Allarmi en
Allarmi en
Allarmi en
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Spindle Alarm
Spindle alarms are generated when arises yarn quality issues or related to particular spindle
1. Spindle number;
2. Main code alarm, it start always with F...;
3. Subcode;
4. Sub-subcode (opt) – this shows the slot number in which is placed the module is causing
the alarm with the following format (n1, n2, n3, ...).
|_ | | Remove the cop, remove 20 meters of yarn from the
|_ |_| Yarn count (*) package. Start the spindle using the Stop-Start button
from the spindle panel.
|_ _| Remove the cop, remove 20 meters of yarn from the
|_ |_ Moirè (*) package. Start the spindle using the Stop-Start button
from the spindle panel.
|_ _| Remove the cop. Start the spindle using the Stop-Start
CV (*)
|_ _| button from the spindle panel.
|_ |_| Remove the cop. Start the spindle using the Stop-Start
Foreign fibre (*)
|_ | button from the spindle panel.
|_ |_ Wrap from Remove the piece of yarn. Start the spindle using the
|_ |_| clearer Stop-Start button from the spindle panel.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
|_ | Remove the wrap, if it’s big remove the package. Start the
Winder Wrap
|_ | spindle using the Stop-Start button from the spindle panel.
|_ |_| Remove the package immediately or upon lenght is
|_ |_| Max number of reached (the doffing will not take place automatically).
package joints. Start the spindle using the Stop-Start button from the
spindle panel.
|_ |_| Max number of Remove the cop. Start the spindle using the Stop-Start
|_ _| cop cuts. button from the spindle panel.
|_ _ Other yarn Remove the cop. Start the spindle using the Stop-Start
|_ |_| clearer alarms (*) button from the spindle panel.
N.B.: To recover completely the alarm from clearers (marked with (*))) the operator have to remove
the cause of alarm and after that make a reset using the dedicated clearer button.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
_ _ Internal module alarm
|_ | | _ Communication (no (*) Generally this means that there are
| |_| |_| | answer) communication problems coming from
| | | the module indicated in the Sub-
subcode. Try to reset the condition
_ _ Communication (bad using the Stop-Start button from the
|_| _| answer) spindle panel, If the condition persist
| | |_ exchange the module. Please signal to
Savio the exact display code-
_ _
|_| _| Fail to download the user
| | _| program
|_| |_| Fail to communicate the
| | | user program
_ _
|_| |_
Fail on bootloader reboot
| | _|
_ _
|_| |_
Not supported module
| | |_|
_ _
| | | User software fail:
|_ |_| function 0
| | User software fail:
|_ | function 1
_ _
| _| User software fail:
|_ |_ function 2
_ _
| _| User software fail:
|_ _| function 3
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
_ _ No 24 V
|_| | |
| | |_|
|_| |
No 24 VS
| | |
(*) Check the voltages coming out from
_ _ the spindle Power supply.
|_| _|
No 24 VC
| | |_
_ _
|_| _|
No 36 VC
| | _|
|_| |_|
No 5 VC
| | |
_ _ Clearer alarm
|_ _| _ (*) Check:
| |_ |_| | Communication lost - Connection cable and clearer
|_| | detector;
- Clearer spindle board.
_ _
The clearer detector could be dirty:
|_| _|
Clearer technical alarm clean it accurately.
|_| |_
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
_ _
| | | No communication
Board problem or cabling problem. (*)
|_ |_|
| |
Communication error Peg without TAG. (*)
|_ |
_ _
| _| Check presence of TAG on the peg.
|_ |_ Change TAG.
_ _
| _| Try to reset, if the alarms persist then
Error writing TAG
|_ _| change TAG. (*)
Peg with a not correct code. Format it
| |_|
Wrong code again and write. If the alarms persist
|_ |
then change TAG
_ _
The lever was opened but no peg
| |_ No capture after Peg lever
captured. Check if the the cop is of the
|_ _| opened
right lot.
_ _
Problem with TAG or antenna coil.
| |_
Error accessing TAG Check antenna continuity, format TAG,
|_ |_|
change antenna, change TAG (*)
_ _
| | | Check coil continuity and change it if
No coil
|_ | needed. (*)
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
_ _ (*)
|_| _| Check:
Extra-temperature on
|_| _| - applied condition
control board
- group control board
_ (*)
|_| |_| Check:
Extra-temperature on
|_| | - Motor windings;
- group control board;
_ _ (*)
|_| | | Check:
_| |_| Communication error - communication cabling;
- group control module board.
