E-Kabin - B Series - Busbar Support&Insulator - ENG PDF
E-Kabin - B Series - Busbar Support&Insulator - ENG PDF
E-Kabin - B Series - Busbar Support&Insulator - ENG PDF
EAE Elektroteknik A.Ş. reserves the right to change information in this guide without prior notice.
Sample Calculation 17
EB PA 15 13 22
EB PA 15 23 24
EB MA 05 / EB MB 05 26
EB MA 10 / EB MB 10 30
EB MA 10 21 34
EB EP 10 38
EB PT 10 40
EB PP 10 / EB PP 25 44
EB PP 10 46
EB PP 25 48
Application details 50
Accessories 52
Chart 1- Maximum current that E-Cu F30 material copper busbars when they heat up to 65°C according to DIN 43671
Notes: 1) Current values above are values obtained with experiment for 35ºC ambient temperature
2) Busbar distance is the same as busbar thickness for busbar numbers 2, 3 and 4; Distance for twin groups for 4 is
k1 - Effect of Multiplier / Material
k1-Multiplier [1]
0.9 0.95 1 Comments
2.0 25
1.9 30 (such as insulators or current transformers) must be consid-
1.8 40 ered when determining the temperature level that busbars
1.7 45
50 can reach.
1.6 55
1.5 65
1.4 In electricity switch enclosures, busbar temperature must be
1.3 under 100°C.
tinsulator = 100°C
tbusbar = 100°C
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130
Busbar temperature [ºC]
k2 It must be assumed that switch devices Rated currents of switch devices vary according to
that busbars are connected to will heat the temperature they are in.
under the influence of busbars.
Copper is highly heat conductive.
k3 - Effect of order according to Multiplier / Floor
If busbars are arranged horizontally, i.e. parallel to Comments
floor or longer than 2m, k3-multiplier is determined
according to Chart 2; otherwise k3=1. k3 Busbars must be arranged vertically in electricity switch
enclosures unless otherwise is required.
Chart 2 k3 - Multiplier
Busbar Width k3 - Multiplier
Number of busbars
[mm] Painted Bare
S n=3
b 0.8
1 n=2 h=200
n=3 h=4
0.7 0
k4 Multiplier
h= n=3
0.9 0
k4 Multiplier
0.8 0.6
n=4 n=4
h=50 h=
0.7 0.5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
b-h b-h
a2 a2
k4 multiplier for s=5mm k4 multiplier for s=10mm
k5 - Multiplier / Effect of Altitude
Chart 3 k5 – Multiplier
Altitude k5 - Multiplier
[mm] Internal External
1000 1 0,98
20˚C +
15K =
Ambient Temperature Ambient
10 10 10 temperature of increase in switch temperature of
switch enclosure enclosure busbars
Ichart 2x80x10 mm
Determination of Ichart value;
painted 2.410 A %114
bare 2.110 A %100 2.110 A
k3bare=0,80 k3=1,00
Additional points to consider during copper busbar sizing
Influence of supply point physical location on busbar rated current
In assemblies consisting of multiple switch enclosures, it is possible to determine suitable supply locations and lower the main
busbar rated current by half by supplying from the middle.
1 1 2 1
2 2 3 3
Busbar Width
e1 e2
e1 e2
e1 e2 13.5 b/2 e3
e1 b/2
b d b e3 b e3
b/2 e3
b/2 13.5
e1 e2 e1
Various Joint Samples
Length Joint e1 e2 e1 b
b d e1 e2 e3 e1 e1 b
12 5,5 6 b b
12 6,6 7,5
20 9 10
Corner Joint e1 b
25 11 12,5
e1 e2 e1
30 11 15 e1
e1 e2 e2
40 14 20 e1 e1
50 14 25
60 14 17 26 26
80 14 20 40 40
100 14 20 40 50
e1 b
120 14 20 40 60
e1 e2 e1 e1
160 14 20 40 40
e2 e2
e1 e1
200 14 20 40 50 e1
Expansion of main busbar
∆ l= 3000 [mm]x0,000017[1/K]x(65-15)[K]=2,55[mm]
When both ends of the same busbar are tightly supported, forces generated in F=Exα x∆txA
these support points due to expansion are calculated as shown below. F ; force [N]
A ; cross section [mm2]
∆ t ; temperature difference [K]
α ; thermic expansion coefficient [1/K]
∆ F
αCu 0,000017 [1/K]
E ; elasticity module [N/mm2]
ECu = 110.000 [N/mm2]
Groups made of multiple electricity switch enclosures are divided into small sections while being transferred from the
manufacturing site to the place they will be installed. These sections must not exceed 2-2.5m. Measures must be adopted
against the drop of contact pressure taking into account that busbars will expand in joints that are made during reassembly of
Short circuit mechanical resistance calculation of copper busbar assemblies
Rectangular sectioned copper busbar short circuit mechanical resistance is calculated as described below according to EN
60865 (1993).
