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DLP Norigay

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March 02, 2020

A. Content Standard: The learners demonstrate on understanding of concepts and
principles in Setting Up Computer Network
B. Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to Set Up Computer Network
based established procedures and system requirements for hardware
C. Learning Competency: Set Up Computer Network
D. Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
Enumerate the tools and materials used in LAN Cabling
Identify the color coding of Ethernet Wires used in LAN Cabling
Create LAN Cable


A. Content: Install Network Cable
B. Lesson: Creating LAN Cable
C. Tools and Materials: Laptop, Projector, UTP Cable, RJ45, Crimping tool, LAN Tester,
Wire Stripper, Power Point, Colored Paper, Marker, Visual Aids
D. References: Competency Based Learning Materials for CSS NCII, K-12 Basic
Education Curriculum Information and Communications Technology-Computer
System Servicing NCII, LAN Wiring and Pin out Cabling, Internetworking
Fundamental - Students’ Manual.


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

PREPARATION (One student will lead the opening prayer)
a. Preliminaries
 Prayer
 Greetings - Good Morning Ma’am!
- Good Morning Class!
 Checking of attendance
b. Motivation
- Class before we proceed to our topic for
today I want you to show you some
pictures and name it. - Yes ma’am!
(Teacher will flash Computer LAN Games and the
- Very good! Since you are familiar with students will answer)
those computer games, do you want to
know how it works?
- Yes Ma’am!

- Ok. I want you to choose your partner and
we will play the picture puzzle game. - Students will follow the instruction
- You need to arrange this puzzle to form a
tools. I will give you three (3) minutes to
solve the puzzle and the first group to
finish the puzzle will be given a point.
 Unlocking the difficulty of Tools for
LAN Cabling
- Students will solve the puzzle.
- Excellent learners! Now, I want to divide
the class into two (2) groups and choose
your representative. We will play the color - The students will group themselves and
coding game. choose representative.
- I want you to look at this picture and
observe. We will be having the color
coding game.
Direction: The representative will come in front
and arrange the combination of 568A (group 1)
and 568B (group 2).
 Unlocking the difficulty of 568A & - (Each representative will go in front and do
568B Ethernet Cable. the task given.
- Now class, based on that picture puzzle
activity what did you observe? - Based on our activity ma’am I think these
are the tools needed in creating cables.
- Yes you are correct. What else?
- Ma’am, with our second activity I believe
that it’s the color arrangement of cable
used for network.
- Very good! Based on your answers what
do you think our lesson for today? - Our topic for today is about Network
Cables Ma’am.
- Yes you got it right! But before we will
discuss on Creating Network Cable, who
have an idea about Network? - Ma’am, Network is a communications
system connecting computers.
- Very good!
We have also the three basic Network Categories.
The Local Area Network, Metropolitan Area
Network and Wide Area Network.
- Have you ever heard about what is Local
Area Network? - Yes ma’am! LAN is a collection of devices
connected together on a physical location
such as building, office, or home.
- Well said, that’s actually what LAN is. So
what do you think is the material used to
connect devices? - LAN Cable Ma’am.
- Yes we used LAN cable because cable is
the medium through which information
usually moves from one network device to
- Let’s proceed on what are the tools in
creating LAN Cable? - Unshielded twisted pair ma’am.
- Very good! The UTP is a ubiquitous type of
copper cabling used in telephone wiring
and local area networks (LAN). What else? - Ma’am we have also wire stripper which is
use to remove the outer jacket of the wire.
- Very well said. Anything else? - The RJ45 Ma’am.
- And what is RJ45 or Registered Jack?
- RJ45 is the eight wire connector used to
connect the computers to CAT5 UTP cables
in a network ma’am.
- Excellent! What else?
- Crimping tool ma’am, use to crimp UTP
cable to RJ45 connector.
- You got it right! We have also the LAN
tester used to test if the cable is properly
done and can control the network.
- We mention all the hand tools needed for
LAN cabling. Now let’s talk about the
wiring standard which is the T-568A and T-
568B. Who can give me the combination of
T-568A? - Ma’am the combination of 568A is White
Green, Green, White Orange, Blue, White
Blue, Orange, White Brown, Brown.
- Very good! How about the T-568B?
- White Orange, Orange, White Green, Blue,
White Blue, Green, White Brown and
Brown ma’am is the combination of the
- Superb! That is the correct combination of
our T568A and T568B. If both ends of our
cable have the same wire combination
that is the Straight through Cable and if
not that is the Cross over Cable.
- Any question class? - None Ma’am.
- Hearing none. Please divide the class into
two (2) groups and choose your leader.
- Each group will discuss about the purpose
of the Straight-Through Cable and write
the Steps on how to create a LAN cable.
- You are given ten (10) minutes to do the
task. - (Student will follow the instruction and
task given to them).
Discussion of the Lesson
- Very good everyone. Now we will focus on
our topic.
- Class I just want to irritate to you about -
Network Cabling that it’s the process of
creating cable that will be used in creating
a network between computers, routers,
switches and storage area network.
- We have also the types of cable. Anyone
have an idea about the types of cables? - Ma’am one type of network cable is the
coaxial which consist of a core of copper
wire surrounded by insulation, a braided
metal shielding and an outer cover.
- That is right. What else?
- Fiber Optic Ma’am is another type of
Network cable. A Fiber optic consists of a
center glass core surrounded by many
layers of protective materials. It removes
the problem of electrical obstruction by
transmitting light rather than electronic
- Very good! How about the cables used for
telephones? - Ma’am the cable use for telephone is the
Shielded twisted pair.
- Yes, that is right! And we have the two (2)
types of Twisted Pair. The Shielded and
Unshielded Twisted Pair.
- When we are referring to shielded twisted
pair (STP) it is a special kind of copper
telephone wiring used in business
- And the Unshielded Twisted pair (UTP) is
the most admired type of network cable in
the world. UTP is used for both telephones
and computer networking.
- Any clarification class?
- Ma’am what is the most common used
type of cable in computer network?
- As I’ve said a while ago that UTP is the
most admired type of network cable and
that is the most commonly type of cable
used in computer networking.
- Since UTP is the most common type of
cable in networking this is what we are
going to use now, the CAT6 type of UTP
cable. It contains four tightly wound
twisted pairs and supports 1 Gbps for up
to 100 meters and 10. Gbps for up to 50
- Class any idea what is Straight-Through
Cable? - A straight through cable is the wired pins
- Very good! What is the purpose of a
Straight-Through Cable?
- Straight-Through Cable is used in local
area networks to connect a computer to a
network hub such as a router.
- Yes you have a good point. The Straight-
Through Cable are primarily used for
connecting unlike devices.
- Class what is the importance of LAN Cable?
- Ma’am, cabling is the underpinning of
Local Area Network, Communication
Systems and Internet. How well the cabling
infrastructure is planned today determines
how fast the technology information we
will need tomorrow can be obtained.
- What are the safety precautions we need
to observe while creating LAN Cable? - 1.Make sure that the tools using are in
good condition
2. Watch what you are doing and take your
time. Make sure that you do not cut
yourself or place on danger.
3. Always wear safety glasses when
cutting, splicing, or stripping the cable.
4. Wear gloves whenever possible and
disposed any waste properly.
- Now that you are knowledgeable enough
about the tools and equipments needed,
the color combination of standard T568A
& T568B and the precaution to observe in
fabricating LAN cable. Let us now proceed
on the procedure in creating Straight-
Through cable.
- With the same group, read the procedure
in creating LAN Cable while the teacher
demonstrating each step the student will - (Student will read)
Direction: Group one(1) will create Straight-
Through Cable using the T568A and group two(2)
using the T568B color coding arrangement, by - (Provided the necessary tools and
following steps in creating Straight Through Cable. materials the students will perform actual
procedure in creating Straight-Through
Cable and following the instruction of their
task given to them.

