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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn

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ANSI/ASTM A 525 - 79

Standard Specification for

This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 525;*the number immediately following the designation indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last

1. Scope A 444 Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-

1.1 This specification covers the general re- Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Proc-
quirements for the delivery of steel sheet in ess for Culverts and Underdrains2
coils and cut lengths, zinc-coated (galvanized) A 446 Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-
on continuous lines by the hot-dip process. Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Proc-
Galvanized steel sheet is customarily available ess, Structural (Physical) Quality2
in commercial quality, lock-forming quality, A 526 Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-
drawing quality, drawing quality special killed, Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Proc-
and structural (physical) quality, which are ess, Commercial Quality2
fully described in separate standards (Section A 527 Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-
2). Galvanized steel sheet is produced to var- Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Proc-
ious zinc-coating designations, as shown in Ta- ess, Lock-Forming Quality2
ble 1, designed to give coatings compatible with A 528 Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-
the service life required. Except for differential- Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Proc-
coated sheet, the coating is always expressed as ess, Drawing Quality2
the total coating of both surfaces. Galvanized A 642 Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-
steel sheet can be produced with the following Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Proc-
types of coatings: ess, Drawing Quality, Special Killed2
1.1.1 Regular spangle, A 700 Recommended Practices for Packag-
1.1.2 Minimized spangle, ing, Marking, and Loading Methods for
1.1.3 Iron-zinc alloy, Steel Products for Domestic Shipment4
1.1.4 Wiped, and D2092 Recommended Practices for Prepa-
1.1.5 Differential. ration of Zinc-Coated Steel Surfaces for
NOTE 1—The values stated in inch-pound units E 376 Recommended Practice for Measuring
are to be regarded as the standard. Coating Thickness by Magnetic-Field or
Eddy-Current (Electromagnetic) Test
2. Applicable Documents Methods6
2.1 ASTM Standards: 1
A 90 Tests for Weight of Coating on Zinc- This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM
Committee A-S on Metallic-Coated Iron and Steel Products.
Coated (Galvanized) Iron or Steel Arti- Current edition approved Nov. 24, 1978, and March 29,
cles2 1979. Published June 1979. Originally published as A 525 -
64 T. Last previous edition A 525 - 78.
A 361 Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc- 2
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 3.
Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Proc- 3
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Parts 1, 2, 3,4, 5, and
ess for Roofing and Siding2 10.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Parts 1, 3, 4, and 5.
A 370 Methods and Definitions for Mechan-
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Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 27.
ical Testing
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A 525

