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Vol. 76 | No.

7/1 | Jul 2020

DOI: 10.21506/j.ponte.2020.7.17 International Journal of Sciences and Research



Ioana Stanciu
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Physical Chemistry, 4-12 Elisabeta
Blvd, 030018, Bucharest, Romania

In this paper viscosity index of coconut oil was determined using three methods. Viscosity index
was calculated from the measured viscosity at 40°C and 100°C using ASTM Method D 2270 and
was graphically determined using ASTM D 341. Viscosity index calculation was performed with
a computer program using kinematics viscosity at 40°C and 100°C. The viscosity-temperature
coefficient was calculated from the measured viscosity at 40°C and 100°C.
Viscosity index of a coconut oil was determined using a set of Schott Ubbelohde-type
viscometers selected according to the values of their constants, so that the margins of the
uncertainty, inherent in the Hagebach-Couette correction, does not exceed the error allowed for
the measurements. The measurements were carried out at 40± 0.1 and 100± 0.1°C, according to
the recommendation of ASTM D2270.
Viscosity index obtained with the calculator program is 99,39% lower than that obtained
by equation (1). The viscosity index obtained by the graphical method is much higher than that
obtained by the other methods. The viscosity-temperature coefficient for coconut oil can vary by
a factor of 10 depending on the temperature.
The viscosity of coconut oil is dependent upon temperature. Viscosity decreases as temperature
increases because the molecules vibrate more, and interact less

Keywords: Viscosity index, viscosity-temperature coefficient, coconut oil.

The viscosity index represents the rate of change of viscosity between 2 temperatures. The lower
the viscosity index, the lower the viscosity, as the oil is heated. The higher the value VI, the less
the decrease in viscosity, when the oil is heated. in general, the less it changes, in a range of
temperatures, the better [1].
The scale of the viscosity index (VI) is from 0 to 100, with 0 being the worst, and 100 being the
best. New products are now better than when the hierarchy was first made, so some new products
have scores up to 400.
As the oil heats up, its ability to ensure efficient lubrication diminishes. As these decreases, so
does friction and temperature, which can lead to mechanical failure. Therefore, the more the

Vol. 76 | No. 7/1 | Jul 2020
DOI: 10.21506/j.ponte.2020.7.17 International Journal of Sciences and Research

optimum viscosity can be maintained, the more efficient it will lubricate an engine and prevent its
deterioration. Thus, the viscosity index can be a useful way of assessing the overall quality of the
oil and is an essential information in choosing an oil for intensive use under conditions that
involve large temperature variations.
A lubricant may have a high value of the viscosity index (VI) for one of the following reasons:
optimal viscosity is not known, there are variations and speeds variable, there are variable
ambient temperatures, to increase energy efficiency, to increase the life span of oil (lower
average temperature), to increase the service life of the car (less repairs and downtime) [2].
Cheaper lubricants with a viscosity index can be used if: speeds and loads are constant,
temperature is constant (constant ambient temperature or heat exchanger is used), optimal
viscosity at operating temperature is known and is obtained constantly.
The viscosity index of oil can give useful information on the formula of a lubricant, including the
type and quality of the base oils. For example, highly refined and pure mineral oils will have
higher values of the viscosity index. Certain additives, such as viscosity index enhancers and
flow point depressants, also influence the viscosity index. The formula for calculating the
viscosity index is:

VI = 100 x (L – U)/(L – H) (1)

Wherein U is the viscosity of the oil, L - that of the oil with VI 0 and H - of the oil with VI 100.
The relation is used to determine the viscosity indices of the oils with values less than or equal to
100, for which the value of U is between L and H. The viscosity at other temperatures may be
conveniently determined graphically using ASTM D 341. Finding the viscosity at any gVIen
temperatures is then reduced to finding the viscosity at two standard temperatures from the
viscosity at one temperature and the VI.
To calculate the viscosity index we used a program viscosity index acc ISO 2909 / ASTM D2270
on http://www.tribology-abc.com/calculators/astm_d2270-226.htm using kinematics viscosity at
40°C and 100°C [3]. The importance of the VI can be shown by considering automotVIe
lubricants: oil having high VI resists excessive thickening when the motor is cold, promoting
rapid starting and prompt circulation, and resists excessive thinning when the engine is hot,
providing full lubrication and preventing excessive oil consumption [2, 4].
The objective of the present paper is the determination of viscosity index of a coconut oil.

