Lab 1 Report (Venturi Meter)
Lab 1 Report (Venturi Meter)
Lab 1 Report (Venturi Meter)
Attitude 5
Participation 5
Lab Report 40
Total 60
Table of Content:
1. Abstract……...………………………………………………………….…3
2. Introduction………….……………………………………………....….…4
2.1 Principles of venturimeter
2.2 Experimental Theory
2.3 Applications
2.4 Advantages/Disadvantages
3. Results and Discussion…..………………………………………….…..12
3.1 Calculation Results
3.2 Discussion
4. Conclusion and recommendations ……………………………….…...19
5. Reference ……………………………………………………………..…20
6. Appendix …………………………………………………………..……. 21
1. Abstract :
2. Introduction:
A venture meter is a device to measure the flow rate of a flowing fluid through
a pipe first created by a hydraulic Engineer Clemens Herschel (1842-1930). Venturi
meters are made of cast iron, bronze or steel. It consist of a short conical inlet
section known as diverging section leads to a throat section, then to a long discharge
cone known as the converging section. One end of a manometer is attached at the
location of convergence and the other end is attached to the throat of the
Venturimeter thus measuring the pressure difference by means of manometer. An
example of Venturimeter is shown in the fig 1.1:
2.1. Principle of Venturimeter:
Venturi Effect:
When a fluid is flowing through a pipe and it faces constriction, the velocity of
the flow increases with the constriction with a corresponding drop in static pressure.
This is called the Venture effect. According to Bernoulli’s principle the flow speed is
inversely proportional to its static pressure. Which in terms means that when the
velocity of the flowing fluid increases the pressure decreases. (ScienceStruck,
2018,Venturi effect).
Mathematical Expressions:
The Bernoulli's theorem for the present problem can be written as,
= constant -------------------------------- ( i )
-------------------------------- ( ii )
, ------------------------------------- ( iii )
-------------------------------- ( iv )
, where h is the difference in height of liquid in the manometer
or, -----------------( v )
---------------------------- ( vi )
Actual Discharge & Theoretical Discharge:
Thus the equation (vi) under ideal condition gives theoretical discharge Qt. The
actual discharge is donated by Qa which is less than the theoretical discharge. Where
in this experiment the Qa (actual discharge) was denoted by the volume of water in
the tank which was 12L by the time measure in seconds.
Where h is the difference in the height of the manometer readings A1 is the area of
the inlet and A2 is the area of the outlet, g is acceleration due to gravity. By inserting
all the values we get Qt (theoretical discharge), which varies with the change of the
manometer height by changing the initial flow rate.
Co-efficient of discharge Cd, depends on the type of flow, type of fluid and the
dimensions of the venture pipe. For a well-designed venturimeter the value of Cd is
around 0.98. It is has no dimensions and only depends on the rate of flow and the
velocity of the working fluid. The value of Cd is higher in nozzle measurement flow as
compare to orifice measurement of flow. It can be increased by increasing the overall
pressure ratio or by decreasing the convergent angle in flow measurement. However,
by obtaining different values of Qa and Qt we can find the average value of Cd by the
ratio of the actual discharge to its theoretical discharge such that
𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒
𝐶𝑑 = 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒 (Dimensional-less)
𝐶𝑑 =
2.2. Experimental Theory:
In order to obtain laboratory results for the value of Cd, an experimental setup
of venturimeter was used in the laboratory to calculate the value of Qa and Qt. The
fig 1.3 shows the Venturimeter setup in the laboratory which indicates the inlet
convergent limb and the throat is attached to the manometer to its left which will give
the difference in height reading. And the flow to the manometer is regulated by
means of a valve. An aided centrifugal pump is attached to the apparatus to regulate
the flow of water by turning on the power supply.
The following steps were performed to obtain the desired values in order to calculate
the value of Cd.
i. Switch on the motor and regulate the flow rate of the inlet valve starting from
32 L/min which is 0.54 L/s down to 12 L/min or 0.2 L/s.
ii. After a uniform flow is established with no eddied formation note the
difference in the manometer reading of the right and the left limb as shown in
fig 1.4 and fig 1.5. This difference value is denoted by h and is used to
calculate the Theoretical Discharge Qt.
iii. To obtain the value of actual discharge Qa, collect certain amount of water in
the measuring tank which in this case is 12L and note the time in seconds.
The fig 1.6 shows the volume scale of water collected in the tank.
iv. Repeat the same experiment a few times to obtain different values of Qa and
Qt. Calculate the value of Cd and tabulate all the values.
2.3. Applications of Venturimeter:
Venturimeter is used to obtain the flow rate of water, gases suspended solids,
slurries and dirty liquids.
It is used in medical industries to measure the flow rate of blood in the
Widely used in waste water treatment processes, because of its suitable
measurement of dirty fluid.
