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Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

Point Source Gaussian Plume Model under different considerations

(a) No ground reflection (PM, Nitric acid, Vapor)


C = pollutant concentration (g/m3, g/m3)

Q = uniform continuous emission rate (g/s, g/s)

u = mean wind speed at plume height (m/s)

y = cross-wind dispersion parameter (m)

z = vertical dispersion parameter (m)

Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

x, y, z = location of receptor

H = effective stack height ( = stack height + plume rise = hs + Δ h )

(b) Ground reflection (CO, SO2, NO2)

(c) Ground reflection and temperature inversion

Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

Simplification of Gaussian Plume Equations

(i) Concentration at ground level (z = 0) with no hm (with ground reflection )

(ii) Concentration at ground level (z = 0), in the downwind horizontal direction

along the centerline of the plume (y = 0) with no hm (with ground reflection )

(iii) z = 0, y = 0, no hm and emission at ground level (h = 0) (with ground reflection)

Estimation of Parameters of Gaussian Plume Equations

(i) Q = emission rate (usually expressed in g/s)

(ii) H = effective stack height = hs + Δ h

= stack height + plume height

Plume rise is caused primarily by buoyancy and momentum of exhaust gas and
stability of atmosphere

Buoyancy results when exhaust gases are warmer than the ambient and/or when
the molecular weight of the exhaust is lower than that of air

Momentum is caused by the mass and velocity of the gases as they leave the

Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

(iii) Plume rise estimation – Different techniques have been proposed for
estimation of plume rise. The USEPA recommends the following model.
2  Ta 
F = gr
vs 1− s
Where, F = buoyancy flux parameter (m4/s3)

g = gravitational acceleration (9.8 m/s2)

r = inner radius of stack (m)

vs = stack ga exit velocity (m/s)

Ta = stack gas temperature (k)

Ts = ambient air temperature (k)

For neutral or unstable conditions (stability class A – D)

1.6F1/ 3 x2f / 3
h =

Where, h = plume rise (m)

u = wind speed at stack height (m/s)

xf = distance downwind to point of final plume rise

xf = 120 F0.4 if F  55 m4/s3

xf = 50 F5/8 if F < 55 m4/s3

Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

For stable conditions (stability class E and F)

1/ 3
h = 2.6 F 
 us 

The quantity of S is a stability parameter with units of s-2 and is given by –

g  
S =  Ta +  = g  Ta + 0.01C / m

T z   
a   Ta  z 
z represents the actual rate of change of ambient temperature with altitude
(+ve value indicates the temp. is increasing with altitude)

(iv) u = mean wind speed at plume height

 z
u ( z ) = u0  
 z0 

(valid for few hundred meters)

Where, u ( z ) = wind speed at plume ht, z

u0 = wind speed instrument height

z = plume ht

z0 = instrument ht (usually 10 m)

 = factor, depends on stability condition of atmosphere and can be

taken from Table 7.7

Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

Classifications of Atmospheric Stability

(v) y and z = f (distance and stability condition)

These are standard deviations. Can be obtained from plots of y and z versus
distance downwind for different stability conditions.

- as x increases, y and z increase

Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

- for a given x, y and z increase as we move to more unstable condition

- There are several approaches for estimating y and z

Fig 4.1: y vs x for different atmospheric stabilities

Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

Fig 4.2: z vs x for different atmospheric stabilities

According to Martin (1976) :

y = a. x0.894

and z = c. xd + f

Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

Table: Values of constant a, c, d and f in equation for y and z

Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

Downwind (Along the wind direction) Ground level Concentration

The ground level concentrations directly downwind are of great interest, since
pollution will be the highest along this axis.

Let us examine :

(i) Effect of effective stack height (H)

(ii) Effect of atmospheric stability

------------------------- on downwind ground level concentration

Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

(a) Q = 647 g SO2/s (b) Q = 647 g SO2/s

u = 4.9 m/s u = 4.9 m/s
Stability class “C” H = 300 m
H = 250 m, 300 m, 350 m Stability class:
A = extremely unstable
C = Slightly unstable
F = Moderately stable

Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

The highest peak downwind concentration is produced by the unstable

atmosphere, not by the stable atmosphere.

Explanation: The turbulence in an unstable atmosphere brings the plume to earth

very quickly, resulting in high peak values near the stack. Downwind, however
concentrations drop off very quickly.

The plume rise is itself a function of stability class, thus less stable atmosphere have
higher effective stack height, producing somewhat lower ground concentrations
than shown in the above figure.

Estimation of Peak Downwind Concentration

The simplest way would be using a spreadsheet program to calculate C (x,0,0) as a

function of x, using the following equation -

And finding peak downwind concentration.