Forces created by currents flowing from parallel conductors F c x i2 x l
F ; force
F c ; constant [N/A2]
i i ; current [A]
l ; conductor length [m]
i a a a ; distance between conductors [m]
Main Busbar
Auxiliary busbars
Important !
It is required for
1) Busbars themselves,
2) Support insulators
to resists generated forces.
The photograph above belongs to busbar assemblies to which E-Kabin
B Series type tests are applied and it shows that busbars themselves
are subjected to mechanical forces. It is seen that Auxiliary busbars are
inclined to each other.
Calculation of force generated between main busbars
Fm = √3 µo i2 Im Fm ; forces generated between main busbars [N]
x x p3 x
2 2π am µo ; magnetic field constant [H/m]
µo = 4 π 10-7 [ mH ] [ 1H=1Nm
A ]2
ip3 ; three phase symmetrical short circuit current peak value [A]
Im ; length of main busbars between to support points [m]
am ; effective length between main busbars [m]
Comment; ip3 approximate calculation Comment; i˝k3 approximate calculation of short circuit effective value
ip3 Short circuit current peak value ip3, effective value i˝p3 i˝k3 value is limited to transformer specifications in the site.
is proportionate with i˝k3
i˝k3 value is calculated approximately by using the power of the
ip3 ≤ n X i˝k3
transformer feeding only the site. Calculation in worst circumstances,
n-multiplier for an average n that is assuming there is short circuit in transformer outlet is shown
site for IEC439-1 below.
i˝k3 ≤ 5kA 1,5
5kA < i˝k3 ≤ 10kA 1,7
SnT=√3 X InT X Un
10kA < i˝k3 ≤ 20kA 2
20kA < i˝k3 ≤ 50kA 2,1 InT= SnT
√3 X Un
50kA < i˝k3 2,2
Un=380 [V]
i˝k3= 1 X 1,5 X S
nT [kVA]
Comment; Effect of reducing short circuit current of cables
Comment; Effect of reducing short circuit current of cables
Calculation of force generated between auxiliary busbars
µo = 4 π 10-7 [ mH ] [ 1H=1Nm
A ]
ip3 ; three phase symmetrical short circuit current peak value [A]
n ; number of auxiliary busbars creating the main busbar [1]
Is ; largest distance between two adjacent intermediate support
element used between main busbars [m]
Is -calculation of the value
as ; effective length between main busbars [m]
Short circuit mechanical resistance of copper busbars
Forces generated during short circuit forces causes busbars to bend. Mechanical tensions generated in these circumstances and
calculation related to busbar resistance are shown below.
Bending tension on main busbars Multipliers related to dynamic forces
Multiplier related to support method
Cross section inertia moment of main conductors
Cross section inertia moment of auxiliary conductors
Bending tension on auxiliary busbars
Distance of main busbars between two support points
Largest distance between two adjacent intermediate
support element used between Auxiliary busbars
Forces generated between main busbars
Comment Forces generated between Auxiliary busbars
ᵦ In insulators used in busbar assemblies of low voltage
electricity switch enclosures, busbars are basically sup-
ported in two types.
1-Busbars are positioned in a way to slide on insulators
and constrained between the two insulators.