2.2 Military Standards? sheet having a specified "coating designation"

MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and on one surface and a significantly lighter spec-
Storage ified "coating designation" on the other sur-
MIL-STD-163 Steel Mill Products, Prepara- face. The single side relationship of either spec-
tion for Shipment and Storage ified "coating designation" is the same as
2.3 Federal Standard:7 shown in the note of Table 1 regarding uni-
Fed. Std. No. 123 Marking for Shipments formity of coating.
(Civil Agencies) 3.6 mill phosphatized—galvanized sheet
chemically processed by the producer to pre-
3. Definitions pare the surfaces for immediate painting with-
3.1 regular spangle—galvanized sheet coated out further treatment except normal cleaning
on continuous lines to the coating designations (refer to Recommended Practices D2092).
prefixed "G" shown in Table 1. Regular span- Since this is a surface treatment only, all other
gles are the result of the unrestricted growth of characteristics of the coating remain un-
zinc crystals during normal solidification. changed. This sheet is normally produced to all
3.2 minimized spangle—galvanized sheet ob- coating designations in Table 1.
tained by treating the regular galvanized sheet 3.7 extra smooth or skin passed—material
during the soUdification of the zinc to restrict produced by skin passing the galvanized sheet
the normal spangle formation. This product to impart a higher degree of smoothness than
usually has a dull appearance not characterized is normal to the as-coated product, as in the
by a high degree of uniformity, and dissimilar- case of critical painted surfaces. Extra smooth
ity from coil to coil is not unusual. Minimum is normally furnished in coating Designations
spangle is normally produced in coating des- G 90 and A 60 and lighter only. If fluting or
ignations G 90 and lighter. stretcher strains are a hazard, extra smooth or
3.3 iron-zinc alloy—galvanized sheet pro- skin passed should be specified.
duced by processing the steel through the gal- 3.8 chemical treatment—a passivating chem-
vanizing line to produce a completely alloyed ical treatment normally applied to galvanized
coating. This product is not spangled, is nor- coatings to retard the formation of white oxide
mally dull gray in appearance, and is suitable during shipment and storage. However, the
for immediate painting without further treat- inhibiting characteristics of the treatment are
ment except normal cleaning (refer to Recom- limited and if a shipment is received wet, the
mended Practices D 2092). The lack of ductility material should be used or dried immediately.
of the alloy coating may result in powdering of 3.9 oiling—a coating applied to the galvan-
the coating during fabrication. Iron-zinc alloy ized sheet as produced, either alone or in ad-
coated sheet can be supplied in the three coat- dition to the chemical treatment for further
ing designations in Table 1 prefixed by the insurance against white oxide. In the event a
letter "A". Coating Designation A 60 is com- chemical treatment is undesirable because of
monly known as galvannealed sheet. further processing such as phosphatizing, an oil
3.4 wiped—galvanized sheet produced by coating offers protection during shipment and
wiping down the molten zinc as it leaves the storage.
pot. This product has a light iron-zinc alloy 4. General Requirements for Delivery
coating, is not spangled, and may have stria-
tions of free zinc at the surface of the coating. 4.1 The requirements of the purchase order,
It is generally more suitable than completely the individual material specification, and this
unalloyed surfaces for immediate painting general specification shall govern in the se-
without further treatment except normal clean- quence stated.
ing (refer to Recommended Practices D 2092). 4.2 Galvanized sheet in coils and cut lengths
The lack of ductility of the alloy coating may is produced to decimal thickness only and
result in powdering of the coating during fab- thickness tolerances apply. The thickness of the
rication. Wiped coated is supplied in one coat- sheet includes both the base steel and the coat-
ing designation as shown in Table 1 and is ing.
prefixed by the letter "W" 7
Available from Naval Publications and Forms Center,
3.5 differentially
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rightscoated—galvanized
reserved); Sat Mar 21 12:24:12 EDTsteel
2020 5801 Tabor Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 19120.
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A 525

