by Textile Engineers on Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 12:45pm
Q1: Calculate the fineness of yarn in English count system which weighs 5 lbs and length
of yarn is 13k.m
Given DATA:
Weight 5 lbs
Length oI yarn 13 km (1k.m 1093.6133yds)
Required Data:
Fineness oI yarn ?
Formula Used:
Fineness/count 3.38
Q2: Calculate the fineness of cotton yarn in metric system which weighs 2.5kgs and length
of yarn is 75000metres
Given DATA:
Weight 2.5kgs
Length oI yarn 75000 meters (1km1000mtrs)
Required Data:
Fineness oI yarn ?
Formula Used:
Fineness/count Length in km/wt in kgs
Fineness/count 75/2.5
Fineness/count 30count
Q3: The surface speed of 0.875 front roller of ring is 500in/min if the twist constant is 960
and the twist wheel is of 48T. Find the (1)Rpm of spindle (2)Rpm of Front roller
Given Data:
F.R dia 0.875`
S.Speed oI F.R roller 500 in/min
Twist Constant 960
Twist wheel 48T
Required Data:
Rpm oI spindle
Rpm oI Front roller
Formula Used:
Spindle Speed TPI x Delivery oI Front roller in in/min (1)
Front Roller Speed S.S oI F.R roller (2)
CircumIerence oI F.R
O e will find spindle speed by using formula no:1
Spindle Speed 20 x 500 in/min
Spindle Speed 10,000 rpm
O e will find front roller speed by using formula no:2
Front roller Speed (rpm) 500 in/min
3.14 x 0.875
Front roller Speed (rpm) 182 rpm
Q4: what will be the production in ounces/spindle in 8 hrs of a ring frame spinning 28`s
count and working at 84 efficiency? If 1 dia of F.R makes 140 rpm
Given data:
Time 8 hrs 8 x 60 480 min
Count 28`s
EIIiciency 84 0.84
F.R dia 1
Speed oI F.R 140 rpm
Required Data:
Production in ounces/spindle ?
Formula Used:
Production 3.14 x 1 x 140 rpm x 480min x 0.84
36 x 28 x 840
Production 0.209 lbs
Production 0.209 lbs/spindle x 16 (multiply by 16 Ior conversion oI lbs to ounces)
Production 3.34 ozs/spindle
Q5: A ring frame with 54 teeth T. produces a yarn with TPI, if T. of 60 is put in the
machine, what will be the TPI in machine?
Given data:
Present wheel 54 T
Present TPI 15
Required Wheel 60 T
Required Data
Required TPI ?
Formula Used:
Required TPI Present TPI x Present Wheel
Required Wheel
Required TPI 15 x 54
Required TPI 13.5
Q7: Calculate the production of ring frame in lbs/hr, lbs/shift and lbs/day. If spindle speed
is 18000rpm, count of yarn is 30`s and twist per inch is 22.5 turns while the efficiency of
machine is 94 and no of spindle is 940?
Given data:
Spindle speed 18000rpm
Count 30`s
TPI 22.5 turns
EIIiciency 94
Number oI spindles 940
Required Data:
Production in lbs/hr ?
Production in lbs/shiIt, and ?
Production in lbs/day ?
Formula Used:
Production spindle speed x time x no oI spindles x x
36 x count x 840 x TPI
Production/hr 18000 x 60 x 940 x 0.94
36 x 30 x 840 x 22.5
Production 46.71lbs/hr
Production/shiIt 46.71 x 8
Production/shift 374.008lbs/shift
Production/day 374.008 x 3
Production/day 1122.024 lbs/day
Q8: calculate the production in ops of a ring frame, the spinning of a yarn is 7.2`s and
working at 90 efficiency, twist multiplier is 4.2 and spindle speed is 11000 rpm while the
machine has 960 spindles
Given data:
Count 7.2`s
EIIiciency 90
Twist multiplier 4.2
Spindle speed 11000 rpm
Spindles 960
Required Data:
Production in ops ?
Formula Used:
Production (ops) Spindle speed x 0.254 x
Count x TPI
Prod/lbs/day spindle speed x time x no oI spindles x
Count x TPI x 840 x 36
TPI 4.2 x
TPI 11.026
Production (ops) Spindle speed x 0.254 x
Count x TPI
Production (ops) 11,000 rpm 0.254 x 0.90
7.2 x 11.026
Production (ops) 31.617ops/shift
Prod/lbs/day spindle speed x time x no oI spindles x
count x TPI x 840 x 36
Prod/lbs/day 11,000rpm x 1440 x 960 x 0.90
7.2 x 11.026 x 840 x 36
Prod/lbs/day 5582.489lbs/day
Q10: Calculate the total draft and TPI of 20`s count warp if the hank feed is 1.0 and twist
multiplier is 3.91
Given data:
Count 20`s
ank Ieed 1.0
Twist multiplier 3.91
Twist Contraction Ior warp 1.04
Twist Contraction Ior weIt 1.045
Required Data:
Total draIt ?