If there is too much support in this state, ᵦ=0.73 can be
used in general.
2-Busbars are fixed on insulators with bolts in holes
opened on them. If there is too much support in this
state, ᵦ=0.5 can be used in general.
For busbars to resist short circuit forces without being deformed;
Forces acting on support points The ratio of dynamic force on bearing point to
A B Comments
In insulators used in busbar assemblies of low
voltage electricity switch enclosures, busbars
are basically supported in two types.
A B 1-Busbars are positioned in a way to slide on
insulators and constrained between the two
insulators. If there is too much support in this
multiple switch state = 1,1 can be used in general.
enclosures with A B A 2-Busbars are fixed on insulators with bolts in
same support
holes opened on them. If there is more than
three supports in this state =0,4 can be used
in general.
Short circuit strength of insulators
If the short circuit strength of insulators is not demonstrated by means of testing, it should be
demonstrated by calculation that the force on support points is less than the strength force
supplied by the insulator manufacturer.
Sample Calculation
Current information;
• Busbar assembly whose short circuit mechanic strength will be calculated consists of 2 pcs of
busbars (with a cross-section of 100x10mm) per phase.
• Short circuit current is unknown; however it is known that the transformer supplying the entire
plant has a power of 1000kVA.
• Busbar assembly was supported on two lateral planes of each switch cabinets. The widest
switch cabinet has a width of 600mm.
In light of this information, the calculation of the short circuit mechanic strength of the
mentioned busbar assembly is as follows, based on certain assumptions.
• Effective short circuit current can be calculated in the following way, assuming that there is
short circuit right in the output terminals of the transformer:
• It is assumed that busbars are positioned in a way to slide on insulators and constrained be
tween the two insulators.
• It is accepted that no other reinforcement piece apart from the support points is used between
two busbars that constitute the phase conductor or no supports are provided by making
another busbar output.
see. Figure 2
see. Figure 2
2. Result; Insulators need 5349 [N] (approximately 535kg) peak force in order to resist short circuit current.
Short circuit thermic resistance calculation of copper busbar assemblies
Short circuit currents can heat copper busbars up to high temperatures. Temperature level reached after short circuit is propor-
tionate with short circuit period and the temperature at which short circuit starts. Allowable maximum temperature for copper
busbars is 200°C.
Maximum current amount that can flow from a busbar assembly after short circuit according to EN 60865 (1993) is calculated
as stated below depending on short circuit time. Here, calculation is made with current intensity values in order to be independ-
ent of cross section calculations used in the said busbar assembly.
Sample calculation:
Calculation of maximum short circuit current that can flow for 3 Comments
seconds from a busbar assembly that contains two 100mmx10mm In low voltage electricity switch enclosure en-
copper busbars that are allowed to heat up to 70°C in operating closures, the 200°C limit that is generally set for
conditions and 140°C in short circuit condition in each phase is shown copper is not forced. In many applications, there
below. are measures to ensure that short circuit currents
end in 1 sec.
A; total conductor cross section
Besides the thermic resistance of copper bus-
bars, another important issue is the resistance
of insulator material that is in contact with them.
The said heating is brief. In this context, short
term thermic resistance of insulator material must
be high enough.
Use of type tested isolators in type tested switch enclosures
IEC 61439-1:2011 standard that is used to prove technical capability of switch enclosures describes the tests to be applied on
switch enclosures in details.
The test related to proving short circuit resistance among the said tests is described in section 10.11 of this standard.
E-Kabin B Series insulators’ short circuit resistance is proven with “verification by testing” method.
IEC 61439-1:2011 standard article 10.11.4 describes “verification by comparison with reference design”. Accordingly,
evaluation of rated short circuit resistance current of board and circuits must be carried out by comparing a board verified
by testing” with the board to be evaluated. Verification evaluation of main circuits of a board must be according to “Annex
P” section, i.e. IEC 60865-1 of the standard. Each of the circuits of the board to be evaluated in addition must meet the
specifications below.
