Chapter 1-2
Chapter 1-2
Chapter 1-2
A. Research Background
(1978:78) says that language is purely human and not instinctive method of communication
ideas, emotion and desire by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbol. It is known
globalization era. It is used in many aspects such as science, culture, education, business,
even in relationship among countries. English nowadays can be found around us, much
addition, there are some skills that we need to learn if we want to be mastered in English,
they are speaking, reading, writing, and listening. All of them are important if we want to be
mastered English well for example reading. Reading is one of the most essential skills to be
mastered in language learning. It brings many benefits. One of the benefits of reading is a
broad store of information. Reading becomes essential for everyone in order to increase his or
her knowledgebecause there are many kinds of information and books written in English.
This idea is supported by the fact that reading has become a part of our daily life.
Learning to read is one of the educational goals. For both children and adults,
reading opens up new worlds and opportunities. It helps us to get new knowledge, enjoy
literature, and do everyday things that are parts of modern life, such as, reading the
newspaper, job listings, manual instructions, maps, and so on. We can deny that reading is an
English has been taught in almost every school level. In the primary school, English becomes
a local content subject which is taught from the first until the six grade class. In the junior
until senior high school, English becomes a complementary subject. Even in some
kindergarten English has been introduced to the pupils, with big expectation that in long span
of time they will get fluent in English and also be easy to understand the English references.
Reading can explore student’s English skill such as perception understanding, and
the values between two words (Brindley, 2005:82). As we know that many information is
written in English such as books, newspapers, magazines, instructions, etc. Students can
develop their understanding about the new knowledge. For example the students read a book
about the culture of some countries that canmake the students knowhow a culture in a
country. Reading also can enrich the students’ value about the meaning of the words.
School is one of the place where the students do the process of teaching learning
and the interaction between teachers and students, happens in school. But there are numbers
of problems that teachers might face in the process of teaching and learning reading. One of
the problems that teacher found is to choose the strategies in teaching languages. As
Teaching students how to utilize the skills and knowledge that they bring from
their first language, developing vocabulary skill, improving reading
comprehension, improving reading rate, teaching readers how to orchestrate the
use of strategies and how to monitor their own improvement are some of the
elements that teacher must consider in preparing for and EFL/ESL reading class.
As we know there are many teachers still use explanatory method, they just explain
the materials and the students just listen what they said. The result that the students are bored,
they did notenjoy learning and their achievements become reduce. And the students have the
difficulties to get the main idea in the text. They need some activities which can make them
fun with the reading process. One of the activities is group discussion.
consists of six or fewer students in a purpose to share, investigate, solve, and evaluate the
information of each other. It is useful for the students to express their ideas without fear and
embarrassment. In these activities, the students must work together to develop a plan, resolve
the problem or complete the task. The smaller the group of discussion is more alive and
effective. It makes each person easier to express their ideas. Every person has more roles on
the group to be active in the discussion, to help their friends to finish the task.
Based on the background above, the writer would like to make a research on
SMANEGERI 2 Pematangsiantar about The Effects of Using Small Group Discussion to the
Pematangsiantar to take the data using small group discussion to the students in reading
B. Research Identification
2. The students did not have strategy or media to understand the lesson.
The scope of this research is that the writer only focuses on applying small group
D. Research Problems
Based on the statement above the writer would like to formulate the problems
for the research as follow: Does the effect of small group discussion more significant
effect than the effect without small group discussion to the reading comprehension of
E. Research Objectives
As the purpose of the research, the writer would like to find as following : To find out
whether the effect of small group discussion has more significant effect than the effect
F. Research Significances
1. Theoretically.
This research will introduce students’ achievement in reading skill. Not all the
students have good achievement in the learning English skill, especially reading
comprehension. The research finding will add the study on teaching reading comprehension.
a. Teacher
The teacher is expected to understand the usage of small group discussion to increase
b. Students
The student will be easier to comprehend the text with using small group discussion.