Formula Used:
Total draIt ank Delivered contraction oI warp (1)
ank Feed
O e will calculate total draft by using formula no: 1
Total draIt 20 1.04
Total draft 21.04
O e will calculate TPI by using formula no: 2
TPI 3.91 x
TPI 17.48turns
Q11: Calculate the doffing time of ring frame if count of yarn is 30`s, weight of bobbin is
65g, spindle speed is 16,000rpm and TPI is 18
Given data:
Count 30
Bobbin weight 65gram 0.143 lbs
Spindle speed 16000 rpm
TPI 18
Required Data:
DoIIing Time ?
Formula Used:
DoIIing time length delivered (yards) (1)
Delivery speed
Delivery speed Spindle Speed (2)
TPI x 36
Length in Yards count x 840 x weight in lbs (3)
O e will calculate Length in yards by using formula no:3
Length in Yards 30 x 840 x 0.143
Length in Yards 3611.11yds
O e will calculate Delivery speed by using formula no:2
Delivery speed 16,000rpm
18 x 36
Delivery speed 24.69
O e will calculate Doffing Time by using formula no:1
DoIIing time 3611.11yds
Doffing time 146.257minutes
Q12: The speed of Spindle and F.R of 1 dia is \10,800 rpm and 98 rpm respectively. The
dia of full package bobbin is 1. calculate
(1) The travelor speed when yarn is wound on the largest dia of bobbin
(2) TPI put in yarn by travelor, when winding on dia of base(empty) bobbin and 1
bobbin ?
Given data:
Spindle speed 10,800 rpm
F.R speed 98 rpm
F.R dia 1
Bobbin dia (Iull) 1 1.375
Bobbin dia (empty) 0.5
Formula Used:
Travelor speed Spindle speed Winding speed (1)
Winding speed Delivery oI F.R p x d x N (2)
CircumIerence oI Bobbin px d
(1) The travelor speed when yarn is wound on the largest dia of bobbin
Winding speed p x d x N
p x d
Winding speed 3.14 x 1 x 98rpm
3.14 x 1.375
inding speed 71.27
Travelor speed Spindle speed Winding speed
Travelor speed 10,800 71.27
Travelor speed 10728.73rpm
TPI Trvelor Speed (rpm)
p x d x N
TPI 10728.73
3.14 x 1 x 98
TPI 34.86
(2)TPI put in yarn by travelor, when winding on dia of base(empty) bobbin and 1
Winding speed p x d x N
p x d
Winding speed 3.14 x 14 x 98
3.14 x 0.5
inding speed 196 rpm
Travelor speed Spindle speed Winding speed
Travelor speed 10,800 196
Travelor speed 10604rpm
TPI Trvelor Speed (rpm)
p x d x N
TPI 10604
3.14 x 1 x 98
TPI 34.4
Q13: calculate average count of the mill from following data:
COUNT 16`s 25`s 36`s
TM 4 4.2 4.3
Time 24hrs 24hrs 24hrs
Efficiency 84 84 90
Spindles 4000 10,000 10,320
Spindle speed 8800rpm 9030rpm 9408rpm
Formula Used:
Production spindle speed x time x no oI spindles x (1)
Count x TPI x 840 x 36
TPI TM x (2)
Total hanks production x count (3)
Average Count Total anks (4)
Total production
For count of 16`s
TPI 4 x
TPI 16
Now, we will calculate production by using its Iormula (1)
Production 8800 x 1440 x 0.84 x 4000
16 x 16 x 840 x 36
Production 5500.0024
Total hanks 5500.0024 x 16
Total hanks 88000.044
For count of 25`s
TPI 4.2 x
TPI 21
Now, we will calculate production by using its Iormula (1)
Production 9030 x 1440 x 0.84 x 10000
25 x 21 x 840 x 36
Production 6879.9629
Total hanks 6879.9629x 25
Total hanks 171999.073
For count of 36`s
TPI 4.3 x
TPI 25.8
Now, we will calculate production by using its Iormula (1)
Production 9408 x 1440 x 0.90 x 10320
36 x 25.8 x 840 x 36
Production 4479.996
Total hanks 4479.996 x 36
Total hanks 161279.864
Now we will calculate average count by using formula (4)
Average Count 421278.981
Average Count 24.986
Q14: Calculate the ends down percentage of a 40`s count on ring frame E1M-168, having
840spindles, and total no of ends down is 40?