Are the short circuit protection assemblies of each circuit of the board to be evaluated, the same and better limiting
characteristics taking assembly manufacturer data as basis (I2.t.Ipk) equivalent to same reference design such as manufacturing
and series?
- If the board to be evaluated includes a housing, does the reference design include one when verified by testing?
- Does the housing of the board to be evaluated have the same design, type and same dimensions at least?
- Do the cells of each circuit of the board to be evaluated have the same mechanical design as the reference design and same
dimensions at least?
Support distance
Switch device
Support distance
Support insulators
E-KABIN B serıes type tested isolators
E-Kabin B Series low voltage insulators are designed by EAE. They are subjected to approximately 80 circuit type tests in IPH
Berlin and KEMA Netherlands laboratories. There are various types of insulators in different circuit current values in E-Kabin B
Series to be used for different purposes and methods.
E-Kabin B Series insulators have modular design to meet all kinds of needs for low voltage electricity switch enclosure busbar
applications. Distances between phases can be changed.
In order to use short circuit type tested E-Kabin B Series insulators in partially type tested switch enclosures by comparison with
calculation, requirements stated in article 10.11.4 of IEC 61439-1:2011 standard must be met.
1) E-Kabin B Series Insulators are tested in very high short circuit currents. The short circuit current that each insulator type is
tested at is given in related technical specifications page. There are insulators resisting maximum 150kA.
2) Conductive current intensities related to thermic resistances of E-Kabin B Series insulators during type tests are given in
related technical specifications page. Insulator thermic resistance can be proven when desired by calculating compared
busbar assembly current intensity. During this calculation, it can be seen that very high current intensities are used in type
3) Material and manufacturing quality of E-Kabin B Series insulators is under EAE warranty.
4) It is mandatory for switch devices to be connected to busbar assemblies that will be compared to be type tested and that
busbar connections made with them are compliant with technical documents of manufacturers.
5) Short circuit resistance of the said busbar assembly must be proven by calculating according to IEC-60865-1.
Also, there are graphics that show maximum support gaps for distances between different phases on related technical
specifications pages.
L max (mm)
EB PA 15 13 Technical Specifications
>30 mm
• Asymmetrical design makes it easier to make for contamination class 4
connections between board groups.
• Flexible material feature prevents cracking or breaking
when tightened with bolt.
• Distance between phases is 65mm and maximum Short circuit resistance current effective values that transformers
short circuit effective current provided depending on can provide according to approximate rated powers.
used conductor cross section and support distances 630 kVA 800 kVA 1000 kVA 1250 kVA 1600 kVA 2000 kVA
is given in the table below. ≈ 17 kA ≈ 21 kA ≈ 27 kA ≈ 34 kA ≈ 43 kA ≈ 55 kA
Note: Transformer values are considered as 6%.
b 40x5 27 26 24 23 21
50x5 28 29 27 25 24
60x5 35 32 30 28 26
80x5 40 37 35 32 30
ax 100x5 45 42 39 36 34
Lm 40x10 31 29 27 25 23
50x10 35 32 30 28 26
60x10 38 35 33 30 29
x 80x10 44 41 37 34 33
L ma 100x10 50 46 40 38 35
Note:1) In calculations, the largest support distance in adjacent distances will be
10 (5) chosen for each support point.
2) All dimensions are in mm.
EB PA 15 13 Product Description
65 65
57.5 75 67.5 25
Installation Information
L1 L2
EB PA 15 23 Technical Specifications
Order Codes
Busbar Distance Between Phases a=100mm
• EB PA 15 23 V0 - 1 piece (fire resistant) b/d
600 650 700 750 800
1x40x10 26 24 23 21 20
1x50x10 30 28 26 24 23
1x60x10 32 30 28 26 24
1x80x10 38 35 32 30 28
1x100x10 42 39 36 34 32
Distance Between Phases = 95mm
2x40x10 33 30 28 26 24
m ax 2x50x10 34 31 29 27 26
2x60x10 36 33 31 29 27
2x80x10 39 36 34 31 29
2x100x10 42 39 36 34 32
Not:1) In calculations, the largest support distance in adjacent distances will be chosen
for each support point.