Viscosity index of a coconut oil was determined using a set of Schott Ubbelohde-type
viscometers selected according to the values of their constants, so that the margins of the
uncertainty, inherent in the Hagebach-Couette correction, does not exceed the error allowed for
the measurements. The measurements were carried out at 40± 0.1 and 100± 0.1°C, according to
the recommandation of ASTM D2270 [5, 6].

Viscosity is the property of a fluid to oppose the relative motion of the constituent particles.
Viscosity is perceived as a flow resistance. In this sense, the water, with low viscosity, is fluid,

Vol. 76 | No. 7/1 | Jul 2020
DOI: 10.21506/j.ponte.2020.7.17 International Journal of Sciences and Research

while the oil, with high viscosity, is viscous. All real fluids are viscous, except for the superfluid
ones. A non-viscous fluid is considered the ideal fluid [7].
The viscosity index of the coconut oil determined with equation (1) 165. The kinematic viscosity
of the coconut oil was 5.9 cSt at 100oC and 27.6 cSt at 40°C.
The viscosity index of coconut oil was determined using the ASTM D 341 diagram, shown in
Fig. 1.
The value obtained for the viscosity index of coconut oil together with its kinematics viscosities
at 40 and 100°C and viscosity-temperature are presented in table 1.

Fig. 1. Diagram ASTM D 341 for the determination of the VI viscosity index of coconut oil.

The value obtained for the viscosity index of coconut oil in Table 1, together with their
kinematics viscosities at 40 and 100°C and viscosity-temperature coefficient.

Table 1. Values of kinematic viscosities at 40 and 1000C, viscosity index and viscosity-temperature coefficient for
the coconut oil.
Kinematic viscosity Viscosity Viscosity Viscosity
Density Viscosity-
index index
Oil (mm2/s) Index temperature
(g/cm3) relationship program
40°C 100°C (1) VI graphically
coconut 0.9260 27.6 5.9 165 166 190 0.7862

Another indication of the change in kinematics viscosity with temperature, which is less arbitrary
than the viscosity index, is the viscosity-temperature coefficient, VTC, defined by the
relationship [8-12]:

Vol. 76 | No. 7/1 | Jul 2020
DOI: 10.21506/j.ponte.2020.7.17 International Journal of Sciences and Research

VTC = (ν40 – ν100)/ ν40 (2)

where ν40 is the viscosity (cSt) at 40°C and ν100 – viscosity at 100oC. The calculated values of
VTC are also given in Table 1.

The viscosity index obtained with relation (1) is smaller by one unit than the viscosity index
obtained with the computer program. The viscosity index obtained graphically is 25 units higher
than the one obtained with relation (1) and 24 units higher than the one obtained with the
computer program. The VTC showing the dependence of the viscosity with the temperature has a
value of 0.7862 much less than 0.900.
The viscosity of the oil decreases with increasing temperature in the temperature range 40 and

The viscosity of coconut oil was determined using four methods: ASTM D 2270 and method
graphically using ASTM D 341. Viscosity index calculation was performed with a computer
program using kinematic viscosity at 40°C and 100°C.
Viscosity index obtained with the calculator program is 99,39% lower than that obtained by
equation (1). The viscosity index obtained by the graphical method is much higher than that
obtained by the other methods.The viscosity-temperature coefficient for coconut oil can vary by a
factor of 10 depending on the temperature.
The viscosity of coconut oil is dependent upon temperature. Viscosity decreases as temperature
increases because the molecules vibrate more, and interact less.

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3. Gylling, H., (2006) J. Allergy, 61(7), 895-896.
4. Liston, T.V. (1992), Lubr. Engr., 48(5), 389.
5. Golfrey, D., (1989) Lubr. Engr., 45(1), 349.
6. ASTM D2270: Standard Practice for Calculating Viscosity Index from Kinematic Viscosity at 40 and 100oC.
7. Stanciu, I., Leca, M., (2007) Buletin UPG – Seria Tehnică, LIX(2), 65-70.
8. Devlin, M.T., Senn, J., Lai Turner, T., Milner, J., (2005) JAO, T-c, Lubrication Sci. 18, 7-9.
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10. Stanciu, I., (2018) Rheology behavior of soybean oil. Journal of Science and Arts, 2(43), 443-458.
11. Stanciu, I., (2018) Determination viscosity index improvers for multi-grade oil of copolymer polyethylene-
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12. Stanciu, I., (2017) Viscosity index improvers for multi-grade oil of copolymers polyethylene-propylene and
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