consistency,
when exposed to air drying for 28 days after 28 days of 15.2.3 Yield at maximum mixing water content, or maxi-
moist-curing, %, mum consistency. The yield claimed shall not be greater than
12.1.10 Compressive strength of cubes at 1, 3, 7, and 28 that measured in 11.2,
days, and 15.2.4 Recommended maximum usable working time, “pot-
12.1.11 Yield, determined in 11.2. life,” and approximate consistency at end of that time. Usable
13. Inspection and Rejection working time shall not exceed the time after initial mixing that
grout retains properties required in this specification, and
13.1 Inspection of the dry grout material shall be agreed 15.2.5 High and low temperatures during preparation and
upon between the purchaser and the manufacturer as part of the placement within which the grout will meet the requirements of
purchase contract. this specification.
13.2 Any material that fails to conform to any of the
requirements in this specification shall be designated as non- 16. Keywords
conforming material. In the event of a failure to conform to any 16.1 dry hydraulic cement grout; grout; nonshrink hydraulic
part of the requirements of this specification when using the cement grout; packaged dry grout; shrinkage compensated
mixer described according to Practice C305, the mortar mixing grout
Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(C1107/C1107M – 14) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Dec. 15, 2014)
(1) Revised Table 1 while keeping the same strength and height
change requirements.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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