When a computer is not readily available, peak downwind concentration can be

estimated using the following chart and the equation –

Q Cu 
C max = u  Q 
 max

If stability class and H are known, then one can estimate - (i) distance of peak and
(Cu/Q) max from the chart. Then using the above equation, Cmax can be estimated.

Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

Gaussian Plume Model for Line Sources (e.g. Road)

For simplicity, consider –

(i) infinite length source at ground level
(ii) Wind blowing perpendicular to the line.

(a) No ground reflection

(b) With ground reflection

QL = source emission rate per unit length of road (g/sec-m)

Examples of Line Sources

(i) Motor vehicles travelling along a straight section of a highway

(ii) Agriculture burning along the edge of a field
(iii) A line of industrial sources on the bank of a river

Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

power plant consumes 250 tons of coal (containing 1% sulfur)
each day. Assuming 10% of this sulfur is emitted as SO2, estimate
the emission rate of SO2 in g/sec from the power plant.


The following information is available on emission of NOx for the

proposed 335 MW combined cycle (CC) power plant to be
constructed at siddhirganj power generation complex.
Flow rate of exhaust gas = 589.4 kg/sec
Maximum NOx in exhaust gas = 25 ppm V
Estimate the NOx emission rate from the power plant in g/sec
[given, MW of exhaust gas = 28.01 g/mol, assume all NOx
emitted as NO2]


A power plant has a 100 m stack with inside radius of 1m. The
exhaust gases leave the stack with an exhaust velocity of 10m/s
at a temperature of 220C. Ambient temperature is 6C. Wind

Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

speed at effective stack height is estimated to be 5m/s, surface

wind speed is 3m/s and it is a cloudy summer day. Estimate the
effective height of this stack.

A 750 MW coal fired power plant has a 250 m stack with inside
radius of 4 m. The exit velocity of the stack gases is estimated at
15m/s, at a temperature of 140°C (413K). Ambient temperature
is 25°C (298K) and wind at stack height is estimated to be 5 m/s.
Estimate the effective height of the stack if –
(a) the atmosphere is stable with temperature increasing at the
rate of 2°C/km
(b) the atmosphere is slightly unstable, class C.
Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

A stack emitting 80 g/s of NO2 has an effective stack height of
100m. The wind speed is 4m/s at 10m, and it is a clear summer
day with the sun nearly overhead. Estimate the ground level NO2
concentration –
(a) directly downwind at a distance of 2km
(b) at a point downwind where NO2 is maximum
(c) at a point located 2 km downwind and 0.1 km of cross-
downwind axis

Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

Cars travelling at 55 mph speed at 75 m apart are
emitting 5g/mile of CO. The wind speed is 3.5 m/s and
perpendicular to the road. Estimate ground level;
concentration of CO at a distance 300m downwind.
Consider atmosphere to be adiabatic.


Calculate the final plume rise from a power plant for the
following conditions:

Atmospheric Stability D

Vs 19 m/s

ds 3m

U 10 m 4 m/s

Ts 400 oK

Ta 283 oK

Stack Height 67 m

*p = exponent from table in the text = 0.15

Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

The following source data and meteorological data are given for a flare stack:

Stack Diameter 0.15 m

Stack Height 25 m

Ambient Air Temperature at Stack Height, Ta 300 oK

Effluent Temperature 1200 oK

Stack Effluent Velocity at Tip 10 m/s

Rate of SO2 Emisssion, Q 4
10 mg/sec.
Meteorological Data are available from a nearby tower at a height 75 m. above the
ground. Two cases are given:

Stable Case Unstable Case

Temperature Gradient + 0.9 oC / 100m - 1.5 oC / 100m

Wind Speed 7.6 m/sec. 8.9 m/sec

Compute the plume rise for both stabilities using above information. State your

*p = exponent from table in the text = 0.15

Assignment for ECE CDB3022 (G1 & G2) Dr Muhammad Ayoub

The rate of emission of SO2 from the stack of a power plant is 150 gm/sec. The
stack height is 50 m. Calculate the effective stack height on a sunny September day
when the wind velocity is 5 m/sec. Use Class B stability. The effluents are being
released at 10m/s and at a temperature of 310oK. The atmospheric temperature is
293oK. (Assume stack diameter = 1m)

For a wind speed of 3 m/sec (at 10 m level), a stack gas exit velocity of 20 m/sec
and a stack diameter of 1 m, calculate the final plume rise for a momentum plume
in a neutral atmosphere. Use a stack height of 50m.


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