Step 1: Strip the cable jacket about 1.5 inch down

from the end.

Step 2: Spread the four pairs of twisted wire

apart. For Cat 5e, you can use the pull string to
strip the jacket farther down if you need to, then
cut the pull string. Cat 6 cables have a spine that
will also need to be cut.
Step 3: Untwist the wire pairs and neatly align
them in the T568B orientation. Be sure not to
untwist them any farther down the cable than
where the jacket begins; we want to leave as
much of the cable twisted as possible.

Step 4: Cut the wires as straight as possible, about

0.5 inch above the end of the jacket.
Step 5: Carefully insert the wires all the way into
the modular connector, making sure that each
wire passes through the appropriate guides inside
the connector.

Step 6: Push the connector inside the crimping

tool and squeeze the crimper all the way down.
Step 7: Repeat steps 1-6 for the other end of the

Step 8: To make sure you've successfully

terminated each end of the cable, use a cable
tester to test each pin.

c. Generalization
- Always take into considerations that
before using the cable in connecting actual
devices. It is suggested that you must use a
LAN tester first to check the functionality
of the cable.
Computer networks help users on the network
to share the resources and in communication.

- File sharing: Networking of computers

helps the network users to share data files.
- Hardware sharing: Users can share devices
such as printers, scanners, CD-ROM drives,
hard drives etc. Without computer
networks, device sharing is not possible.
- Application sharing: Applications can be
shared over the network, and this allows
to implement client/server applications
- User communication: Networks allow
users to communicate using e-mail,
newsgroups, and video conferencing etc.
- Network gaming: A lot of network games
are available, which allow multi-users to
play from different locations.
Name: Grade:
Direction: Write the color of the color combination in the Straight-Through Connection Wire
Diagram. Write the letter on the space provided.
Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin Pin 5 Pin 6 Pin 7 Pin 8
____(1) ____(2) ____(3) _____(4) _____(5) _____(6) _____(7) _____(8)

a. WBr b. WO c. O d. G e. B f. Br g. WB h. WG
Dimension 3 2 1 Rating
Systematically follow
follow the steps Cannot follow the
Process the steps prescribed
prescribed all the steps prescribed.
Able to complete the
Able to complete Wasn’t able to
Product task with error
the task correctly. complete the task.
Able to finish the task a
Time Able to finish the Unable to finish the
minute after the given
Management task ahead of time. task.
Student expressed
Student expressed Student expressed a
some awareness on the little awareness on
Awareness awareness on the
importance of LAN the importance of
importance of LAN
cabling. LAN cabling.
Observed the safety
Observed safety
Safety precaution all the
precaution sometimes.
Practiced cooperation Cannot practice
cooperation and
Team Work and teamwork cooperation and
teamwork at all
sometimes. teamwork.
TOTAL = 100%
Total Computations: (Individual) Formula
A. Cognitive: ____/5 X 20 = ____ Score/5 X 20 = CG
B. Psychomotor: ____/9 X 20 = ____ Score/9 X 60 = PG
C. Affective: ____/9 X 20 = ____ Score/9 X 20 = AG
Total Grade : TOTAL

A. Follow Up Assignment
1. What is Rollover Cable?
2. Identify the function of rollover cable.
B. Advanced Assignment
1. What is Cross-Over LAN Cable?
2. What is the color coding of Cross - Over LAN Cable?

Prepared By: Norigay B. Gallardo

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