_ (*)
|_| | Check:
No zero
_| | - zero sensor functionality;
- group control module board;
_ _ - sensor cabling;
|_| _| - motor.
Always at zero
_| |_
|_| |_|
Always at zero in idle
_| |
_ _
|_| |_ Reset and restart
Movement timeout
_| _|
_ _
|_| |_| Send the spindle configuration; or
Error on configuration
_| _| check the firmware
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
_ (*)
|_| | Check:
| | | - zero sensor functionality;
Error on zero setup phase
- group control module board;
- sensor cabling;
- motor.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
_ _ _ _ (*)
|_ |_| |_| _| Check:
| |_| Motor steps losses
|_| |_ - possible mechanical blockages;
- motor.
_ _ (*)
|_| _| Check:
Double zero
|_| _| - zero sensor functionality;
- group control module board;
_ - sensor cabling.
|_| |_|
Zero out of position
|_| |
_ _
|_| |_
Error on zero setup phase
|_| _|
_ _
|_| _| Zero found before
_| |_ expected position
_ _
|_| _| Zero not found in the
_| _| expected position
_ (*) Check:
|_ | | Error during heating splicer - connection/functionality of PTC;
|_| |_| (F7) - PTC driving board;
- Cabling.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
_ _
|_| _| Check motor, motor connections to
Over Speed
|_| |_ brushless driving board. (*)
_ _
|_| _| Low voltage for IGBT Check voltage +16V on spindle power
|_| _| drivers supply board. (*)
|_| |_| Wait for cooling and then re-start
|_| | spindle; check working data. (*)
_ _
|_| |_ Change fuse on brushless driver
Low voltage (broken fuse)
|_| _| board. (*)
_ _
|_| |_ Check motor or brushless driver board.
Over Current
|_| |_| (*)
_ _
|_| | |
Noisy Encoder Check motor, drum and cablings. (*)
_| |_|
|_| |
_| |
Check motor, drum and cablings;
_ _ change motor o spindle CPU board. (*)
|_| _|
Over Speed (spindle CPU)
_| |_
_ _
|_| _|
Communication error Check cablings. (*)
_| _|
|_| |_| Check motor or brushless driver board.
Saturation overtime
_| | (*)
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
|_| | Check package encoder sensor;
_| | change spindle CPU board. (*)
_ _
|_| _|
Over Speed (spindle CPU)
_| |_
_ _
|_| | | Axial displacement: no
Check zero sensor and cabling (*)
| | |_| zero
|_ |
| |_ _
| |
No communication
|_ |
_ _
| _|
Communication error
|_ |_
Board problem or cabling problem. (*)
_ _
| _|
Bad execution
|_ _|
| |_|
Generic failure
|_ |
_ _
| |_|
Antenna failure Damaged or unplugged antenna. (*)
|_ |_|
|_ |
Missing TAG Check TAG (*)
|_| |
|_ _| Missing or unformatted
Check TAG (*)
|_| |_ TAG
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
|_ _|
Wrong TAG Check TAG (*)
|_| _|
|_ |_
Wrong TAG Check TAG (*)
|_| _|
Incongruence between
|_| |
measured and estimated
_| |
ratio, high
_ _
Incongruence between
|_| _|
measured and estimated Check setting of build-up value. (*)
_| |_
ratio, low
_ _
|_| _|
Bad Resincronization
_| _|
_ Tensor alarm
|_ |_ _ _ The value read from tensor in steady
| |_ |_| | | Steady state Average state condition is not valid (during P2
_| |_| value, not valid. phase). Try to reset it, if persist change
tensor sensor (*)
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
_ _
|_| | | Change the wax, then re-start pushing
| | |_| Wax end STOP button for 2 seconds and then
N.B.: All above points marked with asterisk (*) have to be attended by specialized technician.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Headstock alarm.
The Headstock alarms can be summarized in the following categories:
Alarm N. Description Suggestion
1 Suction door opened Close the door, check the door switch or CPU
control board.
2 EEPROM Error Reset the alarm and send the Headstock
configuration datas from the PC. If the problem
persist try to change CPU control board.
3 Contact KI1, line 400V suction Check functionality/cabling contactor KI1, change
inverter CPU control board.
4 Suction inverter: missing Contact The Contact OK signal is not present. Check
OK cabling, CPU control board, suction inverter.
5 Under-pressure The compressed air line has a value below the
lower limit admissible for operating condition.Wait
for the air compressed line come back to
operating values.
6 Emergency Emergency switch is pressed; release the switch
or check the correct functionality of it.
