2018 UPlink NMAT Review Biology 1 Lecture
2018 UPlink NMAT Review Biology 1 Lecture
2018 UPlink NMAT Review Biology 1 Lecture
September 2018
• Robert Hooke – coined the term “cell”
• Anton Van Leeuwenhoek –”animalcules”
• 1839 –Theodor Schwann & Matthias Schleiden
• 1855 –Rudolf Virchow
Cell Theory
Schwann and Schleiden
1. All living organisms are composed of one or
more cells.
2. The cell is the basic unit of structure and
organization in organisms.
Answer: D
2. Archenteron
Answer: C
3. Plant or Seed Embryo
Answer: C
5. Double fertilization in flowering plants
• Endosperm
– Surrounds the
– Provides nutrition
in the form of
Answer: D
6. Cell Transport
Passive and Active Transport
Answer: B
7. Meiosis
Answer: A
9. Cell signalling
Answer: B
• Light Dependent Reaction
H2O + ADP + P + NADP+ ATP + NADPH + O2
• Light Independent Reaction
CO2 + ATP + NADPH C6H12O6 + ADP + P + NADP+
Light Dependent Reaction
Answer: C
13. Cohesion-Tension in Xylem
Answer: C
15. Meristems
• Meristematic –
• 3 Tissue Types:
– Dermal
– Vascular
– Ground
Answer: B
• Parenchyma
– for food and water storage
– Healing and tissue generation
• Collenchyma –flexibility (bend without breaking)
• Sclerenchyma –rigid support (dead cells)
16. Photoperiodism
• Heliotropism-sun
• Phototropism-light
• Thigmotropism-touch or contact with a solid
• Gravitropism/Geotropism-gravity
Answer: C
18. Photosystem I
Answer: C
20. Hormones
Answer: B
21. Negative Feedback Loop
Answer: A
22. Parathyroid Glands
• Four tiny glands, located in the
neck, that control the body's
calcium levels.
• Each gland is about the size of a
grain of rice and produces a
hormone called
parathyroid hormone (PTH).
Answer: D
23. Reaction to light
Small Intestine
Large Intestine
Answer: D
Modified Epithelium in the Stomach
Answer: B
27. Humoral Response
Answer: D
28. DNA replication
Answer: D
29. (recall from 11)
Answer: B
34. Action Potential
Answer: D
35. Adipose tissues
Answer: B
38. Myelin Sheath
• Myelin-whitish
protein-lipid substance
• Non-mylated conduct
more slowly
Answer: D
39. Punnett Square
Answer: D
• Acrosome is an organelle that develops over the
anterior half of the head in the spermatozoa.
• It is a cap-like structure derived from the Golgi
• Acrosome formation is fully completed 5–10 years
after testicular maturation.
43. Oxidative Phosphorylation
a) formation of blastula
b) increase in cell number
c) development of the neural crest
d) increase in the amount of the genetic material
Answer: C
Answer: B
47. Plant cell in hypertonic
• Hyper-cren/Hyper-shrink
• Plasmolysis - contraction of the protoplast of a plant
cell as a result of loss of water from the cell.
Answer: B
• Hemolysis - the rupture or destruction of red blood
48. Retention of Larval Traits
Answer: B
49. Embryo Development
Answer: B
Answer: B
Plant Hormones
• Auxin
• Cytokinin
• Gibberelin
• Ethylene
Plant Hormones