Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
Fax/ Ph. No. 06652-231866
e - Procurement Notice
No. AAq il Dtd. f,6,o1, AoA0
1. The Superintending Engineer, Bolangir (R&B) Circle, Bolangir on behalf of Governor of Odisha invites
percentage rate bid in double cover system in ONLINE MODE for the construction of works detailed in the
table below from B/ A/ Special/ Super Class Contractors registered with the State Governments and contractors
of equivalent Grade/ Class registered with Central Government/ MESi Railways for execution of Civil works.
The proof of registration from the appropriate authority shall be enclosed along with the bid.
6. Date & Time of sale & Receipt of Bids From Dt.10.02.2020, 10.00 A.M. to
Dt.25.02.2020 up to 05.00 P.M.
8. The bidders have to participate in ONLINE bidding only. Further details can be seen from the website:
htto://tendersorissa.sov.in. All future corrigendum will be available on ONLINE MODEyy---
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Superintending Enginr
Balangir (R&B) Circle, nU*)f(\
MemoNo. 9q4 ltDtd. AB; .o l. A o?o
Copy forwarded to the Manager (Publication), I & P.R. Deparhnent, Odisha, Bhubaneswar with a
request to get it published in two leading Oriya Daily and one no of Local English Daily News Paper at an early
date for wide circulation of the Tender call notice. Complimentary copy of the News Papers containing the
Tender Call Notice may be sent to this office for reference and record.
Balangir (R&B) Circle, Balangir
D^1^--:- //I) O-D\ r12^^l^ n^l^.^^.:--
G,,ERI\.MENT ox'oDrs'A
Nr. 46/ il Dtd. Ag'- al' AoAo
1. The Superintending Engineer, Bolangir (R&B/Circle, Bolangir on behalf of Governor of Odisha invites
percentage rate bid in double cover system in ONLINE MODE for the construction of Bridge/Road and
Building works detailed in the table below from Bl A/ SpeciaV Super Class Contractors registered with the
State Governments and contractors of equivalent Grade/ Class registered with Central Govemment/ MES/
Railways for execution of Civil works. The proof of registration from the appropriate authority shall be
enclosed along with the bid"
sl. Name of the work Value of the Concerned Security Cost of Bid CIass of Period of
No. Work (Rs.) Tender Inviting Amount (Rs.) Document (Rs.) Bidder Completion
Auihorifv (Online) (Online)
I 2 4 5 6 7 8
1 Construction of Box-Cell Rs.208.34 S"E., Bolangir 2,08,500"00 10,000.00 B Class/ 9
Culverts at Ch"l/260 KM, Lakh lR&B) Circle, (Online) (Online) A Class (Nine)
Ch. 31220 KM and Bolangir Calendar
Ch.5/400 KM on months
Iunagarh - Dasigaon
Kalampur Road in
Kalahandi District under
State Plan (Normal) for
fhe year 2019-20
2 Improvement such as Rs.864.00 S.E., Bolangir 8,64,000.00 10,000.00 Special t2
widening and Laklt lR&B) Circle, (Online) (Online) Class/ ('fwelve)
strengthening of Jaipatna Bolangir Super Calendar
Mukhiguda Road (ODR) Class months
from 0/00 KM to 8/120
KM in the district of
Kalahandi under State
Plan (Normal) for the
lmprovement and Rs.429.73 S.E., Bolangir 4,30,000.00 10,000.00 A Class/ 6
to Jaipatna to
widening Lakh lR&B) Circle, (Online) (Online) Special Class (Six)
Dhansuli Nabarangpur Bolangir Calendar
border road via Dulughati months
from 0/0 KM to 9O fVt
under State Plan (l.{ormal)
for the year 2019-20
4 Widening and Rs.689.25 S.E., Bolangir 6,89,500.00 10,000.00 Special lt
mprovement of Malgaon Lakh lR&B) Circle, (Online) (Online) Class/ (Eleven)
o SH-16 (Podmundi) Bolangir Super Calendar
lanal embankment Class months
Service Road from 0/00
(M to 7/500 KM under
Jtate Plan Q'{ormal) for
he year 2019-20
5 Widening and Rs.605.89 S.E., Bolangir 6,06,000.00 10,000.00 Special 9
to NH-26
mprovement Lalih lR&B) Circle, (Online) (Online) Class/ (Nine)
to SH-16
'Singhjharan) Bolangir Super Calendar
'Kamthana) Canal Class months
:mbankment Service
R.oad from 0/00 KM to
7/400 KM under State
Plan (Normal) for the
rcar 2019-20
6 )rovement such as Rs.774.57 8., Bolangir 7,75,000.00 10,000.00 Special t1
lening and Lakh i.&B) Circle, (Online) (Online) Class/ (Eleven)
,ngthening to Palam- Super 'Calendar
khandi Road from Class months
0 KM to 10/300 KM
ler State Plan (Normal)
the year 2019-20
7 lmprovement such as Rs.682.64 S.E., Bolangir 6,83,000.00 10,000.00 Special 9
widening and Lakh (R&B) Circle, (Online) (Online) Class/ (Nine)
;trengthening to Koksara- Bolangir Super Calendar
Behera via Dahagaon Class months
Road from 0/00 KM to
)/860 KM under State
Plan (Normal) for the
{ear 2019-20 in the
District of Kalahandi.
