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The technical manual provides maintenance instructions for aircraft fuel cells and tanks at the organizational, intermediate, and depot levels. It describes repair and replacement procedures for various components.

The technical manual aims to provide guidance for maintaining fuel cells and tanks on aircraft. It outlines inspection, repair, and replacement procedures for different parts and components of fuel systems.

When working on fuel cells, appropriate personal protective equipment like respiratory protection and eye protection should be worn. Ventilation should also be ensured as fuel vapors can be harmful. The nylon barrier of inner liners should not be buffed or damaged as it can lead to fuel diffusion.

NAVAIR 01-1A-35

31 August 2005




This revision supercedes NAVAIR 01-1A-35, dated 15 January 2001 and

incorporates IRACs 11, 12, and 13.

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approve for public release; distribution is unlimited.

DESTRUCTION NOTICE - For unclassified, limited documents, destroy by any

method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document.


NAVAIR 01-1A-35
Page A


List of Current Changes

Original ......................... 0...................... 31 Aug 2005

(Includes IRAC 11, 12, and 13)

Only those pages assigned to the manual are listed in this index. If changed pages are issued, insert the changed
pages and dispose of superseded pages, including classified data, in accordance with applicable regulations. The
portion of text affected by the change is indicated by change bars or the symbol “R” in the outer margin of each
column of text. Changes to illustrations are indicated by pointing hands, change bars, or shaded areas as

Total number of pages in this manual is 384 consisting of the following:

WP/Page *Change WP/Page *Change WP/Page *Change

No. No. No. No. No. No.

Title ....................................... 0 007 00 018 00

A - B ...................................... 0 1 - 10 ................................ 0 1 - 18 ............................... 0
C Blank ................................. 0 008 00 019 00
TPDR-1................................. 0 1 - 5 .................................. 0 1 - 4 ................................. 0
TPDR-2 Blank....................... 0 6 Blank ............................. 0 020 00
HMWS-1 009 00 1 - 8 ................................. 0
1 – 6.................................. 0 1 - 4 .................................. 0 021 00
001 00 010 00 1 - 15 ............................... 0
1 - 3 .................................. 0 1 - 13 ................................ 0 16 Blank .......................... 0
4 Blank.............................. 0 14 Blank ........................... 0 022 00
002 00 011 00 1 - 11 ............................... 0
1 -25 ................................. 0 1 - 6 .................................. 0 12 Blank .......................... 0
26 Blank ........................... 0 012 00
003 00 1 - 10 ................................ 0
1 - 5 .................................. 0 013 00
6 Blank.............................. 0 1 - 58 ................................ 0
004 00 014 00
1 - 19 ................................ 0 1 - 12 ................................ 0
20 Blank ........................... 0 015 00
005 00 1 - 54 ................................ 0
1 - 3 .................................. 0 016 00
4 Blank.............................. 0 1 - 54 ................................ 0
006 00 017 00
1 - 20 ................................ 0 1 – 8 ................................. 0

*Zero in this column indicates an original page.

NAVAIR 01-1A-35
Page B/(C Blank)




The TPDRs listed below have been incorporated in this issue.

Identification No. Location

09122 2004 0001 VFA82 WP 004

09281 2004 0002 VF143 WP 018
09674 2004 0008 PATRON 40 WP 004
30338 2002 N001 NATEC New Orleans WP 004, pgph 26
30338 2002 N002 NATEC New Orleans WP 004, pgph 48a
30338 2002 N008 NATEC New Orleans WP 004
30338 2003 N032 NATEC New Orleans WP 004
30338 2003 N033 NATEC New Orleans WP 004
30338 2003 N034 NATEC New Orleans WP 004
30338 2003 N035 NATEC New Orleans WP 004
30338 2003 N036 NATEC New Orleans WP 004
30338 2003 N037 NATEC New Orleans WP 004
30338 2003 N038 NATEC New Orleans WP 004
30338 2003 N039 NATEC New Orleans WP 004
30338 2003 N040 NATEC New Orleans WP 004, pgph 64
33207 2002 0001 NATEC Camp Pendleton WP 006, pgph 26
39501 2004 0001 VR-51 WP 002, Table 2-6
44328 2004 0040 COMAEWWINGPAC DET AIMD WP 018
52813 2003 0001 Raytheon Aerospace WP 004, pgph 70
52814 2001 0027 Sikorsky Support Services, Inc WP 006, pgph 26
52814 2001 0031 Sikorsky Support Services, Inc WP 004, pgph 70, WP 003, pgph 15
52873 2004 0012 HSL-37 WP 005, pgph 4
53823 1995 0004 Patrol Wing Five WP 009, pgph 2g(7)
55584 2004 0203 HSL-51 DET 2 WP 004
5Z623 2005 0147 Cecil Field WP 006, pgph 26
65886 2004 0521 NAVAIRDEPOT JAX WP 009, pgph 2g(7)
65886 2004 0580 NAVAIRDEPOT JAX WP 018
65888 2001 0215 NADEP NORIS WP 012, pgph 3a(10)
65888 2003 0868 NADEP NORIS WP 015, Table 15-1
80338 2001 N007 NATEC New Orleans WP 004
80338 2001 N008 NATEC New Orleans WP 004
97819 2002 0115 COMTRAWING ONE WP 004
N3168 2003 0002 NRLFSD WP 004
This page intentionally left blank.
MANUAL NA 01-1A-35 OF 31 AUG 2005
MANUAL 01-1A-35
TO AIG 165
AIG 7658
AIG 13734
REF/A/DOC/NA 01-1A-35/31AUG2005//
REF/B/DOC/NA 00-25-100/01JUL2006//
POC/A. S. KOONCE/ENGR/ CHPT NC/TEL:(252) 464-9341
AIR-, TEL: (252)464-9341, DSN 451-9341, EMAIL:
CODE 3.3.1, TEL: (252)464-5514, DSN: 451-5514, EMAIL:
B. IN WP 004 00, PAGE 14, TABLE 4-1 OF REF A:
C. IN WP 004 00, PAGE 16, PARAGRAPH 73 OF REF A:

P 261905Z JAN 06 PSN 617202Q18


TO AIG 13734
ZEN/AIG 7658




UNCLAS //N04730//



REF/A/DOC/NA 01-1A-35/31AUG2005//
POC/A. S. KOONCE/ENGR/ CHPT NC/TEL:(252) 464-9341


AIR-, PRIPHN DSN: 451-9341, TEL: (252)
CHERRY POINT, NC, CODE 3.3.1, PRIPHN DSN: 451-5514, TEL: (252)



16-1, PAGE 4, WP 016:



NC, CODE 3.3.1.

NAVAIR 01-1A-35 HMWS-1
31 August 2005

1. GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS. aircraft equipped with an ejection seat. These safety
The following general safety precautions are not precautions cannot be overemphasized. Each ejection seat
related to any specific procedure and therefore do not has several ground safety pins. These safety pins are
appear elsewhere in this publication. These are precautions provided on red-flagged lanyards for use at every point of
that personnel must understand and apply during all phases potential danger. They shall be installed whenever the
of operation and maintenance. aircraft is on the ground or deck, and must never be
a. KEEP AWAY FROM LIVE CIRCUITS. removed until the aircraft is ready for flight. The following
Operating personnel must observe safety precautions at all general precautions should always be kept in mind:
times. Do not replace components or make adjustments
inside any equipment with the high voltage supply turned (1) Ejection seats shall be treated with the same
on. Under certain conditions, dangerous potentials may respect as a loaded gun.
exist when the power control is in the off position, due to
(2) Always consider an ejection seat system as loaded
charges retained by capacitors. To avoid casualties, always
remove power, discharge, and ground a circuit before and armed.
touching it. (3) Before entering a cockpit, know where the ejection
b. DO NOT SERVICE OR ADJUST ALONE. seat safety pins are and be certain of their installation.
Under no circumstances shall any person reach into or enter
an enclosure for the purpose of servicing or adding the (4) Only authorized personnel may work on or
equipment, except in the presence of someone who is remove/install ejection seats and components, and only in
capable of rendering aid. authorized area.
c. RESUSCITATION. Personnel working with or
near high voltages should be familiar with modern methods 2. WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS USED IN TEXT.
of resuscitation. Such information may be obtained from
the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. a. Warnings for hazardous substances have been
d. ENGINE NOISE. Personnel must observe the developed from dated manufacturer's Material Safety Data
following precautions when working within danger areas of Sheets (MSDSs), when available. Each warning is valid as
jet engines. of its specific preparation date. To ensure compliance with
(1) Wear the proper protection (earplugs and/or current precautionary information:
(2) Do not exceed the time limits of exposure to Read and follow specific instructions in MSDS
various sound intensities. for types of personal protective equipment
(safety glasses, gloves, apron, etc.), for use of
(3) Have periodic checks on hearing ability. ventilators or respirators, for types of fire
The wearing of regulation earplugs or earmuffs will extinguishers, and for treating medical
raise the time limits of exposure. All personnel working emergencies.
within danger areas should be familiar with calculated
sound levels (as specified in the general information section Read and follow the hazardous materials label
of applicable Maintenance Instruction Manual) and should posted on the container for the specific
wear the necessary protection equipment. substance and the MSDS supplied by the
Personnel working in or around aircraft on the flight line
shall observe flight line safety precautions and regulations. Follow established shop practices and
procedures when using, handling, and storing
f. USE SAFETY SHIELDS. Observe applicable hazardous materials.
safety regulations and use safety shields on power tools
where provided. Adequate shielding to protect eyes and
Dispose of hazardous materials by complying
face shall be used at all times when operating power tools
with existing federal, state, or local regulations.
or performing pressure tests.
g. HANDLING FLUIDS AND GASSES. Observe b. Warnings, cautions, and notes will be found
applicable safety precautions when using fluids or gasses, throughout the manual in various procedures. It is
which are flammable or toxic. Do not use gasses or fluids, important that the significance of each be thoroughly
which are not positively identified. understood by personnel using the manual. Their
h. SEAT EJECTION MECHANISMS. Safety definitions are:
precautions shall be strictly observed when working around
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 HMWS-2

identifier assigned at its initial appearance. The following

is an explanation of the general hazard symbols used in this
In the text of the manual, the caption WARNING will
An operating or maintenance procedure,
not be used for hazardous materials. Such warnings will be
practice, condition, statement, etc., which if not
identified by an icon and numeric identifier. The material
strictly observed, could result in injury or death
nomenclature will also be provided. The user is directed to
of personnel.
refer to the corresponding numeric identifier listed,
beginning on page vi, for the complete warning applicable
to the hazardous materials.
An operating or maintenance procedure, Icons are used in this manual to identify dangers
practice, condition, statement, etc., which if not associated with hazardous materials. The icons used and
strictly observed, could result in damage to, or their definitions are as follows.
destruction of, equipment or loss of mission
effectiveness. Biological - The abstract symbol bug
shows that material may contain bacteria
NOTE or viruses that present a danger to your
life or health.
An essential operating or maintenance
Chemical - The symbol of drops of a
procedure, condition, or statement, which, must
liquid onto a hand shows that a material
be highlighted.
will cause burns or irritation of human
Warnings for hazardous materials listed in this manual Cryogenic - The symbol of a human hand
are designed to warn personnel of hazards associated with in a block of ice shows that the material is
such items when they come in contact with them by actual extremely cold and can injure human skin
use. Additional information related to hazardous materials or tissue.
is provided in OPNAVINST 5100.23 Series, Navy
Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Explosion - The rapidly expanding
Manual, NAVSUPINST 5100.27 Series, Navy Hazardous symbol shows that the material may
Material Control Program, and the DOD 6050.5, Hazardous explode if subjected to high temperatures,
Materials Information System (HMIS) series publications. sources of ignition, or high pressure.
For each hazardous material used within the Navy, a Eye - The symbol of a person wearing
material safety data sheet (MSDS) is required to be goggles shows that the material will
provided and available for review by users. Consult your injure your eyes.
local safety and health staff concerning any question on
hazardous chemicals, MSDS's, personal protective Fire - The symbol of a flame shows
equipment requirements, and appropriate handling and that a material can ignite and burn you.
emergency procedures and disposal guidance.
The selection of personal protective equipment should
be made by the material user, based on the particular Poison - The symbol of a skull and
conditions; where and how the material is to be used, crossbones shows
together with information provided by the safety and health
Radiation – The symbol of three circular
Complete warnings for hazardous materials referenced wedges shows that a material emits
in this manual are identified by use of an icon, radioactive energy and can injure human
nomenclature and specification or part number of the tissue or organs.
material and a numeric identifier. The numeric identifiers
have been assigned to the hazardous materials in the order Vapor – The symbol of a human figure in
of their appearance in the manual. Each hazardous material a cloud shows that vapors of a material
is assigned only one numeric identifier. Repeated use of a present a danger to your life and health
specific hazardous material references the numeric through inhalation.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 HMWS-3


Index Material Warning

1 CORROSION PREVENTIVE COMPOUND MIL-C-81309 Corrosion Preventive Compound may

MIL-C-81309 cause eye and skin irritation. Overexposure may cause
dizziness or other nervous system effects. For safety,
use: Chemical splash proof goggles, gloves, and good
ventilation. Consult the applicable Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS) and local Occupational Safety and Health
(OSH) regulations for appropriate safety precautions.

2 CLEANING COMPOUND MIL-PRF-85570 Aircraft Cleaning Compound is

MIL-PRF-85570 irritating to skin and eyes. Prolonged contact may cause
dermatitis. Wear chemical splash proof goggles and
gloves. Use only with adequate ventilation. Consult the
applicable Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and local
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) regulations for
appropriate safety precautions.

3 ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL TT-I-735 Isopropyl Alcohol is flammable. Do not use

TT-I-735 near open flame or other sources of ignition. May irritate
skin and eyes. Inhalation may cause dizziness,
headaches and irritation to respiratory tract. PPE:
Chemical splash proof goggles and gloves. Consult the
applicable Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and local
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) regulations for
appropriate safety precautions.

4 DRY CLEANING SOLVENT MIL-PRF-680 Dry Cleaning Solvent may cause eye and
MIL-PRF-680, Type II or III skin irritation. Over exposure may cause dizziness and
other central nervous system effects. PPE: Nitrile
gloves, chemical protective goggles. Consult the
applicable Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and local
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) regulations for
appropriate safety precautions.

5 LUBRICATING OIL Oil, MIL-PRF-6081, Grade 1010 may cause skin and eye
MIL-PRF-6081 irritation. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Always use
with adequate ventilation. PPE: gloves, goggles,
adequate ventilation. Consult the applicable Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and local Occupational
Safety and Health (OSH) regulations for appropriate
safety precautions.

6 CORROSION PREVENTIVE COMPOUND Corrosion preventive compound MIL-DTL-85054 is a

MIL-DTL-85054 skin, eye and respiratory tract irritant. High vapor
concentration may cause dizziness, headache, or
unconsciousness. Do not use in confined areas. PPE:
Chemical splash proof goggles and gloves. Consult the
applicable MSDS and local OSH regulations for safety
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 HMWS-4

Index Material Warning

7 ACETONE ASTM D329 Acetone is flammable. Do not breathe

ASTM D329 vapors. Do not use near heat, sparks, open flames, or
any other source of ignition. Use only in well-ventilated
area. Do not allow contact with skin or eyes. PPE:
Butyl rubber gloves, goggles. Consult the applicable
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and local
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) regulations for
appropriate safety precautions.

8 ADHESIVE MIL-PRF-9117 Adhesive is toxic, flammable, and may

MIL-PRF-9117 cause eye and skin irritation. PPE: gloves, goggles
Consult the applicable Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) and local Occupational Safety and Health
(OSH) regulations for appropriate safety precautions.

9 ADHESIVE 82C18 adhesive is toxic and can cause eye and skin
82C18 irritation. Avoid prolonged contact with skin or eyes and
inhalation of any vapors. PPE: gloves, goggles/face-
shield. Consult the applicable Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS) and local Occupational Safety and Health
(OSH) regulations for appropriate safety precautions.

10 COMPOUND, SILICONE Silicone compound, SAE-AS8660, is a skin and eye

SAE-AS8660 irritant. Avoid skin and eye contact. Avoid contact with
extreme heat or oxidizing materials. PPE: gloves,
goggles. Consult the applicable Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS) and local Occupational Safety and Health
(OSH) regulations for appropriate safety precautions.

11 SEALING COMPOUND Sealing Compound, AMS-S-4383, is toxic and

AMS-S-4383 flammable. Keep away from all sources of ignition.
Avoid breathing vapors. Avoid skin and eye contact.
Use only in well ventilated area. PPE: gloves, goggles.
Consult the applicable Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) and local Occupational Safety and Health
(OSH) regulations for appropriate safety precautions.

12 PHENOLPHTHALEIN Phenolphthalein can irritate skin and eyes. Wear gloves

and chemical protective goggles during use. Consult the
applicable Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and local
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) regulations for
appropriate safety precautions.

13 LEAK DETECTION COMPOUND Leak detection compound, MIL-PRF-25567, is a skin

MIL-PRF-25567 and eye irritant. Avoid contact with strong oxidizing
agents and reducers, particularly alkaline materials.
PPE: rubber gloves and chemical goggles. Consult the
applicable Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and local
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) regulations for
appropriate safety precautions.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 HMWS-5

Index Material Warning

14 SEALING COMPOUND Sealing compound is flammable and irritating to the skin

AMS 3276 and eyes. Avoid prolonged breathing of vapors. Keep
away from sources of ignition. PPE: gloves, goggles/
faceshield. Consult the applicable Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS) and local Occupational Safety and Health
(OSH) regulations for appropriate safety precautions.

15 SEALANT AMS-S-8802 Sealant is toxic and can cause skin and eye
AMS-S-8802 irritation. Avoid skin and eye contact. PPE: gloves,
apron, and goggles or faceshield. Consult the applicable
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and local
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) regulations for
appropriate safety precautions.

16 SEALANT MIL-S-22473 sealant may cause eye and skin irritation.

MIL-S-22473 Wear gloves and goggles. Consult the applicable
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and local
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) regulations for
appropriate safety precautions.

17 DRY ICE Dry Ice, Carbon Dioxide (solid), CGA-G6.2, can cause
CGA-G6.2 severe skin burns and frostbite. Do not handle with bare
hands. Use in well ventilated area. PPE: cryogenic
gloves, goggles and faceshield. Consult the applicable
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and local
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) regulations for
appropriate safety precautions.

18 SEALANT PR 2000 Sealing Compound may irritate the skin and

PR-2200 eyes. High concentration can cause dizziness or
drowsiness. Contains ingredients that can cause cancer.
Do not grind, cut or otherwise create a respirable dust
from cured material. For safe use, wear chemical
resistant gloves and safety glasses with side-shields.
Consult the applicable MSDS and local OSH regulations
for additional information.

19 SEALANT Sealant is toxic and can cause skin and eye irritation. Do
AMS-3277 not inhale vapors. Use only in well ventilated area.
PPE: gloves, goggles. Consult the applicable Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and local Occupational
Safety and Health (OSH) regulations for appropriate
safety precautions.

20 SEAL/COAT COMPOUND CORROSION MIL-PRF-81733, Type I-1/2 Corrosion Inhibitive

INHIBITIVE Sealing and Coating Compound may contain chromate
MIL-PRF-81733 compounds, suspected carcinogens. Avoid contact with
skin and eyes. Avoid breathing vapors. PPE: gloves,
goggles. Consult the applicable Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS) and local Occupational Safety and Health
(OSH) regulations for appropriate safety precautions.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 HMWS-6

Index Material Warning

21 SEALANT AMS-3284, is toxic and flammable. Avoid contact with

AMS-3284 skin and eyes. Use in a well ventilated area and avoid
breathing vapors. PPE: gloves, goggles. Consult the
applicable Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and local
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) regulations for
appropriate safety precautions.

22 PRIMER PR1826 B-1 Primer may cause eye and skin irritation
PR1826 B-1 upon overexposure. PPE: rubber gloves, safety
goggles. Consult the applicable Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS) and local Occupational Safety and Health
(OSH) regulations for appropriate safety precautions.

23 AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE Ammonium Hydroxide is severely irritating to all body

A-A-59370 tissue and will burn eyes, skin and mucous membranes.
PPE: rubber gloves, chemical goggles. Consult the
applicable Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and local
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) regulations for
appropriate safety precautions.

24 ETHYL ALCOHOL Ethyl alcohol A-A-51693 is flammable and irritating to

A-A-51693 the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. Do not use in
confined spaces. Avoid breathing vapors. Wear
chemical splash proof goggles and butyl gloves. Consult
the applicable Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and
local Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) regulations
for appropriate safety precautions.

25 ENAMEL Enamel A-A-2787 is flammable. It is irritating to the

A-A-2787 eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. Overexposure can cause
brain or nervous system damage. Avoid breathing
vapors. Use chemical resistant goggles, gloves, and
good ventilation. Keep sparks, flames, and heat away.
Keep off skin, eyes, and clothes. Spray application may
require a respirator. Consult the applicable Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and most recent industrial
hygiene survey for more information.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 001 00
31 August 2005 Page 1 of 4





Table of Contents
Title Number

Hazard Warnings Statements ..................................................................................................................................HMWS-1

Table of Contents and Alphabetical Index .................................................................................................................. 001 00
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 002 00
Support Equipment Required............................................................................................................................... 002 00
Materials Required............................................................................................................................................... 002 00
General Safety Instructions ......................................................................................................................................... 003 00
Aircraft Confined Space Program ............................................................................................................................... 004 00
Aircraft Fuel System Maintenance Facilities and Areas ............................................................................................. 005 00
Defueling, Depuddling, Purging, Hot Work, and Inerting .......................................................................................... 006 00
Aircraft Fuels and Fuel Contamination ....................................................................................................................... 007 00
Decontamination Procedures....................................................................................................................................... 008 00
Fuel Cell Foam Baffles................................................................................................................................................ 009 00
Fuel Cell Removal, Installation, Preservation, and Packaging for Shipment and Storage .......................................... 010 00
Leak Detection of Installed Fuel Cells ........................................................................................................................ 011 00
Cleaning, Testing, and Closure Requirements of Uninstalled Fuel Cells.................................................................... 012 00
Integral Fuel Tanks, Leak Detection, Repair, and Sealing .......................................................................................... 013 00
Inspection and Assessment of Self-Sealing, Self-Sealing Crash Resistant,
and Non Self-Sealing Crash Resistant Fuel Cells ................................................................................................ 014 00
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Repairs .................................................................................................................................... 015 00
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fittings .................................................................................................................................... 016 00
Reinforcement of Self-Sealing Fuel Cells and Repair of Fuel Cell Components........................................................ 017 00
Inspection and Assessment of Urethane (Non-Self Sealing) Bladder Fuel Cells ........................................................ 018 00
Repair of Urethane Fuel Cells ..................................................................................................................................... 019 00
Inspection and Assessment of Non-Self Sealing (Bladder) Fuel Cells........................................................................ 020 00
Repair of Non Self-Sealing (Bladder) Fuel Cells ........................................................................................................ 021 00
Non-Self Sealing (Bladder) Fuel Cell Fittings ............................................................................................................ 022 00

Alphabetical Index
Title Number

Aircraft Confined Space Program, The ....................................................................................................................... 004 00

Alphabetical Index ...................................................................................................................................................... 001 00
Aviation Fuels ............................................................................................................................................................. 007 00
Batteries....................................................................................................................................................................... 003 00
Bonding and Grounding .............................................................................................................................................. 006 00
Characteristics of Aviation Fuels ................................................................................................................................ 007 00
Combination Self-Sealing and Non-Self Sealing Fuel Cell Damage / Defect Repair Procedures .............................. 015 00
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 001 00
Page 2
Alphabetical Index (Cont)
Title Number

Contamination of Aircraft Fuels ..................................................................................................................................007 00

Contractor Relations ....................................................................................................................................................004 00
Crash Resistant Self Sealing Fuel Cell (ARM) Damage / Defect Repair Procedures..................................................015 00
Defueling .....................................................................................................................................................................006 00
Depuddling ..................................................................................................................................................................006 00
Detection of Weakened Fuel Cell Structure.................................................................................................................017 00
Enclosed Fuel Cell Maintenance..................................................................................................................................005 00
Evaluation of Non-self Sealing (Bladder) Fuel Cells for Damage and Defect ............................................................020 00
Fire Extinguishers ........................................................................................................................................................003 00
Foam Baffle Maintenance Procedures .........................................................................................................................009 00
Fuel Cell Baffles ..........................................................................................................................................................017 00
Fuel Cell Cleaning .......................................................................................................................................................012 00
Fuel Cell Fitting Corrosion Removal...........................................................................................................................016 00
Fuel Cell Hangers ........................................................................................................................................................017 00
Fuel Cell Installation....................................................................................................................................................010 00
Fuel Cell Packaging For Shipment and Storage...........................................................................................................010 00
Fuel Cell Preservation..................................................................................................................................................010 00
Fuel Cell Reconfiguration and Fitting Relocation .......................................................................................................016 00
Fuel Cell Removal .......................................................................................................................................................010 00
Fuel Cell Storage .........................................................................................................................................................010 00
Fuel Cell Testing..........................................................................................................................................................012 00
Fuel Exposure Hazards ................................................................................................................................................003 00
Fuel Sampling ..............................................................................................................................................................007 00
Fuel System Repair Area Checklist .............................................................................................................................005 00
Gaskets.........................................................................................................................................................................012 00
Generation and Accumulation of Static Electricity......................................................................................................003 00
Glossary of Terms........................................................................................................................................................002 00
Hot Work .....................................................................................................................................................................006 00
Inerting.........................................................................................................................................................................006 00
Integral Fuel Tank Leak Detection ..............................................................................................................................011 00
Integral Fuel Tanks ......................................................................................................................................................013 00
Introduction..................................................................................................................................................................002 00
Leak Detection.............................................................................................................................................................011 00
Lockring Threaded Insert (ROSAN) and Fitting Locating Pin Replacement ..............................................................016 00
Materials Required.......................................................................................................................................................002 00
Methods of Preventing Contamination ........................................................................................................................007 00
Microbiological Growth Decontamination Procedures................................................................................................008 00
Nitrile (BUNA-N) Synthetic Rubber Bladder Fuel Cell Repair ..................................................................................021 00
Non-Molded Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Repair .....................................................................................................016 00
Non-Self Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Repair ...................................................................................................................022 00
Non-Self Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Replacement.........................................................................................................022 00
Open Fuel Cell Maintenance........................................................................................................................................005 00
O-Ring Fittings ............................................................................................................................................................012 00
O-Ring Groove Area Fitting Repair.............................................................................................................................016 00
Permitting of Fuel Cells and Tanks..............................................................................................................................004 00
Personnel......................................................................................................................................................................004 00
Protective Clothing ......................................................................................................................................................003 00
Protective Equipment...................................................................................................................................................003 00
Purging.........................................................................................................................................................................006 00
Quick Cure Repair Method (Bladder Fuel Cell) ..........................................................................................................021 00
Quick Cure Repair Method (Urethane Fuel Cell) ........................................................................................................019 00
Record Keeping Requirements ....................................................................................................................................004 00
Reinforcement of Weakened Fuel Cell Structure ........................................................................................................017 00
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 001 00
Page 3/(4 Blank)
Alphabetical Index (Cont)
Title Number

Repair of Urethane Fuel Cells ..................................................................................................................................... 019 00

Rescue Plans................................................................................................................................................................ 004 00
Rigid, Non-Metallic, Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Damage / Defect Repair Procedures ..................................................... 015 00
Safety Wiring .............................................................................................................................................................. 012 00
Salt Water Decontamination Procedures..................................................................................................................... 008 00
Sealants ....................................................................................................................................................................... 013 00
Self Sealing Fuel Cell / Defect Repair Procedures – Lightweight and Standard Construction .................................. 015 00
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations ....................................................................................... 014 00
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Insert Replacement ...................................................................................................... 016 00
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Replacement ................................................................................................................ 016 00
Shipping Container Markings ..................................................................................................................................... 010 00
Specific Properties of Aviation Fuels.......................................................................................................................... 007 00
Static Electricity .......................................................................................................................................................... 003 00
Stencils and Decalomanias .......................................................................................................................................... 012 00
Support Equipment Required ...................................................................................................................................... 002 00
Susceptibility of Aviation Fuel Vapors to Electrostatic Ignition................................................................................. 003 00
Testing Procedures ...................................................................................................................................................... 004 00
Torque Requirements .................................................................................................................................................. 012 00
Urethane Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations............................................................................................. 018 00
Use of Dye in JP-Fuel Systems to Detect Fuel System Leaks..................................................................................... 011 00
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NAVAIR 01-1A-35 002 00
31 August 2005 Page 1 of 26



1. INTRODUCTION This Maintenance Instruction (6) Work Package 005 00, Aircraft Fuel System
Manual (MIM) provides information for the Organizational, Maintenance Facilities and Areas. This WP covers the
Intermediate and Depot maintenance of Naval aircraft fuel requirements of the facilities and areas for safe fuel cell
cells and tanks. maintenance.
(7) Work Package 006 00, Defueling, Depuddling,
2. PURPOSE AND SCOPE. Purging, Hot Work, and Inerting. This WP provides
definitions and general information for defueling,
NOTE depuddling, inerting, hot work, and purging of fuel cells for
inspections, repair or entry by maintenance personnel.
Where fuel cells and tanks are referred to
together, they are labeled as fuel cells in (8) Work Package 007 00, Aircraft Fuels and Fuel
this manual. Where a tank is specifically Contamination. This WP provides information and
referred to it is labeled as tank. procedures for sampling fuels to detect contamination. It
includes inspection techniques, identification of
a. Supporting Instructional Manuals. This manual shall contaminants, their harmful effects, and contamination
be used in conjunction with and in support of the appropriate sources.
MIM and Structural Repair Instruction Manual (SRIM).
However, in the event of conflicts between this manual and (9) Work Package 008 00, Decontamination
the fuel cell maintenance materials and procedures specified Procedures. This WP describes decontamination procedures
for a specific aircraft, the materials and procedures in this to be followed after it has been determined that a fuel system
manual shall take precedence. is contaminated with salt water or microbiological growth.

b. Scope. The material in this manual is divided into (10) Work Package 009 00, Fuel Cell Foam Baffles.
twenty two work packages, the hazard warnings, tables for This WP contains general information and procedures for
support equipment and materials required and a table of term the removal, inspection and repair of reticulated foam
definitions . The scope of each is described below. baffles used in aircraft fuel cells. It also includes fuel
sample analysis to be performed after replacement, repair or
(1) HMWS-1. Hazard Warnings Statements. Lists the reinstallation of reticulated foam baffles.
hazard warnings for hazardous materials presented in the
manual (11) Work Package 010 00, Fuel Cell Removal,
Installation, Preservation, and Packaging For Shipment and
(2) Work Package 001 00, Table of Contents and
Storage. This WP provides general instructions to be
alphabetical index of major topics covered in the manual.
observed during the removal or installation of self-sealing
(3) Work Package 002 00, Purpose and scope of the and bladder fuel cells in an aircraft. In order to reduce
manual, list of abbreviations and acronyms, and list of further damage to cells, instructions for the preparation of
references used in the manual. It also contains a list of damaged cells prior to return to supply and procedures
acceptable consumable materials and non-consumable necessary to protect fuel cells from damage during
equipment used during fuel cell maintenance. A glossary handling, preservation, packaging, shipment and storage.
provides and defines terms commonly used by fuel cell
maintenance personnel. (12) Work Package 011 00, Leak Detection of
Installed Fuel Cells. This WP contains general information
(4) Work Package 003 00, General Safety procedures and leak detection methods which, when used in
Instructions. Safety summary for maintenance on and around conjunction with the applicable aircraft maintenance
fuel cells and tanks, introduction to hazards of fuel and fuel manuals, can aid maintenance personnel in locating the
vapors, and personal protective equipment. source of an aircraft fuel system leak.

(5) Work Package 004 00, Aircraft Confined Space (13) Work Package 012 00, Cleaning, Testing, and
Program requirements. This WP describes the procedures to Closure Requirements of Uninstalled Fuel Cells. This WP
be followed to ensure safe operations when performing fuel contains instructions, procedures, and materials for cleaning
cell maintenance. and testing uninstalled fuel cells. It includes methods to
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 002 00
Page 2

locate leaks prior to repair and fuel cell integrity after repairs. construction design, and instructions for repair of non self-
Additionally, it includes fuel cell O-ring installation, gasket sealing fuel cells.
application, and other closure requirements.
(23) Work Package 022 00. Non-Self Sealing
(14) Work Package 013 00, This WP defines integral (Bladder) Fuel Cell Fittings. This WP provides instructions
tanks and describes sealing methods, leaks, theory, temporary for evaluating damage to non-self-sealing fuel cell fittings.
and permanent repairs, and the use of related Additionally, it contains repair and replacement techniques,
materials/equipment. materials and procedures.

(15) Work Package 014 00, Inspection and 3. NONSTANDARD TERMS, SYMBOLS AND
Assessment of Self-Sealing, Self-Sealing Crash Resistant, ABBREVIATIONS.
and Non Self-Sealing Crash Resistant Fuel Cells. This WP
presents the inspection criteria and safe damage limits for a. There are no nonstandard terms, symbols, and
combinations of self-sealing and/or crash resistant fuel cell abbreviations used in the manual, unless listed below.
(16) Work Package 015 00, Self-Sealing Fuel Cell
Repair. This WP provides definitions, construction design a. Instructions that are essential to quality assurance are
and instructions for techniques, materials and procedures for shown in italics throughout this manual. Quality assurance
repairing of self-sealing and/or crash resistant fuel cells. required procedures, shall be highlighted by the addition of
the abbreviation (QA) following the procedure/step.
(17) Work Package 016 00. Self-Sealing Fuel Cell
Fittings. This WP provides instructions for evaluating 5. RECORD OF APPLICABLE DIRECTIVES.
damage to self-sealing fuel cell fittings. Additionally, it
contains repair and replacement techniques, materials and a. Each technical content Work Package (WP) in this
procedures. manual has a Record of Applicable Technical Directives
listing technical directives affecting data within that
(18) Work Package 017 00. Reinforcement of Self- respective WP. Table 2-3 is a consolidated record of all
Sealing Fuel Cells and Repair of Fuel Cell Components. This technical directives incorporated in this manual and lists each
WP provides general information and procedures for by type, number, issue date, title, incorporation date and
detecting and correcting defects in self-sealing fuel cell WP(s) number in which incorporated.
structures, and the repair of fuel cell components.
(19) Work Package 018 00. Inspection and DISTRIBUTION OF NAVAIR TECHNICAL
Assessment of Urethane (Non Self-Sealing) Bladder Fuel MANUALS.
Cells. This WP presents the inspection criteria and safe
damage limits for non-self sealing urethane fuel cell a. Procedures to be used by Naval activities and other
constructions manufactured by Engineered Fabrics Department of Defense activities requiring NAVAIR
Corporation. technical manuals are defined in NAVAIR 00-25-100 and
NAVAIRINST 5605.5.5.
(20) Work Package 019 00. Repair of Urethane Fuel b. To automatically receive future changes and revisions
Cells. This WP provides general information and procedures to NAVAIR technical manuals, an activity must be
for detecting and correcting defects in urethane fuel cells established on the Automatic Distribution Requirements List
manufactured by Engineered Fabrics Corporation. (ADRL) maintained by the Naval Air Technical Data and
Engineering Service Command (NATEC). To become
(21) Work Package 020 00. Inspection and established on the ADRL, notify your activity central
Assessment of Non Self-Sealing (Bladder) Fuel Cells. This technical publications librarian. If your activity does not have
WP presents the inspection criteria and safe damage limits a library, you may establish your automatic distribution by
for non self-sealing fuel cell constructions (excluding contacting the Commanding Officer, NATEC, Attn:
urethane). Distribution, NAS North Island, Bldg. 90, P.O. Box 357031,
San Diego, CA 92135-7031. Annual reconfirmation of these
(22) Work Package 021 00. Repair of Non-Self- requirements is necessary to remain on automatic
Sealing (Bladder) Fuel Cells. This WP provides definitions, distribution. Please use your NATEC assigned account
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 002 00
Page 3
number whenever referring to automatic distribution materials presented in this manual are listed in Work Package
requirements. HMWS.

c. If additional or replacement copies of this manual are b. Warnings and cautions for hazardous materials listed
required with no attendant changes in the ADRL, they may in this manual are designed to apprise personnel of hazards
be ordered by submitting a MILSTRIP requisition in associated with such items when they come in contact with
accordance with NAVSUP 485 to Routing Identifier Code them by actual use. Additional information related to
“NFZ”. MILSTRIP requisitions can be submitted through hazardous materials is provided in OPNAVINST 5100.23
your supply office, Navy message, or SALTS to DAAS Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program
(Defense Automated Address System), or through the DAAS manual and the DOD 6050.5 Hazardous Materials
or NAVSUP web sites. For assistance with a MILSTRIP Information System (HMIS) series publications. Consult
requisition, contact the Naval Inventory Control Point your local safety and health staff concerning specific
(NAVICP) Publications and Forms Customer Service at personnel protective requirements and appropriate handling
DSN 442-2626 or (215) 697-2626, Monday through Friday, and emergency procedures.
0700 to 1600 Eastern Time.

a. Each work packages (003 00 and subsequent) contain

a list of materials required to perform procedures in each
work package. Table 1 is a consolidated list of reference
material relevant to the procedures in this manual.
Refers to a procedure that, if not correctly followed, could
result in injury, death, or long- term health hazard. 10. SUPPORT EQUIPMENT REQUIRED.

a. Each Work Package (003 00 and subsequent) contains

a list of support equipment required. Table 4 is a consolidated
list of support equipment required to perform the procedures
Refers to a procedure that, if not correctly observed, could in this manual. When an item of support equipment is not
result in damage to, or destruction of, equipment. available an approved alternate identified in the activity’s
Individual Materials Readiness List (IMRL) may be

Refers to a procedure or condition that requires additional 11. MATERIALS REQUIRED.

emphasis or explanation.
a. Each work package (003 00 and subsequent) contains
8. WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS APPLICABLE TO a list of materials required to complete the procedures in the
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. specific work package. Table 5 is a consolidated list of all
materials required to perform the maintenance procedures in
a. Applicable warning statements for all hazardous this manual.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 002 00
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Table 2-1. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Abbreviation/term Definition

ACSPM Aircraft Confined Space Manager

CFA Cognizant Field Activity

EA Entry Authority

FSII Fuel System Icing Inhibitor

FST Fleet Support Team

IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health

LEL Lower Explosive Limit

LFL Lower Flammable Limit

MALS Marine Aviation Logistic Squadron

MIM Maintenance Instruction Manual

MEK Methyl Ethyl Ketone

MRC Maintenance Requirement Cards

NIOSH National Institute of Occupational Safety and


OPNAVINST Office of Chief of Naval Operations Instruction

PDM Program Depot Maintenance

PEL Permissible Exposure Limit

PPE Personal Protective Equipment

QAR Quality Assurance Representative

SCBA Self Contained Breathing Apparatus

SRIM Structural Repair Instruction Manual

TMS Type Model Series

UEL Upper Explosive Limit

UFL Upper Flammable Limit

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Table 2-2. Glossary

ABRADE - To remove shiny surface by roughening with emery cloth or sanding disc.

ABRADED AREA - Scuffed area where the outer coat has been damaged or removed by buffing.

ABRASION - Term used in fuel cell meaning wearing away of the fabric or coating by friction.

ACCELERATOR - The curing agent used with base sealant compound.

ACTIVATION - A condition which occurs in self-sealing cells and which is caused by fuel coming in contact with sealant,
causing the sealant to swell.

ADHESION - The strength of bond between cured adhesive and the surface to which the sealant is applied, or the strength of
bond between a cured rubber surface or surfaces and a non-rubber surface.

BARRIER - A film of pure nylon immediately behind the inner liner of all fuel cells, which prevents the diffusion of fuel
through the remaining plies of the cells.

BASE COMPOUND - The major component of adhesive without accelerator.

BLISTER - A raised spot on a surface or a separation between layers, which usually forms a void or air-filled space in a
vulcanized article of fuel cells.

BUFFING - The abrasion of a surface of a cell which produces a roughened or velvety surface.

BUILDING FORM - A reinforced plaster or cardboard structure built in the shape of a fuel cell cavity, upon which a fuel cell
is built and cured.

CELL, FUEL - Removable fuel container constructed of fabric, nylon and gum stock.

CHANNEL - A void left between the joint of two sheets of material.

CHECKING, WEATHER OR OZONE - Short, small cracks on a surface of a cell, generally caused by the destructive action
of environmental conditions.

COAT BLISTER - A separation between a rubber lacquer skin coating and a fabric of cell, which forms a void or air space
that does not require repair.

COLD FLOW - The deformation of rubber under stress.

COLD FABRIC - A rubber-impregnated or coated fabric, used in manufacture and repair of cells, which has heavy-strength
members running in one direction at close intervals; it is held together by lightweight cross-members at relatively wide

COLD WORK - Any work, which does not exceed 400oF.

CONFINED SPACE – A fuel cell or tank that is large enough and so configured that a person can bodily enter and perform
assigned work.
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TABLE 2-2. Glossary (Cont)

C - Continued
CRAZING - A surface effect on rubber articles characterized by many hairline indentations or ridges.

CRITICAL O-RING SEALING SURFACE - The critical area for an O-ring sealing surface consists of a groove and a
band extending 0.010-inch on each side of the groove.

CROSSLINKER - The tying together of large molecules and hence changing the physical properties of a material.

CRUMBLE SEALANT - Sealant in a fuel tank that has become hard and which will crumble when touched.

CURE - Act of vulcanization of uncured rubber or the setting up of adhesives.

DEFUELING - Defueling is the process of removing fuel from the aircraft.

DELAMINATION - The separation of ply layers in any material of cells.

DEPUDDLING - Depuddling is the process of removing residual fuel from the aircraft fuel cell after defueling and
low-point draining.

DIFFUSION - The flow or loss of fuel by seepage through a rubber layer.

ENCLOSED AREA - An area completely surrounded by other structure, which does not have proper ventilation, such
as in the nacelles and center section areas.

ENTRY – The action by which a person passes through an opening into a fuel cell or tank. It includes ensuing work
activities in that cell or tank and is considered to have occurred as soon as any part of the entrant’s body breaks the
plane of an opening into the cell or tank.

EXPLOSION-PROOF - A unit enclosed in a case which is capable of withstanding an explosion of a specified gas or
vapor which may occur from within, and preventing the igniting of vapors and gases surrounding the unit.

EXTERNAL POWER - Any power source, AC or DC, used to operate any system or unit on an aircraft and not
contained within the aircraft.

FITTINGS, FUEL CELL - Attaching points of a call to a structure or functional equipment such as booster pumps,
fuel outlets, vents, etc.

FIT JIG - A structure built to accurately duplicate the fuel call cavity, as in the aircraft, in which a cured cell is placed
to check for compliance with specifications on size of the cell and location of hangers and fittings.

FLAMMABLE LIQUID - Any liquid, which produces vapors less than 100oF.

GROUND - An approved ground is one with a resistance of less than 10,000 ohms resistance.
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TABLE 2-2. Glossary (Cont)

HANGER - An external assembly installed on a cell, which is used to attach bladder cells to an aircraft structure for

HANGER STRAP - An exterior attachment to a cell, usually made in loops of webbing, which supports a cell
installed in aircraft and storage containers.

HOLES - Punctures, cuts, tears or breaks in the cell material caused by contact with a sharp object.

HOT WORK - Any work which produces a temperature equal to or greater than 400oF, such as applicable soldering,
heat shrink operations, welding, cutting, brazing, grinding, flame-spray/metal-spray, etc.

IMMEDIATELY DANGEROUS TO LIFE OR HEALTH (IDLH) – An atmosphere that poses an immediate threat to
life, would cause irreversible adverse health effects, or would impair an individual's ability to escape from a danger-
ous atmosphere.

INNER LINER - The first ply of material applied to a building form in the manufacture of a cell. It supports and
protects the nylon barrier and may be constructed of fabric or rubber.

INTEGRAL - The sealing of a structure to make a fuel-tight container.

INTRINSICALLY SAFE - Equipment and wiring that is incapable of releasing sufficient electrical or thermal energy
under normal or abnormal conditions to cause ignition of a specific hazardous atmospheric mixture in its most easily
ignited concentration.

INERTING - To render the flammable vapor in the cell/tank non-explosive and non-flammable, by adding a non-
flammable gas (usually nitrogen) to the cell/tank to displace the oxygen required to support a fire or explosion.

KNUCKLE TEST - A test to determine if the adhesive applied to patch is tacky. The test consists of gently pressing a
dry knuckle of a finger against the cemented surface and withdrawing the knuckle. The cement should feel tacky
without adhering to the knuckle.

LAP SEAM - A seam made by placing the flat edge of one piece of material over the edge of a second piece of
material or over itself.

LEAK PATH - The exit or path fuel follows to reach the external surface of a fuel tank.

LEL - Lower Explosive Limit

METAL INSERT - Metal ring used in molding rubber fittings to give rigidity to the finished fitting and hold the dome
nuts in place.

MIXED ADHESIVE - Adhesive in which the base compound and the accelerator have been properly mixed and
which is ready for application.
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Table 2-2. Glossary (Cont)

M - Continued
MOLDED FITTING - A metal insert over which is molded rubber, which protects metal from corrosion and acts as a
gasket surface for attaching hardware.

NYLON BARRIER - A film of pure nylon immediately behind the liner of the fuel cell to prevent the rapid diffusion
of fuel through remaining pieces of the fuel cell. Used on all fuel cells.

PDM - Program Depot Maintenance

PLASTICIZER - A material which, when incorporated in rubber, will change its hardness, flexibility and plasticity.

PLY - Any layer of basic fuel cell construction of either fabric or non-fabric.

POROSITY - Quality or state of being porous due to presence of minute structural voids.

PRESERVATIVE - A substance added to or coated over a product to preserve the product against damage or

PURGING - The process of removing fuel vapors capable of producing a combustible or toxic atmosphere

RUNNING LEAK - A leak where fuel is dripping or running from a structure.

SCBA – Self Contained Breathing Apparatus – Portable breathing apparatus consisting of pressurized air tank,
pressure regulator, delivery hose, and facemask.

SCIM OR SKIM COAT - A layer of rubber material laid on a fabric but not forced into the weave.

SEALANT - A special compounded natural or synthetic rubber, which reacts to fuel contact by a very pronounced and
immediate swelling action.

SEEP - A leak where fuel wets an area around the apparent leak source, and in which the moist area is not over 1 1/2-
inch in diameter. The fuel does not run, flow or drip when the area has been wiped clean and 30 minutes have elapsed.

SEPARATIONS - Area of non-adhesion, which splits the plies into layers but shows no evidence of trapped fuel or

SKIM COAT BLISTERS - A separation between the skim coating and the fabric, usually forming a void or air space.

SLOW SEEP - A leak where fuel wets an area around the apparent leak source, and in which the moist area width is
not over 3/4-inch in diameter after the area has been wiped clean and 30 minute have passed.

STITCHING - This is the process in the application of an adhesive patch in which the adhesive coated patch and
bladder are compressed together using a hand roller tool. This extrudes out air bubbles and initiates a strong cohesive
bond between properly prepared surfaces.
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Table 2-2. Glossary (Cont)

TANK - Tank (fuel) is generally a metallic fuel container, such as integral wing tanks, or the droppable or refuelable

VULCANIZATION - A chemical reaction in which the physical properties of a rubber are changed in the direction of
decreased plastic flow, less surface tackiness, and increased tensile strength by reacting it with sulfur or other suitable
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 002 00
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Table 2-3. Record of Applicable Technical Directives

Technical Issue Change/revision

Directive Date Title Supplement Date


Table 2-4. Related Technical Publication

Number Title

BUMEDINST 6260.16 Isocyanates; Measures for Control of Health Hazards Related to

DoD 6050.5 DoD Hazard Communication Program

MIL-L-10547 Liners, Case and Sheet Overwrap, Water-Vaporproofing, Flexible

MIL-STD-2073-1 Standard Practice for Military Packaging

MIL-STD-129 Standard Practice for Military Marking

NASM33540 General Practice for Safety Wiring and Cotter Pinning

NAVAIR 0l-lA-507 General Use of Cements, Sealants and Coatings

NAVAIR 0l-lA-509 Aircraft Weapons Systems Cleaning and Corrosion Control

NAVAIR 15-01-500 Preservation of Naval Aircraft for Organizational, Intermediate and Depot

NAVAIR 00-80T-109 Aircraft Refueling Manual

NAVSEA S6470-AA-SAF-010 Gas-Free Engineering (Shore)

NAVSEA S9086-CH-STM- Gas-Free Engineering (Shipboard)

030, Chapter 074, Volume 3

NAVSUP Publication 4500 Consolidated Hazardous Item List, Storage and Handling

NFPA 410 National Fire Protection Association - Standard on Aircraft Maintenance

OPNAV 4790.2 Series The Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP)

OPNAVINST 5100.23 Series Navy Occupation Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual

T.O. 1-1-3 Aircraft Integral Tanks and Fuel Cells - Inspection and Repair of

29 CFR 1910.146 Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Permit-Required Confined

NAVAIR 01-1A-35 002 00
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Table 2-5. Support Equipment Required

Item National Unit Intended

No. Nomenclature Specification Stock No. Issue Use

1. Air Blowers and Air Movers

a. (1) Blower, Exhaust MIL-B-7619 4140-00-302-9534 Ea. For air purging and
Electric Motor ventilating fuel
Driven, Explosion- cells/tanks.
Proof (MA1)

12 –inch blowers/fans

(2a) Pneumatic Powered NV14-2A 4140-01-096-1596 Ea. For air purging and
Fan, 12 inch ventilating fuel
(2a) Pneumatic Powered APV-12 Ea. For air purging and
Air Mover, 12 inch ventilating fuel
8-inch blowers/fans

(2b) Electric Powered AF-178E 4140-01-306-9138 Ea. For air purging and
Blower, 8-inch ventilating fuel
(2b) Pneumatic Powered NF17-8A 4140-01-105-6326 Ea. For air purging and
Blower, 8-inch ventilating fuel

(2b) Pneumatic Powered APV-1N Ea. For air purging and

Air Mover, 8 inch (supercedes NF17-8A) ventilating fuel

(2b) Pneumatic Powered APV-1 5370-01-462-8941 Ea. For air purging and
Air Mover, 8 inch ventilating fuel
(For MAV-1 Kit) cells/tanks.

(3) Hose, Air Ducting Ea. Used in conjunction

with the MA1 Air
Blower, Item a(1).

(4) Mobile aircraft Fuel MAV-1 1560-01-492-8256 Ea. Complete, mobile sys-
Tank Ventilating tem includes blower,
System ducting, container

(5) Respirator/Ventilator NF35-1 4920-01-444-0714 Ea. Complete ground kit,

Kit, Fuel Cell NF20-1 4240-01-140-5458 respirator and fuel cell
ventilation systems

b. Blower Assembly MMEP12B 4920-00-944-5765 Ea. For warm air purging

Hot Air, Integral Fuel and ventilating fuel
Cell, Ventilation cells/tanks.

c. Eductor, Air Mover, DP32119 4730-00-313-0680 Ea. To vent fuel vapors

Venturi-Type from fuel cell/tank.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 002 00
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Table 2-5. Support Equipment Required (Cont)

Item National Unit Intended

No. Nomenclature Specification Stock No. Issue Use

2. Cleaners

a. Cleaner, Aircraft Model 20 4940-01-058-5267 Ea. For applying cleaning

Portable Foam Gen- P/N 0020SS, solution to interior and
erator exterior of removable
external metal tanks.

b. Cleaner, Vacuum, 55-20 7910-00-632-9840 Ea. Cleaning interior of fuel

Pneumatic cells and tanks.

c. Pump, Backpack 5100-254B 4320-00-289-8912 Ea., 5 Gal. For flushing interior of

fuel cells and tanks.

3. Containers, Safety

a. Container, Safety RR-S-30 7240-00-177-4997 Ea., 5 Gal. After defueling, resid-

ual fuel from cells and
tanks is drained into
this container.

b. Container, Safety RR-P-125 4940-00-684-0580 Ea., 2 Gal. For containing the fuel
that is removed during

c. Safety Streamers Ea. For safety purpose

(MS51700) while work is being
performed on fuel

4. Inspection Lights, Explosion-Proof

a. Flashlight, Explo- 6230-00-270-5417 Ea. Illumination of fuel cell

sion-Proof during inspection and

b. Inspection Light, 57A42 6230-00-593-8576 Ea. Illumination of fuel cell

Fuel Cell during inspection and

c. Light, Extension Ex- MIL-F-16377/52 6230-00-283-9671 Ea. Illumination of fuel cell

plosion-Proof during inspection and
5. Knives and Inert Gas Servicing Unit

a. Knife, Electric Slic- 297 7340-00-937-1436 Ea. For cutting polyure-

ing, Heavy Duty (Not thane foam buns.

b. Nitrogen Servicing NAN3 3655-00-224-9142 Ea. For inerting fuel

Unit, Trailer or cells/tanks.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 002 00
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Table 2-5. Support Equipment Required (Cont)

Item National Unit Intended

No. Nomenclature Specification Stock No. Issue Use

6. Personnel Protective Clothing and Equipment

a. (1) Air Breathing Pump, NF-1100A 4240-01-363-4699 Ea. Air Source for Item 6o.
Pneumatic Driven (supercedes NF15-3) 4310-01-084-9665

(2) Mobile Aircraft Fuel MAV-5 1680-01-494-3033 Ea. Complete mobile sys-
Tank Respiratory tem includes pump,
Protection System mask, hose, case

b. Filter Cartridge Re- AS393 4240-01-084-0921 Bx. of 10 Line Filter for Item 6a.

c. Air Pump Repair Kit K231A 4320-01-084-1876 Ea. Repair Kit for Item 6a.

d. Air Motor Repair Kit K208 2895-01-084-0525 Ea. Repair Kit for Item 6a.

e. Cap Set, Helmet, 765AS270-101 8745-01-077-8909 Ea. Worn when performing

Medium repairs inside fuel cell.
Cap Set, Helmet, 765AS271-101 8745-01-077-8910

f. Coveralls, Explosive MIL-DTL-14610 8415-00-280-2455 Ea. XSm reg Worn when performing
Handlers 8415-00-279-8719 Ea. Sm reg maintenance inside fuel
8415-00-279-8720 Ea. Med reg cell.
8415-00-279-8721 Ea. Large reg
8415-00-279-8722 Ea. XLg reg

g. Footwear covers No reference 8430-00-508-0765 Pr. Large To cover shoes when

8430-00-508-0766 Pr. X-Large entering an integral fuel

h. Gloves, Cotton, Anti- MIL-G-2874 8415-01-267-9661 Pr. Protect hands when

Flash applying sealants.

i. Gloves, Disposable, MR-100 6515-00-051-1950 Pkg. of 100 For protecting hands

General Purpose medium when applying solvents.

j. Gloves, Rubber, In- MIL-DTL-32066 8415-00-266-8679 Pr. size 9 Handling solvents,

dustrial (ZZ-G-381) 8415-00-266-8677 Pr. size 10 chemicals, fuel and
8415-00-266-8675 Pr. size 11 some adhesives.
8415-00-266-8673 Pr. size 12

k. Goggles, Industrial ANSI Z87.1 Pr. Eye protection when

and Spectacles using solvents or during
fuel cell buffing and
grinding operations.

l. Headset, Communi- 79091 5830-00-600-0848 Ea. Communications be-

cation tween person inside
fuel cell/tank and safety
observer outside the
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 002 00
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Table 2-5. Support Equipment Required (Cont)

Item National Unit Intended

No. Nomenclature Specification Stock No. Issue Use


m. Overshoes, Rubber MIL-O-82295 Pr. Worn when working

inside of fuel cell or

n. Respirator, Air Line, NIOSH Approved Ea. To be worn when enter-

(Air Supplied) Full ing a fuel cell or tank to
Face perform maintenance.

o. Respirator GG-M-125/1 4240-00-022-2524 Ea. Worn when applying

polyurethane adhesive
to the exterior of a fuel

p. Safety Shoes Pr. Worn when working in

fuel system mainte-
nance area.

q. Socks, Cotton, White Pr. For fuel system mainte-

nance personnel.

7. Gas Detection Equipment

a. MultiRae Gas Detec- 009-3001-01N 01-457-0472 Ea. To detect and indicate

tor Concentration of oxy-
gen, combustible gas-
ses, and toxic vapors in
the air inside a fuel cell.

b. Control Box To identify leak source

and leak path by the
injection method.

c. Cup, Vacuum To identify leak source

and leak path by the
injection method.

d. Cup Vacuum Pres- To identify leak source

sure and leak path by the
injection method.

e. Temporary Repair 4920-00-485-1213

Kit Comp Air D236
Injection Kit
8. Equipment
a. Manometer, Water 4920-00-793-0650 Ea. To pressurize fuel tank
during leak testing.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 002 00
Page 15

Table 2-5. Support Equipment Required (Cont)

Item National Unit Intended

No. Nomenclature Specification Stock No. Issue Use

b. Thermometer, Bi- 6685-00-996-8899 Ea. To test temperature of

metallic Dial metal surface.

9. Sealant Accessories
a. Nozzle, Sealant Gun Part Model To apply sealant in a
(See Chapter 6 for No. No. specific shape, size,
sizes and shapes) and/or form.
220538 252 5120-00-167-0150
220540 254 5120-00-673-1855
220542 410 5120-00-801-0949
220544 420 5120-00-801-0949
220548 430 5120-00-967-8151
220550 440 5120-00-773-3791
220552 600E 5120-00-670-1187
220553 620 5120-00-167-0152
220555 640 5120-00-822-7194
220557 820 5120-00-966-8270
220559 840 5120-00-966-5372
220561 1002 5120-00-055-4055
220563 1004 5120-00-055-4054
220565 1010 5120-00-055-4058
220568 8607 5120-00-966-5381
220569 8608 5120-00-966-6244
220572 8613 5120-00-966-5379
220574 8615 5120-00-966-5378
220581 8630 5120-00-966-5377
220582 8630-9 5120-00-966-5376
220582 8630 5120-00-966-5376
220586 8643 5120-00-775-1670
220588 8646 5120-00-966-5374
220589 8648 5120-00-966-5375
220606 8690 5120-00-966-8243

b. Sealant Smoothing Part Model Smooth sealant.

Tool No. No.

226244 11798-500 5120-00-056-3237

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Page 16

Observe all cautions and warnings on containers when using consumables. When applicable, wear necessary
protective gear during handling and use. If a consumable is flammable or explosive, MAKE CERTAIN
consumable and its vapors are kept away from heat, spark, and flame. MAKE CERTAIN equipment is properly
grounded and firefighting equipment is readily available prior to use. For additional information on toxicity,
flashpoint, and flammability of chemicals, refer to DOD 6050.5.

Table 2-6. Materials Required

Item National Unit Intended

No. Nomenclature Specification Stock No. Issue Use

1. Abrasives

a. Abrasive Mat, Nylon MIL-A-9962, Type 1, 5350-00-967-5093 Pkg. of 10 Cleaning abrasive used
(non-woven) Grade B, Class 1 on fuel cell fittings.

b. Cloth, Abrasive P-C-451, Type 1, 5350-00-192-5051 Pkg. of 50 For sanding epoxy

Aluminum Oxide Class 1, 180 Grit adhesive filler material.

P-C-451, Type 1, 5350-00-161-9715 Pkg. of 50 Removal of corrosion

Class 1, 240 Grit from fuel cell fittings.

P-C-451, Type 1, 5350-00-246-0330 Pkg. of 50 Removal of corrosion

Class 1, 320 Grit from fuel cell fittings.

2. Glues

a. Glue, Wood, Water MMM-A-125 8040-00-262-9002 CN 4oz. For bonding plywood

and Mold Resistant support braces.

b. Hardman Extra Fast D4001 Carton For temporary repair of

Setting Epoxy fuel leaks using a click

3. Brushes, Cleaning Cloths and Sponges

a. Brush, Acid H-B-643, Type II, 7920-00-514-2417 Bx. of 144 Applying adhesive to
Swabbing Class 1 small areas.

b. Brush, Dusting H-B-00190 7920-00-178-8315 Ea. For lightly scrubbing

Bench fuel cells.

c. Brush, Paint H-B-420 8020-00-248-9309 Ea. For cleaning fuel cell

interior and

d. Brush, Paint H-B-451 8020-00-721-9646 Ea. For application of red

talcum powder.
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Table 2-6. Materials Required (Cont)

Item National Unit Intended

No. Nomenclature Specification Stock No. Issue Use

e. Brush, Scrub H-B-1490 7920-00-619-9162 Ea. For cleaning around

bolts and nuts.

f. Cheesecloth, Cotton, CCC-C-440 8305-00-205-3496 Bolt 10 yds General purpose fuel

bleached and 8305-00-205-3495 Bolt 100 yds cell
unbleached 8305-00-262-3321 Bolt 50 yds wiping cloth.

g. Sponge, Cellulose L-S-00626 7920-00-633-9906 Ea. Cleaning of fuel cells.

h. Cloth Cleaning 7920-01-180-0556 Bx. of 2700 Lint free solvent

(Rymple Cloth) 7920-01-180-0557 Bx. of 800 cleaning and dry wiping
7920-01-004-7847 Roll of 111 of aircraft surfaces and
sq. yds. support equipment
i. Gauze Pads, 4"x4" MIL-C-87962, 7920-01-104-5406 Bag of 200 General purpose, fuel
Type 2 tank wiping cloth.

4. Cleaning Compounds and Solvents

a. Cleaning Compound MIL-PRF-85570, Aqueous cleaner for

Type II cleaning contaminated
fuel cells, tanks and

b. Detergent, External MIL-D-81956 6850-01-060-5921 Dr. 55 gal. For making a cleaning

Removable Fuel 6850-01-268-1754 CN 5 gal. solution that is used for
Tanks purging external,
removable fuel tanks
(drop tanks).

c. Dry Cleaning Solvent MIL-PRF-680, Type II 6850-01-474-2317 CN. 5 gal. A general purpose
or III 6850-01-474-2320 CN. 5 gal. cleaning solvent for
removal of oil, grease,
dirt and preservatives.

d. Isopropyl Alcohol TT-I-735 6810-00-286-5435 CN. 1 gal. For making a water-

6810-00-855-6160 CN. 5 gal. alcohol solution for fuel
cell/tank cleaning.

e. Acetone ASTM D329 For cleaning fuel cell

repair areas and for
activating adhesives.

f. Cleaning Compound A-A-59281, Mixed cleaning solvent

Type I or II for use in final cleaning
of surfaces prior to
5. Corrosion Preventive Compounds (Preservatives) and Corrosion Inhibitors
a. Corrosion Preventive MIL-C-85054, Type I 8030-00-041-1596 CN. 16 oz. For use on metal fuel
Compound, Water cell fittings.
Displacing, Clear
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Table 2-6. Materials Required (Cont)

Item National Unit Intended

No. Nomenclature Specification Stock No. Issue Use

b. Corrosion Preventive MIL-C-81309, Type 8030-00-262-7358 CN. 5 gal. Water displacing

Compound, Water II, Class 1 corrosion preventive.
Displacing, Ultra- For use in protecting
Thin Film integral parts of fuel

c. Lubricating Oil MIL-L-6081, Grade 9150-00-273-2388 Qt. Internal preservation of

1010 rubber fuel cells and also
used for fluid purging.

6. Leak Detection
a. Ammonium 0-A-451 6810-00-527-2476 Qt. Used to pinpoint fuel cell
Hydroxide, Technical leaks.

b. Dye, Liquid, Red, MIL-D-81298 6820-00-926-8887 Bt. 2 oz. Added to the fuel to aid
Leak Detection in locating leaks.

Dye, Liquid, Yellow, MIL-D-81298 6820-00-412-2296 1 gal.

Leak Detection

c. Ethyl Alcohol 0-E-760 6810-00-264-6507 1 gal. For making leak

detection solution.

d. Phenolphthalein 0-C-265 6810-00-223-7612 100 gm. For making leak

detection solution.

e. Soap, Leak Detecting 372 6850-00-543-7692 50 lbs. For locating fuel cell
Fluid leaks and for cleaning
fuel cell interior.

f. Powder Dyed Red Ld-4 6850-01-417-4455 6 oz. Leak detector for

Talcum, Leak Test external
Compound use only.

g. Compound, Leak MIL-PRF-25567 6850-00-185-0423 Gal. Non-corrosive leak

Detection detection compound.

7. Markers
a. Crayon, Clay Base SS-C-635 7510-00285-1731 Box of 8 Marking damaged area
of a Fuel cell.

b. Marker, Felt Tip, GG-M-00114 7520-00-973-1059 Pkg. of 12 For marking

Black polyurethane foam

c. Pencil, Marking, SS-P-196 7510-00-264-4612 Pkg. of 12 For marking fuel cell

Yellow fitting locations.
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Table 2-6. Materials Required (Cont)

Item National Unit Intended

No. Nomenclature Specification Stock No. Issue Use

d. Pencil, Marking, SS-P-196 7510-00-240-1525 Pkg. of 12 For marking fuel cell

White fitting locations.

e. Pencil, Acft Marking MIL-P-83953

Red 7510-00-537-6935 Box of 12 For marking integral fuel
Yellow 7510-00-537-6930 Box of 12 repair areas.
Silver 7510-00-111-6425 Box of 12

Pt. Spray
f. Paint, Lacquer, A-A-2787 8010-00-290-6983 For stenciling
White #17875 information on fuel cells
Paint, Lacquer,
Red #11136
Lacquer, Clear

8. Sealants and Sealant Primers

a. Primer, Sealing 8030-00-560-8756 Pt. For use on metal or
Compound coatings to promote
adhesion of sealants.
b. Adhesive Promoter, Clean and Prime 8030-00-560-8756 Pt.

c. Adhesion Promoter, Pro-Seal 152 8030-01-233-4041 Pt.

Water Based

d. Adhesive Promoter, Clean and Prime 8030-01-131-3228 Pt.


e. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8802 8030-00-579-8453 Gal. Kt. Fuel resistant sealant for
Class B2 repair of fuel leaks in
integral tanks.

f. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8802 8030-00-685-0915 Qt. Kt. Fuel resistant sealant for
Class B2 repair of fuel leaks in
integral tanks.

g. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8802 8030-00-878-8428 Kit, 5 gal. Fuel resistant sealant for
Class B2 repair of fuel leaks in
integral tanks.

h. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8802 8030-00-889-3531 Kit, 5 gal. Fuel resistant sealant for
Class A2 repair of fuel leaks in
integral tanks.

i. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8802 8030-00-723-5344 Kit, Qt. Fuel resistant sealant for
Class A2 repair of fuel leaks in
integral tanks.
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Table 2-6. Materials Required (Cont)

Item National Unit Intended

No. Nomenclature Specification Stock No. Issue Use

j. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8802 8030-00-753-5003 2-1/2 oz. Fuel resistant sealant for
Class A2 Semkit repair of fuel leaks in
integral tanks.

k. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8802 8030-00-753-5004 6 oz. Semkit Fuel resistant sealant for
Class B-1/2 repair of fuel leaks in
integral tanks.

l. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8802 8030-00-753-5005 6 oz. Semkit Fuel resistant sealant for
Class B2 repair of fuel leaks in
integral tanks

m. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8802 8030-00-753-5006 2-1/2 oz. Fuel resistant sealant for
Class B2 Semkit repair of fuel leaks in
integral tanks.

n. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8802 8030-00-753-5007 2-1/2 oz. Fuel resistant sealant for
Class B-1/2 Semkit repair of fuel leaks in
integral tanks.

o. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8802 8030-00-753-5008 2-1/2 oz. Fuel resistant sealant for
Class A-1/2 Semkit repair of fuel leaks in
integral tanks.

p. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8802 8030-00-753-5009 6 oz. Semkit Fuel resistant sealant for
Class A2 repair of fuel leaks in
integral tanks.

q. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8802 8030-00-753-5010 6 oz. Semkit Fuel resistant sealant for
Class A-1/2 repair of fuel leaks in
integral tanks.

r. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8802 8030-00-841-6832 Gal. Kt. Fuel resistant sealant for
Class A2 repair of fuel leaks in
integral tanks.

s. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8802 8030-00-850-0758 6 oz. Semkit Fuel resistant sealant for
Class B4 repair of fuel leaks in
integral tanks.

t. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8802 8030-00-850-0759 2 oz. Semkit Fuel resistant sealant for
Class B4 repair of fuel leaks in
integral tanks.

u. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8784 8030-00-598-2910 Kit, 1/2 pt.

Class B-1/2

v. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8784 8030-00-291-8380 Kit, 1/2 pt.

Class A-1/2
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 002 00
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Table 2-6.Materials Required (Cont)

Item National Unit Intended

No. Nomenclature Specification Stock No. Issue Use

w. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8784 8030-00-152-0022 2-1/2 oz.

Low Adhesion Class Semkit

x. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8784 8030-00-616-9191 Kit, 1 pt.

Class B2

y. Sealing Compound MIL-S-8784 8030-00-680-2041 Kit, 1 qt.

Class B2

z. Desealant SR-125A 8030-01-369-2646 55 Gal. To remove polysulfide

Drum sealant.

aa. Sealing Compound, MIL-S-83318 8030-00-474-1419 Kit, 1 qt. Quick repair fuel tank
Low Temp Cure sealant at low

ab. Sealing Compound, AMS 3276 Integral fuel tank sealant

High Temp for high temperature.
Class A-1/2 8030-00-602-0107 Kit, 1/2 pt.
Class A2 8030-01-387-1001 Case 6 oz.
Class B-1//2 8030-00-348-7888 Kit, pt.
Class B2 8030-00-485-3237 Kit, pt.
Class B-1/2 8030-00-602-0045 Case 6 oz.
Class B2 8030-00-560-8758 Case 6 oz.

ac. Adhesive-Sealant MIL-A-46146 Adhesive-Sealant for use

Silicone, RTV Non- with sealant gun nozzles.
Type I White 8030-00-938-1535 12 oz. Cart.
Type I White 8040-00-118-2695 3 oz. Tube
Type I, III Clear 8040-00-117-8510 3 oz. Tube
Type I, III Gray 8040-00-144-9774 12 oz. Tube,
Type I, III Gray 8040-00-145-0020 3 oz. Tube
Type II Clear 8030-00-927-1513 1 pt.
Type II Clear 8040-01-009-1562 3 oz. Tube

ad. LocTite sealant, MIL-S-22473 8030-00-081-2338 Bottle, 50cc. For sealing leaks around
Grade A fasteners

9. Parting Agents
a. Cloth, Holland, MIL-C-17564 8305-00-286-5050 Parting agent, place
Parting Agent between the cell and
heating plates.

b. Silicone, Compound MIL-S-8660 6850-00-880-7616 Tube, 8 oz. Used as a parting agent.

NAVAIR 01-1A-35 002 00
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Table 2-6. Materials Required (Cont)

Item National Unit Intended

No. Nomenclature Specification Stock No. Issue Use

c. Talc, Technical MIL-T-50036 6810-01-080-9589 CN. 5 lb. To dust fuel cells to

reduce frictional

10. Packaging Materials

a. Barrier Material, MIL-B-121, Grade A, 8135-00-753-4661 Ro. 36" x Covering for workbench
Greaseproof, Water- Type I, Class 2 100 yd. that is used for fuel cell
proof, Flexible repair and protection of
fuel cells during
shipment or storage.

b. Barrier Material, PPP-B-1055 8135-00-171-1559 Ro. 36" x Interior liner for fuel cell
Water-proof 200 yd. shipping containers.

c. Barrier Material, MIL-B-81705 8135-01-419-1131 Ro. 36" x Protect Polyurethane

Flexible, MIL-PRF-81705 200 yd. Reticulated foam baffles
Electrostatic-Free, during storage.

d. Boxes, Wood, PPP-B-576 For shipment and storage

Cleated Veneer, of fuel cells.
Paper, Overlaid

e. Boxes, Wood, Wire- PPP-B-585 For shipment and storage

Bound of fuel cells.

f. Boxes, Wood, PPP-B-601 Shipping and storage

Cleated, Plywood containers for fuel cells.

g. Boxes, Wood, Nailed PPP-B-621 Shipping and storage

and Lock Corner containers for fuel cells.

h. Corrugated PPP-P-291 8135-00-242-5610 3' x 250' For cushioning bladder

Paperboard 8135-00-281-3920 2' x 250' cell folds to prevent
8135-00-290-3400 4' x 250' creasing.
8135-00-290-3402 3' x 250'
8135-00-782-3954 12" x 3000"

i. Corrugated PPP-F-320 For covering large

Fiberboard access door openings in
fuel cells.

j. Fiberboard Container PPP-B-640 Domestic shipment of

fuel cells.

k. Plywood, 1/2" NN-P-530, Grade AA 5330-00-171-6700 Pkg. of 6 For making fuel cell
sheets 4' x 8' support braces.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 002 00
Page 23

Table 2-6. Materials Required (Cont)

Item National Unit Intended

No. Nomenclature Specification Stock No. Issue Use

l. Polyethylene Film L-P-378, 6 mil. 8135-00-579-6489 Ro. 100' x Provide protection for
12' fuel cells removed from
the aircraft.

m. Tube, Mailing PPP-T-495 8110-00-291-0346 Ea. 42"x 2" For placement in fuel
8110-00-291-0347 Ea. 42"x 3" cell folds to prevent
8110-00-291-0348 Ea. 42"x creasing of the cell
4 1/2" walls.

11. Tapes
a. Tape, Transparent, SJ8560 9330-00-115-5036 Ro. 1"x 36 To cover protruding
Polyurethane, SJ8561 yd. fasteners and sharp
Abrasion Resistant, 9330-00-124-3730 4"x 36 yd. edges of a fuel cell
Anti-Chaffing cavity to prevent
9330-00-169-6407 Ro. 2"x 36 subsequent damage to
yd. the fuel cell.
9330-00-003-6171 Ro. 3"x 36
b. Tape, Waterproof, PPP-T-60, Type III, 7510-00-079-7906 Ro. 2"x 60 For packaging
Packaging and yd. applications and for
Sealing Class 1 7510-00-079-7905 Ro. 3"x 60 sealing barrier materials.

c. Tape, Weather MIL-T-22085, Type II 7510-00-852-8179 Ro. 1"x 36 For protection of fuel
Resistant yd. cell fitting surfaces.
7510-00-916-9659 Ro. 4"x 36

12. Miscellaneous Materials

a. Cord, Nylon MIL-C-5040 4020-00-240-2146 2100 ft. Used as lacing for fuel
cell installation and fuel
cell baffle installation.

b. Cork and Rubber MIL-G-6183 5330-00-074-3042 .125" thk. For making fuel cell
Composite Sheet fitting gaskets.

c. Needle, Hypodermic, GG-N-196 6516-00-349-1900 Box of 12, Fuel cell ply separation
17 gage 3" long and blister repairs.
6516-00-349-2400 Box of 12,
1 1/2" long

d. Nitrogen, Gas, Dry BB-N-411, Type I, 6830-00-264-9087 Cyl. 200 Ft3 For inerting fuel cells or
Class 1, Grade B tanks.

e. Polyurethane Foam MIL-DTL-83054, Replacement or repair

Buns Type I material for the fuel
cell/tank baffles.
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Page 24

Table 2-6. Materials Required (Cont)

Item National Unit Intended

No. Nomenclature Specification Stock No. Issue Use

f. Protective Skin P-S-411 6850-00-244-4893 lb. Jar For skin protection from
Compound fuel and fuel vapors.
6850-00-870-8995 5 oz. Tube

g. Tubing, Aluminum MIL-T-7081 4710-00-289-2785 To repair fuel cell baffle

Alloy rods.

h. Sealing Compound, MIL-S-4383 8030-00-664-4019 Pt. Used as a general

Top Coat, Fuel Tank, purpose, sealing
Buna N 8030-00-664-4954 Qt. compound.

i. Syringe, Hypodermic GG-S-935, Type II, 6516-00-380-5500 Ea. Fuel cell ply separation
Size 1 and blister repairs.

j. Wire, Safety MS20995C 9505-00-293-4208 .032" thk. Used when safety wiring
is required.

k. Oylite Stick 8030-00-935-5841 Ea. For the temporary repair

of fuel leaks around
fastener heads.

l. Epoxy Tabs Type O 8030-01-265-2895 Box of 24 For the temporary repair

of integral tank fuel

m. Click Patch Kit 8040-01-107-3972 Ea. For the temporary repair

of integral tank fuel

n. Click Patch Kit 8040-01-107-3978 Ea. For the temporary repair

of integral tank fuel

o. Click Patch Kit 8040-01-107-3979 Ea. For the temporary repair

of integral tank fuel

p. Click Patch Kit 8040-01-107-3980 Kt. For the temporary repair

of integral tank fuel

q. Click Patch Kit 8040-01-107-3981 Kt. For the temporary repair

of Integral tank fuel

r. Click Patch Kit 8040-01-107-4932 Kt. For the temporary repair

of Integral tank fuel
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Page 25/(26 Blank)

Table 2-6. Materials Required (Cont)

Item National Unit Intended

No. Nomenclature Specification Stock No. Issue Use

s. Aluminum foil 9535-00-242-5661 Roll, 1130’ For temporary repair of

0.0015 x 24” fuel leaks using a click

t. Aluminum foil 9535-00-721-9726 Roll, 1424” For temporary repair of

0.0010 x 15” fuel leaks using a click
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31 August 2005 Page 1 of 6



Reference Material
Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual..................................... OPNAVINST 5100.23 Series

Alphabetical Index
Subject Page
Batteries................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Bonding and Grounding ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Fire Extinguishers ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Fuel Exposure Hazards......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Fuel Absorbed Internally ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Fuel Vapor Exposure ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Injury to the Skin and Eyes........................................................................................................................................ 2
Lead Poisoning .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Polyurethane Adhesives ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Generation and Accumulation of Static Electricity .............................................................................................................. 4
Aircraft in Flight........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Aircraft on the Ground .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Clothing ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Fueling....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Personnel ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Materials and Equipment Required ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Protective Clothing............................................................................................................................................................... 2
Caps ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Coveralls.................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Gloves........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Shoes ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Socks ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Protective Equipment ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Air Supply Equipment ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Respirator .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Safety Goggles........................................................................................................................................................... 3
Static Electricity ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Conditions of Discharges........................................................................................................................................... 4
Conductors and Insulators ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Electrostatic Ignition.................................................................................................................................................. 4
Susceptibility of Aviation Fuel Vapors to Electrostatic Ignition.......................................................................................... 5
Aviation Gasoline ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Fuel to Air Proportions .............................................................................................................................................. 5
JP-4 Fuel.................................................................................................................................................................... 5
JP-5 Fuel.................................................................................................................................................................... 5
JP-8 Fuel.................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Support Equipment............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Battery Powered Flashlights ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Explosion-Proof Lights.............................................................................................................................................. 4
Hand Tools ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Non Explosion-Proof Equipment .............................................................................................................................. 3
Power Tools............................................................................................................................................................... 4
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 003 00
Page 2

1. FUEL EXPOSURE HAZARDS 5. Injury to the skin and eyes. If fuel should accidentally
contact the skin, it should be promptly washed off using
2. Fuel Vapor Exposure. Maintenance personnel exposed soap and water. Any clothing or shoes, which may become
to fuel vapors may suffer eye, nose, and throat irritation. soaked with fuel should be removed at once. Prolonged
Even at relatively low levels of exposure, nausea, vomiting, contact of fuels or solvents with the skin may result in
and loss of appetite may occur. At higher levels of dermatitis due to removal (defatting) of the natural body
exposure, there may be headaches, dizziness, euphoria, or oils. Splashes or spills in the eyes produce immediate
loss of muscle coordination followed by loss of irritation and can result in loss of sight. Eyes must be
consciousness, convulsions, and eventually death. flushed immediately and repeatedly with large quantities of
Excessive physical contact with fuel, such as wearing fresh water for a minimum of 15 minutes and obtain
clothing that is soaked with fuel, produces a solvent action, treatment as soon as possible.
which removes natural fats and oils from the skin. This will
produce dryness, irritation of the skin, and may result in
severe dermatitis. 6. Polyurethane Adhesives. Polyurethane adhesives
produce isocyanate vapors during preparation, application,
and curing. Uncured isocyanates irritate eyes, skin, and
respiratory tract, and may induce allergic sensitization of
personnel exposed to vapors and mists during spray
application. Sensitization is usually characterized by
Do not induce vomiting when petroleum bronchial constriction, causing difficulty in breathing, dry
products have been swallowed. Seek medical cough, and shortness of breath. Once sensitized, many
attention immediately. workers cannot tolerate even minimum subsequent
exposure to isocyanates and must avoid work areas where
3. Fuel Absorbed Internally. Some fuels are composed of such exposure can occur. In addition, solvents employed
elements that may be absorbed through the skin and cause with polyurethane coatings are moderately toxic and tend to
damage to internal organs such as kidneys and liver. The increase rate of absorption and severity of physiological
accidental swallowing of fuels causes internal injuries and effect.
possible death. Fuel taken internally will produce
abdominal pain, discomfort, prolonged constipation, 7. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING
fatigue, and palsy. Any person showing these physical signs
while working around fuel shall report to the medical 8. Work involving inspection, repair, installation, and
facility immediately. removal of fuel cells may require partial or complete entry
of personnel into a cell. Protective clothing shall be
4. Lead Poisoning. The tetraethyl lead in aviation
provided to ensure safety of personnel while performing
gasoline is a very poisonous compound. It is harmful if the
work in such space. Personal protective equipment shall be
vapors are inhaled, or if the compound enters the body
maintained in accordance with OPNAVINST 5100.23
through the mouth or by contact with the skin. The
Series. Personnel engaged in fuel system repairs shall wear
principal danger of lead poisoning occurs when it is
the following clothing:
necessary to enter fuel cells, which have been used for
leaded gasoline. Bathing after being in a fuel cell that has
contained leaded fuel is mandatory.

Do not remove any garment while in an open

fuel cell or area adjacent to an open fuel cell.
Apply protective skin compound A-A-50169 Normal activity can generate electrical charges
(Table 2-5, item 12f) to exposed skin surfaces on clothing.
that may be wetted by any fuel.
Do not wear clothing made of materials such
If a permanent eye wash facility is not as nylon, orlon, dacron, wool, or silk while
available, ensure a portable one is available. working on an open fuel system component.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 003 00
Page 3
a. Coveralls. Personnel entering a fuel cell to perform entering a fuel cell to perform repairs. The local Industrial
repairs shall remove all outer clothing and wear clean, Hygienist will determine which respirator is authorized,
cotton, coveralls, conforming to MIL-DTL-14610 (Table 2- depending on the type of repair. The hygienist will also
6, item 6f). Authorized personnel performing concurrent provide respirator inspection, fit check, and cleaning
maintenance on the same aircraft other than fuel cell instructions. Ensure continuous general ventilation (one
maintenance shall wear 100 percent cotton clothing, which complete air change every 3 minutes) when working inside
may be other than white coveralls. a fuel cell.

b. Socks. Prior to entering a fuel cell, personnel shall c. Air Supply Equipment. Use of an air supplied
remove shoes and personal socks and shall put on white respirator is required when personnel enter cells which is
cotton socks followed by rubber overshoes (Table 2-6, item noted on a Permit as Class 1 or Class 2 per Work Package
6m). 004.


12. Maintenance personnel shall be thoroughly familiar

with the manual of operating instructions for the equipment
Wear safety shoes in fuel cell maintenance involved and know emergency shutdown procedures and
areas. Shoes with exposed tacks or metal shall other precautionary measures, including the selection and
not be worn. the use of appropriate fire extinguishers. Operators shall
review the maintenance and inspection records attached to
the unit and inspect the equipment for leaks, damage or
malfunction before operational use.

Shoes shall not be worn inside of bladder or

self-sealing fuel cells.

c. Shoes. Do not wear safety shoes, (Table 2-6, item

6p) in integral fuel cells unless footwear covers (Table 2-6, Under no circumstances shall non-explosion-
Item 6g) are worn over the shoes. proof power equipment be operated within the
fuel cell maintenance area.
d. Caps. Wear cap (Table 2-6, item 6e) when doing
internal fuel cell repair to prevent contamination with hair All rolling equipment used in fuel cell
oils. maintenance areas shall be quipped with rubber
tires or wheels.
e. Gloves. Wear rubber gloves, MIL-DTL-32066,
(Table 2-6, item 6j) during depuddling or when using a. Nonexplosion-proof Equipment. Electrical and
solvents that require application by hand. Cotton gloves, engine-driven equipment that is nonexplosion-proof shall
MIL-G-2874, (Table 2-6, item 6h) shall be worn to protect be placed outside of the fuel cell maintenance area and
the hands when applying sealants/adhesives. upwind of the aircraft. External power units used to supply
electrical power during refueling or defueling shall be
positioned upwind of the aircraft away from the source of
10. The following equipment is required by personnel fuel vapors with power cable fully extended. Prior to use,
who perform repairs inside fuel cells: inspect power cables for fraying, cuts, or damage to
insulation. Inspect connections for damage or corrosion.
a. Safety goggles. Personnel engaged in exterior
buffing of fuel cells shall wear safety goggles, ANSI Z87.1,
(Table 2-6, item 6k) to prevent rubber dust from coming in
contact with eyes.

b. Respirator. NIOSH approved respiratory Use only explosion-proof equipment meeting

protection suitable to protect the entrant from exposure to Class 1, Div 1, Group D, National Electrical
repair adhesives and cleaning agents shall be worn when Code for purging and ventilating fuel cells.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 003 00
Page 4
been the result of a lack of understanding by maintenance
personnel of how static electricity is generated,
accumulated, discharged as a spark, and of the means of
controlling such a hazard.
Do not rest lights on fuel cell surfaces.
a. Electrostatic Ignition. Electrostatic Ignition is the
Light assemblies received from stock shall be ignition of a flammable vapor-air mixture by a spark
inspected before use for frayed electrical wires created during the discharge of electrostatic charges. The
and/or cracked bulbs. term "static charge" as used in this manual shall mean the
accumulation of electrical charges on materials as a result
NOTE of friction or induced charging due to the proximity of a
nearby charged object. The discharge of these charges
The requirement for the use of special safety across an air gap creates a spark that constitutes a fire or
and approved flashlights has been deleted. The explosion hazard. The generation of static charges cannot
ordinary two or three cell flashlights using be totally prevented because its inherent origins are present
carbon zinc dry cells have not been found at every interface.
capable of igniting a flammable vapor air b. Conditions of Discharges. The accumulation of
mixture under conditions of ordinary usage. electrical charges may not be, in itself, a fire or explosion
hazard. There must be a discharge across an air gap (spark)
13. Explosion-proof Lights. Explosion-proof electric for static electricity to be the source of ignition. For this to
lights are the only lights authorized in the fuel cell occur, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
maintenance area. Extension cords with explosion-proof
fittings shall be long enough to make the electrical (1) A means of generating the static charge.
connection outside the fuel cell maintenance area. If the (2) A means of accumulating the charge.
lamp, cord, plug, or any component of the light assembly is
defective, do not use the light. Special care shall be taken to (3) Adequate voltage (potential difference) to cause
inspect the glass globe for nicks, scratches, or minor cracks a discharge across an air gap between two objects.
in the surface of the glass. SEE IRAC #14 (4) The discharge must occur in a flammable vapor
14. Power Tools. All power tools used in fuel system mixture.
maintenance shall be air-driven. Tools powered by c. Conductors and Insulators. Static charges can
compressed air require careful handling to avoid accidents. move freely through certain substances. Generally, such
Air is supplied under pressure from either an engine substances are metal and are called conductors. In other
compressor or tanks. Before disconnecting, or leaving a substances, static charges move with difficulty. These
pneumatic tool unattended, the air supply shall be turned off substances are called nonconductors or insulators. Some of
at the control valve and the tool bled of air. the more common insulators in the latter group include
15. Hand Tools. The requirement for non-sparking tools glass, rubber, and many plastic materials. When electric
has been deleted. charges are present on the surface of a non-conductive
substance, they cannot flow or move away from an area,
16. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS thus permitting a potential buildup of the charges. Electric
17. The fuel cell maintenance area shall be equipped with charges on a conductive material, which is completely
approved fire extinguishers as specified by the fire marshal. surrounded by insulating material also are prevented from
Extinguishers shall be in a readily accessible position. escaping and therefore, are non-mobile or static charged. In
Seals and inspection dates shall be checked monthly. either case, the substance on which these charges are
Extinguishers shall be removed after use and immediately present is said to be statically charged, or have static
replaced. electricity.


19. Disconnect batteries prior to any open fuel cell repair 23. Refer to Work Package 006 paragraph 4 for proper
or fuel cell entry. Disconnect battery cables and label with grounding and bonding procedures. All aircraft must be
a suitable warning sign to indicate that the cables are not to properly grounded to an approved earth ground prior to
be connected. If the aircraft/support equipment is scheduled maintenance procedures.
to be down for an extended period, the batteries shall be 24. GENERATION AND ACCUMULATION OF
20. STATIC ELECTRICITY 25. Static electricity is most often generated by frictional
21. Static electricity has been the ignition source of effects during relative motion between two substances,
numerous petroleum fires and explosions. Often these have particularly those of unlike materials.
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a. Personnel. The human body, especially in a dry 27. Static discharges under ideal conditions can create a
atmosphere, can frequently accumulate a static charge as spark, which can ignite fuel vapors. A person walking
high as several thousand volts. This charge may be across a dry area may accumulate several times the voltage
generated by rubbing contact of the shoes with the floor, necessary to cause such a spark.
sliding contact involving clothing, etc.
a. Fuel to Air Proportions. Aviation fuels must be in
b. Clothing. Clothing made of synthetic a vapor form within certain fuel to air proportions to burn.
fabrics(nylon, dacron, orlon, rayon, etc.) are more active
generators of static charges than natural fabrics, although b. Aviation Gasoline. Aviation gasoline has a very
wool and silk also generate charges when rubbed against strong tendency to vaporize and, as a result, will always
certain materials. The removal or wearing of clothing of the have considerable vapors in the air over the surface of the
above fabrics shall not be done in an area that may contain fuel. In a closed tank, enough fuel can vaporize so that the
a flammable or explosive atmosphere. fuel-air vapor mixture may be too rich to burn.

c. Aircraft in Flight. Static charges may be developed c. JP-4 Fuel. The JP-4 vaporization temperature
and accumulated by the relative motion between the aircraft range and flammable fuel-to-air mixture (vapor) range falls
and atmospheric particles, particularly snow, ice crystals, within normal operational temperatures. Thus, of the fuels
dust, or smoke. Also, the proximity of the aircraft to used for aircraft, JP-4 is the most apt to be ignited by static
electrically charged clouds can induce a charged condition. electrical discharges. In addition, in any cell closed or open,
the vapor above JP-4 often tends to stabilize in the
d. Aircraft on the Ground. An aircraft can build up a flammable range instead of becoming over-rich, as can
static charge when in movement on the ground. Also, the occur in the case of aviation gasoline.
rubber tires act as an insulator to prevent the dissipation of
the charges when the aircraft is parked. The charging rate
d. JP-5 Fuel. JP-5 fuel will not give off enough fuel
difference is principally one of magnitude because of the
vapors to be flammable until it is heated above 136oF
greater surface area of the aircraft. Charges may be
(60oC). Since the vapor concentration in the air above the
generated by movement of air currents over aircraft
surface of JP-5 at normal handling temperatures is below
surfaces where such currents carry particles of dust, snow,
the lean limit, the discharge of a static spark over the
water, etc. Static charge buildup on an aircraft in a hangar
surface should not result in a fire or explosion. However, if
heated by a blower system will usually be found to be
JP-5 fuel is mixed with a small amount of JP-4 or aviation
greater during cold weather due to the lower humidity and
gasoline, the amount of vapor given off can increase to the
increased circulation of dust particles in the air.
point where it will be in the flammable range at a much
lower temperature and thus become susceptible to ignition
by a static electricity spark.

e. JP-8 Fuel. During typical ground fuel handling

Limit fueling flow rate when fueling to operations, where the ambient conditions are below 75°F,
minimize static charge buildup. A high static JP-8 falls below the lean limit. This means that a discharge
charge buildup in an air-enriched atmosphere of a static spark over the surface should not result in a fire
can change the atmosphere into the flammable or explosion. However, if the temperature is above 75°F
range. then the JP-8 falls within the flammable fuel-to-air mixture
and is more susceptible to ignite by static electrical
e. Fueling. To control the amount of static charges discharges.
that may be generated by the flow of fuel through pipes,
filters, hoses, and other equipment during aircraft fuel 28. MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT REQUIRED
servicing, and to provide a path to equalize this charge or
minimize the possibility of static discharge that could ignite 29. Table 2-5 and Table 2-6 list materials and equipment
fuel vapors, the fueling equipment and the aircraft shall be required to perform maintenance procedures for each work
bonded to each other. Further, the fuel nozzle shall be package.
brought in contact with a metal part of the aircraft remote
from the fuel cells to minimize any differential in electrical
charge potential. The fueling nozzle is then bonded to the a. Table 2-5 Consumable Materials Required. This
aircraft by means of a bonding wire before fuel is table lists all consumable materials required for each work
dispensed. package of the manual.

26. SUSCEPTIBILITY OF AVIATION FUEL b. Table 2-6 Equipment Required. This table lists all
VAPORS TO ELECTROSTATIC IGNITION equipment required for each work package of the manual.
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NAVAIR 01-1A-35 004 00
31 August 2005 Page 1 of 20


Reference Material
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program .............................................................................. COMNAVAIRFORINST 4970.2
Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual................................................OPNAVINST 5100.23
Naval Sea Systems Command Gas Free Engineering Program ........................................... NAVSEA S6470-AA-SAF-010
Naval Ships Technical Manual............................................................................................ NAVSEA S9086-CH-STM-030

Alphabetical Index
Subject Page
Aircraft Confined Space Program, The ................................................................................................................................ 4
Intermediate ‘I’, Organizational ‘O’, and Depot ‘D’ level requirements ...................................................................... 4
Supporting Documents.................................................................................................................................................. 4
Contractor Relations............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Definitions............................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Affected Persons ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
Aircraft Confined Space Program ................................................................................................................................. 3
Concurrent Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Confined Space ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Entry Authority ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Fireguard / Fire Watch .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Fuel Cell and Fuel Tank ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Hot Work....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) ..................................................................................................... 4
Non-Permit Required Confined Space .......................................................................................................................... 4
Permit / Certificate ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Permit Required Confined Space .................................................................................................................................. 4
Sticker / Note / Tag ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Discussion ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Entry and Work Restrictions .............................................................................................................................................. 17
Permitting of Fuel Cells and Tanks .................................................................................................................................... 13
Classification of Permits ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Class 1: Not Safe for Hot Work – Not Safe For Personnel ......................................................................................... 14
Class 2: Not Safe Fore Personnel Without Protection (Provisional Permit) ............................................................... 14
Class 3: Safe For Personnel – Not Safe For Hot Work ............................................................................................... 14
Class 4: Safe For Personnel – Safe For Hot Work ...................................................................................................... 15
Class 5: Hands-In/Tool-In Maintenance ..................................................................................................................... 15
Class 6: Reclassified Non-Permit Required Confined Space ...................................................................................... 15
Permit, The ......................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Cancellation of Permits ............................................................................................................................................... 17
Continuous or Periodic Testing and Maintaining Permits........................................................................................... 16
Permit Distribution..................................................................................................................................................... 17
Initial Permit ............................................................................................................................................................... 16
Permit Process, The..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Retesting Fuel Cells .................................................................................................................................................... 17
Personnel .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Aircraft Confined Space Program Manager, The.......................................................................................................... 6
Authorized Entrant ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Backup Safety Observer.............................................................................................................................................. 10
Commanding Officer, The ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Entry Authority ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Entry Supervisors .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 004 00
Page 2

Fire Watch ...................................................................................................................................................................11

Management Personnel..................................................................................................................................................9
Naval Air Technical Data and Engineering Service Command (NATEC)..................................................................11
Safety Observer ...........................................................................................................................................................10
Record Keeping Requirements .............................................................................................................................................5
Rescue Plans .........................................................................................................................................................................5
Civilian Only Depot ‘D’ level Rescue Plans .................................................................................................................6
‘I’ and ‘O’ level Rescue Plans .......................................................................................................................................5
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ...........................................................................................................................6
Testing Procedures..............................................................................................................................................................11
Hazard Mitigation........................................................................................................................................................13
Instrumentation ............................................................................................................................................................11
Procedure .....................................................................................................................................................................11
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 004 00
Page 3

1. DISCUSSION under certain circumstances. As defined in this work pack-

age, these are procedures that may take place anywhere on
2. The Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP) the aircraft and do not involve the use of external or battery
COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 directs COMNAVAIR- power and may or may not involve hot work.
SYSCOM to manage the Aviation Gas Free Engineering
10. Confined Space. A “confined space” means a space
(AVGFE) Program (hereafter known as the Aircraft Con-
fined Space Program) per this Maintenance Instruction that:
manual (MIM). The Aircraft Confined Space Program a. is large enough and so configured that an em-
(ACSP) is an extension of the OPNAVINST 5100.23 series ployee can bodily enter and perform assigned work
NAVAIR Confined Space Entry Program. This work pack-
age establishes requirements and responsibilities of the b. has limited or restricted means for entry or exit
ACSP for Naval aviation ashore and afloat. (for example, tanks, vessels, silos, storage bins, hoppers,
vaults, and pits are spaces that may have limited means of
3. The ACSP is concerned with the safety and health of entry
personnel while handling or working with hazardous mate-
c. is not designed for continuous employee occu-
rials and equipment associated with fuel cell and fuel tank
maintenance. Aircraft fuels must be handled with caution
because of fire and explosion dangers. Additionally, there 11. Entry Authority In previous editions to this manual,
are health hazards associated with fuels (inhalation of va- the Entry Authority (EA) was the Aviation Gas Free Engi-
pors, absorption through the skin, moisture around the eyes, neer (AVGFE). The EA is anyone who is specifically
or ingesting by mouth, etc.). Other hazards relate to work trained and authorized to test and certify the Permit to an
areas and equipment used during fuel system maintenance. aircraft confined space. In the context of this work package,
the EA responsibilities may also be performed by the Air-
4. Safety instructions and precautions in this work pack- craft Confined Space Manger, a local Confined Space Pro-
age are minimum requirements. It is not feasible to describe gram Manager or Assistant CSPM, a Naval Gas Free Engi-
all situations that may arise. Basic knowledge and good neer, or a Certified Marine Chemist. The EA must be des-
judgment are required of all personnel involved with fuel ignated in writing by the CO or the CO’s designee.
cell maintenance in order to deal with hazardous conditions
which may or may not be covered in this work package. 12. Fireguard / Fire Watch In this instruction, the term
Fireguard is equivalent to and interchangeable with the term
5. Strict compliance to prescribed standards is mandatory. Fire Watch.
Safety instructions as well as training and supervision of
personnel are essential to accident-free fuel cell mainte- 13. Fuel Cell and Fuel Tank. Where fuel cells and fuel
nance. Failure to comply with safety precautions could re- tanks (integral, wing tanks, or drop tanks) are referred to
sult in loss of life, injury, and/or destruction of valuable together, they are labeled as fuel cells in this manual.
property. Where a fuel tank is specifically referred to it is labeled as
14. Hot Work Any procedure that generates temperatures
7. Affected Persons Anyone whose duty is specifically of 400°F or more. This may include grinding, drilling,
defined and stated as required by this work package is an welding, flame heating, cutting, brazing, soldering, heat
affected person. shrink operations, etc.
8. Aircraft Confined Space Program. The Aircraft Con- 15. Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health – IDLH
fined Space Program (ACSP) describes the processes, Any condition that poses an immediate or delayed threat to
means, and methods used for recognizing, evaluating, and life or that would cause irreversible adverse health effects
controlling potential confined space hazards associated with or that would interfere with an individual’s ability to escape
fuel cell and fuel tank maintenance and for communicating unaided from a permit space.
those hazards to employees. The ACSP was formerly
known as the Aviation Gas Free Engineering Program 16. Non-Permit Required Confined Space. A non-permit
(AVGFE). required confined space means a confined space that does
not contain or, with respect to atmospheric hazards, have
9. Concurrent Maintenance. Multiple maintenance proce- the potential to contain any hazard capable of causing death
dures happing concurrently on a single aircraft are allowed or serious physical harm.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 004 00
Page 4
17. Permit / Certificate The term Permit is the preferred 23. Where no existing law, regulation, or standard applies,
term and corresponds to OSHA standard terminology. The or where interpretation is necessary, the activity shall sub-
term Certificate will no longer be used in this program to mit full particulars and details via the chain of command to
describe the document that permits confined spaces. Per- the Materials Engineering Division, Code, NADEP
mits may be issued only by the Aircraft Confined Space Cherry Point. Action to control the hazard shall be taken in
Program Manager (ACSPM) or Entry Authority (EA), as the interim.
defined in this work package.
24. Intermediate ‘I’, Organizational ‘O’, and Depot ‘D’
18. Permit Required Confined Space means a confined level requirements. Operationally, ‘I’ and ‘O’ level activi-
space that has one or more of the following characteristics: ties require slightly different work practices than the civil-
a. Contains or has a potential to contain a hazardous ian only ‘D’ level activities. Where different operating pro-
atmosphere, cedures are required it will be stated as such. Specific re-
quirements are located in paragraphs concerning:
b. Contains a material that has the potential for en-
gulfing an entrant, a. Record Keeping
c. Has an internal configuration such that an entrant b. Training
could be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging
walls or by a floor which slopes downward and tapers to a c. Rescue Plans
smaller cross-section, or
d. Contains any other recognized serious safety or d. Personnel
health hazard. 25. All personnel whose name will appear on a permit will
19. Sticker / Note / Tag At times additional warnings or be regulated by this work package.
information will be required to be posted on or near a fuel
tank or cell. The terms sticker, note, or tag are representa-
tive terms for the additional signage that may be posted on 27. As a matter of policy, military and civilian personnel
a confined space and are to be used in conjunction with employed by the Department of the Navy (DON) are pro-
instructions presented on Permits. hibited from performing confined space testing services for
20. THE AIRCRAFT CONFINED SPACE PRO- contractor operations. The following provisions shall apply
GRAM (ACSP) to avoid the assumption of liability by the Navy in the event
of a mishap:
21. The purpose of the ACSP is to assure the safety and
health of personnel required to work in and around aircraft a. Navy personnel may not perform any aircraft con-
fuel cells and tanks. All other requirements for confined fined space safety related duties in support of contractors or
space safety should be forwarded to the local Confined contractor personnel.
Space Program Manager (CSPM) for action.
b. Navy personnel may not lend government-
22. Supporting Documents This chapter was written to controlled equipment to contractors or contractor personnel.
conform to the strictest requirements of the Occupational Government owned and controlled equipment is equipment
that has been issued to, and is in the possession of a Federal
Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) 29 CFR Government organization.
1910.146 Permit Required Confined Spaces. It is adapted to
reflect the unique operational requirements of Naval Avia- c. Where Navy personnel and contractors are to oc-
tion. The following documents, which address the require- cupy the same space at the same time, the ACSPM and the
ments of a Confined Space Entry Program, were consulted contractor representative(s) shall issue separate Permits.
in preparing this manual: Government civilian employees are not to be considered as
NAVSEA S6470-AA-SAF-010 Naval Sea
Systems Command Gas Free Engineering Pro- d. For extreme emergency situations, which could
gram endanger personnel and property, an exception in writing
OPNAVINST 5100.23 series, Navy Occupa- shall be authorized by the Commanding Officer. Confined
tional Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program space safety services shall be personally conducted and
Manual supervised by the ACSPM. Where delays created by seek-
ing Commanding Officer approval would create a greater
NAVSEA S9086-CH-STM-030, Naval Ships danger, Navy Aircraft Confined Space services may be
Technical Manual, Chapter 074, Volume 3, used without prior authorization to prevent catastrophic
Gas Free Engineering harm to personnel or property.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 004 00
Page 5
e. Equipment purchasing decisions cannot be dic- 30. RESCUE PLANS
tated by the DON on civilian contractors. Where conflict
31. Each activity that performs fuel cell and tank mainte-
exists between this manual and the contractor with regards
nance shall develop and implement procedures for rescuing
to equipment, the equipment owned by the contractor shall
incapacitated entrants from fuel cells and tanks. The rescue
be allowed. The equipment shall meet all government regu-
plan shall prevent unauthorized personnel from attempting
lations with regards to confined space entry safety as pre-
a rescue. It must have procedures for summoning rescue
sented in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.146.
and emergency medical services. The written plan shall be
f. Navy squadrons with a total civilian contractor posted in the immediate area when personnel are entering
maintenance force shall comply with the provisions of this and working inside fuel cells and tanks. All personnel in-
manual. Contractors shall provide personnel qualified to volved shall be instructed in the proper procedures to be
test spaces and issue Permits. followed in rescue efforts.

28. RECORD KEEPING REQUIREMENTS 32. ‘I’ and ‘O’ level Rescue Plans Activities with access to
base or local fire and rescue services, may use those ser-
29. Copies of the following documents associated with the vices if identified in the site specific rescue plan. If local
ACS Program shall be maintained by the ACSPM for the services cannot be used, activities shall write their own res-
length of time indicated. cue plan that allows for independent rescue operations. Al-
though more stringent requirements may be added which
a. Military personnel in ‘I’ and ‘O’ level activities, are appropriate for specific situations, the following re-
authorized to assess aircraft confined spaces (ACSPM or quirements shall be incorporated, as a minimum, in the ac-
Entry Authority (EA)), must maintain personal logbooks tivity's Plan:
containing the following:
a. A Safety Observer shall be stationed outside any
(1) A COPY of initial course completion certificate. fuel cell or tank containing an authorized entrant.
(2) Current letter of certification. b. Rescue control points shall be manned with an
(3) A legible copy of each Permit issued. adequate number of trained and qualified Backup Safety
Observers to provide support for active Safety Observers.
(4) Record of all training that applies to the ACS
Program including, but not limited to, On the Job Training c. Each Safety Observer shall practice making res-
(OJT). cues at least once every 12 months. Simulated rescue opera-
tions in which dummies, manikins, or actual persons can be
(5) Hot work checklist (when applicable). used. It is preferable to schedule training in actual fuel cells
while the fuel cell is open and prepared for some mainte-
b. Civilian ‘D’ level personnel are not required to nance action. It should not be necessary to open and prepare
maintain personal logbooks. a fuel cell solely for the purpose of rescue training. Repre
c. Certificates of completed training (both formal and sentative fuel cells shall, with respect to opening size, con-
on-the-job) for each ACSPM or EA. Retain as long as the figuration, and accessibility, simulate the types of fuel cells
individual is performing in the capacity. from which rescue is to be performed.
d. Each Safety Observer shall be trained and current
d. Certification letter signed by the Commanding Of-
in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Training in Basic
ficer or CO’s designee for each ACSPM or EA. Retain as
First Aid is suggested but not mandatory.
long as the letter is valid.
e. Medical services and treatment shall be readily
e. Calibration logs for each gas detector. Retain for a available for personnel incapacitated or injured in a fuel
minimum of one year from the date of the last entry. cell. Information on the location of medical facilities and
f. A legible copy of each confined space permit. Re- means of summoning aid (such as equipment to use and the
tain for a minimum of one year from the date of issue. numbers to call) shall be provided and available for imme-
diate reference.
g. Mishap/accident reports associated with the ACS 33. Civilian only Depot ‘D’ level Rescue Plans Civilian
Program. Retain for a minimum of one year from the date activities (DON) shall use local fire department rescue ser-
of issue.
vices provided the following conditions are met:
h. Records of rescue drills. Retain for a minimum of a. The posted rescue plan shall specifically prohibit
one year from date of drill. anyone, except fire department rescue personnel, from en-
i. A current copy of the Rescue Plan. tering a fuel cell to perform rescue operations.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 004 00
Page 6
b. The fire department is notified of any and all haz- h. Backup Safety Observer
ards they may confront when called on to perform rescues.
i. Fire Watch
c. The fire department is granted access to all
space(s) from which rescue may be necessary so they can j. Naval Air Technical Data and Engineering Ser-
develop appropriate rescue plans and practice rescue opera- vice Command (NATEC) Representatives.
37. The Commanding Officer (CO).
d. In the event of an incident, which requires the at-
38. The Commanding Officer, consistent with the inherent
tention of the fire department, thus rendering it unable to
duties and responsibilities of his position, is responsible for
perform rescue services, all fuel cell entry operations shall
the safety and health of personnel, and the protection of
cease until such a time as the fire department has specifi-
property within the Command. Accordingly, the CO is re-
cally advised adequate rescue services are once again avail-
sponsible for:
a. Establishing and conducting a complete and com-
e. Means of summoning fire department or rescue
prehensive ACS Program which meets the purpose, intent,
services shall be provided and the phone numbers posted on
and specific requirements of this manual. In so doing, the
the permit.
CO shall enforce the mandatory requirements of this man-
34. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Based on local ual and be guided by the advisory provisions.
SOP or conditions, personnel entering fuel cells shall be b. Initiating procedures and directives, and require
respirator qualified by the station Occupational Safety and inspections necessary to effect compliance with the stan-
Health Office in the proper use of National Institutes of dards and regulations prescribed herein.
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) approved respira-
tors. c. Require personnel of other agencies, including
contractors, while within the purview of the command, to
a. Personnel shall be trained in the proper use of conduct activities and operations per applicable laws, regu-
safety clothing, and approved explosion-proof, spark-proof lations, and standards. SEE IRAC #16
or intrinsically safe equipment appropriate to the situation.
d. The CO or a designated individual shall sign and
35. PERSONNEL date letters of certification for Entry Authorities. The CO
may delegate endorsement of certification letters. Delega-
36. This section describes job responsibilities and qualifi- tion must be in writing and available for review. Functions,
cation requirements for personnel who administer and per- which the individual is qualified to perform (such as Hot
form the various functions covered by the ACS Program. Work) shall be stated in the letter. The sample certification
The complete program consists of the following key per- letter, Figure 4-1, is an example for content only, and may
be altered to fit the command’s requirements.
a. The Commanding Officer (CO) (1) ‘I’ and ‘O’ level: Copies of this letter shall be
b. The Aircraft Confined Space Program Manager forwarded to the individual’s training and service record,
(ACSPM) the individual’s log book, and to the ACSPM. The letter
will expire at the end of the calendar month, one year from
c. Entry Authority (EA) the date the letter was signed.
d. Management Personnel (2) ‘D’ level: The local ACSPM shall retain copies
e. Entry Supervisors of certification letters for civilian DON employees for the
length of employment at that location.
f. Authorized Entrant
39. The Aircraft Confined Space Program Manager
g. Safety Observer (ACSPM).
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 004 00
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The following letter is for example only. Each command is given the authority to tailor the letter
to the specific needs of the command.

From: Commanding Officer

To: Individual
Date: dd Month yyyy

Ref: (a) COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 (Series)

(b) NA 0l-lA-35

1. You are hereby certified as an Entry Authority (EA) for this command. This duty and responsibility is assigned because
of your successful completion of the requirements and prerequisites of an EA as outlined in references (a) and (b). You are re-
sponsible for complying with the Aircraft Confined Space Program for this command as prescribed in reference (b).

2. As the command Aircraft Confined Space Program Manager (ACSPM), you shall comply with the requirements of ref-
erences (a) and (b). (Applies only to Depot level personnel, when assigned.)

3. You are authorized to certify hot work because of successful completion of training by the command/station Confined
Space Program Manager (CSPM). (When authorized.)

4. This certification shall remain in effect for a period of one year from the above date. Annual certification will be based
on requirements outlined in reference (b). (Annual certification is not required for Depot level personnel)


Copy to:
Individual's Training Record
Individual's Service Record

Figure 4-1. Sample Certification Letter

a. ‘I’ and ‘O’ level Aircraft Confined Space Program (2) The civilian ACSPM is ordinarily associated
Manager shall meet the following qualifications: with the activity's Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
Office, and shall have direct access to the CO.
(1) Complete NAMTG C-600-3000A. This
training shall include hands-on instruction on the operation (3) Be designated in writing by the CO or designee.
and calibration of gas detecting equipment.
c. Duties and responsibilities. The Aircraft Confined
(2) Must be a Quality Assurance Representative Space Program Manager shall:
(QAR) or a Collateral Duty Quality Assurance Representa-
tive (CDQAR). The prospective ACSPM shall be assigned (1) Establish and administer the ACS Program as
to the Quality Assurance Officer (QAO). required by this manual.
(3) Be designated in writing by the CO or designee. (2) Monitor the Program within the organization,
ensuring all safety requirements within the scope of this
b. ‘D’ level Aircraft Confined Space Program Man- Program are followed.
ager shall meet the following requirements:
(3) Ensure necessary support equipment is avail-
(1) Complete NAMTG C-600-3000A or the more able, maintained, and calibrated.
comprehensive CNATTU A-493-0030. This training shall
include hands-on instruction on the operation and calibra- (4) Ensure assigned personnel are properly trained
tion of gas detecting equipment. and certified.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 004 00
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(5) Ensure all appropriate personnel are familiar (4) Certification Renewal Requirements. The EA
with potential hazards and established procedures related to shall be certified in writing by the CO annually. Prior to
the Program. certification, each EA shall:
(6) Provide for the evaluation and testing of fuel (a) Submit EA personal logbook to ACSPM for
cells, preparations and issuing of Permits. audit.
(b) Complete one of the following within the last
(7) Maintain and perform an annual review of pro- year:
gram administrative records and EA personal logbooks.
1 Demonstrate that they have issued five Per-
(8) Be trained to perform the duties of an EA when mits.
required. Familiarization or training of T/M/S aircraft sys-
2 Complete an oral or written examination that
tems shall be obtained prior to any potential service ren-
sufficiently demonstrates the desired skills.
dered as an EA.
(9) Prepare, update, post and assure that all appro-
priate personnel are familiar with the local Rescue Plan. 3 Successfully complete the NAMTG course
(10) Recommend Entry Authorities to the CO or the
CO’s designee for certification. (5) Each military EA must maintain a personal log-
book as specified in paragraph 29a.
40. Entry Authority (EA)
b. ‘D’ level EA shall meet the following qualifica-
a. ‘I’ and ‘O’ level EA shall meet the following tions:
(1) The prospective civilian EA may be any em-
(1) The prospective EA shall be a QAR or a ployee designated by Management who is trained and certi-
CDQAR to gain initial certification. However, once certi- fied.
fied as an EA, they may retain certification in the same
command even if they no longer work in QA. (2) Complete NAMTG C-600-3000A or the more
comprehensive A-493-0030. This training shall include
(2) Successfully complete the NAMTG course C- hands-on instruction on the operation and calibration of gas
600-3000A. This training shall include hands-on instruction detecting equipment.
on the operation and calibration of gas detecting equipment
(3) Installations shall acquaint personnel with the
(3) OJT training shall be completed to acquaint the
fuel cells associated with each T/M/S aircraft or fuel cell
EA with the different characteristics of each individual fuel
configuration on which they will be providing aircraft con-
cell on each Type/Model/Series (T/M/S) aircraft for which
fined space services.
they are to be qualified. If a Series change for a particular
aircraft T/M results in no change to the fuel cell configura- (a) A thorough review of technical publications
tion of the aircraft, then familiarization with one member of concerning the specific aircraft's fuel cells.
the Series, qualifies the EA on all members of the Series.
For example, if an EA has OJT'd on a FA-18C then they are (b) In a one-on-one situation, a knowledgeable
automatically qualified to certify FA-18A, B, and D aircraft fuel system maintenance person for that T/M/S aircraft or
fuel cells as well because the configuration of their cells are an EA who is qualified to certify that T/M/S aircraft, shall
identical. However, that person is not qualified to certify point out the different characteristics of the fuel cells with
the FA-18E/F because the E/F has a different configuration respect to the confined space testing. (Although there is no
of cells. Training shall involve: strict requirement that the aircraft's cells be open for this
familiarization, the training will be most effective if it can
(a) A thorough review of technical publications be scheduled at a time when the aircraft's cells are open and
concerning the specific aircraft's fuel cells. the trainee can actually view what the trainer is discussing.)
(b) In a one-on-one situation, a knowledgeable (4) Yearly renewal certification letters of civilian
fuel system maintenance person for that T/M/S aircraft or Entry Authorities are not required provided EA maintains
an EA who is qualified to certify that T/M/S aircraft, shall proficiency deemed appropriate by the local ACSPM.
point out the different characteristics of the fuel cells with
respect to the confined space testing. (Although there is no (5) Personal logbooks are not required for civilian
strict requirement that the aircraft's cells be open for this employees. Work specific logbooks and /or a file of issued
familiarization, the training will be most effective if it can permits shall be maintained by the issuing activity. Copies
be scheduled at a time when the aircraft's cells are open and of Permits shall be maintained on file for 12 months after
the trainee can actually view what the trainer is discussing.) issue.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 004 00
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c. EA Duties and Responsibilities. The EA has pri- b. Know the hazards that may be faced during entry,
mary responsibility for determining if a fuel cell has safe including information on the mode, signs or symptoms, and
levels of oxygen, explosive and toxic vapor. The EA shall: consequences of exposure to fuel vapor. Instruct all person-
nel regarding the nature of the hazards associated with op-
(1) Conduct tests of fuel cells as required by this erations and precautions required to control such hazards.
manual. List all authorized hazardous materials on the Permit.
(2) Issue, maintain, post, and update Permits. c. Take effective measures, such as posting signs and
cordoning off the area, to warn personnel of the existence
(3) Stop work and evacuate personnel from a fuel of an open fuel cell. Keep unauthorized personnel out of the
cell when an unsafe condition is detected or suspected. Im- area.
mediately notify the Entry Supervisor and the Confined
Space Program Manager or QAO of the problem. Ensure d. Notify Maintenance Control before beginning fuel
all test equipment is calibrated, as required. cell maintenance procedures (‘O’ level only).
(4) Ensure the Rescue Plan is posted and emer- e. Ensure all energy sources (batteries and ground
gency personnel and equipment are in place. Ensure that all power receptacles) will be disconnected and identified as
personnel are familiar with applicable procedures for sum- such.
moning aid prior to authorizing entry or work.
f. Verify, by checking that appropriate entries have
(5) Report up the chain of command any conditions been made on the Permit. Ensure all tests specified by the
detrimental to continued safe conduct of Fuel Cell related Permit have been conducted. Ensure all procedures and
maintenance. equipment specified by the Permit are in place before en-
dorsing the Permit. Post the Permit at the opening of the
(6) Certify Hot Work if trained by the local com- tank or cell.
mand/station CSPM and be designated in writing by the
CO. Completion of Confined Space Safety Course A-493- g. Terminate the entry and notify the EA if condi-
0030 is recommended. tions are deemed unsafe.
(7) Perform the duties of the Aircraft Confined h. Verify emergency medical services are available,
Space Program Manager (when assigned). the means for summoning them are in place, and ensure
emergency evacuation procedures are posted.
41. Management Personnel.
i. Prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the
42. Department Heads and Division Officers, who have fuel cell during entry operations.
under their control, spaces, operations or personnel falling
under the provisions of this manual shall: j. When the duties of the entry supervisor are relin-
quished to another supervisor, the original and all copies of
a. Ensure the provisions, procedures, and require- the Permits shall be changed to denote when this occurs or
ments of this manual are fully met. the original Permit shall be canceled and a new Permit is-
sued and posted.
b. Ensure ACSP personnel perform all prescribed
testing, apply all required controls and ascertain that fuel k. Enforce all safety and health requirements.
cells have been certified safe for the prescribed operations
prior to commencement of such operations. l. Be familiar with the provisions of this manual as
they relate to personnel or operations under their supervi-
43. Entry Supervisors. sory control.
44. An Entry Supervisor is the individual who has direct m. Ensure no person enters or works in a fuel cell
supervisory responsibility over the area in which fuel cell without a safety observer, with the exception of cells dis-
maintenance is to be conducted. An Entry Supervisor may cussed in paragraph 72.
also serve as a Safety Observer or as an Authorized Entrant
n. Coordinate corrections of any situation affecting
as long as they are trained and equipped as required for
the safety of personnel or equipment. When warranted by
each role they fill. Also, the duties of Entry Supervisor may
the severity of such conditions, cease all operations and
be passed from one individual to another during the course
cancel the Permit. Notify the EA.
of an entry operation. The Entry Supervisor shall comply
with the following: 45. Authorized Entrant.
a. By signing the Permit, the Entry Supervisor is 46. An Authorized Entrant (hereinafter referred to as En-
verifying that the Authorized Entrant and Observer is quali- trant) is any individual who is authorized to enter a fuel cell
fied to do their task. for any purpose. All Entrant(s) shall:
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 004 00
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a. Be trained in the proper use of respirators and d. Maintain an accurate count of Entrant(s) in the fuel
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) (‘O’ level only). cell and ensure all the Entrant(s) are listed on the Permit.
b. Be trained in the proper use of personal protection e. Communicate with the Entrant(s), by the means
equipment (PPE) and hazards associated with improper specified on the Permit.
oxygen, flammable, and toxic vapor limits.
f. Monitor activities inside and outside the fuel cell
c. Know the hazards that may be faced during entry, to determine if it is safe for Entrant(s) to remain in the fuel
which includes information from MSDS on materials being cell.
used and consequences of exposure to fuel vapor. g. Order Entrant(s) to evacuate the fuel cell if any of
d. Properly use all maintenance specific equipment. the following is detected:
e. Properly use all required personal protective (1) Any condition in the fuel cell that is not ad-
equipment. Communicate with the Safety Observer using dressed specifically on the Permit.
un-amplified voice communication. This enables the Safety (2) Adverse effects of fuel exposure to an Entrant.
Observer to monitor Entrant status, and alerts the observer
of the need to evacuate the fuel cell. (3) A situation outside the fuel cell that could en-
danger the Entrant.
f. Alert the Safety Observer whenever:
(1) Any dangerous situation such as symptoms of h. Take the following actions when unauthorized per-
fuel exposure, injury, or evidence of impaired health, which sons attempt to enter or do enter a fuel cell:
may affect the safe performance of duties, is detected. (1) Warn them they must stay away.
(2) Any condition in the fuel cell that invalidates
the Permit is detected. (2) Advise them they must exit immediately.
g. Exit from the fuel cell as quickly as possible (3) Inform Entrant(s) and the Entry Supervisor if
whenever: unauthorized persons enter the fuel cell.
(1) An order to evacuate is given by the Safety Ob- i. Perform no duties that might interfere with pri-
server or the Entry Supervisor. mary duty to monitor and protect Entrant(s).
(2) Any dangerous situation such as symptoms of
fuel exposure, injury, or evidence of impaired health that j. ‘O’ level personnel may be required to ensure an
may affect the safe performance of duties is detected. air-supplied respirator is ready and available for immediate
(3) Any condition in the fuel cell that invalidates
the Permit is detected. k. ‘O’ level, with rescue capabilities:
(4) An evacuation alarm is sounded.
(1) Upon determining that an Entrant has collapsed
h. Report to the Entry Supervisor any condition, pro- or is incapable of exiting a fuel cell, the Safety Observer
cedure or equipment that is considered unsafe. shall:
i. Warn others who are endangered by their own
failure to observe the proper procedures, precautions, or of (a) Activate the activity rescue plan.
any unnoticed hazard.
(b) Remain outside the fuel cell until Backup
47. Safety Observer. Safety Observer arrives to assist.
48. A Safety Observer is an individual stationed outside a
(c) Don approved safety equipment.
fuel cell who monitors the Entrant(s). Each Safety Observer
shall: (d) If authorized by the activities rescue plan, en-
a. Be trained in the proper use of respirators and ter the cell and extract the incapacitated Entrant. If not au-
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) (‘O’ level only). thorized by the activity’s rescue plan, remain on station
until rescue services arrive.
b. Be trained in the proper use of personal protection
equipment (PPE) and hazards associated with improper (e) Check the incapacitated Entrant for breathing
oxygen, flammable, and toxic vapor limits. and heartbeat and apply appropriate cardiopulmonary re-
c. Know the hazards that may be faced during entry, suscitation measures, continuing until relieved by medical
which includes information from MSDS on materials being personnel. (This action may be completed by the Safety
used and consequences of exposure to fuel vapor. Observer or any properly qualified bystander.)
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 004 00
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l. For ‘D’ level utilizing Fire Department rescue ser- Spaces. Permit Required Confined Spaces shall be tested by
vices: a qualified EA or ACSPM prior to any maintenance or hot
work on or near the fuel tank or cell and a Permit shall be
(1) Upon determining that an Entrant has collapsed issued specifying the conditions and classification of the
or is incapable of exiting a fuel cell, they shall: space.
(a) Activate the activity’s rescue plan to summon a. Non-maintenance procedures, such as changing of
emergency rescue and medical services per station or facil- fuel probes, where documented procedures are contained in
ity SOP. other manuals, do not require atmospheric testing.
(b) Remain outside the fuel cell until Emergency b. Fuel cells and tanks may be reclassified as Non-
Rescue and Medical Services arrive. Permit Required Confined Spaces after appropriate testing
and after hazards have been eliminated.
(c) Ensure that Rescue Services are aware of the
location and possible condition of the Entrant. Provide any 56. Instrumentation.
information possible to the rescue team that is requested.
a. 'I' and 'O' Level: Only the Naval Air Systems
49. Backup Safety Observer Command (NAVAIRSYSCOM) (PMA 260) approved gas
detectors shall be used to obtain required test readings of
NOTE the atmosphere in a fuel cell. (Table 2-5, Item 7.a.)
Only activities that perform independent res- b. 'D' Level: Civilian activities shall use equipment
cue operations as part of their written safety that meets all OSHA standards for the testing of confined
plan and do not use base or local rescue ser- spaces. The equipment shall be approved by the depot Air-
vices are required to maintain Backup Safety craft Confined Space Program Manager.
c. Contractors: Contractors supplying their own
50. In accordance with the activity rescue plan, the Back- equipment must meet all OSHA standards for testing of
Up Safety Observer is an individual who will be summoned confined spaces.
to assume the duties of the Safety Observer during rescue
operations. Therefore, they must be able to perform all the d. Gas detection equipment is authorized for below
duties of a Safety Observer. deck operation only while aboard ship.
51. Fire Watch. e. Instruments shall be maintained in good operating
condition. Instruments that require calibration shall be cali-
52. A Fire Watch is an individual stationed outside a fuel brated in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions at
cell who is equipped with and trained in the use of fire ex- least daily. It is recommended that instruments be field
tinguishing equipment appropriate to the expected hazard. calibrated immediately prior to and after each work shift in
A fire watch is required to be posted whenever hot work is which the instruments are used. A record shall be main-
to be performed. The duties of Fire Watch may be per- tained of all calibration checks. Where instruments fail to
formed by the Safety Observer. respond or respond incorrectly to known calibrations, the
NOTE instrument shall be removed from service.

A fire watch shall be maintained for at least a 57. Procedure. The testing and examination of a fuel cell
half hour after completion of cutting or weld- will involve certain steps as a matter of established routine.
ing operation to detect and extinguish smol- The Permit Flow Chart, Figure 4-2, illustrates the general
dering fires conditions that may be encountered on initial testing and
the steps to be taken when each condition is encountered. It
53. Naval Air Technical Data and Engineering Service is emphasized that Figure 4-2 addresses only general condi-
Command (NATEC) Representatives. tions to illustrate basic atmospheric and permit procedures.
a. NATEC representatives may provide ACS training It does not attempt to cover special requirements and con-
when there is no local Naval Air Maintenance Training siderations relating to items such as hot work, hands-
Detachment (NAM-TRADET). They shall teach Naval Air in/tools-in, cleaning procedures, etc. Hands-in/tool-in is
Maintenance Training Group (NAMTG) course C-600- covered in paragraph 70.
3000A. NOTE
Safety procedures for open fuel cell and air-
55. General. As a matter of policy, all fuel cells on Naval craft maintenance must comply with the in-
aircraft are initially considered Permit Required Confined structions in WP 005.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 004 00
Page 12

58. Initial testing shall be performed from outside the fuel NOTE
tank or cell. Testing the interior of the tank or cell may be
performed by inserting sample probes and hoses into the Some instruments may have a programmed
cell. alarm at 23.5%, set by the manufacturer. The
Navy requires the oxygen to not exceed 22.0%
for safe entry.

b. Test for combustible vapors next. The Lower Ex-

If readings of oxygen are not within the range plosive Limit (LEL) reading shall be below 10% for per-
of 19.5% to 22.0%, testing shall be discontin-
ued. Subsequent tests for combustible vapors sonnel entry. A LEL of 0% is required for any Hot Work.
and for toxics may be in error.
c. Test for toxic air contaminants next. Personnel ex-
a. Test for oxygen content first. Normal oxygen con- posure to toxic materials shall not exceed permissible expo-
tent of ambient air is approximately 21 percent. Oxygen sure limits (PELs) established by the Occupational Safety
levels less than 19.5 percent or greater than 22.0 percent and Health Administration (OSHA). The Material Safety
represent potentially dangerous situations. The explosive Data Sheet (MSDS) PEL for Aircraft fuels (JP-4, JP-5, JP-
readings will not be accurate if oxygen reading is not near 8) is 200 PPM. Navy has established the limit for safe entry
normal. at 50 PPM or less.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 004 00
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Start Test For

O2 Levels

No Stop testing
19.5 – 22.0%? immediately
purge cell


Test for

Test for Toxics

Were the No Is depuddling

results within


Issue provisional No
Permit for

depuddle Purge


Issue Yes
Permit Within limits?

Figure 4-2. Permit Flow Chart

NAVAIR 01-1A-35 004 00
Page 14

Table 4-1. Classifications of Fuel Cell Permits

Oxygen % Toxicity
Permit Classification Levels LEL ppm Notes

For the following, if any of the three properties are as specified, the space is considered dangerous
Class 1: Not Safe For Personnel – Not <16.5% > 10% > PEL Emergency entry
Safe For Hot Work only
>22.0% (>200 ppm)

For the following: All three properties have to be within specified limits
Class 2: Not Safe For Personnel With- 16.5% - <10% <200 ppm Provisional Permit
out Protection – Not Safe For Hot Work 22.0% with respirator
Class 3: Safe For Personnel – Not Safe 19.5% - <10% <50 ppm
For Hot Work 22.0%
Class 4: Safe For Personnel – Safe For 19.5% - 0% <50 ppm
Hot Work 22.0%
Class 5: Hands-In/Tool-In Maintenance …… Refer to paragraphs 70 / 71 .……. JP-4 or AVGAS
requires Permit
Class 6: Reclassified Non-Permit Re- Only for rubber fuel cells, drop tanks, or extended range tanks that have
quired Confined Space had hazards eliminated

** This table is for quick reference only. Refer to specific paragraphs for actual values to be measured **

59. Hazard Mitigation. Refer to Work Package 005 00 for last three fuelings) Aviation Gas or JP-4. The En-
procedures on Defueling, Depuddling, and Purging and try Authority must make a careful evaluation
personnel entry protection. prior to authorizing entry.
61. Classifications of Permits. The following categories
should be used on Permits to indicate the conditions found
at the time tests are conducted. This information is com-
Personnel shall not enter fuel cells that contain piled in Table 4-1.
flammable atmospheres above 10 percent of the
a. Class 1: Not Safe For Personnel – Not Safe For
LEL. or which are Immediately Dangerous to
Hot Work
Life and Health (IDLH) per paragraph 62 except
in case of extreme emergency such as a rescue b. Class 2: Not Safe For Personnel Without Protec-
effort. tion - Not Safe For Hot Work (Provisional Permit)
Do not perform any maintenance on the aircraft c. Class 3: Safe For Personnel - Not Safe For Hot
during hazardous cleaning operations. Certain Work
types of fuel cells shall not be entered when the d. Class 4: Safe For Personnel - Safe For Hot Work
Aircraft discrepancy book (ADB) indicates a fuel
cell contains, or previously contained (within the e. Class 5: Hands-In/Tool-In Maintenance
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 004 00
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f. Class 6: Reclassified Non-Permit Required Con- e. Work may be performed on the exterior areas of this
fined Space class cell, from outside the cell provided that the work per-
formed does not generate heat or other ignition sources,
NOTE which may cause ignition of atmosphere within the cell.
See Work Package 003, paragraph 7 for pro- 64. Class 2: Not Safe For Personnel Without Protection -
tective clothing and Work Package 003 00, Not Safe For Hot Work (Provisional Permit).
paragraph 9 for protective equipment required
when entering and working on fuel cells and NOTE
A NIOSH approved air-supplied respirator or
An oxygen deficient atmosphere means an at- SCBA shall be worn when entering the fuel cell.
mosphere containing less than 19.5% (by vol-
No concurrent maintenance is allowed on the air-
ume) oxygen.
craft when open fuel cells are in this condition
An oxygen enriched atmosphere means an at- (Class 2).
mosphere containing more than 22.0% (by
65. This class shall be noted on the Permit when entry is
volume) oxygen
required for cleaning, foam removal, etc., including condi-
Instruments may have alarms pre-set by the tions as follows:
manufacturer at 23.5%. The Navy requires
a. Oxygen content is greater than 16.5% but less than
oxygen levels to be below 22.0% prior to safe
entry of confined spaces.
b. Flammable vapors may be present or may be
62. Class 1: Not Safe For Personnel - Not Safe For Hot
evolved but at levels less than 10 percent of the LEL, or
Work. Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH)
controls can be installed to maintain levels below 10 per-
NOTE cent of the LEL.
Entry into a cell in this condition (Class 1) is au- c. Toxic fuel vapors may be present in the cell or
thorized only for emergency rescue. may be evolved, but at levels less than the PEL (less than
200 ppm for fuels). It is also within the level of protection
A NIOSH approved air-supplied respirator or offered by prescribed respiratory protective devices and
SCBA shall be worn when entering the fuel cell. other PPE.
No concurrent maintenance is allowed on the air- d. Hot work in areas surrounding the fuel cell for
craft when open fuel cells are in this condition which a Provisional Permit is issued is prohibited.
(Class 1).
e. Contamination in this class cell shall be identified
63. This class shall be noted on the Permit when: and removed to the maximum degree possible by ventilat-
a. Oxygen content is less than 16.5% or greater than ing prior to entry for subsequent cleaning operations.
22.0%. There is a danger of asphyxiation due to an oxygen f. Personnel entering the fuel cell shall be equipped
deficiency or of explosion with an oxygen-enriched atmos- with an air-supplied respirator or SCBA.
66. Class 3: Safe For Personnel - Not Safe For Hot Work.
b. LEL is greater than 10%. There is a danger of fire
or explosion if the reading is above 10% of the LEL NOTE
c. Toxic vapors present at greater than 200 ppm for Concurrent maintenance, excluding hot work,
most fuels. If the toxic vapor is above it’s PEL, there is is allowed on the aircraft when open fuel cells
danger from exposure that could cause harm to the body. are in this condition (Class 3).
d. Entry into and work in this class cells shall not be 67. This class shall be noted on the Permit when:
permitted under normal operations and is authorized only in
a. Oxygen content is sufficient (19.5% to 22.0%) and
cases of extreme emergency such as rescue efforts. In the
suitable for personnel.
event of any such emergencies, personnel entering the fuel
cell shall be equipped with an air-supplied respirator, a har- b. Explosive vapor LEL is less than 10%. The space
ness and lifeline for retrieval (unless the retrieval equipment may have the potential for producing a flammable vapor
would increase the overall risk of entry or would not con- atmosphere and is Not Safe for Hot Work.
tribute to the rescue of the Entrant), and other necessary
PPE suitable to the conditions and exposure. c. Toxic vapor shall be less than 50 ppm.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 004 00
Page 16
d. Respirators may be required based on local Indus- (1) Disconnect aircraft electrical power and batter-
trial Hygienist sampling. ies.
68. Class 4: Safe For Personnel - Safe For Hot Work. (2) Do not perform Hot Work.
NOTE (3) Do not perform concurrent maintenance.
Concurrent maintenance is allowed on the air- (4) Post fire watch.
craft when open fuel cells are in this condition (5) Comply with all electrostatic discharge re-
(Class 4). quirements in accordance with procedures within this man-
69. This category shall be noted on the Permit when: ual.
a. Oxygen levels are sufficient (19.5% to 22.0%) and 72. Class 6: Reclassified Non-Permit Required Confined
suitable for personnel. Space
b. Explosive vapor LEL is 0%. Flammable materials, 73. Discussion. All fuel cells and fuel tanks shall be issued
vapors, or gases have been removed, are not likely to be a Permit to document the initial conditions of the space and
evolved, and/or are controllable by ventilation. the means by which the space was tested. Certain types of
c. Toxic vapor shall be controlled by proper ventila- fuel cells or tanks may be reclassified as Non-Permit Re-
tion to be maintained at or below 50 ppm. quired Confined Space per OSHA classifications. This clas-
sification is valid over an indefinite period of time without
d. Surrounding areas have been protected as required. the requirement for periodic retesting. These types of fuel
e. Respirator is not required except if significant cells and tanks have a very low chance for causing injury
changes occurring within the fuel cell such as detection of and have negligible risk of creating a combustible atmos-
hazards or new operations or materials being introduced phere. Fuel Cells, Drop Tanks, Internal Extended Range
into the space or actual hot work in progress Tanks etc. may be reclassified Non-Permit Required Con-
fined Space (as long as current conditions do not change)
70. Class 5: Hands-In/Tool-In Maintenance using the following procedures:

Control of atmospheric hazards through forced
air ventilation does not constitute elimination of
JP-4 and AVGAS have lower flash points than the hazards.
other fuels and pose a significant fire and ex-
plosion risk. Confined Space testing and an Concurrent maintenance is allowed on the air-
Permit shall be issued prior to hands-in/tool-in craft when open fuel cells are in this condition.
maintenance of a fuel cell previously contain-
ing either JP-4 or AVGAS in the last three fu- a. If testing and inspection demonstrate that recog-
elings. LEL must be less than 10% for all nized hazards within the fuel cell have been eliminated, the
hands-in/tool-in procedures. fuel cell may be reclassified a Non-Permit Required Con-
fined Space.
71. Hands-in/tool-in maintenance procedures do not re-
quire bodily entry and a person cannot become trapped, (1) Oxygen levels are between 19.5% and 22.0%
asphyxiated, or injured from electrical or mechanical haz-
(2) LEL is 0%
a. The EA may reclassify specific Hands-in/Tool-in (3) Toxic vapors are less than 50 ppm
maintenance procedures as Non-Permit Required Confined b. Document the basis for determining that recog-
Spaces. nized hazards have been eliminated by issuing a Permit,
b. Safety procedures, including specifying the PPE, designating the space as a Non-Permit Required Confined
explosion proof equipment, etc, shall be specified in a writ- Space.
ten maintenance procedure for the T/M/S aircraft. The
c. Reclassified Non-Permit Required Confined Space
maintenance procedure shall be approved by the ACSPM.
need not be re-tested unless hazards arise or conditions
c. Prior to Hands-in/Tool-in maintenance, the level change to warrant a re-test.
of the fuel shall be lower than the area of maintenance.
d. If recognized hazards arise within a reclassified
d. All other safety procedures for open fuel cell Non-Permit Required Confined Space, persons in the cell
maintenance must be followed to include: shall exit the cell. The Permit will be cancelled.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 004 00
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e. Once previously removed fuel cells have been re- b. Date and time Permit expires.
installed on the aircraft, the EA will be summoned to de-
c. Date and time of retesting and update of Permit (if
termine proper classification and issue a new Permit.
continuous or periodic testing is to be performed).
74. Purged Tanks. A drop tank, external fuel tank (such as
d. Percentage of oxygen, percentage of LEL and PEL
a “Buddy Store”), or internal range extension tank which
(in ppm).
has been removed from the aircraft, purged, and will be
stored in or adjacent to a building until reinstallation on/in e. Signature of Entry Authority performing tests or
the aircraft may be reclassified as requiring no Permit using re-tests.
the following procedures:
f. Name of ship, unit, or activity.
a. If testing and inspection demonstrate that the
flammability hazards within the tank have been eliminated g. Aircraft Bureau Number and equipment serial
(less than 10 % LEL), the tank may be considered as not
requiring a Permit for as long as the hazards remain elimi- h. Physical location of fuel cell for which the Permit
nated. Flammability hazards may be reduced by following is being issued.
the procedures documented in WP 005.
i. Type of operation for which the Permit was re-
b. Document the fact that all flammability hazards quested (such as hot work).
have been eliminated by issuing a permit that contains date,
part number and serial number of the tank, and signature of j. Classification of conditions found to exist within
the person making the determination. Annotate the Permit the space (e.g., "Class 3: Safe for Personnel - Not Safe for
as follows: “This tank contains no flammability hazards Hot Work").
(less than 10% LEL) and requires no further testing.” The k. Requirements for conditions or operations within
Permit shall be prominently posted on the tank. the fuel cell (ventilation, PPE, explosion-proof equipment,
c. If hazards arise within a tank that has been reclas- etc.).
sified as “Non-Permit Required Confined Space”, or if it is l. Special conditions shall be noted under remarks
determined that work must be performed on the tank, the (such as hazardous materials authorized to be used in the
tank shall then be reevaluated to determine whether it must cell during maintenance and repair).
be reclassified as requiring a Permit.
m. List all Entrants and Observers (may be an attach-
75. Un-Purged Tanks. A drop tank, external fuel tank, or ment since personnel may change during the life of the
internal range extension tank which has been removed from Permit).
the aircraft, not purged, and will only be stored until it is
reinstalled does not need atmospheric testing, or have a n. Means of Communications between Entrant(s) and
Permit attached. Such tanks must be stored away from Safety Observers.
buildings, in a non-smoking area, and according to base fire o. Instrument used (type, serial number) and calibra-
regulations. If it is determined that work must be performed tion/ function check dates.
on a tank stored in this manner, the tank must be atmos-
pheric tested and have a Permit attached. p. Signature of Entry Supervisor.

