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Question BankEC

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Write an 8051 C program to toggle all the bits of P1 continously - 5M

Write an ALP to convert packed BCD 0x29 to ASCII and display the bytes of P1 and P2. -4M

Write an ALP to generate square wave of 3 KHz frequency with 50 % duty cycle on Pin P2.1 using timer 1
mode 1 operation, Assume XTAL = 12MHz and show the delay calculation. -7M

What is the advantage and disadvantages of MODE 2 Operation of 8051 when compared to mode 1
operation -4m

What is the advantage and disadvantage of MODE 2 operation of 8051 when compared to Mode 1
Operation -4M

What is the difference between timer and counter? Explain the function of each bit in TMOD register. -

Give the bit size and Data range details for the widely used C Data types of 8051 -7M

What are the benefits of subroutines? – 2M

Discuss two instructions used to call subroutines with their ranges and write the significance of stack
with respect to all instructions -6M

Ten 8-bit numbers are stored in RAM locations 40H onwards. Write an ALP to find the Largest number
and store it in memory location 50H -8M

Write an ALP to read switch given in fig below. If switch is closed turn ON the LED else turn OFF the LED.

Write an 8051 ‘C’ program to send values -4 to +4 to port P1 ---5M

Write 8051’C’ Program to toggle all the bits of P0 and P2 continously with 250 ms delay --5M

Write an 8051 ‘C’ Program to convert packed BCD 0x28 to ASCII and display bytes on P1 and P2. –6M

Explain Mode-1 programming of 8051 timer. Describe the different steps to program in mode-1 --8M

Write 8051 assembly program to generate square wave with ton = 3ms and toff=10ms on all pins of Port
0. System clock is 22MHz. Use timer 0 in Mode-1 ---8M

For an 8051 system of 11.0592 MHz. Find the time delay for the following subroutine –6M

Delay: MOV R3, #250

Back: NOP




Write an ALP to find factorial of an 8-bit number N. Assume value of N! doesnot exceed 8 bit.


Write the steps required for programming 8051 to transfer and receive data serially -10M

Write an ALP to transfer letter “Y” serially at 9600 baud rate, continuously -6M

Explain the importance of TI and RI flag -8M

Define interrupt, and mention the difference between interrupt and polling method and also write the
steps in executing interrupt – 8M

Describe bit status of SCON register –8M

Write 8051 ALP to receive the data in serial form and send it out to Port-0 in parallel form. Save the data
in RAM location 62h. Assume baud rate =9600. Use timer 1 in mode 2 ---5M

Calculate the baud rate if TH1=-2, SMOD=1, XTAL=11.0592 MHz. Is this baud rate supported by IBM PCS?


Explain DAC interface with diagram and also write a C program to generate staircase waveform -8M

Show the interfacing circuit and functional pins of LCD –8M

Draw the pin diagram of 8255 and briefly explain the signals –6M

Explain about stepper motor interface with diagram, and also write a c program if motor takes 90 steps
to complete one revolution and show the calculation (clockwise direction) ---10M

Calculate the address range of 16x2 LCD and 20x1 LCD ---3M

Explain the internal architecture of ADC 0804 and its timing diagram to convert analog data to digital
form ---10M
Consider 8bit ADC. Assume Vr=5V. Calculate the 8 bit digital output when Vin=3V ---3M

Write an 8051 ALP to rotate a stepper motor 64 degree in clockwise direction. The motor has step angle
of 2 degree. Use 4 step sequence and draw the schematic diagram. Steps per revolution=180. Number
of rotor teeth = 45, movement per 4 step sequence= 8 degree----8M

What is PWM technique? Explain bidirectional motor control using L293 chip. Is SW=0, the dc motor
moves clockwise and if SW=1, the dc motor moves counter-clockwise. Draw the schematic diagram.
Write 8051 assembly program to do this ---8M

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