2) All dimensions are in mm.
EB PA 15 23 Product Description
95 95
95 95
95 95
95 95
>40 mm
Installation Information
L1 L2
EB MB 05 33 A1
installed on fixed
profile vertically
EB MA 05 33 A1
installed on fixed
EB MA 05 33 A1
installed on fixed
profile as stopper
EB MA 05 30 V0 / EB MB 05 30 V0
EB MB 05 30 V0 EB MA 05 30 V0
• Designed to be used with busbars of 5mm thickness.
• Material: fiberglass reinforced polycarbonate
Tension Insulation Specifications
• Does not discharge halogen gas when burned • Shortest walking distance is 16mm.
(halogen-free) • Material CTI value 175V
• Fire resistant V0 according to UL94 • Material group IIIa
• Tested maximum short circuit effective current 100kA • Rated insulation tension: Max. 1000V
• Continuous operating temperature maximum 150°C for contamination class 3
• Maximum current intensity applied in type tests 165
165 (A/mm2)
• Distances between phases can be increased in 25mm
increments after 75mm.
• Maximum support distances based on short circuit
currents for different phase distances are given in P.28
and P.29.
Product Codes
EB MA 05 31 EB MA 05 33 A1 EB MA 05 34 A1
EB MB 05 31 EB MB 05 33 A1 EB MB 05 34 A1
Not 1) Profiles used in 3 and 4 phase products are steel. Thus, completion of magnetic field circuit is prevented.
2) Consult your customer representative for selection according to distances between mechanical connections and phases.
EB MA 05 30 V0 / EB MB 05 30 V0
EB MA 05 30 V0 ISOLATOR a= 75 mm
EB MA 05 30 V0 ISOLATOR a= 100 mm
Number of busbars used in each phase can be 1, 2 or 3. Graphics above are prepared for worst cases.
EB MA 05 30 V0 / EB MB 05 30 V0
EB MA 05 30 V0 ISOLATOR a= 125 mm
EB MA 05 30 V0 ISOLATOR a= 150 mm
Her bir faz içinde kullanılan bara sayısı 1,2 veya 3 olabilir. Yukarıdaki grafikler en kötü durum için hazırlanmıştır.
EB MA 10 30 V0 / EB MB 10 30 V0
Application Samples
EB MB 10 33 A1
installed on fixed
EB MA 10 33 A1
profile vertically
installed on fixed
EB MB 10 33 A1
installed as stopper
EB MA 10 30 V0 / EB MB 10 30 V0
EB MB 10 30 V0 EB MA 10 30 V0
• Designed to be used with busbars of 10mm Tension Insulation Specifications
• Shortest walking distance is 16mm.
• Material: fiberglass reinforced polycarbonate
• Material CTI value 175V
• Does not discharge halogen gas when burned
• Material group IIIa
• Rated insulation tension: Max. 1000V
• Fire resistant V0 according to UL94
for contamination class 3
• Tested maximum short circuit effective current 100kA
• Continuous operating temperature maximum 150°C
• Maximum current intensity applied in type tests
165 [A/mm2]
• Distances between phases can be increased in 25mm
increments after 100mm.
• Maximum support distances based on short circuit
currents for different phase distances are given in P.32 and P.33.
Product Codes
EB MA 10 31 EB MA 10 33 A1 EB MA 10 34 A1
EB MB 10 31 EB MB 10 33 A1 EB MB 10 34 A1
Not 1) Profiles used in 3 and 4 phase products are steel. Thus, completion of magnetic field circuit is prevented.
2) Consult your customer representative for selection according to distances between mechanical connections and phases.
EB MA 10 30 V0 / EB MB 10 30 V0
EB MA 10 30 V0 ISOLATOR a= 100 mm
EB MA 10 30 V0 ISOLATOR a= 125 mm
Number of busbars used in each phase can be 1, 2 or 3. Graphics above are prepared for worst cases.