76. THE PERMIT 79. The Permit Process.

77. Permits may be issued only after completion of testing, 80. Initial Permit. The initial Permit shall be accomplished
inspection, evaluation, and/or ventilation is appropriate or by the EA as follows:
required. Provisional Permits (for example: Class 2 Per- a. Issue initial Permit for entry. Aviation detach-
mits) may be issued to describe further ventilation or clean- ments deployed aboard non-aviation ships shall use the
ing requirements necessary to earn a Permit for entry (Class services of the ship's Gas Free Engineer or Confined Space
3 or higher). Manager in the absence of their own Entry Authority.
78. The Permit shall indicate the conditions found to exist b. Certify hot work if authorized by the CO.
at the time the testing was performed, any requirements
necessary to maintain the conditions within the fuel cell, c. Issue initial Permit for a period of time not to ex-
and any requirements associated with the operations that are ceed 12 hours. Permits may be maintained by continuous or
to be conducted within the fuel cell. Activities may prepare periodic testing.
Permits tailored to their needs, however, the following in- d. Opportunity shall be made available for authorized
formation must appear on all Permits; Entrant(s) or their representatives to observe the testing of
a. Date and time of tests. the space during pre-entry and entry.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 004 00
Page 18

81. Continuous or Periodic Testing and Maintaining Per- f. Other legible copies shall be distributed as re-
mits. The following provisions apply: quired by the administrative or operational requirements
peculiar to the activity.
a. The period for which Permits are valid and the re-
quirements for testing and maintaining validity of the Per- 86. Cancellation of Permits.
mit shall be specified by the EA, not to exceed 12 hours. A
change in personnel due to shift change requires updating 87. Entry may be terminated by anyone listed to work un-
of the Permit (and all copies) or the issuing of a new Per- der the Permit. The EA or the Entry Supervisor may cancel
mit. the Permit. Examples of when Permits shall be cancelled
b. Periodic testing shall be performed when, in the
professional judgment of the Entry Authority, safe condi- a. The job for which the Permit was written has been
tions within the fuel cell may deteriorate or the limitations completed.
of the Permit may be exceeded. Periodic testing shall be
performed during any operation that possesses the potential b. The time period for which the Permit was written
for producing or releasing toxic, flammable, or asphyxiat- has expired without subsequent testing being performed.
ing atmospheres or materials into the fuel cell. The overrid- c. Periodic or continuous testing shows that the con-
ing concern is that safe conditions are maintained within the ditions within the cell have changed from the original con-
cell during operations and after interruptions in operations.
ditions to unsafe conditions.
Therefore, retesting, recertifying conditions, and updating
of Permits is required when work interruptions occur which d. Hazardous materials (which were not authorized
could result in deterioration of safe conditions within the on the Permit) are introduced into the space.
e. An Entrant has collapsed and has been extracted
82. Retesting Fuel Cells. from the cell.
83. Fuel cells shall be retested in the same manner as an
initial Permit whenever events have occurred which could
result in a significant change in the conditions within the 89. All fuel cells shall be considered hazardous and entry
cell. The previous Permit shall be cancelled and a new into, or work in or on them shall be restricted. The follow-
Permit issued. Such events include, but are not necessarily ing restrictions apply to entry and work in or on fuel cells or
limited to the following: tanks.
a. Expiration of the time limit of the Permit without 90. General Requirements
any periodic testing or Permit updating being performed.
a. When, upon initial testing, it is determined purging
b. Significant changes occurring within the cell such
is required to provide adequate oxygen levels and/or to re-
as detection of hazards sufficient to warrant stopping opera-
move detected contaminants, the cell shall be purged and
tions and removing personnel or new operations or materi-
retested. Test results shall be satisfactory before a Permit
als being introduced into the space which were not noted on
for entry or work is issued.
the Permit.
b. When, upon initial testing, it is determined that
84. Permit Distribution.
cleaning is required to remove contaminants from a fuel
85. When Permits are issued, distribution shall be as fol- cell, a provisional Permit for cleaning shall be issued. The
lows: provisional Permit shall specify any conditions that must be
a. The original copy shall be placed in a protective observed.
cover (if needed) and posted at the main entrance or most c. Permits issued for entry into or work in or on fuel
commonly used access to the fuel cell. cells shall be valid for the period of time specified by the
b. One legible copy shall be posted at all other access EA for a period of time not to exceed 12 hours or until
areas that are open and readily accessible to personnel. completion of task, whichever occurs first. Fuel cells may
Each copy may be placed in a protective cover if needed. be continuously or periodically tested as determined by the
EA and the Permit updated to maintain safe conditions
c. One legible copy shall be retained in the EA per- within the fuel cell.
sonal logbook (‘I’ and ‘O’ level).
d. When significant work interruptions occur, and
d. One legible copy shall be provided to the Aircraft operations or conditions are such that a deterioration of safe
Confined Space Program Manager. conditions could occur, then the cell shall be retested after
e. One legible copy shall be provided to the Mainte- the interruption and prior to resuming entry or work in the
nance Control requesting the service (‘O’ level only). cell.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 004 00
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e. Where toxic or flammable materials are or may be (3) NIOSH approved respiratory protective equip-
introduced into the cell, one or a combination of the follow- ment suitable to the exposure.
ing must be employed:
(1) General ventilation with one complete air f. Communications between personnel outside the
change within the cell every three minutes. A Station fuel cell and personnel entering or working in a fuel cell
CSPM or ship Gas Free Engineer can make calculations for shall be established and maintained. The type of communi-
air changes. cation (voice, signal line, etc.) and the frequency of contact
(continuous, periodic check, etc.) shall be determined by
(2) Local exhaust ventilation where the air intake is the EA based on the configuration of the fuel cell, the na-
positioned close to the point of work where contaminants ture of the operations being conducted, and the degree of
are generated. hazard.
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Reference Material

Alphabetical Index
Subject Page
Enclosed Fuel Cell Maintenance .......................................................................................................................................... 1
Fuel System Repair Area Checklist...................................................................................................................................... 2
Open Fuel Cell Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................ 1


AREA. Aircraft hangers or nose docks used for aircraft fuel
2. The defueling, depuddling, purging, and inerting pro- system repairs are considered enclosed maintenance areas.
cedures described in WP 006 shall only be performed on Exhaust purging within an enclosed maintenance area is
aircraft when parked in an area specifically authorized for permissible provided the exhaust outlet is vented to the out-
such operations. Fuel cell maintenance areas shall be ap- doors and the vapors cannot reenter the enclosed mainte-
proved by the Maintenance Officer, Fire Marshall, and nance area.
Safety Officer. In addition, the following shall be closely
observed: a. Enclosed area approval and identification. The
Commanding Officer or Maintenance Officer with the co-
3. OPEN FUEL CELL MAINTENANCE. (See Figure ordination of safety and fire department personnel shall
5-1) An open fuel cell maintenance area is any outside area. approve these fuel cell maintenance areas. Rope off and
clearly mark the fuel cell maintenance area with warning
a. Open area approval and identification. The Main- signs reading “DANGER OPEN FUEL TANKS, UNAU-
tenance Officer, with coordination of the safety and fire THORIZED PERSONNEL KEEP OUT.”
personnel must approve the fuel cell maintenance area. This
b. Authorized portable equipment. All portable elec-
area shall be identified with warnings posted as shown in
trical equipment and connections shall meet the require-
Figure 5-1. An additional 50-foot requirement may apply if
ments of the National Electrical Code for Class1, Division1,
exhaust purge is used. Rope off and clearly mark the fuel
Group D Hazardous Locations.
cell maintenance area with warning signs reading “DAN-

b. Authorized portable equipment. The fuel system

work done in an open area is highly dependent on weather Do not defuel aircraft in the vicinity of an
conditions and available authorized portable equipment. All electrical storm.
portable electrical equipment and connections shall meet Do not perform other maintenance on aircraft
the requirements of the National Electrical Code for Class during defueling, depuddling, purging, or in-
1, Division 1, and Group D Hazardous Locations. All open erting operations.
areas shall be equipped with at least two fully charged fire
extinguishers. Additional extinguishers shall be provided as Aircraft radar shall not be operated within 100
required by the Station Fire Marshal. feet of fuel cell maintenance areas or as speci-
fied by the applicable aircraft Maintenance In-
c. Safety requirements. Adjacent aircraft shall not be struction Manual (MIM), and the site location
allowed to operate under their own power within 100 feet of shall be at least 300 feet from Ground Radar
their operating area. They shall also be limited from opera- Installations. High frequency radars or ground
tions where jet blast or rotor downwash could affect the installation radars are capable of producing
safety as outlined in applicable aircraft manuals. sufficient energy to ignite fuel vapors.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 005 00
Page 2
Do not operate aircraft engines, auxiliary f. Check that the aircraft is properly grounded in ac-
power units or ground support equipment gas cordance with WP 006 paragraph 4 and the applicable tech-
turbine engines within 100 feet of a fuel cell nical manuals.
maintenance area.
g. Check that all explosive materials are made safe.
Each designated repair area shall have a checklist, work h. Check that aircraft batteries are disconnected and
sheet, or job guide available for use. The following check made safe in accordance with the system peculiar technical
list is provided to cover general procedures that are required manuals.
to position an aircraft in a fuel cell maintenance area. This
checklist is general in nature and is not intended to cover i. Check that the aircraft external power receptacles
peculiarities of individual aircraft or facilities. Therefore, a and fuel control panels are tagged.
specific aircraft or fuel system check list should be devel-
oped by the Aircraft Confined Space Program Manager
j. Check that fuel cell maintenance areas are clearly
(ACSPM) using the following guide.
identified and roped off.

k. Check (if required) that the inert gas cart has

proper marking, and is grounded and bonded prior to use.

Fuel cells containing mixtures of JP-4 or AV- l. Check that required fire extinguishers are ready for
GAS require initial certification by an Entry use.
Authority prior to entry or work.
m. Check that the work area is clear of all non-
a. Review last three fueling records to determine if a approved equipment.
mixture of JP-4 or AVGAS has been used.
n. Check that the fire department has been notified.
b. Review aircraft VIDS/MAF and brief personnel.

c. Check personnel for proper clothing, equipment, o. Check that no other maintenance is accomplished
and removal of jewelry and spark/flame producing devices on the aircraft while depuddling, purging, and inerting op-
prior to entry into fuel cell maintenance area. erations are being accomplished.

d. Ensure aircraft is positioned in an approved fuel p. Check that emergency communication procedures
cell maintenance area. are available.

e. Check that the aircraft is chocked and tied down q. Ensure approved emergency eyewash is available
per applicable aircraft technical manuals. for immediate use.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 005 00
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Figure 5-1. Out-of-Doors Exhaust or Blow Purge Safety Zone (Typical)

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NAVAIR 01-1A-35 006 00
31 August 2005 Page 1 of 20


Reference Material
Aeronautical Equipment Welding .......................................................................................................... NAVAIR 01-1A-34
NATOPS Aircraft Refueling ...............................................................................................................NAVAIR 00-80T-109
Preservation of Naval Aircraft .............................................................................................................. NAVAIR 15-01-500

Alphabetical Index
Subject Page
Basic Definitions .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Defueling ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Depuddling ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Hot Work ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Inert Atmosphere ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Inert Gas .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Inerting ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Purging ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Bonding and Grounding ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Bonding ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Grounding.................................................................................................................................................................. 2
The Bonding and Grounding Process ........................................................................................................................ 2
Defueling.............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Aircraft Defueling...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Fuel Cell Repair Aboard Ship.................................................................................................................................... 3
Depuddling........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Fuel Cell Entry .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Fuel Cell Entry Preparations...................................................................................................................................... 5
Procedures ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Removing Fuel Puddles............................................................................................................................................. 6
Removing Fuel Puddles From Thin Wing Aircraft ................................................................................................... 6
Safety Observer ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Hot Work............................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Boundary Space....................................................................................................................................................... 15
Cleaning................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Compressed Gas Cylinders...................................................................................................................................... 16
Electric Arc Units or Machines ............................................................................................................................... 16
Electrode Holders .................................................................................................................................................... 17
Fire Extinguishing Equipment................................................................................................................................. 15
Fire Prevention ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
Gas Supplies ............................................................................................................................................................ 16
Gas Welding and Cutting Equipment ...................................................................................................................... 16
Hazardous Byproducts............................................................................................................................................. 17
Hot Work in the Presence of Flammable Coatings.................................................................................................. 15
Hot Work in the Presence of Pressurized Systems .................................................................................................. 16
Hot Work on Closed Containers and Structures ...................................................................................................... 17
Hot Work on Pipes, Tubes, or Coils ........................................................................................................................ 16
Hot Work Operations............................................................................................................................................... 14
On-Aircraft Welding............................................................................................................................................... 17
Inerting ............................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Permit ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 006 00
Page 2
Pressure Inerting of Fuel Systems ............................................................................................................................19
Siphon Inerting of Fuel Systems ..............................................................................................................................18
Air Blow Purging ....................................................................................................................................................11
Air Exhaust Purging...................................................................................................................................................8
Detergent Cleaning and Purging of Auxiliary Fuel Cells ........................................................................................14
JP-5/JP-8 Fuel Purging ............................................................................................................................................13
Oil Dilution Purging.................................................................................................................................................12

1. GENERAL potential difference is minimized and a static electrical dis-

charge between these objects is, therefore, minimized.
2. This section provides definitions and general instruc- Bonding is as essential as grounding, and shall be used to-
tions for defueling, depuddling, purging, hot work and in- gether with grounding. Although bonding can equalize the
erting, of fuel cells for inspection, repair, or entry by main- charge between connected objects, the objects themselves
tenance personnel. These operations require strict compli- may still be highly charged. By connecting a ground wire to
ance with the safety instructions in this manual. the bonded objects, this charge can be drained off.

3. BASIC DEFINITIONS. Basic definitions applicable

to this Section are provided in the following paragraphs.

4. Defueling. Defueling is the process of removing fuel

from the aircraft. Bonding and grounding wires must be attached
to clean, unpainted, conductive surfaces to be
5. Depuddling. Depuddling is the process of removing effective.
residual fuel from the aircraft fuel cell after defueling and
low-point draining. Connect all grounding and bonding wires (ca-
bles) prior to removing fuel tank filler cap. Do
6. Purging. Purging is the process of removing fuel va- not disconnect any grounding or bonding wire
pors capable of producing a combustible or toxic atmos- until fuel tank filler cap is reinstalled.
phere. 13. Grounding. Grounding is the process of electrically
connecting a conductive object to the ground. It provides a
7. Hot work. Hot work is any work which produces a path through low resistance conductive wires over which
temperature equal to or greater than 400oF (204oC). Such static charges can flow to the ground harmlessly. Proper
as soldiering, heat shrink operations, welding, cutting, braz- grounding minimizes the differential in electrical charge
ing, grinding, flame-spray/metal-spray, etc. potential between the object and the ground.

8. Inerting. Inerting is the process of attaining an oxygen- a. The Grounding and Bonding Process. Attach all
deficient, noncombustible atmosphere in a fuel cell. It is required grounding and bonding cables before opening the
achieved by introducing an inert gas (usually dry nitrogen) aircraft or defueler tanks. Do not allow the grounding or
to reduce the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere to bonding cables to drag on the ground. Attach grounding
less than one percent. wires to the applicable Maintenance Instruction Manual's
designated aircraft approved grounding point.
9. Inert gas. Inert gas is any gas that is nonflammable.

10. Inert atmosphere. Inert atmosphere is any atmosphere

that will not support combustion or life.
Bonding and grounding wires must be attached
11. BONDING AND GROUNDING. Bonding is done to to a clean, unpainted, conductive surface to be
minimize electrical charge potential differences between effective.
two or more conductive objects. Grounding is done to
minimize electrical charge potential differences between Connect all grounding and bonding wires (ca-
objects and the ground. bles) prior to removing fuel tank filler cap. Do
not disconnect any grounding or bonding wire
until fuel tank filler cap is reinstalled.
12. Bonding. Bonding is the process of electrically con-
necting two conductive objects. By connecting the two ob- b. Grounding and bonding prior to defueling. (See
jects together with a conductive wire, any electrical charge Figure 6-1.)
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 006 00
Page 3
(1) Attach one end of a ground cable to an ap- Locate fuel cell maintenance areas at least 100
proved grounding point. feet from aircraft radar or at least 300 feet from
ground installation radar. High frequency air-
(2) Attach second end of the ground cable to the craft radars or ground installation radars is capa-
aircraft. ble of producing sufficient energy to ignite fuel
(3) Attach one end of a bonding cable to the defu-
eler. Do not operate aircraft engines, auxiliary power
units or ground support equipment gas turbine
engines within 100 feet of a fuel cell mainte-
nance area.
Do not allow the defueling hose nozzle to drag (1) Position one person at each fire extinguisher.
on the ground. Ensure that at least one person has a clear view of the defu-
eling operation.
(4) Attach the second end of the bonding cable to
the aircraft. (2) One person shall operate the defueler. This per-
son shall be an authorized operator.
(5) Contact the defueling hose nozzle with a metal
(3) Position one person to operate the aircraft defu-
part of the aircraft as far away from fuel cell as practicable.
eling panel.
(6) Attach nozzle bonding cable to the aircraft. (4) If applicable, position one person to operate the
aircraft fuel system control panel.
c. Connect defueling nozzle to aircraft.
e. Defueler removal. When the defueler is filled to
14. DEFUELING capacity, or defueling is completed, disconnect and remove
15. Defuel in accordance with the applicable aircraft Main- the defueler in the following sequence:
tenance Instruction Manual (MIM). Additionally, apply the (1) With bonding wires still connected, remove de-
safety precautions described in the following paragraphs. fueling nozzle from aircraft.
16. Aircraft Defueling Ashore and Afloat. To defuel, po- (2) Install fuel cell filler caps.
sition aircraft ashore at least 100 feet from any buildings or
smoking area. Position aircraft afloat in the safest possible (3) Disconnect defueling nozzle bonding wire from
position, as directed by aircraft handling officer. aircraft.
a. Fire extinguishers. Equip the fuel cell maintenance (4) Reel up defueling hose.
areas with approved fire extinguishers. (5) Disconnect bonding cable from aircraft, and
b. Communications. To ensure the safety of person- then from defueler.
nel and equipment, establish and maintain communications (6) The defueler can now be moved from the area.
between members of the defueling team.
f. Low-point drain. (pencil drain). Drain remaining
c. Defueler. Park the defueler as far from the aircraft fuel as outlined in Applicable Aircraft MIMs, into safety
as possible and position it so it can be moved quickly in an containers, RR-S-30 (Table 2-5, Item 3a). Bond the safety
emergency. containers to the aircraft.
d. Personnel positioning. Before starting defueling 17. Fuel Cell Repair Aboard Ship. When conducting fuel
operations, ensure personnel are positioned as follows: cell maintenance aboard ship, defuel at designated defuel-
ing station and spot for maintenance in the area assigned by
Hangar Deck Control.
a. Area identification. Rope off and clearly mark the
fuel cell maintenance area with warning signs reading
Do not defuel aircraft in the vicinity of an elec- "DANGER, OPEN FUEL TANKS, UNAUTHORIZED
trical storm. PERSONNEL KEEP OUT."
Do not perform other maintenance on aircraft b. Tank purging. Use the air exhaust purging method
during defueling, depuddling, purging, or in- described in paragraph 23 with the outlet duct extended
erting operations. outside the ship.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 006 00
Page 4

Figure 6-1. Sequence of Connecting Static Cables (Defueling Aircraft)

Do not perform other maintenance on aircraft
19. Depuddling is required to remove residual fuel remain-
during defueling, depuddling, purging, or in-
ing after defueling and low-point draining. Depuddling is a
erting operations.
necessary step prior to air purging when a non-toxic and
non-combustible atmospheric state is required in a fuel cell a. Disconnect the aircraft batteries (so that fuel
or tank. valves will not actuate allowing fuel to enter cell being
20. Depuddling Hazards. Depuddling can be hazardous to depuddled).
personnel as it requires entry or partial entry into a cell to b. Tag aircraft battery connector with warning "Do
remove residual fuel. To minimize depuddling hazards, not reconnect battery."
personnel must work in pairs. One person must remain out-
side the cell while the other is inside. c. Tag aircraft external power receptacle with warn-
ing "Do not apply external power to aircraft."
21. Depuddling Procedures. To depuddle, proceed as

Only qualified personnel shall start and operate

ground powered equipment and aircraft auxil-
Do not air blow purge fuel cells during depud- iary power units.
dling, cleaning or when flammables or toxics
are introduced into fuel cells. Failure to comply All rolling equipment used in fuel cell mainte-
will result in introducing hazardous nance areas shall be equipped with rubber tires
toxic/flammable vapors into closed maintenance or wheels.
areas. Position non-explosion-proof equip-ment up-
Do not defuel aircraft in the vicinity of an elec- wind from aircraft and outside of the fuel cell
trical storm. maintenance area.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 006 00
Page 5
Bonding and grounding wires must be attached NOTE
to clean, unpainted, conductive surfaces to be ef-
fective. In cold weather warm air for purging may be
obtained with the use of a hot air blower assem-
Connect all grounding and bonding wires (ca- bly, MMEP12B.
bles) prior to removing fuel tank filler cap. Do
not disconnect any grounding or bonding wire f. Start air blower and position the outlet duct at a 45
until fuel tank filler cap is reinstalled. degree angle to the access panel that will later be removed
d. Position and ground the following equipment as for purging (See Figure 6-2).
applicable: g. Attach a bonding cable to the wire reinforcement
Air blower, MIL-B-7619 (Table 2-5, Item 1a(1) of the air blower duct outlet end.
h. Attach bonding cable located at outlet end of duct
Pneumatic driven fan, APV-12 (Table 2-5, Item to the aircraft structure.
i. Remove access panel to initiate purging.
Hot air blower assembly, MMEP12B (Table 2- j. Notify EA and proceed with approved Aviation
5, Item 1b) Confined Space procedures (refer to Work Package 004).

Explosion-proof vacuum cleaner (Table 2-6, 22. Fuel Cell Entry Preparations. (See Figure 6-3) After
Item 2b) the air in the cell has been certified "Safe for Personnel",
and the appropriate information indicated on the Permit, the
e. Seal base of air eductor to ensure an air-tight fit. safety observer and the person to enter the fuel cell to
depuddle shall proceed as follows:

Start air blower or hot air blower before con-

necting air ducts to the aircraft. Testing of fuel cells for SAFE conditions shall
be performed by an Entry Authority (EA). A
Do not shut down air blower or hot air blower permit shall be issued before work begins and/or
when air duct is connected to the aircraft. as work progresses as directed by the EA.

If air blower or hot air blower fails during opera- Do not remove any garment while in an open
tion, remove air duct from aircraft immediately fuel cell or area adjacent to an open fuel cell.
and move the duct, air blower, or hot air blower Normal activity can generate electrical charges
to an area upwind free from fuel vapors. on clothing.

Compressed air shall not be used under any cir- Do not wear clothing made of materials such as
cumstances to clean dirt or dust from clothing or nylon, orlon, dacron, wool, or silk while work-
blow chips or shavings from work surfaces. ing on an open fuel system component.

Failure to comply with these warnings could re- A NIOSH approved respirator or a SCBA, shall
sult in injury or death to personnel and damage be worn when entering a fuel cell with the ex-
to or destruction of the aircraft. ception of entering a fuel cell defined in Work
Package 004, paragraph 66 as Safe For Person-
nel–Not Safe For Hot Work or as defined in
Work Package 004, paragraph 68 as Safe For
Personnel–Safe For Hot Work. Ensure continu-
ous ventilation when working inside a fuel cell.
If heated air is used for purging, the outlet tem- a. Remove non-cotton clothing and put on coveralls,
perature shall not exceed 100ºF (38ºC). MIL-C-14610 (Table 2-6, Item 6f).
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 006 00
Page 6
g. The person entering the fuel cell shall put on
rubber gloves, MIL-DTL-32066 (Table 2-6, Item 6j)
or appropriate barrier cream for depuddling.
Safety shoes shall be worn in fuel cell mainte- 23. Fuel Cell Entry. To enter fuel cell, proceed as follows:
nance areas. Shoes with exposed tacks or metal
shall not be worn. a. Perform fuel cell entry preparation procedures
(Refer to paragraph 6-3c).
b. Remove necessary access covers, as required, to
gain entry.
Shoes shall not be worn inside of bladder or c. Immediately after entry into cell, cap or seal all
self-sealing fuel cells. openings leading from other sources of fuel or fuel vapors.
Socks shall be free of oil, grit, and dirt. Only 24. Safety Observer. (See Figure 6-4) The safety observer
clean socks shall be worn. shall perform the following:
a. Ensure an air-supplied respirator is readily avail-
NOTE able for immediate use.
If coveralls are not equipped with wrist and an- b. Position himself outside the cell to detect any signs
kle bands, place rubber bands around ankles of distress from the person inside the cell.
and wrists. 25. Removing Fuel Puddles. To remove fuel puddles,
b. Remove shoes and non-cotton socks and put on proceed as follows:
white cotton socks and rubber overshoes, MIL-O-82295. a. Ground and bond explosion-proof vacuum cleaner
NOTE to the aircraft.

Safety shoes may be worn inside integral fuel

cells provided footwear covers are worn over
the shoes
Do not modify vacuum cleaner hose with metal
c. Apply protective skin compound, P-S-411, to skin extensions.
surfaces that may be wetted by fuel.
d. Inspect and test air-supplied respirator as described
in the respirator’s operating guide. If vacuum cleaner is not available, remove pud-
dled fuel with a cellulose sponge, L-S-0026,
e. Start air blower. Ensure air blower inlet is inserted
and/or cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, Type 1, Class
into fuel cell access and blower outlet is directed outside the
1. Wring out the sponge and/or cheesecloth into
enclosed maintenance area.
an approved safety can, RR-P-125.
f. Ensure proper communication is established prior
b. Remove fuel puddles with explosion-proof vac-
to entering the fuel cell. The person entering the cell and the
uum cleaner, if available.
safety observer may obtain and use headset, 79091.
26. Removing Fuel Puddle From Thin Wing Aircraft.
It is impossible for personnel to enter thin wing aircraft fuel
cells. To remove fuel puddles from thin wing aircraft, pro-
ceed as follows:
A NIOSH approved respirator or a SCBA, shall a. Ground and bond explosion-proof vacuum cleaner,
be worn when entering a fuel cell with the ex- (Table 2-5, Item 2b) to the aircraft.
ception of entering a fuel cell defined in Work
Package 004 paragraph 66 as Safe For Person-
nel–Not Safe For Hot Work or as defined in
Work Package 004 paragraph 68 as Safe For
Personnel–Safe For Hot Work. Ensure continu-
ous ventilation when working inside a fuel cell.

Testing of fuel cells for SAFE conditions shall Do not modify vacuum cleaner hose with metal
be performed by an Entry Authority (EA). A extensions.
permit shall be issued before work begins
and/or work progresses as directed by the EA. b. Depuddle with explosion-proof vacuum cleaner.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 006 00
Page 7

Figure 6-2. Connection of Blower Duct

Figure 6-3. Air Supply Respirators

NAVAIR 01-1A-35 006 00
Page 8
c. If vacuum cleaner is unavailable, construct a
before work begins and as work progresses as
wooden-handled mop with a cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, or a
directed by an EA.
cellulose sponge, L-S-00646, attached to a wooden handle.
(1) Wring out the fuel-soaked mop into an ap- 30. AIR EXHAUST PURGING
proved safety container.
31. The air exhaust purging method allows controlled cap-
(2) Discard fuel wetted sponges and cheesecloth in ture and discharge of fuel vapors from the fuel cell by using
accordance with local (HMIS) hazardous waste instruc- an air blower and ducting to draw outside fresh air through
tions. the cell. To air-exhaust purge a fuel cell proceed as follows:
28. Purging is the process required to obtain, where possi-
ble, a "Safe for Personnel-Safe for Hot Work" atmospheric
condition in a fuel cell after depuddling. The four approved Bonding and grounding wires must be attached
purging methods are: to clean, unpainted, conductive surfaces to be
a. air exhaust effective.

b. air blow Connect all grounding and bonding wires (ca-

c. oil dilution bles) prior to removing fuel tank filler cap. Do
not disconnect any grounding or bonding wire
d. JP-5/JP-8 rinse until fuel tank filler cap is reinstalled.
29. Air should not be blown into a space, which contains a
flammable material. Blowing air into the space will agitate Air exhaust purge fuel cells during depuddling,
and evaporate the contaminant, and disperse them through- cleaning, or when flammables or toxic products
out the space. Blowing air into a space also results in an are used in the fuel cell. The ducts used for air
uncontrolled explosion of the hazardous atmosphere from exhaust shall extend to the outside of the en-
the space through any openings. Drawing air from the closed fuel cell maintenance area. Failure to
space, with the air exhaust method, may be less efficient comply will result in introducing
from an air movement standpoint, but produces a controlled toxic/flammable vapors to the enclosed mainte-
capture and removal process. Air may be blown into the nance areas.
space only when no flammable materials are present or are
being generated by the work process, and ventilation is re- a. Position and ground the following equipment as
quired only to provide clean air for breathing and general applicable:
comfort. (1) Air blower, MIL-B-7619

(2) Pneumatic driven fan, APV-1 or


Air exhaust purge fuel cells during depuddling, (3) Hot air blower assembly,
cleaning, or when flammables or toxic products MMEP12B
are used in fuel cell. The ducts used for air ex-
haust shall extend to the outside of the enclosed (4) Air-supplied respirator
fuel cell maintenance area. Failure to comply
will result in introducing hazardous (5) Explosion-proof vacuum cleaner
toxic/flammable vapors to enclosed mainte-
nance areas. b. Ground the air eductor, DP32119 (Table 2-6 Item
1c), and attach a bonding cable from air eductor to aircraft
Do not perform hot work without specific au- (See Figure 6-5).
thorization of the Entry Authority (EA) or hot
work certificate from the EA. c. Place air eductor over the vent fitting or, after re-
moving filler cap, over the filler cap opening of cell to be
Testing of fuel cells for safe conditions shall be purged.
performed by an EA. A permit shall be issued d. Seal base of air eductor to ensure an air-tight fit.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 006 00
Page 9



Figure 6-4. Fuel Tank Depuddling

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Figure 6-5. Air Eductor Installation (Typical)

If heated air is used for purging, the outlet tem-

Start air blower or hot air blower before con- perature shall not exceed 100oF (38oC).
necting air ducts to the aircraft.
Do not shut down air blower or hot air blower
when air duct is connected to the aircraft. In cold weather, warm air for purging may be
obtained with the use of a hot air blower as-
If air blower or hot air blower fails during opera- sembly, MMEP12B.
tion, remove air duct from aircraft immediately
and move the duct, air blower, or hot air blower e. Connect air supply hose to air eductor and then to
to an area upwind free from fuel vapors. a compressed air source.

Compressed air shall not be used under any cir- f. Attach a bonding cable to the wire reinforcement
cumstances to clean dirt or dust from clothing or of the air blower duct outlet end.
blow chips or shavings from work surfaces.
g. Commence airflow to the air eductor.
Failure to comply with these warnings could re-
sult in injury or death to personnel and damage h. Start air blower and attach bonding cable located
to or destruction of the aircraft. at outlet end of duct to aircraft structure.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 006 00
Page 11

tinuously vents the air outside. To air blow purge a fuel cell
i. Place outlet end of duct into fuel cell opening and after depuddling, proceed as follows:
purge fuel cell.

j. Remove air blower duct from fuel cell opening.

k. Stop the flow of air to the air eductor.

Bonding and grounding wires must be attached
to clean, unpainted, conductive surfaces to be

Connect all grounding and bonding wires (ca-

Do not perform hot work without specific au- bles) prior to removing fuel tank filler cap. Do
thorization of a hot work certified Entry Author- not disconnect any grounding or bonding wire
ity (EA). until fuel tank filler cap is reinstalled.
Testing of fuel cells for SAFE conditions shall
a. Position and ground the following equipment as
be performed by an EA. A permit shall be is-
sued before work begins and/or as work pro-
gresses as directed by the EA.
(1) Air blower, MIL-B-7619
When air-exhaust purging, position duct inlet in
the same compartment with the maintenance (2) Pneumatic driven fan, APV-1 or
personnel. The flow of air shall be directed as equivalent
much as practical to prevent contaminants from
passing over the maintenance personnel. (3) Hot air blower assembly,
l. Have a hot work certified EA test the air in the cell
to ensure that a "Safe for Personnel - Safe for Hot Work" (4) Air-supplied respirator
condition is maintained during this procedure.
(5) Explosion-proof vacuum cleaner
NOTE (Table 2-6, Item 2b)

Refer to NAVAIR 01-1A-34, Aeronautical and b. Connect air blower ducting to inlet connection of
Support Equipment Welding for hot work that the air blower.
includes welding, soldering, brazing, and flame
spraying. c. Attach a bonding cable to the wire reinforcement
of the air blower inlet duct.
m. Comply with requirements for fuel cell entry con-
tained in paragraphs 15, 17 and 18 in this Work Package. d. Connect ducting to outlet connection of air blower.

When an external air source is being used for

Purging, position duct outlet in the same com- Position the outlet end of the exhaust duct a
partment with the maintenance personnel. The minimum of 50 feet downwind from the aircraft
flow of air shall not be directed toward puddled for outdoor operations. Extend exhaust duct
fuel and into repair area. outlet to the exterior of an enclosed mainte-
nance area.
n. Continue to purge while personnel are inside or
partially inside fuel cells. e. Position the outlet end of the ducting to exhaust
33. (See Figure 6-4) The air blow purging method uses an
air blower and ducting to force fresh, outside air into the fuel A grounded maintenance stand may be used to
cell. An air eductor (Venturi air mover), in the fuel cell con- raise ducting to desired height.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 006 00
Page 12

f. Extend outlet duct end into the air to a height suf-

ficient to allow dissipation of fuel vapors before they drift
to the ground.
Lubricating Oil
g. Open all vents and filler caps for the cell being MIL-PRF-6081 5
h. Bond inlet ducting to aircraft then start the blower.
35. The oil dilution purging method uses lubricating oil
i. Remove fuel cell access panel and place the inlet MIL-PRF-6081, grade 1010, to dilute the fuel vapor in a de-
duct inside. fueled fuel cell to a safe condition. To oil dilution purge a
fuel cell, proceed as follows:
j. Continue purging until "SAFE for Personnel - Not
Safe for Hot Work" condition is obtained. NOTE
k. Remove air blower duct from the fuel cell or cell This method is also used for preservation of
opening. auxiliary tanks prior to storage or shipment. It
may be desirable to use the Oil Dilution Purging
method when it is necessary to perform exten-
sive repair to the aircraft other than to the fuel
system. When purging with this method, open-
Do not perform hot work without specific au- ing of access doors or fittings is not required.
thorization of a hot work certified Entry Author-
ity (EA). The flash point of the purging fluid shall be
150oF (65oC) or higher to provide reasonable as-
Testing of fuel cells for SAFE conditions shall surance that the cell will be at a "SAFE for Per-
be performed by an EA. A permit shall be issued sonnel - NOT Safe for Hot Work" level after
before work begins and/or as work progresses as purging. Testing of the condition shall be per-
directed by the EA. formed by an EA.

l. Have a hot work certified EA test the air in the cell To obtain a “SAFE for Personnel-Safe for Hot
to ensure that a "Safe for Personnel - Not Safe for Hot Work” atmospheric condition in a fuel cell that
Work" condition is maintained during this procedure. has been purged by the oil dilution purging
method, remove residual oil and air purge the
NOTE cell.
Refer to NAVAIR 01-1A-34, Aeronautical and
Support Equipment Welding for hot work that a. After the aircraft has been defueled, connect a hose
includes welding, soldering, brazing, and flame to the low-point pencil drains and drain the remaining fuel
spraying. into a grounded and bonded safety container, RR-S-30 (Table
2-5, Item 3a).
m. Comply with requirements for cell entry contained
in paragraphs 15, 17 and 18 in this Work Package. NOTE
The purging fluid shall remain in the fuel cell
for a minimum of 10 minutes before removal or
transfer to another fuel cell.

b. Connect the purging fluid supply to the aircraft

When air-exhaust purging, position duct and service the fuel system in accordance with the applica-
inlet in the same compartment with the ble aircraft MIM.
maintenance personnel. The flow of air
shall be directed as much as practical to NOTE
prevent contaminants from passing over
the maintenance personnel. The entire fuel system may be filled, or one cell
can be filled and the fluid then transferred to the
n. Continue to purge while personnel are inside or other cells using the aircraft fuel system transfer
partially inside fuel cells pumps.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 006 00
Page 13

In the event only one cell is filled with purging a. Level aircraft.
fluid, which is then transferred to other cells,
any fuel remaining in the cells will dilute the b. Defuel aircraft completely, including draining
purging fluid as it is transferred from cell to cell. through low-point drains. Refer to applicable aircraft MIMfor
This can reduce the effectiveness of the fluid as location.
a purging medium.
c. Drain engine feed systems and manifolds (if pos-
c. After the purging fluid has remained in the fuel sible).
system for the required time, normally 10-minutes, drain
the cells. d. Drain residual fuel into grounded and bonded
safety containers, RR-S-30 (Table 2-5, Item 3a).
d. Have an EA test the air inside the cell.
e. Fill the entire fuel system to maximum capacity
36. JP-5/JP-8 FUEL PURGING The JP-5/JP-8 fuel purg- with JP-5/JP-8 fuel in accordance with the procedures of
ing method uses JP-5 or JP-8 fuel to dilute and help remove the applicable aircraft MIM.
all residues from low flash point fuels including JP-4 and
AVGAS. These purge fuels must maintain a minimum f. Allow the JP-5/JP-8 fuel to remain in the system
for a minimum soak period of 12 hours before purging the
120°F flash point. Aircraft serviced with JP-8 may require
engine and engine feed system.
purging using another approved method if the required flash-
point cannot be maintained. This minimum flashpoint is
37. Purge jet aircraft as follows:
critical for maintaining a less than 10% LEL making the cell
firesafe. To JP-5/JP-8 purge a fuel cell, proceed as follows:
(1) Perform 2-3 minute engine ground runs includ-
ing, where applicable, two momentary afterburner runs.

(2) To assure mixing of fuel, actuate fuel transfer

systems during engine runs.
Testing of fuel cells for SAFE conditions shall
be performed by an Entry Authority (EA). A
permit shall be issued before work begins and/or
as work progresses as directed by the EA. Lubricating Oil
If the ambient temperature is expected to exceed MIL-PRF-6081 5
75°F the tank should not be purged with JP-8.
(3) If engines are inoperable, purge the engine fuel
system by preserving with lubricating oil MIL-PRF-6081,
grade 1010 in accordance with the applicable aircraft man-
ual (NAVAIR 02B-XXX-6X) .

Because of the tendency of aircraft fuel systems 38. Purge reciprocating engine aircraft as follows:
to gravity crossfeed, purging of individual cells a. Drain fuel from engine feed systems and preserve
or parts of systems by this method should not be with lubricating oil MIL-L-6081, grade 1010 in accordance
attempted. with the applicable aircraft manual or NAVAIR 15-01-500.

NOTE b. After engine fuel system is purged, ensure aircraft

is level and completely defuel aircraft including drainage
The purging fuel can be treated as mixed fuel through low-point drains and engine feed systems.
and used for non-shipboard operations subject to
the limitations of NAVAIR 00-80T-109.
When using the JP-5/JP-8 fuel purging method,
aircraft should be considered safe for extensive Lubricating Oil
repairs except for work on the fuel systems such MIL-PRF-6081 5
as opening and drilling into fuel cells or break-
ing of fuel lines. When any work on the fuel c. If aircraft is to be out of service long enough to re-
system is involved, comply with the require- quire preservation, preserve fuel system with lubricating oil
ments for defueling, depuddling, and air purg- MIL-PRF-6081, grade 1010 in accordance with NAVAIR
ing. 15-01-500.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 006 00
Page 14

d. Before performing any work on the fuel system, h. A certified EA shall test the interior atmosphere of
the fuel cells shall be tested to obtain a SAFE certificate by the call for a "SAFE for Personnel - NOT Safe for Hot
an EA. If the proper condition is not obtained, depuddle and Work" Condition.
exhaust ventilate or take other corrective action as directed
by the EA. i. If the required reading is not obtained repeat clean-
ing and retest.
40. The detergent cleaning and purging method uses a solu-
tion of detergent and water to remove residual fuel and va-
pors from auxiliary fuel cells. Detergent cleaning is the most
effective method of purging flammable vapor from auxiliary Start air blower or hot air blower before con-
fuel tanks. To detergent clean and purge a fuel cell, proceed necting air ducts to the aircraft
as follows:
Do not shut down air blower or hot air blower
when air duct is connected to the aircraft.

If air blower or hot air blower fails during op-

eration, remove air duct from aircraft immedi-
Only tanks that have been detergent cleaned and ately and move the duct, air blower, or hot air
purged shall be inducted or stored in a repair blower to an area upwind free from fuel vapors.
shop due to the presence of welding, grinding,
or other operations that generate heat, sparks, or j. To eliminate or minimize residual moisture in the
other ignition inducing conditions. cell, use the air blower. MMEP-12B, to air dry the interior
of the cell. The temperature at the end of the outlet duct
Soaps and detergents may cause eye and skin ir- shall not exceed 120ºF (49ºC).
ritation. Use personal protective equipment.
k. If the cell is going to be stored or shipped, pre-
serve the cell using MIL-PRF-6081, 1010 Oil in accordance
with NAVAIR 15-01-500. Preservation of Naval Aircraft
for Organizational, Intermediate and Depot Maintenance
Check applicable fuel tank Maintenance In- 41. HOT WORK
struction Manuals before detergent clean. In
some fuel tanks, fuel quantity probes could be 42. The following paragraphs apply to all hot work per-
damaged by detergent cleaning. formed in confined or enclosed spaces, or hot work per-
formed on closed structures such as pipes, fuel cells, ducts,
a. Prepare the detergent mixture so that the solution tubes, jacketed vessels and similar items.
will be one part by volume of detergent (Table 2-5, Item 4a
or 4b), to one part water (warm water preferred). NOTE

b. Using a high pressure portable foam generator, Refer to NAVAIR 01-1A-34, Aeronautical and
Model 20, with a fan-type nozzle on the end of the wand, Support Equipment Welding for hot work that
adjust the mixing valve to deliver cleaner in the ratio of 1 includes welding, soldering, brazing, and flame
part of the 1-to-1 solution to 8 parts water. spraying.
a. Hot Work Operations. Hot work for the purpose of
c. Thoroughly coat all interior surfaces of tank. Then
gas free engineering, includes any work that produces heat
remove wand from interior of tank and spray all exterior
by any means, of a temperature of 400ºF (204ºC) or more,
surfaces of cell.
in the presence of flammables or flammable atmospheres,
such as:
d. Allow the solution to set for 5 minutes.
Flame heating
e. Adjust the wash equipment to deliver water only.
f. Rinse exterior of cell and thoroughly rinse the inte-
rior surface of cell until rinse water is free of foam. Torch cutting
g. Allow to drain. Brazing
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 006 00
Page 15

Carbon arc gouging fire watch shall be trained in the nature of any fire that may
occur, and be proficient in the proper use of fire extinguish-
Arc producing tools or equipment ing equipment. Where hot work may create temperature
increases in a wall, bulkhead, or other separating structure,
Friction an additional Fire watch shall be posted on the side opposite
the worksite. A system of communication shall be estab-
Impact lished to permit the fireguard to convey the development of
hazardous conditions on the opposite side of separating
Open flames or embers structures, and to signal the necessity to stop work.
Non-explosion-proof lights, fixtures, motors or
b. Cleaning. Prior to commencing hot work in a con- Additional Fire watch shall be trained in the na-
fined or enclosed space, the space shall be tested, inspected, ture of any fire that may occur, and be profi-
cleaned and ventilated as required by the provisions of this cient in the proper use of fire extinguishing
manual and the applicable aircraft MIM. Testing of the equipment.
space will be accomplished by the activity Aircraft Con-
fined Space Program Manager (ACSPM) or hot work certi- e. Fire Extinguishing Equipment. Suitable fire extin-
fied Entry Authority (EA) authorized to issue hot work cer- guishing equipment shall be provided based on the nature
tificates. The Permit shall state "Safe for Hot Work." To and extent of the flammables or combustibles present and
clean space proceed as follows: the type of fire that may occur. Water extinguishers or wa-
(1) Remove extraneous materials from the space. ter hoses equipped with fog nozzles or applicators are most
suitable for hot work in the presence of ordinary Class A,
(2) Clean or remove flammable material from the combustible material or flammable residues or coatings.
space to the degree sufficient to eliminate significant fire Fire extinguishing equipment shall be selected based on the
hazard. following:
(3) Combustible material that cannot be removed
shall be adequately protected.

Vaporizing liquid fire extinguishers such as

CO2 and Halon shall not be used in confined or
Do not perform hot work without specific au- enclosed spaces.
thorization of activity Aircraft Confined Space
Program Manager (EA) or hot work certified (1) Extinguishing agent’s ability to suppress the
Entry Authority (EA) authorized to issue hot fire.
work certificate. (2) Any hazard that may be created by the dis-
charge of the agent into the space.
Inerting shall not normally be used as a means
to permit hot work on any component of a fuel (3) The capacity of the equipment in relationship to
system that contains aviation gasoline or Jet Pe- the size and intensity of the potential fire.
troleum (JP) fuels.
c. Boundary Space. Spaces adjacent to the space in
Exceptions may be made in selection of fire ex-
which hot work is to be performed (above, below, and on
tinguishing equipment where restrictions exist
all sides) shall be inspected, tested, cleaned, and ventilated
due to the nature of the space.
or inerted as appropriate. These spaces shall be certified by
the ACSPM or hot work certified EA authorized to issue
hot work certificates. The Permit shall state "SAFE for Hot f. Hot Work in the Presence of Flammable Coatings.
Work." The ACSPM/EA shall issue a checklist/procedure The flammability of coatings shall be determined prior to
for each type of welding operation conducted on an aircraft starting hot work. If flammability of coating is unknown,
or aircraft component. tests shall be conducted to determine flammability, or worse
case conditions must be assumed to exist. Coatings known or
d. Fire Prevention. A Fire watch shall be posted at found by testing to be combustible shall be removed from the
the worksite when hot work is to be conducted in the pres- location of the hot work, to a distance sufficient to prevent
ence of combustible materials or flammable residues. The ignition or outgassing from temperature increase of coating
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 006 00
Page 16

materials in the unstripped areas. The distance required for h. Hot Work on Pipes, Tubes, or Coils. Pipes, tubes,
stripping of coating material will vary according to the mate- coils, or similar items, which service or enter and exit a
rial involved and the nature of the hot work, but in no case confined or enclosed space shall be flushed, blown. purged,
shall be less than 4 inches on all sides from the outermost or otherwise cleaned and certified "SAFE for Hot Work"
limits of the hot work. To conduct hot work, proceed as fol- prior to the start of hot work. Where they are not cleaned
lows: and certified, they shall be prominently tagged "NOT Safe
For Hot Work." The Permit for the space shall also contain
NOTE a notation to that effect.
Suitable fire extinguishing equipment shall be NOTE
immediately available, charged and ready for
instant use.
Valves to pipes, tubes, and similar items shall
(1) Periodic or continuous testing shall be con- be closed and tagged, the pipes blanked off,
ducted from start of hot work to ensure flammable atmos- where possible, to prevent inadvertent discharge
pheres are not being produced. or backflow of materials into the space.

(2) Where significant outgassing is detected, hot i. Hot Work in the Presence of Pressurized Systems.
work shall be stopped and further stripping conducted, arti- Prior to start of hot work in areas that contain pressurized
ficial cooling methods employed, or other means applied to systems (such as fuel, hydraulic, liquid oxygen, etc.), the
prevent temperature increases in the unstripped areas. systems shall be depressurized if there is a possibility that
these systems could be affected by the hot work. Piping,
(3) Flame or uncontrolled heat shall not be used for fittings, valves, and other system components shall be pro-
stripping flammable coatings. tected from damage resulting from contact with flames,
arcs, hot slag, or sparks. Care shall be taken to ensure that
(4) Methods shall be employed to prevent hot slag all contamination within the space, such as leaking hydrau-
or sparks from falling onto flammable coatings in the area lic fluid, is cleaned and removed prior to start of hot work.
of the hot work. Hydraulic fluid in the presence of high temperatures can
decompose and produce highly toxic byproducts.
(5) The wetting down of surrounding areas to re-
duce ignition potential may also be used to minimize igni- j. Compressed Gas Cylinders. Compressed gas cyl-
tion, consistent with the nature of the coating operation. inders shall be transported, handled, and stored in accor-
dance with NAVOSH standards. Compressed gas cylinders
g. Soft, Greasy Preservative Coatings. Soft greasy or gas manifolds used in welding and cutting operations
coatings may present hazards more serious than those pre- shall not be taken into a confined or enclosed space. Com-
sented by hard surface coatings. Some soft coatings may pressed gas cylinders or gas manifolds shall be placed out-
have much lower flash points, produce outgassing at lower side the space, in open air, in an area not subject to any fire,
temperatures, and may ignite more easily from hot slag or explosion, or emergency that may occur within the space.
sparks. Some materials may, under certain conditions, "sur-
k. Gas Welding and Cutting Equipment. Gas welding
face flash," which would involve the entire coated area. The
and cutting equipment such as hoses, connections, torches,
above problems are often further complicated by difficulty
etc., shall be inspected, tested, operated, and maintained in
in walking, standing, and maneuvering on slippery surfaces,
accordance with current NAVOSH standards.
increasing the possibility of falls, dropping lighted torches
on unstripped material, etc. Therefore, accomplish the fol- l. Gas Supplies. Gas supplies shall be turned off at
lowing prior to start of hot work in a confined or enclosed the cylinder or manifold outside the space when equipment
space coated with soft, greasy preservatives: is unattended or unused for substantial periods of time, such
as breaks or lunch periods. Turn off gas supplies and re-
(1) Strip, clean, or otherwise remove the preserva- move torches and hoses from the space during shift changes
tive from the area of the hot work a distance sufficient to or if the equipment is to be idle overnight. Open-ended
prevent outgassing and to prevent ignition from heat, hoses shall be immediately removed from the space when
sparks, slag, etc. torches or other devices are removed from the hose.

(2) The space shall be tested and certified "SAFE m. Electric Arc Units or Machines. Electric arc units
for Hot Work" by the activity ACSPM or hot work certified or machines shall not be taken into a confined or enclosed
EA authorized to issue hot work certificates. space. Electric arc equipment shall be inspected, tested,
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 006 00
Page 17

n. operated, and maintained in accordance with cur- hollow structure, a vent or opening shall be provided for the
rent NAVOSH standards. release of any pressure buildup during the application of
o. Electrode Holders. When electrode holders are to
be left unattended or unused for substantial periods of time,
such as breaks or lunch periods, the electrodes shall be re- (3) Before welding, cutting heating, or brazing is
moved from the holders. The holders shall be placed in a begun on structural voids, a ACSMP or EA authorized to
safe location and protected, and the power switch to the issue hot work certificates shall inspect the object and, if
equipment shall be turned off. If unattended for extended necessary, test it for the presence of flammable residue liq-
periods or the equipment is to be idle overnight, electrode uids, or vapors.
holders, cables, and other equipment shall be removed from NOTE
the space and the power supply to the equipment discon-
nected. If flammable residues, liquids, or vapors are pre-
sent, the object shall be made safe. Objects such
as those listed above shall also be inspected to
determine whether water or other non-
flammable liquids are present which, when
heated, would build up excessive pressure. If
Do not perform hot work without specific au- such liquids are determined to be present, the
thorization of activity ACSPM or hot work cer- object should be vented, cooled, or otherwise
tified EA authorized to issue hot work certifi- made safe during the application of heat.
A tailored Hot Work and On-Aircraft Welding (4) Jacketed vessels shall be vented before and dur-
Checklist shall be followed for each On-Aircraft ing welding, cutting, or heating operations, in order to re-
welding operation. Failure to comply could lease any pressure that may build up during the application
cause death or injury to personnel. of heat.
p. On-Aircraft Welding. Gas shielded arc welding is
the only method authorized for on-aircraft welding. On- 44. Inerting is a suitable means of ensuring a non-
Aircraft welding operations shall normally be accomplished combustible atmosphere in fuel cells or tanks when it is not
outdoors. On-aircraft welding operations shall be estab- necessary to open the cell for inspection or maintenance.
lished by the activity ACSPM, in coordination with the Fire Inerting may be desirable to safeguard a fuel cell adjacent to,
Marshal and Aircraft Maintenance Officer. The activity but not adjoining, another cell about to undergo inspection or
ACSPM shall provide a tailored Hot Work and On-Aircraft maintenance. Siphon inerting methods and the pressure in-
Welding Checklist for each on-aircraft welding operation. erting method are described in this paragraph. Siphon in-
erting, however, is not approved unless it is specified in the
q. Hazardous Byproducts. Welding, cutting or burn- applicable aircraft MIM. The following general precautions
ing in the presence of certain materials such as hydraulic are to be observed during inerting procedures.
fluids, chlorinated solvents, halogens, etc., or the applica-
tion of heat to such materials can result in the decomposi-
tion of the materials and the production of hazardous by-
products. Procedures shall be established to ensure that hot
work is not conducted on or in the vicinity of such materi-
Inerting shall not normally be used as a means
als. Welding or cutting operations, which produce high lev-
to permit hot work on any component of a fuel
els of ultra-violet radiation shall not be conducted within
system that contains aviation gasoline or Jet Pe-
200 feet of chlorinated solvents.
r. Hot Work on Closed Containers or Structures.
Drums, containers, or hollow structures that have contained Inerting shall be certified by the activity Aircraft
flammable substances shall be treated as follows: Confined Space Program Manager (ACSPM)
(1) Before welding, cutting, or heating, the object
should be filled with water or thoroughly cleaned of flam- Do not use fire extinguishers or other high ve-
mable substances, ventilated, and tested. locity gas systems to inert fuel cells. High veloc-
ity gas streams, especially from CO2 fire extin-
(2) Before heat is applied to a drum, container, or guishers, can generate static electrical charges
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 006 00
Page 18

and create a danger of fire or explosion. (2) Ground the Nitrogen Servicing Trailer, NAN3
Grounding of fuel cell and bonding the fire ex- (Table 2-5, Item 5b), to a static ground.
tinguisher nozzle to the cell will not eliminate
this danger. (3) Bond the nitrogen trailer by connecting a bond-
ing cable first to the nitrogen trailer and then to aircraft.
Do not perform other maintenance on aircraft
during defueling. depuddling, purging, or in- NOTE
erting operations.
Comply with defueling requirements of para-
45. Permit. The EA will test the inert condition of a fuel graph 7.
system or cell. When the required inert condition of the fuel
system or cell atmosphere has been achieved, the EA will
issue a Permit indicating the conditions, "INERTED---
NOT Safe for Personnel Inside---SAFE For Personnel and
Hot Work OUTSIDE." The EA will conduct periodic
checks to assure the continuing maintenance of an inerted
atmosphere. See Work Package 004 for more information.
Connect all grounding and bonding wires (ca-
46. Siphon Inerting of Fuel Systems. Siphon Inerting is bles) prior to removing fuel tank filler cap. Do
the process of inerting pressurized fuel systems wherein the not disconnect any grounding or bonding wire
air space of a fuel system or individual cell is slightly pres- until fuel tank filler cap is reinstalled.
surized by injecting an inert gas (usually dry nitrogen)
through a fuel system pressurization valve while the sys- (4) After appropriate bonding of the defueler, attach
tem/cell is being defueled. The process reduces the percent- defueling nozzle to aircraft.
age of oxygen in the air space to a non-combustible condi-
(5) Open nitrogen trailer servicing valve and pres-
a. Siphon inerting applications. Siphon inerting is sure regulator to correct pressure for inerting the fuel sys-
suitable for inerting pressurized fuel systems in cases where tem.
it is not necessary to open the cells to conduct inspection or
work inside. Siphon Inerting is the most efficient method (6) Crack the flow control valve and allow the ni-
for inerting a single cell as well as interconnected cells. trogen gas to purge the servicing line for approximately 5
There may be times when Siphon inerting would be desir- seconds, and then close the flow control valve.
able for safeguarding a cell adjacent to another cell, which
(7) Connect nitrogen supply line to aircraft fuel sys-
is to undergo inspection, repair, or removal.
tem in accordance with the applicable aircraft manual.
b. Siphon inerting safety. Fuel cells that have been
inerted by this method are not safe for personnel entry due
to low oxygen content. However, the cell could be made
"SAFE for Personnel - SAFE for Hot Work by depuddling
(paragraph 11) and air purging (paragraph 25) as described
in this Work Package. Positive pressure must be maintained in the fuel
system during siphon inerting to prevent col-
c. Siphon inerting procedure. To siphon inert a fuel lapsing of fuel cells, particularly for bladder
system/cell, proceed as follows: cells. This pressure must not exceed the safe
(1) To eliminate as much free air space as possible pressure of the fuel cell as specified in the ap-
where explosive vapors may form, fill fuel system to plicable aircraft Maintenance Instruction Man-
maximum permissible level in accordance with the applica- ual (MIM).
ble aircraft MIM.
(8) Slowly open the flow control valve and com-
mence Siphon Inerting and defueling in accordance with the
applicable aircraft MIM.
(9) When defueling is complete, close defueling
nozzle. Disconnect defueler bonding cable from aircraft and
then move defueler from the area.
Bonding and grounding wires must be attached
(10) Final draining of remaining fuel shall be ac-
to clean, unpainted, conductive surfaces to be
complished using the low-point drains.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 006 00
Page 19

(11) After low-point draining is completed, close ni- c. Pressure Inerting procedures. To pressure inert a
trogen trailer servicing valves and then close the flow con- fuel system/cell, proceed as follows:
trol valve.
To retain the inert state of the fuel system at- If defueling is required, defuel the aircraft in ac-
mosphere it is often necessary to maintain a cordance with paragraph 7. If defueling is not
continuous positive pressure of nitrogen gas. required, comply with steps 40c(1) through

(1) Ground the fuel cell to be inerted by attaching a

grounding wire to the cell and then the other end to the
same static ground to which the nitrogen trailer is grounded.
Remove all equipment (vent plugs, caps, tags,
etc.) used during inerting operation prior to re- (2) Connect the nitrogen gas delivery fittings to the
turning the aircraft to service. nitrogen gas delivery line.
(3) Bond the nitrogen service line to the fuel cell to
(12) Plug fuel system vents of fittings, as required, in be inerted by attaching a bonding wire to the cell to be in-
accordance with the applicable aircraft MIM to prevent loss erted and then attaching the other end to the service end of
of nitrogen gas. Disconnect nitrogen-servicing line from the nitrogen line
aircraft fuel system servicing fitting and cap the fuel system
servicing fitting.