c. Researcher
The further researcher gets the information in using small group discussion in
G. Theoretical Frameworks
Theoretical framework is very important for the writer because it provides basic
information related to the study views from some experts is quoted from some books, written
by some experts in related fields. The writer uses the theory of Arikunto (2006), Aebersold
Heilman (1976), Khotari (2004), Klingner (2007), Knapp and Watkins (2005), and
Mickulecky and Jeffrie (1997), Richards (2002), Streven (1997), Nunan (2005), Serevallo
H. Hypothesis
Ho : The effect of small group discussion is not more significant than the effect of teacher
Ha : The effect of small group discussion is more significant than the effect of teacher
1. Reading is a fluent process of readers combining information from a text and their own
2. Analytical Exposition Analytical exposition text is a text that elaborates the writer’s idea
3. Small Group Discussion is the common types of communication activity which consists
of six or fewer students in a purpose to share, investigate, solve, and evaluate the ideas or
In this chapter, the writer will provide the theories that related with this
research. Some theories consist of two main topic, they are reading comprehension and small
group discussion. The writer also includes the theories from some experts who will support
this research.
A. Reading
According toNunan( 2005 : 68 ), Reading is one of the language skills which are
very important to develop students’ knowledge in their studies. Reading is a tool of learning;
students need a variety of reading skills to understand the textbooks, reference materials,
magazine, newspaper, etc. therefore if students does not read them, they will miss the latest
great importance to students because it provides them to access to great quantity of further
experience in the language and gives them the window into the normal means of continuing
Reading regarded as one of English skills that need relatively mechanical skill. In
this sense, Grabe (2009:5) assumed that reading is viewed as not merely taking written
information on the printed matter but also attributing a meaning-extracting process as the
essence of act of reading. It means that reading is not only to get information from the text
passively. When students read they also make interaction on mind to understand the meaning.
Regarding those definitions above, it can be seen that learning to read is a complex
process because reading requires thinking. When the reader read to get the meaning of
comprehension skills as thinking process. Therefore, it can be said that reading includes
many aspect of skills. According to Alderson (2000:9) divided those skills involves recalling,
drawing, finding, weaving, recognizing, indentifying, and following which are considered
toward to the readers in understanding the oriented symbols as a mental process. That is why
the readers have to integrate their skills when reading text because a complex process,
Aebersold (1997:5) also stated in her book that “reading is the ability to
comprehend the thoughts and feelings of another mind via the medium of text; reading
constitutes a powerful activity that confers knowledge, insight, and perspective readers”.
process to apprehend the meaning to gain information and to learn in which those should be
considered to the process in mind. Therefore, to understand the meaning of a text in reading
activity, the reader have to use of interaction among eyes and mind to grasp the message
reading, a reader has to understand and catch the meaning of the text. At the same time the
author gives understanding through the words. The essence of reading activity is
order to learn or understand the messages of author, the students are hoped to have the ability
to comprehend the written textbook. In short, there is an interaction between a reader and the
author. The result of this interaction, the reader tries to understand what the author means.
While reading, a reader tries to understand the information from the text they read.
Understanding the written text means extracting required information from it as efficiently as
possible. Therefore, there is no meaning if a reader just reads without comprehending and
catching the information from it. However, in comprehending a printed language, it is quite
difficult as the reader must accomplish multiple things simultaneously in constructing the
meaning from a text. There is a constructing of understanding concept. The readers have to
need a use of eyes a mind together at the same time to get a information of a reading object.
The comprehension is process to get in getting the information. The writer concludes that
reading comprehension is a process to understand the contents of the text which is done by
the readers to get information. It is given through written language and aimed to comprehend
In daily life, people generally read something because they want to or have a desire
to do so. No matter what materials we read, we read them on objective. When we read a
comic, a novel, or a magazine in our leisure time, it does not mean that our reading does not
have an objective, we read to spend our time or to get rid of boredom because we have
nothing to do. Even though our reading is just for spending time or getting rid of boredom, it
is still an objective. In this case, the objective is reading for pleasure. It is different when we
read a textbook, a recipe, or a timetable. We read them because we need the information. In
with closely connected to a reader’s motivation for reading; it will also affect the way a
reading selection is read. For example, when readers read a reading selection in a test to find
certain information that is needed to answer the test items, they will likely try to pay more
attention and put more focus onto the text, use their intellectual to absorb the information
they need, and activate their background experiences or prior knowledge that they have to
gain better comprehension from the text that they read. In other words, reads with a specific
objective in mind enables readers to focus on relevant part of text and to use appropriate
reading strategy.
