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Pidicrete URP

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Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP

S B R l a t e x f o r w a t e rpr o o f i n g a n d r e p a i rs

Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP is based on modified styrene butadiene latex supplied as a ready to use bonding agent
in liquid consistency. It is used for repair of spalled concrete – floors, columns, beams, chhajas, slabs. Waterproof-
ing of toilets & bathrooms, small terraces etc. It bonds strongly to old & new concrete and to plasters. It reduces
shrinkage, prevents cracking, dust pick up & improves abrasion resistance.

Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP

Areas of Application
£ For concrete repairs - Spalled concrete of floors, columns, beams, chhajas, slabs, parapets, etc.
£ For waterproofing – Small roof terraces, sunken portions of toilets & bathrooms, chhajas & lift pits, balconies
& staircases.
£ For waterproofing – Liquid & effluent tanks, car decks & walkways.

£ As a bonding agent – Bonding mortar for tiles & panels, as undercoat for special finishes such as top render-

ing coat for chemical resistant floors.

£ As a bond coat – For bonding of new concrete to old concrete, masonry stone work, plastering.

£ For cladding – Fixing or re-fixing of slip bricks, tiles, stones & marble bedding.

£ As external rendering – Weatherproof & frost resistant render, high wear & erosion resistant render. As bond-

ing slurry coat for pinhole treatment on concrete surface & as repair mortar for overhead application.

Features & Benefits

£ Multipurpose – It is multipurpose & economical product, easy to use.
£ Cracking – It prevents cracking by improving flexural strength.
£ Hardness – Improves the hardness & prevents dust generation.

£ Shrinkage – Reduces drying & aging shrinkage cracks.

£ Bonding – Bond strongly to concrete, masonry, stonework, plasters, cementitious surfaces, asphalt & most of

the building materials.

£ Erosion & corrosion – Improves erosion resistance & prevents corrosion.

£ Abrasion resistance – Improves abrasion resistance of the cement mix.

£ Grouting – Reduces viscosity of cement injection grout for better fluidity & bonding.

Method of Application

£ Clean the surface with wire brush or scrubber to remove hidden dirt, loose particles, laitance & dust. De-
grease the surface by using suitable solvents.
£ Repair the spalled concrete portion by saw, cutting the extreme edges of the repair location to a depth of at

lease 10 mm to avoid featheredging & to provide strong bond.

£ Clean the concrete surface to remove any contamination where breaking is not possible. Roughen the surface

by light scabbling or grit blasting.

£ Expose corroded rebar in the repairing area fully . Remove all loose scales & corrosion deposits and immedi-

ately clean the surface.

2 P R I M I N G
£ For priming of steel surface, apply Dr. Fixit Rust Remover to all exposed reinforcement area and wash it with
water jet before applying Dr. Fixit Epoxy Zinc Rich Primer on the rebars.
£ For priming of concrete substrate, the surface should be thoroughly saturated with potable water. Remove any

excess of water prior to application. Slurry of primer coat is prepared by mixing of one part Dr. Fixit Pidicrete
URP, one part of water and 3 parts of fresh OPC cement. Slowly mix cement with binder to obtain a smooth
consistency. Continue mixing the slurry during application to prevent settlement.
Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP
S B R l a t e x f o r w a t e rpr o o f i n g a n d r e p a i rs

3 M I X I N G
£ A forced action mixer is essential (PAN Mixer) & recommended to ensure that Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP mor-
tar is thoroughly mixed or Use a suitable sized drum with heavy-duty electrical drill machine fitted with spiral
paddle mixer at slow speed of 400-500 rpm.
£ Hand mixing is permissible only for 25 kg or less quantity.

£ Charge the mixer with required quantity of clean & dry sand, cement & mix for 1-2 minutes, then add Dr. Fixit

Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP

Pidicrete URP as per the dosages recommended. Mix for 2-3 minutes to avoid air entrapment. Keep on slowly
adding water until the required consistency is achieved. Do not add extra water.

£ Wide range of mix designs are recommended for different application using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.
Sl No. Application Composition Quantity of Dr. Fixit Consistency & thick-
Pidicrete URP ness
Patching & Repair £ OPC – 50 Kg 10 litres Mortar consistency, 6-40
Mortar & dry £ Graded sharp mm thickness
1 & washed & dry
sand – 150 Kg
£ Water – 10 litres

Heavy duty floor £ OPC – 50 Kg 10 litres Semi dry cohesive consis-

screed £ Graded sharp & tency,
washed sand – 10-40 mm thickness
2 75 Kg
£ Granite chips

(3-6 mm) – 75 Kg
£ Water – 6 litres

Renders £ OPC – 50 Kg 10 litres Mortar consistency,

£ Graded sharp & 6-9 mm thickness
3 washed sand –
150 Kg
£ Water – 6 litres

Bonding Mortar £ OPC – 50 Kg 10 litres Mortar consistency, 6-40

for slip bricks & £ Graded sharp & mm thickness.
4 tiles washed sand –
125 Kg
£ Water – 7 litres

Precautions & Limitations

£ Do not add extra water or more than recommended dosage.
£ Recommended dosage to be followed to achieve desired results.
Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP
S B R l a t e x f o r w a t e rpr o o f i n g a n d r e p a i rs

Technical Information


Base SBR Latex (styerene, butadine

Coverage OPCS: URP, 1:5 20 – 22 sq ft/kg for two coats

Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP

pbwt 1:1.5
Total active solid content 34 ± 2%
pH 8–9
pot life @ 30 C
30 – 45 minutes at 30OC
Speciic gravity at 300 C 1.01+/- 0.02
pH 7 to 9
Compressive strength, ( BS6319 part2:1983) Passes the specification.
N/mm2 – 7 days
Tensile strength,N/mm2 ( ASTM C – 190-85) Passes the specification
Flexural strength,N/mm2 9>
Slant shear bond, N/mm2 ASTM 881 30
Chemical resiatance to mild Resists
acids, alkalies, sulphates.
Resistance to water pres- Upto 2
sure, bar
Freeze thaw resistance Excellent


500 gm, 1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 20 kg & 50 kg

10 litres Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP per 50 kg OPC cement.

Shelf Life & Storage

Shelf life is 12 months from the date of manufacturing. Store in a cool & dry place in unopened condition
(Prevent from direct sunlight).

Health & Safety Precautions

£ Cementitious mortars & slurries modified with Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP when mixed or when become damp,
may release alkali which can be harmful to skin & eye.
£ Wear suitable protective clothings, gloves, eye protection and respiratory protective equipment during

£ In case of contact with skin, rinse with plenty of clean water and then cleanse with soap water.

£ In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of clean water and seek medical advise.
Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP
S B R l a t e x f o r w a t e rpr o o f i n g a n d r e p a i rs

Other Product Categories Available

DR. FIXIT has wide range of Waterproofing & Construction chemicals which includes,

£ Waterproofing Products £ Exterior Coating Products

£ Repair Products £ Tile Fixing Range
£ Sealants £ Concrete Admixtures

Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP

£ Flooring Products £ Grouts

DF-Pidicrete URP-TDS-ENG-03/10

Pidilite Industries Limited DISCLAIMER The product information & application details given by the
company & its agents has been provided in good faith & meant to serve
Construction Chemicals Division
only as a general guideline during usage. Users are advised to carry
Ramkrishna Mandir Road out tests & take trials to ensure on the suitability of products meeting
Post Box No. 17411 their requirement prior to full scale usage of our products. Since the
correct identification of the problems, quality of other materials used
Andheri (E) Mumbai 400059 INDIA
and the on-site workmanship are factors beyond our control, there are
Tel +91-22-2835 7000 • Fax +91-22-2835 7008 no expressed or implied guarantee / warranty as to the results obtained.
website www.doctor-fixit.com • E-mail drfixit@pidilite.com The company does not assume any liability or consequential damage for
Toll Free No.: 1800-22-5502 unsatisfactory results, arising from the use of our products.

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