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MCQs on Communication -1

1. When a sender manipulates information so that it will be seen more favourably by the
receiver in communication, it is called

(A) Selective Perception

(B) Linguistic Trap
(C) Filtering
(D) Emotional Appeal

Click Here for Answer Answer - (C)

2. Which of the following is a process of communication?
(A) Downward
(B) Upward
(C) Lateral
(D) All the above

Click Here for Answer Answer - (D)

3. Which of the following is not a path in grapevine chain?
(A) Non-profitability
(B) Single strand
(C) Gossip
(D) Cluster Chair

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

4. Which communication component is not a paid form of communication?
(A) Advertising
(B) Sales promotion
(C) Personal selling
(D) Publicity

Click Here for Answer Answer - (D)

5. The term “Grapevine Communication” is related to
(A) Formal Communication
(B) Informal Communication
(C) Written Communication
(D) Vertical Communication
Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)
6. The study of gestures and body postures for their impact on communication is known as:
(A) Kinesics
(B) Proximics
(C) Semantics
(D) Informal channels

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

7. Diffusion of routine information takes place through
(A) Downward Communication
(B) Upward Communication
(C) Horizontal Communication
(D) External Communication

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

8. Match the following:
Column – A Column – B
a. Device that connects two dissimilar i. Modem
communication networks.
b. Device that connects two similar networks. ii. Repeater
c. Device used to boost the strength of a signal. iii. Bridge
d. Device for performing signal transformation iv. Gateway
between terminal devices and communication

a b c d
(A) iii iv ii i
(B) iv iii ii i
(C) ii iii iv i
(D) iv iii i ii

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

9. Which of the following is /are called as ‘fourth estate’?
(A) Print media
(B) Electronic media
(C) Visual media
(D) All the above

Click Here for Answer Answer - (D)

10. Who coined the term “fourth estate”?
(A) Charles Marrian
(B) James Bryce
(C) Edmund Burke
(D) Thomas Jefferson

Click Here for Answer Answer - (C)

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MCQs on Communication -2
1. National Press Day is on:

(A) November 1
(B) October 21
(C) November 16
(D) January 7

Click Here for Answer Answer - (C)

2. Match the following:

List – A List – B
(a) Connects a very large number of devices and (i) Topology
spans across a dispersed geographical location
covering many cities.
(b) Encrypted communication tunnels with (ii) Ethernet
access control and user authentication
(c) Physical or geometric arrangement of the (iii) Wide Area Network
network influenced by the physical connections of
links and nodes.
(d) Local area network technology that sends (iv) Virtual Private
communication through radio frequency signals. Network
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(B) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(C) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(D) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

Click Here for Answer Answer - (D)

3. Largest circulated Government publication is

(A) Employment News

(B) Kurukshetra
(C) Suraksha
(D) Yojna

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

4. Hard news is :

(A) Cultural news

(B) Background information
(C) Daily public news
(D) Box item story

Click Here for Answer Answer - (C)

5. A publication started by Mahatma Gandhi

(A) The Harijan

(B) Bombay Samachar
(C) Indian Mail
(D) The Times of India

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

6. Lokmanya Tilak published

(A) Kesari
(B) Indian Herald
(C) Indian citizen
(D) Indian News

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

7. Which one of the following is most perishable?

(A) A book
(B) A newspaper
(C) A magazine
(D) All the above are equally perishable

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

8. A piece of news obtained and published by one newspaper before its competitors is
known as

(A) Exclusive
(B) Runner
(C) Scoop
(D) Expose

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

9. The oldest established news agency in the world:

(A) Reuters
(D) AP

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

10. Which was the first Indian –owned English Newspaper?

(A) Bengal Herald

(B) Reformer
(C) Bombay Herald
(D) Bengal Gazette.
Click Here for Answer Answer - (D)

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MCQs on Communication -3
1. The head quarters of the PTI:

(A) Mumbai
(B) Chennai
(C) New Delhi
(D) Bangalore

Click Here for Answer Answer - (C)

2. Who among the following considered communication as a sharing process?

(A) Dhama and Bhatnagar

(B) Wilbur Schramm
(C) Joseph A Devito
(D) Ban and Hawkins

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

3. Information that is sent back to the source is known as …...

(A) Context
(B) Feedback
(C) Encoding
(D) Decoding

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

4. Howling and hooting by the audience during a public speech is an example of …....

(A) Positive feedback

(B) Neutral feedback
(C) Complementary feedback
(D) Negative feedback
Click Here for Answer Answer - (D)

5. Communicating within oneself is known as ….......

(A) Group Communication

(B) Transpersonal Communication
(C) Intrapersonal communication
(D) Interpersonal communication

Click Here for Answer Answer - (C)

6. Which of the following is not a characteristic of face to face communication?

(A) Direct
(B) Personal
(C) Mediated
(D) Intimate

Click Here for Answer Answer - (C)

7. Who was a champion of massline communication?

(A) Mao Zedong

(B) B R Ambedkar
(C) Mother Teresa
(D) Marshall Tito

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

8. Retranslating a message to extract meaning is known as…..

(A) Decoding
(B) Messaging
(C) Encoding
(D) Noise

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

9. The act of producing a message is known as….

(A) Decoding
(B) Messaging
(C) Noise
(D) Encoding

Click Here for Answer Answer - (D)

10. Which of the following is not an advantage of written communication over oral

(A) It is a permanent record

(B) Provides tangible legal evidence
(C) Accessible to the illiterate
(D) More accurate than oral communication

Click Here for Answer Answer - (C)

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MCQs on Communication -4
1. Who coined the term kinesics?