Given data:
Count 40
Number oI spindles 840
Ends down 40
Required Data:
Ends down ?
Formula Used:
Ends down Total ends down x 100
No: oI spindles
Ends down 40 x 100
Ends down 4.76
Q15: Calculate spindle speed of E1M 168 ring frame if the motor speed is 1760rpm, motor
pulley dia is 160mm, machine pulley dia is 223mm, tin pulley dia is 200mm, tape thickness
is 0.5mm and spindle wharve is 20.2mm?
Given data:
Motor speed 1760rpm
Motor pulley dia 160mm
Machine pulley dia 223mm
Tin pulley dia 200mm
Tape thickness 0.5mm
Spindle wharve 20.2mm
Required data:
Spindle speed ?
Formula used:
Spindle speed (Motor speed x motor pulley dia) X (tape thickness Tin pulley dia)
Machine pulley dia (Spindle wharve Tape thickness)
Spindle speed (1760 x 160) X (0.5 200)
223 (20.2 0.5)
Spindle speed 1262.78 X 9.685
Spindle speed 12231.2rpm
Q16: Calculate the doffing time of ring frame, spinning 20`s count and weight of bobbin is
60g, spindle speed is 16500rpm and TPI is 17.5
Given data:
Count 20`s
Bobbin weight 60g 0.1322lbs
Spindle speed 16500rpm
TPI 17.5
Required Data:
DoIIing time ?
Formula Used:
DoIIing time length delivered (yards) (1)
Delivery speed
Delivery speed Spindle Speed (2)
TPI x 36
Length delivered (Yards) count x 840 x weight in lbs (3)
O e will calculate length delivered by using formula no: 3
Length delivered (Yards) count x 840 x weight in lbs
Length delivered (Yards) 20 x 840 x 0.1322
Length delivered (Yards) 2220.96yds
O e will calculate delivery speed by using formula no: 2
Delivery speed 16,500rpm
17.5 x 36
Delivery speed 26.190
O e will calculate doffing time by using formula no: 1
DoIIing time 2220.96
Doffing time 84.801minutes
Q17: the spindle speed of ring frame 10,000 and surface speed of front roller 440in/min.
Calculate travelor speed in feet/sec, if the dia of ring is 2, also calculate rpm of travelor
when winding on bobbin
Given data:
Spindle speed 10,000rpm
SurIace speed oI F.Roller 440in/min
Ring dia 2
Bobbin dia 7/4 1.75
Required data:
Travelor speed (It/sec) ?
Travelor speed (rpm) ?
Formula Used:
Winding Speed Delivery speed oI F.R (1)
CircumIerence oI bobbin (p x d)
Travelor Speed (rpm) Spindle speed winding speed (2)
Travelor Speed (It/sec) p x dia oI ring x travelor rpm x x (3)
( For conversion oI inches to Ieet and with rpm to rps)
O e calculate winding speed by using (1) formula
Winding Speed 440
3.14 x 1.75
inding Speed 80.07rpm
O e calculate Travelor Speed (rpm) by using (2) formula
Travelor Speed (rpm) 10000 80.07
Travelor Speed (rpm) 9919.93rpm
O e calculate Travelor Speed (ft/sec) by using (3) formula
Travelor Speed (It/sec) 3.14 x 2 x 9919.93 x x
Travelor Speed (It/sec) 62297.16
Travelor Speed (ft/sec) 86.523ft/sec
Q18: A ring frame of 38/0spindles is driven by a motor at1460rpm and 8dia pulley on it.
Dia of machine pulley is 11 the tin roller of 30T wheel drive 1414T twist carrier wheel,
the twist wheel drives 88T front roller by means of 100Tcarrier wheel. The dia font roller
and tin roller, and spindles wharves are 1, 10, and 1 respectively. If the machine works
for 8hrs at 84 and spinning 60`s count with 3.9 twist factor/multiplier. Calculate twist
wheel running machine and production in lbs
Given data
No oI spindles 380
Motor speed 1460rpm
Motor pulley dia 8
Machine pulley dia 11
Tin roller wheel 30T
Twist carrier wheel 141T
Front roller 88T
Carrier wheel 100T
Front roller dia 1
Tin roller dia 10
Spindle wharve 1
Time 8hrs 480min
E 84 0.84
Count 60`s
T.M 3.9
Required data:
Twist Wheel ?
Production in lbs ?