Positive pressure must be maintained in the fuel

system during Pressure Inerting to prevent col-
lapsing of fuel cells, particularly for bladder
cells. This pressure, however, must not exceed
Inerting shall be certified by the activity Air- the safe pressure of the fuel cell as specified in
craft Confined Space Program Manager the applicable aircraft Maintenance Instruction
(ACSPM) only. Manual (MIM).
(13) An EA shall certify the condition of the inert (4) Open nitrogen trailer servicing valve and
atmosphere in accordance with the applicable MIM and set pressure regulator to correct pressure for inerting
indicate the condition; “INERTED - NOT Safe For Person- the fuel system.
nel Inside - SAFE For Personnel and Hot Work OUT-
SIDE”. (5) Crack the flow control valve and allow the ni-
trogen gas to purge the servicing line for approximately 5
47. Pressure Inerting of Fuel Systems. Pressure Inerting seconds, and then close the flow control valve.
is the process of inerting unpressurized fuel systems
wherein the air space of a fuel system or individual cell is (6) Remove filler caps of cell to be inerted and in-
slightly pressurized by injecting an inert gas (usually dry sert gas delivery fitting in the fuel filler opening.
nitrogen) through an adapter fitting placed in cell fuel filler
(7) Slowly open the flow control valve and com-
opening to reduce the percentage of oxygen in the air space
mence inerting.
to less than one percent.
(8) When sufficient inert gas has been injected into
a. Pressure Inerting application. Pressure Inerting is
the fuel system/cell in accordance with the applicable air-
used when it is not necessary to open the cells to conduct
craft MIM, close nitrogen-servicing valve. Then close the
inspection or work inside and defueling of the aircraft is not
flow control valve.
required. However, if defueling is desired it shall be ac-
complished prior to inerting. The effectiveness of Pressure
Inerting can only be assured when it is possible to test the
atmosphere in all vapor spaces of each cell inerted to de-
termine that a minimum 99 percent concentration of inert
gas is present. Pressure Inerting is useful for inerting a sin- Remove all equipment (vent plugs, caps, tags,
gle cell and can be used for inerting a series of intercon- etc.) used during inerting operation prior to re-
nected cells. turning the aircraft to service.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 006 00
Page 20

To retain the inert state of the fuel system at-
mosphere it is often necessary to maintain a
Inerting shall be certified by the activity Air-
continuous positive pressure of nitrogen gas.
craft Confined Space Program Manager
(ACSPM) only.
(9) Plug fuel system vents of fittings, as re-
quired, in accordance with the applicable aircraft MIM (10) An EA shall certify the condition of the inert
to prevent loss of nitrogen gas. Disconnect nitrogen atmosphere in accordance with the applicable MIM and
servicing line from aircraft fuel system servicing fit- indicate the condition; “INERTED - NOT Safe For Person-
tings and cap the fuel system servicing fitting. nel Inside - SAFE For Personnel and Hot Work OUTSIDE.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 007 00
31 August 2005 Page 1 of 10


Reference Material
Aircraft Refueling NATOPS Manual..................................................................................................NAVAIR 00-80T-109

Alphabetical Index
Subject Page
Aviation Fuels ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Knock Value.............................................................................................................................................................. 2
Volatility.................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Characteristics of Aviation Fuels ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Contamination of Aircraft Fuels........................................................................................................................................... 3
Micro-Organisms....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Mixed Fuel................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Particulate Matter ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Water ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Fuel Sampling ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Acceptable Fuel ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Sampling Procedures ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Testing for Salt Water Contamination ....................................................................................................................... 7
Methods of Preventing Contamination................................................................................................................................. 5
Particulate Matter Contamination Prevention............................................................................................................ 5
Water Contamination Prevention .............................................................................................................................. 5
Specific Properties of Aviation Fuels................................................................................................................................... 2
Colors of Aviation Gasolines..................................................................................................................................... 2
Grades of Aviation Gasolines.................................................................................................................................... 2
Grades and Colors of Jet Engine Fuels...................................................................................................................... 2
JP-4 Jet Engine Fuel .................................................................................................................................................. 2
JP-5 Jet Engine Fuel .................................................................................................................................................. 2
JP-8 Jet Engine Fuel .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Solvent Properties of Aviation Gasolines .................................................................................................................. 2
Volotility and Solvent Properties of Jet Engine Fuels ............................................................................................... 2

1. GENERAL. Fuel must be handled with caution

2. The following paragraphs describe aircraft fuels used Fuel is classified as a flammable liquid
in Navy and Marine air activities. Knowledge of the impor-
Fuel vapors can explode under proper condi-
tant basic characteristics of these fuels is necessary to un-
derstand the importance of delivering the proper fuel to the
aircraft. Such knowledge is also valuable in understanding Fuel vapors can cause death or injury in con-
the need for safety and caution in handling these fuels. This fined areas
section includes the basic characteristics of aviation gasoli-
nes and jet engine fuels which fuel handling personnel Fuel can cause skin irritation
should know. The following should be understood when
handling fuel: Fuel vapors are heavier than air.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 007 00
Page 2
Fuel is lighter than water (in liquid form) in pumps, valves, packing, and other equipment. Because of
this, only special lubricants can be used for aviation gaso-
3. Specific safety precautions necessary for handling fuel line service. Aviation gasolines will also cause serious dete-
are contained in NAVAIR 00-80T-109, Aircraft Refueling rioration of rubber materials, except for those designed es-
NATOPS Manual. pecially for gasoline service. It is important, therefore, that
only hoses that are specially made and designated for avia-
4. AVIATION FUELS. tion gasoline be used in this service. This also applies to
5. Aviation fuels can be divided into two types: aviation packing, gaskets, and other rubber materials, which must be
gasolines and jet engine fuels. The knock value and the used in aviation gasoline service.
volatility are the two major differences between these fuels. 13. Grades and Colors of Jet Engine Fuels. (Refer to Table
6. Knock Value. From a performance standpoint, one of 7-2.) The grade designation for jet engine fuels indicates the
the most important differences between aviation gasoline approximate numerical sequence in which the fuel specifi-
and jet engine fuels is in the tendency of the fuels to pro- cations were accepted by the military organization. Also, no
duce a knock, or detonation, when used in piston type en- dyes are added to jet fuels to aid in their identification.
gines. The continuing occurrence of knocking can damage Their color may vary from a water-clear color to a straw
an aircraft engine to such an extent that a complete engine color.
failure results. For this reason, knocking in aircraft engines 14. Volatility and Solvent Properties of Jet Engine Fuels.
must be strictly avoided. The volatility of jet engine fuels varies over a wider range
7. Volatility. The tendency of fuels to evaporate, or va- than aviation gasolines. Jet engine fuel JP-4 has both gaso-
porize, is known as volatility, and is a very important factor line and kerosene components, and a Reid vapor pressure of
in the proper operation of piston-type engines. In a piston- 2 to 3 psi. Jet engine fuel JP-5 and JP-8 are kerosene type
type engine, the fuel must vaporize and be mixed with air in fuels with a very low vapor pressure and are less likely to
order to burn and deliver power. Aviation gasolines are ignite. Jet engine fuels have certain solvent properties,
more volatile than jet engine fuels and consequently they which dissolve greases and cause deterioration of some
vaporize more readily. This high volatility is necessary to rubber materials. They can also dissolve asphalt.
assure that all the gasoline will be burned in a piston en- 15. JP-4 Jet Engine Fuel. JP-4 is an alternate fuel for JP-5
gine. for Navy and Marine jet aircraft. However, it is used as
8. SPECIFIC PROPERTIES OF AVIATION FUELS. such only at shore activities and never aboard ship. It is a
wide boiling range petroleum product, including both gaso-
9. Specific properties of aviation fuels, which are ex- line and kerosene boiling range components, but contains
tremely important to fuel handling personnel, are described no tetraethyl lead. Because of its vaporizing characteristic
in the following paragraphs. well below freezing temperatures, better engine start and
10. Grades of Aviation Gasolines. Aviation gasolines are restart capabilities are recorded with JP-4 than with JP-5.
designated by octane and performance numbers. Grade des- 16. JP-5 Jet Engine Fuel. JP-5 is a middle distillate fuel
ignations of 100 and lower are octane numbers, while those (kerosene, diesel, Jet A, etc.) with an especially high flash
above 100 are performance numbers. Most aviation gasoli- point, which increases safety in handling. It is widely used
nes are designated by two numbers, for example, Grade 11 at Navy and Marine air activities ashore, and is the only
5/145. Where two numbers are used in this manner, the first fuel that can be used for turbine engine aircraft aboard
number indicates the knock rating with a lean fuel-air mix- ships. The properties of JP-5 as compared to JP-4 are as
ture, and the second number indicates the knock rating with follows:
a rich fuel-air mixture. Aviation gasolines are available in
three grades, which are listed in Table 7-1. Higher specific gravity
11. Colors of Aviation Gasolines. To aid in ready identifi-
cation of the three grades of aviation gasolines, each grade Higher flash point
is dyed a different color (Refer to Table 7-1). Fuel handling
personnel should always know the three grades and corre- Lower volatility
sponding colors of aviation gasolines. This is important in
assuring that the proper fuel is delivered to the aircraft. Higher heat content on a per gallon basis

12. Solvent Properties of Aviation Gasolines. All aviation Higher freezing point
gasolines are able to dissolve a number of materials. They
will dissolve common lubricants, such as oils and greases, Higher viscosity
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 007 00
Page 3

NOTE silting and plugging fuel control units and nozzles, and
scoring and wear of fuel system components by abrasion.
Because its physical properties are similar, JP-5 Particulate matter settles much slower in jet fuels than in
is accepted as an alternate to diesel fuel. aviation gasolines.
b. Water. Water is a common contaminant of fuels
17. JP-8 Jet Engine Fuel. JP-8 is a kerosene fuel similar to and refueling personnel will be concerned with it in two
commercial jet fuel ASTM Jet A-1 except JP-8 contains forms: entrained water and water slugs.
fuel system icing inhibitor as well as other fuel additives. It
is also similar to JP-5 with respect to most fuel properties (1) Entrained water. Entrained water is found in fu-
except flash point and freezing point. Since its flash point els in the form of very small droplets, fog, or mist, and may
is not as high as JP-5’s it cannot be used for shipboard op- or may not be visible. Water usually becomes entrained in
erations. The Air Force is currently in the process of con- the fuel when it is broken up into small droplets and thor-
verting operations to JP-8 fuel in order to take advantage of oughly mixed with the fuel in equipment such as pumps or
its similarity to commercial aviation turbine fuel and im- meters.
proved safety (lower volatility). (2) Water slugs. Water slugs are quantities of water,
18. CHARACTERISTICS OF AVIATION FUELS. which do not mix with the fuel but are carded with the fuel
as liquid water. This water enters cells or pipelines through
19. It is important that fuel handling personnel remember fill lines, vents, cell openings, condensation, etc., and ac-
the following characteristics of aviation fuels: cumulates in cells or equipment, where it is picked up by
From the standpoint of fire, explosion, and pumps and carded as water slugs
health, aviation gasolines and jet engine fuels c. Mixed Fuel. The mixing of fuels is usually caused
are extremely hazardous and must be handled by poor or careless operation of the fuel handling equip-
with equal caution. ment and facilities. All personnel must know and remember
that small quantities of one fuel can seriously contaminate
Aviation gasolines and jet engine fuels are de- and render unusable another aircraft fuel.
signed for entirely different types of engines;
therefore, only the proper fuel must be used for d. Micro-Organisms. Bacteria and fungi are present
each type aircraft. in most jet engine fuels. These are common micro-
organisms that find their way into fuel storage tanks and
Aviation gasolines and jet engine fuels are di- aircraft fuel systems because of dirt and water contamina-
vided into a number of different grades, and the tion. Micro-organism contamination usually appears as a
proper grade of fuel shall be used for each air- brown slime-like deposit which adheres to the inner sur-
craft. faces of fuel cells. This results in corrosion of fuel cells,
clogging filters, and erratic operation of fuel quantity indi-
20. CONTAMINATION OF AIRCRAFT FUELS. cating systems. Generally, microbiological contamination
of jet fuels is most severe in tropical climates where tem-
21. Aircraft fuel systems are complex and will not func- peratures and humidities are high. Some of the most com-
tion if contaminated with particulate matter, water, mixed mon sources of such fuel supply contamination are:
fuel or micro-organisms. These types of contamination are
described in the following paragraphs. Fuel storage tanks, which contain water bottoms
that cannot be completely drained
a. Particulate Matter. (See Figures 7-1 and 7-2.) Par-
ticulate matter contamination is usually caused by the fol-
Floating roof tanks that allow the entry of rain-
water and airborne dust
Iron-rust and scale
Contaminated water let into storage tanks from
Sand pipeline water slugs that are used to separate
Airborne dirt
Fuel contaminated during transport in tankers
Foam baffle degradation and barges ballasted with water

The presence of large amounts of particulate matter in fuel Previously contaminated fuel being defueled
results in restricting or clogging filter/coalescer elements, from aircraft into storage tanks
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 007 00
Page 4

Table 7-1. Grades of Aviation Gasolines

Grade Primary use NATO symbol Color

115/145 Combat F-22 Purple

100/130 Cargo and F-18 Blue or Green


80/87 Primary Training F-12 Red

and Liaison

Table 7-2. Grades of Jet Engine Fuels

Flash Freeze
Grade Primary use NATO symbol Point Point

Jet A Commercial Aircraft -- 100oF -40oF

Jet A-1 Commercial Aircraft F-35 100oF -58oF

JP-4 US Air Force and F-40 below 0oF -72oF

Navy training

JP-5 Navy shipboard and F-44 140oF (min.) -51oF

fleet support shore

JP-8 Replace JP-4 F-34 100°F (min.) -53°F

NAVAIR 01-1A-35 007 00
Page 5

Figure 7-1. Comparison of Particle Rate of Settling in Three Types of Fuel


TION. 25. (Refer to Table 7-3) Fuel samples shall be taken from
23. Contamination of aircraft fuel can be prevented by the the fuel cell low point drains as specified in the applicable
use of proper equipment and by careful and proper operat- Maintenance Requirement Card (MRC) deck.
ing procedures. a. Acceptable Fuel. As a general rule, acceptable fuel
a. Particulate Matter Contamination Prevention. The must be clear, bright, and contain no free water. The terms
following procedures are used to prevent particulate matter clear and bright are independent of the normal color of fuel.
contamination of aircraft fuels: Clear means highly transparent and refers to the absence of
any cloud, emulsion, or readily visual particulate matter
(1) Prevent entry of particulate matter by using Bright refers to the shiny appearance of clean dry fuels. A
dust-tight covers for all openings, connections, and fueling cloud, haze, specks of particulate matter, or unusual color
nozzles. These covers shall remain in place except when indicates that the fuel is unsuitable and a possible break-
refueling. down in fuel handling equipment and/or procedures. Refer
(2) Filter fuel by using a filter/separator during fu- to Table 7-3 for acceptable limits.
eling operations per NAVAIR 00-80T-109 (See Figure 7-
b. Sampling Procedures. Sampling procedures are as
b. Water Contamination Prevention. (See Figure 7-3)
Filter/Separators are used to prevent and detect water con- NOTE
tamination in aircraft fuels. Filter/Separators are equipped
with a number of coalescing-filter elements, which break Obtain fuel samples from the fuel truck prior to
fuel water emulsions by coalescing filters. refueling.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 007 00
Page 6
Only trained and experienced personnel shall NOTE
take samples.
Improper containers and poorly drawn or han- If dark colored stringy or fibrous material that
dled samples can result in meaningless or mis- tends to float in the fuel is noted in any sample,
leading results. immediately forward the sample(s) to the near-
est Navy Petroleum Laboratory for microbi-
Personnel taking samples shall have clean ological growth determination.
hands; clean gloves may be worn in cold
weather. (4) If water is detected, discard sample and repeat
(1) Ensure exterior of low point drain is cleaned step (1) and (2) until no water is found.
prior to taking sample.
(5) Swirl the sample by briskly rotating the con-
(2) Drain off one pint from low point drain using a tainer.
one-quart, clear, clean glass container.
(6) If water is visible under the swirling vortex,
(3) Inspect sample for loose drops of water puddled draw another sample and reinspect.
under the fuel.

Figure 7-2. Enlargement of Small Particles and Comparison to Human Hair

NAVAIR 01-1A-35 007 00
Page 7

Figure 7-3. Filter/Separators

(7) Inspect fuel sample for any discoloration, (f) Forward samples to the nearest Navy Petro-
cloudiness, and loose sediment under the swirling vortex. leum Laboratory for analysis. NAVAIR 00-80T-109, Air-
craft Refueling NATOPS Manual, identifies these laborato-
NOTE ries and the approved shipping containers.
A small amount is described as a spot of silt, c. Testing for Salt Water Contamination. If the fuel
which would be no more than a slight smudge if sample is suspected of being contaminated with salt water,
picked up on a finger tip. save initial samples of fuel containing water and immedi-
ately ground the affected aircraft. Conduct a salt water test
Ensure container is thoroughly cleaned and as follows:
rinsed before retesting.
(1) Drain off one pint into clear, clean, one-quart
(8) If small amounts of particulate material are glass or polyethylene container.
noted, the sample shall be discarded and another drawn and
re-inspected. (2) Obtain 0.1 normal solution of Silver Nitrate in a
laboratory type dropping bottle.
(9) If relatively large quantities of water or foreign
matter are noted, or small amounts persist from one or more NOTE
cell drains, perform the following:
For comparison purposes, it is recommended
(a) Ground the aircraft. that this test be conducted on known samples of
natural seawater as well as on fresh (tap) water.
(b) Retain the fuel samples.
(c) Defuel the aircraft. The addition of the silver nitrate solution to tap
water also will result in a white precipitate, but
(d) Immediately investigate the aircraft fuel sys- it will be different from the precipitate formed
tem and components to determine the source of contamina- in seawater.
(3) Add one drop at a time (not to exceed
(e) If the source of contamination is not isolated three drops per pint) of silver nitrate solution to the
to the aircraft, notify the cognizant fuel handling activity. fuel/water mixture. If the water or water layer contains
The source of contamination shall be identified. dissolved sea water salts, the first drop of silver nitrate
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 007 00
Page 8
solution will pass through the fuel layer and penetrate the (6) If the contamination is not isolated to the air-
water layer. Here it will produce a while precipitate (silver craft, notify the cognizant activity. The source of contami-
chloride) which is indicative, of saltwater contamination. nation shall be identified.
(4) If salt water is detected, perform decontamina- 26. Send the contaminated samples to the nearest Navy
tion procedures in accordance with Work Package 008. Petroleum Testing Laboratory for testing. NAVAIR 00-
80T-109 identifies these laboratories and the approved
(5) Repeat steps (2) through (4) twice. shipping container.

Table 7-3. Visual Contamination

Contaminant Appearance Characteristics Effects on aircraft Acceptable limits

1. Water

a. Dissolved water Not visible. Fresh water only. None unless precipi- Any amount up to
Precipitates out as tated out by cooling saturation.
cloud when fuel is of fuel. Can then
cooled. cause ice to form on
low pressure fuel filters
if fuel temperature is
below freezing.

b. Free water A light or heavy Free water may be Icing of fuel system; Fuel must contain no
cloud; droplets saline water or fresh usually low pressure visually detectable
adhering to water. Cloud usually fuel filters. Erratic fuel free water.
sides of bottle; indicates water-in-fuel gauge readings. Gross
gross amounts emulsion. amounts of water can
settled in cause flame-outs.
bottom. Seawater will cause
corrosion of fuel
system components.

2. Particulate Matter

a. Rust Red or black Red rust (Fe203) or Will cause sticking, Fuel must be
powder, rouge, black rust (Fe304); and sluggish or general clean within limits
or grains. May rust generally com- malfunction of fuel of paragraph 3-7a.
appear as dye-like prises major consti- controls, flow dividers,
material in fuel tuent of particulate pumps, nozzles, etc.

b. Sand or dust Crystalline, Usually present and Will cause sticking, Fuel must be clean
granular, or occasionally consti- and sluggish or mal- within limits of
glass-like. tutes major constituent. function of fuel paragraph 3-7a.
controls, flow dividers,
pumps, nozzles, etc.

c. Aluminum or White or gray Sometimes very Will cause sticking None

Magnesium powder or paste. sticky or gelatinous and sluggish or general
compounds when wet with water. malfunction of fuel
Usually present and controls, flow dividers,
occasionally pumps, nozzles, etc.
major constituent.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 007 00
Page 9
Table 7-3. Visual Contamination - Continued

Contaminant Appearance Characteristics Effects on aircraft Acceptable limits

3. Microbiological Brown, gray, Usually found with Fouls fuel quantity None visible.
Growth green, or black; other contaminants probes, sticks flow
stringy or in the fuel. Very dividers, makes fuel
fibrous. light weight; floats controls sluggish.
in fuel longer than
water droplets or
solid particles.
Develops only when
free water is present.

4. Emulsions

a. Water-in-fuel Light cloud or Finely divided drops Same as free water. Fuel must contain
heavy cloud. of water in fuel. no visually-
Same as free water detectable free
cloud. Will settle water.
to bottom in minutes,
hours, or weeks depend-
ing upon nature of

b. Fuel and water Reddish, brownish, Finely divided drops Same as free water None visible.
stabilized grayish, or blackish; of fuel in water. Contains and sediment, only
sticky material rust or microbiological more drastic. Will
variously described growth which stabilizes cause filter plugging
as gelatinous, gummy, or "firms" the emulsion. and erratic readings
or like catsup Will adhereto many in fuel quantity
or mayonnaise. materials normally in probes
contact with fuels.
Usually present as
"globules" or stringy,
fibrous-like material
in clear or cloudy
fuel. Will stand from
days to months without
separating. This material
contains half to three-
fourths water, a small
amount of fine rust or
microbiological growth,
and is one-third to
one-half fuel.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 007 00
Page 10
Table 7-3. Visual Contamination - Continued

Contaminant Appearance Characteristics Effects on aircraft Acceptable limits

5. Miscellaneous

a. Interface Lacy bubbles or Extremely complica- Same as microbiologi- There should be no

material scum at interface ted, chemically. cal growth. free water.
between fuel and Occurs only when
water; sometimes emulsion and free
resembles jellyfish. water are present.

b. Air Bubbles Cloud in Fuel Disperses upward None Any amount.

within a few seconds.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 008 00
31 August 2005 Page 1 of 6


Reference Material
Organizational, Intermediate and Depot Maintenance Preservation of Naval Aircraft ......................... NAVAIR 15-01-500
Aircraft Weapons Systems Cleaning and Corrosion Control ............................................................... NAVAIR 01-1A-509

Alphabetical Index
Subject Page
General ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
General Decontamination Procedures ....................................................................................................................... 1
Salt Water Contamination Isolation........................................................................................................................... 1
Microbiological Growth Decontamination Procedures ........................................................................................................ 3
Cleaning Fuel Cells ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Component Cleaning ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Component Removal and Inspection......................................................................................................................... 3
Defueling ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Intricate Component Cleaning................................................................................................................................... 3
Rinsing, Draining, and Drying Components.............................................................................................................. 4
Salt Water Decontamination Procedures.............................................................................................................................. 2
Decontamination of Intermediate and Depot Level Repairable Fuel System Components....................................... 2
Decontamination of Organizational Level Repairable Fuel System Components......................................................... 2
Defueling ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Flushing the Fuel System .......................................................................................................................................... 2

(2) Remove components, which require decontami-

2. General decontamination procedures, salt water con- NOTE
tamination isolation, and decontamination procedures re-
quired for salt water contamination and for microbiological Ultrasonic cleaning equipment can shorten
growth are described separately in this section. soaking time considerably.

a. General Decontamination Procedures. General de- (3) Soak components in a hot cleaning solution.
contamination procedures are as follows:
(4) Scrub components to remove residual salt de-
posits and/or for microbiological growth.

Saltwater in particular will rapidly corrode me- Residues from the water emulsion cleaning
tallic components. Initiate decontamination pro- compounds feed microbiological growth.
cedures immediately after contamination is lo-
cated and isolated. (5) Rinse components thoroughly after cleaning.
(1) Defuel, depuddle, and purge the fuel system in
accordance with WP 006 and the general safety procedures b. Salt Water Contamination Isolation. To isolate salt
described in WP 004 and 003. water contamination, proceed as follows:
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 008 00
Page 2

Saltwater contamination does not necessarily
progress immediately to the engine fuel system.
Ensure that cellulose sponges are in good condi-
(1) Fuel sampling procedures. tion when inside a fuel cell or tank. To prevent
a fire hazard, cellulose sponges and cheesecloth
(a) Take fuel samples from the engine fuel sys- used for cleaning fuel cells or tanks shall be
tem. Begin with the main filters. disposed of in accordance with local safety in-
(b) Continue to sample upstream in the fuel sys-
tem until contamination is found.
(6) Remove residual fuel using an explosion-proof
(2) Fuel testing. Test fuel samples for saltwater vacuum cleaner, or cellulose sponges, L-S-00626, and
contamination in accordance with WP 007. cheesecloth, CCC-C-440.
Use an explosion-proof vacuum cleaner or at-
tach cellulose sponge or cheesecloth to a
Disconnect the engine fuel system to prevent
wooden handle to reach remote areas.
contamination of engine fuel system compo-
nents prior to fuel cell and aircraft plumbing de- (7) Inspect fuel cells for leaks, corrosion, scum
contamination procedures. from seawater, residues, and microbiological growth as
described in WP 007. If any of these conditions are present,
3. SALT WATER DECONTAMINATION PROCE- treat in accordance with 6b through 6f of this work pack-
DURES. age.
4. The following paragraphs provide procedures for de- (8) If none of these conditions are present, comply
contaminating the fuel system of salt water. with paragraph 4-3f, steps (11) through (27).
a. Defueling. Defuel the aircraft in accordance with c. Decontamination of Organizational Level Repairable
WP 006 and proceed as follows: Fuel System Components. To decontaminate fuel system
components repairable at the organizational level, proceed
(1) Drain remaining fuel using low point drains. as follows:
(2) If contaminated, drain engine fuel system. (1) Remove components, which cannot be in-
b. Flushing the Fuel System. To flush the system, spected in place.
proceed as follows: (2) Disassemble only enough to allow inspection.
(3) Inspect for corrosion.
(4) Correct any damage.

Comply with general safety instructions in WP d. Decontamination of Intermediate and Depot Level
003, and fuel cell entry preparations in WP 004 Repairable Fuel System Components. To decontaminate
and WP 006. fuel system components repairable at the intermediate and
depot level, proceed as follows:
(1) Remove fuel cell access plates. (1) Remove metering devices and other compo-
(2) Remove only those components necessary to nents.
provide maximum access. (2) Flush with fresh water, drain, and dry.
(3) Rinse thoroughly with fresh water to ensure all
salt water contamination is removed.
(4) Open all cells as soon as possible after flushing.
(5) Remove access plates, probes, pumps, and fit- Corrosion Preventive Compound
tings for maximum visual inspection of interior areas. MIL-DTL-81309 1
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 008 00
Page 3

(3) Preserve with water displacing corrosion pre- NOTE

ventive compound, MIL-DTL-81309. Except for fuel quantity indicator probes,
(4) Tag with notation, "Contaminated internally which, shall always be removed and cleaned,
with sea water." the extent of further component removal shall
be determined by evidence of a need for a more
(5) Forward to the designated rework facility for in depth inspection of a component.
c. Component Cleaning.
To ensure prompt treatment at the rework facil-
ity, install water-crash/fire-damage label on
outer shipping container in accordance with Cleaning Compound
NAVAIR 15-01-500, Preservation of Naval MIL-PRF-85570 2
(1) Prepare water emulsion cleaning solution by
5. MICROBIOLOGICAL GROWTH AND PAR- adding one part by volume of cleaning compound, MIL-
TICULATE DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES. PRF-85570, Type II, to nine parts of fresh water.

6. The following paragraphs provide procedures for de-

contaminating the fuel system of microbiological growth, as
described in Work Package 007. This procedure may also
be used for removal of particulate contamination, for exam- To prevent possible damage to fuel system
ple fuel cell foam debris, from the fuel system. nonmetallic components, solution temperature
shall not exceed 120oF (49oC).
a. Defueling. Defuel, depuddle, and purge fuel sys-
tem in accordance with Work Package 006 and the safety
procedures described in Work Package 004. (2) Scrub components with hogbristle brush, H-B-
420 (Table 2-5, Item 3c), in hot solution.
b. Component Removal and Inspection. Remove and
inspect components as follows: d. Intricate Component Cleaning. For electrical wir-
ing, fuel quantity indicator probes, fittings. plumbing lines,
and any intricate components which cannot be effectively
cleaned as above, proceed as follows:

Comply with general safety instructions in WP

003, and fuel cell entry preparations in WP 004
and WP 006. Organic solvents are flammable. Avoid breath-
(1) Remove only those components as required to ing of vapors or prolonged skin contact. Use
gain access to all areas, which may have collected microbi- personal protective equipment.
ological growth.
(2) Inspect for saltwater deposits, microbiological
growth, or hidden corrosion. If possible solution should be heated and main-
tained at 120oF (49oC) temperature.
(3) Inspect capacitance-type fuel quantity indicator
(1) Immerse in solution for approximately 10 min-
(4) Inspect internal plumbing. utes to 3 hours.
(5) Inspect valves. NOTE
(6) Inspect electrical wiring. Ultrasonic cleaning equipment can shorten
soaking time considerably.
(7) Inspect float switches.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 008 00
Page 4
(2) If ultrasonic equipment is available, proceed as (2) Inspect bladders and self-sealing cells for cell
follows: liner porosity, deterioration, punctures and tears.
(a) Fill cleaning tank with the solution. (3) If leaks are suspected, inspect airframe cavity
liners and cavities when cell is removed for repair or re-
(b) Immerse components in solution.
(c) Operate ultrasonic equipment until all surfaces
(4) If authorized repair does not require cell re-
are clean.
moval, disassemble and loosen cell sufficiently to examine
e. Rinsing, Draining, and Drying Components. for liquid entrapment and corrosion damage.
(1) When all residues have been loosened, rinse (5) If cavity liner or cavity is wet, remove residual
thoroughly with water until all components are clean. fuel or water using an explosion-proof vacuum cleaner,
cellulose sponges, L-S-00626 (Table 2-5, Item 3g), and
(2) Drain; rotating components for complete drain- cheesecloth, CCC-C-440 (Table 2-5, Item 3f).
(6) Purge cavity in accordance with Work Package
(3) Place components in drying ovens at 120oF 006.
(49 C) maximum for 12 hours.
(7) Treat corrosion in accordance with the applica-
(4) If ovens are not available, proceed as follows:
ble aircraft MIM and NAVAIR 01-1A-509, Aircraft Weap-
ons Systems Cleaning and Corrosion Control.
(8) Open fuel cells low point drains to permit free
Isopropyl Alcohol drainage.
TT-I-735 3 (9) Flush and rinse interior of fuel cells with fresh
warm water, if available.

(a) Immerse components in undiluted Isopropyl (10) Continue flushing and rinsing until all foreign
Alcohol, TT-I-735, for approximately 1 minute. matter and cleaning compound residues are removed, or
until discharge is clear.
(b) Blow dry with clean compressed air at low
pressure not to exceed 30 psi.
(5) Test fuel quantity probes electrically in accor-
dance with the applicable Maintenance Instruction Manual Isopropl Alcohol
(MIM). If failed, install new fuel quantity probes. TT-I-735 3
f. Cleaning Fuel Cells. To clean fuel cells, proceed NOTE
as follows: A pump and an extension hose may be used to
apply the water/alcohol solution.

(11) Flush fuel cells with a mixture of one part Iso-

propyl Alcohol, TT-1-735, and one part tap water.
Organic solvents are flammable. Avoid breath- To allow removal of solution from hidden or
ing of vapors or prolonged skin contact. Use inaccessible areas formed by bulkheads, baffles,
personal protective equipment. stiffeners, etc.; alter attitude of aircraft by inflat-
ing and deflating gear struts, or using jacks in
NOTE accordance with the applicable MIM.
Efficient scrub brushes may be prepared by
trimming bristles of 4-inch hog bristle paint (12) Remove residual solution using explosion-proof
brushes, H-B-420 to approximately one-half the vacuum cleaner, cellulose sponges, and cheesecloth.
normal length. Brushes may be attached to
wooden handles for reaching remote areas. NOTE

(1) Scrub contaminated areas and all interior areas Warm air drying can be accomplished using the
thoroughly with water-emulsion cleaning solution until all Blow Purge method in accordance with Work
residues have been loosened. Package 006.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 008 00
Page 5/(6 Blank)
(13) Remove all visible traces of solution by passing (15) Remove this residue by swabbing with sponges
warm, dry air 120oF (49oC) maximum through fuel cells for dampened with the 50 percent water/alcohol solution.
approximately 8 to 12 hours. To ensure adequate drying of
(16) Inspect for corrosion.
fuel cell, perform the following procedures.
(17) Treat all corroded areas in accordance with the
NOTE applicable MIM and NAVAIR 01-1A-509, Aircraft Weap-
ons Systems Cleaning and Corrosion Control.
Exit opening should be large enough to allow (18) Inspect condition of sealant on integral fuel cell.
for ready escape of water/alcohol vapors and
prevent pressure buildup in the fuel cells. (19) Repair or replace, as necessary, all sealant coat-
ings in accordance with the applicable MIM.
(a) Close cell, except for two openings located as (20) Functionally check all electrical equipment be-
far apart as possible, one for the entry, and one for the exit fore installation, in accordance with the applicable MIM.
of hot air.
(21) Reassemble fuel system as soon as possible af-
(b) When possible during the last part of the dry- ter cleaning, drying, and sealant replacement.
ing operation, close off the exit.
(22) Change all fuel filters.
(c) Ensure fuel boost and transfer pump ports are
adequately dried by directing air through them. (23) Close all low point drains.
(24) Refuel aircraft to normal operating capacity in
NOTE accordance with the applicable MIM.
Unless the deposits are so extensive that re- (25) Wait a minimum of 4 hours.
flushing with water is required, additional (26) Take fuel samples from the low point drains.
forced air drying is not necessary.
(27) Inspect fuel samples in accordance with Work
(14) Inspect fuel cells for evidence of salt crystals. Package 007.
This page intentionally left blank.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 009 00
31 August 2005 Page 1 of 4


Reference Material

Alphabetical Index
Subject Page
Foam Baffle Maintenance Procedures.................................................................................................................................. 1
Foam Baffle Drying................................................................................................................................................... 3
Foam Baffle Extended Storage .................................................................................................................................. 3
Foam Baffle Inspection ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Foam Baffle Installation ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Foam Baffle Preliminary Removal Procedures ......................................................................................................... 1
Foam Baffle Removal................................................................................................................................................ 1
General ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

(2) After the EA has classified the fuel cell

1. GENERAL The fuel cell foam baffles are constructed
Condition is in "SAFE For Personnel - NOT Safe For
of polyurethane reticulated foam. Reticulated foam is used
Hot Work" condition in accordance with general safety
in fuel cells to reduce the probability of fire or explosion in
procedures in Work Package 004, remove or install
the event of damage from combat or crash.
foam baffles.
DURES. The following paragraphs provide maintenance NOTE
procedures for foam baffles.
A provisional certificate may be issued for re-
a. FOAM BAFFLE PRELIMINARY REMOVAL moval of foam from cells that cannot be purged
PROCEDURES. Preliminary removal procedures for foam below safe limits. The Entry Authority shall
baffles are as follows: recommend safe entry instructions in this condi-
(1) Defuel, depuddle and air purge in accordance tion including mandating respiratory equipment
with Work Package 006, and comply with general safety and PPE.
instructions in Work Package 003 and 004, and the applica-
ble aircraft Maintenance Instruction Manual (MIM).

Comply with general safety instructions in

Work Packages 003 and 004, and fuel cell entry
The vapor concentration test of atmosphere in preparations in Work Package 006.
the fuel cell, taken to certify appropriate safe (3) Initiate air purging in accordance with Work
condition, must be performed by an Entry Au- Package 006. Continue to purge while personnel are inside
thority (EA), as described in Work Package 004 or partially inside fuel cells.
The air-supplied respirator shall be worn when b. FOAM BAFFLE REMOVAL. General removal
removing foam baffles from fuel cells. procedures for foam baffles are as follows:
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 009 00
Page 2

Discoloration of the foam material is not neces-
sarily cause for rejection, since normal aging
Comply with general safety instructions in and exposure to fuel will cause the foam to
Work Packages 003 and 004, and fuel cell entry darken.
preparations in Work Package 006.
The foam baffles, which are located in low ar-
NOTE eas of a fuel cell will be more susceptible to
contamination than those in other areas.
Refer to applicable aircraft Maintenance In-
struction Manual (MIM) for procedures unique (1) Inspect the foam material for foreign particles
to a particular aircraft fuel cell. or contamination.
(1) Perform preliminary procedures (Refer to para-
graph 2a).

Do not modify vacuum cleaner hose with metal

The use of cotton gloves shall be avoided be-
cause they can contaminate the foam with lint. (2) Remove foreign particles by hand or with ex-
Rubber gloves shall be worn for removal, han- plosion-proof vacuum cleaner, (Table 2-5, Item 2b).
dling, and installation of foam material. Use of
(3) Replace foam baffle if it cannot be easily
barrier creams is also recommended.
Cotton coveralls must be worn inside fuel cells.
(4) Replace foam baffle if evidence of loose strands
Coveralls and clothing may get soaked with
of foam material are found in open network.
fuel or purging oil. Protect skin with barrier
creams and PPE (gloves, knee pads, etc)
(2) Use rubber gloves, MIL-DTL-32066 (Table 2-6,
Item 6j), to remove foam baffles. A small piece of unused baffle material may be
(3) Remove baffles from fuel cell; compress as used for comparison.
(5) Pull or tear a few strands of the baffle using fin-
(4) Inspect identification markings on baffles for gers. If foam strands tear easily, replace baffle.
(6) Repeat step (e) at various points on the surface
NOTE of the baffle.
Baffles should be dry before marking (Refer to (7) Store the baffles in flexible electrostatic-free
paragraph 2e). waterproof/Vaporproof barrier material, MIL-PRF-81705
(Table 2-5, Item 10c).
(5) If identification markings are not legible, re-
mark using felt-tip marker, GG-M-00114, as specified in (8) Seal barrier material with tape, PPP-T-60.
applicable MIM.
c. FOAM BAFFLE INSPECTION. General inspec-
tion procedures for foam baffles are as shown:

Store fuel cell foam baffles in accordance with

sound fire prevention practices, coordinated
Do not wash foam baffles with water or emul- with the station Fire Department. Fire or explo-
sion cleaners. sion may otherwise result.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 009 00
Page 3
Drying of fuel cell foam baffles shall be ac-
complished in clean well-ventilated areas. Fire
or explosion may otherwise result.

Do not use electric knives in fuel cell mainte- Drying of fuel cell foam baffles shall be ac-
nance areas. Fire or explosion may otherwise complished in clean well-ventilated areas. Fire
result. or explosion may otherwise result.

(9) Remove baffles from fuel cell maintenance area f. FOAM BAFFLE-LOCAL MANUFACTURING.
until ready for installation. Replacement foam baffles can be manufactured locally.
d. FOAM BAFFLE EXTENDED STORAGE. Gen- Replace damaged, contaminated, and deteriorated baffles.
eral procedures for extended storage of foam baffles are as To manufacture replacement baffles, proceed as follows:

Do not use electric knives in fuel cell mainte-

Store fuel cell foam baffles in accordance with nance areas. Fire or explosion may otherwise
sound fire prevention practices, coordinated result.
with the station Fire Department. Fire or explo-
sion may otherwise result. NOTE

Drying of fuel cell foam baffles shall be ac- It is essential that original cutout design in the
complished in clean well-ventilated areas. Fire damaged baffle be followed in making the re-
or explosion may otherwise result. placement baffle.

Do not use electric knives in fuel cell mainte- (1) Make a replacement baffle from polyurethane
nance areas. Fire or explosion may otherwise foam, MIL-DTL-83054 (Table 2-5, Item 12e), using an
result. electric carving knife.
(2) Mark replacement baffle with same identifica-
(1) Perform drying procedures (Refer to paragraph
tion as the damaged baffle using felt-tip marker, GG-M-
(2) Store baffles in flexible electrostatic-free water-
proof/vaporproof barrier material, MIL-PRF-81705 (Table (3) Verify correct identification number on the baf-
2-5, Item 10c). fle (Refer to the applicable MIM).

(3) Seal barrier material with tape, PPP-T-60. g. FOAM BAFFLE INSTALLATION. General in-
stallation procedures for foam baffles are as follows:
(4) Store baffles in accordance with sound fire pre-
vention practices and coordinated with Station Fire De-
e. FOAM BAFFLE DRYING. Drying may be
achieved by static exposure to air or by blowing air through
the baffles using one of the following blowers: The vapor concentration test of atmosphere in
Hot-Air Blower Assembly, MMEP12B the fuel cell, taken to certify appropriate safe
condition, must be performed by an Aviation
Air Blower, MIL-B-7619 Confined Space Program Manager (ACSPM) or
Entry Authority (EA), as described in Work
Pneumatic Driven Fan, APV-12 Package 004.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 009 00
Page 4
The air-supplied respirator shall be worn when Rubber gloves shall be worn for removal, han-
removing foam baffles from fuel cells. dling, and installation of foam material.
(4) Use rubber gloves, MIL-DTL-32066 (Table 2-6,
Comply with general safety instructions in
Item 6j), to install foam baffles.
Work Packages 003 and 004, and fuel cell entry
preparations in Work Package 006. (5) Install baffles in accordance with specific instruc-
tions in the applicable MIM.
NOTE (6) Inspect fuel cell for contamination or foreign
Refer to applicable aircraft MIM for procedures
unique to a particular aircraft fuel cell.

(1) Perform preliminary procedures (Refer to para-

If new baffles are installed or 25 percent or
graph 2a).
more of the baffling material has been removed,
(2) Inspect interior of the fuel cell for foreign mate- the fuel system should be flushed.
(7) Remove foam particles from fuel cell by wiping
(3) Verify all lines, fittings, and components inside with lint free cloth and/or by explosion proof vacuum.
fuel cell are properly installed. Flush fuel cell in accordance with decontamination proce-
dures in Work Package 008, paragraph 5.
(8) Fill fuel cell with clean fuel.
(9) Take a low-point drain sample for solid con-
tamination analysis.

Correct positioning of foam baffles in the fuel NOTE

cell is extremely important. Some foam baffles Maximum acceptable increase in solid con-
have slots and holes to accommodate lines and tamination is 0.52 mg per liter over that ser-
components. Ensure these blocks are property viced to the aircraft during fueling.
(10) Perform fuel sample analysis to determine if
The use of cotton gloves shall be avoided be- contamination exists in accordance with Work Package
cause they can contaminate the foam with lint. 007.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 010 00
31 August 2005 Page 1 of 14


Reference Material

Alphabetical Index
Subject Page
Fuel Cell Installation.............................................................................................................................................................6
Fuel Cell Maintenance Procedures .......................................................................................................................................1
Fuel Cell Fitting Torque Requirements......................................................................................................................2
Fuel Cell Handling Precautions .................................................................................................................................1
Fuel Cell Restoring ....................................................................................................................................................2
Fuel Cell Safety-Wiring Procedures ..........................................................................................................................2
Fuel Cell Uncrating....................................................................................................................................................2
Fuel Cell Packaging For Shipment and Storage ...................................................................................................................7
Bladder Fuel Cell Packaging For Shipment and Storage .........................................................................................11
Damaged Bladder-Type Fuel Cell Packaging For Delivery to Supply ......................................................................7
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Packaging For Delivery to Supply.........................................................................................8
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Packaging For Shipment and Storage ..................................................................................12
Fuel Cell Preservation...........................................................................................................................................................7
Fuel Cell Removal ................................................................................................................................................................4
Fuel Cell Storage ................................................................................................................................................................12
Shipping Container Markings.............................................................................................................................................12

1. GENERAL These general procedures should be Do not drag or tumble a fuel cell.
used during the removal, installation, preservation, and During cold weather warm fuel cell and air-
packaging for shipment and storage of self-sealing and craft cavity to at least 60oF (16oC) before
bladder fuel cells. Refer to the applicable aircraft Mainte- working with the fuel cell.
nance Instruction Manual (MIM) for specific maintenance
instructions. Avoid using unnecessary pressure to collapse
cell into a smaller package.
The following paragraphs provide general fuel cell mainte- Do not fold cell across or beside any of its fit-
nance procedures. tings.
a. Fuel Cell Handling Precautions. Damage to fuel Do not leave a self-sealing fuel cell in a col-
cells most often occurs during handling. Observe the fol- lapsed condition for more than one hour.
lowing precautions during removal, installation, packaging, Do not rest a cell on sharp objects, on table
and shipment: corners, on edges of a cavity, or on it's own
Transport cell on a well-padded truck or fitting.
dolly, or carry by hand. Install protector caps on cell fittings when cell
Do not use fuel cell fittings for hand holds. is removed.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 010 00
Page 2
When working on a cell, cover worktable or (3) Inspect threaded inserts for corrosion preven-
floor with barrier material, MIL-B-121 (Table tive compounds or dirt.
2-5, Item 10a), or polyethylene film, L-P-378
(4) Install all bolts in place fingertight.
(Table 2-5, Item 10l).
(5) Torque bolts to 3/4 of final torque value.
Shipping containers may be stored and re-

b. Fuel Cell Uncrating. Refer to the crate opening

instructions attached to the shipping container. Do not overtorque, or damage to equipment
may result.
c. Fuel Cell Restoring. The following procedures
will restore fuel cells that have shrunk or become dis-
(6) Re-torque to final torque value, using the fol-
torted in storage.
lowing values:
(1) Perform uncrating procedures, if needed.
(a) Bolts installed in molded fittings with metal
NOTE inserts should be torqued to 20 to 30 inch-pounds for self-
sealing fuel cells.
Soaking time can be reduced by placing cell
(b) Lightweight fittings (fabric and rubber cured
in an air circulating oven at a maximum of
on the nut ring or compression ring) on bladder fuel cells
120oF (49oC) for 4 hours, maintaining a high
should have bolts torqued to 40 to 50 inch-pounds.
(c) O-Ring fittings have a metal surface that has
(2) Soak cell for 48 to 72 hours in water at 70oF an O-ring groove and a flat area which mates with an at-
(21 C) minimum. taching cover. The O-ring is compressed and the metal
surfaces are drawn together by the securing bolts. Bolts
d. Fuel Cell Fitting Torque Requirements. Refer to used on O-ring type fittings should be torqued to 50 to 70
the applicable aircraft MIM for specific instructions. The inch-pounds.
following general torquing procedures may be used if no
specific instructions are given. (d) Safety-wire bolts as required (Refer para-
graph 2e and Figure 10-2).
e. Fuel Cell Safety-Wiring Procedures. Refer to the
applicable aircraft MIM for specific instructions. Wire shall
conform to MS20995. If specific instructions are not pro-
Use proper torque sequence throughout pro- vided, use the following general instructions:
cedure or fuel leaks may result.
(1) Double twist wiring two or more bolts at a time
(1) Mark the sequence pattern by each hole using (See Figure 10-2).
white marking pencil, SS-P-196 or A-A-87 (See Figure
10-1). (2) Where it is difficult to double twist wire, single
strand wiring is permissible. Single strand wiring requires
(2) Inspect attaching hardware for defects and the bolt holes to be aligned so that the single-strand wire
correct length. may be passed through the holes without becoming kinked.
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Figure 10-1. Torque Pattern for Bolts

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3. FUEL CELL REMOVAL. General fuel cell re-
moval procedures are as follows:

Lubricating oils may cause eye, skin, and res-

piratory irritation. Use personal protective
Comply with general safety instructions in equipment.
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara-
tions in Work Package 006.
The air-supplied respirator shall be worn when
entering a fuel cell. Ensure continuous ventilation
when working inside a fuel cell. Keep external surface of cells free of oil,
grease, fuel, or solvent.
For specific instructions for a particular fuel j. If a defueled cell will not contain fuel for at least
cell and cavity, refer to the applicable aircraft 72 hours, perform preservation procedures (Refer to para-
MIM. graph 5).

Upon removal of fuel cells, inspect fuel cell

cavity condition and prep per aircraft MIM.
Ensure Fuel Cell support foam is in good con-
dition and replace if necessary per aircraft Fuel cells are easily damaged. Use caution
MIM. when cutting nylon lacing cord.
a. Defuel, depuddle, and purge the fuel cell in ac-
k. Untie and remove lacing cord. If cord is cut dur-
cordance with Work Package 004 and 006, and the appli-
ing removal, retain old cord to determine length of re-
cable aircraft MIM.
placement cord.
b. Continuous air purge shall be initiated and main-
l. Disengage hangers and install lifting device, if
tained while personnel are working inside or partially in-
side fuel cell (Refer to Work Package 006).
m. Cover any sharp edges of airframe access opening
c. Remove all interior components, lines, clamps,
with anti-chafing tape, SJ-8561 (Table 2-5, Item 11a).
fittings, and plates from cell.
d. Cap or plug all lines, fittings, and components
removed from the cell to prevent contamination.
e. Place removed items in a separate container for
each cell, and identify with serial number of the cell and Do not allow a self-sealing fuel cell to remain
aircraft bureau number. in collapsed or folded condition for longer than
f. If possible, locate and mark with a yellow crayon, one hour without changing the position of the
A-A-2360 (Table 2-5, Item 7a), any damaged areas that folds.
show evidence of leakage. NOTE
g. If the sealant layer is exposed, cover with tape, Different cells require different ways of fold-
MIL-T-22085 or AMS-T-22085 (Table 2-5, Item 11c). ing. Refer to the applicable aircraft MIM for
h. Disconnect cell fittings and interconnects. specific folding techniques.

i. Verify that all hardware is removed and cell is n. Fold as necessary for ease of removal. Avoid un-
ready for removal. necessary folding.
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Figure 10-2. Securing Screws, Nuts, Bolts, and Snap Rings

Do not force the fuel cell out of the cavity, or Do not modify vacuum cleaner hose with
damage to fuel cell may result. metal extensions.
(1) Use explosion-proof vacuum cleaner (Table 2-
o. Ease the cell out of the aircraft cavity. 5, Item 2b) to collapse the cell.

p. If cell needs to be collapsed completely, use these (2) Remove cell from cavity.
general procedures and refer to the applicable aircraft (3) Remove vacuum as soon as possible to prevent
MIM for specific instructions: cracking in the nylon barrier.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 010 00
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If appropriate dollies are not available, brace
fuel cell as per packing procedures (Refer to
paragraph 6). Do not use cell fittings for hand holds or for
lifting. Use of fittings for lifting purposes
q. Transfer the self-sealing or combination blad- could distort fittings, and render the cell un-
der/self-sealing fuel cell to a special dolly that conforms to
the cell shape. k. Attach lifting device to cell, if required.
r. Bladder fuel cells shall be placed bottom down on l. Cover all sharp edges of airframe access opening
a sheet of polyethylene film, L-P-378 (Table 2-5, Item with anti-chafing tape.
m. Fold cell, if required, so that it may be inserted in
s. Unfold the fuel cell and allow it to collapse natu- cavity and can be unfolded in the correct position.
n. Insert cell in cavity and assure proper position so
t. Straighten folds to prevent creasing the fuel cell. that excess pulling and strain will not be required.
4. FUEL CELL INSTALLATION. General fuel cell
installation procedures are as follows: NOTE

NOTE Ensure hangers and fittings are positioned

properly for installation.
For specific instructions for a particular fuel
cell, refer to the applicable aircraft MIM. o. Unfold cell in correct position.
p. Hang cell in cavity and complete installation of
a. Visually inspect the aircraft cell cavity for foreign cell and components in accordance with the procedures
matter, burrs, sharp edges, cracks, and corrosion. given in the applicable aircraft MIM.
b. Vacuum cell cavity for small pieces of foreign ob-
c. Apply anti-chafing tape, SJ-8560 (Table 2-5, Item
11a), as required to protect fuel cell from protruding ob-
Comply with general safety instructions in
d. Place fuel cell on barrier material, MIL-B-121, or Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara-
6 mil. polyethylene film, L-P-378. tions in Work Package 006.
e. Carefully unfold cell and smooth any folds or The air-supplied respirator shall be worn when
creases. entering a fuel cell. Ensure continuous ventila-
f. Inspect cell inner liner and outer surface for de- tion when working inside a fuel cell.
fects, especially in folded areas.
q. Inspect the interior and accessible exterior of the
g. Remove protective covers or plastic coating from cell for damage that may have occurred during installation.
metal cell fittings.
r. Remove all foreign material.
s. Wipe interior of cell with cheesecloth, CCC-C-
440 (Table 2-5, Item 3f), dampened with water to remove
Dry Cleaning Solvent any residual dirt and lint.
MIL-PRF-680 4
t. Perform a thorough inspection of the cell for
h. Clean fittings with dry cleaning solvent, MIL- damage or foreign matter.
PRF-680 Type II or III.
u. Remove tape used to cover sharp edges of air-
i. Inspect fitting for cracks, burrs, corrosion, and frame access opening.
warpage before installation.
v. Unless required to be left open for the fuel cell
j. Install hardware using new gaskets and seals. leak check, install cavity access plates or covers.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 010 00
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AND STORAGE. Packaging procedures for fuel cell
shipment and storage are provided in the following para-

Cold repair fuel cells shall not be fueled until a. Damaged Bladder-Type Fuel Cell Packaging For
at least 72 hours after completion of repair. Delivery to Supply. To package damaged bladder-type fuel
cells for delivery to supply, proceed as follows:
w. Fuel the cell and check for leaks in accordance (1) Perform preservation procedures (Refer to
with the applicable aircraft MIM. paragraph 5).
x. Install cavity access plates or covers if not previ- (2) Cover openings of the cell with barrier mate-
ously installed. rial, MIL-B-121.
5. FUEL CELL PRESERVATION. Preservation pro- (3) Tape barrier material in place using tape, PPP-
cedures used to protect empty cells from cracking and T-60.
checking. Preservation procedures for self-sealing and
bladder cells are as follows:
a. On self-sealing cells, cover exposed sealant with
tape, MIL-T-22085 (Table 2-5. Item 11c). Corrosion Preventive Compound
MIL-DTL-85054 6
(4) Preserve metal fittings by coating with preser-
vation compound, MIL-DTL-85054.
(5) Place a sheet of barrier material on a clear,
swept area.
(6) Place the cell bottom down on barrier material.
The air-supplied respirator shall be worn when
entering a fuel cell. Ensure continuous ventila- (7) Unfold the cell and allow to collapse naturally.
tion when working inside a fuel cell. (8) Straighten the folds to prevent creasing.

Lubricating oils may cause eye, skin, and res-

piratory irritation. Use personal protective

Do not apply pressure to fold as this could re-

sult in sharp creases that will damage the cell
Lubricating Oil
MIL-PRF-6081 5 (9) Lightly fold the cell according to instructions
in the applicable aircraft MIM.
NOTE (10) Wrap the cell in barrier material and place in
fiberboard container, ASTM D5168, or equivalent.
Do not allow oil to puddle. Remove excess
(11) Ensure bottom of cell is placed on the bottom
with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440.
of container.
b. Using cheesecloth, brush, or spray, apply a thin (12) Close top of container and mark to indicate
uniform coat of lubricating oil, MIL-PRF-6081, Grade "This Side Up".
1010, to the interior of the cell.
(13) Attach necessary documents to container with
c. Remove any excess oil using cheesecloth. tape (do not staple
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 010 00
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(14) Forward cell in container to Supply.
b. Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Packaging For Delivery to
Supply. To package self-sealing fuel cells for delivery to
Supply, proceed as follows: Keep external surface of cells free of oil,
grease, fuel, or solvent.
NOTE (9) Touch up preservation coating as required with
lubricating oil, MIL-PRF-6081, Grade 1010.
Use fuel cell shipping containers, if available,
as they are designed to provide the support re- (10) Cover small openings with barrier material.
quired. (11) Tape barrier material in place.

(1) Locally manufacture adjustable braces for the NOTE

fuel cell (See Figures 10-3 and 10-4).
(2) If facilities are not available to manufacture the Insulate fiberboard or plywood, NN-P-530,
adjustable brace, a substitute can be fabricated from wood with barrier material.
as follows (See Figure 10-5):
(12) Cover large openings using double-faced cor-
(a) Cut a 2" by 2" brace to desired length. rugated fiberboard or plywood.
(b) Cut two 6 to 8 inch diameter discs from 1/2-
inch plywood.

Ensure wire does not rub or bear directly on

cell outer surface.
Wood glue may cause skin irritation. Use ei-
(13) Attach cover using wire or bolts (See Figure
ther barrier cream or personal protective
(14) Leave a small vent hole in one opening for at-
(c) Secure a disc at each end of the brace with mospheric equalization.
wood glue, MMM-A-125, and six-penny common nails.
(3) Cover the face of the disc that will contact the
fuel cell with double-faced corrugated fiberboard, PPP-F-
320 (See figure 8-4). Dry Cleaning Solvent
MIL-PRF-680 4
(4) Wrap disc in barrier material, MIL-B-121.
(15) Clean fuel cell metal fittings by wiping with
(5) Tape barrier material in place using tape, PPP- cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, dampened in solvent, MIL-PRF-
T-60. 680 Type II or III.
(6) Position a brace every 18 inches vertically and
horizontally on each face of the cell (See Figure 10-5 for
typical placement).
Corrosion Preventive Compound
(7) Tie cross braces together for mutual support
MIL-DTL-85054 6
(See Figure 10-5).
(16) Preserve metal fittings by coating with corro-
(8) Clean cell interior of all debris.
sion preventive compound, MIL-DTL-85054.
(17) Wrap cell in barrier material or polyethylene
film, L-P-378.
Lubricating Oil (18) Attach necessary document to container with
MIL-PRF-6081 5 tape and forward cell to Supply.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 010 00
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Figure 10-3. Adjustable Brace Details

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Figure 10-4. Brace Installation

Figure 10-5. Brace Placement Patterns

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Figure 10-6. Tank Cover Assembly

c. Bladder Fuel Cell Packaging For Shipment and
Storage. Packaging procedures for shipment and storage Cushioning material should be wrapped with
of bladder fuel cells are as follows: barrier material.
(2) Cushion inside and outside of folds with mail-
NOTE ing tubes, PPP-P-495, or rolled, single-faced corrugated
paperboard, PPP-P-291.
Mechanical damage to cells is usually due to
mishandling in the form of dropping, punctur- (3) Wrap the cell in barrier material, MIL-B-121,
ing, crushing, chafing, etc. or polyethylene film, L-P-378.
(4) Pack wrapped cell in container conforming to
It is recommended that bladder cells be braced MIL-STD-2073-1.
and suspended instead of folded (Refer to NOTE
paragraph 6b).
Mark container to indicate the presence and
(1) Fold as smoothly and lightly as possible. Do type of preservation compound, and method
not fold cell excessively. of packing.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 010 00
Page 12
(5) Mark shipping container in accordance with Date of Manufacture (month, year)
paragraph 7.
Name of Cell Manufacturer
d. Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Packaging for Shipment
and Storage. Packaging procedures for shipment and stor-
Navy Gas Free Certificate Number
age of self-sealing fuel cells are as follows:
(1) Brace and/or suspend cells to conform to their Activity
installed shape (Refer to paragraph 6b).
8. FUEL CELL STORAGE. Fuel cell storage proce-
NOTE dures are as follows:

Container shall be determined by the size and

weight of the cell and shall conform to MIL-

Shipping containers shall be provided with a

liner using barrier material, PPP-B-1055, or Protect fuel cells from exposure to prolonged
MIL-B-13239, in accordance with MIL-L- sunlight and heat, or damage to fuel cells may
10547. result.

Cushioning, blocking, bracing, and bolting Proper storage is critical to prolonging the life
shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-1186. of rubber fuel cells. Maintain temperatures of
not less than 45 ºF and not greater than 95 ºF.
(2) Pack in shipping containers meeting one of Do not store in direct sunlight. Protect from
the specifications listed in Table 10-1. severe weather conditions.

(3) Mark shipping container in, accordance with a. Store cells in an area that is clean, dark, dry, free
paragraph 7. of constant air circulation or draft, and temperature con-
7. SHIPPING CONTAINER MARKINGS. Mark all trolled between 45oF (7oC) and 95oF (35oC).
shipping containers in accordance with MIL-STD-129, b. Store cells in their original shipping containers,
Standard Practice for Military Packaging. A typical con- if undamaged.
tainer marking is as follows:
c. Cell container may be stacked if properly crated.
Fuel cell: Self-sealing, aircraft
d. Cells should be stored so that oldest cell is issued
Aircraft model fuel cell is intended for first.


National Stock Number

Part Number
Electrical equipment produces ozone, which
will cause rubber to crack.
Serial Number
e. Store cells away from electrical equipment.
Contract Number
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Table 10-1. Shipping Container Requirements

Specification Title

PPP-B-576 Boxes, wood, cleated, veneer, paper overlay

PPP-B-585 Boxes, wood, wire-bound

ASTM D6251 Boxes, wood, cleated plywood

PPP-B-621 Boxes, wood, nailed and lock corner

If under 500 pounds and being packed for direct
domestic shipment to the using activity, a
corrugated triple wall fiberboard box, ASTM
D5168, may be used.
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31 August 2005 Page 1 of 6


Reference Material

Alphabetical Index
Subject Page
General ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Integral Fuel Tank Leak Detection....................................................................................................................................... 2
Condition and Action................................................................................................................................................. 3
Integral Fuel Tank Leak Classification...................................................................................................................... 2
Leak Categories ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Leak Limits................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Location..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Mating Surface Sealing ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Leak Detection ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Locating Leaks in Fuel Cells and Fuel System Plumbing ......................................................................................... 1
Process of Elimination............................................................................................................................................... 1
References for Leak Detection .................................................................................................................................. 1
Use of Dye in JP-Fuel Systems to Detect Fuel System Leaks.............................................................................................. 3
Dye/Fuel Mixing ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Dye Solution Leak Detection Procedures.................................................................................................................. 3
Preparation for Dye Use ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Recording of Dye Usage............................................................................................................................................ 3


1. GENERAL. Leak detection is a process used to locate
process of elimination will isolate the source of a fuel leak.
the source of a fuel leak. There can be other causes of fuel
A check of the Aircraft Discrepancy Log Book may save
leaks, but a significant number of fuel leaks are caused by
unnecessary man-hours spent looking for a leak. It may
incorrectly applied maintenance procedures.
reveal maintenance, which resulted in spilled fuel not prop-
a. Fuel Leak Causes. Fuel leak causes include incor- erly wiped up, or improper installation of a fuel system
rect installation of fuel cells, components, lines, fittings, component, line, fitting, seat, etc.
seals, and the incorrect sealing of integral cells.
b. Procedures Which May Result in Fuel Leaks. In-
correct procedures result in cross-threaded or stripped fit- Never assume that the leak you locate is the only
tings, loose fittings, improper seating of lines, fittings, leak. Test the fuel system in accordance with the
seals, gaps, and voids in integral cell sealant grooves, over- applicable aircraft MIM for evidence of further
torquing and under-torquing of lines, fittings, bolts, etc. leaks.

2. LEAK DETECTION. The following paragraphs pro- c. LOCATING LEAKS IN FUEL CELLS AND
vide information about the leak detection process. FUEL SYSTEM PLUMBING. Many variables make it
difficult to isolate the source of a leak. These include the
a. REFERENCES FOR LEAK DETECTION. Refer- interconnecting of fuel cells, attitudes of draining surfaces,
ence for leak detection include the applicable aircraft Main- location of fuel cell cavity drain passages, and leak severity.
tenance Instruction Manual (MIM), fuel system schematic Determining when the leak occurred will aid in leak detec-
diagrams, installation diagrams, troubleshooting charts, and tion. The following information can aid in locating the
the cavity drain systems path. source of some leaks:
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 011 00
Page 2
(1) Severe running leaks. Severe running leaks spill NOTE
large quantities of fuel into the cavity drain system just be-
low or adjacent to the cell. These leaks are usually caused When in doubt, classify leak to the higher leak
by a ruptured or cut fuel cell, a loose interconnection fitting, category for repair determination.
a pinched, cut, or distorted O-ring in a cell fitting, or a (1) Check integral fuel cells for external leakage
missing O-ring. These leaks usually appear immediately around skin joints, rivets, screws, and bolts.
after fueling.
(2) Begin classification by wiping the leak area
(2) Dripping leaks. Dripping leaks usually originate completely dry with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440 (Table 2-5,
at the fuel system plumbing connections. These leaks can Item 3f), or by using forced air in locations difficult to
be caused by under-torquing or over-torquing of fuel sys- wipe.
tem lines, hoses, or fittings. Under-torquing can result in a
loose connection; over-torquing may cause cracked seating (3) After drying the leak area, wait 6 minutes and
surfaces on tubing flares, hose nipples, or attached fittings. classify the leak according to the criteria in Table 11-1.
Additionally, a chafing hose may start to drip fuel before
c. LEAK CATEGORIES. Leak categories are shown
further chafing causes it to leak severely. Dripping leak
on the left column of Table 11-1. They apply to fuels pres-
sources can usually be identified by pressurizing the fuel
ently in use in Navy aircraft.
system using the fuel transfer pump/boost pumps.
d. LEAK LIMITS. Leak limits are shown in the mid-
(3) Intermittent leaks. Intermittent leaks are usually
dle columns of Table 11-1. They correspond to the fuel type
caused by loose cell fittings, connections, fuel quantity
and the leak category column. These limits shall be used
probes, etc., mounted on the top or high side of the fuel cell.
with the general leak location in the right column.
They leak only when the cells are full, or when the aircraft
is in a climb or descent. These leaks can be found by com- e. LOCATION. After a leak is located, refer to the
pletely filling the fuel cell. following leak location definitions to determine repair con-
dition and actions.
An integral fuel tank is a part of the aircraft structure, built
so that it will hold fuel without leaking after the seams,
structural fasteners, and access doors have been properly
sealed. The cell area is usually located between two spars
and is capped off on the ends by sealed-end ribs. The skin
covering may be riveted to the cell structure or be milled Careful examination must be made to ensure
from a plate of aluminum alloy. The milled skin is usually that the leak is not progressing to a critical
bolted in place. The structural members, along with the s area of the aircraft and that there is no possi-
kin of the wing, serve as top, bottom, and sides of the cell. bility of fuel being blown into the fuselage
a. MATING SURFACE SEALING. The integral cell
mating surfaces are built to close tolerances to allow for NOTE
sealing. The sealing of these mating surfaces is attained by
the use of gaskets and sealants. In most cases, the perimeter
The following definitions are general, and the
of the cell is sealed by the use of non-hardening sealant,
appropriate aircraft MIM shall be used to
which is injected into a groove machined in one structural
identify fuel leak areas.
member along the mating surface. Flush head bolts, other
than those located within the sealant channel groove, are (1) External locations. Areas exposed to air or air-
sealed by O- rings placed under the head of the bolt. Pro- flow in flight are considered external. Areas exposed to
truding bolt heads are sealed by special seals, which consist airflow only when extended (flaps, slats, landing gear, etc.)
of an O-ring embedded in a metal washer. are not considered external.
b. INTEGRAL FUEL TANK LEAK CLASSIFICA- (2) Vented internal locations. These are areas,
TION. To classify integral fuel tank leaks, proceed as fol- which are vented into the atmosphere or onto the ground.
lows: Examples include the front and rear spars and the dry bays,
which are drained and vented to the atmosphere.
(3) Non-vented internal locations. These are areas,
which are normally adjacent to fuel cells or fuel lines.
Mixtures of JP-4 with JP-8 and/or JP-5 shall These areas have no air circulation even when they are
use JP-4 leak classification criteria. drained.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 011 00
Page 3
f. CONDITION AND ACTION. (Refer to Table 11- NOTE
2.) The conditions and actions in Table 11-2 are minimum
requirements. Leaks, however, may always be repaired The dye color used should be one that will pro-
back to a no-leak condition. vide the highest visibility in the area where the
4. USE OF DYE IN JP-FUEL SYSTEMS TO DE- leakage of fuel is suspected.
81298) to JP-fuel systems is one of the most practical (1) Add 2 ounces of red or yellow liquid dye, MIL-
means of locating hidden fuel leak sources. Adding a dye is D-81298, to each 100 gallons of fuel in the cell.
useful for three main reasons:
The leaking dyed fuel will leave a stain, which can DURES. To locate fuel leaks using the dye solution, differ-
be followed back to the source of the leak. ent procedures are used for different areas of the aircraft.
The dyed fuel is particularly useful in checking for
(1) Fuel cells, components, and attaching plumbing.
leakage near the engine hot section area and after-
To locate fuel leaks, using the dye solution, perform the
burner pigtail couplings, where high temperatures
following procedures:
prevent fuel from leaving a wet spot.
When the dyed fuel evaporates from a surface, the (a) Fuel the cell suspected of leaking to 1/3 of
dye remains as a visual deposited residue. known capacity. If the cell is full, either transfer the excess
fuel to another cell, or defuel to 1/3 capacity.
a. PREPARATION FOR DYE USE. Before the dye,
MIL-D-81298 (Table 2-5, Item 6b), is used to determine the (b) Add 2 ounces of red or yellow liquid dye,
source of fuel leaks, any leaks in the visible portion of the MIL-D-81298, to each 100 gallons of fuel in the cell.
fuel system should be located and repaired.
(c) Inspect for signs of coloration from the leak-
NOTE ing fuel. It may take an hour or more for the color from a
small leak to appear. If at the 1/3 level leakage does not
Fuel sample analyzers should be informed that appear after a reasonable waiting period, proceed to the
fuel color changes result from the use of the following step.
dye and should be disregarded in fuel sample
analysis. (d) Add fuel to, bring the cell to 2/3 capacity and
then add two ounces of red liquid dye or yellow liquid dye
for each 100 gallons of fuel added. Repeat step (c).
D-81298, is added to a fuel system for leak detection, a
notation should be made in the Aircraft Log Book Miscel- (e) If at the 2/3 level leakage still does not appear
laneous History, OPNAV Form 4790/25A, and in the Air- after a reasonable time, repeat step (d) at full capacity.
craft Log Book for aircraft serviced with dyed fuel.
(f) Transfer the dyed fuel, using the aircraft trans-
c. DYE/FUEL MIXING. To mix dye, MIL-D-81298, fer pumps, from cell to cell following steps (c) through (e)
and fuel, perform the following procedure: until the leak is found, or it is determined that the fuel cells,
attaching fittings, components, lines, etc., are not leaking.
(g) When the leak is located, defuel, depuddle,
and air purge, if required, in accordance with WP 006.
Fuel dyes contain organic solvents that are
flammable. Avoid breathing of vapors or skin
contact. Use personal protective equipment.

Careful examination must be made to ensure

that the leak is not progressing to a critical
The addition of unmixed dyes to empty fuel
area of the aircraft and that there is no possi-
cells can cause deterioration of cell lining.
bility of fuel being blown into the fuselage
Dyes shall be added to the fuel, rather that fuel
to the dye.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 011 00
Page 4
(e) Perform engine run-up or test flight in accor-
dance with applicable directives.
(f) Upon completion of engine run-up and/or test
Dry Cleaning Solvent flight, inspect engine mounted fuel components, fuel lines,
MIL-PRF-680 4 connections, fittings, and afterburner pigtail connections.
(h) Perform required repairs and remove dyed (g) If fuel leaks are found, repair, remove dye
fuel stains using cheesecloth, CCC-C-440 (Table 2-5, Item stain, and repeat leak test.
3f), dampened with solvent, MIL-PRF-680, Type II or III.
Stains on the rubber cell surface should be removed by us- (3) Airframe mounted lines and connectors. To lo-
ing cheesecloth dampened with fresh water. cate fuel leaks using the dye solution, perform the following
(a) Comply with paragraph 4d(1), steps (a) and
After completion of the leak test, the dyed fuel (b).
can be left in the cell and the aircraft flown
(b) Pressurize the airframe mounted lines utilizing
without harmful effects.
the fuel boost pump and inspect fuel cell interconnects,
lines, hoses, connection, filter, valve, etc.
Aircraft fuel systems containing dyes will re-
main colored until the system has been filled
and emptied several times.

Test the cell with dyed fuel to determine

whether or not the cell still leaks.
Careful examination must be made to ensure
(2) Engine mounted fuel lines and connection. To that the leak is not progressing to a critical area
locate fuel leaks using the dye solution, perform the follow- of the aircraft and that there is no possibility of
ing procedures: fuel being blown into the fuselage area.

(a) Determine quantity of fuel required for static

test, engine run-up, or flight test, as applicable.
(b) Add red liquid dye or yellow liquid dye in ac-
Dry Cleaning Solvent
cordance with paragraph 4c.
MIL-PRF-680 4
(c) Pressurize engine fuel line utilizing the fuel
(c) If fuel leaks are found, repair and remove the
boost pump and inspect for leaks.
dye stain using cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, dampened with
solvent, MIL-PRF-680, Type II or III, and repeat the leak
(4) Integral fuel cells. To locate fuel leaks using the
Careful examination must be made to ensure dye solution, perform the following procedures:
that the leak is not progressing to a critical area (a) Comply with paragraph 4d(1), steps (a) and
of the aircraft and that there is no possibility of (b).
fuel being blown into the fuselage area.
(b) Allow the dyed fuel to stand in the tanks for
30 minutes and then inspect for obvious leaks.
(c) Mark, if necessary, and classify the leak in ac-
cordance with Table 11-1.
Dry Cleaning Solvent
(d) Allow the fuel to stand for approximately one
MIL-PRF-680 4
additional hour before performing further leak inspections.
(d) If leaks are found, repair and remove the dye
(e) Repair fuel leaks in accordance with the ap-
stain using cheesecloth, CCC-C-440 (Table 2-5, Item 3f),
plicable MIM.
dampened with solvent, MIL-PRF-680, Type II or III, and
repeat leak test. (f) Inspect for leaks.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 011 00
Page 5
(a) Dyed fuel may be left in the aircraft fuel sys
tem following leak detection operation and used in normal
Careful examination must be made to ensure
that the leak is not progressing to a critical area NOTE
of the aircraft and that there is no possibility of
fuel being blown into the fuselage area. Prior approval of the aircraft reporting custo-
dian must be obtained before fueling an aircraft
with dyed fuel.

(b) Dyed fuel, which must be removed from the

Dry Cleaning Solvent aircraft shall be sampled for contamination in accordance
MIL-PRF-680 4 with Work Package 007.
(g) If fuel leaks are found, repair and remove dye (c) If contaminated, it can be used for fire fight-
stain using cheese-cloth, CCC-C-440, dampened with sol- ing training or disposed of in accordance with local instruc-
vent, MIL-PRF-680, Type II or III, and repeat steps (a) tions.
through (d).
(d) Provided the fuel is not contaminated, it can
e. Disposition of Dyed Fuel. be used in other aircraft, engine test cells, or ground equip-
(1) Do not return dyed fuel to bulk storage tanks as ment.
there is sufficient dye in a 2 ounce can to color 10,000 gal- (3) Refer to the applicable aircraft MIM and/or
lons of fuel. Structural Repair Manual (SRM) for additional leak detec-
(2) Dyed JP fuel will be disposed of as follows: tion methods for a specific model aircraft.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 011 00
Page 6

Table 11-1. Fuel Leak Classification - Aircraft Integral Fuel Cells

6 minute leak limits by type of fuel Location - condition/action

Leak AVGAS JP-4 JP-8, JP-5 External Internal Internal

categories vented nonvented

Class A 0 to 1/4 inch 0 to 1/4 inch 0 to 1/4 inch 1 2

Slow Seep (2 places

Class B greater than greater than greater than 1 2 3

Seep 1/4 to ¾ inch 1/4 to ¾ inch 1/4 to ¾ inch (2 places

Class C greater than greater than 3/4 greater than 2 3 3

Heavy Seep 3/4 to 2-1/2 to 6 inches 3/4 to 8 inches
inches with- with-out and/ or 4 drops
out dripping dripping per minute

Class D greater than 2- greater than 6 greater than 8 3 3 3

Running 1/2 inches or inches or drips inches or drips
Leak drips or runs or runs from or runs from
from surface surface surface

Table 11-2. Leak Conditions and Actions

Condition Action

1 Document and periodically inspect for leak growth to condition 2 or 3. No repair is necessary; leak may
be repaired when cell is opened for inspections or re-pairs.

2 Document and periodically inspect for leak growth to condition 3. No immediate repair is required.
Schedule repair when aircraft is down for maintenance, when cell is opened for another inspection or
repair, or in accordance with the appropriate aircraft MIM.

3 Document and repair to no leakage or back to condition 1 or 2 in accordance with the appropriate
aircraft MIM. If leaks cannot be repaired back to condition 1 or 2, the aircraft shall be grounded until
the leaks are repaired.
Integral cell fuel leaks shall be repaired using the techniques and
procedures outlined in the applicable aircraft MIM.
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31 August 2005 Page 1 of 10


Reference Material
Aircraft Weapons Systems Cleaning and Corrosion Control Manual .................................................................. NA 01-1A-509

Alphabetical Index

Subject Page
Fuel Cell Cleaning.........................................................................................................................................................................2
Fuel Cell Final Cleaning ....................................................................................................................................................2
Fuel Cell Initial Cleaning...................................................................................................................................................2
Fuel Cell Testing ...........................................................................................................................................................................3
Alternate Fuel Cell Soap Suds Testing..............................................................................................................................3
Fuel Cell Chemical Testing ...............................................................................................................................................6
Fuel Cell Soap Suds Testing..............................................................................................................................................3
Instrumental Leak Detection Systems ...............................................................................................................................4
Gasket Installation..............................................................................................................................................................9
Gasket Removal .................................................................................................................................................................9
O-Ring Fittings..............................................................................................................................................................................7
O-Ring Fitting Description ................................................................................................................................................7
O-Ring General Work Guidelines .....................................................................................................................................7
O-Ring Installation.............................................................................................................................................................9
Safety Wiring...............................................................................................................................................................................10
Stencils and Decalomanias..........................................................................................................................................................10
Stencil and Decalomania Application .............................................................................................................................10
Stencil and Decalomania General Information ...............................................................................................................10
Torque Requirements ..................................................................................................................................................................10

1. GENERAL. This section contains instructions,

procedures, and materials for cleaning and testing
uninstalled fuel cells. It includes methods to locate leaks
prior to repair, and fuel cell integrity after repairs.
Additionally, it includes fuel cell O-ring installation, gasket When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
application, and other closure requirements. wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.
NOTE The use of the air-supplied respirator or SCBA
is required when working inside cells installed
The following warning appears many times in in an aircraft. If the cells have been removed
this chapter: from the aircraft and are being worked in a shop
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 012 00
Page 2
environment, then the use of a half-face (2) Clean the interior of the cell of all fuel residue
respirator with a cartridge appropriate to the by one of the two following methods (a) or (b):
hazard is a suitable alternative to the use of an
air supplied respirator. (a) Clean the interior of uninstalled rubber fuel
cells by steam cleaning. Appropriate cleaners are listed in
2. FUEL CELL CLEANING. Cleaning shall be
Table 2-5, items 4a or 4b. Follow the instructions presented
accomplished in a safe working area where solvent vapors
in the NA 01-1A-509. Do not use high-pressure spray wash
can be exhausted and waste residues safely drained.
systems as damage to the rubber layers may result.
Protective clothing should be worn at all times. Protect
exposed skin surfaces with protective skin compound, P-S- (b) Alternate method: clean the interior with MIL-
411 (Table 2-5, Item 12f). PRF-680 as follows:


cleaning may be accomplished in one of two ways, cleaning
with MIL-PRF 680 or by steam cleaning. To initially clean Dry Cleaning Solvent
the fuel cell, proceed as follows: MIL-PRF-680, Type II or III 4
1 Wash the interior of the fuel cell with MIL-
PRF-680 Dry Cleaning Solvent.
Comply with general safety instructions in
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry Dusting brush, H-B-00190, may be used for
preparations in Work Package 006. light scrubbing, provided scrubbing action is
light enough to avoid damage to the fuel cell.
The air-supplied respirator shall be worn when
entering a fuel cell. 2 Scrub lightly with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440,
or suitable substitute.

To avoid collapse and possible damage to the Dry Cleaning Solvent

fuel cell structure, the fuel cell should be MIL-PRF-680, Type II or III 4
adequately supported during cleaning 3 Rinse the residue from the cell with MIL-
operations. PRF-680 dry cleaning solvent.
(1) Support the fuel cell structure (Refer to Work 4 Wipe dry with cheesecloth.
Package 010 and see Figures 10-4 and 10-5).
5 Prepare soap solution, 372, using one cup of
soap to each gallon of water.
6 Wash cell interior with soap and water
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
7 Rinse off soap and water solution with warm
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell. 8 Drain fuel cell.
Fuel cell cleaning shall be accomplished in a
safe working area where solvent vapors can be 9 Wipe dry with cheesecloth.
exhausted and waste residues safely drained.
b. FUEL CELL FINAL CLEANING. After all repair
Protective clothing shall be worn. Protect
work has been completed, give the fuel cell a final cleaning
exposed skin surfaces with protective skin
as follows:
Organic solvents or adhesives containing (1) Lightly tap and shake the sides and top of the
organic solvents are flammable. Avoid fuel cell to dislodge buffing dust or other particles on the
breathing of vapors or prolonged skin contact. inside surfaces. (Allow the loose particles to fall to the
Use personal protective equipment. bottom of the cell).
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 012 00
Page 3
(2) Wipe the sides and top of the fuel cell interior (8) Circle the leaking area with a white marking
with a lint-free cloth, 9409. pencil, SS-P-00196.

(3) Wipe the particles on the cell bottom to one (9) Rinse off the surface of the cell with clean
side. warm water and wipe dry. (Do not remove any leak source
(4) Remove the collected particles by hand.
(10) If no obvious leaks are found, attach water
(5) Using a pneumatic vacuum cleaner, 55-20 manometer, type W, model A-786, (or calibrated dial type
(Table 2-6, Item 2b), vacuum all internal surfaces pressure gauge) to the air inlet attachment and readjust the
thoroughly. air pressure to 0.5 psi. For non-self sealing fuel cells, inflate
to 0.25 psi, using a water manometer reading of 6.9 inches.
(6) Wrap a 3-inch wide strip of tape, PPP-T-60,
around the hand, with the adhesive side out. (11) Allow the cell to remain pressurized for one-
half hour and check the manometer for loss in pressure.
(7) Tack clean the inside surface to remove any
remaining lint or dust. (12) After the test, remove the test equipment and
cover plate from the cell.
3. FUEL CELL TESTING. Test fuel cells to determine
their adequacy as liquid fuel-carrying containers and to (13) Flush with warm water and wipe dry with
check the integrity of cell repairs. Cells can be tested with cheesecloth.
soapsuds, instrumentally, or chemically.
a. FUEL CELL SOAPSUDS TESTING. To soapsuds TESTING. An alternate method for soapsuds testing a fuel
test fuel cells for leaks, proceed as follows: cell for leaks after repair may be performed as follows:

(1) Locally fabricate and install a plate with an air (1) Locally fabricate and install a plate with an air
inlet and manometer fitting to fit any of the fittings on the inlet and manometer fitting to fit any of the fittings on the
cell (See Figure 15-1). cell (See Figure 15-1).

(2) Attach cover plates to all openings. (2) Attach cover plates to all openings.

(3) Torque cover plates and air inlet attachment (3) Torque cover plates and air inlet attachment
fitting using the torque values marked on the cell as a guide fitting using the torque values marked on the cell as guide
(Refer to Work Package 010 and see Figure 10-1). (Refer to Work Package 010 and see figure 10-1).

(4) After blanking off cell openings, place cell in a

test jig of proper contour and pressurize to 0.75 psi for self-
sealing fuel cells, and 0.25 psi for non-self sealing (bladder)
Soaps and detergents may cause eye and skin fuel cells. For self-sealing fuel cells, use a water
irritation. Use personal protective equipment. manometer, type W, model A-786 (or calibrated dial type
pressure gauge) reading of 20.8 inches. For non-self sealing
(bladder) fuel cells, use a water manometer reading of 6.9
(4) Make up a soap solution by adding 2 cups of inches.
soap, 372, to one gallon of warm water.
(5) Using either brush, H-B-00190, or a swab, Allow cell to stand until pressure and temperature have
apply the soap solution to the outside surface of the cell, stabilized, and then readjust to exactly 0.75 psi (20.8 inches
including all cover plates and fittings (See Figure 15-3). of water) for self-sealing fuel cells. For non-self sealing
(bladder) fuel cells adjust pressure from 0.25 psi.
(6) Examine cell and fittings for leaks. (Enlarging
soap bubbles indicate air leaking out of the fuel cell at that (5) Allow to stand for a period of 30 minutes.
(6) If within 30 minutes pressure does not fall
(7) Check the fuel cell a second time, section by below the prescribed limits, the cell will be considered as
section, re-soaping each section as it is being checked. having satisfactorily passed the leak test.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 012 00
Page 4

Figure 12-1. Fuel Cell Fitting Leak Test Lower Plate

(7) If pressure falls during test period, recheck all

fittings, using bubble test solution to detect leaks. Ensure all
fittings are leak-proof and repeat test.

(8) If air pressure still drops, reexamine cell for

leaks and make necessary repairs. (Bubble test solution may Some leak detection gas systems contain
be used on walls to detect leaks if necessary.) hydrogen gas. Low concentrations of hydrogen
gas (less than 5%) in an inert nitrogen gas is
(9) After repairing, retest as in steps (4), (5), and (6) safe. However, high concentrations of hydrogen
above. gas can pose a danger of creating an explosion
hazard. Heed manufacturer’s recommendations
(10) Upon completion of pressure test, exhaust air to for safe use of leak detection gas.
atmospheric pressure and remove cell from test jig.
(1) Locally fabricate a plate with an air quick-
c. INSTRUMENTAL LEAK DETECTION disconnect fitting to fit any of the fittings on the cell (See
SYSTEMS. Systems designed to detect leaks using Figure 15-1). Connect to pressure test stand or manometer.
gaseous compounds such as helium or hydrogen/nitrogen
are allowed. Instrumental leak detection systems are most (2) Attach cover plates to all openings.
useful for checking fittings and o-rings. Large area testing
is best accomplished by another method. Follow (3) Torque the cover plates and air inlet attachment
manufacturers instructions for the unit and for fitting using the torque values marked on the cell as a guide
recommended concentrations of leak detection gas. (Refer to Work Package 010, and see Figure 10-1).
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 012 00
Page 5

Figure 12-2. Fuel Cell Chemical Leak Test

NAVAIR 01-1A-35 012 00
Page 6
(4) Connect leak detection gas to pressure test stand
and fill cell with leak detection gas. Do not over pressurize
Ethyl Alcohol
(5) Calibrate instrument according to A-A-51693 24
manufacturer’s instructions.
(6) Inspect surface of the cell with leak detection
wand to locate leaks. Small leaks may require multiple
passes to pinpoint the exact location of the leak.
Phenolphthalein 12
(7) Mark any leaks found with white marking
pencil, SS-P-00196. NOTE
(8) Repeat step (6) and (7) until the entire exterior
surface of the cell has been covered. Add the phenolphthalein crystals, to ethyl
alcohol, A-A-51693, mix, and then add water.
(9) At the completion of the testing, ensure all leak
detection gas has been removed from the cell prior to
entering the cell. This can be accomplished by removing all (7) Prepare a solution of equal parts of ethyl alcohol
cover plates and then collapsing the cell and re-expanding and water to which 15 grams of phenolphthalein crystals
the cell. The cell could also be purged by providing forced per gallon of solution have been added.
air ventilation per Work Package 006. Continuous
ventilation is not necessary once the leak detection gas has (8) Attach the air pressure and manometer lines to
been purged from the cell. the fuel cell fitting (See Figure 15-2).


chemically test fuel cells for leaks after repair, proceed as
(1) Locally fabricate and install a plate with an air
inlet and manometer fitting to fit any of the fittings on the Combination self-sealing and non-self sealing
cell (See Figure 15-1). (bladder) cells shall be tested at the pressure
(2) Attach cover plates to all openings except the specified for non-self sealing cells.
access door.
(9) For self-sealing fuel cells, inflate to 0.5 psi,
(3) Torque the cover plates and air inlet attachment using a water manometer reading of 13.8 inches. For non-
fitting using the torque values marked on the cell as a guide self sealing fuel cells, inflate cell to 0.25 psi, using a water
(Refer to Work Package 010, and See Figure 10-1). manometer reading of 6.9 inches.

(10) Soak a large piece of cheesecloth, CCC-C-440,

in the phenolphthalein solution, wring thoroughly, and
Ammonium Hydroxide spread smoothly on the outer surface of the cell.
A-A-59370 23
(11) Press the cloth down to ensure detection of
(4) Place the cell in a well-ventilated area. minute leaks.

(5) Pour technical grade ammonium hydroxide, A- (12) Check the cloth for red spots, which will
A-59370 (Table 2-5, Item 6a), on an absorbent cloth at the indicate a leak.
ratio of 3cc per cubic foot of cell capacity, but never use
less than 10cc. (13) Mark any leaks found with white marking
pencil, SS-P-00196, and move the cloth to a new location.
(6) Wearing rubber gloves, ZZ-G-381 (Table 2-6,
Item 6j), place the saturated cloth inside the cell and install (14) Repeat step (13) until the entire exterior surface
and torque the access door. of the cell has been covered.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 012 00
Page 7

NOTE (20) Flush the cell with warm water and wipe dry
with cheesecloth.
4. O-RING FITTINGS. Fuel cell openings that have a
If red spots appear on the cloth, the spots may
metal O-ring fitting molded to them, which forms the
be removed by resoaking the cloth in the
surface of the cell opening require the installation of an O-
ring to form a seal.

The solution and test cloth are satisfactory as a. O-RING FITTING DESCRIPTION. Each fitting
long as they are clean. or its mating surface has a groove for the installation of the
rubber O-ring. The O-ring acts as a static gasket type seal.
The combination of the rubber O-ring and the grooved
(15) Indicator solution that is not in immediate use fitting eliminates the cold flow difficulties of conventional
shall be stored in a closed container to prevent evaporation gasket material and rubber-faced fuel cell fittings. Each
and deterioration. fitting generally consists of one or two die-cast metal parts
of lightweight alloy bonded to the cell at the opening. One
(16) After the test, remove the test equipment and of the two metal parts is so constructed that when joined to
cover plates from the cell. the cell there is a metal-to-metal contact at some areas of
the fitting. Steel thread inserts are installed in some fittings
to secure mounting bolts for the different cell units. To
function as a fuel-tight seal, the O-ring must be compressed
between two metal surfaces that have a high degree of
Ammonia Hydroxide smoothness. One of these surfaces is at the bottom of the O-
A-A-59370 23 ring groove, and the other is at the sealing surface in the
mating part, such as cell interconnectors, bulkhead fittings
(17) Clean all metal fittings as soon as possible,
and other cell units.
because the alcohol and ammonium hydroxide, A-A-59370,
will cause corrosion.
When working with O-rings or installing them, the
following precautions should be observed:

To prevent leaking, the two mating surfaces

must be clean, free of tape, scratches, paint,
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, threads, hair or other foreign material.
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell. The O-ring fitting to be used must be free of
foreign material, scratches, or sharp
(18) Do not enter the cell immediately; let the cell irregularities, which would prevent an absolute
fully air out. seal.

Do not reuse old O-rings.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, Be sure there is no paint on the sealing surface
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection of fuel cell O-ring fittings and their mating
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous parts.
ventilation of the cell.
(19) After the cell has aired, remove the ammonium Zinc chromate primer can cause wicking of
hydroxide saturated cloth from the interior of the cell. fuel.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 012 00
Page 8

Figure 12-3. Testing Cell for Leaks

NAVAIR 01-1A-35 012 00
Page 9
c. O-RING INSTALLATION. Using the following (2) If any resistance is experienced, proceed to step
general procedures and guidelines, O-rings may be installed (3).
as follows:
(3) Apply a coating of Acetone, ASTM D329 to the

(4) Work the gasket loose with a blunt tool.

Misalignment of a fitting can cause cracking of
the metal portion and fouling of the bolt or
insert threads. This generally results in loose
metal particles, which will prevent a fuel-tight
seal between the two mating surfaces. Acetone
ASTM D329 7
(1) Line up all fuel cell fittings with their mating
(5) Clean the exposed cell area with Acetone,
parts without forcing the cell.
ASTM D329 after removing the gasket.
(2) Check to ensure that the fittings are in b. GASKET INSTALLATION. New gaskets may be
alignment and that correct bolt lengths are used. (Do not made from such material as cork and rubber composite
pinch the O-ring seal.) sheet (MIL-G-6183). To install a new gasket proceed as
(3) Make certain the O-ring is the correct size and
is in its groove before joining the mating parts. (1) Locally fabricate a new gasket if a replacement
is not readily available.
Installation of the clamping ring will hold the NOTE
O-ring in the groove until final installation of
plumbing or component equipment.
To ensure proper sealing, gaskets should be
installed at the time the fuel cell is being fitted
(4) Position the clamping ring over the cell fitting and mated.
and start the bolts.
(2) Place the gasket on gasket mounting surface.
(5) Press against the clamping ring until the cell
fitting is snug against the mating fitting. (3) If gasket does not remain in position for fitting
and mating, proceed to step (4).
(6) Tighten bolts fingertight.

(7) Make final component/ plumbing installation.

(8) Tighten bolts to specification requirements. Sealing Compound

AMS-S-4383 11
5. GASKETS. Gaskets are required on some fittings to
form a seal. Most gaskets used on fuel cells will take on a
permanent set after installation and should not be reused
after disassembly.

a. GASKET REMOVAL. Gaskets may generally be Sealants, paste, or fluid on fuel cell fitting
removed using the following procedures: gasket surfaces should be avoided. These act as
a lubricant and accelerate the cold flow of the
NOTE rubber gasket material. Failure of the seal and
leakage at the fitting will occur.
Some gaskets may be simply lifted or pulled
(4) Tack the gasket into position using three or four
(1) Lift off gasket with fingers. small dabs of sealing compound, AMS-S-4383.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 012 00
Page 10


Package 010 for torque requirements and torque
Paints, lacquers and thinners contain organic
7. SAFETY-WIRING. Bolts should be safety-wired in solvents and may be hazardous or toxic. They
accordance with Work Package 010. can also cause skin, eye, or respiratory irritation
upon prolonged contact. Use personal
protective equipment during mixing, thinning,
8. STENCILS AND DECALCOMANIAS. Stencils and application of these coatings.
and decalcomania contain important information. To avoid
the loss of this information during cell repair it is advisable (3) Ensure that all lettering is the same size as the
to copy the information prior to repair for reapplication original and the following are included as applicable:
upon completion of fuel cell repairs.
Name of activity


INFORMATION. Stencils and decalcomania that have Torque limits
been applied to fuel cells for extended periods of time and
have been subjected to solvents and cleaners may have very Name of manufacturer
little protective coating left. Therefore, recording data from Warnings
all stencils and decalcomania is recommended, even if fuel
cell repair work is limited to a small area. (4) Apply stencils to the fuel cell exterior using
white or red paint, A-A-2787, as appropriate.
b. STENCIL AND DECALCOMANIA (5) Apply decalcomania in their proper locations.
APPLICATION. To apply stencil and decalcomania
proceed as follows:

(1) Ensure information contained in original stencil Enamel

has been properly recorded in exactly the same order. A-A-2787 25
(6) Overcoat decalcomania with clear enamel, A-A-
(2) Locate the correct area to be stenciled. 2787 (Table 2-5, Item 7f).
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31 August 2005 Page 1 of 58


Reference Material

Inspection and Acceptance Standards for Fuel Cells and Fittings ...............................................................MIL-STD-801 series
Aircraft Weapons Systems Cleaning and Corrosion Control Manual .................................................................. NA 01-1A-509

Alphabetical Index
Subject Page
Access Door Sealing Methods ......................................................................................................................................................3
Bonded-in-Place-Molded Seals .........................................................................................................................................3
Direct-Seal Doors...............................................................................................................................................................3
Flat Gasket Seals ................................................................................................................................................................3
Formed-in-Place Seals .......................................................................................................................................................3
Molded-in-Place Seals .......................................................................................................................................................3
O-Ring Seals ......................................................................................................................................................................3
Plug Doors..........................................................................................................................................................................3
Causes of Fuel Leaks.....................................................................................................................................................................4
Curing Type Sealing Methods ......................................................................................................................................................2
Curing Type Sealing Repairs ......................................................................................................................................................44
Brush Coat or Overcoat Seals..........................................................................................................................................44
Faying Surface Seals........................................................................................................................................................44
Fillet Seals ........................................................................................................................................................................44
Injection Seals ..................................................................................................................................................................44
Prepacked Seals................................................................................................................................................................44
Determining Which Tank is Leaking..........................................................................................................................................17
Development of Leak Path Analysis ..........................................................................................................................................19
Fastener Sealing Methods .............................................................................................................................................................3
Non-Self-Sealing Fasteners ...............................................................................................................................................4
Self-Sealing Fasteners........................................................................................................................................................3
Helium or Argon Gas Method ....................................................................................................................................................19
Inspection of Tank Interior..........................................................................................................................................................20
Leak Path Analysis......................................................................................................................................................................13
Locating Leak Exit Points...........................................................................................................................................................13
Red Talcum Powder Method ...........................................................................................................................................13
Torn Paper Method ..........................................................................................................................................................14
Locating Leaks in Integral Tanks................................................................................................................................................13
Locating Leak Sources ................................................................................................................................................................20
Blow Back Method ..........................................................................................................................................................24
Dye Injection Method ......................................................................................................................................................24
Vacuum Methods .............................................................................................................................................................29
Non-Curing Type Sealing Methods..............................................................................................................................................3
Non-Curing Type Sealant Repairs ..............................................................................................................................................43
Permanent Repairs.......................................................................................................................................................................36
Application Life of Sealants ............................................................................................................................................38
Freezing and Thawing Mixed Sealant .............................................................................................................................38
General .............................................................................................................................................................................36
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 013 00
Page 2
Mixing of Curing Type Sealant .......................................................................................................................................37
Quality Conformance For Curing Type Sealants............................................................................................................37
Quality Conformance For Field Mixed Sealants.............................................................................................................37
Sealant Cure .....................................................................................................................................................................38
Storage of Sealants...........................................................................................................................................................36
Tack-Free Time................................................................................................................................................................38
Pressure Test................................................................................................................................................................................18
Purpose ..........................................................................................................................................................................................2
Related Equipment and Materials...............................................................................................................................................39
Mixing Kit Sealant ...........................................................................................................................................................39
Sealant Guns.....................................................................................................................................................................40
Repair of Access Doors / Components .......................................................................................................................................58
Repair of Chalking Sealant Procedure (Optional)......................................................................................................................49
Repair of Fasteners......................................................................................................................................................................55
Fasteners Located in Sealant Grooves.............................................................................................................................57
Fasteners Sealed by Brushcoat and Fillet ........................................................................................................................57
Fasteners Sealed with Dome Nuts ...................................................................................................................................57
Fasteners with Sealing Washers or O-Rings ...................................................................................................................57
Self-Sealing Fastener .......................................................................................................................................................55
Wet Installed Fastener......................................................................................................................................................57
Repair of Sealant Top Coating....................................................................................................................................................49
Sealants ........................................................................................................................................................................................39
Curing Type Sealants .......................................................................................................................................................39
Non-Curing Sealants ........................................................................................................................................................39
Sealing Requirements....................................................................................................................................................................2
Structural Adhesive Type Sealing Methods .................................................................................................................................3
Temporary Repairs......................................................................................................................................................................31
Aluminum Foil Patch Bonded With AMS-S-8802/AMS 3276 Sealant.........................................................................33
Comp Air D239 Injector Kit............................................................................................................................................34
Epoxy Tab Type O...........................................................................................................................................................33
Hardman Extra-Fast Setting Epoxy With or Without Aluminum Foil Patch.................................................................32
Non-Foil Sealant/Adhesive Patch....................................................................................................................................34
Oylite Stik.........................................................................................................................................................................36

1. PURPOSE. This section defines integral tanks and longerons, etc.) are required to be sealed fuel tight. The
describes sealing methods, leaks theory, temporary and three main areas of an integral fuel tank, which require
permanent repairs, and the use of related sealing are the tank boundaries, the access doors, and
materials/equipment. fasteners. The tank boundaries have been sealed using three
basic types of sealants used in integral tanks design. They
2. GENERAL. Integral tanks were developed because are curing type, non-curing type and structural adhesives.
they offered the capability for greater fuel containment with
a decrease in weight over fuel cell type construction. 4. CURING TYPE SEALING METHODS. Curing
Integral tanks are defined as those compartments of an type sealants have been used on various types of aircraft to
aircraft's structure designed to contain a liquid, normally seal tank boundaries. The sealant used in these designs
fuel. They are manufactured with a liquid-tight boundary, flows during application, normally cures with time and
commonly called a seal plane, which has been sealed with remains flexible after cure. Curing type sealants have been:
gaskets, structural adhesives, elastic films or other sealants. injected into fittings, grooves, and corners; prepacked
They have been built into both the wing and fuselage during initial assembly; applied between surfaces called
sections of the aircraft with the primary structure forming faying surface sealing; used to overcoat fasteners and small
the boundaries of the fuel tanks (See Figure 13-1). parts; and as fillets on seams, butt joints, etc. In curing type
sealant designs tank access is normally required during
3. SEALING REQUIREMENTS. All integral tanks are initial fabrication and for in service repairs. Leaks through
similar in design in that all surfaces of the wing or fuselage the sealant generally require removal and replacement of
(such as tank boundary bulkheads, ribs, spars, beams, the defective sealant (See Figure 13-2).
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5. NON-CURING TYPE SEALING METHODS. retightening to provide a continuous fuel seal. They require
Non-curing type sealants have been used to seal tank flat mating surfaces (See Figure 13-8).
boundaries on aircraft, which have little or no access into
the tank interior. The sealant used does not cure with time d. O-Ring Seals. This method requires a matching
or temperature and remains in a semi-fluid/moveable groove to be machined in the access door and mating
condition. Channels or grooves are machined into one of surface. When properly installed they exhibit no leakage
the surfaces of all fuel tank boundaries and the sealant is and are generally maintenance free. They have the
injected into the grooves or channel through injection ports. disadvantages of being easily installed with the O-ring in
The injected sealant adheres to the groove/channel and is the wrong position, they are hard to install around comers,
packed between the structural members to form a fuel tight and are generally not reusable (See Figure 13-9).
seal (See Figure 13-3). Leaks through the faying surface
channel seal are repaired from the outside of the tank by e. Molded-in-Place Seals. These seals are molded in
reinjection with new sealant. The groove/channels may be place in the access door during manufacturing of the door.
located between fasteners, zigzagged with the fasteners, They generally provide a good seal and are reusable. They
between rows of fasteners or to one side of the tank cost more originally and if damaged the entire door must be
fasteners (See Figure 13-4). Proper attention must be given replaced (See Figure 13-10).
to assembly detail to determine which fasteners and how
these fasteners must be sealed to prevent an inadvertent f. Bonded-in-Place-Molded Seals. Same as molded-
leak path. in-place with the exception that these seals can be removed
6. STRUCTURAL ADHESIVE SEALING with a new seal bonded (glued) in place of the old damaged
METHODS. Structural adhesive for fuel tank sealing has seal.
been used on fighter and transport aircraft to seal tank
boundaries. This design uses an unusually flexible
structural adhesive to bond the structure together and seal
the faying surfaces. Since the adhesive is flexible, the Compound Silicone
fasteners carry most of the structural loading. The structural AMS-S-8802 15
adhesive is thermo-curing which means it must be heated to
cure. One adhesive in tape form is installed between the
faying surfaces during tank construction. After the tank is
assembled, it is placed in an oven and heated to 325oF to
cure the adhesive. Voids and corner fittings are then sealed
with a curing type sealant and the integral tank is then fuel
tight. If a leak occurs in the faying surface it is repaired
with curing type sealant fillets and/or overcoats (See Figure Adhesive
13-5). MIL-S-8784 21
7. ACCESS DOOR SEALING METHODS. Integral g. Formed-in-Place Seals. This seal is established
fuel tank access doors come in many shapes and sizes; but application of sealant (AMS-S-8802 or MIL-S-8784),
there are two basic types, plug and direct-seal. All access AMS-S-8802 sealants requires a parting agent such as
doors are sealed with a static seal of which there are five polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) in the door to frame mating
main configurations; flat gasket, O-ring, molded-in-place surface, MIL-S-8784 is a low adhesive sealant, therefore
bonded-in-place molded, and formed-in-place seals. does not require a parting agent. The door is then installed
prior to cure of the sealant. Subsequent removal of the door
a. Plug Doors. This door opens into the fuel tank and frequently destroys the seal. The old sealant needs to be
because of design the fuel pressure tends to press the door removed, the surfaces need to be cleaned and a new
back out which provides a tighter seal (See Figure 13-6). application of sealant needs to be made for each
reinstallation of the door.
b. Direct-Seal Door. This door opens to the outside 8. FASTENER SEALING METHODS. For detail
of the fuel/tank and fuel/pressure tends to press on the door
information of the structural fuel tank fastener
which increases loading on the access door fasteners. The combinations refer to your system particular MIM technical
door fasteners provide all of the clamping force required to manuals. The fasteners used in fuel tanks can be divided
make the door seal fuel tight (See Figure 13-7).
into two major types: self-sealing and non-self-sealing.
c. Flat Gasket Seal. This is the oldest method of tank a. Self-Sealing Fasteners. The self-sealing type of
access door sealing. It is simple to manufacture and install fasteners seal the hole by either swelling when installed as
but many times are not reusable, wrinkle easily, or requires in the case of rivets or by interference fit which is forcing
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the fastener against the sides of the hole due to the fasteners e. Improperly installed, cracked or missing fasteners.
being larger than the hole by a few thousandths of an inch.
Self-sealing fasteners normally do not require additional f. Improper application of sealant or omission in
sealing critical areas.

b. Non-Self-Sealing Fasteners. This type of fastener g. Entrapment of air in sealant leading to leaks as
cannot be installed in a hole and expected to be fuel tight. result of joint flexing.
Examples of non-self sealing fasteners are access door
screws or attach bolts which slip into the holes with little or h. Incomplete filling of voids, causing sealant to
no interference. They are usually seated by other methods blister and rupture.
such as the following:
i. Improper curing of sealant before pressurizing or
Dome nuts, sealing washers, and O-rings (See
(1) refueling tanks.
Figure 13-11).
j. Improper installation of access doors (faulty
(2) Fastener overcoat and fillet (Figure 13-12). gaskets, wrong fastener length or incorrect fastener torque).

(3) Machine fitting as in some access doors (See k. Improper installation of fasteners (poor holes,
Figure 13-13). wrong length, incorrect torque, or failure to compensate for
sealant flow in faying surfaces by retightening or using
(4) Sealant grooves as in some non-curing sealant setup bolts).
designs (See Figure 13-3).
l. Structural cracks, material failures.
9. CAUSES OF FUEL LEAKS. Fuel leaks have been
caused by a large variety of different reasons all of which m. Sealant material deficiencies.
have caused considerable expenditures of maintenance
repair efforts and availability of the aircraft. Fuel leaks have n. Corrosion of the metal surfaces.
occurred in integral tanks due to material deficiencies,
structural cracks, corrosion, and improper techniques during o. Defective O-rings, sealing washers, or nut-plates.
assembly or repair. The following is a list of some of the
common causes of fuel leaks: p. Improper sealing of fasteners (failing to clean
fasteners, failing. to coat all fastener surfaces with sealant,
a. Improper mixing, storage, or preparation of or failing to install static seals correctly).
q. Improper fit of repairs, which form fuel tank
b. Use of the wrong sealant for a particular aircraft. boundaries (such as mismatch of adjoining members,
interference between adjoining members, or insufficient
c. Improper repair or missing of the true source of a void widths).
r. Connection and fitting (electrical and tubing) that
d. Improper cleaning of surfaces before application pass through any of the tank boundaries with improper
of sealant thereby preventing adequate adhesion. installations, faulty seals, or cracked/broken arts.
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Figure 13-1. Typical Integral Fuel Tanks

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Figure 13-2. Curing Sealant Design


Figure 13-3. Non-Curing Sealant Design

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Figure 13-4. Typical Locations of Grooves/Channels (Sheet 1 of 2)

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Figure 13-4. Typical Locations of Grooves/Channels (Sheet 2 of 2)

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Figure 13-7. Direct Seal Door

Figure 13-5. Structural Adhesive Sealing

Figure 13-6. Plug Door

Figure 13-8. Flat Gasket Seal
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Figure 13-9. O-Ring Seal

Figure 13-10. Molded-In-Place Seal

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Figure 13-11. Typical Fastener Seals

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Figure 13-12. Typical Fasteners, Overcoat and Fillet

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10. LEAK PATH ANALYSIS. This is one of the most located. Depending on the complexity of tank structure in
important steps performed in fuel system repair. Leak path the area of the leak use one or more of the internal leak
analysis is simply the study of how fuel in an integral tank source methods to locate the leak source.
leaks to the outside. The three basic elements of leak path
analysis are the initial point where the leak starts called the g. Repair the fuel tank to a leak-free condition.
"leak source", the trail or route that the fuel travels called
the "leak path" and the exit on the outside of the tank called 12. LOCATING LEAK EXIT POINT. In order to make
the "leak exit." (See Figure 13-14.) In integral tanks, a seal the best possible evaluation of a fuel leak both in regard to
plane or barrier is established during initial assembly of the intensity and location, examine the leak while the tank is
integral tanks. The seal plane consists of a liquid tight fueled and pressurized. There are many methods of locating
boundary composed of aircraft structure, fasteners, and the leak exit points and the following are approved
some type of sealing system. If this seal plane is broken, methods: red talcum powder, torn paper, pressure test, and
then a leak path is established which allows fuel to drip or gas detection methods. The red talcum powder and torn
leak from the integral tanks. To repair a leaking integral paper methods are used after a visible fuel leak has been
fuel tank, a leak path analysis of each leak is required. This detected and before the tanks are defueled. The talcum and
could be as simple as the short leak path of a single fastener paper methods have proven to be two of the most effective
(Figure 13-15), leaks across a non-curing sealing groove and easiest to use.
(Figure 13-4) or it could involve a leak path which travels
many feet through adjoining structure and seals (Figure 13-
16). These leak paths should be studied to assist in the
correct identification of leak sources, paths and exits.
Always locate the complete leak path with source and exit
before beginning repairs. Do not repair leaks singly as they
are found, because this is excessively time consuming and When using leak detection powder avoid
costly. If a leak is found that requires repair, inspect the repeated or prolonged breathing of dust. Use
leak for any other leaks within that tank and complete all only in a well ventilated area. If material other
repairs prior to tank closure. Figures 13-17, 13-18, 13-19, than leak detection powder is used, have the
and 13-20 illustrate various leak paths. Remember, leaks material inspected by a local bioenvironmental
can channel through structure and can exit at points great engineer.
distances from the leak source making the leak path
analysis a most difficult task to perform.
a. Red Talcum Powder Method. After a visible fuel
11. LOCATING LEAKS IN INTEGRAL TANKS. leak has been detected and before the tanks are defueled the
Planning is extremely important in locating fuel leak paths. following procedure can be accomplished to localize the
The procedures for locating fuel leaks shall be followed leak on the exterior surface:
closely and shall include the following sequence of
a. Determine the exact leak exit point(s) using one or
more of the approved methods for locating exit points.
b. If the leak exit point(s) indicates more than one
Red talcum powder is for external use only and
tank could contain the leak source, determine which tank is
shall not be mixed with fuel as a dye.
c. Using the aircraft technical manual sealing details, (1) Have a container of red talcum powder (Table
analyze possible leak paths through the seal plane. 2-5, Item 6f) and a thick-bristled, camel's hairbrush (Table
d. For integral tanks, which do not allow access to 2-5, Item 3d) for applying the powder on suspected leak
the interior go to step g. sources, or use the aerosol packaged red talcum powder.
Have plenty of clean absorbent wiping cloths available.
e. For integral tanks, which allow repairman access,
have the aircraft defueled and prepare for tank entry. (2) Strip exterior sealants from seams that are in
suspected leak areas as required. Some paths may be
f. Thoroughly inspect the area of the tank where the interconnected and finding that one leak point does not
leak path analysis indicates possible leak sources to be necessarily eliminate others.
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Figure 13-13. Machine Fitted Plug-Type Access Door for Attaching Screws

(6) When the fuel leak exit point has been

determined, identify it with a marking pencil (Table 2-5,
Item 7c). Wipe up remaining talcum, being careful not to
remove leak exit point markings.

When using air pressure, be extremely careful. (7) Continue fuel leak path analysis.
Do not blow stream of air toward yourself or
any other person. Users of air pressure and b. Torn Paper Method. The torn paper method is
personnel within the immediate area shall wear similar to the talcum powder method in that it is used after a
safety glasses, goggles, or face shield. Ear visible fuel leak has been detected and before the tanks are
protection may be required. Pressure shall not defueled. The following procedure can be used to locate
exceed 30 psig. fuel exit points:

(1) Strip exterior sealants in seams from suspected

(3) Wipe off the leak area thoroughly using three or leak areas as required.
four changes of absorbent wiping cloths. Blow out all
seams and corners with compressed air. The area shall be
completely dry.

Use air hose with a control nozzle and with a 30
psig maximum line pressure, and keep at least
1/2 inch away from sealant or structure to
prevent damage to sealant.

(4) Dust area with talcum powder immediately.

Keep dusted area under constant observation in order to
pinpoint the exact point of exit. Note the first sign of
change in color. The talcum, which contacts fuel will turn
bright red. This change of color will spread rapidly.

(5) Continue to observe area for an adequate period

of time to determine sequence in which different areas
become wetted. Figure 13-14. Leak Path Analysis
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Figure 13-15. Fastener Leaks

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Figure 13-16. Examples of Long Leak Paths

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Perform fuel transfer and comply with center of

gravity limits as specified in applicable aircraft
technical manual.

a. Transfer/defuel one of the tanks adjacent to the

leak, normally the outboard tank.

b. Allow an adequate time for residual fuel to drain

and check for leakage stoppage. If the leak has stopped,
then this is the tank that is leaking. If the leak continues,
complete step c.

c. Transfer/defuel the other tank and refuel the first

tank emptied. If the leak stops, the defueled tank is leaking.
If the leak continues either both tanks are leaking or
residual fuel is giving the indication. If residual fuel is
Figure 13-17. Fastener Movement in suspected of giving the indication, complete step d.
Oversize Hole
d. Transfer/defuel both tanks and drain all residual
fuel to stop the leak.

e. Fuel the one tank, if no leak indication appears, the

other drained tank is the leaker. If a leak indication is
When using air pressure, be extremely careful. obtained, complete step f.
Do not blow stream of air toward yourself or
any other person. Users of air pressure and f. Transfer/defuel the fueled tank, wait for leak to
personnel within the immediate area shall wear stop, then fuel the other tank. If a leak indication is obtained
safety glasses, goggles, or face shield. Ear both tanks are leaking.
protection may be required. Pressure will not
exceed 30 psig.

(2) Wipe off leak area thoroughly using three or

four changes of absorbent wiping cloths. Blow out all
seams and corners with compressed air. The area shall be
completely dry. It is absolutely essential for the safety of the
airplane structure and the safety of personnel in
(3) Tear paper to obtain a fuzzy edge. Slowly move the area that the pressures be positively limited.
fuzzy edge along suspected leak area. Paper will readily Refer to applicable handbook.
absorb fluid and give good visual indication in the presence
of any fuel leak.
Injury to personnel and extensive damage to
(4) Mark the leak exit point(s) with marking pencil. aircraft structure and equipment could result
during pressurization and only a qualified fuel
(5) Continue fuel leak path analysis. system repairer shall accomplish this testing.
Fuel leaks which appear near the common boundary of two Compressed air used for cleaning and drying
adjacent tanks may originate in either tank. One method to purposes shall be reduced to 30 psi and used
determine which tank is leaking is by defueling the tanks then only with adequate chip guarding and
using the following procedures: personnel protective equipment.
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Figure 13-18. Multiple Leaks Paths From a Single Leak Source

14. PRESSURE TEST. This test may be used to locate before refueling, or when many leaks exist in the same tank.
the exact leak exit point(s) and confirm repairs. Because of To locate fuel leak point(s), refer to applicable weapon
the extensive preparation required for some aircraft and the system manual for specific guidance. General procedures
damage that could result from not complying with are as follows:
instructions, extreme care should be taken when using this
test. Before attempting or deciding to use this test, a careful a. If required, defuel the aircraft and purge the tanks
review of the aircraft technical manual must be to a fire-safe condition as required by Work Package 006.
accomplished. Particular attention must be given to the
aircraft's vent system and the specified pressure limits for
the applicable tank. This test shall be accomplished using a
water manometer (See Figure 13-21). In addition to an
entry, a checklist shall be prepared listing all plugs, cover
plates and caps installed during the test. This list shall be
checked after completion of the test. If previous procedures
Before performing pressure testing of any
have failed to identify the location of the exact leak exit, a
aircraft tank, careful review of the aircraft
pressure test should be accomplished when the nature of the
technical manual shall be made.
leak indicates that other tests would be ineffective or
impractical. Some circumstances which might warrant use
of the pressure test are as follows: leaks which appear only b. Comply with the safety and health requirements of
under stress, inflight leaks, confirmation of leak repairs Work Package 004.
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c. Install plates/caps/plug as required to all fittings,
making sure that cables are attached to the door cover.
Check that red safety streamer (Table 2-6, Item 3c) is
attached to outer side of door cover. To avoid possible structural or sealant damage,
do not relieve the pressure in less than 15

i. Wash area to which leak detection compound has

been applied and remove equipment from aircraft. Leak
detection compound should be removed no later than 24
Be sure the negative pressure attaching hours after application.
connection of the manometer is uncapped when
the tank is under positive pressure. j. Continue with the leak path analysis.
If a fastener has been newly sealed under the
head as a repair measure, the sealant shall be
tack-free before retesting.

The diameter of the water manometer hose shall

be equal to or larger than the fuel tank/cell line 15. HELIUM OR ARGON GAS METHOD. This
used for water manometer connection to method of fuel leak detection uses helium or argon gas that
prevent any restriction of air movement. is applied under pressure to a tank or system. It is primarily
used to locate fuel leak exit points but can be used to locate
internal fuel leak sources. This detector (Table 2-6, Item 7a)
d. Attach air supply and manometer (Table 2-6, Item is explosive proof in accordance with MIL-STD-801 series,
8b) to connection on door cover. Method 511.1, Procedure II. It is safe for use within areas
containing the presence of AVGAS or Jet fuel vapors. Refer
e. Station a man at tank access adapter door and to manufacturer’s instructions for the proper operation of
instruct him to carefully observe pressure gage and the helium or argon leak detector, model 540.
manometer during the entire procedure. If pressure reaches
the maximum limits and relief valves fail to operate, NOTE
manually bleed off pressure and discontinue operation.
Check gages and relief valves for proper and accurate Gases other than Helium or Argon shall not be
settings. used for this test with this test equipment.

f. Pressurize the tank to a maximum as stated in the 16. DEVELOPMENT OF LEAK PATH ANALYSIS.
aircraft technical manual. Develop a leak path analysis for each of the fuel leak exit
points identified by the preceding methods. Thoroughly
g. Additional pressure will not improve or speed the analyze the area and structure around the leak for all
bubble formation employed to detect leaks in this test. possible leak paths and leak sources. When investigating
the location and the cause of a fuel leak in the fuel tank
boundary structure, keep in mind that a leak can be caused
by a structural failure. Fuel will leak through an almost
invisible crack in the structure. When a leak occurs,
Leak Detection Compound structural failure should be considered as a possible cause.
MIL-PRF-25567 13 Integral tanks too small to permit access by repairer (such
as groove injection type) shall be repaired using the fuel
h. Apply non-corrosive leak detection compound leak exit points and the leak path analysis as aids. Integral
MIL-PRF-25567 (Table 2-5, Item 6g), to the tank exterior. tanks, which permit access, shall be prepared for tank entry
Observe closely for signs of bubbling. Mark all leaks with a and inspection using the procedures required by Section IV,
marking pencil (Table 2-5, Item 7e). Aircraft Preparation for Maintenance.
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17. INSPECTION OF TANK INTERIOR. A thorough (5) Loss luster, discoloration, chalking or loss of
investigation of the area surrounding the leak exit can help topcoat.
to isolate the leak source. Study the structure in the leak
(6) Loss of elasticity by firmly pressing sealant
area and the direction from which the leak seems to be
with a blunt metal punch of not less than 3/16-inch
flowing. Inspect the interior of the tank in the area
diameter. The sealant is good if it gives and returns to its
determined by the leak path analysis. Entry into the fuel
original position; it is defective if the sealant breaks and
tank requires extreme caution and all personnel shall
holds its pressed position.
comply with the safety and health requirements of Section
II prior to tank entry. An inspection checklist can be
developed using detailed information from the leak path b. Inspect for loose, cracked, or missing fasteners.
analysis and the tanks sealing system. The following is a
list of some common items that should be checked by visual
inspections to determine possible leak sources.

Leaks caused by structural failure and not by
sealant discrepancies cannot be repaired by
Use mirrors to inspect areas, which are not
applying more sealant. Structural leaks shall be
otherwise completely visible.
subjected to structural repair in accordance with
the applicable aircraft manual.
a. Inspect the leak area carefully for defective sealant
such as:
(1) Previously repaired areas.

(2) Cracks, scuffs or nicks. Visible defects in sealant or the structure are not
necessarily the source of a true leak. Continue
(3) Indications of air bubbles, shrinkage. visual inspection until the entire suspected leak
area has been carefully inspected. Mark all


When using air pressure, be extremely careful. extremely important in locating true leak sources. The
Do not blow stream of air toward yourself or procedures for locating fuel leak sources shall be followed
any other person. Users of air pressure and closely. Always locate the true source of all leaks before
personnel within the immediate area shall wear beginning repairs. Do not repair leaks singularly as they are
safety glasses, goggles, or face shield. Ear found, because this is excessively time-consuming and
protection may be required. Pressure will not costly. If a leak is found that requires repair, inspect the
exceed 30 psig. tank for other leaks within that tank and complete all repairs
prior to tank closure. There are many approved methods for
(4) Lack of adhesion by applying air at a maximum finding a leak source in an integral fuel tank. The easier and
of 100 psi with an air gun placed approximately 1/2 inch less time-consuming methods are listed first and their use is
from the sealant. If loose sealant is found, cut through the dependent on the results of the tank inspections and leak
sealant and strip by pulling away from the structure. Strip path analysis. The following is a list of the approved
sealant until it breaks rather than pulls away from the tank methods: Blow back method, dye injection method, vacuum
structure. Take extreme care not to damage the structure or (fluid dye or leak detection compound) and gas detection
the corrosion control coating. (helium or argon gas or nitrogen gas) method.
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Figure 13-19. Sealant Bridging

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Figure 13-20. Fillet Seal Deflection

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Figure 13-21. Pressure Test Method

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a. Blow Back Method. The blow back method is a NOTE
method to establish the leak path of fuel from an integral
tank and requires access inside of the tank. This system
requires at least two repairers, an air hose with pressure A system of tapping signals can be arranged for
nozzle, and non-corrosive leak detection compound (Table communication between the two repairers to
2-5, Item 6g). To locate either the internal leak source or indicate when the air pressure is to be applied,
external leak exit point use the following procedures: (See shut off, or reapplied as required.
Figure 13-22.)
(6) If bubbles are observed, mark the spot and
(1) Prepare the aircraft for entry into the integral notify the other man to mark the spot where the air was
tank or tanks as required by Work Package 006, Defueling, applied. This locates the exit and entrance of the fuel leak
Depuddling, Purging, Hot work, and Inerting. path.

(2) Prior to entry into the fuel tank comply with the (7) Continue the process until all of the suspected
safety and health requirements of Work Package 004, area is completely covered.
General Safety Instructions.
(8) Small leaks, which require air pressures for
longer periods of time, may require the use of a pressure
box (Table 2-6, Item 7b).

(9) Recheck suspected leak spots by reversing the

air hose and applying air pressure to the places where the
When using air pressure, be extremely careful. leak detection compound has been applied.
Do not blow stream of air toward yourself or
any other person. Users of air pressure and (10) After completion of inspections, wipe up the
personnel within the immediate area will wear leak detection compound from the tank surfaces with a
safety glasses, goggles or face shield. Ear damp cloth.
protection may be required.
(11) Check that the leak points have been properly
Compressed air used for cleaning and drying marked, with marked pencils. (Table 2-5, Item 7c).
purposes shall be reduced to 30 psi and used
then only with adequate chip guarding and (12) If this method did not expose the fuel leak
personnel protective equipment. source, use one of the other methods as follows:

(3) Position one repairer inside the fuel tank and

one repairer outside the tank.

(4) One repairer shall apply leak detection

compound (Table 2-5, Item 6g) around the suspected leak Extensive damage to aircraft structure, tank
area. sealant, personnel and equipment could result
from these tests. They shall only be
NOTE accomplished by qualified fuel system
Variance of air pressure, not to exceed 100 psig,
may be required to locate the leak. Fluorescent dye is toxic to skin, eyes, and
respiratory tract. Avoid skin and eye contact.
Good general ventilation is normally adequate.
(5) The other repairer shall apply air pressure to the
leak point or suspected leak point area. The air hose and
supply shall be capable of delivering air at approximately b. Dye Injection Method. This method identifies the
90 to 100 psi. Care shall be taken to keep the air nozzle leak source and leak path by injecting a small quantity of
approximately 1/2 inch from the structure or sealant. dyed fuel through the leak exit point. The dye used can be
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either a red dye, which leaves a visible red stain, or a (2) Prior to entry into the fuel tank, comply with the
fluorescent dye, which can be seen with aid of an ultraviolet safety and health requirements of Work Package 004,
(black) light. This method consists of a control box, two General Safety Instructions.
dye injecting devices (a double cup or hollow bolt), a
pressure box and a vacuum cup. The control box requires a (3) Mix dye outside of the aircraft and fill control
portable air compressor or other compressed air device and box reservoir. The dye shall be mixed per the following:
converts this external air supply to a vacuum source and a
pressure injection source with dyed fuel reservoir. The (a) For fluorescent detection, mix one part of
control box may be used with any of the dye injecting fluorescent dye red or yellow (Table 2-5, Item 6b) to ten
devices, pressure box or vacuum cup. The following parts of jet fuel.
procedures shall be accomplished prior to test:
(b) For visual detection mix one ounce of red dye
(1) Prepare the aircraft for entry into the tank or (Table 2-5, Item 6b) to 100 gallons of jet fuel. A stronger
tanks, as required by Work Package 006, Defueling, solution may be mixed for better leak source identification.
Depuddling, Purging, Hot work, and Inerting.

Figure 13-22. Blow Back Method

(4) Connect the control box (Table 2-6, Item 7b) to (b) Attach the double cup assembly to the surface
either the double cup assembly, hollow bolt, vacuum cup over the leak exit point.
(Table 2-6, Item 7c) or pressure box.
(5) Using Double Cup Assembly. The double cup
assembly is used to locate leak sources by forcing dye
solution through the leak exit point. To locate leak sources,
with the double cup assembly use the following procedures.
Any irregularities in the attaching surface that
(a) Connect double cup assembly to the control could cause leakage around the injection cup
box (Table 2-6, Item 7b). The hose from the cup outer should be sealed with sealing compound (MIL-
segment connects to the vacuum source and the inner S-11030). Do not cover leak exit point with
segment connects to the pressure dye source (See Figure sealant.
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The leak tracing device should be as close to the The leakage tracing device should be as close to
double cup as is practical to minimize pressure the double cup as is practical to minimize
errors. pressure errors.

Monitor the dye container gage and equipment (c) Apply four psi air pressure, or air pressure
at all times while pressure is applied. specified by the aircraft technical manual, to the dyed-fuel
pressure tank. Bleed air from the dyed-fuel tank and hose
by opening the clamp on the hollow bolt until dyed fuel is
(c) Apply four psi air pressure, or as specified by ejected, then close clamp.
the aircraft technical manual, to the dyed-fuel pressure tank.
Bleed air from the dyed-fuel tank and hose by opening the
(d) After insuring compliance of all tank entry
clamp on the double cup assembly until dyed fuel is
safety precautions, enter tank and observe the suspected
ejected, then close clamp.
leak area for indications of dye. When fluorescent dye is
used, an explosion-proof ultraviolet light will be required to
(d) Check for dyed-fuel vapor ejection from the detect dye in the tank.
air ejector. Any dyed fuel leaking from the cup inner
segment will be sucked down the outer segment hose and
(e) Continue the dye pressure application as long
blown out of the air ejector. No leakage is permissible.
as required to allow the dyed fuel to travel the leak path. (In
some cases this may require 24 hours or more.)
(e) After insuring compliance of all tank entry
safety precautions, enter tank and observe suspected leak
area for indications of dye. When fluorescent dye is used,
an explosion-proof ultraviolet light will be required to
detect dye in tank.

(f) Continue the dye pressure application as long Monitor the dye container gauge and equipment
as required to allow the dyed fuel to travel the leak path. (In at all times while pressure is applied.
some cases, this would require 24 hours or more.)

(g) When the dye appears inside the tank, mark (f) When the dye appears inside the tank, mark
the point of appearance and close the flow valve, remove the point of appearance and close the flow valve. Remove
equipment. equipment.

(6) Using the Hollow Bolt. The hollow bolt (7) Using the Vacuum Cup. The vacuum cup is a
injecting device is used to locate leak sources by forcing device used to confirm a repair or to identify a leak exit
dye solution between the mating (faying) surfaces and point by pulling air, dyed fuel or bubble solution through
along the leak, path. It should be used only when the double the tank structure and into the plastic container. To locate
cup assembly could not identify the leak source. To locate leak exits or confirm repairs use the following procedures:
leak source with the hollow bolt device, use the following
procedures: (a) Connect the vacuum cup (Table 2-6, Item 7c)
with a hose to the vacuum source of the control box (Table
(a) Remove the leaking fastener or a fastener near 2-6, Item 7b) (See Figure 13-23).
the leak and install the hollow bolt (See Figure 13-23.)
(b) Attach the vacuum cup (Table 2-6, Item 7c) to
(b) Connect the hollow bolt with a hose to the the surface over the repaired area or suspected leak exit
pressure dye source of the control box. point.
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Figure 13-23. Dye Injection Method

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NOTE (8) Use of Pressure Box. The pressure box is used
to locate leak sources by pressurizing a large exterior
surface area, which in turn forces air back through the leak
Any irregularities in the attaching surface that path into the tank. The pressure box can be used in
could cause leakage around the injection cup contoured or flat areas and may be used with bubble
should be sealed with sealing compound (MIL- solution or dyed fuels (See Figure 13-24). It is useful in
S-11030). Do not cover leak exit point with pressurizing areas, which contain seep type leaks. To locate
sealant. leak sources with the pressure box use the following
(c) Apply vacuum and wet inside of tank near (a) Steps 1 through 5 describe the method of
leak source with dyed fuel. forcing air through the leak path. Steps 6 through 15 shall
be used for forcing dye through the leak path.
(d) Check for dyed fuel through the transparent
glass. 1 Install appropriate end plates for covering
structure at external leak point.
(e) Continue as long as required to allow dyed
fuel to travel leak path. 2 Mount pressure box over external leak exit
point. For lower wing surfaces support with an air strut. The
(f) When the dye appears inside the vacuum cup, air strut should have a minimum of 10-inch free piston
mark the point of appearance and close the flow valve, travel up or down to allow for changes in wing position. For
remove equipment. upper surfaces hold in place with shot bags.

Figure 13-24. Use of Pressure Box for Dye Injection

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NOTE 13. Close the tube clamp an injection bottle
nozzle and mount bottle containing dyed fuel mixture to
When the air strut is used, the air supplied shall
be controlled by a pressure regulator. Applying 14. Release pressure from pressure box, open
60 psi air pressure to the strut should be injection bottle nozzle tube clamp, and inject dyed fuel
sufficient to seal the unpressurized box to the solution into plastic patch area.
wing surface. It will be necessary to increase 15. Close injection bottle nozzle tube clamp and
the strut pressure as the box is pressurized apply air pressure of four psi (maximum) to pressure box
using control box.
3 Connect the pressure box to the control box 16. Inspect the tank interior for any signs of dyed
and pressurize the box to four psi or to the pressure fuel. Mark all sources with marking pencils (Table 2-5,
specified in the aircraft manual. If the air strut to 100 psi Item 7c).
maximum or to a pressure equivalent force or as specified 17. Remove equipment and repair tank using
in the aircraft manual. permanent repair methods.
4 Apply leak detection compound (Table 2-5, 18. To assure an effective repair, the tank may be
Item 6g) to the suspected leak source areas. Mark all areas tested after completion of the repair. A contrasting type dye
that bubble with a marking pencil (Table 2-5, Item 7c). may also be used to aid in the re-inspection.

5 Remove equipment and repair tank using c. Vacuum Methods. The vacuum dye method and
permanent repair methods. the vacuum bubble method are used to identify fuel leak
sources in integral tanks. In both methods a vacuum or
6 To utilize the pressure box for dye injection, negative pressure is applied to the integral tank or tanks.
fill the pressure box with dyed fuel. To reduce the amount The vacuum dye method uses red dye or fluorescent dye
of dye required, a plastic sheet supporting a quantity of mixed with fuel and applied to the outside of the tank. The
dyed fuel may be taped to the lower wing surface with the dyed fuel is pulled inside the tank through the leak path and
pressure in the box mounted on top of the sheet. thereby identifying the leak source. In the vacuum bubble
method a repairer is required inside the tank to apply leak
7 Pressurize the box to force the dye back detection compound. This requires extreme caution and
along the leak path with dye solution in the control box. Air alertness of the repairers when this test is being
should be removed through one of the bleed screws near the accomplished. As air is pulled inside the tank, the leak
top of the pressure box. detection compound will bubble at any leak sources. The
following procedures shall be accomplished prior to either
8 To use less dye, tape a sheet of plastic vacuum test method:
material the same size as the pressure box seal over the (1) Prepare the aircraft for entry into the tank or
external leak point with double backed tape. tanks as required by Work Package 006.

9 Tape the flat nozzle of the dye injector bottle (2) Prior to entry into the fuel tank, comply with
through the plastic patch seal. safety and health requirements of Work Package 004.

10 Mount pressure box over plastic patch, make (3) Prepare tank for evacuation test as described in
sure the box seal bears on the plastic patch seal. Support aircraft technical manual and determine negative pressure
box with air strut and seal around injector bottle nozzle with approved for the aircraft.
zinc chromate putty. (4) Check manometer reservoir for proper fluid
level and make sure pressure connection on manometer is
11 Remove injection bottle from nozzle and free of obstruction. Tank test filing shall be equipped with
loosen tube clamp so the air may be bled from inside the vacuum relief valve. All cover plates, plugs, and caps that
plastic patch area. require internal installation shall be attached to test door.
Make a list of all equipment taken into the tank. The
12 Apply approximately 1/4-psi air pressure to diameter of the water manometer hose shall be equal to or
pressure box from the control box to force all air from larger than the fuel tank/cell line used for water manometer
inside plastic bag connection to prevent any restriction of air movement.
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to one to two hours. This time is dependent upon leak
classification; leaks of the seep type should be kept wet for
one-half hour and vacuum on tank for one hour. It may be
necessary to lengthen the time in case of very small leaks.
Ethylene Glycol is toxic to skin, eyes, and
respiratory tract. Avoid skin and eye contact.
Good general ventilation is normally adequate. NOTE

(5) Connect manometer to tank test fitting. Only The length of the time necessary to keep that
manometers filled with a mixture of fifty percent water and area wet depends on the size of the leak. The
ethylene glycol (Table 2-5, Item 6h) shall be used in testing negative pressure should be applied for twice
fuel tank. the time that the area is kept wet.

(g) Relieve vacuum from tank and prepare for


(h) When using fluorescent dye, inspect the

It is absolutely essential for the safety of the interior of the tank with an ultraviolet (black) light. Mark
aircraft structure and personnel in the area that all leaks with a marking pencil (Table 2-5, Item 7c).
the only, negative pressure used is the pressure
specified in the aircraft manual. (i) If dye has not been drawn into tank repeat
steps (b) through (h) allowing a longer period of
(6) Use either the vacuum dye method or the
vacuum bubble method. (j) Repair all leaks using permanent repair
(7) Vacuum Dye Method. To accomplish the
vacuum dye method use the following procedures:

(a) Mix dyed fuel per the following:

1 For fluorescent detection, mix one part of Before returning the airplane to service, check
fluorescent dye to ten parts of jet fuel. that all test and repair equipment has been
2 For visual detection, mix one ounce of red
dye (Table 2-5, Item 6b) to 100 gallons of jet fuel. A
stronger solution may be mixed for better leak source (8) Vacuum Bubble Method. To accomplish the
identification. vacuum bubble method use the following procedures:

(b) Apply negative pressure to tank as stated in NOTE

the aircraft technical manual. The plexiglas door requirements is to provide a
person in the tank an escape hatch without the
(c) With camel hair brush (Table 2-5, Item 3d) or help of other personnel.
syringe, apply dye solution to the external leak point.

(d) On the lower wing surface it may be necessary (a) After the tank has been purged to a fire safe
to tape a plastic bag full of dye solution to the surface to level or lower, place a locally manufactured plexiglas door
keep area constantly covered. in the place of the access door. A typical plexiglas door will
have a smooth sealing surface and is not drilled for bolt
(e) On the upper wing surface, wetting may be holes. It is equipped with telephone jack plug and a handle
accomplished by building a circular dam (using sealing on the outside, and air respirator plugs and is held in place
compound, MIL-S-11030 or other suitable material) around by vacuum (negative pressure). One fitting or access door
the leak area and filling with dye solution. shall be equipped with an inlet and outlet for vacuum lines
and water manometer. All other fittings shall be plugged
(f) Keep leak point wet for minimum of one-half and all plugs shall have red safety streamers.
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(b) Before entering tank, persons shall: 19. TEMPORARY REPAIRS.

1 Connect respirator and telephone.

e. Temporary repairs are designed to downgrade leak
classifications to a flyable condition until such time as
2 Check to ensure that air resupply and
scheduled permanent repairs can be accomplished. They
communications equipment are working properly.
should be replaced with a permanent type repair when
aircraft is grounded for other maintenance, which provides
3 Connect vacuum pump and water access to the applicable integral tanks.
manometer (Table 2-6, Item 8b).
f. Strictly observe fuel leak classification for various
(c) The vacuum shall be closely observed. Never fuels described in this manual and the applicable aircraft
pull more vacuum than the applicable aircraft manual manual when determining the degree of leakage and the
specifies. corrective action necessary.

g. Temporary repairs accomplished by depot and

contractor personnel prior to functional test flight shall be
removed and permanent repairs accomplished prior to
release of aircraft to the using organization. Only those
temporary repairs, (a maximum of one per fuel tank) made
Vacuum pressures other than prescribed by the during the delivery preparation phase of this aircraft process
aircraft technical manual can cause the structure will be allowed to remain on the aircraft when delivered.
to collapse and costly damage to the aircraft. Temporary repairs accomplished during the delivery
preparation shall be made in accordance with this manual.
(d) When the vacuum has reached the value stated Temporary repair limitations apply only to Program Depot
in the aircraft technical manual, the repairer shall, apply Maintenance (PDM) aircraft. However, they may be
non-corrosion leak detection compound (Table 2-5, Item exempted or modified by the contract work specification, or
6g), to suspected leak areas in cell/tank interior. system technical data.

(e) When a leak is found, mark it with a marking h. When performing fuel systems repair on a
pencil and continue on until the tank has been completely particular aircraft, the records pertaining to that aircraft
tested. shall be consulted. The records of an aircraft shall
accompany that aircraft into PDM and upon transfer.
(f) After completing the vacuum test, clean all
leak detection compound from the surface of the tank with i. The approved temporary repair methods are:
water-dampened cheesecloth or equivalent.
(1) Hardman extra-fast setting epoxy (Table 2-5,
(g) Remove equipment and repair tank using Item 2b).
permanent repair methods.

d. Gas Detection Method. Refer to paragraph 13-15

for locating leak sources with helium or argon gas. Consult Sealant
bioenvironmental engineering prior to accomplishing this AMS-S-8802

Sealing Compound
AMS 3276 14
Before returning the aircraft to service, check (2) Aluminum foil patch with MIL-S-83318 (Table
that all test and repair equipment has been 2-5, Item 8aa), AMS-S-8802 (Table 2-5, Item 8k), AMS
removed. 3276 sealant (Table 2-5, Item 8ab).
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(3) Epoxy tabs, Type O (Table 2-5, Item 12.l). (4) Mix the Hardman epoxy according to the
directions on the package until it has a uniform appearance.
(4) Click patch (Table 2-5, Item 12m).
(5) Coat the cleaned side of the patch with 0.015 to
(5) Off pressure seal. 0.020 inch of the Hardman epoxy.

(6) Comp Air D-236 injector kit (Table 2-6, Item (6) Press the patch into place over fastener head.
7e). The adhesive will cure in approximately 15 minutes at
(7) Oyltite Stik (Table 2-5, Item 13k).

j. Hardman Extra-Fast Setting Epoxy With or

Without Aluminum Foil Patch. The aircraft does not need
to be defueled to repair leaks. Use the following procedures
for proper patch application:
Do not use the heater from the sealant patch kit
to cure the adhesive. Heat curing will cause the
adhesive to become brittle and fail.
ASTM D329 7 (7) Repair Method Limitations.

NOTE (a) Temperature range within which repair can be

made is +40OF to +120OF.
When not using aluminum foil patch to repair
leak, follow steps (1) and (4) then apply a thin
coat of epoxy to the leak area. NOTE

(1) Clean area around the fastener with Cleaning When the temperature is +40OF to +60OF, the
Compound A-A-59281, Type I of II and/or Acetone, ASTM epoxy should be kept at above 60OF until
D329 . mixing.

(2) Use a patch cut from 0.002-inch thick aluminum (b) Curing time of repair ranges from 40 minutes
foil (Table 2-5, Item 12t) that will cover the head of the at +40OF to 15 minutes at +120OF.
fastener and extend 1/2 inch beyond the edge of the
fastener. (c) Humidity has little effect on curing time.

(d) Do not remove the coating from around the

fastener. The epoxy adheres better to the coating than to
Acetone bare aluminum.
ASTM D329 7
(e) Do not use heat to cure the epoxy. The heating
(3) Clean the surface of the patch to which the device used with the sealant patch will cause the epoxy to
adhesive will be applied with Acetone, ASTM D329. become brittle.

(8) Removal of Repair.

Epoxy is flammable and toxic to eyes, skin, and

respiratory tract. Skin and eye protection
required. Avoid repeated or prolonged contact.
Good general ventilation is normally adequate. Handling hot items presents a serious burn
Keep away from open flames or other sources potential. Temperature resistant gloves are
of ignition. required.
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(a) Heat the patch to a temperature of 200OF to
250 F using a heating gun.

(b)While the patch is hot, use a plastic scraper to Sealant

pry up part of the patch. Continue to apply heat and use AMS-S-8802 15
needle-nosed pliers to pull off the patch.

(c) Reheat the area.

Sealing Compound
(d) While the epoxy is hot, scrape off the epoxy
using a plastic scraper. Continue to apply heat and scrape AMS 3276 14
until epoxy is removed.
(4) Coat the patch with 0.015 to 0.020 inch of
NOTE AMS-S-8802 sealant (Table 2-5, Item 8n) or AMS 3276
class B 1/2 sealant (Table 2-5, Item 8ab).
If the temperature is under 200OF, the epoxy
will not soften. If the temperature is over (5) Press the patch into place over the fastener
250OF, the aircraft paint will be scraped off with head.
the epoxy. Using the correct temperature range
will insure removal of epoxy and minimal (6) Apply heat to the patch to cure the sealant using
aircraft coating damage. the heat applicator in the kit. Cure for approximately 30
minutes at 140OF.

k. Aluminum Foil Patch Bonded with AMS-S-8802/ (7) Repair Method Limitations.
AMS 3276 Sealant. The aluminum foil patch method is
approved for use as a temporary repair for leaking fasteners. (a) No temperature limitations apply when the
To obtain best results, aircraft should be defueled below heating device from the repair kit is used.
leak exit point. Use the following procedures for proper
patch application:
(1) Clean the area around the fastener with four part
cleaner (Table 2-5, Item 4g). At low temperatures (50OF and below), better
results will be obtained if the surface around the
NOTE fastener is preheated for a few minutes before
the sealant and patch are applied.
For illustrated breakdown of aluminum foil
patch kit, see Work Package 010. (b) Curing time of repair is 30 minutes at 140OF.
(The temperature produced by the heating device in the kit.)
(2) Use an aluminum foil patch from kit (Table 2-5,
Item 12m), or cut a patch from 0.0015 inch aluminum foil (c) Refer to tack-free times for effect of humidity
(Table 2-5, Item 12s), that will cover the head of the on cure time.
fastener and extend 1/2 inch beyond edge of fastener.
(8) Removal of Repair. Cut the sealant under the
edge of the patch with a plastic scraper using a slicing
motion. Pull up on the patch and continue cutting the
sealant until the sealant and patch are removed.
ASTM D329 7
l. Epoxy Tab Type O. The aircraft does not need to
(3) Clean the surface of the patch to which the be defueled to repair leaks. Use the following procedures
sealant will be applied with Acetone, ASTM D329. for proper application:
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leaks are experienced at these repairs for the particular
weapon system/repair activity. Also, refer to weapon
system technical data for restrictions on use of temporary
Acetone repairs.
ASTM D329 7
(1) Defuel the affected tank. Bottom drain is

Epoxy is flammable and toxic to eyes skin, and Acetone

respiratory tract. Skin and eye protection is ASTM D329 7
required. Avoid repeated or prolonged contact. (2) Clean area around the leak exit point with
Good general ventilation is normally adequate. Acetone, ASTM D329 and approved wiping cloth (Table
Keep away from open flames or other sources 2-5, Item 3h).
of ignition.

(1) Clean the area around the fastener with

Acetone, ASTM D329. Sealant
AMS-S-8802 15
(2) Mix epoxy tab type O (Table 2-5, Item 12.l)
(3) Apply a thin coat of Hardman Epoxy, AMS-S-
according to the directions on the package until it has a
8802 or MIL-S-83318 sealant to the leak exit point.
uniform appearance.
(4) Allow sealant or epoxy to cure before fuel
(3) Apply the epoxy tab type O over the fastener
servicing and leak check are accomplished.
using an ample amount of material (approximately 1/8 inch
thick). Feather out the edges so that the material extends
approximately 1/2 inch beyond the edge of the fastener.

(4) Repair Method Limitations.

(a) No temperature limitations are applicable. MIL-S-22473 16
o. Comp Air D236 Injector Kit. The Comp Air D236
(b) No curing time limitations are applicable. injector kit (Table 2-6, Item 7e) is approved for temporary
repair of fuel leaks around flush type fasteners. This repair
(c) No humidity limitations are applicable. can be accomplished without defueling aircraft. This
injector forces MIL-S-22473 sealant (Table 2-5, Item 8ad)
(5) Removal of Repair. Place a plastic scraper at the into the leaks around the fastener at a pressure of
edge of the repair as you would for scraping. Tap the other approximately 900 psi. After the sealant is injected, the
end of the scraper with a rubber mallet until the repair pops head of the fastener is covered with aluminum tape and the
off. sealant is heat-cured to stop the leak. Use the following
procedure for proper sealant injection:
m. Click Patch. Click patch kits (Table 2-5, Item
12m) may be used to make temporary repairs. The electric
click patches should not be used. Prepare the surfaces, mix
and apply the sealant or epoxy adhesive as applicable and Acetone
apply the patch in accordance with the enclosed instruction ASTM D329 7
sheet in each kit. When it becomes necessary to remove the
patches, remove as for the aluminum foil patches as above
and according to whether sealant or epoxy adhesive was
n. Non-Foil Sealant/Adhesive Patch. The following
rapid repair method should be used only on non-pressurized When using air pressure, be extremely careful.
fuel tank surfaces, and should be discontinued if recurring Do not blow stream of air toward yourself or
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any other person. Users of air pressure and personnel in the 10 minutes to cure sealant. Temperature of heating iron
immediate area shall wear safety glasses, goggles, or face shall not exceed 150oF.
shield. Ear protection may be required. Pressure will not
exceed 30 psig. (k) Remove tape by peeling.
(1) Remove paint from area around leaking
fastener. Clean surface with clean rags dampened with
Acetone, ASTM D329 and wipe dry.
(2) For leaks in lower wing surfaces: MIL-S-22473 16
(3) Sealing fuel leaks at fasteners in wing upper
(a) Position locator D236-12-2 overhead of surface: This procedure is similar to that used for lower
fastener and attach with suction cups. surfaces except, use D236-3 injector, and D236-12-3
locator and apply MIL-S-22473 sealant as follows:
(b) Attach D236-11 cylinder and D236-10 jack
(with extensions if necessary). (a) Place correct foot assembly over leak.

(c) Align complete assembly to be perpendicular (b) Position the D236-12-3 locator correctly.
to surface.

(d) Attach compressed air source to cylinder.

(e) Fill injector with sealant.
MIL-S-22473 16
(f) Place injector through locator. (c) Insert MIL-S-22473 sealant (Table 2-5, Item
8ad) in foot.

(d) Install plunger in foot assembly.

(e) Press down on plunger to inject sealant.

Since deflection of the wing may cause impact

with the injector kit stand, and possible damage
to underside wing skin panels, the wing should
be tied down, or otherwise rigidly restrained per Acetone
the applicable technical order to prevent ASTM D329 7
movement from wind gusts.
(f) After sealant has been injected remove
injector and immediately wipe surface with rag dampened
(g) Manually extend jack to force the cylinder rod with Acetone, ASTM D329 to remove excess sealant and
to retract into the cylinder approximately three inches. immediately apply aluminum foil tape, approximately one
inch square, over fastener head.
(h) Observe injector head. When all sealant has
been injected, the sleeve will line up with edge of the body. (g) Immediately apply preheated D236-14 heating
iron to aluminum tape and hold firmly against tape for 5 to
10 minutes to cure sealant. Temperature of heating iron
shall not exceed 150oF.
ASTM D329 7
(i) After sealant has been injected, remove
injector and immediately wipe surface with rag dampened
with Acetone, ASTM D329 to remove excess sealant and
immediately apply aluminum foil tape, approximately one-
inch square, over fastener head. Oyltite Stik is flammable and toxic to eyes, skin
and respiratory tract. Skin and eye protection
(j) Immediately apply preheated D236-14 heating required. Avoid repeated or prolonged contact.
iron to aluminum tape and hold firmly against tape for 5 to Good general ventilation is normally adequate.
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Keep away from open flames other sources of source will be identified for tanks which allow personnel
ignition. access.
(h) Oyltite Stik. The Oyltite Stik (Table 2-5, (3) Review the aircraft manual sealing section to
Item 13k) is an approved method for the temporary repair identify sealant used and sealing methods employed for
of leaking fasteners. Use the following procedure for proper structure, fasteners, and access doors/components.
application of Oyltite Stik:
(4) Develop a list of items to be worked while tank
is open or being worked (such as fuel leaks, corrosion,
repair of interior finishes, or structural repairs).
ASTM D329 7 (5) Accomplish repairs. The repair of integral tanks
is divided into the following basic parts:
(i) Clean area around fastener with Acetone,
ASTM D329. (a) Sealants.
(j) Soften Oyltite Stik by dipping open end in (b) Related equipment and materials.
Acetone, ASTM D329.
(c) Non-curing type sealant repairs.
(k) Firmly apply Oyltite Stik around fastener
head. Repeat application until leak stops. (d) Curing type sealant repairs.
(l) Remove excess material. (e) Repair of fasteners.

NOTE (f) Repair of access doors/components.

Repairs made in areas that are painted may NOTE

require paint touch-up.
All or some of these repair methods may be
20. PERMANENT REPAIRS. required to correct a fuel tank leak(s) and to
accomplish a permanent repair.
a. General. Permanent leak repairs are those repairs
to an integral tank, which do not require further
maintenance to the aircraft. The fuel leak classification of
this manual and applicable aircraft manuals shall be
observed when determining the degree of allowable leakage
and corrective action. Those leaks, which require
permanent repairs, shall be repaired using the information Leaks caused by structural failure and not by
contained in this manual and the applicable aircraft sealant discrepancies shall not be repaired by
manuals. Prior to making a permanent repair the following applying more sealant. Structural leaks shall be
steps must be accomplished: subjected to structural repair in accordance with
the applicable aircraft manual.

b. Sealants. Sealants used for fuel tank repair are

either curing type or non-curing type. Sealants used in the
Careless workmanship or disregard for basic repair of integral tanks require proper storage, packing,
sealing principles can affect the flight mixing, application, and inspections.
worthiness of the aircraft.
c. Storage of Sealants. Unmixed sealants shall be
stored according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
(1) Identify fuel leaks, which require permanent Prior to expiration of the original shelf life, sealants should
repairs. be examined and tested for updating in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions. The supply activity shall
(2) Each leak requires a leak path analysis with process material in their custody, and the maintenance
determination of leak exit point and leak path. The leak activity shall test over age sealant in their bench stock.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 013 00
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3 Manufacture's lot number
4 Date mixed

5 Run number
Sealants are flammable and toxic to eyes, skin
and respiratory tract. Skin and eye protection is (2) Laboratory Testing.
required. Avoid repeated or prolonged contact.
Good general ventilation is normally adequate. (a) An accelerated cure mechanism is acceptable
Keep away from open flames or other sources for evaluating laboratory samples provided that the
of ignition. accelerated cure temperature does not exceed 130oF and the
accelerated cure relative humidity does not exceed 50
d. Mixing of Curing Type Sealant. When two-part percent. Shore A hardness evaluations for lab samples
curing type sealant (those with an accelerator and base should be based on standard curves for hardness versus cure
compound) is prepared for use, the accelerator shall be time developed at temperature and humidity selected for
mixed as appropriate to obtain a thorough and complete accelerated cure and for each individual type and class of
mixture. Do not attempt to partially mix a kit unless sealant used.
accurate scales are available for weighing. Any sealant or
accelerator found to be hard or lumpy shall be discarded. (b) The following tests should be conducted:
Filleting type sealants should be machine mixed to avoid
entrapment of air. Hand mixing is permitted provided 1 Condition of container and contents
manufacturer’s instructions are followed. Brushable type
sealants may be hand mixed for fuel tank repairs but should 2 Application time
also be machine mixed if large quantities are to be applied.
Hand mixing may be accomplished on a flat plate, folding 3 Tack-free time
the material so as not to trap air. For small hand-mixed
batches of brush-type, Class A application sealants, mixing 4 Curing time
may be accomplished inside the "base" container if care is
taken not to trap air in the mixture during mixing, and 5 Shore A hardness
insure all of the base component in the bottom, corners and
sides is thoroughly mixed. 6 Peel strength (Use two aluminum panels
coated with SAE AMS-C-27725 which have been aged in
e. Quality Conformance for Curing Type Sealants. jet reference fluid seven days at 140oF.) The bell strength
This paragraph describes the procedures to be applied when test is necessary only if other tests indicate a problem with
large amounts of curing type sealant are used. A large the sealant.
amount is defined as more than 5-gallon base material,
mixed and/or applied to aircraft fuel tanks in a five-day (c) Refer to the applicable specification for
period. Mixed sealants shall be tested to assure proper requirements for application time, tack-free time, and cure
quality before being released for production application to time after nine months storage. The material can be
aircraft fuel tanks. This quality assurance shall include the extended 1/2 of the original shelf life.
following steps
(3) Each sealant run (or portion thereof) must pass
(1) Sampling. all laboratory tests prior to being issued for use on aircraft.
(a) Frequency. Representative samples from each
newly opened container or as requested by the sealant (4) Machine mixers that meter the two-sealant
mixing facility. components for mixing and dispensing shall be on a
definite schedule for inspection of proper mixing ratio.
1 One sample from each hand mixed run Testing shall also be accomplished after maintenance or
adjustment to the machine.
2 Representative samples from each machine
mixed run (i.e., one sample from at least beginning, middle, f. Quality Conformance For Field Mixed Sealants.
and end of run). For small mixing of two-part curing type sealants (less than
five gallons) use the following instructions:
(b) Label each sample of sealant as follows:
1 Type and class of sealant (1) Spread thin layer of mixed sealant on a strip of
aluminum and visually examine the sealant for small
2 Manufacturer particles of accelerator.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 013 00
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(2) If particles of accelerator remain after five (a) Warm water bath.
minutes of mixing, dispose of the corresponding mixed
batch of sealant. After mixing, sealants shall have a 1 Bath temperature not to exceed 170oF.
minimum application time as specified by its dash number.
Sealants that will not wet the surface or spread smooth shall 2 Immersion time not to exceed 15 minutes
be discarded. for A2, B2, B6 or C sealants.

g. Freezing and Thawing Mixed Sealant. (b) Cartridges are to be capped at large end with a
plastic cover and at small end with a plastic cap and a
rubber cap prior to either quick thawing method. Excess
water is to be wiped from surface of sealant prior to issue.
Isopropyl Alcohol Exterior of cartridge is to be checked for hot spots. That is,
TT-I-735 3 spots where temperature is higher than that of the rest of the
cartridge and cannot be held comfortably for 30 seconds in
the bare hand. When hot spots are found, check the
temperature of the sealant by inserting a thermometer into
the sealant through the nozzle end. Temperature of the
Dry Ice thawed sealant should be 60oF to 80oF. If the temperature of
CGA-G-602 17 the thawed sealant exceeds 95oF the cartridge should be

(c) Stamp each cartridge prior to issue with:

1 Time of thaw.
Temperature resistant gloves and apron
required. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) displaces 2 Application time.
oxygen, which can cause asphyxiation. Use
only in well ventilated area. h. Application Life of Sealants. Non-curing type of
sealants have an unlimited application life, however curing
type sealants do have an application life, or time during
(1) Freezing. Two-part curing type sealants may be which the sealant remains suitable for use. Application life
premixed and frozen for use at a later time. Mixed sealant of two-part curing type sealants is the time that the mixed
may be placed in clean, airtight cartridge that has both ends compound remains suitable for application with a brush,
closed with seal caps to prevent fluid entry. A container of injection or extrusion gun. Application life is always based
dry ice and isobutyl or isopropyl alcohol may be used to on standard conditions of 75oF and 50 percent relative
quick freeze sealant. A temperature of minus 100o F shall humidity. For every rise in temperature, application life is
be maintained in the container. The cartridge shall be reduced, and for every drop it is increased. Sealant shall not
immersed nozzle end first to a depth that will cover all of be used, regardless of time, when it will no longer spread
the cartridge except one inch of the large end. Allow a smoothly or when it no longer readily wets the metal to
minimum of five minutes for freezing, then place the which it is being applied. Sealant shall not be used beyond
cartridge in a freezer and store at a temperature of minus its application time.
20oF or less. (Refer to Table 13-1.)
i. Tack-Free Time. The tack-free time of the sealant
(2) Thawing. The time consumed by freezing, is that time at which the outer surface of the sealant will not
storing and thawing operations reduces total application stick to a plastic film. The tack-free time can be determined
life. Cartridges may be quick thawed in a warm water bath. by lightly touching a clean nozzle or cartridge to the surface
of the sealant. If material does not transfer to the nozzle or
Table 13-1. Mixed Sealant Storage Time cartridge, the sealant is tack-free.

j. Sealant Cure. Curing type sealants require that

Frozen Sealant Storage applied materials cure during specified times at standard
conditions of 77oF and 50 percent relative humidity. Proper
AMS-S-8802 conditions for curing of sealants are dependent on both
& temperature and humidity. When temperature increases
AMS 3276 -20oF -40oF (and humidity stays the same), tack-free time decreases.
14-Day 30-Day When humidity increases (and temperature stays the same),
Storage Storage tack-free time decreases. When temperature and humidity
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 013 00
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both increase, tack-free greatly decreases. Curing of sealant rapid cure at low temperature to a fuel resistant elastomer.
may be accelerated by applying heat not to exceed 120oF. This material has application temperatures as low as 20oF.
Fuel tanks shall not be fueled until sealant is tack-free. When used with primer, the sealant adheres to A1clad,
MIL-A-8625, MIL-C-5541, Titanium, Stainless Steel SAE
21. SEALANTS. The following types of sealants are the AMS-C-27725, coated surfaces and AMS-S-8802 sealants.
primary items used to seal integral fuel tanks and are Primer must be used to adhere polysulfides to polythioether
divided into two classifications – curing sealants and non- sealants. Primer will promote adhesion of AMS-3277 to
curing sealants: itself and to materials and treatments commonly used for
a. Curing Type Sealants: aircraft fasteners.

Sealant AMS-3284 21
AMS-S-8802 15
(5) AMS-3284 (PR-1428) is a two-part, low
(1) AMS-S-8802 (PR-1440) is a polysulfide fuel adhesion sealant for use on some faying surfaces, and
tank sealant. Most aircraft integral fuel tanks are sealed gasket type seals for access doors and accessories. The
with this material. The sealant is cured by the addition of an sealant is colored red to distinguish it from AMS-S-8802
accelerator to a base compound in appropriate proportions. material. AMS-3284 is available in two dash numbers
Class A material is for brush application, Class B for indicating -1/2 and -2 hours work-life. The sealant is also
filleting, and Class C for faying surfaces. It is available with supplied in two viscosities, Class A (suitable for brush
varying application lives, such as 1/2 hour and two hours. application) and Class B (suitable for application by spatula
or filleting gun).

Sealing Compound
AMS 3276 14
AMS 3276 (PR-1750) is similar to AMS-S-
(2) PR-2200 18
8802 except it has better high temperature performance, and
is designed for limited service life at temperatures up to (6) PR-2200 is a two part, high adhesion fuel
360oF. AMS 3276 may be used as a substitute for AMS-S- resistant, electrically conductive, corrosion inhibitive
8802 to make repairs but the reverse is not true without sealing compound for access doors.
system manager approval.
b. Non-Curing Sealants:

(1) Q94-011 and Q94-031 are non-curing one part

fluorosilicone based sealants which do not harden and
Seal/Coat Compound Corrosion Inhibitive remain flexible. Q94-031 is the same as 94-011 but contains
MIL-PRF-81733 20 plastic beads, which pile up at leakage points and tends to
(3) MIL-PRF-81733 (PS-870) is similar to AMS-S- be better for sealing leaks. Color is white or light gray and
8802 with added chromates for corrosion inhibition. This is a "semi-fluid" material. These sealants are used for
sealant shall not be used fuel tanks. It is used in faying channel sealing only.
surfaces and for installation of fasteners.
list of approved sealing and repair equipment refer to Table
2-5 or B.
Sealant a. Mixing Kit Sealant. The cartridge is a compact
AMS-3277 19 unit designed for easy mixing and proper application at two
part curing type sealants in small quantities. The base
sealant is packaged in standard 2-1/2 and 6-ounce
cartridges, which can be placed in the filleting gun, or
Primer 22 injection gun, for application. The handle or dasher contains
pre-measured catalyst. The catalyst is retained until the
(4) AMS-3277 (PR-1826) is a two part chemically ramrod is placed in position in the center of the dasher
curing polythioether polymer based sealant characterized by handle and pressure is applied to release the seal at the
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 013 00
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bottom of the dasher. The kit may be hand mixed (Figure (2) Injection Gun. The following shall be
13-25), but to obtain the best mixing of the sealant, it accomplished after each use.
should be mixed by mixing machine (See Figure 13-26).
(a) Immediately after use disassemble the gun for
b. Sealant guns. Sealant guns are air operated and
require different air pressures for filleting and injection (b) Remove nozzle and then remove sealant with
sealing. Refer to the appropriate aircraft handbook for these a cleaning rod.
guns and associated operating pressures and instructions.
To prolong the life of the sealant guns they shall be cleaned (c) Remove barrel cap.
after each use.
(d) Remove barrel.
(1) Filleting Gun. The following shall be
accomplished after each use: (e) Remove ram.

(a) Loosen hand knob and remove retainer. (f) Remove empty cartridge.

(b) Remove cartridge and nozzle from retainer. (g) Remove plunger from push rod.

Acetone Acetone
ASTM D329 7 ASTM D329 7
(h) Wipe all components of the gun with clean rag
(c) Wipe gun and retainer with clean rag that has been dampened in Acetone, ASTM D329 (Table 2-
dampened in Acetone, ASTM D329). 5, Item 4g).

(d) Wipe dry, with clean rag. (i) Wipe all components with clean dry rag.

(e) Reassemble finger-tight and place in safe (j) Reassemble and place in safe place to prevent
place to prevent damage. damage.
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Figure 13-25. Machine Mixing of Sealant Kit

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Figure 13-26. Machine Mixing of Cartridges

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23. NON-CURING TYPE SEALANT REPAIRS. normally prevent adequate sealant injection and flushing of
the sealant channel. If two or more adjacent sealant
a. Non-curing type sealant designs consist of a injection screws are damaged, they shall be replaced to
variety of grooves/channels filled with a continuous bead of allow proper reinjection of new sealant.
non-curing sealant, which seals the mating structure faying
surfaces. In some designs the fasteners are sealed by this d. Other problems have resulted in poor sealant
groove (See Figure 13-4). If this sealant develops a void or procedures such as using the wrong type of sealant. Curing
gap, a fuel leak will appear (See Figure 13-27). Non-curing type sealant injected in non-curing channels may initially
designs allow little or no internal access and are repaired stop leaks but destroys channels by preventing further
from the outside by re-injecting new sealant. The new resealing with non-curing sealant. Some non-curing
sealant is injected through a series of injection holes sealants when cold become stiff and resist flow. Local
provided through one side of the groove, which allows the heating of the structure in the vicinity of the groove with an
non-curing sealant to flow into the channel. There, injection approved heater may aid in flushing out of the cold sealant.
holes are spaced along the sealant groove at regular Also some leaks may require defueling below the leak
intervals (normally from 3 to 6 inches) and when not in use source before they can be successfully reinjected with new
are plugged with small flush screws. After the location of sealant.
the leak source has been determined, two or more of these
screws will be removed; one on each side of the leak path. e. With the leak path analysis, review of the sealing
The new fresh non-curing sealant is injected through one system structure and corrosion repair completed, use the
hole and pushes the old sealant out the other hole. following non-curing type sealant repair procedures:

b. In the past, proper sealant injection techniques (1) Identify the correct non-curing sealant to be
were not always accomplished for a variety of reasons. injected. Refer to the applicable aircraft technical order.
Improper techniques result from the extreme difficulty in
holding the injection gun over head for long periods of time
without support during injection of sealant in lower wing NOTE
structures. Corrective action is to construct a support stand
using such locally-available equipment as a work stand, a Non-curing sealant substitutes are not
jack and easily-manufactured adapters to support the authorized by this technical order. Curing type
sealant gun during overhead injection. sealants can block sealant grooves and shall not
be used.

(2) Use the injection gun, injection nozzle and air

pressure as described in the system peculiar technical

Sealant in injection guns shall be free of air

pockets/voids. Air pockets/voids will result in
fuel leak paths when injected into sealant

(3) Load the injection gun with non-curing type

sealant using either a prepacked cartridge or sealant packed
into injection gun by hand. Be careful to eliminate air
Figure 13-27. Void in Non-Curing Sealant Groove pockets and voids.

(4) Set air pressure and connect injection gun to air

c. Another problem arises from using the wrong tools source.
to remove injection screws. Sometimes these screws are
damaged to the point that normal removal is impossible. (5) Extrude some sealants to remove any air
However, one damaged sealant injection port will not trapped in the nozzle.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 013 00
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(6) Remove two injection screws, one on each side manual. Repair of failed sealant is normally not a speedy
of the leak. operation. Adequate time shall be allowed to complete all
repairs and proper cure of the sealants. Less manhours will
be spent in the long run if ample time is allowed. Effective
NOTE original inspection and repairs will stop repetitive fuel
leaks, a major contributor to extensive fuel leak difficulties.
Local heating of the structure in the vicinity of Extreme caution for safety and health hazards shall be
the groove with an approved heater may aid in observed during repair inside integral tanks. The types of
flushing out the cold sealant. seals or application of sealant used in curing type designs
are the following:

(7) Insert gun nozzle into the injection port and a. Prepacked Seals. Prepacked seals are areas or
reinject sealant. New sealant shall be injected until a string voids in the tank structure that are filled or packed with
of sealant approximately twice as long as the distance curing type sealant during assembly. Prepacked seals are
between the holes is extruded. This assures that voids in the not accessible without disassembly and are usually repaired
old sealant are flushed from the channel and allows the with a fillet seal when disassembly is not practical (See
fresh sealant to adhere to the walls of the channel. Figure 13-2).

(8) For the repair of long leak paths or hard to b. Injection Seals. Injection seals are areas, voids,
identify leak exit points, remove additional screws as holes, fittings, joggles or channels, which are filled with
necessary. Start at one end of the leak path and remove two sealant injected under high pressure. Injection seals may or
injection screws. Repeat step g. Working toward the other may not be repaired without disassembly (See Figure 13-2).
end of the leak path, remove one additional screw and
replace screw in the previous port. Inject new sealant and c. Faying Surface Seals. Faying surface seals are
continue process until leak is repaired. seals between mating surfaces and are generally used as
secondary or isolation seals to prevent fuel from traveling
(9) Replace screws. along or through mating surfaces. Faying surface seals
normally require disassembly for repair (See Figure 13-2).
(10) Non-curing sealants do not harden and remain
flexible. Therefore, after injection of the new sealant has d. Fillet Seals. Fillet seals are seals applied along the
been accomplished and has stopped the fuel leak, the edges of faying surfaces, over parts, between parts, and
aircraft can be serviced with fuel. along the edges of parts. Fillet seals are repaired by removal
of defective seal and replacement with fresh sealant (See
Figure 13-2).

e. Brush Coat or Overcoat Seals. Brush coat or

overcoat seals are the application of a thin brushable curing
type sealant to seal or overcoat small openings prior to the
Leaks caused by structural failure and not by application of a fillet seal. The brush coat is a secondary
sealant discrepancies shall not be repaired by seat and shall not be used over fillet seals as a leak repair.
applying more sealant. Structural leaks shall be The following steps shall be used to repair curing type
subjected to structural repair procedures in sealants:
accordance with the applicable aircraft manual.
(1) Prepare for Entry. Prior to entry into the fuel
24. CURING TYPE SEALANT REPAIR. Leaks in tank follow the safety and health requirements of Section II.
curing type sealing systems generally require removal and
replacement of defective sealant. However, some curing (2) Repair Damaged Structure/Corrosion. All
type seals can be repaired using high-pressure injection structural repair shall be accomplished in accordance with
guns. Curing type sealing systems utilize a relatively small aircraft structural repair manual prior to application of
amount of materials applied to all potential fuel leak paths. sealant. Removal and treatment of corrosion shall be
Extensive application of repair sealants can add excessive accomplished in accordance with NAVAIR 01-1A-509
weight to the aircraft. For curing type repairs, the sealant Aircraft Weapons Systems Cleaning and Corrosion Control
shall be properly mixed (two-part type), the repair surfaces Manual and the applicable aircraft maintenance manual.
carefully cleaned and the sealant applied using the Application or repair to coating SAE AMS-C-27725 shall
procedures outlined in this manual and the aircraft technical be in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 013 00
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or dirt, never dip the pad into a fresh supply of solvent.
Always pour the solution onto the cheesecloth. Use a stiff
bristle brush (Table 2-5, Item 3e) to assist in cleaning
around bolts, rivets, etc. Change cheesecloth as often as
Steel, copper and brass scrapers or knives shall necessary to insure proper cleaning. Wipe the area dry with
not be used to remove sealant. These tools can clean cheesecloth and repeat at least one additional time or
cause damage or corrosion to the aircraft until clean. A clean surface is the most important step in the
structures. repair of a curing type sealant. Once the surface is clean do
not touch with bare hands, as oil or dirt will contaminate
surface and sealant will not adhere (See Figure 13-30).
(3) Removal of Damaged Seal(s). After all leak
sources have been located and marked, areas adjacent to the
leak and the bottom of the tank may be covered with heavy
paper or wiping cloths to protect the coating from dirt, tools
and foreign materials. Carefully remove any Sealant
defective/damaged sealant using hardwood, phenolic, or AMS-S-8802 15
2024-T3 aluminum scrapers or spatulas (See Figure 13-30).
As damaged sealant is removed, place it in a container to
avoid contamination and reduce time spent in cleaning.
Sealant from faying surfaces and some short prepacked or
long injection seals may be removed with a hooked wire Sealing Compound
and small cutting tool made from any material no harder AMS 3276 14
than 2024-T3 aluminum. The entire seal shall be clear to
permit complete filling with new sealant and prevent any
trapped air pockets. Sealant from faying surfaces and some
prepacked or long injection seals cannot be removed
without structural disassembly. If structural disassembly is Seal/Coat Compound Corrosion Inhibitive
required, consult the aircraft structural repair manual or MIL-PRF-81733 20
prime CFA. Defective fillet seals shall be removed and the
remaining ends of fillets cut or tapered to approximately 45
degree angle. Abrade at least 1/2 inch on each end of the NOTE
fillet to prepare surface for now fillet seal (See Figure 13-28
and 13-29). Exposed cadmium plated parts (fasteners, dome
nuts, fitting, etc.) which are to be sealed with
curing type sealants (AMS-S-8802, AMS 3276,
MIL-PRF-81733, or MIL-S-83318) should be
isolated with an appropriate topcoating
Acetone (EC1945, or SAE AMS-C-27725). This topcoat
ASTM D329 7 should be fully dried before application of
adhesion promoter and final sealing material.
(4) Cleaning of Surfaces to be Sealed. Remove all
chips and foreign materials from the tank structure.
Thoroughly clean all surfaces to be sealed and all adjacent (5) Application of Adhesion Promoter. After the
areas at least twice with Acetone, ASTM D329 and lint-free surface has been thoroughly cleaned, a light film of
cheesecloth, (Table 2-5, Item 3f) or gauze pads (Table 2-5, adhesion promoter (Table 2-5, Item 8d) shall be applied to
Item 3.l). Acid brushes (Table 2-5, Item 3a) may be used to all surfaces that require faying surface seals, fillet seals or
agitate the cleaning solvent. Beginning at the top of the pre-packed seals. The promoter may be applied by using
areas to be repaired and working downward, use a clean, clean cheesecloth or a fine bristle brush. Excess promoter
lint-free cheesecloth pad saturated with cleaning solvent. shall be removed by blotting with cheesecloth (Table 2-5,
The solvent will cause oil residual fuel, grease, dirt, etc., to Item 3f). The promoter shall be allowed to dry for 30
float to the surface and make it easy to remove by wiping minutes before applying sealant. If more than 24 hours has
with a dry, lint-free cheesecloth. The solvent shall not be elapsed or if the surface has become contaminated since
allowed to evaporate from the surface before wiping, application of the promoter, the surface shall be recleaned
because oil, dirt, etc., will be redeposited on the surface and promoter reapplied. When applying a pre-coat sealant
where it cannot be removed with a dry cloth. To avoid followed by a filet sealant the adhesion promoter can be
contamination of the solvent with oil applied to the tack-free surface of the pre-coat sealant.
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Figure 13-28. Typical Removal of Defective Fillet

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Adhesion Promoter (Table 2-5, Item 8d) should

be discarded when it becomes cloudy. Keep
container closed when not being used.

(6) Selecting Sealant and Application Time. Select

the proper curing type of sealant(s) as recommended by
your system peculiar technical manuals. Two-part curing
type sealants shall be mixed in accordance with paragraph
20d, and application time noted. Sealant shall not be used
beyond its application time. Sealant will not be used,
regardless of time, when it no longer spreads smoothly or
when it no longer readily wets the surface to which it is
being applied.

Do not apply sealant to metal if temperature of

Figure 13-29. Removal of Damaged Sealant for Fillet metal surface is below 60oF. This should be
Repair checked with a bimetallic dial thermometer
(Table 2-6, Item 8c).


ADHERE. A combination of the seals may be required
at a single leak location.

(7) Application of Brush Coat Seal. The brush coat

may be used for fillets and is applied 0.10 inch wider than
the fillet on either side of the seam (See Figure 13-31).
Using a brush, apply a seal of brushable curing type sealant
on top of the clean adhesion promoter prepared surface. The
brush coat seal is worked into and around crevices, holes,
seams, fasteners and on surfaces to be sealed. Allow the
surface to become tack-free before application of final
seals. Brush coats shall not be used over any primary seals.

(8) Application of Fillet Seals. To repair damaged

fillet seals or to add new isolation seals use the following

(9) Insert properly mixed fillet type curing sealant

Figure 13-30. Final Cleaning into filleting gun (See Figure 13-32).
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 013 00
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(b) Apply a bead of sealant (See Figure 13-33)
along the parts. For large repairs/seals, apply the bead in
approximately three-foot lengths.
(c) Work the bead with a sealant spatula (Table 2-
6, Item 8d) to fill all voids in the seam and to remove air
bubbles (See Figure 13-34). Thoroughness and care used in
working out air bubbles is extremely important in obtaining
a leak-free service life of the sealant.
(d) For small fillets, a single bead is all that is
required. Shape the fillets to conform to the dimensions
shown in Figure 13-35, or per the applicable aircraft
handbook. After sealant is tack-free, examine fillets for air
bubbles and repeat repair for any air pockets found.

Figure 13-31. Two Bead Fillet (e) For large fillets, a double bead should be
applied (Figure 13-31). Apply a small bead as in step (d).
Allow to cure tack-free and examine first bead for any air
bubbles. Any air bubble cavities found shall be enlarged to
permit easy filling during final full-bodied fillet installation.
(f) Apply final full-bodied fillet and shape to
AMS-S-8802 15
conform to dimensions shown in (See Figure 13-35) or per
the applicable aircraft handbook. After sealant is tack-free
examine for air bubble cavities and repeat repair methods
for any found.
Sealing Compound
AMS 3276 14

Do not use brush-coat type curing sealant for

Seal/Coat Compound Corrosion Inhibitive injection, pre-packed or faying surface seals
MIL-PRF-81733 20 because solvents contained in the brush-coat
type sealants will be trapped and leave air
bubble cavities/leak paths.
(10) Application of Injection Seals. To repair a failed
injection seal requires one of the following repairs:
Exposed cadmium plated parts (fasteners, dome Removing damaged seal (short seals only), disassembly to
nuts, fitting, etc.) which are to be sealed with remove sealant or applying a fillet (isolation) seal to
curing type sealants (AMS-S-8802, AMS 3276, separate the faulty seal from the fuel.
MIL- PRF-81733, or MIL-S-83318 should be
isolated with an appropriate top coating (a) To apply an isolation seal, use the procedures
(EC1945 or SAE AMS-C-27725). This topcoat outlined in step (8).
should be fully dried before application of
adhesion promoter and final sealing material.
(b) To apply an injection seal, the entire channel
or groove shall be clear of old sealant all the way through,
(a) Select nozzle(s) for size of fillet to be applied. since trapped air will prevent complete filling with sealant.
If a small fillet is to be laid, use a small orifice nozzle; a If disassembly is required it shall be accomplished per the
large fillet requires large nozzle (Refer to Figure 13-39 for structural repair manual.
nozzle sizes available). It is advisable to set up a locally
fabricated condition to simulate components to be filleted. (c) Insert properly mixed filleting type curing
This can usually be done very quickly with cardboard and sealant into the injection gun and follow the operating
saves guesswork in selecting proper nozzle sizes. instruction as outlined on Figure 13-36.
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(d) For open void, inject sealant until it extrudes NOTE
from the opposite end and then slowly remove injection tip
while continuing to inject sealant. Wipe off excess sealant.
Fillet type sealant shall be tack-free before fuel
tank is closed.
(e) For closed voids, a long injection tip is
required to reach bottom of the voids. Inject sealant and
slowly remove injection tip. Completely fill void with 25. REPAIR OF SEALANT TOP COATING. Some
sealant. aircraft fuel cells/tanks use a coating over the top of fuel
exposed surface of the sealant for protection from surface
deterioration. Check the applicable aircraft Maintenance
NOTE Instruction Manuals (MIMs) for this requirement. When
this top coating is to be replaced use the following steps:
Closed voids are extremely difficult to fill
completely due to the possibility of trapped air.

(11) Pre-Pack and Faying Surface Seals. The repair Acetone

of pre-packed or faying surface seals requires the removal ASTM D329 7
of structure/ fasteners and shall be made as directed by the a. Clean the sealant surface with lint free cheesecloth
aircraft technical manual. A damaged pre-packed or faying (Table 2-5, Item 3f) dampened with Acetone, ASTM D329.
surface seal may be in some cases repaired by adding a After rinsing and while still wet, wipe the surface dry with
fillet or isolation seal completely around the leak part/seal. clean lint free cloth.
This fillet (isolation) seal adds weight to the airplane and
any major fillet (isolation) sealing shall be approved by the
prime CFA. When installing pre-packed or faying surface
seals, use the following procedures:
Sealing Compound
(a) Insert properly mixed filleting type curing MIL-S-4383 11
sealant into filleting gun (See Figure 13-32). b. Apply a coating of topcoat, MIL-S-4383 (Table 2-
5, Item 13h) or MIL-C-83012, to the cleaned sealant
(b) Apply sealant to faying surfaces before surface with a soft bristle paint brush. Overlay the coating
assembly on top of adhesion promoter prepared surfaces, 1/4 to 1/2 inch onto adjacent surface. The finished coat
using filleting gun. Filleting tip should be large enough to should be approximately 1 to 3 mils thick.
apply a bead that can be spread over the whole surface and
allow some sealant to squeeze out when parts are c. Allow the coating to cure until it is tackfree
assembled. (approximately four hours) before refueling tank.

(c) Spread evenly over the entire mating surface 26. REPAIR OF CHALKING SEALANT
(Figure 13-37). PROCEDURE (OPTIONAL). As the age of the fuel tank
sealant increases, it may develop areas of chalking. These
(d) Assemble part and clamp together with set up will appear as light colored powdery areas on the sealant,
bolts, wing type Cleco fasteners, or other temporary and will probably be detected during maintenance or
fasteners (See Figure 13-38). inspection of the tanks or components. Repair the sealant
according to the following procedure:
NOTE a. Clean the chalky areas by scrubbing vigorously
with a dry stiff bristle brush. Hold a vacuum cleaner hose
Permanent fasteners must be installed and near the work area to pick up the chalk dust.
retightened twice within 30 minutes before the
sealant in the faying surface reaches the end of
its application time.
(e) Install permanent fasteners (Refer to ASTM D329 7
paragraph 13-26) for fastener sealing. b. Clean affected areas with Acetone, ASTM D329.

(f) Remove excess extruded sealant. c. Apply sealant topcoat.

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Figure 13-32. Inserting Cartridge Into Filleting Gun

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Figure 13-33. Application of Fillet Seals

Figure 13-34. Typical Fillet Seals

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Figure 13-35. Typical Fillet Dimensions (Sheet 1 of 2)

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W = 3/16" TO 1/4" W = 0.12" TO 0.25"
A = 1/16" TO 1/8" A = 0.06" TO 0.12"
D = LESS THAN 1/4" B = LESS THAN 0.15"


W = 1/2" NOMINAL, 3/8" = MIN W = 3/16" TO 1/4"
A = 1/4" NOMINAL, 3/16"= MIN A = 1/16" TO 1/8"
D = 1/4" = MAX D = 1/8" MIN
B = 1/4" = MAX B = 1/3" MAX


W = 0.25" MIN, 0.35" AVERAGE W = 1/4" MIN
A = 0.12" MIN A = 1/4" MIN
D = 0.12" MIN
B = LESS THAN 0.15"


W = 3/8" TO 1/2" W = 0.12" TO 0.25"

B = 1/4" TO 1/2" B = 0.15" MIN

D = 3/16" MIN


W = 1/2" = NOMINAL, 3/8" = MIN W = 1/4" TO 3/8"

B = 1/4" = MIN B = 1/8' MIN

D = 1/4" MIN D = 1/8" MIN


W = 1/4" MIN

C-130 (LOCKHEED) B = 1/4" MIN

W - 1/4" MIN, 3/8" = AVERAGE

D = 1/8" = MIN


W = 1/4" TO 5/8"
W = 3/8" TO 1/2"

D = 3/16" MIN D = 1/8" MIN


W = 1/2" = NOMINAL, 3/8" = MIN W = 1/4" MIN

D = 1/4"= MIN


W = 0.12" TO 0.25"

Figure 13-35. Typical Fillet Dimensions (Sheet 2 of 2)

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Figure 13-36. Injection Gun

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27. REPAIRS OF FASTENERS. Fasteners used in

integral tanks are sealed in a variety of ways, which are
described in paragraph 8 and illustrated in Figures 13-11
through 13-13. A combination of these sealing methods
may be used on a single fastener. Consult your system
peculiar technical order to identify the fastener type and
sealing system used in your aircraft. The following are
approved repair methods utilized in the sealing of leaking
or replacement fasteners:

AMS-S-8802 15

Sealing Compound
AMS 3276 14

Seal/Coat Compound Corrosion Inhibitive

Figure 13-37. Application of Faying Surface MIL-PRF-81733 20

Leaks caused by structural failure and not by

sealant discrepancies shall not be repaired by
applying more sealant. Structural leaks shall be
subjected to structural repair in accordance with
the applicable aircraft manual.


Exposed cadmium plated parts (fasteners, dome

nuts, fitting, etc.) which are to be sealed with
curing type sealants (AMS-S-8802, AMS 3276,
MIL-PRF-81733, or MIL-S-83318) should be
isolated with an appropriate topcoating
(EC1945, or SAE AMS-C-27725). This topcoat
should be fully dried before application of
adhesion promoter and final sealing material.

a. Self-Sealing Fastener. Fasteners, which are

designed to seal the hole into which they were installed,
either by interference fit or by swelling to fit the hole, shall
Figure 13-38. Faying Surface Seal be repaired by a brush-overcoat-fillet or replaced in
Assembly accordance with system peculiar technical order.
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Figure 13-39. Nozzle Filleting

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b. Fasteners with Sealing Washers or O-Rings (3) Clean fastener and surrounding area with
(Figure 13-11). Leaking fasteners incorporating a sealing Acetone, ASTM D329, using lint-free cheesecloth (Table 2-
washer or O-ring can often be repaired by tightening 5, Item 3f). Acid brushes may be used to agitate the solvent.
fastener to proper torque specifications given in system
peculiar technical order. Loosen leaking fastener a turn or
two to prevent false torque readings, then tighten to proper
torque value. If this action does not stop leak, repair the
fastener using the following method:

(1) Remove the fastener(s). Top coating compounds are flammable and
toxic to eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. Skin
(2) Inspect the sealing washer/O-ring for nicks, and eye protection required. Avoid repeated or
cuts, tears, abrasions, deterioration or deformation. If prolonged contact. Good general ventilation is
sealing washer/O-ring is found to be defective due to any of normally adequate. Keep away from open
these conditions, replace with a new sealing washer/O-ring. flames or other sources of ignition.

(3) Replace fastener(s).

(4) Apply adhesion promoter (Table 2-5, Item 8d)
(4) Torque fastener(s) to specifications according to to fastener end and surrounding area. Allow to dry for 30
system peculiar technical order. minutes.

c. Fasteners Located in Sealant Grooves. Some (5) Apply properly mixed brushable sealant to the
aircraft incorporate a non-curing sealant injected into a fastener and surrounding area using a stiff brush (Table 2-5,
sealing groove to seal the fasteners located in the sealing Item 3e). Work the thin coat into all crevices and surfaces
groove. Leaking fasteners located in sealing grooves shall around the fastener.
be resealed by reinjection of non-curing sealant. For proper
procedures on reinjection, refer to paragraph 22.
(6) Using a filleting gun or spatula apply a fillet of
NOTE the properly mixed sealant over the fastener.

Make certain that all chalk dust is removed. If (7) Work sealant to final shape with a spatula. Be
any dust remains, it will act as a parting agent careful to remove all trapped air bubbles in the seal.
between the sealant and the new coatings.

d. Fasteners Sealed by Brushcoat and Fillet (See NOTE

Figure 13-12). The following step shall be followed in
repairing a leaking fastener sealed with the brushcoat-and- When forming a fillet seal around closely-
fillet method. For detailed procedure of steps outlined spaced fasteners or structure, avoid forming a
below, refer to paragraph 23. bridge of sealant. This bridge of sealant
provides a hidden leak path, which is extremely
(1) Remove existing brushcoat and fillet from difficult to locate (See Figure 13-19).
leaking fastener with approved scraper.

(2) After removing old sealant, all fasteners in the e. Fasteners Sealed with Dome Nuts. To repair
area to be sealed shall be tightened to their proper torque leaking fasteners sealed with dome nuts, follow the
values. Retightening shall not be permitted after sealant procedure for "Fasteners Sealed by Brushcoat and Fillet"
operations have begun. with one additional step. After removing old sealant,
inspect the dome nut for damage and replace with dome nut
if damaged.

Acetone f. Wet Installed Fastener. Fasteners which were wet

ASTM D329 7 installed shall be replaced using the following steps:
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 013 00
Page 58
a. The following are general steps to replace the
compression type seals such as flat gaskets, O-rings, and
bonded-in-place molded seals. Refer to system peculiar
Acetone technical order for detailed information.
ASTM D329 7
(1) Clean hole and surrounding area with Acetone, (1) Remove the seal from access door.
ASTM D329). Small holes may be cleaned using cotton-
tipped swabs and four part cleaner. (2) Clean the sealing surface of the door with
Acetone, ASTM D329 and cheesecloth (Table 2-5, Item
(2) Clean fastener with Acetone, ASTM D329. 3f).
Acid brushes may be used to agitate the solvent.
(3) Apply adhesion promoter (Table 2-5, Item 8d) (3) Replace with the same type seal, using adhesive
per instructions in paragraph 23. as required.

(4) Apply a small bead of curing type filleting (4) Install the door, and tighten fasteners to the
sealant around the shoulder of the fastener (See Figure 13- required torque value.
(5) Install fastener(s) and tighten to proper torque b. For the repair of accessory components such as
value. Final torque shall be completed before the end of the booster pumps, cover plates, etc., sealed with curing type
sealant work-life. sealant, use the following procedures:
Access doors and accessory components probable leak (1) Remove old sealant using an approved non-
sources are fasteners and seals. If the leak path analysis has metallic scraper.
indicated fasteners as the leak source refer to paragraph 26.
The four main configurations of static seals used to seal (2) Clean part with Acetone, ASTM D329, and
access doors are: flat gasket, O-ring, mold-in-place, and cheesecloth (Table 2-5, Item 3f).
bonded-in-place molded seals. Three of these four seals can
be repaired. If a gasket type seal is used the first check (3) Select the proper sealant. A low adhesion curing
before repair is retightening the attaching fasteners. Leaking type sealant is preferred, however, if this type is not
screws and bolts on access doors may be repaired, available or authorized, a standard curing type-filleting
sometimes, without draining the tank. Remove the leaking sealant may be used.
screw of bolt, clean it with solvent to remove old sealant
and soil. After drying, apply a small bead of class A sealant (4) If a standard curing type sealant is used, a thin
to the shank under the head of the screw or bolt. Install the coat of parting agent shall be applied to one of the mating
screw or bolt and tighten to the required torque value. surfaces.
Remove excess sealant. This may be all that is necessary,
however, if access doors or components still leak they shall
(5) Apply the sealant to the other faying surface and
be removed and inspected.
install component.

(6) Tighten attaching hardware to required torque

value to remove excess faying surface sealant.
Care shall be taken when removing access
(7) Apply a fillet seal to the fasteners and edges as
doors and components to prevent structure or
required to accomplish final sealing.
seal damage.
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Reference Material

Alphabetical Index
Subject Page
Self-Sealing Fuel Cells......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Inner Liner ................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Nylon Fuel Barrier..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Retainer ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Sealant ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Damage/Defect Repair Procedures – General.................................................................................. 1
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Damage/Defect Repair Requirements.............................................................................................. 1
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations ................................................................................................ 1
Types of Fuel Cells .............................................................................................................................................................. 1

1. TYPES OF FUEL CELLS There are three c. Sealant. The purpose of the sealant is to immediately
major types of fuel cells used in Naval Aircraft: close punctures in the fuel cell, thereby preventing the loss of
fuel (See Figures 14-2 and 14-3). The sealant layer is natural
a. Self-Sealing, which can be further divided
gum rubber. Fuel penetrating the fuel barrier causes the seal-
into Crash Resistant or Non-Crash Resistant. (Work
ant to swell many times its normal size, sealing the opening.
Packages 014 through 017)
The sealant is constructed in two layers with a fabric separa-
b. Urethane (Work Packages 018 and 019) tor.
c. Non-self Sealing or Bladder Cells (Work d. Retainer. The retainer is laminated plies of nylon
Packages 020 through 022) cord and fabric impregnated with fuel-resistant synthetic rub-
ber nitrile (BUNA-N). The retainer has an outside coating of
2. SELF SEALING FUEL CELLS. (See figure buna vinylite lacquer to seal the surface.
14-1.) The self-sealing fuel cell is constructed in
four primary layers: 3. SELF-SEALING FUEL CELL DEFECTS AND AC-
CEPTABLE LIMITATIONS. (Refer to Tables 14-1 and 14-
inner liner 2.) Self-sealing fuel cell defects that are within established
nylon fuel barrier tolerances will not be cause for removal and/or repair.
REPAIR REQUIREMENTS. (Refer to Tables 15-1 and 15-
retainer 2) Self-sealing fuel cell damage/defect repair may require a
a. Inner Liner. The inner liner is fuel- combination of repair procedures dependent upon the type and
resistant solid synthetic rubber or nitrile (BUNA- severity of damage/defect.
N)-coated nylon fabric. 5. SELF-SEALING FUEL CELL DAMAGE/ DEFECT
b. Nylon Fuel Barrier. The nylon fuel barrier REPAIR PROCEDURES-GENERAL. Refer to Work Pack-
is an unbroken nylon film, which prevents fuel dif- age 0015 for repair instructions for Self Sealing Fuel Cells.
fusion. The fuel barrier thickness ranges from 0.001 Refer to Work Package 0016 for repair instructions of Self
to 0.003 inches. Sealing Fuel Cell Fittings.
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Page 2

Figure 14-1. Variations in Multi-layer Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Construction

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Figure 14-2. Penetration of Fuel Cell

Figure 14-3. Sealing Action

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Table 14-1. Uninstalled Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations

Defect Limitation

Inspection procedures are the same for crash-resistant (ARM) self-sealing fuel cells and
lightweight or standard construction self-sealing fuel cells.

1. Cell Interior

a. Vertical Edge Looseness. Separation of Rubber Around the entire metal fitting is an acceptable condition
Material (Fillet) from the vertical surface of the for Urethane Fuel Cell (See Figure 18-1). Unacceptable
metal fitting. for Nitrile Fuel Cells.

Not acceptable on Crash-Resistant Construction

b. Loose liner at throat of fitting Edge looseness at 1/2-inch looseness in width around entire circumference
liner lap. at edge of fitting (See Figure 14-4).
Acceptable up to 1/4-inch width maximum length of liner
lap, provided 1-inch bond is maintained. If fitting fabric
flange is less than 1-inch in size, 100% bond must be

Crash Resistant AmFuel cells need to maintain a 2-inch


c. Edge looseness on liner reinforcements, corner Acceptable up to 1/4-inch width for complete length of
patches, and chafing patches. liner lap if 1-inch bond is maintained on fabric liner and
1/4-inch on rubber liner. 1/2-inch maximum looseness,
provided loose area does not exceed 15 percent of total
area. Blisters or separations in other than the edge area
allowable up to 15 percent of total area.

d. Looseness under cemented components such as 15 percent of individual area, provided 1/4-inch bond is
attaching straps, baffle shoes, etc. maintained around the edge (See Figure 14-5).

e. Blisters between liner and fitting flange. 1/4-inch maximum dimension; maximum one per lineal
foot and two per fitting, provided 1-inch bond is
maintained (See Figure 14-4).

Crash Resistant AmFuel cells need to maintain a 2-inch


f. Damaged grommets in accessories. Acceptable, provided serviceability is not affected.

g. Damaged coating on accessories (metal, wood or Acceptable, provided corrosion or other deterioration is
rubber. not present.

h. Checking due to weather, ozone, dry cracking, or Acceptable, provided there is no penetration beyond 50
surface imperfections. percent of the inner liner material thickness (See Figure
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 014 00
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Table 14-1. Uninstalled Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations - Continued

Defect Limitation

1. Cell Interior - Continued

i. Blisters in liner laps. 1/4-inch maximum dimension; average one per lineal foot
of splice with a maximum of five in any one 5-foot length
of splice (See Figure 14-7).

j. Blisters, delaminations, or ply separations. 1-inch maximum dimension, provided there is a 6-inch
bond between blisters and no more than one per square foot
of total cell area.

k. Channels in inner liner laps. 1/8-inch by 3-inch maximum dimension with a maximum
of one in any 5 lineal feet of splice (See Figure 14-7).

l. Channels around entire outer edge of fitting 1/4-inch maximum width (See Figure 14-4).

m. Channels at tapered construction step-off area, or 1/4-inch maximum width entire length of lap (See Figure
edge of lap splices of any ply. 14-7).

n. Open end channels in three-ply liner overlaps or 1/8-inch by 3-inch maximum dimension, provided 1-inch
tailored comers. minimum bond is maintained between end of channel and
sealant (See Figure 14-7).

o. Cuts or holes in inner liner. Not acceptable.

p. Buffing through inner liner. Not acceptable.

q. Activated areas. Not acceptable.

2. Cell Exterior

a. Blisters or ply separation between any plies 1-inch maximum dimension.

except liner and sealant.

b. Skim coat blisters. Acceptable.

c. Loose hanger straps or hanger attaching points. Acceptable up to 15 percent of total area provided 1/4-inch
bond is maintained around the edge.

d. Loose or damaged tapes, corner patches and 1/2-inch maximum allowable looseness, provided this
other outside accessories. looseness does not exceed 15 percent of the total area.

e. Checking due to weather, ozone, dry cracking or Acceptable up to 50 percent of material thickness.
surface imperfections (See Figure 14-1).

f. Damaged grommets in accessories. Acceptable, provided serviceability is not affected.

g. Damage through outer cord or fabric ply. Not acceptable.

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Table 14-1. Uninstalled Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations – Continued

Defect Limitation

2. Cell Exterior - Continued

h. Channels or bridging of outer plies at cord or 1/2-inch maximum width full length of splice (See Figure
fabric splice. 14-8).

Crash Resistant AmFuel cells need to maintain a 2-inch


i. Outer ply cuts or splits parallel to cords where Not acceptable; may result in outside activation.
cords are not damaged.

Table 14-2. Installed Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations

Defect Limitation

Inspection procedures are the same for crash-resistant (ARM) self-sealing
fuel cells and lightweight or standard construction self-sealing fuel cells.

1. Cell Interior

a. Vertical Edge Looseness. Separation of Rubber Rubber Material (Fillet) around the entire metal fitting is an
Material (Fillet) from the vertical surface of the acceptable condition (See Figure 18-1).
metal fitting.
Not acceptable on Crash-Resistant Construction.

b. Loose liner at throat of fitting Edge looseness at 1/2-inch looseness in width around entire circumference at
liner lap. edge of fitting (See Figure 14-4).
Acceptable up to 1/4-inch width maximum length of liner
lap, provided 1-inch bond is maintained. If fitting fabric
flange is less than 1-inch in size, 100% bond must be

Crash Resistant AmFuel cells need to maintain a 2-inch


c. Edge looseness on liner reinforcements, corner 1/2-inch maximum looseness, provided loose area does not
patches, and chafing patches. exceed 20 percent of total area. Blisters or separations in
other than the edge area allowable up to 20 percent of total

d. Looseness under cemented components such as 20 percent of individual area, provided 1/4-inch bond is
attaching straps, baffle shoes, etc. maintained around the edge (See Figure 14-4).
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 014 00
Page 7
Table 14-2. Installed Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations - Continued

Defect Limitation

1. Cell Interior - Continued

e. Blisters between liner and fitting flange. 1/2-inch maximum dimension, maximum two per lineal
foot and three per fitting, provided 1-inch bond is
maintained (See Figure 14-4).

Crash Resistant AmFuel cells need to maintain a 2-inch


f. Damaged grommets in accessories. Acceptable, provided serviceability is not affected.

g. Damaged coating on accessories (rubber, metal Acceptable, provided corrosion or other deterioration is not
or wood). present.

h. Checking due to weather, ozone, dry cracking, or Acceptable, provided there is no penetration beyond 50
surface imperfections. percent of the inner liner material thickness (See Figure 14-

i. Blisters in liner laps. 1/2-inch maximum dimension; maximum of five in any 5

lineal feet of splice (seam) With a minimum of 6-inch bond
between blisters (See Figure 14-7).

j. Blisters, delaminations, or ply separations. 1 1/2-inches maximum, provided there is a 6-inch bond
between blisters and no more than one per square foot of
total cell area.

k. Channels in inner liner laps. 1/4-inch by 3-inch maximum dimension with maximum of
one in any 5 lineal feet of splice (See Figure 14-7).

l. Channels around entire outer edge of fitting 1/2-inch maximum width (See Figure 14-4).

m. Channels at tapered construction step-off area, or 1/2-inch maximum width entire length of lap (See Figure
edge of lap splices of any ply. 14-9).

Crash Resistant AmFuel cells need to maintain a 2-inch


n. Open end channels in three-ply liner overlaps or 1/4-inch by 3-inch maximum dimension, provided 1-inch
tailored corners. minimum bond is maintained between end of channel and
sealant (See Figure 14-7).

o. Cuts or holes in inner liner. Not acceptable.

p. Buffing through inner liner. Not acceptable.

q. Activated areas. Not acceptable.

r. Broken stiffeners or supports. Not acceptable.

NAVAIR 01-1A-35 014 00
Page 8

Table 14-2. Installed Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations - Continued

Defect Limitation

Only accessible portions of the fuel cells will be Fuel cells need not be removed from aircraft for
inspected. inspection.

2. Fuel Cell Exterior

a. Blisters or ply separations between any plies 1 1/2 inches maximum dimension.
except liner and sealant.

b. Skim coat blisters. Acceptable.

c. Loose hanger straps or hanger attaching points. Acceptable up to 20 percent of total area.

d. Loose or damaged tapes, corner patches, or other Acceptable, provided sealant is not activated.
outside accessories.

e. Checking due to ozone, weather, or dry cracking. Acceptable.

f. Damaged grommets in accessories. Acceptable, provided serviceability is not affected.

g. Damage through outer cord or one fabric ply. 1-inch maximum dimension.

h. Channels or bridging of outer plies at cord or 1/2-inch width maximum full length of splice (See Figure
fabric splice. 14-8).

Crash Resistant AmFuel cells need to maintain a 2-inch


i. Outer ply cuts or splits parallel to cords where Acceptable, provided activation of sealant is not evident.
cords are not damaged.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 014 00
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Figure 14-4. Channel Blisters and Loose Areas

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Figure 14-5. Loose Baffles

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Figure 14-6. Rubber Inner Liner Imperfections

Figure 14-7. Blisters and Channels in Liner Laps

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Figure 14-8. Lap Channels

Figure 14-9. Channels at Lap Steps

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Reference Material

Alphabetical Index
Subject Page
Combination Self-Sealing and Non-Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Damage / Defect Repair Procedures ..................................... 53
Crash Resistant Self Sealing Fuel Cell (ARM) Damage / Defect Repair Procedures ........................................................ 45
Exterior Repair Patch............................................................................................................................................... 47
Exterior Retainer Scuff and Abrasion Repair .......................................................................................................... 51
Exterior Seam Repair............................................................................................................................................... 53
Inner Liner Blister Repair........................................................................................................................................ 49
Inner Liner Repair Patch.......................................................................................................................................... 46
Inner Liner Scuff and Abrasion Repair.................................................................................................................... 49
Interior Seam Repair................................................................................................................................................ 52
Internal Cell Support ............................................................................................................................................... 45
Repair Patches ......................................................................................................................................................... 45
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Loose Fitting Flange Surface Repair ................................................................................... 53
Rigid, Non-Metallic, Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Damage / Defect Repair Procedures ............................................................ 54
Rigid Non-Metallic Outer Shell Repairs ................................................................................................................. 54
Self-Sealing Inner Shell Repairs.............................................................................................................................. 54
Self Sealing Fuel Cell / Defect Repair Procedures – Lightweight and Standard Construction ........................................... 5
Aeration and Adhesive Injection Repair.................................................................................................................. 44
Blister Repair........................................................................................................................................................... 41
Built-up Repair Plug................................................................................................................................................ 31
Closed Blister Repair............................................................................................................................................... 42
Cut and Paste Repair................................................................................................................................................ 44
Double Inside Repair Patch ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Double Outside Repair Patch................................................................................................................................... 19
Heat and Pressure Repairs ....................................................................................................................................... 44
Inside Corner Repair Patch...................................................................................................................................... 21
Internal Cell Support ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Loose Lap Seam or Loose Lap Patch Repair........................................................................................................... 42
Ply Separation Repairs............................................................................................................................................. 43
Open Blister Repair ................................................................................................................................................. 41
Outside Corner Repair Patch ................................................................................................................................... 24
Repair Plugs............................................................................................................................................................. 27
Repair Patches – General........................................................................................................................................... 5
Salvage Repair Plugs ............................................................................................................................................... 27
Sealant Repairs ........................................................................................................................................................ 43
Single Inside Repair Patch....................................................................................................................................... 14
Single Outside Repair Patch .................................................................................................................................... 18
Step-Back Repair Plug............................................................................................................................................. 35
Self Sealing Fuel Cell Repairs and Procedures – General.................................................................................................... 2
Adhesives .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Alternate Environmental Controls ............................................................................................................................. 2
Buffing and Grinding................................................................................................................................................. 4
Bonding ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 2
Environmental Requirements .....................................................................................................................................2
Nitrile (Buna-N) Adhesive .........................................................................................................................................3
Organic Solvents and Adhesives................................................................................................................................2
Polyurethane Based Adhesives ..................................................................................................................................3

1. SELF SEALING FUEL CELL REPAIRS AND (1) Use air blower MIL-B-7619, to provide a con
PROCEDURES - GENERAL. General self-sealing fuel tinuous airflow across the repair area.
cell repair procedures are provided in the following para-
(2) Prepare the repair materials in a warm, dry area
(adjacent to a heater).
Self-sealing fuel cell repair procedures make extensive use
of organic solvents, adhesives containing organic solvents,
and polyurethane adhesives capable of producing isocy-
anate vapors. These materials are both toxic and flammable. Acetone
However, when used properly and with due caution, ad- ASTM D329 7
verse reactions can be avoided. Refer to Work Package 003
and 004 for health and safety details. The use of the air-
supplied respirator or SCBA is required when working in-
side cells installed in an aircraft. If the cells have been re-
moved from the aircraft and are being worked in a shop
environment, then the use of a half-face respirator with a When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
cartridge appropriate to the hazard is a suitable alternative wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
to the use of an air supplied respirator. suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.
Organic solvents or adhesives containing or-
ganic solvents are flammable. Avoid breathing
The following warning appears many times in
of vapors or prolonged skin contact. Use per-
this chapter:
sonal protective equipment.

Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,

when applying solvents by hand.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection Combining Acetone, ASTM D329, with water
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous droplets on a surface will cause dissipation and
ventilation of the cell. rapid evaporation of the water.
b. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS. High Dissipation and evaporation of water droplets
humidity in combination with low temperature can cause from condensation is accomplished by wiping
condensation to form on fuel cell surfaces and prevent the repair area with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440,
proper bonding of repair patches. The desired temperature moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329. Perform
and humidity ranges are as follows: repair procedures as soon as vapors have dissi-
Temperature-- 65°F (18°C) to 90°F (32°C) pated.

Relative Humidity-- 65% maximum (3) Prior to applying adhesives, dissipate condensa-
tion from area to be bonded.
c. ALTERNATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL CON- (4) Prior to bonding the repair patch or plug, dissi-
TROLS. If the desired environmental requirements cannot pate condensation from the repair area.
be met, repairs can be made using the repair techniques
outlined in this Work Package, and the following proce- (5) Delay repair procedures if conditions are such
dures: that dissipation of condensation cannot be accomplished.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 3
d. ADHESIVES. There are two basic types of adhe- (c) Allow the first and second coats to dry com-
sives used in self-sealing fuel cell repair, each with distinct pletely before applying the next coat.
application requirements. The types of adhesives are nitrile
base (BUNA-N), and polyurethane base.

ASTM D329 7

Each fuel cell manufacturer compounds the NOTE

natural gum rubber used-in the fuel cells with
Care should be taken not to apply the patch be-
different ingredients. The reactions to fuel, sol-
fore the adhesive has reached the proper stage
vents and adhesives varies. For this reason, it is
of tackiness, as air bubbles or blisters may form
desirable to use sealant manufactured by each
under the patch in the drying process. If the ad-
rubber company for repairs on their specific
hesive becomes tacky before the patch is ap-
fuel cells.
plied, there will be no skidding or sliding of the
patch immediately after application. Sliding
should not be evident in any area of the patch.
trile base adhesive is used primarily in lightweight and
standard "A" and "B" self-sealing fuel cell repair. Nitrile
If the adhesive on the cell and patch dry before
base adhesive is used in both hot-cure (vulcanization) and
the patch is applied, both coated surfaces must
air-cure procedures.
be activated by wiping with clean cheesecloth
(1) Application procedures. Procedures for the ap- moistened with solvent Acetone, ASTM D329
plication of nitrile base adhesives are as follows: to effect a tacky condition of the coated areas.
To determine if the adhesive is tacky, test it by
pressing a knuckle gently against the cemented
surface and withdrawing it. This is known as
Acetone the "knuckle test" (See Figure 15-1). If a few
ASTM D329 7 threads of adhesive stick to the knuckle, the ad-
hesive is ready for the patch.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.

Organic solvents or adhesives containing or-

ganic solvents are flammable. Avoid breathing
of vapors or prolonged skin contact. Use per-
sonal protective equipment.

Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,

when applying solvents by hand.
Figure 15-1. Knuckle Test
(a) Wipe off the surface of the bonding areas and
clean with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, moistened with Ace-
tone, ASTM D329. Do not soak the bonding areas, but
polyurethane base adhesive is used on Crash-Resistant Self-
clean lightly until all grit, dust and other contaminates are
Sealing Fuel Cells (ARM) only.
(b) Unless repair procedures specifically instruct (1) Polyurethane base adhesive application proce-
otherwise, apply three coats of nitrile base adhesive to each dures. Procedures for the application of polyurethane base
of the bonding surfaces. adhesives are as follows:
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 4
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
during the buffing operation.

Acetone Only experienced personnel should use power

ASTM D329 7 buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.