8 Widening to Multilane of Rs. 146.58 S.E., Bolangir 1,47,000.00 10,000.00 B Class/ 6
Road from Statute Chhak Lakh (R&B) Circle, (Online) (Online) A Class (Six)
to Mandar Bagichapada Bolangir Calendar
via LBS Stadium from months
lll00 KM to X1600 KM
along I No CD & Drain
under State Plan (Normal)
for the year 2019-20
9 Construction of HL Rs.838.48 S.E., Bolangir 8,38,500"00 10,000.00 Special 15
Bridge over Kumarkani Lakh lR&B) Circle, (Online) (Online) Class/ (Fifteen)
Nallah at 5/800 KM & Bolangir Super Calendar
Dumerpadar Nallah at Class months
I l/300 KM on The
Rampur- Kasipur Road
(MDR-112) under State
Plan for the year 20lg-2fit
l0 Improvement of Tusura- Rs.784.32 S.E., Bolangir 7,84,500.00 10,000.00 Special t2
Gudvela Road (ODR) Lakh :R&B) Circle, (Online) (Online) Class/ (Twelve)
from 010 KM to 111600 Bolangir Super Calendar
KM in the dishict of Class months
Bolangir under State Plan
(Normal) for the year
2. Bid documents consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities and the set of terms and conditions of contract
and other necessary documents can be seen in the website: ryww.tendersodisha.gov.in.
The bidder shall transfer online the Earnest Money deposit/ Bid Security of the amount specified for the work in the table
Col.5 above as part of its bid through a process as mentioned under DTCN. Bidders desirous to hire machineries or
equipments from outside the state or owned but deployed outside the state are required to transfer online 1% of the amount
put to tender as Bid Security.
4. The Bid documents will be available in the website: www.tendersodisha.sov.'in from 10.00 AM of 10.02.2020 to 05.00
PM of 25.02.2020 for online bidding.
5. The bidder must possess compatible Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) of Class-II or Class-III
6. Bids shall be received only on "Online" on or before 05.00 PM of 25.02.2020.
7. Bids received online shall be opened at 11.00 Hours on 26.A2.2020 in the offrce of the Superintending Engineer,
Bolangir (R&B) Circle, Bolangir in the presence of the bidders who wish to attend. Bidders who participated in the bid
can witness the opening of bids after logging on to the site through their DSC. Ifthe office happens to be closed on the last
will be opened on the next working day at the same time and venue.
date of opening of the bids as specified, the bids
The bidder shall transfer online the cost of bid document for Rs.10,000.00 towards cost of the Bid through a process as
mentioned under DTCN.
9. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents.
10. Theauthorityreservestherighttocancelanyorallbidswithoutassigninganyreason7...-
I l. TheAddendum/Conigendumifanywillbehostedinthewebsiteonly.
/ : r{fr1,\24>
Su]Erinte nding Engineer,
Bolangir (R&B) Circle, Uotanrp6..
MemoNo AIO lDtd. Ag.ol.a6.eo
Copy forwarded to the Manager (Publication), I & P.R. Departrnent, Odisha, Bhubaneswar with a request to get it
published in two leading Oriya Daily and one no of Local English Daily News Faper at an early date for wide circulation of
the Tender call notice. Complimentary copy of the News Papers containing the Tender Call
llolice mly be sent to this
officeforreferenceandrecord. \" 0 _.
(_--r--^ \'ff)P
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Superintending Engineer,
MemoNo e+/ //Dtd. A{, ar, aoeo
Copy submitted to the Engineer-in-Chief-Cum Secretary to Govemment, Works Departrne4!, Odisha, Bhubaneswar
for favour of kind information and necessary action. ,/ Y o
/ MemoNo. a?a ttDtd. LE'ol'Ad'ao
Copy submitted to the Deputy Secretary to Government, Department of information and Technology, Odisha,
Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action.
-"' \-"
C-r--, ,- JG'\ ,\"o
Superintending Engineer, \
Bolangir (R&B) Circle, BolanSj2(,
MemoNo" AV9 ttDtd. 48"o1'''oao
Copy submitted to the Engineer-in-Chief (Civil), Odisha, Nirman Soudh, Bhubaneswar / Chief Engineer, (DPI &
Roads), Odisha, Bhubaneswar / Chief Engineer, (World Bank Projects), Odisha, Bhubaneswar / Chief Engineer, Buildings,
Odisha, Bhubaneswar for favour of kind information and necessary action.
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S upen-h-fe nd
Bolangir (R&B) Circle,
in g ^-ffii\\i_
En g i neer,