Ijett V67i11p228
Ijett V67i11p228
Ijett V67i11p228
Abstract: A new derivative of DC-DC converter in terms of nature for cooling. Thus, in such
without isolation with the help of conventional dc-dc circumstance, high efficiency is to be achieved.
converters fit for renewable energy and high-voltage Usually, maximum value of efficiency is achieved by
applications. Integration of switched inductor circuit an ideal DC-DC converter; but, actuality, 75% to
in power circuit lifts the voltage. And so, it 90% energy efficiency is achieved. For that reason,
overpowers the parasitic effects of the circuit proper circuit factors like snubber capacitor, inductor
components. Conventional DC-DC converters like and load resistance, switching device with suitable
SEPIC, Cuk, Zeta, Boost, etc., are employed for switching frequency are necessary in order to resist
renewable energy and industrial applications. drainage of the power from the devices.
However they suffer from parasitic effects with
Many tools use multiple power supplies
reduced output voltage, and limited with low
because selection of optimum voltage for certain
efficiency. These problems are overruled by the non-
application lessens losses and heat dissipation.
isolated DC-DC output converter for augmenting the
Therefore engineers prefer the usage of voltages of
output voltage. This converter is having single
different magnitudes in a system.
semiconductor switch without any isolation and able
to supply high output with varying duty cycle. A Traditionally, N independent converters
simulation of converter capable of sextuple DC were fabricated for N output voltages simply,
outputs from single DC input with varying duty ratio whereas alternative option would be the usage of
is presented. Additionally, an experimental prototype transformer with N secondary windings to distribute
with six different output voltages based on a Single- energy into the different outputs. However, the
Ended Primary Inductance (SEPIC)-Cuk-Zeta technique of N independent converters limits the size
combination is developed. and cost constraints, as many power devices and
controllers were required.
Keywords: Sextuple output-Non-isolated-Single
semiconductor switch-SEPIC-Cuk-Zeta The next method of employing a transformer
does not permit the self-regulating control of
individual outputs. Often only one output was able to
I. INTRODUCTION regulate through tight closed-loop control, while the
Due to upsurge of electronic and electrical other outputs were obtained through coupling of the
devices for facilitation of human being, there is also secondary windings. Indeed, both methods
increase in electricity consumption. Though, the necessitated N inductors or transformer windings,
source of electricity is a very worthless reserve it is making the circuit bulky and costlier since inductors
exhausting for every single seconds of the lifecycle. and transformers are typically the largest off-chip
That's why; electrical devices should critically ensure components. Serious cross-regulation problems also
maximum level of power efficiencies. And hence, occurred as a result of leakage inductance and cross-
DC-DC converter is accountable for converting coupling among windings.
unregulated DC voltage to a regulated DC output
Hence a need for multi-output DC-DC
voltage in electronics and electrical devices. The
power converter having less cost fascinated because
applications of DC-DC converters have quite high in
of its competence of interfacing with different
commercial and domestic operation like spaceship
sources, battery systems, and loads with different
power system, desktop computers, laptop, DC motor
voltage levels.
drives, office equipment, telecommunications
equipment, Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) etc. The notion of non-isolated sextuple output
Unregulated DC voltage becomes as an input source hybrid converter is derivative of blending of basic dc-
for DC-DC converters which converts it into dc converters like Cuk, SEPIC and Zeta Converters.
regulated voltage of different polarity and value at The remarkable topographies of structure are (i)
output side. One of the biggest challenges of working single power semiconductor switch, (ii) six DC
on such power converters is the generation of the heat outputs with wide-ranging conversion ratio, (iii)
transformerless converter systems, (iv) attainment of implemented simplifying the control strategies. The
high output voltage without large duty ratio. The size is reduced and efficiency is improved because of
commended converter is explained in the subsequent absence of high-frequency transformer. This permits
portion. A new non-isolated sextuple output hybrid the two characteristics of the proposed
triad converter configurations is proposed to rule out configurations: simple structures, since single power
the drawbacks of recent converters. switch is used and few active elements, and a simple
driver circuit for single power switch that needs to be
controlled. Figure 1 shows the generalized structure
II. SEXTUPLE OUTPUT HYBRID TRIPLE of sextuple output triad converter configurations.
CONVERTERS ARRANGEMENT Figure 2 portrays the block diagram of sextuple
From the employment of traditional output triad configuration using SI-SEPIC, Cuk and
converters like Zeta, SEPIC and Cuk, present Zeta Converters. The circuit diagram of non-isolated
topology has been designed. The main benefit of the sextuple output converter is depicted in Figure 3. The
proposed configurations is that the converters with operational modes for proposed converter are stated
only one controllable power semiconductor switch is below.
Fig. 2 Structure of sextuple output triad converter using SI-SEPIC, Cuk and Zeta Converters
(a) (b)
Fig. 4 Operational Modes of Non-isolated Sextuple output converter.
III. SIMULATION IMPLEMENTATION 200 H. The diodes used here are hyperfast diodes
Simulation results are simulated in PSIM RHR30120 manufactured by ON Semiconductor
Software using parameters input supply as 24 V, (initially Fairchild Semiconductor). As a single
input power as 50 W, for duty ratio of 0.6 and switch is controlling the circuit, here IGBT switch
switching frequency of 25 kHz. The Simulation 40N60 is used.
Circuit is described in Figure 5. The Gate Pulses is
portrayed in Figure 6 and input voltage waveforms In all the three converters, the diodes used
are stated in Figure 7 and output voltage waveforms are RHR30120 and inductors of inductance value of
in Figure 8. 200 H are used as like the switched inductor circuit.
The input capacitors of CS, CC and CZ are selected
IV. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION such that the value is same i.e 220 F and output side
An experimental hardware is developed
based on SI-SEPIC-Cuk-Zeta Combination converter. capacitors of CS1, CC1 and CZ1 have value of 470 F.
An input voltage of 24 V is supplied to the converter. The hardware results are depicted in Figure 10 and
The hardware is divided into different parts as shown Figure 11.
in Figure 9. The white dotted part depicts the
different parts of the hardware.
The switched inductor circuit consists of
diodes and inductors having the inductance value of
Fig.8 Sextuple output voltage waveforms. SI-SEPIC (V1), Cuk (V2), Zeta (V3), SI-SEPIC-Cuk (V12), SI-
SEPIC-Zeta (V13) and Cuk-Zeta (V23)
Fig.9 Sextuple output current waveforms. SI-SEPIC (I1), Cuk (I2), Zeta (I3), SI-SEPIC-Cuk (I12), SI-
SEPIC-Zeta (I13) and Cuk-Zeta (I23)
Fig. 13 Experimental Output Voltage Waveform a) SI-SEPIC b) Cuk c)Zeta d) SI-SEPIC-Cuk e) SI-SEPIC-Zeta
f) Cuk-Zeta
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