Isocyanate exposure may produce severe aller- Buffing and grinding should be accomplished in
gic reaction and permanent sensitization. Per- exhaust ventilated booths having a minimum
sons with history of allergies or previous sensi- face velocity of 200 linear feet per minute.
tization shall not be assigned tasks involving
isocyanates. Personal protective equipment for An air drill may be used as a buffer by inserting
skin and eyes and proper respiratory protection a sand or emery wheel in the chuck. When buff-
(BUMEDINST 6260.16) shall be required ing with an air drill, do not buff in one spot too
when polyurethane coatings of adhesives are long to avoid burning the surface of the material
used for fuel cell repairs.
If power buffing produces a surface that is too
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, smooth for proper adhesion, the surface should
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection be buffed by hand.
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell. (1) Buff the area to be repaired in all directions
from the damage with 120 grit abrasive cloth or buffing
(a) Wipe off the surface of the bonding area and tool. Area to be buffed is dependent on the size and type of
clean with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, moistened with Ace- repair to be made.
tone, ASTM D329. Do not soak the bonding areas, but
clean lightly until all grit, dust and other contaminants are h. BONDING. Bonding procedures are as follows:
removed. (1) Prior to any bonding procedure, buffed areas
(b) Mix and apply the proper polyurethane base must be cleaned with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, dampened
adhesive as required for a specific type damage repair pro- with Acetone, ASTM D329.
cedure. (2) Apply adhesive. For application procedures,
g. BUFFING AND GRINDING. Buffing and grind- see paragraphs 1d through 1f in this work package.
ing procedures are as follows: (3) Stitch each patch with a 1/4-inch hand roller,
starting from the center and working to the outer edge of
the patch to eliminate trapped air and ensure a good seal.
(4) Apply pressure to the patch during the cure cy-
cle by one of the following methods:
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff (a) Clamping: Place a metal (for heated repairs)
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap- or wooden (for unheated repairs) platten over the patch and
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex- apply pressure by clamping the platten in place using regu-
posure. Always wear eye protection when en- lar shop C-clamps.
gaged in buffing operations.
(b) Weighting: When the configuration of the
cell, or the location of the patch make it difficult or impos-
sible to use clamps, weight may be applied to the patch area
using bags of shot. This method is only useful when per-
forming unheated repairs.
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner (c) Vacuum Bagging. After the adhesive has
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar- been applied and the patch is positioned and properly
rier is broken. stitched down, lay a piece of porous release fabric (Table 2-
5, Item 12u) over the patch and extending 1 to 2 inches in
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all all directions beyond the edge of the patch. If a heated cure
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine is being used, place a heat blanket over the peel ply with a
scratches. However, care must be exercised to thermocouple underneath the peel ply and near the center of
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 5
the patch. If heat is not required, omit the use of the heat NOTE
blanket and thermocouple. Next, place 2 or 3 layers of
breather material (Table 2-5, Item 12v) over the repair area. The cell must be supported in the area around
Surround the area with vacuum bagging tape (Table 2-5, the damage so the edges will be lined up prop-
Item 11d), cover the area with vacuum bagging film (Table erly in their natural position.
2-5, Item 12w) and attach vacuum hose connections (Table
2-5, Item12x) Obtain a vacuum of at least 25 inches Hg and Wooden blocks or boards used inside fuel cells
cure according to adhesive specifications. should be padded or covered with cloth to pro-
tect the liner from damage.

b. REPAIR PATCHES - GENERAL. There are six

basic types of repair patches:
single inside repair patch
If a heated repair technique is used, do not re-
move pressure from the repair site until the
double inside repair patch
patch cools to room temperature. If pressure is
removed prior to the time it returns to room
single outside repair patch
temperature, the patch will not cure flat, but will
assume a permanent set conforming to the
shape in its relaxed position. double outside repair patch

inside corner repair patch

AND STANDARD CONSTRUCTION. The damage / outside corner repair patch
defect repair procedures for standard and lightweight con-
struction self-sealing fuel cells are provided in the follow- NOTES
ing paragraphs. Refer to Table 15-1 for repair requirements
and references for specific procedures. Repair patches must have a smoothly-rounded
outline and the edges skived or cut at an angle
by tilting the edges instead of cutting straight
(See Figure 15-3).

The repair procedures for lightweight and stan- Single patches are cut to extend 1 1/2 inches
dard construction self-sealing fuel cells (ARM) from the edge of the damage area.
are applicable only to this type of fuel cell.
They shall not be used to repair any other type Extend the first patch of a double patch 1 ½
of self-sealing fuel cell. inches from the edge of the damage area.

a. INTERNAL CELL SUPPORT. (See Figure 15-2.) Extend the second patch 2 ½ inches from the
Build a trestle or other support inside the cell. edge of the damage area.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 6
Table 15-1. Repair Requirements for MIL-T-5578 Self-Sealing Fuel Cells

(Lightweight and Standard Construction)

Damage/Defeat Repair requirement

1. Cuts, Not Through Cell Wall, No Displacement of Material, Not in Corner

a. Under 2 inches-interior. Single inside repair patch (Refer to paragraph 2c).

b. Under 2 inches-exterior. Single outside repair patch (Refer to paragraph 2e).

c. 2 to 4 inches-interior. Double inside repair patch (Refer to paragraph 2d).

d. 2 to 4 inches-exterior. Double outside repair patch (Refer to paragraph 2f).

e. 4 to 6 inches-interior. Step-back repair plug (Refer to paragraph 2l).

f. 4 to 6 inches-exterior. Salvage repair plug (Refer to paragraph 2j).

g. Over 6 inches-interior. Built-up repair plug (Refer to paragraph 2k).

h. Over 6 inches-exterior. Built-up repair plug (Refer to paragraph 2k).

2. Cuts, Into Corner, Not Through Cell Wall, No Displacement, Not More Than 4 Inches Long

a. Interior. Inside corner repair patch (Refer to paragraph 2g).

b. Exterior. Outside corner repair patch (Refer to paragraph 2h).

3. Tears, Snags or Any Damage Involving Displacement of Cell Wall Materials

a. Under 6 inches-interior. Salvage repair plug (Refer to paragraph 2j).

b. Under 6 inches-exterior. Salvage repair plug (Refer to paragraph 2j).

c. Over 6 inches-interior. Built-up repair plug (Refer to paragraph 2k).

d. Over 6 inches-exterior. Built-up repair plug (Refer to paragraph 2k).

4. Holes Through Cell Walls

a. Under 6 inches-interior. Built-up repair plug (Refer to paragraph 2k).

b. Under 6 inches-exterior. Built-up repair plug (Refer to paragraph 2k).

5. Blister

a. Inner liner. Blister repair (Refer to paragraph 2m).

See footnotes at the end of table.

NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 7
Table 15-1. Repair Requirements for MIL-T-5578 Self-Sealing Fuel Cells
(Lightweight and Standard Construction) - Continued

Damage/Defect Repair requirement

5. Blisters-continued

b. Under 6 inches-exterior. Built-up repair plug (Refer to paragraph 2k).

6. Loose Lap Seam or Loose Patches

a. Inner liner. Loose lap seam or loose patch repair (Refer to paragraph 2p).

7. Activated Sealant Sealant repair (Refer to paragraph 2q).

8. Separations Ply separation repair (Refer to paragraph 2r).

A built-up repair plug may be used in lieu of a salvage repair plug (Refer to paragraph 2k).

A step-back repair plug shall be used if structural integrity is questionable due to size or location of damage (Refer to
paragraph 2l).

Table 15-2. Repair Requirements for MIL-DTL-27422C Self-Sealing Fuel Cells -

Crash-Resistant (ARM) Construction

Damage/Defect Repair requirement

1. Cuts, Snags, Tears, Abrasions, Not Over 4 Inches, Not Extending Through Reinforcing Plies

a. Interior. Inner liner scuff and abrasion repair (Refer to paragraph 3f).
Exterior retainer scuff and abrasion repair (Refer to paragraph
b. Exterior. 3g).
2. Cuts, Snags, Tears, Abrasions, Not Over 4 Inches, Extending Through Reinforcing Plies
Inner liner repair patch (Refer to paragraph 3c).
a. Interior. This repair will seal the tank, but may not return the tank to its
original crash resistant capability.

Exterior repair patch (Refer to paragraph 3d).

b. Exterior.
This repair will seal the tank, but may not return the tank to its
original crash resistant capability.
3. Inner Liner Blisters, Not Over 4 Inches

a. All areas. Inner liner blister repair (Refer to paragraph 3c).

4. Loose Seams

a. Interior. Interior loose seam repair (Refer to paragraph 3h).

b. Exterior. Exterior loose seam repair (Refer to paragraph 3i).
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 8
Table 15-3. Sheet Materials

Item Commercial Total

Number Nomenclature Code Manufacturer Gauge Source
The materials listed are those commonly used for repair of fuel cells. Additionally, materials authorized by the fuel cell
manufacturer and approved by the Cognizant Field Activity (CFA) may be used.






7. NYLON FABRIC (QUICK CURE 3604N ENGINEERED .012 8135-01-242-3515
METHOD) (491 alternate) FABRICS


Class 1, Grade 60 D
Crash-resistant cells self

sealing outside plies

Crash-resistant cells self-

sealing inner liner

Self-sealing outside plies

Inner liner with damaged

barrier – self-sealing and

bladder cells
Outside plies polyurethane

NAVAIR 01-1A-35

bladder cells

Inner liner polyurethane

bladder cells
Fabric between sealant plies

self-sealing cells

Outside plies – bladder cells

9 Fabric inner liner with damaged
barrier – self-sealing and

bladder cells
Solid rubber and for fill-in

around fittings – cold process

Solid rubber and for fill-in
Usage Columns - For Repair of


around fittings – hot process

Table 15-3. Sheet Materials - Continued

Non-fabric inner liner with


barrier – self-sealing and bladder cells

Sealant plies – AMFUEL self-

sealing cells
Sealant plies – self-sealing

except AMFUEL

Fabric tensile strength on



relative scale


Item 10, Column 4, when used on fabric inner liner, should be covered with patch of Buna-N Coated Nylon Fabric item 8, PS359.
015 00
Page 9

Item number


NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 10

Table 15-3. Sheet Materials - Continued

Item Commercial Total

Number Nomenclature Code Manufacture Gauge Source

The materials listed are those commonly used for repair of fuel cells. Additionally, materials authorized by the fuel cell
manufacturer and approved by the Cognizant Field Activity (CFA) may be used.














Class 1, Grade

* This is rubber compound used to calander into sheet form. Amfuel has various part numbers depending on gauge
(thickness) of material required.
Crash-resistant cells self

sealing outside plies

Crash-resistant cells self-

sealing inner liner

Self-sealing outside plies

Inner liner with damaged

barrier – self-sealing and
bladder cells
Outside plies polyurethane

NAVAIR 01-1A-35

Bladder cells

Inner liner polyurethane

bladder cells
Fabric between sealant plies

self-sealing cells

Outside plies – bladder cells

Fabric inner liner with damaged
9 barrier – self-sealing and
bladder cells
Solid rubber and for fill-in


around fittings – cold process

Usage columns - for repair of

Solid rubber and for fill-in


around fittings – hot process

Table 15-3. Sheet Materials - Continued

Non-fabric inner liner with undamaged


barrier – self-sealing and bladder cells

Sealant plies – AMFUEL self-


sealing cells

X Sealant plies – self-sealing


except AMFUEL

Fabric tensile strength on



relative scale
015 00
Page 11

Item number
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 12
Table 15-4. Adhesive Cements

Material Manufacturer Source

1. 5071C ENGINEERED 3 DAYS @ ROOM TEMPERATURE 8040-00-390-5606


2. 1895C ENGINEERED 3 DAYS @ ROOM TEMPERATURE 8040-01-028-9866



4. EC-678 (MIL-A-9117) 3M CO. 3 DAYS @ ROOM TEMPERATURE 8040-00-262-9060
7. LP729-2 AMFUEL 60 MINUTES @ 290 F 8040-00-200-6415
13. 82C32 ENGINEERED AIR DRY 6 HRS @ 70oF 8040-01-243-6624
U3242RF-2 (PT)


PU459-2 (PT)
17. EC-1751-L B/A 3M CO. 24 HOURS @ ROOM TEMPERATURE 8040-00-181-7548
18. EA 9394 LOCKTITE CORP 24 HOURS @ ROOM TEMPERATURE 8040-01-502-9778
19. 5923C ENGINEERED 3 DAYS @ 75oF 8040-00-518-3455

Room temperature cure BUNA-N

Room temperature cure – 2 part

Room temperature cure and
hot cure sealant-to-sealant and
sealant primer for BUNA-N cements

Hot cure – 1 part – BUNA-N to

Hot cure – 2 part – BUNA-N to
NAVAIR 01-1A-35


Hot cure – prime for barrier nylon

Room temperature cure sealant-

Room temperature cure – coating
for fuel cell and patch – exterior

Metal primer
Usage columns


Exterior fuel cell protective



Polyurethane – quick cure

Table 15-4. Adhesive Cements - Continued


Polyurethane – regular cure


Crash-resistant – room temp.



Crash-resistant – room temp. 1-

part barrier adhesive


Epoxy-base adhesive-filler for

repairing damaged fittings

Item number

015 00
Page 13
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 14


procedures for a single inside repair patch are as follows:

Comply with general safety instructions in

Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara-
tions in Work Package 006.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff

them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex-
posure. Always wear eye protection when en-
gaged in buffing operations.

Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner

liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
rier is broken.

Figure 15-2. Supporting Cell for Repair

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all

gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur-
ing the buffing operation.

Only experienced personnel should use power

buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.

(1) Buff the area to be repaired 1 3/4 inches in all

directions from the edge of the damage.

Repair patches must have a smoothly rounded
outline and edges skived or cut at an angle by
tilting the shears instead of cutting straight (See
Figure 15-3).

(2) Prepare a patch of nylon sandwich material (Re-

fer to Table 15-3, usage column 4) 1 1/2 inches larger than
Figure 15-3. Skiving Patch the area of damage.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 15
Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,
when applying solvents by hand.

(4) Clean the buffed areas with cheesecloth, CCC-

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, C-440, dampened with, Acetone, ASTM D329, and apply
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage columns 1 or 2, for
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous adhesive, and paragraph 1e(1) for application procedures).
ventilation of the cell.

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff

them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex- To determine if the adhesive is tacky, test it by
posure. Always wear eye protection when en- pressing a knuckle gently against the cemented
gaged in buffing operations. surface and withdrawing it. If a few threads on
adhesive stick to the knuckle, the adhesive is
ready for patch.
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
rier is broken. When applying patches or laminating layers of
repair materials, roll down (stitch) each layer
with a 1/4-inch hand roller, starting from the
center and working to the outer edge to elimi-
nate trapped air and ensure a good seal (See
Figure 15-4).
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine (5) When adhesives are tacky, apply patch and
scratches. However, care must be exercised to stitch down.
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur-
ing the buffing operation. (6) After two hours, apply two coats of adhesive
(Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 1) to skived edge.
Only experienced personnel should use power (7) Allow to dry completely; restitch.
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.

(3) Buff the patch on the large side.

Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of
72 hours prior to installation or being subjected
to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first
Acetone 24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in
ASTM D329 7 any type of heating chamber to accelerate cur-
ing; such action will cause the cell to deteriorate
and shrink beyond safe dimensions.

If clamps and platens used in the vulcanization

process are disassembled from the patches be-
fore room temperature is reached, the bonded
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, patch material will not cure flat but will assume
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection a permanent set conforming to the shape in its
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous relaxed position.
ventilation of the cell.
(8) Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to
Organic solvents or adhesives containing or- Work Package 012).
ganic solvents are flammable. Avoid breathing
of vapors or prolonged skin contact. Use per- d. DOUBLE INSIDE REPAIR PATCH. Application
sonal protective equipment. procedures for a double inside repair patch are as follows:
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 16
posure. Always wear eye protection when en-
gaged in buffing operations.

Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner

Comply with general safety instructions in liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara- rier is broken.
tions in Work Package 006.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all

gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur-
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
ing the buffing operation.
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur-
ing the buffing operation.
Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
Only experienced personnel should use power
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
(4) Buff both sides of the first patch and the large
side of the second patch.
(1) Buff the area to be repaired 2 3/4 inches in all
directions from the edge of the damage.

ASTM D329 7
Repair patches must have a smoothly rounded
outline and the edges skived or cut at an angle
by tilting the shears instead of cutting straight
(See Figure 15-3).

(2) Prepare a patch of nylon sandwich material (Re-

fer to Table 15-2, usage column 4) 1 1/2 inches larger than When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
the area of damage. wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
(3) Prepare a second patch of the same material that ventilation of the cell.
is 1 inch larger than the first.
Organic solvents or adhesives containing or-
ganic solvents are flammable. Avoid breathing
of vapors or prolonged skin contact. Use per-
sonal protective equipment.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection when applying solvents by hand.
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell. (5) Clean the buffed areas with cheesecloth, CCC-
C-440, dampened with acetone, ASTM D329, and apply
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage columns 1 or 2) to the
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap- small side of the first patch and the large side of the second
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex- patch (Refer to paragraph 1e(1) for application procedures).
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 17
Organic solvents or adhesives containing or-
ganic solvents are flammable. Avoid breathing
of vapors or prolonged skin contact. Use per-
sonal protective equipment.
If clamps and platens used in the vulcanization
process are disassembled from the patches be- Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,
fore room temperature is reached, the bonded when applying solvents by hand.
patch material will not cure flat, but will assume
a permanent set conforming to the shape in its (8) Clean the buffed areas in the fuel cell and on the
relaxed position. double patch with cheesecloth dampened with acetone,
ASTM D329 and apply adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, us-
age columns 1 or 2, for adhesive, and paragraph 1e(1) for
NOTE application procedures).
If the vulcanization method of bonding is used NOTE
rather than the room temperature cure method,
the techniques are the same except that vulcan- When applying patches or laminating layers of
izing adhesives are used (Refer to Table 15-4, repair materials, roll down (stitch) each layer
usage columns 4 or 5). The cure is accom- with a 1/4-inch hand roller, starting from the
plished by clamping the double patch between center and working to the outer edge to elimi-
plates and heat curing at the temperature and nate trapped air and ensure a good seal (See
time listed in Table 15-4. Remove clamps when Figure 15-4).
heater and plates return to room temperature.

To determine if the adhesive is tacky, test it by

pressing a knuckle gently against the cemented
surface and withdrawing it. If a few threads of
adhesive stick to the knuckle, the adhesive is
ready for the patch.

When applying patches or laminating layers of

repair materials, roll down (stitch) each layer
with a 1/4-inch hand roller, starting from the
center and working to the outer edge to elimi-
nate trapped air and ensure a good seal (See
Figure 15-4).
Figure 15-4. Stitching Patch in Place
(6) When adhesives are tacky, mate the bonding
surfaces and stitch down.
(9) When adhesive is tacky, center the patch over
(7) Clamp the patch and allow two hours drying the damage area and stitch down.

Acetone MIL-PRF-9117 8
ASTM D329 7
(10) After two hours, apply adhesive MIL-PRF-9117
(Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 1) to skived edge. Al-
low to dry completely; re-stitch.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of
ventilation of the cell. 72 hours prior to installation or being subjected
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 18
to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first
24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in
any type of heating chamber to accelerate cur-
ing; such action will cause the cell to deteriorate
and shrink beyond safe dimensions. When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
(11) Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex-
Work Package 012). posure. Always wear eye protection when en-
e. SINGLE OUTSIDE REPAIR PATCH. Applica- gaged in buffing operations.
tion procedures for a single outside repair patch are as fol-
lows: Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur it bar-
rier is broken.

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff

them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex- Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
posure. Always wear eye protection when en- gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
gaged in buffing operations. scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur-
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner ing the buffing operation.
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
rier is broken. Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.

(3) Buff the patch on the large side.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur-
ing the buffing operation.
Only experienced personnel should use power ASTM D329 7
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.

(1) Buff the area to be repaired 1 3/4 inches in all

directions from the edge of the damage. Organic solvents or adhesives containing or-
ganic solvents are flammable. Avoid breathing
NOTE of vapors or prolonged skin contact. Use per-
sonal protective equipment.
Repair patches must have a smoothly rounded
outline and the edges skived or cut at an angle Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,
by tilting the shears instead of cutting straight when applying solvents by hand.
(See Figure 15-2).
(4) Clean the buffed areas with cheesecloth, CCC-
(2) Prepare a patch of outside repair material (Refer C-440, dampened with Acetone, ASTM D329, and apply
to Table 15-2, usage column 3) 1 1/2 inches larger than the adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage columns 1 or 2, for
area of damage. adhesive and paragraph 1e(1) for application procedures).
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 19


tion procedures for a double outside repair patch are as fol-
To determine if the adhesive is tacky, test it by lows:
pressing a knuckle gently against the cemented
surface and withdrawing it. If a few threads of
adhesive stick to the knuckle, the adhesive is
ready for the patch.

When applying patches or laminating layers of When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
repair materials, roll down (stitch) each layer them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
with a 1/4-inch hand roller, starting from the proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex-
center and working to the outer edge to elimi- posure. Always wear eye protection when en-
nate trapped air and ensure a good seal (See gaged in buffing operations.
Figure 15-4).
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
(5) When adhesives are tacky, apply patch and liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
stitch down. rier is broken.
(6) After two hours, apply adhesive (Refer to Table
15-4, usage column 1) to skived edge.
(7) Allow to dry completely; restitch.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all

gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur-
Adhesive ing the buffing operation.
MIL-PRF-9117 8
Only experienced personnel should use power
NOTE buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
Allow multiple coats of sealants or adhesives to this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
dry completely between applications.
(1) Buff the area to be repaired 2 3/4 inches in all
If exterior fuel cell protective coating (Refer to directions from the edge of the damage.
Table 15-4, usage column 10) is not available,
adhesive MIL-PRF-9117 (Refer to Table 15-4, NOTE
usage column 1) may be used.
Repair patches must have a smoothly rounded
(8) Apply two coats of exterior fuel cell protective outline and the edges skived or cut at an angle
coating (Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 10) to patch by tilting the shears instead of cutting straight
and buffed area. (See Figure 15-2).

(2) Prepare a patch of outside repair material (Refer

to Table 15-2, usage column 3) 1 1/2 inches larger than the
area of damage.
Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of
72 hours prior to installation or being subjected (3) Prepare a second patch of the same material that
to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first is 1 inch larger than the first.
24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in
any type of heating chamber to accelerate cur-
ing; such action will cause the cell to deteriorate
and shrink beyond safe dimensions.
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
(9) Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
Work Package 012). proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex-
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 20
posure. Always wear eye protection when en- a permanent set conforming to the shape in its
gaged in buffing operations. relaxed position.

Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner NOTE

liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
rier is broken. If the vulcanization method of bonding is used
rather than the room temperature cure method,
the techniques are the same except that vulcan-
izing adhesives are used (Refer to Table 15-4,
usage columns 4 or 5). The cure is accom-
plished by clamping the double patch between
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all plates and heat curing at the temperature and
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine time listed in Table 15-4. Remove clamps when
scratches. However, care must be exercised to heater and plates return to room temperature.
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur-
ing the buffing operation. To determine if the adhesive is tacky, test it by
pressing a knuckle gently against the cemented
Only experienced personnel should use power surface and withdrawing it. If a few threads of
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished adhesive stick to the knuckle, the adhesive is
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If ready for the patch.
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
When applying patches or laminating layers of
(4) Buff both sides of the first patch and the large repair materials, roll down (stitch) each layer
side of the second patch. with a 1/4-inch hand roller, starting from the
center and working to the outer edge to elimi-
nate trapped air and ensure a good seal (See
Figure 15-4).
ASTM D329 7 (6) When adhesives are tacky, mate the bonding
surfaces and stitch down.
(7) Clamp the patch and allow two hours drying
(8) Clean the buffed areas in the fuel cell and on the
double patch with cheesecloth moistened with Acetone,
Organic solvents or adhesives containing or- ASTM D329 and apply adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, us-
ganic solvents are flammable. Avoid breathing age columns 1 or 2 for adhesive, and paragraph 1e(1) for
of vapors or prolonged skin contact. Use per- application procedures).
sonal protective equipment.
(9) When adhesive is tacky, center the patch over
Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100, the damage area and stitch down.
when applying solvents by hand.

(5) Clean the buffed areas with cheesecloth, CCC-

C-440, dampened with, Acetone, ASTM D329, and apply Adhesive
adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage columns 1 or 2) to the MIL-PRF-9117 8
small side of the first patch and the large side of the second
patch (Refer to paragraph 1e(1) for application procedures). (10) After two hours, apply adhesive MIL-PRF-9117
(Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 1) to skived edge.
(11) Allow to dry completely; re-stitch.

If clamps and platens used in the vulcanization

process are disassembled from the patches be-
fore room temperature is reached, the bonded Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of
patch material will not cure flat but will assume 72 hours prior to installation or being subjected
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 21
to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
any type of heating chamber to accelerate cur- proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex-
ing; such action will cause the cell to deteriorate posure. Always wear eye protection when en-
and shrink beyond safe dimensions. gaged in buffing operations.

(12) Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
Work Package 012). liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
rier is broken.
15-5.) Application procedures for an inside corner repair
patch is as follows:

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all

gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
Comply with general safety instructions in scratches. However, care must be exercised to
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara- assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur-
tions in Work Package 006. ing the buffing operation.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, Only experienced personnel should use power
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
ventilation of the cell. this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 22

Figure 15-5. Repairing Inside Corner

NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
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(1) Buff the area to be repaired 2 3/4 inches in all (6) Make a 1/8-inch long slit in the center at right
directions from the edge of the damage. angles to the first slit.
(7) Fit the first patch into the corner. Trim to size
NOTE and place so that a lap forms in a flat area.

Repair patches must have a smoothly-rounded (8) Mark outline of first patch on fuel cell with a
outline and the edges skived or cut at an angle white marking pencil, SS-P-00196.
by tilting the shears instead of cutting straight
(See Figure 15-2). (9) Fit second patch over the first. Trim to size and
place so that the lap it forms is in a flat area as far as possi-
(2) Prepare a patch of nylon sandwich material (Re- ble from the lap on the first patch.
fer to Table 15-2, usage column 4) 1 1/2 inches larger than
the area of damage. (10) Mark outline of second patch on fuel cell with a
white marking pencil.
(3) Prepare a second patch of the same material that
is 1 inch larger than the first.

ASTM D329 7

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, (11) Clean the buffed areas with cheesecloth mois-
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection tened with Acetone, ASTM D329. Apply adhesive (Refer to
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous Table 15-4, usage column 1 or 2) to the fuel cell and the
ventilation of the cell. larger side of the first patch (Refer to paragraph 1e(1) for
application procedures).
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap- NOTE
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex-
posure. Always wear eye protection when en- To determine if the adhesive is tacky, test it by
gaged in buffing operations. pressing a knuckle gently against the cemented
surface and withdrawing it. If a few threads of
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner adhesive stick to the knuckle, the adhesive is
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar- ready for the patch.
rier is broken.
(12) When the adhesives are tacky, align the first
patch with the white marks on the fuel cell. Ensure that the
inner end of the 1/8-inch slit falls in the apex of the corner.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all NOTE

gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to When applying patches or laminating layers of
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur- repair materials, roll down (stitch) each layer
ing the buffing operation. with a 1/4-inch hand roller. If the roller proves
to be too awkward, the patch may be stitched
Only experienced personnel should use power with a rolling motion of the finger. Avoid any
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished wrinkles or trapped air.
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. (13) Stitch patch in place. Start from the inner edge
of the slit and work around to the outer edge of the slit. En-
(4) Buff both sides of the first patch and the large sure the lap is secure.
side of the second patch. Feather the skived edges.
(14) Apply adhesive to the exposed side of the first
(5) Cut a single slit in each patch from the outside patch and the larger side of the second patch (Refer to para-
edge to the center. graph 1e(1) for application procedures).
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 24
(15) When the adhesive is tacky, align the second h. OUTSIDE CORNER REPAIR PATCH. Applica-
patch with the white marks on the fuel cell. Ensure that the tion procedures for an outside corner repair patch is as fol-
inner end of the 1/8-inch slit falls in the apex of the corner lows:
and that the overlap is opposite that of the first patch.

When applying patches or laminating layers of
repair materials, roll down (stitch) each layer When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
with a 1/4-inch hand roller. If the roller proves them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
to be too awkward, the patch may be stitched proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex-
with a rolling motion of the finger. Avoid any posure. Always wear eye protection when en-
wrinkles or trapped air. gaged in buffing operations.

(16) Stitch patch in place. Start from the inner edge Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
of the slit and work around to the outer edge of the slit. En- liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
sure the lap is secure. rier is broken.

If clamps and platens used in the vulcanization

process are disassembled from the patches be- Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
fore room temperature is reached, the bonded gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
patch material will not cure flat but will assume scratches. However, care must be exercised to
a permanent set conforming to the shape in its assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur-
relaxed position. ing the buffing operation.

(17) Clamp the patch and allow two hours drying Only experienced personnel should use power
time. buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be buffed by hand.

(1) Buff the area to be repaired 2 3/4 inches in all

Adhesive directions from the edge of the damage.
MIL-PRF-9117 8
(18) Apply adhesive MIL-PRF-9117 (Refer to Table
Repair patches must have a smoothly rounded
15-4, usage column 1) to skived edge. Allow to dry com-
outline and the edges skived or cut at an angle
pletely; re-stitch.
by tilting the shears instead of cutting straight
(See Figure 15-2).

(2) Prepare a patch of outside repair material (Refer

to Table 15-2, usage column 3) 1 1/2 inches larger than the
Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of area of damage.
72 hours prior to installation or being subjected (3) Prepare a second patch of the same material that
to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first is 1 inch larger than the first.
24-hour period. Do not place repaired cell in
any type of heating chamber to accelerate cur-
ing; such action will cause the cell to deteriorate
and shrink beyond safe dimensions.

(19) Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
Work Package 012). them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 25
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex- posure. Always wear eye protection when en-
posure. Always wear eye protection when en- gaged in buffing operations.
gaged in buffing operations.
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar- rier is broken.
rier is broken.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all

gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
during the buffing operation.
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
during the buffing operation. Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
Only experienced personnel should use power surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. (12) Buff the filler patches on the larger sides.
(4) Buff both sides of the first patch and the large
side of the second patch. Feather the skived edges.
(5) Cut a single slit in each patch from the outside Acetone
edge to the center. ASTM D329 7
(6) Make a 1/8-inch long slit in the center at right (13) Clean the buffed areas with cheesecloth, CCC-
angles to the first slit. C-440, dampened with, Acetone, ASTM D329, and apply
adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 1 or 2) to the
(7) Fit the first patch onto the corner. Trim to size
fuel cell and the larger side of the first patch (Refer to para-
and place so that the slit forms an opening in a flat area.
graph 1e(1) for application procedures).
(8) Mark outline of first patch on fuel cell with a
white marking pencil, SS-P-196.
To determine if the adhesive is tacky, test it by
(9) Fit second patch over the first. Trim to size and pressing a knuckle gently against the cemented
place so that the slit forms an opening in a flat area as far as surface and withdrawing it. If a few threads of
possible from the first patch opening. adhesive stick to the knuckle, the adhesive is
(10) Mark outline of second patch on fuel cell with ready for the patch.
white marking pencil.
(14) When the adhesives are tacky, align the first
(11) Cut two filler patches of the same repair mate- patch with the white marks on the fuel cell. Ensure that the
rial to fit into the patch openings with the edges slightly inner end of the 1/8-inch slit falls in the apex of the corner
overlapping. and that the opening is in a flat area.
When applying patches or laminating layers of
repair materials, roll down (stitch) each layer
with a 1/4-inch hand roller, starting from the
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff center and working to the outer edge to elimi-
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap- nate trapped air and ensure a good seal (See
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex Figure 15-2).
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 26
(15) Stitch first patch in place. (21) When tacky, center second filler patch in open-
ing. Stitch in place.

ASTM D329 7 Adhesive
(16) Clean with cheesecloth moistened with Ace- MIL-PRF-9117 8
tone, ASTM D329 and apply adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4,
(22) After two hours, apply adhesive MIL-PRF-9117
usage column 1 or 2) to first filler patch and opening in first
(Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 1) to skived edge.
(17) When tacky, center first filler patch in opening (23) Allow to dry completely; re-stitch.
and stitch in place.
(18) Apply adhesive to exposed side of first patch
and to larger side of second patch (Refer to paragraph 1e(1)
for application procedures). Adhesive

To determine if the adhesive is tacky, test it by

pressing a knuckle gently against the cemented
surface and withdrawing it. If a few threads of
adhesive stick to the knuckle, the adhesive is Allow multiple coats of sealants or adhesives to
ready for the patch. dry completely between applications.

(19) When the adhesives are tacky, align the second If exterior fuel cell protective coating (Refer to
patch with the white marks on the fuel cell. Ensure that the Table 15-4, usage column 10) is not available,
inner end of the 1/8-inch slit falls in the apex of the corner, adhesive MIL-PRF-9117 (Refer to Table 15-4,
and that the opening is in a flat area as far as possible from usage column 1) may be used.
the opening on the first patch.
NOTE (24) Apply two coats of exterior fuel cell protective
coating (Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 10) to patch
When applying patches or laminating layers of and buffed area.
repair materials, roll down (stitch) each layer
with a 1/4-inch hand roller, starting from the
center and working to the outer edge to elimi-
nate trapped air and ensure a good seal (See
Figure 15-4).
Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of
72 hours prior to installation or being subjected
to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first
Acetone 24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in
ASTM D329 7 any type of heating chamber to accelerate cur-
ing; such action will cause the cell to deteriorate
(20) Clean with cheesecloth dampened with Ace- and shrink beyond safe dimensions.
tone, ASTM D329 and apply adhesive (Table 15-4. usage
column 1 or 2) to second filler patch and opening in second (25) Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to
patch. Work Package 012).
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 27

Figure 15-6. Plug-Type Repair

i. REPAIR PLUGS. (See Figure 15-6.) There are

two basic-types of fuel cell repair plugs: salvage repair
plugs, and built-up repair plugs.
j. SALVAGE REPAIR PLUG. Application proce- When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
dures for a salvage repair plug are as follows: them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex-
posure. Always wear eye protection when en-
gaged in buffing operations.
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
Comply with general safety instructions in rier is broken.
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara-
tions in Work Package 006.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
ventilation of the cell. scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
(1) Mark two circles with a white marking pencil, during the buffing operation.
SS-P-196, on the interior side of the fuel cell as follows:
Only experienced personnel should use power
(a) The inside circle should be large enough to in- buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
clude all of the damage area. surface that is too smooth for good adhesion.
(b) The outside circle should be 1/2 inch larger in (2) Buff the area of the inner liner extending from
radius than the inside circle. the outer circle outward 2 3/4 inches.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 28

Figure 15-7. Cutting Out Damaged Area

Figure 15-8. Cutting Bevel and Buffing

NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 29
(6) Buff the outer ply of the retainer 2 3/4 inches
(3) Re-mark the outside circle.
beyond the edge of the hole.
(4) Cut away, at right angles to the cell wall, the
(7) Prepare and install an outside double repair
cell wall area inside the small circle. A template may be
patch (refer to paragraph 2f).
used as a guide if desired (See Figure 15-7).

Each fuel cell manufacturer compounds the

natural gum rubber used in the fuel cells with
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, slightly different ingredients. The reaction to
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection fuel, solvents and adhesives varies. For this rea-
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous son, it is desirable to use a salvage plug from a
ventilation of the cell. fuel cell manufactured by the same rubber com-
pany that manufactured the fuel cell under re-
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff pair.
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex- (8) From a scrapped fuel cell, cut a plug 1 inch lar-
posure. Always wear eye protection when en- ger than the cutout of the damaged fuel cell area.
gaged in buffing operations.
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar- Rotation and careful alignment of the plug is
rier is broken. required to assure proper fit.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all

gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
scratches. However, care must be exercised to them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur- proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex-
ing the buffing operation. posure. Always wear eye protection when en-
gaged in buffing operations.
Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. rier is broken.

(5) Bevel cut and buff the edge of the hole, using (9) Hand trim and buff the edge of the plug to fit
the large circle as one guide and the edge of the hole at the snugly, and flush with the adjacent fuel cell surface (See
outer retainer as the other (See Figure 15-8). Figure 15-9).
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 30

Figure 15-9. Preparing Plug

nate trapped air and ensure a good seal (See

Figure 15-4).

Acetone (11) When tacky, install plug and stitch firmly.

ASTM D329 7

The exterior patches that have been applied to
the fuel cell provide a base to support the plug If clamps and platens used in the vulcanization
during fitting and installation. process are disassembled from the patches be-
fore room temperature is reached, the bonded
(10) Clean with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, dampened patch material will not cure flat but will assume
with Acetone, ASTM D329, and apply adhesive (Refer to a permanent set conforming to the shape in its
Table 15-4, usage column 1 or 2) to the edge and base of relaxed position.
the plug and the fuel cell cavity (Refer to paragraph 1e(1)
for application procedures). (12) Clamp and allow to dry for 8 to 10 hours.

To determine if the adhesive is tacky, test it by
pressing a knuckle gently against the cemented
surface and withdrawing it. If a few threads of When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
adhesive stick to the knuckle, the adhesive is wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
ready for the patch or plug. suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.
When applying patches or laminating layers of
repair materials, roll down (stitch) each layer When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
with a 1/4-inch hand roller, starting from the them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
center and working to the outer edge to elimi- proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex-
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 31
posure. Always wear eye protection when en- to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first
gaged in buffing operations. 24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in
any type of heating chamber to accelerate cur-
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner ing; such action will cause the cell to deteriorate
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar- and shrink beyond safe dimensions.
rier is broken.
(15) Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to
Work Package 012).
k. BUILT-UP REPAIR PLUG. Application proce-
dures for a built-up repair plug are as follows:
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur-
ing the buffing operation.
Comply with general safety instructions in
Only experienced personnel should use power Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara-
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished tions in Work Package 006.
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. (1) Mark two circles with a white marking pencil,
SS-P-196, on the interior side of the fuel call as follows:
(13) Lightly buff exposed surface of plug to ensure (a) The inside circle should be large enough to in-
edges are flush with inner liner. clude all of the damage area.
(b) The outside circle should be 1/2 inch larger in
radius than the inside circle.
ASTM D329 7

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff

them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex-
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection posure. Always wear eye protection when en-
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous gaged in buffing operations.
ventilation of the cell.
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
Organic solvents or adhesives containing or- liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
ganic solvents are flammable. Avoid breathing rier is broken.
of vapors or prolonged skin contact. Use per-
sonal protective equipment. (2) Buff the area of the inner liner extending from
the outer circle outward 2 3/4 inches.
Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,
when applying solvents by hand. (3) Re-mark the outside circle with white marking
(14) Clean with cheesecloth dampened with Ace-
(4) Cut away, at right angles to the cell wall, the
tone, ASTM D329 and apply an inside double repair patch
cell wall area inside the small circle (See Figure 15-7).
(Refer to paragraph 2d).

Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
72 hours prior to installation or being subjected wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 32
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous NOTE
ventilation of the cell.
When laminating layers of repair materials, roll
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner down (stitch) each layer with a 1/4-inch hand
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar- roller, starting from the center and working to
rier is broken. the outer edge to eliminate trapped air and to
ensure a good seal (See Figure 15-4).

(9) Laminate the sealant and coated fabric as fol-

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur-
ing the buffing operation.
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
Only experienced personnel should use power wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If ventilation of the cell.
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
Organic solvents or adhesives containing or-
(5) Bevel cut and buff the edge of the hole, using ganic solvents are flammable. Avoid breathing
the large circle as one guide, and the edge of the hole at the of vapors or prolonged skin contact. Use per-
outer retainer as the other (See Figure 15-8). sonal protective equipment.

(6) Buff the outer ply of the retainer 2 3/4 inches Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,
beyond the edge of the hole. when applying solvents by hand.
(7) Prepare and install an outside double repair
patch (Refer to paragraph 2f). NOTE
Use adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage col-
umn 3) for hot-cure or adhesive (Refer to Table
15-4, usage column 7) for air-cure.

Each fuel cell manufacturer compounds the (a) Apply three coats of adhesive to one side of a
natural gum rubber used in the fuel cells with patch of coated fabric (Refer to paragraph 1e(1) for proce-
slightly different ingredients. The reactions to dures).
fuel, solvents, and adhesives varies. For this
(b) Apply one coat of adhesive to one side of a
reason, it is desirable to use sealant manufac-
patch of sealant.
tured by each rubber company for repairs on
their specific fuel cells.
To determine if the adhesive is tacky, test it by
pressing a knuckle gently against the cemented
Use sealant material and coated fabric compa-
surface and withdrawing it. If a few threads of
rable in thickness to the material in the area of
adhesive stick to the knuckle, the adhesive is
ready for the patch.
(8) Cut as many patches of sealant (Refer to Table
(c) Allow adhesive to become tacky.
15-2, usage 13 or 14) and coated fabric (Refer to Table 15-
2, usage column 7) as there are fabric and sealant layers in (d) Fit coated fabric layer over sealant layer;
the damage area. stitch together.
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Page 33

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous scratches. However, care must be exercised to
ventilation of the cell. assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur-
ing the buffing operation.
Organic solvents or adhesives containing or-
ganic solvents are flammable. Avoid breathing Only experienced personnel should use power
of vapors or prolonged skin contact. Use per- buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
sonal protective equipment. surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,
when applying solvents by hand. (l) Buff the synthetic rubber or nitrile coat
(BUNA-N) side of the inner liner patches.
If building up a plug for lightweight or standard
construction "A" fuel cells (with only one layer Acetone
of coated fabric between the sealant layers), ASTM D329 7
proceed to step (g). (m) Clean with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, damp-
ened with Acetone, ASTM D329, and apply three coats of
(e) Apply adhesive to the exposed side of the adhesive to the nylon film barrier side of the first inner liner
coated fabric layer and to one side of a second patch of patch, and one coat of adhesive to the exposed sealant layer
coated fabric (Refer to paragraph 1e(1) for procedures). (Refer to paragraph 1e(1) for procedures).
(f) When tacky, fit the two layers of coated fab- (n) Allow sealant to become tacky.
ric together; stitch down.
(o) Fit inner liner patch over sealant layer and
(g) Apply three coats of adhesive to the ex stitch in place.
posed side of the coated fabric (Refer to paragraph
1e(1) for application procedures). (p) Clean with cheesecloth dampened with Ace-
tone, ASTM D329 and apply three coats of adhesive to the
(h) Apply one coat of adhesive to one side of the nylon barrier side of the second inner liner patch, and to the
second patch of sealant. exposed inner liner on the plug (Refer to 9-4e(1) for appli-
(i) Allow adhesive to me tacky. cation procedures).

(j) Fit sealant layer over coated fabric layer; (q) Allow adhesive to become tacky.
stitch together. (r) Fit second inner liner patch over exposed in-
(k) Cut two patches of inner liner repair material ner liner patch on plug; stitch in place.
(Refer to Table 15-2, usage column 4). (s) Cut two patches of outside repair material
(Refer to Table 15-2, usage column 3).

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff

them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap- Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex- gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
posure. Always wear eye protection when en- scratches. However, care must be exercised to
gaged in buffing operations. assure, that the nylon barrier is not damaged
during the buffing operation.
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar- Only experienced personnel should use power
rier is broken. buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 34
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If NOTE
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
The exterior patches that have been applied to
(t) Buff both sides of both patches. the fuel cell provide a base to support the plug
during fitting and installation.

(bb) Clean with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, damp-

Acetone ened with Acetone, ASTM D329, and apply adhesive (Re-
ASTM D329 7 fer to Table 15-4, usage columns 1 or 2) to the edge and
base of the plug and the fuel cell cavity (Refer to paragraph
(u) Clean with cheesecloth dampened with Ace- 1e(1) for application procedures).
tone, ASTM D329 and apply three coats of adhesive to the
first patch of outside repair material, and one coat of adhe-
sive to the exposed sealant layer on the plug (Refer to para-
graph 1e(1) for application procedures). To determine if the adhesive is tacky, test it by
(v) Allow adhesive to become tacky. pressing a knuckle gently against the cemented
surface and withdrawing it. If a few threads of
(w) Fit first outside repair patch over exposed adhesive stick to the knuckle, the adhesive is
sealant layer on plug; stitch in place. ready for the patch or plug.
(x) Clean with cheesecloth dampened with Ace-
tone, ASTM D329 and apply three coats of adhesive to one When applying patches or laminating layers of
side of the second outside repair patch, and to the exposed repair materials, roll down (stitch) each layer
outside repair patch on the plug (Refer to paragraph 1e(1) with a 1/4-inch hand roller, starting from the
for application procedures). center and working to the outer edge to elimi-
nate trapped air and ensure a good seal (See
(y) Allow adhesive to become tacky. Figure 15-4).
(z) Fit second outside repair patch over the ex-
posed outside repair patch on the plug; stitch in place. (cc) When tacky, install plug and stitch firmly.

The exterior patches that have been applied to
the fuel cell provide a base to support the plug If clamps and platens used in the vulcanization
during fitting and installation. process are disassembled from the patches be-
fore room temperature is reached, the bonded
Rotation and careful alignment of the plug is patch material will not cure flat but will assume
required to assure proper fit. a permanent set conforming to the shape in its
relaxed position.
(aa) From the built-up layers, cut a plug 1 inch lar-
ger than the cutout of the fuel cell area. Hand trim and buff (dd) Clamp and allow to dry for 8 to 10 hours
the edge of the plug to fit snugly and flush with the adjacent
fuel cell surface (See Figure 15-8).

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, ventilation of the cell.
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
ventilation of the cell. them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex-
Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100, posure. Always wear eye protection when en-
when applying solvents by hand. gaged in buffing operations.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 35
l. STEP-BACK REPAIR PLUG. (See Figures 15-10
and 15-11.) Application procedures for a step-back fuel cell
repair plug are as follows:

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all

gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon, barrier is not damaged
during the buffing operation. Comply with general safety instructions in
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara-
Only experienced personnel should use power tions in Work Package 006.
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
(ee) Lightly buff exposed surface of plug to ensure ventilation of the cell.
edges are flush with inner liner.
Step-back repair cutouts should be smoothly-
Acetone rounded with step-backs at right angles to the
ASTM D329 7 cell wall.
(ff) Clean with cheesecloth dampened with Ace-
tone, ASTM D329 and apply an inside double repair patch The step-back, as shown in Figure 15-10, has
(Refer to paragraph 2d). the step-back increase toward the interior of the
fuel cell. This is necessary in order to provide
maximum strength. A convenient way to mark
the step-back is to draw the 1-inch step-back
lines on the inside of the fuel cell before cutting
into the inside body. Then, knowing the ply se-
Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of quence, it is an easy matter to accurately step-
72 hours prior to installation or being subjected back from the damage. If desired, it is also pos-
to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first sible, by proper marking, to cut from the outer
24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in marking line on the inside of the fuel cell down
any type of heating chamber to accelerate cur- to the required ply. Peel and buff off the cut
ing; such action will cause the cell to deteriorate plies, re-mark, and repeat these steps until the
and shrink beyond safe dimensions. first step-back from the damage is reached. It is
recommended that the step-back repair method
(gg) Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to be practiced on scrap material until acceptable
Work Package 012). repair techniques are developed.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
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Figure 15-10. Step-Back Repair, Construction B Completed

Figure 15-11. Step-Back Repair Cutout Construction A

Figure 15-12. Step-Back Repair Cutout, Construction B

NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
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(1) Cut out the damaged area. (4) Step-back the sealant gum and fabric separator
plies 1 inch from the second retainer layer.

For lightweight and standard construction "A"
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, fuel cells, comply with the instructions in step
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection (5), then proceed to step (7). For standard con-
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous struction "B" fuel cells, omit step (5).
ventilation of the cell.
The inner liner is cut to the same edge as the
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff second layer of sealant gum.
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex- (5) Step-back the second ply of sealant to expose
posure. Always wear eye protection when en- the single layer of fabric separator between the sealant
gaged in buffing operations. plies.

Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner NOTE

liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
rier is broken. The inner liner is cut to the same edge as the
second layer of sealant gum.

(6) Step-back the second ply of sealant gum and the

second ply of fabric separator to expose the first layer of
fabric separator.
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to NOTE
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur-
ing the buffing operation. Patches that are over 8 inches in diameter can
be applied with better control if a polyethylene
Only experienced personnel should use power film, L-P-378, or Holland Cloth, MIL-C-17564,
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished liner is used between the coated patch and the
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If coated area of the fuel cell. This separate sheet
his occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. is removed as the patch is stitched down.

(2) Working from the inside, step-back the cutout 1 (7) Prepare and install a double outside repair patch
inch to the outer ply of the retainer. Buff as required to re- (Refer to paragraph 2f).
move material, if necessary.
NOTE For repair patches, refer to Table 15-2 and use
fabrics from usage column 3 for the first two
In lightweight and standard construction "A" plies, usage column 13 for the sealant plies, us-
fuel cells, the original construction is not fol- age column 7 for the plies between the sealant
lowed due to the necessity of lapping the single plies, and usage column 4 for the inner liner.
fabric ply used between the plies of sealant
gum, and the fact that no strength is obtained in Standard construction "B" fuel cells require
lapping sealant gum. The lap of this fabric ply three plies of retainer fabric.
will reduce the thickness of the sealant gum ply
next to the inner liner. (8) Cut out the required number of repair patches,
and trim to fit the step-backs as required.
(3) Continue to step-back the plies of the fuel cell
as shown in Figures 15-11 and 15-12. (9) Install as follows:
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
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ASTM D329 7
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
(b) Clean with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, mois-
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
tened with Acetone, ASTM D329, and apply three coats of
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 3) to one side
ventilation of the cell.
of the first layer retainer fabric insert (Refer to paragraph
1e(1) for application procedures).
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap- (c) Apply one coat of the same adhesive to the in-
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex- stalled double patch exposed surface and the edge of the
posure. Always wear eye protection when en- first layer retainer fabric.
gaged in buffing operations.
(d) Allow adhesive to become tacky.
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner (e) Install first layer insert; stitch down firmly.
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
(f) Lightly buff the exposed surface of the first
rier is broken.
layer retainer fabric.
(g) Clean with cheesecloth moistened with Ace-
tone, ASTM D329 and apply three coats of adhesive (Refer
to Table 15-4, usage column 3) to the first layer retainer
fabric (Refer to paragraph 1e(1) for application procedures).
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine (h) Clean with cheesecloth moistened with Ace-
scratches. However, care must be exercised to tone, ASTM D329 and apply three coats of the same adhe-
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur- sive to one face, and to the edge of the second layer retainer
ing the buffing operation. fabric insert patch (Refer to paragraph 1e(1) for application
Only experienced personnel should use power (i) Allow adhesive to become tacky.
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If (j) Install second layer retainer fabric insert;
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. stitch down firmly.

Omit step (k) on standard construction "B" fuel
To determine if the adhesive is tacky, test it by cells.
pressing a knuckle gently against the cemented
surface and withdrawing it. If a few threads of (k) Repeat steps (f) through (j) for the third layer
adhesive stick to the knuckle, the adhesive is retainer fabric insert.
ready for the patch. (l) Lightly buff the last layer of the installed re-
tainer fabric.
When applying patches or laminating layers of
repair materials, roll down (stitch) each layer (m) Clean with cheesecloth moistened with Ace-
with a 1/4-inch hand roller, starting from the tone, ASTM D329. Apply three coats of adhesive (Refer to
center and working to the outer edge to elimi- Table 15-4, usage column 3) to the last layer of retainer
nate trapped air and ensure a good seal (See fabric and the exposed edge of sealant (Refer to paragraph
Figure 15-4). 1e(1) for application procedures).
(n) Apply one coat of the same adhesive to one
(a) Buff both faces of the retainer fabric plies. face and the edge of the first gum sealant insert.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 39
(o) Allow adhesive to become tacky. scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur-
(p) Install first layer of gum sealant; stitch down
ing the buffing operation.
Only experienced personnel should use power
NOTE buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
Omit steps (q) through (t) on lightweight and this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
standard construction "A" fuel cells.
(u) Lightly buff the exposed step-back area of the
sealant ply separator.
(v) Clean and apply three coats of adhesive (Refer
Acetone to Table 15-4, usage column 3) to the step-back area (Refer
ASTM D329 7 to paragraph 1e(1) for application procedures).
(q) Apply three coats of adhesive (Refer to Table (w) Apply one coat of the same adhesive to the
15-4. usage column 3) to one side of the first sealant ply exposed sealant ply.
separator insert and the edge (Refer to paragraph 1e(1) for
(x) Apply three coats of the same adhesive to the
application procedures).
sealant ply separator insert patch (Refer to paragraph 1e(1)
(r) Apply one coat of the same adhesive to the for application procedures).
exposed sealant layer.
(y) Allow adhesive to become tacky.
(s) Allow adhesive to become tacky.
(z) Install sealant ply separator insert; stitch down
(t) Install first sealant ply separator insert; stitch firmly.
down firmly.
Omit steps (aa) through (dd) on lightweight and
Omit steps (u) through (z) on standard construc- standard construction "A" fuel cells.
tion "B" fuel cells.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection scratches. However, care must be exercised to
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur-
ventilation of the cell. ing the buffing operation.

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff Only experienced personnel should use power
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap- buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex- surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
posure. Always wear eye protection when en- this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
gaged in buffing operations.
(aa) Lightly buff first layer sealant ply separator
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner step-back and the exposed first layer sealant ply separator
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar- insert patch.
rier is broken. (bb) Clean with cheesecloth moistened with Ace-
tone, ASTM D329. Apply three coats of adhesive (Refer to
Table 15-4, usage column 3) to the step-back area, the ex-
posed sealant ply insert patch, and to one side of the second
sealant ply separator insert patch (Refer to paragraph 1e(1)
for application procedures).
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine (cc) Allow adhesive to become tacky.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 40
(dd) Install second sealant ply separator insert (ff) Clean with cheesecloth moistened with Ace-
patch; stitch down firmly. tone, ASTM D329 and apply three coats of adhesive (Refer
to Table 15-4, usage column 3) to the exposed sealant ply
separator and the exposed sealant edge (Refer to paragraph
1e(1) for application procedures).
(gg) Apply one coat of the same adhesive to one
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, side and edge of the second layer of sealant ply.
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
(hh) Allow adhesive to become tacky.
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell. (ii) Install second layer sealant ply; stitch down
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
(jj) Apply three coats of adhesive (Refer to Table
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
15-4, usage column 3) to the nylon fuel barrier side of the
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex-
inner liner insert patch (Refer to paragraph 1e(1) for appli-
posure. Always wear eye protection when en-
cation procedures).
gaged in buffing operations.
(kk) Apply one coat of the same adhesive to the
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner exposed layer of sealant ply.
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
(ll) Allow adhesive to become tacky.
rier is broken.
(mm) Install inner liner insert patch; stitch down
(nn) Clean with cheesecloth moistened with Ace-
tone, ASTM D329 and apply an inside double repair patch
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all (Refer to paragraph 2d).
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur-
ing the buffing operation.

Only experienced personnel should use power If clamps and platens used in the vulcanization
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished process are disassembled from the patches be-
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If fore room temperature is reached, the bonded
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. patch material will not cure flat but will assume
a permanent set conforming to the shape in its
(ee) Lightly buff the last layer of sealant ply sepa- relaxed position.
rator installed.
(oo) Clamp step-back repair and allow to cure 8 to
10 hours.

ASTM D329 7

Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of

72 hours prior to installation or being subjected
to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, 24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection any type of heating chamber to accelerate cur-
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous ing; such action will cause the cell to deteriorate
ventilation of the cell. and shrink beyond safe dimensions.

Wear disposable polyethylene. gloves, MR-100, (pp) Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to
when applying solvents by hand. Work Package 012).
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 41
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex-
posure. Always wear eye protection when en-
gaged in buffing operations.

Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner

liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
rier is broken.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all

gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
during the buffing operation.
Only experienced personnel should use power
Figure 15-13. Slitting Blister buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
m. BLISTER REPAIR. There are two methods of
blister repair: open blister repair (air-cure), and closed blis- NOTE
ter repair (vulcanization).
To determine if the adhesive is tacky, test it by
(1) Repair method determination. Blisters are gen- pressing a knuckle gently against the cemented
erally repaired by the open blister repair method. The only surface and withdrawing it. If a few threads of
exceptions are when the following considerations are met: adhesive stick to the knuckle, the adhesive is
ready for the patch.
The blister is less than two inches in length.
When applying patches or laminating layers of
It can be positively determined that there is no repair materials, roll down (stitch) each layer
fuel in the blister. with a 1/4-inch hand roller, starting from the
center and working to the outer edge to elimi-
(2) Inner liner and outside retainer blister repair nate trapped air and ensure a good seal (See
methods. Outside retainer blisters are repaired in the same Figure 15-4).
manner as inner liner blisters, except that outside repair
materials are used. (1) Buff the blister surface and an area extending 2
3/4 inches in all directions from its edge.
n. OPEN BLISTER REPAIR. The open blister
method of fuel cell repair is as follows: (2) Slit the blister from end to end (See Figure 15-
(3) Buff the underside of the loose edges to remove
all fuel barrier material.

Comply with general safety instructions in

Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara- Acetone
tions in Work Package 006. ASTM D329 7
(4) Clean with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, moistened
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, with Acetone, ASTM D329, and apply three coats of adhe-
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection sive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 1 or 2) to the in-
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous side surfaces (Refer to paragraph 1e(1) for application pro-
ventilation of the cell. cedures.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 42
(5) Allow adhesive to become tacky. (5) Remove clamps and apply an inside single re-
pair patch to the repaired area (Refer to paragraph 2c).
NOTE (6) Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to
Work Package 012).
The edges of some blisters, after cutting, may
overlap when stitched in place. When this oc- p. LOOSE LAP SEAM OR LOOSE PATCH RE-
curs, trim the inner liner material so that the PAIR. Repair procedures for loose lap seams and repair
edges will butt together. The edges of other procedures for loose patches are identical. To repair loose
blisters, after cutting, may leave a gap when lap seams or patches, perform the following procedures:
stitched in place. When this occurs, cut a strip
of inner liner material to fill in the gap and bond
in place.

(6) Stitch blister flaps firmly in place. Comply with general safety instructions in
(7) Apply an inside double repair patch to the re- Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara-
paired area (Refer to paragraph 2d). tions in Work Package 006.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.
Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of
72 hours prior to installation or being subjected When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex-
any type of heating chamber to accelerate cur- posure. Always wear eye protection when en-
ing; such action will cause the cell to deteriorate gaged in buffing operations.
and shrink beyond safe dimensions.
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
(8) Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
Work Package 012). rier is broken.
o. CLOSED BLISTER REPAIR. The closed blister
method of fuel cell repair is as follows:
(1) Fill a syringe and hypodermic needle with vul-
canizing adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 4 or
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
(2) Insert needle in one end of blister and inject ad- scratches. However, care must be exercised to
hesive until blister is full. assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur-
ing the buffing operation.
(3) Extract as much adhesive as possible and with-
draw the needle.
Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.

If clamps and platens used in the vulcanization NOTE

process are disassembled from the patches be-
fore room temperature is reached, the bonded Loose lap seams or patches on the inside of the
patch material will not cure flat but will assume fuel cell should be repaired as soon as they are
a permanent set conforming to the shape in its detected. This is to prevent the separation from
relaxed position. spreading to the sealant.

(4) Clamp the blister down flat and vulcanize at Outside retainer lap seam repair procedures are
290°F (143°C) ±5°F (3°C) for 30 minutes. the same as inside liner lap seam repairs, except
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
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that material comparable to the outside retainer NOTE
is used.
As a general practice, it is easier and faster to
To determine if the adhesive is tacky, test it by replace activated sealant. In some cases the ac-
pressing a knuckle gently against the cemented tivated sealant will break into chunks or wrinkle
surface and withdrawing it. If a few threads of extensively. A safe practice is to replace acti-
adhesive stick to the knuckle, the adhesive is vated sealant where any doubt exists concerning
ready for the patch. the loss of original properties.

When applying patches or laminating layers of The following repair is not valid for fuel cells
repair materials, roll down (stitch) each layer manufactured by Engineered Fabric Corpora-
with a 1/4-inch hand roller, starting from the tion (EFC).
center and working to the outer edge to elimi-
nate trapped air and ensure a good seal (See (1) Remove all fuel and fuel vapors from the fuel
Figure 15-4). cell (Refer to Work Package 006).

(1) Buff both surfaces inside the separation.

(2) Buff an area on top of the loose seam extending

1 3/4 inches in all directions from the edge of the separa- Comply with general safety instructions in
tion. Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara-
tions in Work Package 006.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

Acetone wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
ASTM D329 7 suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.
(3) Clean with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, moistened
with Acetone, ASTM D329, and apply three coats of adhe- (2) Cut away the inner liner and fuel barrier to ex-
sive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 1 or 2) to both sur- pose the activated sealant.
faces inside the separation (Refer to paragraph 1e(1) for (3) Allow a maximum of 72 hours for fuel and fuel
application procedures). vapors to dissipate from the sealant.
(4) Allow adhesive to become tacky.
(5) Stitch down firmly.
(6) Apply a single inside repair patch (Refer to If after 72 hours the sealant has not returned to
paragraph 2c). its normal shape and consistency, remove the
affected sealant and replace with new repair

(4) Use step-back patch repair procedures to replace

the cut-away material (Refer to paragraph 2l (2L)).
Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of (5) Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to
72 hours prior to installation or being subjected Work Package 012).
to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first
24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in r. PLY SEPARATION REPAIRS. Ply separations
any type of heating chamber to accelerate cur- are an aging characteristic of fuel cells caused by adhesives
ing; such action will cause the cell to deteriorate reverting to an uncured state. There are three methods of
and shrink beyond safe dimensions. fuel cell ply separation repair. They are as follows:
Heat and pressure
(7) Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to
Work Package 012). Aeration and adhesive injection
q. SEALANT REPAIRS. Sealant repair procedures
are as follows: Cut and paste
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 44
heat and pressure repair of fuel cell ply separations are as
ASTM D329 7
(4) Extract Acetone, ASTM D329 with syringe.

If clamps and platens used in the vulcanization NOTE

process are disassembled from the patches be-
fore room temperature is reached, the bonded For more effective aeration, insert a needle at
patch material will not cure flat but will assume the opposite end of the void as a bleed vent.
a permanent set conforming to the shape in its
relaxed position. (5) Repeat steps (2) through (4) two times, and re-
move needle.
NOTE (6) Aerate void by inserting a needle adapted for air
application into the void.
Only "C" clamp pressure is required.
(7) Blow air at 5 ± 1 psig into cavity for 5 to 10
minutes to remove remaining Acetone, ASTM D329.
(1) Clamp vulcanization platens on each side of cell
over ply separation area. (8) Remove aeration needles; reinsert flushing nee-
dle and syringe.
(2) Apply heat at 150°F (65°C) for two hours.
(9) Flush void with primer (Refer to Table 15-4,
(3) Remove clamps and platens. If repair is not sat- usage column 3). Remove needle and syringe.
isfactory, use an alternative repair method.
(10) Aerate void until dry (Refer to steps (6) and
PAIR. Procedures for aeration and adhesive injection repair
of fuel cell ply separation are as follows: (11) Remove aeration needles; reinsert flushing nee-
dle and syringe.
(1) Ensure that fuel or fuel vapors are not present in
the ply separation void by proceeding as follows: (12) Inject adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage col-
umn 2) into void. Draw off excess.
NOTE (13) Aerate void until dry (refer to steps (7) and (8)).

Be very careful not to penetrate the inner liner (14) Repeat steps (11) and (12). When tacky, stitch
barrier. down and apply pressure with clamp or weights until adhe-
sive cures.
(a) From the outside wall of the fuel cell, insert (15) Remove clamps or weights. If repair is not satis-
hypodermic needle, GG-N-196, at an angle, into the void factory, use cut and paste fuel cell ply separation repair
caused by ply separation. method (Refer to paragraph 2u).
(b) With a syringe, GG-S-935, draw a vacuum in (16) If repair is satisfactory, apply a single outside
the void to determine if fuel or fuel vapor is present. repair patch (Refer to paragraph 2e).
NOTE u. CUT AND PASTE REPAIR. Procedures for cut
and paste repair of fuel cell ply separation are as follows:
If fuel or fuel vapors are detected in the ply
separation void, use the cut and paste repair
procedure (Refer to paragraph 2u). NOTE

(2) If no fuel vapors are present, use the syringe to To determine if the adhesive is tacky, test it by
fill the void with Acetone, ASTM D329. pressing a knuckle gently against the cemented
surface and withdrawing it. If a few threads of
(3) Work the separated surfaces by hand to reacti- adhesive stick to the knuckle, the adhesive is
vate adhesive or loosen any old reverted adhesive. ready for the patch.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
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When applying patches or laminating layers of (7) Remove clamps and apply a double out
repair materials, roll down (stitch) each layer side repair patch.
with a 1/4-inch hand roller, starting from the
center and working to the outer edge to elimi-
nate trapped air and ensure a good seal (See
Figure 15-4).

When more than one ply of the fuel cell has Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of
separated, each ply will require cutting, scrap- 72 hours prior to installation or being subjected
ing, aerating, and cementing before the next to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first
separated ply is repaired. 24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in
any type of heating chamber to accelerate cur-
(1) Cut through the outside of the fuel cell to the ing; such action will cause the cell to deteriorate
ply that has separated. and shrink beyond safe dimensions.
(2) Scrape off reverted adhesive. (8) Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to
Work Package 012).
DURES. The damage/defect repair procedures for crash-
ASTM D329 7
resistant fuel cells (ARM) are provided in the following
(3) Clean with cheesecloth, CCC-440, moistened paragraphs.
with Acetone, ASTM D329, and apply adhesive (Refer to
Table 15-4, usage column 1 or 2) to both exposed surfaces
(Refer to paragraph 1e(1) for adhesive application proce-
(4) Allow adhesive to become tacky.
The repair procedures for crash-resistant self-
(5) Press surfaces together; stitch down firmly. sealing fuel cells (ARM) are applicable only to
this type of fuel cell. They shall not be used to
repair any other configuration or type of self-
sealing fuel cell.

a. INTERNAL CELL SUPPORT. (See Figure 15-2.)

If clamps and platens used in the vulcanization Build a trestle or other support inside the cell.
process are disassembled from the patches be-
fore room temperature is reached, the bonded
patch material will not cure flat but will assume
a permanent set conforming to the shape in its The cell must be supported in the area around
relaxed position. the damage so the edges will be lined up prop-
erly in their natural position.
(6) Clamp repair and allow to air dry 8 to 10 hours.
Wooden blocks or boards used inside fuel cells
NOTE should be padded or covered with cloth to pro-
tect the liner from damage.
If ply separation was between the inner liner ny-
lon barrier and the first sealant layer, an addi- b. REPAIR PATCHES. There are two basic types of
tional single inside repair patch is required (Re- repair patches: inner liner repair patches, and exterior repair
fer to paragraph 2c). patches.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 46

Repair patches must have a smoothly rounded
outline and the edges skived or cut at an angle
Comply with general safety instructions in
by tilting the edges instead of cutting straight
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara-
(See Figure 15-4).
tions in Work Package 006.
Patches are cut to extend 1 1/2 inches from the
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
edge of the damage area.
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
c. INNER LINER REPAIR PATCH. Inner liner re- ventilation of the cell.
pair patches can only be applied to inner liner cuts not over
4 inches in length, not extending into a corner or stepped-
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
off area and not penetrating the reinforcement ply under the
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
inner liner. Crash resistant (ARM) self-sealing fuel cells
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex-
with cuts that exceed those limitations must be returned to
posure. Always wear eye protection when en-
the manufacturer for repair. Application of an inner liner
gaged in buffing operations.
repair patch is as follows:
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
rier is broken.

The following repair may not return a fuel cell

to its original Crash Resistant status. Use of this
repair procedure is authorized only with the ac-
knowledgement that the cell will be Non-Crash
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches to ensure adhesion. However, care
must be exercised to assure that the buffing
does not result in excessive reduction of the re-
ASTM D329 7 Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be re-buffed by
Comply with general safety instructions in
(2) Buff the area to be repaired 1 3/4 inches in all
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara-
directions from the edge of the damage.
tions in Work Package 006.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, NOTE

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous Do not soak buffed area, but clean lightly until
ventilation of the cell. all grit and buffing dust are removed.

(1) Clean the damage area with cheesecloth, CCC- (3) Dust off the surface and clean the buffed area
C-440, moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329. with cheesecloth moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
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(e) Brush a second coat of barrier adhesive over
the first at right angles (90°) to the application of the first
82C18 9 (f) Repeat steps (c) and (d).

(6) Mix and apply repair adhesive 82C18 in accor-

dance with steps (4)(a) through (4)(d).

Isocyanate exposure may produce severe aller- NOTE

gic reaction and permanent sensitization. Per-
sons with history of allergies or previous sensi- Repair patches must have a smoothly-rounded
tization shall not be assigned tasks involving outline and the edges skived or cut at an angle
isocyanates. Personal protective equipment for by tilting the shears instead of cutting straight
skin and eyes and proper respiratory protection (See Figure 15-2).
(BUMEDINST 6260.16) shall be required
when polyurethane coatings or adhesives are (7) Out fabric reinforcement patch from material
used for fuel cell repairs. (Refer to Table 15-2, usage column 2, item 13) large
enough to extend beyond the damage area 1 1/2 inches in
(4) Mix and apply repair adhesive 82C18 (Refer to all directions.
Table 15-4, usage column 13, item 12) as follows: (8) Wet fabric reinforcement patch with Acetone,
(a) Pour the entire contents of 82C18 part 2 into ASTM D329.
82C18 part 1.
(b) Stir thoroughly, making sure components are
thoroughly mixed. Patch shall be free of air bubbles and loose
edges and should be centered over defect.
(c) Apply a thin coat of the mixed adhesive over
the buffed area +0 -1/4 inch of buffed edge. (9) Press wet patch into the wet repair adhesive.
(10) Allow to air-cure for approximately 30 minutes.
(11) Apply a uniform coat of repair adhesive 82C18
Acetone over patch.
ASTM D329 7
(d) Smooth adhesive surface with gloved fingers
wet with Acetone, ASTM D329.
(e) Remove any excess adhesive from the un- Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of
buffed area with cheesecloth moistened with Acetone, 72 hours prior to installation or being subjected
ASTM D329. to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first
24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in
(f) Allow adhesive to air-cure approximately 30 any type of heating chamber to accelerate cur-
minutes. ing; such action will cause the cell to deteriorate
(5) Mix and apply barrier adhesive 82C12 (Refer to and shrink beyond safe dimensions.
Table 15-4, usage column 14, item 11) as follows:
(12) Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to
(a) Thoroughly stir one part of the adhesive. Work Package 012).
(b) Brush a uniform coat of adhesive over the d. EXTERIOR REPAIR PATCH. Exterior repair
buffed area. patches can only be applied to retainer cuts not over four
(c) Remove any excess barrier adhesive from un- inches in length, not extending into a corner area and not
buffed areas with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, moistened with penetrating the reinforcement layer under the retainer.
Acetone, ASTM D329. Crash resistant (ARM) self-sealing fuel cells that exceed
these limitations must be returned to the manufacturer for
(d) Allow barrier adhesive to dry to touch. repair. Application of an exterior repair patch is as follows:
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 48
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.