Beside the objective that had been noted previously, there is another objective of
reading, which is to practice the pronunciation ability. This objective is usually done by
reading aloud. This reading purpose can be very useful when someone wants to practice his
There is four easily identifiable skills in reading, they are: skimming, scanning,
oral reading.
1) Skimming, glancing rapidly through a text to determine its general content, e.g. quickly
glancing through an articles to see if it interest or not. Being able to look over material
rapidly for given purposes without reading every phrase is great asset for a reader to
posses. Skimming enables people to select content that they want to read and to discard,
which is inconsequential for their purposes. Skimming permits people to gain a general
idea about material when that is their purposes rather than to read all the material in
directory. Being able to search material rapidly with given purpose in mind in order to
find a specific fact or an answer to particular question plays a large role in much of a
3) Oral reading
In the beginning teachers reads every single sentences as a good as possible for the
students to speak then to read correctly late on. They cannot speak correctly unless their
first listening is correct. In oral reading we change the written sign into oral sign giving
the same meaning. Therefore, oral reading is used for understanding and expression.
Each kind of reading skill that has been explained above are used for certain
purpose. Each also requires different approach and technique to achieve its goal. For
example, skimming and scanning techniques are usually used by the reader when they read a
reading selection when take a reading test. By using these techniques, they may be able to
find the information they need without have to read all the reading passage and save their
To get maximum benefit from their reading, students needs to involve in both
1) Intensive reading, the reader tries to absorb all the information given by the author. E.g.
2) Extensive reading, the reader deals with longer text as a whole, which requires the ability
to understand he component parts and their contribution to the overall meaning. E.g.
explained, the factors influencing reading comprehension into two categories, inside factors
and outside factors. Inside factor are divided into four components. The first is linguistics
component (what the readers know about the language). When the students learn language,
presented in their class, they will understand more about the topic. As a facilitator, the teacher
has to give the explanation about the material in many ways. Therefore, the teacher has to use
various resources related to the topic. The teacher give opportunity to their students to read
everything from any resources such as magazines, books, journals, etc. their interest in
The third component is motivation. Most of readers usually read what they want to
read and what they have to read. Therefore, motivation can influence the students’
comprehension because the different reasons of the readers have different power to make the
reader try to understand more what they read. There are two kinds of motivation, intrinsic,
and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is in the reader. It comes from the learner itself.
As the teacher, we try to give the intrinsic motivation so that they will be more motivated.
We offer incentives, feedbacks, others stimuli to try to alter a student’s level motivation.
The last component is reading ability. It explains how well the reader can read. It is
almost tautological to say that the more reading ability one posses, the better one will
comprehend. The readers have to read everything and try to understand what they read.
environment will be constructed if the teacher motivates their students to read and make
students want to read more. Besides that, school environment especially teachers, peers, all
influence the reading comprehension of students. Peers can be positive or negative. The
positive influence will appear when there is friendly competition among the students.
There are 14 principles of teaching reading which are noted from book “Principles
5) Proper reading instruction depends on the diagnosis of each child’s weakness and needs.
7) No child should be expected or forced to attempt to read material which at the moment
he is incapable of reading.
9) Any given technique, practice or procedure is likely to work better with some children
than with other. Hence, the teacher of reading must have a variety of approach.
10) Learning to read is a long term developmental process extending over a period of years.
12) Early in the learning process, the child must acquire ways of gaining independence in
identifying words whose meaning are known to him but which are unknown to him as
sight words.
13) Children should not be in the classroom when they have emotional problem sufficiently.
14) Emphasis should be on prevention rather than cure. Reading problems should be detected
early and corrected before they deteriorate into failure-frustrated reaction cases.
