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Lesson Plan-Banog

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A. Content Standard Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of multiplication of
whole number up to 10.
B.Performance Standard Explore the concept of Multiplication as Whole number and compare
these in various contexts.
C. learning Identify the product and the factor of the multiplication.
Values Integration: Cooperation and Teamwork
II.CONTENT Multiplication as a Whole Number
III.LEARNING RECOURSES K-12 Curriculum Guide 2016
Grade 2- Mathematics
A. References
1.teachers guide pages k-12 curriculum guide 2016
grade2-mathematics pages
2. learning materials pages TG in mathematics(softcopy) pages 17-20
3.text book pages Lm in mathematics pages 120-129
4. additional materials from 1. flash cards, drinking straw and other concrete counters
learning resources 2.pictures
B. other learning resources Laptops, projector, IM’s
A. preliminary activities 1.Prayer
-Good Evening Class! -good evening teacher, good
evening classmates. It’s nice to
see you again.
-Okay Class You May Now Take -okay teacher
Your Sit.
3.Cheking Of Attendance
-May I know who are absent? -none teacher
-It’s nice to hear that, very good.
4.Setting of classroom standards
-what will you do, when the class -sit properly
started? -we will raise our hands if we
want to answer.
-keep quiet and listen carefully.

-okay thats enough. I hope that

you will cooperate with me.
5. Do we have any assignments? -no teacher
-okay now let’s start our new
lesson for today.
-are you excited? -yes teacher!
B. Reviewing previous lesson or INSTRACTION PROCEDURE
presenting the new lesson.
Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Mental addition using flashcards

with pictures.

 Repeated Addition
Count the objects in each boxes
and write the number sentence
and the total in the last box.

1. 4+4+4=12(napulog duha)

+ +

+. +



2. Pre- Assessment
Find the sum of the following.
1. ) 2+2+2+2= 8(walo)
2.) 1+1+1+1+1+1= 6(unom)
3.) 3+3+3= 9(siyam)
4.) 4+4+4+4= 16(napulog unom)
5.) 2+2+2= 6(unom)
C. Establishing a purpose for the *Motivation
(Motivation) The teacher presents a picture of
a track and a box with numbers
in the road and gives the
repeated addition in order to
pass the obstacles.

Teacher : -naay sakyanan maam.

Can you see what’s on the
-oo maam
Did you already seen a track? -kalsada maam

Where can we can find a track?

D. Presenting Examples/ Performing the task

Instance a new lesson. -Using the drinking straw:

The teacher will distribute 15

pieces of drinking straw to each
group. The students will group
the counters by 2’s or 5, as
instructed by the teacher. The
teacher will discuss the following.

*form the straw’s into 3 groups

that has 5 pieces.

5+5+5=15 pieces

-Multiplication, is called repeated

addition, o ang pag hut-ong sa
mga numero og pagbalik-balik na
pagdugang og ang pagpilo-pilo.

- in multiplication:
3 x 5= 15
- The number 3 and 5 are called
factors(sab-oy) and the 15 there
is called product(abot)

-did you get it?

-yes maam

E. Discussing new concepts and Performing the task processing

practicing new skills.
#1 MATCHING TYPE Itongkad and lumbay A ngadto sa
lumbay B. Isulat ang letra lamang
sa inyong mga papel.

F. Discussing new concepts and There is a situation:

practicing new skills.
#2 (Guided Practices) Adunay napulo(10) ka putos si =20 ka apple maam
Ann. Matag putos adunay
duha(2) ka apple. Pila tanan iyang

-Pila tanan ang iyang apple.

-Si Ann nay 10 ka putos na
apple,matag putos adunay 2ka
apple, maam.
Let’s see if all your answers are

-What is asked?
-what are the given?

-show your solution on the

G. Discussing new concept and Performing the task processing
practicing new skills.
#3 (Group Activity) Draw and group the object, and
write the repeated addition and
the multiplication sentence.

5 ka hut-ong sa tag duha ka baso.

*pag dugang nga pahayag:

*pagpilo-pilo nga pahayag:
*Tubag: 10(napulo)

(Group 1)
4 ka hut-ong sa tag duha ka bola.

*pag dugang nga pahayag: =

*pagpilo-pilo nga pahayag:=

(Group 2)
2 ka hut-ong sa tag duha ka
*pag dugang nga pahayag: =
*pagpilo-pilo nga pahayag:=

(Group 3)
3 ka hut-ong sa tag upat ka

*pag dugang nga pahayag: =

*pagpilo-pilo nga pahayag:=

(Group 4)
4 ka hut-ong sa tag tulo ka

*pag dugang nga pahayag: =

*pagpilo-pilo nga pahayag:=

H. Developing Mastery Write the repeated addition in

Independent Practice multiplication sentence.


1.5x2=___________ 2+2+2+2+2=10
2. 4x5=__________ 5+5+5+5=20
3. 5x3=__________ 3+3+3+3+3=15
4.3x8=___________ 8+8+8=24
5.2x6=_____________ 2+2+2+2+2+2=12

A. No. of learning’s who earned
50% on the formative
B. No. of the learners who
require addition activities for
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of the learners who
continue to require remediation.
E. Which of my teacher
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localize
materials did I use? Discover
which I wish to share with other

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