10 Contactor KM9, package discharge Check functionality/cablings contactor KM9, CPU
belt drive control board.
11 Package discharge belt:
Cycle timeout
Check functionality/cablings encoder sensor.
12 Package discharge belt:
Start timeout
13 Doffing trolley consent timeout for Check the doffing trolley state, reset trolley
package discharge belt starting alarms if needed.
20 Contactor KM3, Blower drive Check functionality/cablings contactor KM3, CPU
control board.
21 Blower: Check for problem along the Blower path and/or
Cycle timeout functionality/regulation.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
9 Power fault: A3
14 External alarm: A8
Refer to the Inverter’s Short Form Manual.
15 Over-frequency: A9
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Alarm condition is signaled blinking quickly the RED LIGHT and showing a sequence of alpha-
numerical codes on the trolley front display; the format is as follow:
F xx ... (1 sec.) ... yyy ... (1 sec.) … zzz … (1 sec.) … kkk
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
19 Board alarm for peg The control board for peg rotation motor is on alarm. If just
rotation motor updated or reset some boards, try to reset the alarm. If
(description of motor alarm persists check communication bus and power cabling
20 Board alarm for motor The control board for belt motor is on alarm. If just updated
belt (description of motor or reset some boards, try to reset the alarm. If alarm
alarm) persists check communication bus and power cabling.
21 Blocked peg between The pegs released from anti-tangle peg block device don't
anti-tangle peg block arrive to yarn finder station. Check the presence of dirt,
device and station. photocell B2,B3 and valve YV2
22 Blocked peg at entrance Consistency test: there are pegs on sensor SQ2 but not on
line anti-tangle peg block device. Check pegs on entrance line.
Check sensor SQ2 and photocell B2.
23 Blocked peg at station Same as alarm N.6
24 Blocked peg at exit line Consistency test: there are pegs on sensor SQ11 but not on
sensor SQ10. Check pegs at exit line. Check sensors
25 Cannot configure peg Cannot configure or communicate with peg rotation motor
rotation motor board board J50.3.AP2. Check communication bus and power
26 Cannot configure belt Cannot configure or communicate with belt motor board
motor board J50.2.AP2. Check communication bus and power cabling.
29 No communication with No communication with TAG reader board. Try to switch off
TAG reader board and the on the TAG reader board. Check cables.
Alarm Description Trouble shooting
1 Board alarm for feeler The control board for feeler station motor is on alarm. If just
station motor (description updated or reset some boards, try to reset the alarm. If
of motor alarm) alarm persists check communication bus and power cabling
2 Configuration error for Cannot send configuration to feeler station motor board. If
feeler station motor just updated or reset some boards, try to reset the alarm. If
board alarm persists check communication bus and power cabling
3 Bobbin detection sensor Bobbin sensor SQ4 is always OFF (it means that a bobbin
is not working is present) even when there is no peg. Check SQ4 sensor
operation and adjustment.
loader motor (description updated or reset some boards, try to reset the alarm. If
of motor alarm) alarm persists check communication bus and power cabling
2 Configuration error for Cannot send configuration to tube loader motor board. If
tube loader motor board just updated or reset some boards, try to reset the alarm. If
alarm persists check communication bus and power cabling
3 No tubes in storage drum Put some tubes on drum. Check photocell B1.
4 Tube presence photocell Photocell B1 is always OFF. Check photocell operation and
is not working adjustment.
Alarm Description Trouble shooting
1 Board alarm for ramp The control board for ramp motor is on alarm. If just updated
motor (description of or reset some boards, try to reset the alarm. If alarm
motor alarm) persists check communication bus and power cabling
2 Configuration error for Cannot send configuration to ramp motor board. If just
ramp motor board updated or reset some boards, try to reset the alarm. If
alarm persists check communication bus and power cabling
3 TAG reader antenna is TAG reader antenna WC4 is not communicating or is not
not configured configured. If just updated or reset some boards, try to reset
the alarm. If alarm persists check the antenna connection
and the power cabling
4 TAG operation failed Cannot read TAG data with antenna WC4. Try to change
(description of error the TAG. If alarm persists check the TAG reader board and
code) the antenna
5 Timeout in TAG A TAG reader antenna WC4 operation took too time to
operation complete and was skipped. Try to change the TAG. If alarm
persists check the TAG reader board and the antenna.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
configured alarm. If alarm persists check the antenna connection and the
power cabling
It may happen upon the
Reset the alarm and send the Stripper
1 EEprom Error first power-on or after a
configuration data from the PC.
software upgrade.
Check the functionality of zero cycle
sensor SQ2.