The principles that have been noted previously become some of primary concerns
in teaching reading. In addition, in reading class, teachers are supposed to take the following
1) When choosing reading material, it is important to consider the student’s interests and
2) Discussing new words and concepts with students before reading a text is generally
3) Asking students to tell everything they know about a topic is a useful way to get the
students to activate heir prior knowledge. They should than begin to think about what
they do not know. After reading, they should summarize what they have learned about
the topic.
6) By talking to students about the different purpose for reading, they will become more
7) The use of books and reading materials that are interesting and relevant to students will
9) When assessing the difficulty level of a text, it is important to consider the language
used, as well as its subject matter, interest level and assumed cultural knowledge.
a) Choose reading material that utilize students’ local context. For instance, book about
allow them to use their prior knowledge and to learn more about the topic.
elaborates the writer‘s idea about the surrounding phenomenon. It also is a piece of text that
presents one side of an issue. Its social function is to persuade the reader that the idea is an
important matter.
2. Social function
we have ever tried to persuade someone to believe something or if you have argued with
someone, then you have used the exposition text. The purpose of its text is to persuade the
1) Thesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s position. It is an introductory
statement that gives the author’s point of view and previews the arguments that will
follow. It introduces topics and indicates the writer’s position or we can call it as an
point and elaboration sequence. The number of points may vary, but each must be
and reinforces the writer’s point of view. It restates the position more forcefully in the
1) Focus on generic human and non-human participants to indicate the writer’s attitude
to convince the readers about the writer’s opinion, he or she needs state words or
vocabulary to indicate his/her position. For example: it has special power, it gives
advantages, etc
2) Use mainly of nominalization and causal conjunctions to construct the argument such
as, however, on the other hand, therefore, thus, leads to, creates, consequently, firstly,
Fast food nowadays is considered a normal eating venture. People are not just eating out
on special occasions or weekends anymore. It means that all the time they mostly eat fast
Fast food has its popularity in the 1940’s. Within a few years, fast-food operations
popped up everywhere. With the compelling rise in fast-food restaurants since the 1940’s,
oddly it started the rise in obesity and cancer during that same time period.
Fast food is highly processed with a wide array of additives. To ensure fast food’s low
cost, the fast food products are made with highly-processed ingredients to give it shelf-life, to
hold consistency, and to enhance flavor. Fast food is altered from its original healthy form.
It is not the calories in fast food which damage health and waistline. It is the chemical
additives such as aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate). Studies show that the
So, there is absolutely nothing nutritional about fast food. Fast food simply feeds hunger
and craving. (Source: English Alive for Grade XI Published by Yudhistira 2006).
(2).Smoking in Restaurant
Smoking in restaurants is just not on. It must not be allowed because it is rude,
harmful to others and dangerous for the smokers.
Firstly, smoking in a restaurant is impolite. The smell of the smoke affects all people
and can turn them off their food. People pay to taste good food and not to be put off by foul
smelling smoke.
Another reason smoking should not be allowed in restaurant is the harm it can do to
others. Passive smoking that is breathing in smoke made by a smoker can lead to asthma
attacks and even cancer.Finally, smoking is dangerous and a health risk to the smokers.
Cigarettes cause heart and lung disease and people should not smoke anywhere, not just in
Therefore, smoking in restaurants is impolite, harmful to others and a health risk to
the smokers and should not be allowed in any restaurants.
used may cause many problems. I think combining different management operations is the
Firstly, the chemicals in the pesticides may build up as residues in the environment
and in the soil which absorbs the chemicals. This reduces the quality of farm product.
