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Don't Ignore Viscosity Index When Selecting a

Jim Fitch, Noria Corporation

Tags: viscosity
Too often the viscosity index (VI) is disregarded as a lubricant selection parameter.
One reason is simply because it is poorly understood. Some people think the
viscosity index is incorporated in the ISO Viscosity Grade, but it is not. It stands
alone as an independent lubricant performance differentiator.

We all know that viscosity is the single most important physical property of a
lubricant. It is a crude measure of a lubricant’s molecular constitution from the
standpoint of hydrocarbon chain size. Viscosity is determined by creating friction
between the molecules from fluid movement. The higher the intermolecular friction
(longer molecular chains), the higher the viscosity.
Viscosity determines film thickness and film strength in machines. It also influences
other important factors such as those in the table below.
However, a lubricant’s viscosity is
meaningless unless the temperature
is noted, i.e., the temperature at which
viscosity is measured. Conversely,
machines don’t care about
temperature as it relates to viscosity
(loosely speaking).

Minimum, maximum and optimum

viscosity requirements demanded by
machines don’t take temperature into
account. Instead, a machine’s
The Effects of Viscosity viscosity requirement is based on
such things as component design (e.g., bearing), loads and speeds. You may recall
that the well-known Stribeck curve doesn’t have a temperature variable.

That said, because machines require a certain viscosity, and temperature is known
to have a dramatic influence on viscosity, it is imperative that you take the average
operating temperature and temperature range into account when selecting
Remember, the ISO Viscosity Grade system only reports viscosity at a single
temperature: 40 degrees C. Most importantly, for any candidate oil, you need to
know how viscosity changes relative to a change in temperature.

The viscosity index was developed for this purpose (ASTM D2270) by E. Dean and
G. Davis in 1929. It is an empirically derived, unitless number. Based on the
methodology, Pennsylvania crude (paraffinic) was set as a benchmark at one
extreme, representing low viscosity changeability relative to temperature.

At the other extreme was Texas Gulf crudes (naphthenic). If a lubricant was similar
to the Pennsylvania crude, it was assigned a VI of 100. If it was similar to Texas
Gulf crude, it was assigned a VI of 0. Halfway in between was a VI of 50, and so
forth. The higher the VI, the more stable the viscosity across a range of
temperatures (more desirable). The temperatures used to determine the VI are 40
degrees C to 100 degrees C.

An Internet search on “viscosity index calculator” will direct you to several Web
pages. You can use these calculators in a variety of ways. For instance, if you know
the viscosity of a lubricant at two different temperatures, you can use the calculator
to give you an estimation of the VI. Better yet, you can enter a single known
viscosity (and temperature) and VI (commonly found on a lubricant’s product data
sheet) to calculate the viscosity of the same lubricant at any other temperature (say,
a machine’s operating temperature).

Lubricants with VIs as low as minus 60 are available today. Other lubricants can
have VIs ranging over 400. However, the vast majority of lubricants on the market
will have VIs in the range of 90 to 160.
Let’s take a look at two different oils that share one common property - they’re both
ISO VG 150. However, one of these oils (Oil A) has a VI of 95 (mineral oil), while
the other (Oil B) has a VI of 150 (synthetic). Now let’s examine the viscosity of
these oils from minus 20 degrees C (minus 4 degrees F) to 100 degrees C (212
degrees F). This is shown in the table below.

of lubrication professionals consider an

89% oil’s viscosity index when selecting a

lubricant, according to a recent survey
at machinerylubrication.com
Comparing the 95 VI oil to the 150 VI oil, there is a 236-percent difference in
viscosity at minus 20 degrees C and a minus 25-percent difference at 100 degrees
C. Of course, there is no difference at 40 degrees C.

As mentioned previously, the machine dictates the viscosity requirements based on

its design and operating conditions. These conditions influence temperature, which
in turn influences viscosity, which influences the protection provided.

Many machines use a common lubricant across numerous frictional zones and
have varying loads, speeds and temperatures. Outdoor mobile equipment typically
works under these challenging conditions. For such machines, there is no easy way
to identify optimum viscosity by a theoretical calculation.

Instead, the ideal viscosity is estimated using actual field measurements by

applying a trial-and-error approach (simply testing with different viscosity oils and
measuring temperature and wear protection).

Comparison of Two Different Oils with the Same Viscosity Grade

For machines of constant load, constant speed and constant ambient
temperatures, the ideal viscosity very often results in the lowest stabilized oil
temperature. Oils of lower or higher viscosities (than the optimum viscosity) will
typically increase the oil’s stabilized temperature due to either churning losses (too
much viscosity) or mechanical friction (too little viscosity).

If conditions are not constant (variable loads, variable speeds, variable ambient
temperatures, etc.), then there is a need for not only the optimum viscosity but also
a high viscosity index to stabilize the optimum viscosity. The more variable the
conditions, the greater the need for high VI oils.
Also, keep in mind that for a great many machines there has been no past
experimental or theoretical effort to identify the optimum viscosity. Viscosity
selection is more of a wild guess. This too calls for a high VI lubricant.

You must also consider that the ISO Viscosity Grade system (ISO 3448) is based
on 50-percent increments between grades. As such, if you go from ISO VG 100 to
VG 150, it is a 50-percent jump. When the viscosity options are all 50 percent
apart, it is difficult to achieve precision lubricant selection. These large viscosity
steps are further magnified at lower temperatures. This is yet another reason to
select high VI lubricants.

High or Low Viscosity Index?

A lubricant may merit having a high VI for one or more of the following reasons:
The optimum viscosity is not known
Varying loads and speeds exist
Varying ambient temperatures exist
To boost energy efficiency
To boost oil service life (lower average temperature)
To boost machine service life (fewer repairs and downtime)

Cheaper, lower VI lubricants may make sense if:

Speeds and loads are constant
Temperature is constant (constant ambient temperature or a heat exchanger is
in use)
The optimum viscosity at the operating temperature is known and is
consistently achieved

An oil’s VI can also tell you useful information about a lubricant’s formulation,
including the type and quality of base oils. For instance, highly refined and pure
mineral oils will have correspondingly higher VIs. Certain additives, such as
viscosity-index improvers and pour-point depressants, influence VI as well.
Remember, oils loaded with VI improvers, especially of certain types, are prone to
permanent loss of VI and viscosity over time. There are ASTM tests for measuring
the VI stability of lubricants exposed to high shear.
Viscosity index values are on almost all product data sheets for commercially
available lubricants. This simple number is there for a reason and should be
strongly considered when writing a specification for lubricants in nearly all machine

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