5. Manufacture 7. Mechanical Requirements

5.1 The base metal shall be made by the 7.1 Base Metal Tests:
open-hearth, basic-oxygen, or electric-furnace 7.1.1 When base metal mechanical proper-
process. ties are required by the applicable specification
they shall be determined by the methods de-
6. Chemical Requirements scribed in Methods A 370.
6.1 An analysis of each cast or heat (for- 7.1.2 In determining the base metal mechan-
merly ladle) of steel shall be made by the ical properties, base metal thickness should be
producer to determine the percentage of car- measured after stripping the coating from the
bon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, copper ends of the specimen contacting the grips of the
(when specified), and any other elements spec- tension testing machine, before testing.
ified or restricted by the applicable specifica- 7.1.3 For all qualities other than structural
tion. (physical) quality the bend test specimen shall
6.1.1 When requested, cast or heat (formerly be capable of being bent through 180 deg flat
ladle) analysis for elements listed or required on itself in any direction without major crack-
shall be reported to purchaser or his represent- ing of the base metal on the outside of the bent
ative. portion. For structural (physical) quality, the
6.2 Product analysis (formerly check) may radius of bend is specified in Specification
be made by the purchaser on finished material. A 446. Base metal bend tests are not required
The chemical analysis so determined shall not of sheets intended for corrugated roofing or
vary from the limits specified by more than the siding.
amounts in Table 2. The several determinations 7.2 Base Metal Test Specimens:
of any element shall not vary both above or 7.2.1 Test specimens shall be prepared from
below the specified range. finished material.
6.2.1 Capped or rimmed steels are not tech- 7.2.2 Specimens for base metal tension tests
nologically suited to product analysis due to shall be taken longitudinal and shall be selected
the nonuniform character of their chemical and machined to the standard rectangular ten-
composition, and therefore, the tolerances in sion test specimen with 2-in. gage length as
Table 2 do not apply. Product analysis is ap- outlined in Methods A 370.
propriate on these steels only when misappli- 7.2.3 Specimens for base metal bend tests
cation is apparent or when copper is specified. shall be as free as possible of burrs. Filing or
6.2.2 Product analysis for phosphorus or sul- machining to remove burrs is permitted. If any
fur is not technologically appropriate because specimen develops a flaw it shall be discarded
of segregation of these elements in all types of and a new specimen substituted. Cracks of the
steel. Product analysis is appropriate only when base metal developing at the edge of the spec-
misapplication is apparent. imen or coarse grain developing at the line of
6.2.3 Samples for product analysis should be the bend shall be disregarded.
drillings through stripped areas in sufficient
numbers to adequately represent the coil or lift. 8. Coating Tests
At least three pieces should be selected, but if 8.1 Weight of Coating:
the product of more than one mill lift or coil is 8.1.1 The weight of coating shall conform to
involved, six pieces should be selected. the requirements for triple- and single-spot
6.3 Zinc Bath Analysis—The bath metal minimum checks prescribed in Table 1 for the
used in continuous hot-dip galvanizing shall specific coating designation. The weight of
contain not less than 98 % pure zinc. coating is the total amount on both sides of a
NOTE 2—To control alloy formation and promote sheet, expressed in ounces per square foot of
adhesion of the zinc coating with the steel base metal, sheet, except in the case of differential coating.
the molten coating metal composition normally con- 8.1.2 When the purchaser wishes to make
tains a percentage of aluminum usually in the range tests to ascertain compliance of this specifica-
from 0.05 to 0.25. This aluminum is purposely sup-
plied the molten coating bath, either as a specified
tion for coating weight on a lot of any specific
ingredient in the zinc spelter or by the addition of a item of galvanized sheet, the procedure to be
master alloy containing aluminum. employed is as outlined in Methods A 90 in
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A 525