The upper end limit Press switch-button SB3, set the
Upper end limit switch was activated selector SB4 in the Manual position,
reached (SQ4) during cycle (automatic or then press the button SB2 until the end
manual). limit is free.
Now put the switch-button SB3 in
Automatic mode.
Check the functionality of zero cycle
sensor SQ2.
The lower end limit switch Press switch-button SB3, set the
Lower end limit was activated during selector SB4 in the Manual position,
reached (SQ5) cycle (automatic or then press the button SB1 until the end
manual). limit is free.
Now put the switch-button SB3 in
Automatic mode.
Check the carriage position on sensor
Out of zero SQ2 and/or that the peg-pliers position
The carriage or peg-pliers
position with activated piston is sensed by
4 are not in position.
(cycle out of zero) sensor
Peg photocell is ON
during cycle or during
Check functionality of B2 photocell.
zero setup phase, or after
Peg locked Check functionality of sensor SQ1.
5 a peg release, or peg-
Check for peg blocking condition.
pliers sensor is ON during
Peg moving out Timeout expired when Check functionality of peg blocking lever
6 from working peg is moving out from or to B2 photocell. Check functionality
position timeout working position of the peg belt.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
There’s a locking
Check for problem on the rack during
condition during rack
7 Rack Encoder falling down course; check functionality
movement, or the sensor
and regulation of sensor SQ3.
SQ3 is not working well.
Optical barrier is ON
9 Optical barrier when peg-pliers is at Check functionality and regulation of
zero. photocell B1.
Check the area over the extruding
Optical barrier is ON at device.
10 Failed suction
cycle end.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
This alarm is generated when a
command is given to the
Comb stepping Check the SQ4 probe, the M1
1 stepping motor M1 to move
Motor movement motor, the probe signal
towards the zero probe (J13
Timeout on the card (wiring), the card.
SQ4) and the motor fails to
reach it within 600 ms.
This alarm is generated when a
Check probes B7 and B8, their
peg is released twice by the
position, the deviator control valve
Peg movement dirty clean station without
2 YV5, adjustment of the probe that
Timeout seeing it pass by the correct
detects the peg in the dirty clean
deviation control probes (B7
station (B5).
and B8).
This alarm is generated when
the peg is not seen coming from
Peg exiting from
the sensor at the end of the Check photoelectric cell B5 or the
3 Dirty Clean
station after 5 attempts at valve YV3.
operating the ”block
Extraction Ramp ACK not received from the
4 not receiving Tail extraction ramp card after 1.2 Check the serial connection.
Elements seconds of attempts.
This alarm is generated when
the peg is not seen coming from
Peg exiting from
the sensor at the end of the Check photoelectric cell B6 or the
5 Tube Cleaner
station after 5 attempts at valve YV6.
operating the ”block
This alarm is generated when a
Waste Tube Check operation of the deviator
peg deviated towards the
Deviation Error cleaner ramp and of the valve
6 cleaner branch is seen by the
towards the Tube YV5, clean the ramp deviation
control probe relative to the
Cleaner safety photoelectric cell.
extraction ramp branch.
The tubes have to be cleaned by
Cleaning Waste Cleaner bobbin accumulation
7 hand and the branch freed,
Tubes branch full of part bobbins.
pressing the relative button.
This alarm is generated when
Lack of Tag or
there is serial communication
with the antenna card but there Check TAG presence on the peg,
reading of
8 is no positive result in the TAG communication cable between
Antenna (Check
reading command (alarm cards or the electronic cards.
Cable or
condition only on Duo Lot or
electronic Board)
spindle identification).
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Peg Code not Peg with invalid lot code (alarm TAG has to be reprogrammed
valid condition only on Duo Lot). with the right code
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Check BASF2
8 +24V voltage missing for I/O.
fuse, +24V missed
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
1 F1 Fuse of Feeler
Change fuse F1 on the card.
Station Board
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Check BASF2
18 +24V voltage missing for I/O.
fuse, +24V missed
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
PICK UP STATION 1 ( 8 – 9 )
Check the electro pneumatic
This alarm is generated when working of the rotation
the centre closing solenoid rollers centre command valve J11
1 Centre closing not
valve is commanded and no YV4, J12 YV4; check adjustment
transition is seen in the centre of the centre closing feeler J11
closing feeler for 1 second. SQ1 (pick up station 1) and J12
SQ1 (pick up station 2).