Formula Used:
F.R Speed Machine Speed X Motor pulley X Driver (1)
Machine pulley Driven
Production p x d x N x F.R speed x Time x No oI spindles x (2)
36 x Count x 840
Twist Constant Driver x F.R roller dia
Driven B.R roller dia/circumIerence oI F.R(p x d) (3)
TPI TM x count(count in under radical) (4)
TCW TC (5)
First we will calculate FR speed by using formula no (1)
F.R Speed 1460 x 8 x 30 x 100
11 141 88
F.R Speed 256.70rpm
Now we will calculate production by using formula no (2)
Production 3.14 x 1 x 256.70 x F.R speed x 480 x 380 x 0.84
36 x 60 x 840
Now we will calculate Twist constant by using formula no (3)
Twist Constant 88 x 141 x 10
1 30 3.14 x 1
Twist Constant 1317.19
Now we will calculate TPI by using formula no (4)
TPI 3.9 x
TPI 30.209 turns
Now we will calculate TC by using formula no (5)
TCW 1317.19
TCW 43.6T
TC 44T (approx)
Q19: calculate the efficiency of ring frame if the production is 3.35oz/spindle. If machine is
running for 8hrs and spinning 28`s and dia of front roller is 1 which makes 140rpm
Given data:
Production 3.35oz/lb
Time 8hrs 480min
Count 28`s
F.R dia 1
F.R speed 140rpm
Required Data:
EIIiciency ?
Formula Used:
Production OPS x 36 x 840 x count
p x d x N x time x 16
We will calculate eIIiciency by using Iormula (1)
Production 3.35 x 36 x 840 x 28
3.14 x 1 x 140 x480 x16
Production 0.24461
EIIiciency 3.35 X 100
Efficiency 84.1
Q20: hich twist wheel will be required, for a ring frame, for spinning of 20`s count, on
the same TM? If machines producing 16`s count on 50T twist wheel?
Given data:
New Count 20`s
Present Count 16`s
Twist wheel 50T
Formula Used:
New Twist wheel required Present T.W X
Twist wheel required 50 X
Twist wheel required44.7T
Twist wheel required45T
Q21: Ring Frame Draft is changed from 28 to 32 from the same roving in the creel if the
present draft change wheel is 40T which one will be the new wheel?
Given data:
Present draIt 28
Required DraIt 32
Present wheel 40T
Required wheel??
Formula Used:
Required Wheel Present wheel X Present draIt
Required DraIt
Required Wheel 40 X 28
Required heel 35T
AUTOCONE Calculation`s
Q1: A winding machine of 120 spindles is working 28`s count from ring spinning bobbins
to cones\. The surface speed of 10 diameter drum is 700yds/min. calculate the weight of
ring spun yarn in counts required by the machine`s in 8hr`s. if the efficiency of the machine
is 84?
(b) If 1 is hard waste
Given data:
Spindles 120
Count 28
SurIace speed 700yds/min
Drum dia 10
Time 480min
EIIiciency 84 0.84
Required Data:
Weight/prod ?
Formula Used:
Prod N X Time X EII X No oI spindles (1)
Count X 840
e will calculate weight by using formula no:1
Prod 700X 480 X 0.84 X 120
28 X 840
Prod 1440 lb`s
(b)If 1 is hard waste
(1440 X 0.01) 1440
Q2: Calculate the doffing time of autoconer if the count is 20`s, weight of bulk cone is
4.1666 lb`s. Motor speed is 65mm while drum dia is 95mm and m/c pulley dia is 60mm?
Given data:
Count 4.1666
Motor speed 2830rpm
Motor pulley dia 65mm 2.559
Drum dia 95mm 3.740
M/c pulley dia 60mm 2.36
Formula Used:
Length in yds count X 840 X wt in lb`s (1)
Delivery sped motor speed X motor pulley dia X circumIerence oI drum (2)
M/c pulley dia
DoIIing time length in yards (3)
Delivery speed
O We will Iind length in yards by using Iormula no: 1
Length in yards 20X 540 X 4.1666
Length in yards 69998.8
O Now we will Iind delivery speed by using Iormula no: 2
Delivery speed2830 X 2.559 X 3.14 (3.740)
2.36 36
Delivery speed1001.02
O Now we will Iind length in yards by using Iormula no: 3
DoIIing time 69998.8
Doffing time 69.927minutes
Q3: inding machine of 60 drums is converting a yarn of 360`s count of ring bobbins to
cones. The surface speed of drum is 1000mtrs/min. calculate the weight of yarn in lb`s
required by the machine in 24hrs at 65 efficiency?