Secondly, pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides. This means that newer
This affects the ecology and environment as well.So, understanding of ecology of an area
helps a lot in pest control. Pesticides should be chosen and applied carefully so that they don't
Therefore, integrated pest management is a safe and more effective option to fight pest in
Small group discussion or working in small groups has been shown to improve
students’ understanding, retention of material, and problem solving abilities. However, most
of us do not instinctively know how to work well with others in the academic setting. In order
to be successful, group work must be carefully structured and the student must receive
and complement the same goals”. They can prepare a presentation or discuss an issue and
come to the group discussion. Although the one-on-one conference is an important weekly
meeting between a teacher and student, we can supplement an individual conference with
small group conferences to work more efficiently. This efficiency is especially important in
today’s classrooms with higher benchmarks, large class sizes and increasing demands placed
Harmer (2007:117) in general it is possible to say that small group or around five
students provoke greater involvement and participant than larger group. The small group
enough for real interpersonal interaction, yet no so small that members are over reliant upon
each individual. Because five is an odd number it means that a majority view can usually
The writer conclude, small group discussion is a media for students to get involve to
influence each other to find the way out about something they discuss about or problem
The positive primary aspect of using group discussion is the students can share to
each other to solve the problem, it needs a good teamwork. They need to share their idea and
discuss the way to fix it. According to Brewer (1997:27), there are some advantages and
a) The Advantages
presenter explanation.
5) It helps participants see relationships among ideas or concepts related to the topic at
b) The Disadvantages
1) It is time consuming.
The classroom organization does not deal directly with the reading process or with
the materials, methods, or approach to teaching reading comprehension. Yet without good
solved the problem with the aim to get together the explanation clearly and more detail about
something, or to make a decision together. In discussion, every people are hoped gave their
opinion so that all the participants turned in to the same comprehending in a decision or
conclusion. The steps of teaching reading to the experimental group through discussion are
the following.
a) Pre-reading steps
2) Teacher introduces the selection that students are going to read by showing them the
title, author, or cover, and has them predict what the story will be about.
3) Teacher distributes the selection to each student, and has them read silently.
4) Teacher explains the meaning of new words and idioms, and explains new grammar
1) Teacher divided the students into small groups. The students decide to be a member of
any group by themselves, but the number of student per-group should be equal.
4) Teacher helps students with vocabulary, grammars, and others if they need assistance.
5) Students discuss what the text order and details of story within their group; with the
1) Teacher asks the students for taking back position before. It means to avoid students
3) Teacher discusses the answer with students by having them tell how they find the answer
4. Relevant Researchers
This research about small group discussion has been done by Arthy V and Dr. P.
Nagaraj. The title is “Enhancing reading comprehension skills through small group
interaction techniques: A comparative study”. Reading is the basic foundation on which the
academic skills of an individual are built. Several recent reviews and syntheses of research
learning is the instructional use of small group so that students work together to maximize
their own and each other’s to learning. Cooperative learning has been demonstrated to be an
effective method for improving reading comprehension. The present study investigates the
relative effectiveness of two cooperative learning techniques namely reciprocal method and
This research about small group discussion has been done by Rini Mur Mauza and
friends. The title is “Improving the tenth grade students’ reading comprehension achievement
through small group working techniques as SMAN 1 SRONO”. This research is intended to
describe research result on the use of implementing small group technique in improving tenth
grade students’ reading comprehension achievement. The research problem was the students’
difficulties in comprehending English text and poor of vocabularies. To solve this problem,
implementing small group working technique was used to improve students’ active
participation and their reading comprehension achievement. The research design was
classroom action research and the primary data were collected by using reading
comprehension test and observation. The result of the research showed that small group
working technique could improve the students’ active participation and their reading
This research about small group discussion has been done by LusiaOsa-Melero at
Duquesne University, USA. The title is “A comparative analysis of the effects of small group
students of Spanish”. This research is about the usage of small group discussion versus
individual pre-reading. She conducted the observation started on 2015. The assessment tools
are multiple choice and written recall protocols. The multiple choice test measure the
comprehension of text main ideas. Multiple choice results indicate that individual pre-reading
from a cumulative perspective, text main ideas, supporting idea, and minor details are
integrated into one cumulative grade. This grade shows that neither pre-reading treatment
shows any significant difference. However, when focusing on a specific level, individual pre-
ideas and minor details while showing no significant increase for main ideas. Group work
This chapter discusses about the method and procedure that are used to solve
the problem of the study. The writer has written some theories in the previous chapter.