Check the electro pneumatic
This alarm is generated when working of the foot low
the foot low solenoid valve is command valve J11 YV7, J12
2 commanded and no transition is YV7; check adjustment of the foot
seen in the foot movement movement control feeler J11 SQ2
control feeler for 1 second. (pick up station 1) and J12 SQ2
(pick up station 2).
This alarm is generated when, Check the adjustment and
Centre not in
at the beginning of a bobbin tail operation of the centre closing
3 position at Cycle
pick up cycle, the centre closing feeler J11 SQ1 (pick up station 1)
feeler is not on the metal notch. and J12 SQ1 (pick up station 2).
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
This can occur when starting the tube cleaner for the first time or
subsequent to a software update. Reset the alarm and send the
configuration data again to the tube cleaner.
EEPROM READING Eeprom access error, probably a hardware problem on the CPU
ERROR card.
Writing error, probably a hardware problem on the CPU card.
The top limit switch (SQ4) trips during a tube cleaning cycle. Reset
the alarm with the push button on the Ispector Control.
Press the descent push button on the control panel and set the tube
cleaner in normal operating conditions.
The bottom limit switch (SQ5) trips during a tube cleaning cycle.
Reset the alarm via the push button on the Ispector Control.
Press the ascent push button on the control panel and set the tube
cleaner in normal operating conditions.
Peg inlet photocell (B4) free with the measuring area control
photocell continuously covered.
ASCENT AUXILIARY The auxiliary device of the trolley ascent command contactor fails to
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
DESCENT AUXILIARY The auxiliary device of the trolley descent command contactor fails
No signal received from the encoder sensor when the geared motor
is working.
TUBE CHECK The photocell that controls the stripping area (B1) is covered at the
PHOTOCELL STILL ON start of the cycle.
TUBE CHECK The signals coming from the stripping area control photocell (B1)
PHOTOCELL are not relevant to the work cycle in progress.
The photocell that controls the stripping area (B1) remains covered
after the cycle is finished.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
The feeler control card fails to send photocell status.
This alarm can only occur with use of the double lot.
Error in communication between the tube cleaner card and the code
reader antenna card.
This alarm can only occur with use of the double lot.
Error in reading a peg code.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
It is signalled if it continues
Bobbin Exit from Verify the correct operation of the
1 detecting a bobbin on the roller
Vibrator Transfer bobbin presence probe J22 SQ5
after having commanded the
Roller and roller motor rotation J22 M5 .
roller twice for 4 s.
From roller start to expiry of the
Bobbin from 4 s timeout, the bobbin came Verify the correct operation of the
2 Vibrator Transfer out of the bobbin on roller bobbin in holder presence probe
Roller presence probe but it did not J22 SQ6 .
get to the holder.
The auxiliary contact did not
Check operation of the contactor
Belts auxiliary close within 1 sec from the
3 J22 KM2, of the auxiliary contact
Contactor not OK command of the feeder belt
and their wiring.
contactor KM2.
With the bin still not in the
Check the belts motor J22 M2,
maximum raised position, the
bobbin on circular transferring
No Bobbins from feeder belts are commanded for
4 device detection photoelectric cell
Belts 2 min without any bobbins
J22-B2, bin up control probe
reaching the circular
J22-SQ1 .
transferring device.
With the bin still not in the
maximum raised position, the Check the bobbin outlet from
circular transferring device has circular transferring
No Bobbins from
been commanded for 2 min. device sensor J22-SQ5, bin up
5 Vibrator Transfer
without any bobbins reaching control probe J22-SQ1, circular
the bobbin outlet from the transferring device control
circular transferring device equipment J22-A2.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Insufficient voltage Power supply voltage level Check with an instrument the real
(<18 V) below minimum admissible. power supply voltage level.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Sede Legale e Stabilimento Web:
33170 Pordenone PN - Via Udine, 105 Capitale Sociale: Euro 13.000.000 i.v.
Casella Postale: 186-223 Partita IVA, Codice Fiscale e iscrizione
Telefono (+39) 0434 3971 - 0434 522473 nel Registro delle Imprese di Pordenone
Telefax (+39) 0434 397656 - 0434 21951 n. 01291010930 - R.E.A. 55224
Cod. Mecc. C.C.I.A.A. PN n. 012639
Società controllata da Itema Holding S.p.A.
Problems with
loading position It happen with a photoelectric Check photoelectric cell
tube presence cell not properly adjusted. adjustment .
photoelectric cell
Motor not running A control is given to the motor Check the motor connection,
in the setup phase but the drum does not rotate. cards AP4 - AP5.
Not in zero The drum cannot position after P4 SQ2 Sensor. Visually check if
position a cycle. the drum rotates to position.