Given data:
No oI drums 60
Count 30Ne
S.S oI Drum 1000m/min
Time 1440min
EIIiciency 85
Required Data:
Weight oI yarn in lb`s ?
Formula Used:
Weight S.S oI drum X 1.0936 X X X Time X No oI Drums X EII
O y putting values in above formula we get;
Weight 1000m/min X 1.0936 X X X 1440 X 60 X 0.85
eight 3187.062
Q4: A winding m/c of 80 drums is working at 40/3 ply yarn at a sped of 500yds/min. find
out the speed of 3.5 drum. Also calculate the production of m/c in 8hrs at efficiency is
Given data:
No oI drums 80
SurIace speed 550 yds/min
Time 8hrs 480min
EIIiciency () 66.65 0.6665
Yarn 40/3 ply
Drum dia 3.5
Required data:
Production in 8hrs ?
SurIace speed oI drum ?
Formula used:
Production S.Speed X No: oI yarns X Time X X No: oI drums (1)
Count X 840
SurIace speed oI drum(rpm): SurIace speed oI drum
CircumIerence oI drum in inches( X d) (2)
O e will find production by using formula no 1
Production: 550 X 3 X 480 X 0.6665 X 80
40 X 840
Production: 1256.82lb`s
O Now we will find surface speed of drum by using formula no 2
SurIace speed oI drum(rpm): 550
3.5 X 3.14
SurIace speed oI drum(rpm): 550 X 36
3.5 X 3.14
Surface speed of drum(rpm): 1801.146
Q5: Calculate the production of winding m/c where the no of drums are 100 and the count
of yarn is 25`s. The speed of drum is 345 rpm with dia of 7 and the efficiency of machine is
80 during its 8hrs running time?
Given data:
No oI drums 100
Count 25
Drum speed 345 rpm
Dia 7
EIIiciency () 80 0.80
Time 8hrs 480min
Required Data:
Production ?
Formula used:
Production: x d x N x Time x x No: oI drums
36 x 840 x count
Production: 3.14 x 7 x 345rpm x 480min x 0.8 x 100
36 x 840 x 25
Production: 385.176 lb`s
Q6: If actual production of winding machine is 250lb`s per hour. Then calculate how many
drums are required to wind 567568 hanks of yarn in 8hrs while the count of yarn is 10`s?
Given data:
Actual production 250lb`s/hour
ank oI yarn 567568
Count oI yarn 10`s
Required Data:
Drums required ?
Formula used:
No oI drums No: oI hanks x Count (here we will not divide by 60 b/c
Actual Prod x Time prod is already in lbs/hr)
No oI drums 567568 x 10
250 x 8
No of drums 2837.84 required
Q7: The production of winding machine is 616 lb`s while working on 40`s in 8hr`s
operation. The drum shaft speed is 1960 rpm and diameter is of drum is 3. If there are 120
drums in the m/c. calculate efficiency of m/c in?
Given data:
Production 616lbs
Count 40`s
Time 8hrs 480min
Drum shaIt speed 1960 rpm
Drum dia 3
No oI drums 120 drums
Required data:
EIIiciency () ?
Formula used:
Calc: prod: x d x N x Time x x No: oI drums (1)
36 x 840 x count
EIIiciency () Actual Prod (2)
Calc: Prod
e will find calculated production by using formula no: 1
Calc: prod: 3.14 x 3 x 1960rpm x 480min x 1 x 120
36 x 840 x 40
Calc: prod: 879.2 lbs/shift
Now, we will find efficiency by using formula no: 2
EIIiciency () 616 x 100
Efficiency () 70
Q8: How much time will be required for 3600 lbs of yarn if actual production of machine is
350 lbs/hr/drum if the total no of drums are 30. Calculate time?
Given Data:
Required Production 3600 lbs
Actual production 350 lbs/hr/drum
No oI drums 30
Required Data:
Time ?
Formula Used:
Time Total production (1)
Actual production x no oI drums
e will find time by using formula no: 1
Time: 3600lbs
350lb/hr/drum x 30
Time: 0.34 hour`s
Time: 0.34 x 60min
Time: 20.5mins
Q9: A reeling m/c is working with 20`s count, calculate the weight required per doff, to
complete a sundle of 10lbs.
Given Data:
Count 20`s
Weight oI sundle 10lbs
Required data:
Formula used:
Count No: oI hanks (1)
Weight in lbs
e will find weight by using formula no: 1
Weight (lbs) no: oI hanks
Weight (lbs) 2
Weight (lbs) 1 (lbs per skein)
As there are 40 skeins; 1 x 40
eight 4 lbs