conjunction with the sampling procedure pro- coated metal designated by prefix "G" shall be
vided in 8.1.3, 8.1.4, and 8.1.5. capable of being bent through 180 deg in any
8.1.3 Triple-Spot Test— The triple-spot test direction without flaking of the coating on the
shall be made in accordance with the procedure outside of the bend only. The radius of the
of Methods A 90. The result shall consist of the bend is determined by the number of pieces of
average of determinations from the three spec- the same thickness (or mandrel equivalent) as
imens cut from the test sheet or sample piece as shown in Table 3. Flaking of coating within V*
provided in 8.1.5. Material 18 in. (457 mm) and in. (6.4 mm) of the edge of the bend specimen
under is normally produced by slitting from shall not be cause for rejection. Bend tests are
wider width coils and therefore is subject to the not required of sheets intended for corrugated
single-spot test only. Material slit after leaving roofing or siding.
the producer's works is subject to the single- 8.2.2 For coating bend tests applicable to
spot test only. structural (physical) quality refer to Specifica-
8.1.4 Single-Spot Test—The minimum tion A 446.
check limit by the single-spot test shall be that 8.2.3 Because of the characteristics of alloy
one of the triple-spot test bearing the lightest coatings designated by prefixes "A" and "W",
coating, or the purchaser may select a single as explained in 3.3 and 3.4, coating bend tests
specimen taken from any part of the test sheet are not applicable.
providing it is taken within the boundaries 8.2.4 Coating bend test specimens shall be 2
outlined in 8.1.5. For material narrower than to 4 in. (50 to 100 mm) wide. The specimen
2.25 in. (57 mm), the test specimen length shall shall be cut not less than 2 in. (50 mm) from
be chosen to give an area of 5.06 in.2 (3265 the edges of the test sheet.
8.1.5 Test specimens for coils and cut lengths 9. Retests
coated in coils shall be taken from a sample 9.1 If one test fails for either base metal or
piece approximately 1 ft (300 mm) in length by coating, two more tests shall be taken at ran-
the as-coated width. For the triple-spot test, dom from the same lot of any specific item.
one specimen shall be cut from the middle of Both retests must conform to the requirements
the width and one from each side not closer of the specification; otherwise, the lot shall be
than 2 in. (50 mm) from the side edge. rejected.
8.1.6 Coating Thickness Measurements with 9.2 When the percent of elongation is less
Magnetic Gages—A reasonable estimate of than the specified minimum and any part of
weight of coating may be obtained by convert- the fracture is outside the middle half of the
ing coating thickness measurements made with gage length as scribed before the test, the test
magnetic gages. An accuracy of ±15 % in de- shall be discarded and a retest shall be permit-
termining the thickness may be realized by ted.
following the recommended practice for mag-
netic instruments described in Recommended 10. Dimensions and Tolerances
Practice E 376. This test may be used as a basis 10.1 All dimensions and tolerances applica-
for acceptance but rejection shall be governed ble to galvanized sheet are contained in the
by the weight of coating tests described in 8.1.1 Tables. The appropriate tolerance tables shall
through 8.1.5. be identified in each individual specification.
NOTE 3—Coating thickness/weight equivalence:
The coating thickness may be estimated from the 11. Workmanship
coating weight by using the following relationship: 1 11.1 Cut lengths shall have a workmanlike
oz/ft2 (305 g/m2) total both sides, is equal to 0.0017
in. or 1.7 mils (0.043 mm) total both sides. This appearance and shall not have defects of a
formula is not to be used for calculation of tensile nature or degree for the grade and quality
strength of the base metal, which must be based on ordered that will be detrimental to the fabri-
actual base metal thickness measurement (see 7.1.2). cation of the finished part.
8.2 Coating Bend Test: 11.2 Coils may contain some abnormal im-
8.2.1 For all qualities other than structural perfections which render a portion of the coil
(physical) quality the bend test specimens of unusable since the inspection of coils does not
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# A 525

afford the producer the same opportunity to This condition is minimized if the product is
remove portions containing imperfections as in oiled.
the case with cut lengths. 13.4 When specified in the contract or order,
and for direct shipments to the government,
12. Product Information when Level A is specified, preservation, pack-
aging, and packing shall be in accordance with
12.1 Galvanized sheet of rimmed-type steels the Level A requirements of MIL-STD-163.
is subject to the phenomenon commonly Marking for shipment shall be in accordance
known as aging when stored over a period of with Fed. Std. No. 123 for civil agencies and
time. This will result in such surface disturb- MIL-STD-129 for military agencies.
ances as fluting and stretcher strains when fab-
ricated. To minimize fluting, effective roller 14. Inspection
leveling must be performed immediately before 14.1 The producer shall afford the pur-
fabrication or drawing quality, special killed chaser's inspector all reasonable facilities to
steel, which ages at a slower rate, should be assure him that material is being produced in
specified. To minimize stretcher straining, ex- compliance with the specification. Unless oth-
tra-smooth galvanized steel is required and it erwise specified, all inspection and tests, except
must be effectively roller leveled immediately product analysis, shall be made at the pro-
prior to fabrication, otherwise extra-smooth ducer's works prior to shipment. Such inspec-
drawing quality, special killed must be speci- tion or sampling shall be made concurrently
fied. with the producer's regular inspection and test
12.2 Galvanized sheet in coils is subject to operations unless it causes interference with
coil "breaks" when coiled to a smaller inside normal operations or is otherwise specified.
diameter than is compatible to the thickness of
the sheet. To minimize this condition, sheet 15. Rejection and Rehearing
heavier than 0.0291 in. (0.74 mm) should be 15.1 Unless otherwise specified, any rejec-
ordered with a minimum 24 in. (610 mm) inside tion shall be reported to the producer within a
diameter and a minimum of 20 in. (508 mm) reasonable time after receipt of material by the
for thinner material. In further processing, such purchaser.
as slitting, the material should not be rewound 15.2 Material that is reported to be defective
on a smaller inside diameter than received. subsequent to the acceptance at the purchaser's
works shall be set aside, adequately protected,
13. Packaging, Marking, and Loading and correctly identified. The producer shall be
notified as soon as possible so that an investi-
13.1 It is common practice to use the meth- gation may be initiated.
ods of packaging as listed in the latest revision 15.3 Samples that are representative of the
of Recommended Practices A 700. rejected material shall be made available to the
13.2 Purchaser may specify other than 13.1. producer. In the event that the producer is
13.3 Abrasion during transit may have an dissatisfied with the rejection, he may request
effect on the appearance of galvanized steel. a rehearing.