Based on the theories, the writer tries to describe research design, population and sample,
the technique of collecting data, validity and reliability of the test, scoring the test and
A. Research Design
According to Khotari (2004:3) research design is a plan and procedure for research
that spam the discussions from broad assumption to detailed methods of data collection and
analysis. The design of this research based on the quantitative research doing with using a
which is at the same number of student. The classes are divided into Experimental Group and
Control Group
Table 3.1
The Procedure of Experiment in Group and Experimental Control
Research Design
Population and sample are two related terms in research. Population is a set or
collection of all elements possessing one or more attributes of interest. Sample is a part of
population that is researched. The limitation of population must be known and prescribe
clearly and assertively. And sample also, beside we must collect the data correctly, we must
well-defined class of people, events, or objects. Population is also the group of the people that
you want to find out about by doing your research. In this research, the writer will take grade
purposive sampling technique. Purposive sampling do with take subject do not based strata,
random, or region but based on purpose. Based on that statement, it is implied that not all the
population is necessarily involved in a study but only a certain number of students are
selected as representative.
Based on this technique, two classes are chosen sample. There are 70 students
become the sample to present the whole population. They divided into two groups. They
divided into two groups. The researcher chooses XI IPA-1 and XI IPA-2. Class XI IPA-2
control class.
C. Research Instrument
Instrument is a device or means used for collecting the data. In taking the data for this
research, the data will be used in the test. The test is answered by multiple choice questions in
a given sheet. Multiple choice questions are related to the Analytical Exposition Text which
contained 20 questions. Students are asked to answer the test and this test will be the
In other words, all good tests are designed to measure thestudents achievement in
applying the methods. The instrument is used to collect the data are how the two sets of test,
namely pre-test, to know the students’ ability in understanding the right structure of simple
present tense and after conducting the treatment, the writer give a post test and scored the
students. In this research, the researcher choosestest as a way to measure the students’ ability
School uniform is special clothes worn by all students of a particular school. The
uniform of a school may differ from others. Why should schools use uniforms? Below are
some reasons.
First of all, Notre Dame’s Department of Sociology produced a study in 1998
concerning school uniforms. Their findings using 10th grade students showed that uniforms
have no direct effect on “substance abuse, behavioral problems orattendance.” It also claimed
a negative effect on student achievements for those students considered ‘pro-school’.
Secondly, uniform helps to create a strong sense school ethos and a sense of
belonging to a particular community. As such it promotes discipline and helps to drive up
academic standards, which is why a uniform is often adopted by schools which are being
reopened with a fresh start after being classified as failing.
Finally, uniform acts as a social leveler, under which all students are equal in the eyes
of the school and of each other. In institutions without uniform students are often competitive
and worry endlessly about their appearance and the clothes they should wear. Pupils without
expensive designer clothes and trainers may be singled out as social outcasts, or stigmatized
as being from poor backgrounds. For these reasons many parents prefer uniforms as they save
them money on buying clothes for school wear. Considering the findings, schools should
implement the uniform as their identity. The government should also publish some kind of
rule which makes uniform compulsory for schools.(Source: English Alive for Grade XI
Published by Yudhistira 2006).
1. Based on the text above, which one is not true about the reason of using the uniform…
a. To help the teacher identify every students
b. To show the school prestige
c. To avoid the students from punishment
d. To showall students are equal in the eyes of the school and of each other
e. To make the student smarter
2. In institutions without uniform students, one will be regarded poor because he/she …
a. Does not wear a school uniform
b. Cannot afford to buy a school uniform
c. Wears no expensive designer clothes
d. Posses a bad academic record
e. Has a bad attitude at school
3. “Secondly, uniform helps to create a strong sense school ethos and a sense of belonging to
a particular community” (Paragraph 3).
What does the underlined name?
a. Action Verb
c. Verb of Thinking
d. Dependent Clause
e. Casual connective
4. The last paragraph is about …
a. The writer’s suggestion
b. The writer’s arguments
c. The writer’s reasons
d. The writer’s general statement
e. The writer’s thesis
5. “…Substance abuse, behavioral problems or attendance.” (Paragraph 2)
The antonym of the underlined word is …
a. Arrival
b. Come up
c. Appearance
d. Presence
e. Absence
Text (2).