Used in crude oil pipelines because the temperature and pressure do not
affect the accuracy of the fluid flow.
Venturimeters are also used in carburettor to measure the air flow in a car
engine and to measure the correct amount of fuel is fed to the combustion
engine (Mech4study,2018,fluidmechanics).
3. Results and Discussion:
Data Analysis:
Experiment 1:
Qt=5.3x10^-4 m³/s.
Experiment 2:
Qt=4.7023x10^-4 m³/s.
Experiment 1:
𝑄𝑎 =
Qa=5.17x10^-4 m³/s.
Experiment 2:
𝑄𝑎 =
Qa = 4.5113x10^-4 m³/s.
Experiment No. Volume in Tank, Time (Sec). Actual Discharge,
V (m³). Qax10^-4 (m³/s).
1 0.012 23.22 5.17
2 0.012 26.60 4.5113
3 0.012 32.72 3.67
4 0.012 39.19 3.06
5 0.012 51.45 2.3324
6 0.012 76.34 1.572
Table 1.8: Results of Actual Discharge.
As we know,
𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒
𝐶𝑑 =
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒
Experiment 1:
𝐶𝑑 =
5.17𝑥10^ − 4
𝐶𝑑 =
5.3𝑥10^ − 4
𝐶𝑑 = 0.98
Experiment 2:
𝐶𝑑 =
4.5113𝑥10^ − 4
𝐶𝑑 =
4.7023𝑥10^ − 4
𝐶𝑑 = 0.96
Experiment No. Actual Discharge, Theoretical Co-efficient Of
Qax10^-4 (m³/s). Discharge, Discharge, Cd.
Qt x10^-4 (m³/s)
1 5.17 5.3 0.98
2 4.5113 4.7023 0.96
3 3.67 3.9 0.94
4 3.06 3.23 0.95
5 2.3324 2.58 0.91
6 1.572 1.823 0.86
Table 1.9: Results for Co-efficient of Discharge Cd.
0.97-0.98 = -0.01
|- 0.01| = 0.01
= 0.0102
3.2. Discussion:
The graph in fig 1.10 shows the relationship between Actual discharge Qa
and the theoretical discharge Qt. It is anticipated that the graph for actual discharge
and theoretical discharge will result in a straight line. From the gradient of the graph
the average value of Cd can be obtained. However, the line does not pass exactly
through the centre of origin which can be a result of experimental errors or human
errors while taking the readings.
Graph for Initial Flow rate Q Vs Co-efficient of Discharge Cd:
As the graph in Fig 1.11 shows that with the gradual increase of the flow rate
the Cd value is approximately approaching 1. The co-efficient of discharge for
Venturimeter is the measure of the efficiency for venturimeter. This in terms means
that the value of Cd approaches nearly 1 when the flow rate increases so that the
energy loses, friction loses, pressure loses and turbulence loses are less as 10% in
venturimeter flow. The straight line indicates that as the flow rate increases the
efficiency of venture meter increases. But the value of Cd can never be more then 1
because that means that the experiment will end up with more energy than it had
before. Plus Cd can never approach 1 which in return means that the experiment
carried was an ideal state with no losses at all.
As evident from the graph 1.10 the relation between Qa and Qt is a straight line
indicating very less pressure, energy, turbulence and friction losses. Further on this
means that the value of Cd approximately approaches 1 which in this experimental
case is denoted to be an average of 0.97 with only 10% of all energy losses. Cd
value can never reach 1 as this might indicate an ideal condition where there are no
losses at all. Plus Cd value can never exceed 1 as this may result in excess of
energy after the experiment as compare to the beginning of the experiment.
As from the fig 1.11 we saw the result that as the initial flow rate increases the
value of Cd increases which shows that that value of Cd is more accurate with higher
flow rates. In high flow rates the flow of liquid becomes uniform and less turbulent
with no eddies formation and reduce energy losses thus the value of Cd is high at
higher flow rates as compare to lower flow rates.
Actual flow rate Qa is different the then the theoretical flow rate Qt, as Qa can
be measure through different methods and by dividing the volume of the fluid by the
time taken. Whereas, Qt is measured through a formula which includes a
manometric reading with the difference in heights of the liquid. Qt will have higher
flow rate as compare to Qa due to friction losses in actual flow processes.
The average value of Cd obtained from this experiment is 0.97 which shows
that there were certain losses during the experiment was conducted. Other errors
could be human measuring time for the collection of 12L of water. In addition the
values in the manometer and the flow meter was fluctuating due to which there could
be an error in the measurements. The detailed calculations and excel sheets with
graph calculations are attached in the appendix of the report as document 1, 2 and
4. Conclusion & Recommendation:
5. Reference:
Advance Measurment System and Sensors, 2011, Flow and Temperature Sensors,
[online]. [Accessed 12th November, 2018]. Available from World Wide Web:
6. Appendix: