EDUC40 Syllabus
EDUC40 Syllabus
EDUC40 Syllabus
Oroquieta Campus Course Code: EDUC40
Credits: 3
Semester/Year: 1st Semester, 2019-2020 Prerequisite(s):
Class Schedule: MTWTH 1:00-2:30; 2:30-4:00
USTP Vision Bldg/Rm no.: IT-202 Co-requisite(s):
A nationally-recognized S & T Instructor: Maila C. Asim Consultation Schedule:
University providing the vital link Email: Bldg./Rm:
between education & the economy. Mobile no.: 09974518835 Office Phone no./Local:
I. Course Description:
USTP Mission The course emphasizes contemporary theories and research on learning. As such, some of the traditional theories of learning will not
Bring the world of work be addressed in detail. The exploration and discussion of these theories and research will focus on how these apply to the Philippines, regional,
(industry) into the actual local and personal experience. More importantly, the processing of the theories and research how teacher may use the various ideas to better
higher education training of facilitate the learning processes among students.
students. Program Outcomes (PO)
II. Course Outcomes (CO)
Offer entrepreneurs the a b c d e f g h i j k l
opportunity to maximize CO1: Create a physical and psychological environment that facilitates
their business potentials learning for all kinds of learners
through a gamut of services CO2: Demonstrate understanding of learning and development
from product motivation theories and the 14 learner-centered psychological
conceptualization to principles
commercialization. CO3: Apply the various theories of learning and motivation to help
Contribute significantly to students become highly-motivated and self-directed learners
the National Development CO4: Demonstrate learning skills that facilitate and maximize self-
Goals of food security and directed learning.
energy sufficiency through
technology solutions.
III. Course Outline:
Course Outcomes (CO) Topic/s Teaching-Learning Activities Assessment Tasks/Tools
Program Educational Objectives: At the end of the session, the students A.1. Self-Evaluation through
PEO1: Highly motivated, qualified are expected to: answering a Study Habits
Explain metacognition in their own Questionnaire
A.1. 5-minute Non-stop Writing
and competent professional A. Metacognition A.2. Game planning on how to
words A.2. Discussion
educators, trainers, researchers, improve study skills
3 hours Apply metacognitive strategies in B.1 Brainstorm words pertaining
entrepreneurs and experts in their B. Learner-Centered B.1 By means of a PPT Presentation,
their own quest for learning as a to the title “LCP” and write down
field of specialization who are Psychological Principles advocate the use of the 14 LCP in 5
novice or an expert learner phrases on why are these words
committed to excellence and Advocate the use of the 14 Learner- associated with the title
lifelong managers of their own B.2. Discussion
Centered Psychological Principles
careers. At the end of the session, the students
Discussion and Message Relay
1.5 hours are expected to: Review of Theories
Game Short Quiz
PEO2: Can communicate and Explain the salient concepts and Related to the Learners’
5-minute Non-stop writing
translate/transfer innovative and principles of the major Development
Individual Report
creative ideas into practical and developmental theories
concrete purposes; and At the end of the session, the students
are expected to:
Short-video viewing
PEO3: Conduct research on Demonstrate a positive attitude
Written Activity (Refer to p.57 of
towards diversity as an enriching
improving the teaching-learning 1.5 hours Individual Differences Discussion Ref.Book #2 and #3 Assessment
element in the learning
process and produce product Tasks
innovations and development for Individual Report
Come up with teaching strategies
commercialization. that consider student diversity
At the end of the session, the students
Program Outcomes: The student are expected to:
Answer the Learning Style
shall be able to demonstrate the Plan learning activities that match
Learning/Thinking Styles Inventory Short Quiz and Assessment Task
ability to: 2 hours learners’ learner/thinking styles and
and Multiple Intelligences Discussion #3 on page 69
a: Demonstrate and practice the multiple intelligences
Individual Report
professional and ethical
requirements of the teaching
profession. At the end of the session, the students Learners with
Long Quiz
are expected to: Exceptionalities Film Viewing
b. Possess strong foundation of Demonstrate “people first” Discussion Written Test on Sentence
Technology & Livelihood language when referring to Individual Report Revision
Education-related activities. 2 hours exceptional learners and advocate
c. Critical thinkers that takes a for its use
holistic view of events or At the end of the session, the students
are expected to:
Explain the basic principles of Discussion and Written Short Quizzes
d. Develop competence in the face
4.5 hours behaviorism Behaviorist Perspective Activity on p. 89 Assessment Tasks on p.90
of adverse circumstances
Determine how to use rewards in Individual Report
e. Possess internal drive that the learning process more Article Reading and Analysis
activities behavior and guides effectively
direction to learn achieve one’s At the end of the unit, the students are
goal in life. expected to:
Short Quizzes
f. Demonstrates positive outlook in Describe the different gestalt Discussion
Assessment tasks on Facilitating
life in expecting the best possible principles
Learning Book of the
outcomes at any endeavor the 12.5 Cite educational implications of the Individual Report
Cognitive Perspective corresponding modules
graduate may undertake. hours theory on information processing
Development of a graphic
g. Actively engage in researches Make a simple lesson outline using Lesson Outlining
and be able to present in any Gagne’s instruction events
Long Quiz
academic for a recognized by CHED Use advance graphic organizer for a
and or/ published papers in topic presentation
M I D - T E R M E X A M I N A T I O N
scientific/referred journals.
At the end of the unit, the students are
h. Competent, competitive, ethical
expected to:
systematic TLE graduates who will Develop a simple plan on how to
Explain how the spiral curriculum
conduct research and community teach using Bruner’s Principle
extension for the improvement of Discussion and Group
Describe strategies to promote
the quality of life. activities Written Tasks on LO
14 hours knowledge construction Cognitive Processes
i. Generate new ideas by Individual Report Formulation; WICS Model-based
Explain how transfer of learning
Pair Activity (Venn Diagram) Lesson Guide
approaching problems or existing occurs
practices in innovative or Formulate learning outcomes
Short Quizzes
imaginative ways. reflecting the different levels of the
j. Draw ideas from across discipline revised taxonomy
and field of inquiry to reach a
deeper understanding of the Prepare a lesson guide that is based
situation/problem. in the WICS model
Explain the Four Criteria of creativity
by Torrance
At the end of the unit, the students are
expected to:
Distinguish between extrinsic and
intrinsic motivation Discussion and Group
Cite implications of various theories
Individual Report
to the facilitation of learning
Activity on Page 212
State and explain two principles on
the social and cultural influences on Short Quizzes
11.5 Simulation on conducive
motivation Motivation
hours classroom climate (Triad
Describe the classroom climate that 5-minute non-stop writing
is conducive for learning by use of
simile or metaphor
Development of a Miniature
Design a favourable physical Favorable Learning
learning environment Environment
Cite ways to make assessment more
motivating for students
Class Observation
At the end of the unit, the students are
expected to: Revisiting the 14 Learner-
1.5 hour Describe how the 14 principles of centered Psychological Long Quiz
LCP are connected to each of the Principles
Filling in the matrix on Page
modules studied
(a) Facilitating Learning: A Metacognitive Process by Maria Rita D. Lucas, Ph.D. and Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D.
(d) The university grading system. 70 % passing rate in quizzes, activities, projects & innovations, prelim, midterm
examinations, and Final Examination.
Where: CPPS = 10%, QPS = 40% , MPS = 30%, PTPS = 20%
Where: CPPS = 10%, QPS = 40%, FPS = 30%, PTPS = 20%
(F)Date and time of Final Exam