Do you want to buy mobile phone? Don’t be hasty. There are many things to
consider. Be reasonable before making the decision.
First, you can start by asking yourself the usefulness of the equipment. The question
might be, “Do I want it for prestige or usefulness?”
Secondly, you should make a choice on the type of the mobile phone. There are
various choices in the market, so you should decide the one that meets your needs and
whether you can afford it or not.
The consequence of using a mobile phone is its high operational costs. You have to
pay more for a mobile phone compared to a fixed telephone. Therefore, you should only use
the mobile phone only for important talks.
6. The communicative purpose of the text is …
a. To describe the way things are, with reference to a range of nature
b. To present at least two point of view about an issue
c. To describe how something is accomplished
d. To give entertainment or amusement to the readers
e. to persuade the reader or listener that something is the case
7. What is the text about…
a. Things to consider before buying a mobile phone
b. The various types of mobile phone
c. The consequences of using a mobile phone
d. How to use a mobile phone effectively
e. The advantages of using a mobile phone
8. “The consequence of using a mobile phone is its high operational costs”
The underlined word refers to…
a. The prestige
b. The children
c. The mobile store
d. Costumer
e. Mobile phone
9. What is the second argument from the text above…
a. You have to pay more for a mobile phone compared to a fixed telephone.
b. The consequence of using a mobile phone is its high operational costs
c. First, you can start by asking yourself the usefulness of the equipment.
d. There are many things to consider. Be reasonable before making the decision.
e. Secondly, you should make a choice on the type of the mobile phone
10. Based from the text above, why do we use mobile phone only for important talk…
a. Because the battery is on in a short time
b. Because the usage of mobile time in a long time can make your head sick
c. Because it spends much time
d. Because it needs high operational cost
e. Because it makes you forget to do your homework
Text (3).
Everybody should change their way of life to reduce global warming. There are
several things that we can do. One of them is by buying and consuming fresh local groceries
as much as possible. It of course includes local vegetables, fruits, bread, etc.
Local groceries don’t need much transportation to get it into the market. It of course
means, the amount of carbon dioxide produced is less than the groceries from other region.
Therefore, by buying local groceries we are helping reduce the amount of carbon dioxide
Consuming fresh groceries instead of frozen ones are healthier for us. Furthermore,
fresh food or groceries means no requirements for it to be freeze up. It means that no
electricity is needed and saving energy means reducing carbon dioxide and money.
So, from now on we should consume fresh local groceries to reduce global warming.
11. The text gives us information about …
a. The ways to minimize global warning
b. The ways to increase global warning
c. The effects of global warning
d. The importance of consuming local groceries
e. The importance of knowing global warning
Text (4).
Even though many people think that national activities are usually concentrated in big
cities, village people can still receive information, education and entertainment through
television. Take the national and the world news for example. These programs generally give
its viewers the latest information on national and international events. By watching news
programs, village people can keep abreast of what’s happening on the other side of the world.
Other programs featuring the animal kingdom, farm life, cultural events, and health issues
educate the villagers on various aspects of life. These programs can certainly broaden their
horizons and hopefully give them fresh ideas on how to improve their standard of living.
Programs such as music, film series, quizzes, and dance shows with their entertaining
nature provide visual enjoyment. Relaxing at home while enjoying free entertainment is
something villagers usually look forward to after a day of hard work. So, television really
offers a lot of benefits to villagers. It gives them access to information, education, and
entertainment, thus widening their horizons.
16. What is the topic of the text…
a. Progress of television programs for villagers
b. Kinds of television programs for people in village
c. Watching television is interesting for villagers
d. Television’s programs concentrated in big cities
e. Benefit of television programs for villagers
17. “So, television really offers a lot of benefits to villagers.”