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A 525
TABLE 1 Weight of Coating
(Total Both Sides)
NOTE 1—The coating designation number is the term by which this product is specified. The weight of coating in ounces
per square foot of sheet refers to the total coating on both surfaces. Because of the many variables and changing conditions
that are characteristic of continuous galvanizing, the weight of zinc coating is not always evenly divided between the two
surfaces of a galvanized sheet: neither is the zinc coating evenly distributed from edge to edge. However, it can normally be
expected that not less than 40 % of the single-spot check limit will be found on either surface.
NOTE 2—As it is an established fact that the atmospheric corrosion resistance of mill galvanized sheet products is a direct
function of coating weight (thickness), the selection of lighter coating designations will result in almost linearly reduced
corrosion performance of the zinc coating. For example, the heavier galvanized coatings perform adequately in bold
atmospheric exposure whereas the lighter weight coatings are often further coated with paint or a similar barrier coating for
increased corrosion resistance. Because of this relationship, products carrying the statement "meets ASTM A 525 require-
ments" should also specify the particular coating weight designation.
Minimum Check Limit Minimum Check Limit
Previous Coating Triple-Spot Test S ingle Spot Test
Type Coating Designation
oz/ft2 ozM
(of sheet) g/m2 (of sheet) g/m2

Regular G235 2.75 2.35 717 2.00 610

G210 2.50 2.10 640 1.80 549
G 185 2.25 1.85 564 1.60 488
G 165 2.00 1.65 503 1.40 427
G 140 1.75 1.40 427 1.20 366
G 115 1.50 1.15 351 1.00 305
G90 1.25 Commercial 0.90 275 0.80 244
G60 Light Commercial 0.60 183 0.50 152
G30 0.30 92 0.20 61
G01 no minimum no minimum
Wiped W25 0.25 76 0.20 61
Alloyed A 60 0.60 183 0.50 152
A 40 0.40 122 0.30 91
A 25 0.25 76 0.20 61
A 01 no minimum no minimum

TABLE 2 Tolerances for Product (Formerly Check) TABLE 3 Coating Bend Tests "■ *'
Analysis (Number of Pieces of Same Thickness Used in Coating
Tolerance Over Bend Test)
the Maximum Galvanized Sheet Thickness
Limit or Under
the Minimum 0.1756 in. 0.0747 in. 0.0381 in.
Limit, or Maximum of Limit Coating Des-
Element (4.46 mm) (1.90 mm) (0.97 mm)
Specified Element, % ignation
to to to
Under Over 0.0748 in. 0.0382 in. 0.0131 in.
Mini- Maxi- (1.90 mm) (0.97 mm) (0.33 mm)
mum mum
Limit Limit G235
Carbon To0.15, incl 0.02 0.03 G 185
Over 0.15 to 0.40, incl 0.03 0.04 G 165
Over 0.40 to 0.80, incl 0.03 0.05 G 140
Manganese To 0.60, incl 0.03 0.03 G 115
Over 0.60 to 1.15, incl 0.04 0.04
Over 1.15 to 1.65, incl 0.05 0.05 G60
Phosphorus 0.01 G01
Sulfur 0.01
Silicon To 0.30, incl 0.02 0.03 ° Spacing of the inside of the bend determines the severity
Over 0.30 to 0.60 0.05 0.05 of the test and is specified in this table by the number of
Copper 0.02 pieces, of the same gage as tested, used to space the bend.
* Bends may be made over mandrels of equivalent thick-
ness with radius proportional to the thickness.
This table does not apply to structural (physical) quality
and alloy coatings.