EB MA 10 30 V0 / EB MB 10 30 V0
EB MA 10 30 V0 ISOLATOR a= 150 mm
EB MA 10 30 V0 ISOLATOR a= 175 mm
Number of busbars used in each phase can be 1, 2 or 3. Graphics above are prepared for worst cases.
EB MA 10 20 V0
Application Samples
EB MA 10 23 A1
installed on fixed EB MA 10 23 A1
profile installed on fixed
profile vertically
by sliding
EB MA 10 21 A1
installed as stopper
EB MA 10 20 V0
Product Codes
EB MA 10 21 EB MA 10 23 A1 EB MA 10 24 A1
Not 1) Profiles used in 3 and 4 phase products are steel. Thus, completion of magnetic field circuit is prevented.
2) Consult your customer representative for selection according to distances between mechanical connections and phases.
EB MA 10 20 ISOLATOR a= 125 mm
Copper Short
Cross Circuit 30 kA 35 kA 40 kA 45 kA 50 kA 55 kA 60 kA 65 kA 70 kA 80 kA 90 kA 100 kA 110 kA 120 kA
Section Current
40x10 47 cm 40 cm 35 cm 31 cm 28 cm 24 cm 22 cm 21 cm 19 cm 17 cm 15 cm 13 cm 11 cm 9 cm
50x10 56 cm 48 cm 42 cm 37 cm 33 cm 29 cm 27 cm 25 cm 23 cm 20 cm 17 cm 14 cm 11 cm 9 cm
60x10 63 cm 54 cm 48 cm 42 cm 38 cm 33 cm 30 cm 28 cm 26 cm 21 cm 17 cm 14 cm 11 cm 9 cm
Support distance
80x10 77 cm 66 cm 58 cm 51 cm 46 cm 40 cm 37 cm 32 cm 28 cm 21 cm 17 cm 14 cm 11 cm 9 cm
100x10 89 cm 76 cm 67 cm 59 cm 53 cm 45 cm 38 cm 32 cm 28 cm 21 cm 17 cm 14 cm 11 cm 9 cm
120x10 99 cm 85 cm 74 cm 66 cm 55 cm 45 cm 38 cm 32 cm 28 cm 21 cm 17 cm 14 cm 11 cm 9 cm
EB MA 10 20 ISOLATOR a= 150 mm
Copper Short
Cross Circuit 30 kA 35 kA 40 kA 45 kA 50 kA 55 kA 60 kA 65 kA 70 kA 80 kA 90 kA 100 kA 110 kA 120 kA
Section Current
40x10 50 cm 43 cm 37 cm 33 cm 30 cm 26 cm 24 cm 22 cm 20 cm 18 cm 16 cm 14 cm 13 cm 11 cm
50x10 59 cm 51 cm 44 cm 39 cm 35 cm 31 cm 28 cm 26 cm 24 cm 21 cm 19 cm 16 cm 13 cm 11 cm
60x10 68 cm 58 cm 51 cm 45 cm 41 cm 35 cm 32 cm 30 cm 28 cm 24 cm 20 cm 16 cm 13 cm 11 cm
Support distance
80x10 83 cm 71 cm 62 cm 55 cm 50 cm 43 cm 40 cm 37 cm 33 cm 25 cm 20 cm 16 cm 13 cm 11 cm
100x10 96 cm 82 cm 72 cm 64 cm 58 cm 50 cm 45 cm 39 cm 33 cm 25 cm 20 cm 16 cm 13 cm 11 cm
120x10 100 cm 92 cm 81 cm 72 cm 64 cm 55 cm 45 cm 39 cm 33 cm 25 cm 20 cm 16 cm 13 cm 11 cm
EB MA 10 20 ISOLATOR a= 175 mm
Copper Short
Cross Circuit 30 kA 35 kA 40 kA 45 kA 50 kA 55 kA 60 kA 65 kA 70 kA 80 kA 90 kA 100 kA 110 kA 120 kA
Section Current
40x10 52 cm 44 cm 39 cm 34 cm 31 cm 27 cm 25 cm 23 cm 21 cm 19 cm 16 cm 15 cm 13 cm 12 cm
50x10 62 cm 53 cm 47 cm 41 cm 37 cm 32 cm 30 cm 27 cm 25 cm 22 cm 20 cm 18 cm 16 cm 13 cm
60x10 71 cm 61 cm 54 cm 48 cm 43 cm 37 cm 34 cm 31 cm 29 cm 26 cm 23 cm 19 cm 16 cm 13 cm
Support distance
80x10 88 cm 76 cm 66 cm 59 cm 53 cm 46 cm 42 cm 39 cm 36 cm 30 cm 23 cm 19 cm 16 cm 13 cm