What is the function of underlined word from the sentence above…
a. To amuse the reader
b. To state argument of the writer
c. To make the text clearly
d. To entertain the reader
e. To make the reader easier to read
18. Television really provides many advantages to the villagers because...
a. It can broaden people’s knowledge and horizons in big cities
b. It gives visual enjoyment through its educational programs
c. It can give them information, education and entertainment
d. It gives fresh ideas of how to improve standard of life through its quizzes
e. It gives only free entertainment for villagers after a day of hard work
Instruments are designed to collect the data. In collecting the data the writer uses
a technique as the realization of giving test to the students. Arikunto (2006:150) stated that
test is question which is used to measure the skills, knowledge, intelligence achievement
1. Pre-test
Pre-test is one of the steps in collecting the data. In this step, the teacher asks the
student to answer the multiple choice questions from analytical exposition text without giving
any explanation before. The test consists of 20 items, it includes 4 passages and each passage
consists of 5 questions. This step is done in the beginning of lesson before the teacher
explains more about the material of lesson. In this case, teacher wants to measure the ability
2. Treatment
After doing the pre-test, teacher continues the subject with giving treatment. In
this occasion, the teacher gives more deeply the explanation of material for the students.
Treatment, which are experimental group and control group that taught by using the same
material but different technique. The experimental group was taught with small group
discussion. Meanwhile, the control group was taught with small group discussion.
3. Post-Test
Having given treatment, the students are given a post test which is similar to that
of pre-test. The function of the post-test is to know the mean scores the control group and
experimental group after getting treatment. It is also used to know whether there is a different
finding in both groups. The test consists of 20 items, it includes 4 passages and each passage
consists of 5 questions.
In scoring the test, the writer used scoring ranging from by counting the correct
The validation consists of the establishment of validity and reliability. This two
factor should be fulfilled a text before it is used to device the data in the research. The
instrument. A valid or invalid instrument has high validity. The writer assumed that the test is
valid for the purpose of the test has sufficient evidence that complete with ability to be tested.
Arikunto (2006:170) said to know the validity of the test. The writer use Coefficients
N xy x y
N. x 2
x N y 2
To see the level of validity of the test, Arikunto (2006:75), devices coefficient
any good test, for it to be valid at all; a test must first be reliable as measuring instrument.
Reliability is one of the characteristic of good test. Reliability refers to the consistency of the
Arikunto (2006:180), to obtain the reliability of the test, the writer uses the
2r1 / 21/ 2
1 r1 / 21/ 2
Table 3.4
Level of Reliability of the Test
r11 Reliability specification
0,00 – 0,20 The reliability is very low
0,21 – 0,40 The reliability is low
0,41 – 0,60 The reliability is fais
0,61 – 0,80 The reliability is high
0,81 – above The reliability is very high
G. Technique of Analyzing Data
Generally, the research method is done into two groups, first is experimental group
and second is control group observe with compare the two mean. According to Arikunto
(2006:311), the test can be done to researchfor the free random. As the main point in this
research, data analysisis used to determine the result of the research. It will show the
problems which the researcher found. So, the data will be analyzed by these following steps:
1. The researcher gives the scores of the students (experiment and control class) both pre-
test and post-test.
2. The researcher lists the experimental class as variable X and Control class as variable Y
in the table.
3. The Researcher determines the deviation of each variable, the formula that will be used
a) x= (X2 - X1)
b) y = ( Y2 - Y1)
4. The researcher calculates the Mean of variable X and Y by using these following
Arikunto (2006:312)
a) Mx =
b) My =
5. The researcher calculates the deviation of each Variable by using these formulas:
(Arikunto, 2006:312)
( d ) 2
a) x dx
2 2
( d ) 2
b) y 2
6. As what the researcher stated before, this research will be undertaken into two groups,
first is experimental group and second is control group. So, in order to know whether
there is any effect of Small Group Discussion on grade XI IPAin teaching reading
comprehension, the difference of mean score of two groups are calculated by using t-test
by using a formula from Arikunto. According to Arikunto (2006:311), the test can be
done to research for the free random. The different uses t-test formula as follows:
To find out the T-Test, The writer will use formula of t-test from Arikunto (2006:313), it
is as follow:
Mᵪ − Mᵧ
T =
∑x2 +∑ᵧ2 1 1
√[Nᵪ+Nᵧ−2] [Nᵪ + Nᵧ]