(A) Robert Frost

(B) Wilbur Schramm
(C) Daniel Lerner
(D) Ray Birdwhistell

Click Here for Answer Answer - (D)

2. What is haptics?

(A) Study of facial expression

(B) Study of eye behavior
(C) Study of touching
(D) Study of body movements

Click Here for Answer Answer - (C)

3. What is proxemics?

(A) Study of space in communication

(B) Study of eye behavior
(C) Study of touching
(D) Study of body movements

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

4. Anything that interferes with a message in communication is known as…......

(A) Context
(B) Noise
(C) Decoding
(D) Feedback

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

5. Who among the following is a gatekeeper?

(A) Reader
(B) Viewer
(C) Listener
(D) Editor

Click Here for Answer Answer - (D)

6. How many of the sensory channels can be applied while viewing a television programme?

(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

7. Which of the following is not a characteristic of mass communication?

(A) Instant feedback

(B) Impersonal
(C) Universal access
(D) Presence of gatekeeper

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

8. Undesirable consequences of mass communication is known as …......

(A) Functions of mass communication
(B) Dysfunctions of mass communication
(C) Ethicizing functions of mass communication
(D) Socialising functions of mass communication

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

9. Which among the following is component of Communication process?

(A) Message
(B) Channel
(C) Decoding
(D) Analysis

Click Here for Answer Answer - (D)

10. The Consequence of Communication is called?

(A) Effect
(B) Message
(C) Source
(D) Context

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

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MCQs on Communication -5
1. ………………… can be simply defined as ‘transmission’ of ideas.

(A) Noise
(B) Communication
(C) Encoding
(D) Decoding

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

2. The word communication was originated from the ……… word ‘communis’
(A) Latin
(B) Greek
(C) French
(D) English

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

3. Whose model best explains the premise that communication has no beginning
and no end?

(A) Lasswell
(B) Frank E. X. Dance
(C) David M Berlo
(D) Wendell Johnson

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

4. ‘Communis’ means …………...

(A) Common
(B) Information
(C) Code
(D) Communities

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

5. Advertisement is an example for …………….. communication

(A) Propaganda
(B) Persuasive
(C) Personal
(D) Permanent

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

6. The degree of similarity between individuals

(A) Heterophily
(B) Homophily
(C) Synchrophily
(D) Unophily
Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

7. The degree of difference between individuals

(A) Synchrophily
(B) Homophily
(C) Heterophily
(D) Unophily

Click Here for Answer Answer - (C)

8. Which of the following is the idea generating component of communication?

(A) Sender
(B) Message
(C) Channel
(D) Receiver

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

9. The study of the way people approach others or the keep their distance from

(A) Kinesics
(B) Proxemics
(C) Chronemics
(D) Ocullesics

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

10. Communication between the equals

(A) Temporal communication

(B) Intrapersonal communication
(C) Terminal communication
(D) Lateral communication

Click Here for Answer Answer - (D)

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MCQs on Communication -6
1. Who is well known for his comment on communication :

’Who (says) What (to) Whom (in) What Channel (with) What Effect’

(A) Frank F X Dance

(B) Harold Lasswell
(C) Marshall McLuhan
(D) Joseph A Devito

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

2. Which Article of the India Constitution ensures freedom of speech and expression

(A) Article 3 (19)

(B) Article 14
(C) Article 17 (2)a
(D) Article 19 (1) a

Click Here for Answer Answer - (D)

3. Gramophone was invented by

(A) Isaac Newton

(B) Marcony
(C) Alfred Nobel
(D) Thomas Alva Edison

Click Here for Answer Answer - (D)

4. The smallest unit in the sound system of a language

(A) Phoneme
(B) Word
(C) Letter
(D) Prepositions

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

5. The Indian Institute of Mass Communication is headquartered in

(A) Hyderabad
(B) Mumbai
(C) New Delhi
(D) Kolkatta
Click Here for Answer Answer - (C)

6. Who is considered as the inventor of television?

(A) Charles Babbage

(B) John Logie Baird
(C) Thomas Alva Edison
(D) None of the above

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

7. Expansion of SMS

(A) Short Message System

(B) Short Message Service
(C) System for Message Service
(D) Service Message System

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

8. The Prasar Bharati is related with

(A) Broadcast media

(B) Print media
(C) Web media
(D) Folk media

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

9. The ability to remember specific information content is called

(A) Retain
(B) Recall
(C) Dissemination
(D) Selective exposure

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

10. Expansion of PTI

(A) Private Television Institute

(B) Protocol for Transferring Information
(C) Press Trust of India
(D) Publicly Trusted Information

Click Here for Answer Answer - (C)

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MCQs on Communication -7
1. The term prime time is related with

(A) Television
(B) Print media
(C) News agency
(D) Folk media

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

2. Who authored the book “ Medium is the Message”?

(A) Sein McBride

(B) Wilbur Schramm
(C) Marshall McLuhan
(D) George Gerbner

Click Here for Answer Answer - (C)

3. Wikileaks is run by

(A) Julian Assange

(B) Robert Cull
(C) Prannoy Roy
(D) None of the above

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

4. Mark Zuckerberg is the inventor of ……………

(A) Facebook
(B) Orkoot
(C) Google
(D) Yahoo!

