This document is a standard drawing register that was issued on March 22, 2012 and approved by Tony Pell. It contains a list of over 50 technical drawings across several categories related to infrastructure like kerbs, vehicle crossings, paths, pits, stormwater pipes, traffic, and tactile indicators. Each drawing is given a number, name, and notes that the current issue date of all drawings is March 22, 2012. The register states that the standard drawing issue current at the time of construction must be used.
This document is a standard drawing register that was issued on March 22, 2012 and approved by Tony Pell. It contains a list of over 50 technical drawings across several categories related to infrastructure like kerbs, vehicle crossings, paths, pits, stormwater pipes, traffic, and tactile indicators. Each drawing is given a number, name, and notes that the current issue date of all drawings is March 22, 2012. The register states that the standard drawing issue current at the time of construction must be used.
This document is a standard drawing register that was issued on March 22, 2012 and approved by Tony Pell. It contains a list of over 50 technical drawings across several categories related to infrastructure like kerbs, vehicle crossings, paths, pits, stormwater pipes, traffic, and tactile indicators. Each drawing is given a number, name, and notes that the current issue date of all drawings is March 22, 2012. The register states that the standard drawing issue current at the time of construction must be used.
This document is a standard drawing register that was issued on March 22, 2012 and approved by Tony Pell. It contains a list of over 50 technical drawings across several categories related to infrastructure like kerbs, vehicle crossings, paths, pits, stormwater pipes, traffic, and tactile indicators. Each drawing is given a number, name, and notes that the current issue date of all drawings is March 22, 2012. The register states that the standard drawing issue current at the time of construction must be used.
Standard Drawing Register Issue Date 22/03/2012 Approved: _Tony Pell_________ Date: 22/3/12
NO. ISSUE DATE Kerb S101 Semi-Mountable kerb type SM1 & SM2 and Modification at 22/03/2012 Profiles side entry pits for types SM2 S102 Roll over kerb and channel Modification at side entry pits 22/03/2012 S103 Kerb and channel type BK1, BK3 and Type BK2 22/03/2012 S104 Profile of Concrete Flood Dish 22/03/2012 S105 Semi-Mountable kerb Type SM3 & Outfall Rollover kerb and 22/03/2012 channel Type R2 Vehicle S201 Standard Vehicle Crossing for residential areas 22/03/2012 Crossings S202 Reverse fall Vehicle Crossing for residential areas 22/03/2012 S203 Heavy duty vehicle crossing for use in Industrial and 22/03/2012 commercial areas S204 Side entry pit modification for vehicle crossing construction 22/03/2012 Paths S301 Concrete footpaths within new subdivisions 22/03/2012 S302 Concrete footpaths not carried out as part of new subdivisions 22/03/2012 S303 Concrete shared path for bicycles and pedestrians 22/03/2012 S304 Granitic sand shared path for bicycle and pedestrians within 22/03/2012 reserves Pit Details S401 Step iron details 22/03/2012 S402 Type 1 junction pit less than 1.2m deep and for pipe sizes up 22/03/2012 to 450 dia. S403 Type 2 Junction pit greater than 1.2m deep and less than 2.4m 22/03/2012 deep and for pip sizes up to 675 dia. S404 Residential side entry pit detail 22/03/2012 S405 Pre-cast lintel ‘Knox’ Type 2 black coloured 22/03/2012 S406 Type 3 Junction Pit dimensions and construction notes 22/03/2012 S408 Terra Firma Lockable Lid for side entry pits 22/03/2012 S409 Double side entry pit 22/03/2012 S410 Channel Grate Pit for roll over kerb and channel Type R1 22/03/2012 S411 Single Under Channel Grate pit for kerb and channel Type 22/03/2012 BK1, R1, SM2 S412 Double Under Channel Grate pit for kerb and channel Type 22/03/2012 BK1, R1, SM2 S413 Single Side Entry Grate pit for kerb and channel Type BK1, 22/03/2012 R1, SM2 S414 Double Side Entry Grate pit for kerb and channel Type BK1, 22/03/2012 R1, SM2
Standard Drawing issue current at time of construction must be used.
Standard Drawing Register Issue Date 22/03/2012 Approved: __Tony Pell_______ Date: 22/3/12
NO. ISSUE DATE S/W Pipe S501 Connection of house stormwater drain to kerb and channel 22/03/2012 Connections S503 Connection of 100 or 150mm drainage pipes to Council 22/03/2012 stormwater drain. S505 Pipe backfill detail residential pavements 22/03/2012 S506 Pipe backfill detail easements 22/03/2012 Traffic S601 Give Way & Stop Linemarking general Urban and Rural use 22/03/2012 S602 Standard Raised Pavement 22/03/2012 S604 Watts Profile Speed Hump 22/03/2012 S605 Standard Right of Way construction details 22/03/2012 Tactile S701 Tactile indicator requirements for pram crossings flow chart 22/03/2012 Indicators S702 Warning Tactile Indicators 22/03/2012 S703 Directional Tactile Indicators 22/03/2012 S704 Path of travel for sight impaired 22/03/2012 S705 Criteria such that tactile indicators are not required 22/03/2012 S706 Pram crossing layout 22/03/2012 S707 Pram ramp dimensions for pram crossings with tactile 22/03/2012 indicators S708 Tactile indicator layout for flat / angled / long pram ramp 22/03/2012 S709 Example tactile indicator layout if criteria 1 is not complied 22/03/2012 with S710 Example tactile indicator layout if criteria 3 is not complied 22/03/2012 with S711 Change of grade between approach and ramp so that tactile 22/03/2012 indicators are not required S712 Splitter island example tactile indicator layout 22/03/2012 S713 Mid block crossings tactile indicator layout 22/03/2012 S714 Tactile indicator layout at Bus Stops 22/03/2012 S715 Pram ramp dimensions for crossings without tactile indicators 22/03/2012
Standard Drawing issue current at time of construction must be used.