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W A 525
TABLE 4 Thickness Tolerances of Hot-Dip Galvanized Sheet
NOTE 1—Thickness is measured at any point across the width not less than % in. (9.5 mm) from a side edge.
NOTE 2—Regardless of whether total thickness tolerance is specified equally or unequally, over and under, the total
tolerance should be equal to twice the tabular tolerances.
Thickness Tolerances for Widths and Thicknesses, Over and Under, in.

Specified Widths, Specified 'Thickness, in.

Over 0.101 Over 0.075 Over 0.061 Over 0.043 Over 0.023 0.023 and
to 0.187, incl to 0.101, incl to 0.075, incl to 0.061, incl to 0.043, incl thinner
To 32, incl 0.008 0.007 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003
Over 32 to 40, incl 0.008 0.008 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003
Over 40 to 60, incl 0.009 0.008 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003
Over 60 to 72, incl 0.009 0.009 0.006 0.005 0.004
Thickness Tolerances for Widths and Thicknesses, Over and Under, mm

Specified Thickness, mm
Specified Widths, mm
Over 2.57 to Over 1.90 to Over 1.55 to Over 1.09 to Over 0.58 to 0.58 and
4.75, incl 2.57, incl 1.90, incl 1.55, incl 1.09, incl thinner
To 810, incl 0.21 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.10 0.08
Over 810 to 1020, incl 0.21 0.21 0.15 0.13 0.10 0.08
Over 1020 to 1520, incl 0.23 0.21 0.15 0.13 0.10 0.08
Over 1520 to 1830, incl 0.23 0.23 0.15 0.13 0.10

TABLE 5 Width Tolerances of Hot-Dip Galvanized TABLE 7 Camber Tolerances of Hot-Dip Galvanized
Sheet Sheet Over 12 in. (300 mm) Wide
(Coils and Cut Lengths, Not Resquared) NOTE—Camber is the greatest deviation of a side edge
from a straight line, the measurement being taken on the
Toleranc e Over concave side with a straightedge. The camber tolerance for
Specified Width, sheet in coils is 1 in. (25 mm) in any 20 ft (6.1 m), except as
Specified Width, in. (mm) No Tolerance Under
shown in Table 16. The camber tolerances for sheet in cut
in. mm lengths, not resquared, are as shown.

Over 12 (300) to 30 (760), incl '/» 3.2

Cut Lengths, ft (m)
Camber Tolerance
Over 30 to 48 (760 to 1220), incl %6 4.8
in. mm
Over 48 to 60 (1220 to 1520), incl Vt 6.4
Over 60 to 72 (1520 to 1830), incl y16 7.9 To 4 (1.2) incl Vs 3.2
Over 4 to 6 (1.2 to 1.8), incl Ae 4.8
Over 6 to 8 (1.8 to 2.4), incl VA 6.4
Over 8 to 10 (2.4 to 3.0), incl %6 7.9
TABLE 6 Length Tolerances Over 10 to 12 (3.0 to 3.7), incl % 9.5
(Hot-Dip Galvanized Cut Lengths Not Resquared) Over 12 to 14 (3.7 to 4.3), incl Vi 12.7
Tolerance Over Over 14 to 16 (4.3 to 4.9), incl % 16
Specified Length, Over 16 to 18 (4.9 to 5.5), incl % 19
Specified Length, in. (mm) No Tolerance Under Over 18 to 20 (5.5 to 6.1), incl % 22
Over 20 to 30 (6.1 to 9.1), incl m 32
in. mm Over 30 to 40 (9.1 to 12.2), incl Wi 38
Over 12 to 30 (300 to 760), incl '/» 3.2
Over 30 to 60 (760 to 1520), incl V, 6.4
Over 60 to 96 (1520 to 2440), incl Vi 12.7
Over 96 to 120 (2440 to 3050), incl % 19
Over 120 to 156 (3050 to 3960), incl 1 25
Over 156 to 192 (3960 to 4880), incl l'/4 31
Over 192 to 240 (4880 to 6100), incl l'/z 38
Over 240 (6100) 1% 44