100x10 100 cm 88 cm 77 cm 68 cm 61 cm 53 cm 49 cm 45 cm 39 cm 30 cm 23 cm 19 cm 16 cm 13 cm
120x10 100 cm 99 cm 86 cm 77 cm 69 cm 60 cm 53 cm 45 cm 39 cm 30 cm 23 cm 19 cm 16 cm 13 cm
EB MA 10 20 ISOLATOR a= 200 mm
Copper Short
Cross Circuit 30 kA 35 kA 40 kA 45 kA 50 kA 55 kA 60 kA 65 kA 70 kA 80 kA 90 kA 100 kA 110 kA 120 kA
Section Current
40x10 54 cm 46 cm 40 cm 36 cm 32 cm 28 cm 26 cm 24 cm 22 cm 19 cm 17 cm 15 cm 14 cm 13 cm
50x10 65 cm 55 cm 48 cm 43 cm 39 cm 34 cm 31 cm 28 cm 26 cm 23 cm 21 cm 18 cm 17 cm 15 cm
Support distance
60x10 75 cm 64 cm 56 cm 50 cm 45 cm 39 cm 36 cm 33 cm 31 cm 27 cm 24 cm 21 cm 19 cm 18 cm
80x10 93 cm 80 cm 70 cm 62 cm 56 cm 48 cm 44 cm 41 cm 38 cm 33 cm 30 cm 27 cm 23 cm 19 cm
100x10 100 cm 93 cm 81 cm 72 cm 65 cm 56 cm 52 cm 48 cm 44 cm 39 cm 34 cm 27 cm 23 cm 19 cm
EB EP 10
• Material; fiberglass fabric reinforced epoxy plate Tension Insulation Specifications
• Does not discharge halogen gas when burned
(halogen-free) • Material CTI value 180V
• Fire resistant V0 according to UL94 • Material group IIIa
• Tested maximum short circuit effective current 150 kA • Rated insulation voltage and walking distance is determined
• Continuous operating temperature maximum 120°C by the user depending on the application as described in
• Maximum current intensity applied in type tests IEC 61439-1.
• Distances between phases can be increased in 50mm
increments after 50mm.
• Maximum support distances based on short circuit
currents for different phase distances are given in P.39.
Product Code
EB EP 10
EB EP 10
EB EP 10 ISOLATOR a= 200 mm
EB EP 10 ISOLATOR a= 250 mm
EB EP 10 ISOLATOR a= 300 mm
Number of busbars used in each phase can be 1, 2 or 3. Graphics above are prepared for worst cases.
EB PT 10
Application Samples
EB PT 10
• Designed to be used with busbars of 10mm thickness. Tension Insulation Specifications
• Does not discharge halogen gas when burned
• Shortest walking distance is 22mm.
• Material CTI value 600V
• Fire resistant V0 according to UL94
• Material group I
• Tested maximum short circuit effective current 70kA
• Rated insulation tension: Max. 1600V
• Continuous operating temperature maximum 120°C
for contamination class 3
• Maximum current intensity applied in type tests 23.5
• Distances between phases can be increased in 25mm
increments after 125mm.
• Maximum support distances based on short circuit
currents for different phase distances are given in P.42
and P.43.
Product Code
EB PT 10
EB PT 10
EB PT 10 ISOLATOR a= 175 mm
EB PT 10 ISOLATOR a= 200 mm
Number of busbars used in each phase can be 1, 2 or 3. Graphics above are prepared for worst cases.