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

5. Communication though touching is called

(A) Tactile communication

(B) Olfactory communication
(C) Auditory communication
(D) Signals

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

6. Developer of SMCR model

(A) Marshall McLuhan

(B) Harold D. Lasswell
(C) Dance
(D) David Berlo

Click Here for Answer Answer - (D)

7. Idea generating component of communication is called

(A) Source
(B) Receiver
(C) Channel
(D) Message

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

8. Famous question formula to define communication was developed by

(A) George Gerbner

(B) Harold D. Lasswell
(C) Noam Chomsky
(D) David Berlo

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

9. A two-person unit

(A) Monad
(B) Triad
(C) Clad
(D) None of the above

Click Here for Answer Answer - (D)

10. Communication with the self

(A) Interpersonal communication

(B) Intrapersonal communication
(C) Transpersonal communication
(D) None of the above

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

More MCQs on Communication

MCQs on Communication -8
1. The act of interpreting message is called

(A) Decoding
(B) Encoding
(C) Coding
(D) None of the above

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

2. Mixing various media options on one device

(A) Media convergence

(B) Media explosion
(C) Media implosion
(D) None of the above

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

3. The science of signs

(A) Semiotics
(B) Communicology
(C) Ethnography
(D) Anthropology

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

4. The Act that empowers people to get access to public documents

(A) Official Secrets Act

(B) Freedom to Information Act
(C) Right to Information Act
(D) Information Technology Act

Click Here for Answer Answer - (C)

5. The Press Act passed by the British in 1878 to prevent Indian language press from
being critical of the British rule is …………….

(A) Indian News Paper Act

(B) Indian Press Act
(C) Vernacular Press Act
(D) Colonial Press Act

Click Here for Answer Answer - (C)

6. Which among the following publication is not associated with Gandhiji?

(A) Young India

(B) Harijan
(C) Swarajiya
(D) Navajeevan

Click Here for Answer Answer - (C)

7. The News paper founded by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru is?

(A) Indian Chronicle

(B) Times of India
(C) Indian Herald
(D) National Herald

Click Here for Answer Answer - (D)

8. The first Newspaper in India, Bengal Gazette founded by?

(A) Raja Ram Mohan Roy

(B) James Augustus Hickey
(C) Dr. William Carrey
(D) None of the above

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

9. The first Indian films to be nominated for Oscar Award is …………….

(A) Salaam Bombay

(B) Lagan
(C) Slum Dog Millionaire
(D) Mother India

Click Here for Answer Answer - (D)

10. The word ‘Tele’ means ………………

(A) To see
(B) Far
(C) Screen
(D) Moving

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

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MCQs on Communication -9
1. The CBFC Certificate of ‘U’ means

(A) Under Exhibition

(B) Unknown Exhibition
(C) Universal Exhibition
(D) Unrestricted Exhibition

Click Here for Answer Answer - (D)

2. BBC stands for ………………….

(A) British Broad Casting Corporation

(B) Broadened Broad casting Corporation
(C) Bit-by-Bit Broadcasting Corporation
(D) None of these

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

3. Wi-Fi Refers to

(A) Width fixture

(B) Wireless fidelity
(C) Wireless fixture
(D) Width figure

Click Here for Answer Answer - (B)

4. PTI (Press Trust of India) celebrated the Golden Jubilee of it’s inception in the year?

(A) 1999
(B) 2000
(C) 1995
(D) 1990

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

5. What does the Latin Word “Communis” mean?

(A) Commute
(B) Communication
(C) Common
(D) None of these

Click Here for Answer Answer - (C)

6. VJ stands for Video Jockey, what does DJ stands for?

(A) Disc Jockey

(B) Drive Jockey
(C) Dude Jockey
(D) Diffo Jockey
Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

7. The process of filtering messages from source to receive is called?

(A) Hand out

(B) Degeneration
(C) Gate keeping
(D) Kinesics

Click Here for Answer Answer - (C)

8. Olfactory communication refers to?

(A) Communication by Smell

(B) Communication by Sound
(C) Communication by Fingers
(D) Communication by Eyebrows

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

9. Doordarshan was delinked from All India Radio, in the year?

(A) 1976
(B) 1970
(C) 1983
(D) 1980

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

10. The fundamental Right of freedom of expression is guaranteed in constitution by

(A) Article 19
(B) Article 120
(C) Article 91
(D) Article 358

Click Here for Answer Answer - (A)

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