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A 525

TABLE 8 Diameter Tolerances for Sheared Circles TABLE 9 Out-of-Square Tolerances

(Hot-Dip Galvanized Sheet) (Hot-Dip Galvanized Cut Lengths Over 12 in. (300 mm)
in Width Not Resquared)
Tolerance Over Specified
Diameter, in. (mm), No Out-of-square is the greatest deviation of an end edge from
Tolerance Under a straight line at right angles to a side and touching one
Specified Thickness, corner. It is also obtained by measuring the difference
Diameters, in. (mm) between the diagonals of the cut length. The out-of-square
in. (mm)
deviation is one half of that difference. The tolerance for
Under 30 ,°J° f8 Over 48 cut lengths of all thicknesses and all sizes is He in. in each
<™» i£o"Ed <l220> 6 in. (1.6 mm/150 mm) of width or fraction thereof.

0.061 (1.55) and thin- We (1.6) Ys (3.2) %e(4.8)

Over 0.061 to 0.101 %2 (2.4) %2 (4.0) %2 (5.6) TABLE 10 Resquared Tolerances
(1.55 to 2.57), incl (Hot-Dip Galvanized Cut lengths Over 12 in. (300 mm)
Over 0.101 (2.57) Vfc (3.2) %«(4.8) V* (6.4) in Width)
When cut lengths are specified resquared, the width and
length are not less than the dimensions specified. The
individual tolerance for over-width, over-length, camber,
or out-of-square should not exceed We in. (1.6 mm) for cut
lengths up to and including 48 in. (1.220 m) in width and
up to and including 120 in. (3.050 m) in length, nor '/» in.
(3.2 mm) for wider or longer cut lengths.

TABLE 11 Flatness Tolerances

(Hot-Dip Galvanized Cut Lengths Over 12 in. (300 mm) in Width, Not Specified to Stretcher-Leveled Standard
of Flatness)
NOTE 1—This table does not apply to structural (physical) quality.
NOTE 2—This table also applies to sheet cut to length from coils by the purchaser when adequate flattening measures are
Flatness Tolerances,
in. (mm) (Maximum Deviation
Specified Thickness, in. (mm) Specified Width, in. (mm)
From a Horizontal Flat
0.048 (1.22) and thinner To 36 (910), incl V, (6.4)
Over 36 to 60 (910 to 1520), incl % (9.5)
Over 60 to 72 (1520 to 1830), incl %(16)

Over 0.048 (1.22) To 36 (910), incl % (9.5)

Over 36 to 60 (910 to 1520), incl %(16)
Over 60 to 72 (1520 to 1830), incl % (22)

TABLE 12 Flatness Tolerances

(Hot-Dip Galvanized Cut Lengths Over 12 in. (300 mm) in Width to Stretcher-Leveled Standard of Flatness)
Flatness Tolerance, in. (mm)
Specified Thickness, Specified Width, Specified Length,
(Maximum Deviation from a
in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm)
Horizontal Flat Surface)
Over 0.019 to 0.032 To 36 (910), incl To 120(3050), incl Vt (6.4)
(0.48 to 0.81), incl
Wider or longer sheet % (9.5)
Over 0.032 (0.81) To 48 (1220), incl To 120 (3050), incl '/»(3.2)
Wider or longer sheet % (6.4)