EB PT 10
EB PT 10 ISOLATOR a= 225 mm
EB PT 10 ISOLATOR a= 250 mm
Number of busbars used in each phase can be 1, 2 or 3. Graphics above are prepared for worst cases.
EB PP 10 / EB PP 25
Application Samples
EB PP 10 / EB PP 25
EB PP 10
EB PP 10 ISOLATOR a= 100 mm
EB PP 10 ISOLATOR a= 150 mm
Not: 1) Higher short circuit current values or more distance between phases or
2) Number of busbars used in each phase can be 1, 2 or 3. Graphics above are prepared for worst cases.
EB PP 10
EB PP 10 ISOLATOR a= 200 mm
EB PP 10 ISOLATOR a= 250 mm
Not: 1) Higher short circuit current values or more distance between phases or
2) Number of busbars used in each phase can be 1, 2 or 3. Graphics above are prepared for worst cases.
EB PP 25
EB PP 25 ISOLATOR a= 100 mm
EB PP 25 ISOLATOR a= 150 mm
Number of busbars used in each phase can be 1, 2 or 3. Graphics above are prepared for worst cases.
EB PP 25
EB PP 25 ISOLATOR a= 200 mm
EB PP 25 ISOLATOR a= 250 mm
Number of busbars used in each phase can be 1, 2 or 3. Graphics above are prepared for worst cases.
Application details
EB MA 05 / EB MB 05
EB MA 10 / EB MB 10
Width / L2 MB L3 MB
40 cm 30 cm 030 35 cm 032
50 cm 40 cm 040 45 cm 042
60 cm 50 cm 050 55 cm 052
70 cm 60 cm 060 65 cm 062
80 cm 70 cm 070 75 cm 072
Application details
EB PP 25
EB PT 10
Bolt Head
When busbars connected on EB PP
25 and EB EP 10 busbar insulators are
under voltage, they are used to prevent
hexagonal bolt heads located on the
reverse side of the insulators from
posing hazards. (Continuous operating
temperature 124°C)
• Product Code; EB CB 08
• Product Scope: 10 Bolt Heads for
M8 Bolts
• Product Code; EB CB 10
• Product Scope: 10 Bolt Heads for
M10 Bolts
• Product Code; EB CB 12
• Product Scope: 10 Bolt Heads for
M12 Bolts
Stem Kit
Used to adapt EB MA 05 / 10 or EB MB
05 / 10 busbar insulators to busbars of
different widths.
• Product Code; EB TT 00
• Product Scope: 10 x 316 stainless
M8 stems in 80cm
• Product Code; EB TT 05
• Product Scope: 1 x 316 stainless
M8 stems in 17cm
• Product Code; EB TT 10
• Product Scope: 1 x 316 stainless
M8 stems in 21cm
2x zamak nuts +
2x M8 washer and nuts
• Product Code; EB TT 11
• Product Scope: 1 x 316 stainless
M8 stems in 21cm
2x zamak nuts +
2x M8 washer and nuts
Corner Shoulders
Pressure washer
They are used to keep pressure
continuous on busbar connections.
• According to DIN 6796
Type test document
76 tests are applied for all insulator types in different phase and support distances.
Floor Standing Type Modular Enclosures
IP 55
Floor Standing Type Modular Enclosures
IP 41 - 55
Monoblock Type Enclosures
IP 66
Monoblock Type Enclosures
IP 66
Wall Mounted Distribution Switchboards
IP 55
Outdoor Type Enclosures
IP 55 - 66
Stainless Steel Type Enclosures
IP 55 - 66
Terminal Boxes
IP 67
IP 55
Aluminum Enclosures
IP 55 - 66
EAE Elektroteknik A.Ş.
Ikitelli Organize Sanayi Bolgesi
Eski Turgut Ozal Caddesi
Ziya Gokalp Mahallesi No: 20
34490 Basaksehir / Istanbul
Phone : +90 (212) 549 26 39 (pbx)
Fax : +90 (212) 549 37 91
E-mail : ekabin@eae.com.tr
Web : www.eae-et.com.tr