CS401 - Short Notes Chapter 1
CS401 - Short Notes Chapter 1
CS401 - Short Notes Chapter 1
The data bus is used to move the data from the memory to the processor in a read operation
and from the processor to the memory in a write operation.
Data moves from both, processor to memory and memory to processor, so the data bus is
Control Bus:
The group consists of miscellaneous independent lines used for control purposes. For example,
one line of the bus is used to inform the memory about whether to do the read operation or
the write operation. These lines are collectively known as the control bus.
Control bus is special and relatively complex,
because different lines comprising it behave differently. Some take information from the
processor to a peripheral and some take information from the peripheral to the processor.
Memory Cell:
A memory cell is an n-bit location to store data, normally 8-bit also called a byte. The number of
bits in a cell is called the cell width. The two dimensions, cell width and number of cells, define
the memory completely. For memory we define two dimensions. The first dimension defines
how many parallel bits are there in a single memory cell.
In general, the memory cell cannot be wider than the width of the data bus
Why is the control bus Bi-directional?
For communication both processor and memory must be synchronized, like a speaker speaks
and the listener listens. Synchronization is very important, as a result of our orders either we
got the desired cell or we came to know that the memory is locked for the moment. Such
information cannot be transferred via the address or the data bus. For such situations when
peripherals want to talk to the processor when the processor wasn’t expecting them to speak,
special lines in the control bus are used. The control bus carries the intent of the
processor that it wants to read or to write. The information in such signals is usually to indicate
the incapability of the peripheral to do something for the moment. For these reasons the
control bus is a bidirectional bus and can carry information from processor to memory as well
as from memory to processor.
What are registers?
There are temporary storage places inside the processor called registers. They are used when
we need more than one data element inside the processor at one time. Registers are like a
scratch pad ram inside the processor and their operation is very much like normal memory
cells. They have precise locations and remember what is placed inside them.
There is a central register in every processor called the accumulator.
Traditionally all mathematical and logical operations are performed on the
accumulator. The word size of a processor is defined by the width of its
accumulator. A 32bit processor has an accumulator of 32 bits.
Index register: (or pointer/base register)
Index register is used in such a situation to hold the address of the current array location. Now
the value in the index register cannot be treated as data, but it is the address of data. In
general, whenever we need access to a memory location whose address is not known until
runtime we need an index register. Without this register we would have needed to explicitly
code each iteration separately.
Thus, index registers do not hold data instead they are used to hold the address of data.
Flag register: (or program status word)
This is a special register in every architecture called the flags register or the program status
word. Like the accumulator it is an 8, 16, or 32 bits register but unlike the accumulator it is
meaningless as a unit, rather the individual bits carry different meanings. The bits of the
accumulator work in parallel as a unit and each bit mean the same thing. The bits of the flags
register work independently and individually, and combined its value is meaningless.
Program Counter: (or Instruction Pointer)
A special register exists in every processor called the program counter or the instruction pointer
that ensures the ordering of instructions i.e. Instructions run one after another, first, second,
third and so on. “The program counter holds the address of the next instruction to be
👀 SEE ALSO: CS401 mid-term MCQS 85+
executed.” A number is placed in the memory cell pointed to by this register and that number
tells the processor which instruction to execute; for example, 0xEA, 255, or 152.
The op-code or operation code is the binary pattern that represents an instruction.
Short for operational code, it is a number that determines the computer instruction to be
Instruction mnemonics:
A word or acronym used in assembly language to represent a binary machine instruction op-
code. Different processors have different instruction set and therefore use a different set of
mnemonics to represent them.
The dumb translator that will convert the instruction mnemonics back to the original opcodes is
a program and is called the assembler.
Instruction Groups:
Data Movement Instructions:
These instructions are used to move data from one place to another. These places can be
registers, memory, or even inside peripheral devices. Some examples are:
mov ax, bx
lad 1234
cmp ax, 0
jne 1234
Special Instructions:
Another group called special instructions works like the special service commandos. They allow
changing specific processor behaviors and are used to play with it. They are used rarely but are
certainly used in any meaningful program. Some examples are:
Where cli clears the interrupt flag and sti sets it.
The iAPX88 Registers:
The iAPX88 architecture consists of 14 registers.
The A in AX stands for Accumulator. The two registers AH and AL are part of the big whole AX.
Any change in AH or AL is reflected in AX as well. AX is a composite or extended register formed
by gluing together the two parts AH and AL.
The B of BX stands for Base because of its role in memory addressing. BX is divided into two
registers of 8-bit which are BH and BL.
The C of CX stands for Counter as there are certain instructions that work with an automatic
count in the CX register. It also has two 8-bit registers as CH (High byte) and CL (Low Byte).
The D of DX stands for Destination as it acts as the destination in I/O operations. It has two
parts DH and DL.
Flags Registers:
The flags register is not meaningful as a unit rather it is bit wise significant and accordingly each
bit is named separately.
When two 16-bit numbers are added the answer can be 17 bits
long or when two 8-bit numbers are added the answer can be 9
C Carry
bits long. This extra bit that won’t fit in the target register is
placed in the carry flag where it can be used and tested.
Big Endian:
The order can be most significant, less significant, lesser significant, and least significant called
the big-endian order used by Motorola.
Little Endian:
The order can be least significant, more significant, more significant, and most significant called
the little-endian order and is used by Intel.
There are four segment registers named CS, DS, SS, ES:
CS holds the zero or the base of code.
DS holds the zero of data.
Or we can say CS tells how high code from the floor is
DS tells how high data from the floor is
SS tells how high the stack is.
One extra segment ES can be used if we need to access two distant areas of memory at the
same time that both cannot be seen through the same window. ES also has special role in string
instructions. ES is used as an extra data segment and cannot be used as an extra code or stack
Address Wraparound:
In physical address calculation a carry if generated is dropped without being stored anywhere,
for example BX=0100, DS=FFF0 and the access under consideration is [bx+0x0100]. The
effective address will be 0200 and the physical address will be 100100. This is a 21-bit answer
and cannot be sent on the address bus which is 20 bits wide. The carry is dropped and just like
the segment wraparound our physical memory has wrapped around at its very top.
The segment, offset pair is called a logical address, while the 20bit address is a physical address
which is the real thing. Logical addressing is a mechanism to access the physical memory