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fflfr A 525

TABLE 13 Allowance in Width and Length

(Hot-Dip Galvanized Cut Lengths Specified to Stretcher-Leveled Standard of Flatness, Not Resquared)
Allowances Over Specified Dimensions

Length, in. (mm)

Specified Length, in. (mm)
Width, in. (mm ) Specified: "Grip or Specified: "Grip or
entry marks outside entry marks inside
specified length." specified length."
To 120(3050), incl ■%(19) 4(100) 3(75)
Over 120 to 156 (3050 to 3960), 1(25) 4(100) 3(75)
Over 156(3960) IV. (32) 5(125) 4(100)

TABLE 14 Hot-Dip Galvanized Sheet Width Tolerance; TABLE 15 Hot-Dip Galvanized Sheet Length Tolerances
(Coils and Cut Lengths, Not Resquared Sheet, 2 to 12 in. (Cut Length 2 to 12 in. (50 to 300 mm) in Width, Not
(50 mm to 300 mm) in Width) Resquared)
NOTE I—This table applies to widths produced by slitting NOTE—This table applies to widths produced by slitting
from wider sheet. from wider sheet.
NOTE 2—The specified width range captions noted below
Tolerance Over Specified Length,
also apply when sheet is specified to width tolerances all
No Under Tolerance,
over, nothing under. In such cases, the above tolerances are in. (mm)
doubled. Specified
NOTE 3 Tolerances based upon practice found to be Width, Over 60 Over 120
generally followed by producers. in. (mm) 24 to 60
to 120 to 240
(610 to
(1520 to (3050 to
Tolerances Over and Under 1520), incl
Specified Width, in. (mm) 3050), incl 6100), incl
Specified Thickness. 2 to 12 (50 to 300), M> (12.7) % (19) 1(25)
in. (mm) 2 to 6 Over 6 to Over 9 to incl
(50 to 9 (150 to 12.(230 to
150), incl 230), incl 300), incl
Over 0.014 to 0.068 0.008 0.016 0.032 TABLE 16 Hot-Dip Galvanized Sheet in Coils, Camber
(0.36 to 1.73), incl (0.20) (0.41) (0.81) Tolerances
Over 0.068 to 0.083 0.012 0.016 0.032
NOTE—This table applies to widths produced by slitting
(1.73 to 2.11), incl (0.30) (0.41) (0.81)
Over 0.083 to 0.110 0.016 0.032 0.032 from wider sheet.
(2.11 to 2.79), incl (0.41) (0.81) (0.81) Sheet in Widths 2 to 12 in. (50 to 300 mm), incl Vt in. (6.4
Over O.llOto 0.187 0.032 0.032 0.032 mm) in any 8 ft (2.4 m)
(2.79 to 4.75), incl (0.81) (0.81) (0.81)

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# A 525
TABLE 17 Galvanized Sheet Gage Numbers and
Thickness Thickness
Galvanized Equivalent Equivalent
Sheet Gage for Galvanized for Galvanized
No. Sheet Gage Sheet Gage
No., in. No., mm
8 0.1681 4.270
9 0.1532 3.891
10 0.1382 3.510
11 0.1233 3.132
12 0.1084 2.753
13 0.0934 2.372
14 0.0785 1.994
15 0.0710 1.803
16 0.0635 1.613
■17 0.0S75 1.461
18 0.0516 1.311
19 0.0456 1.158
20 0.0396 1.006
21 0.0366 0.930
22 0.0336 0.853
23 0.0306 0.777
24 0.0276 0.701
25 0.0247 0.627
26 0.0217 0.551
27 0.0202 0.513
28 0.0187 0.475
29 0.0172 0.437
30 0.0157 0.399
31 0.0142 0.361
32 0.0134 0.340
" This table for information only. As stated in 4.2, the
product is ordered to decimal thickness only; not to gage

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years
and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional
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