(2) Buff the area to be repaired 2 1/4 inches in all

The following repair may not return a fuel cell directions from the edge of the damage.
to its original Crash Resistant status. Use of this
repair procedure is authorized only with the ac- NOTE
knowledgement that the cell will be Non-Crash
Resistant. Do not soak buffed area, but clean lightly until
all grit and buffing dust is removed.

(3) Dust off the surface and clean the buffed area
with cheesecloth moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329.
ASTM D329 7
(1) Clean the damage area with cheesecloth, CCC-
C-440, moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329. Adhesive
82C18 9

Comply with general safety instructions in

Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara- Isocyanate exposure may produce severe aller-
tions in Work Package 006. gic reaction and permanent sensitization. Per-
sons with history of allergies or previous sensi-
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, tization shall not be assigned tasks involving
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection isocyanates. Personal protective equipment for
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous skin and eyes and proper respiratory protection
ventilation of the cell. (BUMEDINST 6262.16) shall be required
when polyurethane coatings or adhesives are
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff used for fuel cell repairs.
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex- (4) Mix and apply repair adhesive 82C18 (Refer to
posure. Always wear eye protection when en- Table 15-4, column 13, item 12) as follows:
gaged in buffing operations. (a) Pour the entire contents of 82C18 part 2 into
82C18 part 1.
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar- (b) Stir thoroughly, making sure components are
rier is broken. thoroughly mixed.
(c) Apply a thin coat of the mixed adhesive over
the buffed area +0 -1/4 inch of buffed edge.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all

gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches to ensure adhesion. However, care Organic solvents or adhesives containing or-
must be exercised to assure that the buffing ganic solvents are flammable. Avoid breathing
does not result in excessive reduction of the re- of vapors or prolonged skin contact. Use per-
tainer. sonal protective equipment.

Only experienced personnel should use power Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished when applying solvents by hand.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 49
(d) Smooth adhesive surface with gloved fingers . (9) Apply a uniform coat of repair adhesive over

ASTM D329 7
Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of
(e) Remove any excess adhesive from the un-
72 hours prior to installation or being subjected
buffed area with cheesecloth moistened with Acetone,
to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first
ASTM D329.
24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in
any type of heating chamber to accelerate cur-
NOTE ing; such action will cause the cell to deteriorate
and shrink beyond safe dimensions.
Repair patches must have a smoothly-rounded
outline and the edges skived or cut at an angle (10) Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to
by tilting the shears instead of cutting straight Work Package 012).
(See Figure 15-2).
(5) Cut fabric reinforcement patch from material blisters over 4 inches in length or extending into a corner or
(Refer to Table 15-2, usage column 2, item 13) large stepped-off area cannot be repaired at Naval facilities.
enough to extend beyond the damage area 1 1/2 inches in Crash-resistant (ARM) self-sealing fuel cell defects exceed-
all directions. ing these limitations must be returned to the manufacturer
for repair. Inner liner blister repair procedures are as fol-
(6) Wet fabric reinforcement patch with Acetone,
ASTM D329.

Patch shall be free of air bubbles and loose
Comply with general safety instructions in
edges, and should be centered over defect.
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara-
tions in Work Package 006.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
Adhesive suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
82C18 9 ventilation of the cell.

(7) Press wet patch into the wet repair adhesive. (1) Trim away blister.
(8) Allow to air-cure for approximately 30 minutes. (2) Apply an inner liner repair patch to the blister
area (Refer to paragraph 3c).
PAIR. Inner liner scuff and abrasion repair procedures are
used only to repair damage to the inner liner that does not
extend into the fabric reinforcing plies. Inner liner scuff and
Isocyanate exposure may produce severe aller- abrasion repair procedures are as follows:
gic reaction and permanent sensitization. Per-
sons with history of allergies or previous sensi-
tization shall not be assigned tasks involving
isocyanates. Personal protective equipment for
skin and eyes and proper respiratory protection
(BUMEDINST 6262.16) shall be required Comply with general safety instructions in
when polyurethane coatings or adhesives are Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara-
used for fuel cell repairs. tions in Work Package 006.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 50
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell. Acetone
ASTM D329 7
Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,
when applying solvents by hand.

(1) Clean the damage area with cheesecloth, CCC-

C-440, moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329.
Organic solvents or adhesives containing or-
ganic solvents are flammable. Avoid breathing
of vapors or prolonged skin contact. Use per-
sonal protective equipment.

Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,

Comply with general safety instructions in when applying solvents by hand.
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara-
tions in Work Package 006. NOTE
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, Do not soak buffed area, but clean lightly until
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection all grit and buffing dust are removed.
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell. (3) Dust off the surface and clean the buffed area
with cheesecloth moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329.
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex-
posure. Always wear eye protection when en- Adhesive
gaged in buffing operations. 82C18 9
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
rier is broken.

Isocyanate exposure may produce severe aller-

gic reaction and permanent sensitization. Per-
sons with history of allergies or previous sensi-
tization shall not be assigned to tasks involving
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
isocyanates. Personal protective equipment for
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
skin and eyes and proper respiratory protection
scratches to ensure adhesion. However, care
(BUMEDINST 6262.16) shall be required
must be exercised to assure that the buffing
when polyurethane coatings or adhesives are
does not result in excessive reduction of the re-
used for fuel cell repairs.
(4) Mix and apply repair adhesive 82C18 (Refer to
Only experienced personnel should use power
Table 15-4, usage column 13, item 12) as follows:
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If (a) Pour the entire contents of 82C18 part 2 into
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. 82C18 part 1.
(b) Stir thoroughly, making sure components are
(2) Buff the area to be repaired 1 3/4 inches in a di-
thoroughly mixed.
rections from the edge of the damage.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 51
(d) Barrier adhesive to dry to touch.
Brush a second coat of barrier adhesive over the first at right
angles (90°) to the application of the first
Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100, (6) Mix and apply repair adhesive 82C18 in accor-
when applying solvents by hand. dance with steps (4)(a) through (4)(d).
(c) Apply a thin coat of the mixed adhesive over
the buffed area +0 -1/4 inch of buffed edge.

Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of

Acetone 72 hours prior to installation or being subjected
ASTM D329 7 to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first
(d) Smooth adhesive surface with gloved fingers 24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in
wet with Acetone, ASTM D329. any type of heating chamber to accelerate cur-
ing; such action will cause the cell to deteriorate
(e) Remove any excess adhesive from the un- and shrink beyond safe dimensions.
buffed area with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, moistened with
Acetone, ASTM D329. (7) Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to
(f) Allow adhesive to air-cure approximately 30 Work Package 012).
SION REPAIR. Exterior retainer scuff and abrasion repair
procedures are used only to repair retainer damage that does
not extend into the fabric reinforcing plies. Exterior retainer
scuff and abrasion repair procedures are as follows:
82C18 9 (1) Clean the damage area with cheesecloth, CCC-
C-440, moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329.

Isocyanate exposure may produce severe aller-

gic reaction and permanent sensitization. Per- Comply with general safety instructions in
sons with history of allergies or previous sensi- Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara-
tization shall not be assigned tasks involving tions in Work Package 006.
isocyanates. Personal protective equipment for
skin and eyes and proper respiratory protection When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
(BUMEDINST 6262.16) shall be required wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
when polyurethane coatings or adhesives are suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
used for fuel cell repairs. ventilation of the cell.

(5) Mix and apply barrier adhesive 82C12 (Refer to When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
Table 15-4, usage column 14, item 11) as follows: them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
(a) Thoroughly stir one part of the adhesive. proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex-
posure. Always wear eye protection when en-
(b) Brush a uniform coat of adhesive over the gaged in buffing operations.
buffed area.
(c) Remove any excess barrier adhesive from un- Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
buffed areas with cheesecloth moistened with Acetone, liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar-
ASTM D329. rier is broken.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 52
(b) Stir thoroughly, making sure components are
thoroughly mixed.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all

gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches to ensure adhesion. However, care
must be exercised to assure that the buffing Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,
does not result in excessive reduction of the re- when applying solvents by hand.
(c) Apply a thin coat of the mixed adhesive over
Only experienced personnel should use power the buffed area +0 -1/4 inch of buffed edge.
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If (d) Smooth adhesive surface with gloved fingers
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
(e) Remove any excess adhesive from the un-
buffed area with cheesecloth moistened with Acetone,
(2) Buff the area to be repaired 2 1/4 inches in all ASTM D329.
directions from the edge of the damage.

ASTM D329 7 Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of
72 hours prior to installation or being subjected
NOTE to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first
24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in
Do not soak buffed area, but clean lightly until any type of heating chamber to accelerate cur-
all grit and buffing dust are removed. ing; such action will cause the cell to deteriorate
and shrink beyond safe dimensions.
(3) Dust off the surface and clean the buffed area
with cheesecloth moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329. (5) Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to
Work Package 012).
h. INTERIOR SEAM REPAIR. Interior seam repair
procedures are as follows:
82C18 9

Comply with general safety instructions in

Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara-
Isocyanate exposure may produce severe aller- tions in Work Package 006.
gic reaction and permanent sensitization. Per-
sons with history of allergies or previous sensi- When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
tization shall not be assigned tasks involving wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
isocyanates. Personal protective equipment for suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
skin and eyes and proper respiratory protection ventilation of the cell.
(BUMEDINST 6262.16) shall be required
when polyurethane coatings or adhesives are NOTE
used for fuel cell repairs.
If at least 1 inch of bond remains after trimming
(4) Mix and apply repair adhesive 82C18 (Refer to away loosened seam, no further repair action is
Table 15-4, usage column 13, item 12) as follows: necessary.
(a) Pour the entire contents of 82C18 part 2 into
82C18 part 1. (1) Trim away loose seam strips.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 53
(2) Apply an inner liner repair patch over the dam-
age area (Refer to paragraph 3c).
i. EXTERIOR SEAM REPAIR. Exterior seam repair
procedures are as follows: Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
(1) Trim away loose seam. gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
(2) Apply an exterior repair patch to the damage assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged dur-
area (Refer to paragraph 3d). ing the buffing operation.

Only experienced personnel should use power

buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
72 hours prior to installation or being subjected
to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first (1) Clean with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, moistened
24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in with Acetone, ASTM D329, and buff contact surface.
any type of heating chamber to accelerate cur- (2) Wipe buffed area with cheesecloth, moistened
ing; such action will cause the cell to deteriorate with Acetone, ASTM D329, and allow to dry.
and shrink beyond safe dimension.

(3) Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to

Work Package 012).
FLANGE SURFACE REPAIR. To repair loose flange fit-
ting surfaces, proceed as follows: (3) Mix and apply barrier adhesive, 82C18, in ac-
cordance with this Work Package paragraph 1d through 1f.
(4) Clamp the flange fitting in place and allow to
air-cure for 24 hours at 70ºF (21ºC).
Acetone (5) After air-cure is complete, remove clamps and
ASTM D329 7 apply a uniform coat of barrier adhesive over the flange
area and allow finished repair to air-cure for 24 hours at
70ºF (21ºC) minimum.
Comply with general safety instructions in REPAIR PROCEDURES. Repair procedures for combi-
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara- nation self-sealing and non-self-sealing fuel cells are as
tions in Work Package 006. follows:

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
In the transition area between the self-sealing
ventilation of the cell.
and non-self-sealing construction the repair area
should be extended to 2 1/2 inches beyond the
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
damage area.
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH ap-
proved respiratory protection suitable to the ex-
a. Duplicate the original construction in each area of
posure. Always wear eye protection when en-
gaged in buffing operations.
b. Follow repair procedures for specific type of de-
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner fect/damage as required by the type of construction (Refer
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if bar- to Work Package 021 for non-self-sealing fuel cells and this
rier is broken. work package for self-sealing fuel cells).
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 015 00
Page 54
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of ventilation of the cell.
72 hours prior to installation or being subjected
to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first NOTE
24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in
any type of heating chamber to accelerate cur- Any damage to the outer shell must be repaired
ing; such action will cause the cell to deteriorate to prevent activation of the sealant from outside
and shrink beyond safe dimensions. sources.
c. Test fuel cell for integrity of repair (Refer to Work
Package 012). (1) Damage areas of less than 10 square inches not
involving displacement of material require a single outside
5. RIGID, NON-METALLIC, SELF-SEALING repair patch (Refer to paragraph 2e).
DURES. Repair procedures for this rigid, nonmetallic, self- (2) Damage areas of 10 to 25 square inches with no
sealing fuel cell are provided in the following paragraphs. displacement of materials require a double outside repair
patch (Refer to paragraph 2f).
The rigid, nonmetallic, self-sealing fuel cell is NOTE
essentially two separate fuel cells, each com-
plete within itself. The rigid nonmetallic outer
shell has a self-sealing fuel cell fabricated inter- Due to the hardness of the rigid outer shell, it is
nally. not advisable to try cutting the outer shell hole
to a smooth contour.
PAIRS. Repair procedures for the rigid, nonmetallic outer (3) Damage areas, which involve the loss or dis-
shell are as follows: placement of materials require a double outside repair patch
(Refer to paragraph 2f).


pair procedures for self-sealing inner shells and standard
Comply with general safety instructions in self-sealing fuel cells are identical (Refer to the appropriate
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry prepara- paragraphs in this Work Package for the type of repair pro-
tions in Work Package 006. cedure required).
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31 August 2005 Page 1 of 54


Reference Material
Aircraft Weapons Systems Cleaning and Corrosion Control....................................................................................... 01-1A-509

Alphabetical Index

Subject Page
Fuel Cell Fitting Corrosion Removal..........................................................................................................................................54
Fuel Cell Fitting Corrosion Control Evaluation ..............................................................................................................54
Fuel Cell Fitting Corrosion Treatment ............................................................................................................................54
Fuel Cell Reconfiguration and Fitting Relocation......................................................................................................................31
Cold-Cure Method for Installation of Constructed Fuel Cell Sections...........................................................................38
Constructed Fuel Cell Section Install Preparation ..........................................................................................................36
Existing Fuel Cell Interior Preparation (In Cutout Area)................................................................................................32
Fuel Cell Fitting Relocation.............................................................................................................................................45
Hot-Cure Method for Installation of Constructed Fuel Cell Sections ............................................................................41
Installed Fuel Cell Section Reinforcement......................................................................................................................42
Lamination Method of Fuel Cell Construction ...............................................................................................................34
Scrap Cell Method of Fuel Section Construction............................................................................................................44
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Damage Evaluation ...........................................................................................................2
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Damage Protection ............................................................................................................2
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting General Information..........................................................................................................2
Lockring Threaded Insert (ROSAN) and Fitting Locating Pin Replacement ...........................................................................29
Fitting Locating Pin Replacement ...................................................................................................................................30
Lockring Threaded Insert (ROSAN) Replacement.........................................................................................................29
Non-Molded Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Repair....................................................................................................................11
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Cracked Fitting Area Repair.......................................................................................................14
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Cracked Fitting Flange Area Repair...........................................................................................17
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Exterior Patch Repair ......................................................................................................11
O-Ring Groove Area Fitting Repair ...........................................................................................................................................47
Broken O-Ring Groove Flange Repair............................................................................................................................48
Cracked O-Ring Groove Flange Repair ..........................................................................................................................50
O-Ring Groove Area Damage Evaluation.......................................................................................................................47
Scratched O-Ring Groove Flange Repair........................................................................................................................51
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Insert Replacement .....................................................................................................................21
Fitting Insert (Cast-In-Place) Replacement .....................................................................................................................26
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Insert Damage Evaluation...............................................................................................21
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Insert (Non-Cast-In-Place) Replacement........................................................................21
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Replacement .................................................................................................................................2
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Double Flange Fitting Removal ...................................................................................................3
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Double Flange Fitting Replacement.............................................................................................6
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Damage Evaluation for Replacement ...............................................................................3
Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Molded Fitting Face Repair ...................................................................................................................18
Molded Fitting Face Damage Evaluation........................................................................................................................18
Molded Fitting Face Repair .............................................................................................................................................18
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Page 2
Protect fittings with metal, wood, or plastic
1. GENERAL. This section provides general information
cover plates when the fuel cell is not installed in
as well as instructions for evaluating damage to self-sealing
the aircraft.
fuel cell fittings. It also contains repair and replacement
techniques, list of materials, and procedures.
Protect sealing surfaces with tape, MIL-T-
22085 (AMS-T-22085).
Protect sealing faces and/or O-ring areas when
The following warning appears many times in the attaching fittings are disassembled from the
this chapter: fuel cell.

c. Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Damage Evaluation.

(Refer to Table 16-1.) The close inspection of fuel cell
fittings is necessary due to the potential fuel leakage
resulting from damage to the fitting sealing surfaces and
improper installation of connecting plumbing and fuel
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, components. Fuel cell fittings should be evaluated for
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection damage at the same time that the fuel cell structure is being
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous inspected. Fittings and connections should not be disturbed
ventilation of the cell. for inspection unless leakage is suspected. However,
fittings that are suspect should be inspected separately.
The use of the air-supplied respirator or SCBA
is required when working inside cells installed
REPLACEMENT. This paragraph provides damage
in an aircraft. If the cells have been removed
evaluation and removal procedures for self-sealing fuel cell
from the aircraft and are being worked in a shop
fittings. Replacement procedures for several types of
environment, then the use of a half-face
fittings are also given. Though not specifically covered, the
respirator with a cartridge appropriate to the
replacement of other types of fittings may be accomplished
hazard is a suitable alternative to the use of an
using the same principles. When replacing fuel cell fittings,
air supplied respirator.
the following guidelines should be observed:

a. Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting General Information.

Although some fuel cell fittings are interchangeable
between manufacturers, a verification of this fact is needed
before any repair substitution is made. Each fuel cell
manufacturer has fittings designed to fit a specific fuel cell
structure and perform an inter-connector function for Comply with general safety instructions in
internal and external components. There are also a variety Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
of different types of fittings and fitting designs that are used preparations in Work Package 006.
in fuel cell construction. On self-sealing fuel cell
construction there is rubber molded fitting with single or When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
double flanges. Fittings may be provided with O-ring wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
sealing grooves, exposed metal sealing surfaces, rubber suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
molded sealing surfaces, or some combination of these. ventilation of the cell.

b. Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Damage Protection.

To protect self-sealing fuel cell fittings from damage, it is
necessary to protect critical surfaces of the fitting when not
installed in the aircraft. Damage such as cuts, scratches,
dents, cracks or bends on the sealing faces or O-ring
grooves may cause fuel leaks. The following protection Relocation of fitting openings requires a great
guidelines should be observed: deal of skill and experience. This should not be
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 016 00
Page 3

attempted unless a locating template is used or (5) Inspect for damage to rubber or metal
accurate measuring can be achieved by layout sealing surfaces.
b. Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Double Flange Fitting
Whenever possible, a replacement fitting should Removal. When cell fittings are damaged or deteriorated,
be of the same type as the fitting that was the cell should be removed from the aircraft as soon as
removed from the cell.Whenever the inspection possible, and the fitting replaced or another cell installed.
process has determined that replacement of a Fitting replacement generally is a precision operation. Great
fitting is required, the fuel cell shall be cleaned care must be taken to ensure accuracy. The materials and
and supported by bracing of the structure tools employed are the same as those used for other repairs,
internally (See Figure 16-4). but the techniques are more exacting. To remove a damaged
fitting, proceed as follows:
a. Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Damage Evaluation
for Replacement. (See Figure 16-1.) The replacement of
fittings is required if the-metal reinforcement ring is broken
or bent sufficiently to cause a weakening in the structure of
the fitting. Inspect for damage as follows:

Comply with general safety instructions in

Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
preparations in Work Package 006.
Comply with general safety instructions in
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
Locate the old fitting accurately by measuring
preparations in Work Package 006.
from selected points of the cell so that the new
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, fitting can be centered exactly in the original
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection position. (If this is not accomplished new fitting
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous may not line up properly when the cell is
ventilation of the cell. reinstalled.)

(1) Inspect for very small cracks appearing in

reinforcement rings that have been bent and straightened to (1) Use a sharp white marking pencil, SS-P-00196
their original shape. (A-A-87), to locate fittings. (Marks from crayon or chalk
are too wide for the required accuracy.)
(2) Inspect for residual distortion or fine surface
cracks in reinforcement rings.
(2) Warm the local area of the expected repair with
(3) Reject any reinforcement rings found to be a heat lamp before commencing the repair. (This makes the
defective in step (2). rubber and adhesives more pliable and less likely to be
damaged during the repair).
Broken or cracked O-ring groove flanges (3) Gently apply the flat side of a knife blade
require repair or fitting replacement. completely around the finishing collar. Work the blade

(4) Inspect for broken or cracked O-ring groove between the collar edge of the outside fitting flange and the
flanges. cell. Be careful not to damage the cell undercord by cutting
NOTE into the cell.

Damage to rubber or metal sealing surfaces that

cannot be adequately repaired will require (4) Use knife to carefully slice the adhesive
fitting replacement. interface between the collar and the cell (See Figure 16-2).
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 016 00
Page 4

SEE IRAC #14 Table 16-1. Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fittings Defect Evaluation

Defect Limitation

Rubber-Face Fittings.

a. Gouges, splits, or deep indentations on the sealing 1/16-inch maximum depth by 1/16-inch maximum length.

b. Weather checking of surfaces other than sealing Acceptable.


O-Ring Fittings Sealing Face Without Groove.

a. Scratches within the sealing area. Not acceptable (See Figure 16-1).

b. Burrs on mating surface. Not acceptable (See Figure 16-1).

c. Damage to protective coating. Not acceptable.

d. Corrosion. Not acceptable.

O-Ring Fittings Sealing Face With Groove.

a. Minor surface damage outside of O-ring groove other Acceptable (See Figure 16-1).
than rust, corrosion or burrs.

b. Physical damage to O-ring groove. Not acceptable.

c. Corrosion. Not acceptable.

d. Adhesive or other foreign matter in O-ring groove. Not acceptable.

Bent or Broken Fittings. Not acceptable.

Thread Damage on Fittings. Acceptable, provided serviceability is not affected.

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Figure 16-1. O-Ring Fitting Inspection

(5) Work the outside fitting flange edge loose with

a screwdriver-type dull-pointed tool. Gradually force the
tool under the flange and pry upward to loosen flange.

NOTE When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff

them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
Peel fabric in the same direction as the cord but approved respiratory protection suitable to the
never across the cord. exposure. Always wear eye protection when
engaged in buffing operations.

(6) Using duckbill pliers, peel back the outside Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
flange from the fuel cell. liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
barrier is broken.
(7) Peel the flange back as far as possible to the
metal insert ring (See Figure 16-3).

(8) Cut the loosened outer flange away from the Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
fitting ring (See Figure 16-4). gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 016 00
Page 6
scratches. However, care must be exercised to (16) Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Double Flange Fitting
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged Replacement. To install a new fitting, proceed as follows:
during the buffing operation.

Only experienced personnel should use power

buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. Comply with general safety instructions in
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
preparations in Work Package 006.
(9) Remove the inside fitting flange by buffing
away the flange and pan of the inner liner overlap. Buff
down to the inner liner surface (See Figure 16-5). When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
(10) After all of the excess rubber has been removed, suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
line up the template for location of the inside reinforcement ventilation of the cell.
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
(11) Mark the cell using white marking pencil and them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
lightly buff the inner liner to the mark. (This area should approved respiratory protection suitable to the
extend approximately 2 3/4 inches beyond the edge of the exposure. Always wear eye protection when
fitting flange when the new fitting is set in place.) engaged in buffing operations.

(12) Do not remove the molded-in metal ring of the

fitting until after buffing. (The ring supports the cell (17) Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
opening edge during the buffing operation.) liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if barrier is broken.

Avoid cutting the cell, which would enlarge the Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
original opening. gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercise to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
NOTE during the buffing operation.

Frequently dip the knife blade in water. This Only experienced personnel should use power
will lubricate the blade and make cutting easier. buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
(13) On fittings without a molded-in metal ring, cut this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
the fitting and flange flush with the outside surface of the
(14) Cut out the core of the fitting to the edge of the
cell wall. Before inserting the fitting through the opening,
the size and shape should be checked carefully.
(15) Remove the fitting ring by cutting the fitting This can be accomplished with calipers. The
through with a sharp knife at the edge of the metal insert cutout opening should conform exactly with the
ring (See Figure 16-6). size and shape of the throat of the new fitting.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 016 00
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Figure 16-2. Cutting Edge of Fitting Loose Figure 16-3. Peeling Back Fitting Flange

Figure 16-4. Removing Fitting Outer Flange Figure 16-5. Buffing Off Inside Flange
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(18) Place an outside patch template on the cell, NOTE
mark the area with white marking pencil, SS-P-00196 (A-
A-87), and buff to the mark. The mark should extend
approximately 1 3/4 inches in all directions from the edge Attachment of the required fitting reinforcement
of the new fitting flange. patches on the inside of the fuel cell can often
be accomplished with better control when
bonded to the inside flange of the fitting before
the fitting is installed. The first patch shall have
the minor diameter cut to fit next to the fitting
insert lugs. The major diameter shall extend 1
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
1/2 inches beyond the edge of the fitting flange
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
mark and skive the major diameter at
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
approximately a 30-degree angle (See Figure
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
16-10 and 10-11).
engaged in buffing operations.

(20) Evenly buff both sides of the patch and feather

Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
the edge of the major diameters (See Figure 16-12).
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
barrier is broken.

ASTM D329 7

(21) Clean the buffed surfaces using a lint-free cloth,

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all 9409, moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329 (See Figure
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine 16-13).
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged (22) Apply three coats of adhesive (See Figure 16-
during the buffing operation. 14, and refer to Table 15-4, usage columns 1 and 2); allow
20 to 30 minutes drying between coats and allow the third
coat to dry tacky to the knuckle touch.
Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished (23) The second inside patch shall have a minor
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If diameter 1/4 inch greater than the first patch, and a major
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. diameter that will extend one inch beyond the first patch.

(24) Mark and skive the edge of the major diameter

NOTE at approximately a 30-degree angle.

Check the new fitting frequently in the cell (25) Evenly buff one side of the second patch; clean
opening by placing in position. If the opening is and apply three coats of adhesive as in step (5).
too small, buff the cell until the new fitting
mates exactly. If the opening is too large, the (26) Position and stitch both patches together on the
excess area should be filled with sufficient work table, and proceed as follows:
sealant gum to assure a perfect fit. After making
sure that the fit is satisfactory, remove the (a) Work out all entrapped air.
fitting and prepare it for installation.
(b) Allow the patches to air-cure under clamp
pressure for two hours.
The buffing should be uniform in texture and
depth (See Figure 16-7).
(19) Prepare the fuel cell fitting for installation by
lightly, but uniformly, buffing the surfaces to be bonded up Approximately 2 1/2 inches of the patches will extend
to the ring of the insert lugs (See Figures 16-8 and 16-9). beyond the inside flange of the fitting after assembly.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 016 00
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Figure 16-6. Cutting Out Fitting Ring Figure 16-7. Buffing Outside of Cell

Figure 16-8. Buffing Inside V of Flanges Figure 16-9. Buffing Inside Faces of Flange
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Figure 16-10. Marking Outside Edge of Patch

Figure 16-11. Marking Inside Edge of Patch

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for all surfaces to be bonded (See Figures 16-16
and 16-17).

(30) Carefully insert and adjust the fitting in the fuel

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff cell (See Figures 16-18 and 16-19).
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
approved respiratory protection suitable to the (31) Activate the adhesive applied to the inside and
exposure. Always wear eye protection when outside of the fuel cell and fitting with Acetone, ASTM
engaged in buffing operations. D329 (See Figure 16-20).

Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner (32) Stitch the flange firmly to the cell (See Figure
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if 16-21).
barrier is broken.
(33) After the fuel cell fitting has been located and
installed in place, clamp the fitting and cure for 2 hours
(See Figure 16-22).


Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all FITTING REPAIR. This paragraph describes the
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine procedures for fitting exterior patch repair, cracked fitting
scratches. However, care must be exercised to area repair, cracked fitting flange repair, and loose fitting
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged flange surface-repair.
during the buffing operation.

Only experienced personnel should use power

buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. Comply with general safety instructions in
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
(27) Evenly buff, clean and apply three coats of preparations in Work Package 006.
adhesive to the fitting flange and patches allow to dry 20 to
30 minutes between coats. When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.
ASTM D329 7 a. Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Exterior Patch
Repair. To repair fitting exterior patch, proceed as follows:
(28) Activate adhesive with Acetone, ASTM D329,
clamp together, and allow 2 hours for curing after (1) Cut a proper size patch (Refer to Work Package
assembly. 15.)

(29) Clean and apply three successive coats of (2) Skive the outside diameter at a 30-degree angle.
adhesive to the buffed surfaces of the fitting; allow 20 to 30
minutes drying time between coats (See Figures 16-15 and

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
The coating of the fitting should be them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
accomplished at the same time that the surfaces approved respiratory protection suitable to the
of the prepared fuel cell are coated. This is exposure. Always wear eye protection when
required to assure equal bonding characteristics engaged in buffing operations.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 016 00
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Figure 16-12. Buffing Patch Figure 16-13. Cleaning Buffed Patch

Figure 16-15. Applying Adhesives

Figure 16-14. Applying Adhesive to Buffed Patch
to Fitting Flanges
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Figure 16-16. Cleaning Buffed Surface Figure 16-17. Applying Adhesive to Cell

Figure 16-18. Installing New Fitting in Cell Figure 16-19. Adjusting Fitting in Place
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 016 00
Page 14
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner (6) Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Cracked-Fitting Area
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if Repair. To repair cracked fitting areas, proceed as follows:
barrier is broken.

Comply with general safety instructions in

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine preparations in Work Package 006..
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
during the buffing operation. wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.
Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If (7) Cutout all of the loose material in the damaged
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. area.

(8) Trim to a V-shape allowing 3/8-inch to 1/2-inch

(3) Clean and apply three coats of adhesive (Refer cut on the top surface of the break.
to Table 15-4, columns 1 and 2); allow two coats to dry,
and let the last coat become tacky.

(4) Stitch the patch in place, clamp, and allow 8 to

10 hours to cure (See Figures 16-23 and 16-24).
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
engaged in buffing operations.
Do not expose patch to fuel for 72 hours.
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
Fittings that are not to be used as a result of a barrier is broken.
new location shall be blanked off with a cover
plate, bolls installed and properly torqued, and (9) Buff the surface and the edges of the break
safety-wired as applicable. Use the gasket seal using an air-driven sanding arbor.
method adaptable to the fitting.
(10) Buff both sides of the V-shape using a flat,
(5) After the curing time, seal the outside edge of tapered rotary stone, and ensure that the stone does not cut
the patch and adjacent areas with one coat of adhesive. too deeply.
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Page 15

Figure 16-20. Activating Previously

Applied Adhesive Figure 16-21. Stitching Outside Flange

Figure 16-22. Clamping Installed Fitting Figure 16-23. Installing Outside Patch
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Page 16
(17) Apply two coats of vulcanizing adhesive to each
side of the vulcanizing stock and allow each coat to dry
approximately 20 minutes.

(18) Activate the cemented area and the gum strips

with Acetone, ASTM D329 and work the strips of gum by
stitching firmly into the damaged area.

(19) Build up the layers of vulcanizing stock to

approximately 1/8-inch above the surface of the V shape.

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff

them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
Figure 16-24. Stitching Patch in Place approved respiratory protection suitable to the
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
engaged in buffing operations.

Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner

Acetone liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
ASTM D329 7 barrier is broken.

(11) Clean the buffed area using a lint-free cloth,

9409, moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all

gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
Should any metal primer get on the adjacent during the buffing operation.
rubber, scrape it off carefully with a knife.
Metal primer contains organic solvent.
Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
(12) When buffing exposes a metal area of fitting, surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
apply one coat of metal primer (Refer to Table 15-4, usage this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
column 8) to the metal only.

(13) Allow the metal primer to dry for approximately (20) Before positioning the vulcanizing molds and
2 hours. heaters, very lightly buff the inside of the fitting ring to
remove any compressed rubber due to previous torquing of
(14) Apply vulcanizing adhesive to the entire buffed bolts.
area, being careful not to wipe off or loosen the metal
primer from the metal. (21) Slide the male section of the fitting mold gently
into position without forcing.
(15) Let dry 20 to 30 minutes and apply two more
coats 20 minutes apart and let dry. (22) Position one section of the fitting mold inside of
the cell.
(16) Cut pieces of uncured vulcanizing stock (Refer
to Table 15-3, usage column 11) slightly larger than the (23) Position the other section of the mold on the
damaged area and clean with Acetone, ASTM D329. outside of the fitting and press gently into place.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 016 00
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(24) Insert a large machine bolt through a hole in the (32) Remove, set up, and buff repaired area
inside mold and outside mold. until it is blended in with the fitting surface.
(33) Check fitting for flatness.
(25) Select and position two vulcanizing heaters at
room temperature on the surface of the outside mold. b. Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Cracked Fitting Flange
Area Repair. Where the crack in the fitting has extended out
(26) Slide a bar with a center hole over the bolt into the flange area, but not through the flange, the
allowing the bar to position over both heaters. vulcanizing procedure is the same as outlined in paragraph
10-3b. When the depth of the crack is through the fitting
(27) Place a large washer and nut on the bolt and flange down to the sealing gum, repair as follows:
tighten with enough pressure to hold the mold and heaters
in position.

(28) Check the heaters and mold for alignment, then

plug in the heaters and preheat for approximately 15 Acetone
minutes to allow the heaters to reach a temperature of 285oF ASTM D329 7
(140oC) to 295oF (146oC).

(29) Immediately after the heaters reach maximum

temperature, tighten the bolt firmly.

(30) Cure for 60 minutes.

Comply with general safety instructions in
(31) Shut off current and allow unit to cool touch. Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
preparations in Work Package 006.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff ventilation of the cell.
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
exposure. Always wear eye protection when (1) Buff and clean out the crack using lint-free
engaged in buffing operations. cloth, 9409, moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329 being
extremely careful not to remove the gum.

Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner 100, when applying solvents by hand.
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
barrier is broken.
(2) Coat the sealing gum with two coats of
vulcanizing adhesive.

(3) Cut a strip of outside repair material (Refer to

Table 15-3, usage column 3) wide enough to fit the bottom
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove of the V shape.
all gloss, leaving the surface covered with
fine scratches. However, care must be (4) Buff and coat both sides of the material with
exercised to assure that the nylon barrier is vulcanizing adhesive, and allow each coat to dry 20
not damaged during the buffing operation. minutes.

Only experienced personnel should use (5) Activate the strip with Acetone, ASTM D329
power buffers. Power buffing may produce prior to the application of vulcanizing stock.
a polished surface that is too smooth for
good adhesion. If this occurs, surface (6) Complete the repair as described in paragraph
should be rebuffed by hand. 10-3b.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 016 00
Page 18
FITTING FACE REPAIR. (See Figure 16-25.)
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
engaged in buffing operations.
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
Comply with general safety instructions in liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry barrier is broken.
preparations in Work Package 006.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell. Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
a. Molded Fitting Face Damage Evaluation. The
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
molded fitting face on self-sealing fuel cells is used with or
during the buffing operation.
without a gasket for sealing against fuel leaks during use in
the aircraft. Cuts, deformations, etc., in the rubber surface
Only experienced personnel should use power
of the sealing face of fittings must be repaired to restore the
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface to the original condition.
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
b. Molded Fitting Face Repair. To repair molded
fitting face proceed as follows:

(1) Plug the threaded holes in the damaged area in

the fitting surface with the appropriate sized headless screw
to prevent damage to the threads.

Figure 16-25. Damage Fitting Face

Figure 16-26. Buffing Away Damaged Rubber

For Fitting Face Replacement

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff (2) Buff the rubber from the fitting surface until the
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH defects are removed (See Figure 16-26).
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(14) Inspect the repair surface for smoothness and


(15) Trim off flash.

Should any metal primer get on the adjacent
rubber, scrape it off carefully with a knife.
Metal primer contains organic solvent.

(3) If the metal insert of the fitting is exposed due

to the damage or depth of buff, the exposed surface will
require a coat of metal primer. Apply vulcanizing adhesive When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
to the metal surface only (See Figure 16-27 and refer to them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
Table 15-4, usage column 9). Allow 30 minutes to dry. approved respiratory protection suitable to the
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
engaged in buffing operations.

Acetone Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner

ASTM D329 7 liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
barrier is broken.
(4) Brush the buffed surface to remove any buffing
dust and clean with Acetone, ASTM D329.

(5) Apply three coats of vulcanizing adhesive;

allow 20 to 30 minutes drying time between coats (See
Figure 16-28).

(6) When the coated surface becomes tacky, stitch

in layers of uncured vulcanizing stock (Refer to Table 15-3,
usage column 11).

(7) Build up the entire surface 1/32-inch higher

than the original surface (See Figure 16-29).

(8) Apply Holland cloth, MIL-C-17564, to the

mold surface to prevent adhesion of the mold to the
vulcanizing stock.

(9) Apply inside and outside molds to the fitting

surface (See Figure 16-30).

(10) Apply a heating unit.

(11) Clamp or bolt the molds and heating unit firmly

against the surface.

(12) Cure at 290oF (143oC) for one hour.

(13) Allow the mold to return to room temperature

before removing. Figure 16-27. Applying Adhesive to Metal
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Figure 16-28. Applying Vulcanized

Adhesive to Buffed Area Figure 16-29. Stitching inVulcanizing Stock
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Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all Comply with general safety instructions in
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
scratches. However, care must be exercised to preparations in Work Package 006.
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
during the buffing operation.
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
Only experienced personnel should use power suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished ventilation of the cell.
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
(1) With a sharpened white marking pencil, SS-P-
00196, mark the location of the bad insert to avoid the
(16) Perform light smooth buff if slight irregularities inadvertent removal of a good insert.
occur in the repaired area. Ensure flatness of the finished
face is retained (See Figure 16-31). (2) Obtain an insert identical to the one to be
(3) Using an insert removing tool, remove the
If a new fitting is not available, a salvaged damaged insert (See Figures 16-32 and 16-33).
fitting may be used. When a salvaged fitting is
used, remove the old rubber from around the
head of the insert and that portion of the insert
heat flange that comes in contact with the fitting
metal assembly ring. Apply one coat of metal
primer (Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 9) to
the cleaned surfaces and allow 30 minutes
drying time.


REPLACEMENT. (See Figure 16-32.) The following
paragraphs provide information about the replacement of
non-cast-in-place and cast-in-place fitting inserts.

a. Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Insert Damage

Evaluation. Damaged fitting inserts require replacement.
When possible, it is desirable to replace the insert on the
installed fitting rather than remove and replace the fittings.

b. Self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Insert (Non-cast-in-

Place) Replacement. To perform the insert replacement on
the type of fittings shown in Figure 16-33, proceed as
follows: Figure 16-30. Vulcanizing Repair
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Figure 16-31. Lightly Buffing Finished Repair

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff

them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH Organic solvents or adhesives containing
approved respiratory protection suitable to the organic solvents are flammable. Avoid
exposure. Always wear eye protection when breathing of vapors or prolonged skin contact.
engaged in buffing operations. Use personal protective equipment.
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,
barrier is broken. when applying solvents by hand.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all

gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
Should any metal primer get on the adjacent
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
rubber, scrape it off carefully with a knife.
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
Metal primer contains organic solvent.
during the buffing operation.
Only experienced personnel should use power (4) Clean the buffed area with Acetone, ASTM
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished D329 and apply one coat of metal primer (Refer to Table
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If 15-4, usage column 9) to the exposed metal surface; allow
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. the metal primer to dry 30 minutes.
(4) Buff the rubber from around the insert hole (See (5) Apply three coats of vulcanizing adhesive
Figure 16-34). (Refer to Table 15-4, column 4 and 5) to the buffed surface
(See Figure 16-35); allow 20 to 30 minutes drying time
between coats.
Acetone (6) Allow the last coat of vulcanizing adhesive to
ASTM D329 7 become tacky.
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Figure 16-32. Insert – Removing Tool Figure 16-33. Removing Insert

Figure 16-34. Buffing Away Damaged Rubber Figure 16-35. Applying Adhesive
For Fitting Insert Replacement To Rubber
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(18) Apply heat to the area for 15 minutes at 290oF

(143 C), then tighten the clamps until the mold plates
properly seat.

Should any metal primer get on the adjacent (19) Apply heat at 290oF (143oC) for an additional
rubber, scrape it off carefully with a knife. 45 minutes, then shut off current and cool units to touch
Metal primer contains organic solvent. before removing the mold (See Figure 16-39).

(7) Apply one coat of metal primer to the outside of (20) Inspect the area for smoothness and general
the new insert (Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 9). appearance.

(8) Install as shown in Figures 16-36 and 16-37.

(9) While the adhesive is still slightly tacky, stitch

in the vulcanizing stock (Refer to Table 15-3, usage column
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
Acetone exposure. Always wear eye protection when
ASTM D329 7 engaged in buffing operations.

Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
If the adhesive becomes dry, activate with a liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
cloth moistened in Acetone, ASTM D329. barrier is broken.

(10) Stitching may be accomplished by using a piece

of new, uncured stock.

(11) Cut strips approximately 1/16-inch wide.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
(12) With a small screwdriver, press the strips into gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
the area around the replaced insert until the mass is scratches. However, care must be exercised to
approximately 1/8-inch above the surface of the adjacent assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
rubber. during the buffing operation.

(13) Complete stitching operation using a 1/4-inch

stitching tool (See Figure 16-38). Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
(14) Use outside and inside aluminum alloy or steel surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
molds, which conform to the shape and the contour of the this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
fitting surface.
(21) Trim and buff the repair even with adjacent area
(15) Apply Holland cloth, MIL-C-17564, to the (See Figure 16-40).
mold contact surfaces to prevent sticking to the fitting

(16) Place the molds and heating unit over the area
to be cured, and clamp using C-clamps, screw clamps, or
MIL-PRF-9117 8
bolt clamps.
(22) Apply two coats of adhesive, MIL-PRF-9117,
(17) At first, tighten the clamps lightly. to the repaired area.
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Figure 16-36. Installing Insert Figure 16-37. Drawing Insert in Place

Figure 16-38. Stitching Vulcanizing Stock Figure 16-39. Vulcanizing Stock in Place
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c. Fitting Insert (Cast-In-Place) Replacement. (8) Leave the bolt and washer installed until the
Fittings with inserts cast-in-place at time of manufacture are repair is completed.
often inadvertently damaged. Two main causes of fitting
damage are stripping of insert threads and bottoming out of
attachment bolts. Bottoming bolts can crack the metal
casting sufficiently to develop a fuel leak. If the sealing Acetone
surface is not damaged or the fitting is not buckled or bent, ASTM D329 7
the damaged insert can be replaced without having to
remove and replace the entire fitting. To replace cast-in- (9) Clean the ground surfaces of the fitting lug with
place fittings, proceed as follows: Acetone, ASTM D329and allow to dry thoroughly.

(10) Place a retainer ring made from tubing or rolled

sheet metal over the fitting lug.

Comply with general safety instructions in (11) The ring should have an inside diameter 1/4-
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry inch larger than the diameter of the lug and extend as high
preparations in Work Package 006. as the adjacent undamaged lugs.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection Compound Silicone
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous SAE-AS8660 10
ventilation of the cell.
(12) Wipe the ring inside with silicone compound,
SAE-AS8660, and secure the ring in position with tape
(1) From the inside of the fuel cell, cut off the end placed around the base.
cap of the fitting insert lug with a hacksaw or air-driven
handsaw (See Figure 16-41). (13) Mix per manufacturer’s instructions and apply
aluminum-filled epoxy adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4,
(2) Install a screw or bolt into the damaged insert column 15) to the cavity remaining in the lug and around
and drive the insert out (See Figure 16-42). the lug to the top of the retainer ring (See Figure 16-47).

(14) Allow 8 hours cure at room temperature before

removing the retainer ring.

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff (15) Remove retainer ring and grind the potted lug to
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH the general shape of the adjoining lugs (See Figure 16-48).
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
exposure. Always wear eye protection when (16) Inspect for any porosity or lack of adhesion.
engaged in buffing operations.
(17) If porosity is found, apply a surface coat of the
epoxy adhesive.
(3) Grind the outside surface of the insert lug and
1/4 inch around the base (See Figure 16-43).
(18) If lack of adhesion is observed, grind away that
(4) Grind the inside surface of the lug uniformly to area and reapply epoxy adhesive to the area.
the shoulder that locates the insert (See Figure 16-44).

(5) Install a new insert or an undamaged used insert

salvaged from a scrapped fitting.
Sealing Compound
(6) Install insert by hand or use a tool similar to the AMS-S-4383 11
one shown in Figure 16-45 to draw the insert into the lug
cavity. (19) When the repair is satisfactory, apply two coats
of sealing compound, AMS-S-4383; allow 20 to 30 minutes
(7) Use the correct size bolt and washer to draw the drying time between coats. AMS-S-4383 contains organic
insert tightly against the lug inside the shoulder (See Figure solvents. (Extend the sealing compound to the edge of the
16-46). repair area.)
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Figure 16-40. Lightly Buffing Completed Repair Figure 16-41. Cutting Off Lug Cap

Figure 16-42. Driving Out Damaged Insert Figure 16-43. Grinding Fitting Lug
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Figure 16-44. Grinding Inside of Lug Figure 16-45. Drawing Insert Into Lug

Figure 16-46. Drawing Insert Tightly in Place Figure 16-47. Applying Epoxy Adhesive To Lug
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6. LOCKRING THREADED INSERT (ROSAN) AND (1) Use a drill large enough to drill the insert to the
FITTING LOCATING PIN REPLACEMENT. The edge of the serrations as shown in Figure 16-49.
following paragraphs provide replacement procedure for
locking threaded inserts and fitting locating pins. (2) Drill down until the serrated lockring is drilled

(3) The lockring can generally be removed by

tilting the drill slightly and lifting upward.

(4) With an easy-out, back the threaded insert out

of the fitting (See Figure 16-50).
Comply with general safety instructions in
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry (5) Install a new insert by threading it into the
preparations in Work Package 006. empty holes.

(6) Tighten the insert in place and back off the

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
screw and nut (See Figure 16-51).
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous (7) Install a new lockring by carefully driving the
ventilation of the cell. ring into the serrated hole (See Figure 16-52).

a. Lockring Threaded Insert (ROSAN) Replacement. (8) Continue to drive the ring into the cavity until
To remove and replace this type of fining, proceed as the edge is flush and the driven face of the ring is pressed
follows: against the insert.
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Figure 16-49. Drilling Out Damaged Fitting

Figure 16-48. Grinding Repaired Lug Shape Lockring Insert

b. Fitting Locating Pin Replacement. Various molded Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
fittings incorporate locating pins or studs, which are liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
required to properly align attaching fittings to the cell. To
barrier is broken.
replace the pin, proceed as follows:

Comply with general safety instructions in Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
preparations in Work Package 006. scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
during the buffing operation.
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous Only experienced personnel should use power
ventilation of the cell. buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
exposure. Always wear eye protection when (1) Buff the rubber on the outside of the fitting
engaged in buffing operations. down to the insert and pin.
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Figure 16-50. Removing Damaged Insert Figure 16-51. Installing New Insert

(6) Complete repair of fitting as outlined in

paragraphs 4b(4) through 4b(17).


When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, FITTING RELOCATION. It may become necessary to
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection modify or convert fuel cells and fittings from one
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous configuration to another. This can be accomplished only by
ventilation of the cell. exacting processing techniques. The three generally
accepted methods for constructing fuel cell sections are as
(2) Cut the rubber, on the inside, from the pin or follows:

Do not remove the entire pin by drilling.

(3) If necessary, center punch the pin on the outside Laminating repair materials to the desired cell
of the call and remove the head with a countersink drill. construction.
(Threaded studs may be screwed out.)
Using a section of a scrap cell of the same
(4) Remove remaining portion of the pin with a
construction as the cell to be worked.
drift punch.

(5) Install a new pin and, with a center punch, stake Using a section of a scrap cell of the same
in three places. construction with the desired fitting installed.
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Comply with general safety instructions in

Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
preparations in Work Package 006.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.

(1) Attach an air mover to provide continuous

ventilation, and then enter the fuel cell.

(2) Measure 1 1/2 inches back from the edge of the

cutout and mark a solid line entirely around the cutout area.

(3) Measure 3 1/2 inches back from the edge and

mark a broken line entirely around the cutout area.

(4) Using a very sharp pointed skiving knife, follow

the 1 1/2 inch step-back solid line and cut through the inner
liner of the cell to the sealing gum.
Figure 16-52. Driving Lockring in Place

Extreme care must be used during this

operation. This is to be the inside edge of the
cell step-back.
Relocation of fitting openings requires a great
deal of skill and experience. This should not be (5) Make a cut from the edge of the cutout across to
attempted unless a locating 2 the gasket seal the solid line that has been cut to the gum layer.
method adaptable to the fitting.
(6) Using a small screwdriver, break the 1 1/2-inch
strip of liner loose.
Fittings that are not to be used as a result of a
new location shall be blanked off with a cover
(7) With a pair of duckbill pliers, grip one piece of
plate, bolts installed and properly torqued, and
the broken strip and start to break loose the 1 1/2-inch strip
safely wired as applicable. Use the gasket seal
by rolling on the duckbills (this is similar to opening a can
method adapter to the fitting.
and removing the band with a key (See Figure 16-53).

a. Existing Fuel Cell Interior Preparation (In Cutout (8) Peal back halfway around, and then peel the
Area). To prepare the fuel cell interior, proceed as follows: other half from the starting point.
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Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
barrier is broken.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all

gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
during the buffing operation.

Only experienced personnel should use power

buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.

Some of the gum will stick to the liner strip.
This is normal. The remaining gum must be
buffed off to the nylon cord layer. Care must be
Figure 16-53. Removal of Inner Liner Strip exercised when buffing to the cord layer. Do
not remove the cord layer. This is the reason for
the step-back.

(9) Refer to Work Package 015 for step-back

details sequence. After completing the step-back operation,
lightly buff the surface of the inner liner 2 1/2-inches out
from the raised edge of the step to the edge of the broken
line. (This is prebuffed prior to applying the reinforcing

Comply with general safety instructions in

Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
preparations in Work Package 006. Acetone
ASTM D329 7

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.
Do not use Acetone, ASTM D329 to loosen the
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff flange.
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
approved respiratory protection suitable to the (10) On the side where the pump fitting is located,
exposure. Always wear eye protection when loosen the inside of the fitting flange back to the edge of the
engaged in buffing operations. fitting ring.
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b. Lamination Method of Fuel Cell Construction. To
(11) Pull the flange loose only to the area of the
use this method, use the basic construction methods listed
fitting where the buffing lines exist.
in Work Package 015 and proceed as follows:

(1) Check the laminated plies of the cell to

determine the construction.

(2) Obtain the necessary repair materials and cut

the pieces in oversize lengths and widths.
Comply with general safety instructions in
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry (3) Start the build-up of the plies with nylon
preparations in Work Package 006. sandwich Buna-N inner liner material, layer of sealing gum,
either one layer or two layers of uncured natural gum
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, rubber with nylon open mesh fabric depending on the cell
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection construction, one layer of sealing gum, and two layers of
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous Buna-N coated outside repair fabric (See Figure 16-55).
ventilation of the cell.

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff

them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
engaged in buffing operations.

Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner

liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
barrier is broken.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all

gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
during the buffing operation.
Figure 16-54. Buffing Sealant from Flange
Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. Acetone
ASTM D329 7

Most of the step-down buffing may be

performed from the outside of the cell. With the
exception of the fitting area, the steps to be
followed are the same for the other end of the When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
fuel cell. them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
(12) Buff out the gum sealant between the flange by exposure. Always wear eye protection when
using cone-shaped rotary stones (See Figure 16-54). engaged in buffing operations.
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Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
barrier is broken.
ASTM D329 7
(6) Clean surfaces with a cheesecloth dampened
with Acetone, ASTM D329; do not soak because the
sealant gum will swell.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all (7) Remove the backing from either one or two
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine layers, as required, of the uncured natural gum rubber with
scratches. However, care must be exercised to nylon cord fabric.
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
during the buffing operation.
Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished Cleaning, buffing or sanding is not necessary on
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If this material.
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
(8) Should the paper backing stick to the uncured
(4) Lightly buff the unfinished side of the Buna-N gum rubber, apply water-soaked cheesecloth to the backing
inner-liner sandwich material and clean with cheesecloth, and let stand for a few minutes; the backing will then peel
CCC-C-440, dampened with Acetone, ASTM D329. off easily.

(9) Allow the uncured gum rubber to dry


(10) For the next sealing gum layer, repeat the same
procedures as step (7).

ASTM D329 7
(11) Buff the first layer of outside repair material
lightly on both sides, and clean with cheesecloth dampened
with Acetone, ASTM D329.

(12) Buff the outer layer of outside repair material

lightly on one side only, and clean with cheesecloth
dampened with Acetone, ASTM D329.

(13) Follow the bonding procedures in accordance

with Work Package 015.

(14) When the bonding and stitching operations are

completed and the layers are laminated into one piece,
Figure 16-55. Lamination Section Preparation examine the construction for loose plies and trapped air.

(15) Place the lamination on the end of a bench or

equivalent flat clean area and place a piece of plywood,
(5) Remove the backing from the sealing gum and padded with polyethylene film, L-P-378, on top of the
lightly buff both sides to remove the glazed surfaces. constructed section.
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(16) Apply pressure by clamping or by placing (3) The mechanic inside of the fuel cell will hold
heavy sandbags or weights on top of the board; maintain the the section in position, and the mechanic outside will secure
pressure for at least 12 hours. the section fitting to the jig with four bolts (See Figure 16-
(17) Remove the pressure and thoroughly examine
the entire piece of lamination to be sure that it is solid.

(18) Locate the center on the outside of the oversize

laminated construction using a straightedge and a sharp

(19) Locate the center of the constructed section,

drawing vertical and horizontal lines from ends and sides.

(20) Place the new fitting on the constructed section

and center it exactly in the center cross lines.

(21) Mark the inside diameter of the fitting and the

cross fitting locating lines on the constructed section and
follow the fitting installation instructions in paragraph 10-
2c, with the exception of applying patches to the fitting
flanges. (This step is performed after the complete
constructed section is installed in the fuel cell).

c. Constructed Fuel Cell Section Install Preparation.

To prepare to install the constructed fuel cell section,
proceed as follows:

Figure 16-56. Fitting Section in Place

Comply with general safety instructions in (4) The inside mechanic will apply pressure to the
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry upper and lower parts of the section, forcing the parts
preparations in Work Package 006. against the inside wall of the cell.

(5) The outside mechanic will mark the section to

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, conform to the cutout in the cell.
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous (6) The outside mechanic will remove the four bolts
ventilation of the cell. holding the section, and the mechanic inside will remove
the section from the cell.
NOTE (7) Place the constructed section on a bench.
Two mechanics are required to prepare (8) Measure from the existing line 1 1/2-inches to
installation of constructed fuel cell section. the outside and draw a line to match the existing line (See
Figure 16-57). This is to prepare the section for a matching
(1) In the prepared area, step-back the individual step-back on the cell.
layers to fit.
(9) Using a skiving knife, cut along the outside line
(2) Secure the fitting locating jig in position and eliminating excess material. This line must be cut perfectly
complete the alignment of the section. in order to match the cell step-back (See Figure 16-58).
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approved respiratory protection suitable to the
NOTE exposure. Always wear eye protection when
engaged in buffing operations.
It is best to cut to a depth of one ply and remove
it, and then follow the same procedure for the
second and third layers. This will reduce the Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
danger of cutting into the center cord ply. liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
barrier is broken.

(10) Cut the inner liner along the inside or existing

line to a depth of three layers to the center cord ply.

Figure 16-57. Marking Section for

Step-Back Cut
Figure 16-58. Step-Back Cut

(11) Cut across each ply from the inside line to the
outer edge in one or two places; this will make it easier in
starting to remove the plies.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all

gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
Do not use solvents for this operation. scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
(12) Using a pair of duckbill pliers, carefully peel during the buffing operation.
back the layers.
Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.

(13) Remove the sealing gum by buffing. (In buffing

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff off the gum layer it is possible to buff the remaining fabric
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH layer at the same time prior to bonding (See Figure 16-59).
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(14) When the section step-back is complete, repeat

the same procedure as in paragraph 10-7c to make sure that
the cell step-back and the section step-back mate. Make any
necessary adjustments before starting the installation

d. Cold-Cure Method for Installation of Constructed

Fuel Cell Sections. To install a constructed section using
the cold-cure method, proceed as follow:


Two mechanics are required to install the

constructed fuel cell sections.

(1) Apply three coats of adhesive to step-back area

on the section, and to the fuel cell (See Figures 16-60 and
16-61). Allow 30 minutes drying time between coats.
Figure 16-59. Buffing Sealant Gum

Comply with general safety instructions in

Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
preparations in Work Package 006.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.

(2) Station one mechanic inside the cell, and the

other outside.

(3) Prior to installing the constructed section, it is

advisable to apply a tacking coat of adhesive approximately
3 inches down on each side of the top point of the section,
and 3 inches up on each side of the low point.

(4) Repeat steps (1) through (3) on the fuel cell. Figure 16-60. Applying Adhesive to Section
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(8) When the surfaces are ready, the inside

mechanic will mate the cell step-back and the section step-
back starting at the top.

(9) The inside mechanic will apply pressure while

the outside mechanic stitches down the outside top area.

(10) Repeat steps (5) through (9) for the bottom area.

(11) Allow the top and bottom points to set

approximately 45 to 60 minutes. (The top and bottom points
of the step-back are secured first in order to help shape the
fitting section to the correct contour of the cell.)

(12) Carefully remove the jig from the fitting


(13) Thoroughly examine each end of the section to

be sure that it is mated correctly inside and out; if not, make
the necessary adjustments.

(14) Use a C-clamp that is long enough to reach the

top of the bonded area and insert it through the section
fitting hole.
Figure 16-61. Applying Adhesive to Fuel Cell
(5) The mechanic inside the cell will hold the Setting the pressure plates top and bottom
section in position, being very careful not to allow the ends requires two mechanics.
to contact the cell (See Figure 16-62).
(15) The inside mechanic will position a cushioned
(6) The mechanic on the outside will then secure pressure plate that is shaped to the inside top contour of the
the section to the jig with four or six bolts. cell.

(16) Both mechanics will hold the plates in position,

(7) The tacky area on the top and bottom areas will and then attach a C-clamp to both inside and outside plates
then be checked for adhesion using the knuckle test. (See Figure 16-63).
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Figure 16-62. Holding Section in Place Figure 16-63. Clamping Section Top in Place

(21) Repeat the same procedure for the lower point.

(22) Allow pressure to be maintained approximately

8 hours or overnight, if possible.

Moderate pressure should be applied with the (23) Remove the clamps and pressure plates, and
clamp. Too much pressure may force the then proceed to bond the rest of the fitting section to the
mating surfaces out of adjustment. cell.

(17) When the clamp for the top is secured, place (24) Start at the top point that is bonded and apply a
another C-clamp through the fitting and follow the same coat of adhesive to the cell and section step-back surfaces
procedure for the bottom point. extending to the bottom point of the bonded area. (This is
performed first on the side where the section fitting is
(18) After approximately 1 or 1 1/2 hours, loosen the closest to the cell edge.)
clamp for the top and very carefully ease the inside and
outside plates away from the cell. (25) Follow steps (15) through (20) for bonding the
top and bottom points, except use side pressure plates to
(19) Check the cell for incorrect contour or wrinkles. match the contour of the side of the cell (See Figure 16-64).
Secure the plates in position and moderately tighten the
clamp. NOTE

(20) Correct any discrepancy and make any When bonding the other side of the cell, double
necessary adjustments. check the mating surfaces of the step-back.
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(26) Repeat steps (15) through (20) on the other side cold-cure (Refer to paragraph 7d). The few exceptions are
of the cell, using the pressure plate designed for that side described in the following procedural steps. To install a
contour. constructed section in the fuel cell, proceed as follows:

(27) There may be a slight sag in the cell that would

cause a mis-mating of the stepback surfaces. Rectify this by
making a slight adjustment to the interior cell supports.
Allow 8 hours for cure.

Comply with general safety instructions in

Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
preparations in Work Package 006.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.

Organic solvents or adhesives containing

organic solvents are flammable. Avoid
breathing of vapors or prolonged skin contact.
Use personal protective equipment.

Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,

when applying solvents by hand.

Use vulcanizing adhesive listed in Work
Package 015 in place of room temperature
curing adhesive.

Use contoured vulcanizing plates and spot

Figure 16-64. Clamping Section Side in Place vulcanizing heaters for curing in lieu of
pressure plates.

(1) Start with the same steps for installation of the

(28) When all clamps and pressure plates have been section as used for cold-cure, except use three coats of
removed, thoroughly check the entire built-in section to be vulcanizing adhesive in lieu of cold-cure adhesive.
sure it is mated properly, and there are no trapped air
pockets or blisters. (2) Using contoured vulcanizing plates in lieu of
pressure plates, attach the plates at the top point first.
(29) Check the fitting lineup with the jig. If there are
any voids between the mating edges of the step-back, they (3) Clamp a vulcanizing spot heater to the inside
must be filled in with the same material of the specific layer plate.
prior to applying the reinforcing patches.
(4) Preheat 5 minutes and allow to cure 20 minutes
(30) When all the cold cure procedures are ad 287oF (141oC). Remove the heater from the inside to the
completed, apply the reinforcing inside and outside patches. outside plate and cure the outside the same as the inside
(See Figure 16-65).
e. Hot-Cure Method for Installation of Constructed
Fuel Cell Sections. The procedures used to hot-cure (5) Repeat steps (1) through (4) for the bottom
(vulcanize) a section in place are similar to those used for point. (Allow the heater to cool before removing.)
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 016 00
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(6) When the top and bottom points are completed,

remove all plates and vulcanizing heater.

(7) Ensure that the step-back edges are mated

properly before conducting further vulcanizing.

(8) Fill any irregular voids between the butted

edges with rubber and vulcanizing adhesive.

(9) After all voids are filled, apply three coats of

vulcanizing adhesive 1/2-inch on each side of the butted
step-back edges, completely around the installed section.

(10) Apply a strip of rubber, MIL-R-6855 (Refer to

Table 15-3, column 11). 1-inch wide, 0.032-inch thick, to
the coated area along the edge and stitch firmly in place.

(11) Vulcanize the step-back edge and reinforcing

patch; start at the approximate center edge of the fitting on
the right-hand side.

(12) Lay a piece of Holland cloth, MIL-C-17564,

over the section to be vulcanized, and attach a flat
contoured plate over the cloth.

(13) The outside mechanic will attach a matching Figure 16-65. Heat Curing Top of
plate with a sponge covered surface to the cell. Section in Place
(14) When the plates are in position, put the C-
clamps through the fitting hole and lightly tighten in place.

(15) Attach a cold vulcanizing heater to the inside (21) After the plates and heater have been removed,
plate. repeat steps (14) through (20) on the left side of the cell
using plates that are, contoured for that side.
(16) Hold in vulcanizing heater position with the C-
clamps, and tighten the C-clamps. (22) When the inside of the cell is finished, repeat
steps (lot) through (20) on the outside of the cell (See
(17) the heater is in position, turn on the electricity. Figure 16-66).
(18) Allow 5 minutes for the heater to reach
(23) When all of the vulcanizing is complete, apply
maximum temperature of 287oF (141oC).
the reinforcing inside and outside patches.
(19) Allow 20 minutes for curing.
f. Installed Fuel Cell Section Reinforcement. After
(20) Turn off the electricity and allow the attached the new sections and fittings have been installed at each end
heater to cool before removing from the cell. of the fuel cell, reinforce with patches as follows:
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Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all

gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
during the buffing operation.

Only experienced personnel should use power

buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.

(1) Lightly buff inside of cell 7/8-inch on each side

of the step-back mating edge and completely around the
built-in section.

(2) Make a paper pattern of the complete buffed

area. This is for a one-piece reinforcing patch 1 3/4 inches
Figure 16-66. Vulcanizing Side of
Fuel Cell Section (3) Apply this pattern to a piece of 0.015 or 0.025
Buna-N coated nylon fabric (Refer to Work Package 015,
Table 15-3).

(4) Place the pattern so that the patch will be cut on

the bias in order to prevent stretching during application.

Comply with general safety instructions in

Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
preparations in Work Package 006. them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, exposure. Always wear eye protection when
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection engaged in buffing operations.
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell. Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff barrier is broken.
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
approved respiratory protection suitable to the (5) Feather-edge the patch inside and outside edges
exposure. Always wear eye protection when and follow standard buffing and bonding procedures for the
engaged in buffing operations. cell and ring patch.

Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner (6) When applying this outside ring patch, start in
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if the center, in line with the fitting, and work up to the top
barrier is broken. point.
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(7) Repeat steps (1) through (6) on the other side

(See Figure 16-67). Complete the bottom half in the same
manner as the top half.

Figure 16-68. Installing Outside

Reinforcing Patch
Figure 16-67. Applying the Outside Ring Patch

(8) When installing the inside double patch, begin

by centering the patch over the fitting, and bond an area
approximately 2-inches wide completely around the fitting.

(9) Bond a 2-inch wide area from the center of the

fitting to the top point of the section build-up and stitch
down the patch along the 2-inch strip, being very careful to Organic solvents or adhesives containing
keep the patch in line at all times. organic solvents are flammable. Avoid
breathing of vapors or prolonged skin contact.
(10) Begin at the center and work the patch out to the Use personal protective equipment.
sides, following standard bonding and stitching procedures.
Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,
(11) Repeat steps (9) and (10) for the bottom half, when applying solvents by hand.
and also when installing the outside patch (See Figure 16-
(14) Seal the edges of the patches with adhesive
(12) When all patches are installed, place the inside upon completion of the installation (Refer to Work Package
and outside pressure jig in position and apply C-clamps to 015).
hold the jig in place.
g. Scrap Cell Method of Fuel Section Construction.
(13) Allow the jig to remain in position For the scrap cell method of fuel section construction,
approximately 3 to 4 hours and then remove. proceed as follows:
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When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.
Comply with general safety instructions in
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry (1) Select a fuel cell that is in the best condition of
preparations in Work Package 006. those fuel cells available for modification/conversion.

(2) Place plywood board supports 5/8-inch or 3/4-

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
inch in thickness in each end of the fuel cell. (Be sure the
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
edges of the boards are rounded and padded on one side.)
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.
(3) Place the padded sides against the cell and hold
in position by using two expandable support rods or
(1) If a section of a scrap fuel cell is used without a equivalent devices (Refer to Work Package 010).
fitting installed, follow the steps outlined in paragraphs 7a
through 7f. (4) Place the cell in a flat position on the deck with
the access door face down, and the bottom of the cell in an
(2) If a section of a scrap fuel cell is used with upward position.
fitting installed, trim the section, as outlined in paragraphs
7b, step (20) through 7c, step (10) for preparation and
installation in the fuel cell. NOTE

NOTE Be sure there is no sag between the cell bottom

and the template.

Following fuel cell fitting repair, apply

Chemical Conversion Coating in accordance (5) Place a layout template in position on the
with NAVAIR 01-1A-509, Aircraft Weapons supported end of the cell.
Systems Cleaning and Corrosion Control.
(6) Using the template, mark the cutout area on the
left- and right-hand sides of the cell with a white marking
This completes the modification/ conversion of pencil, SS-P-00196 (See Figure 16-69).
the fuel cell. The fuel cell now has a changed
contoured area at each end with a different type (7) Repeat steps (5) and (6) on the other end of the
fitting installed. This fuel cell can now be cell and remove the template.
installed in a differently equipped model or
series aircraft. (8) Using a ruler, measure 1/2-inch in from the
existing line and mark a parallel line around the cutout area.
h. Fuel Cell Fitting Relocation. To incorporate fuel (This will reduce the size of the cutout 1/2-inch in all
cell configuration changes, proceed as follows: directions).

Cutting the cell 1/2-inch smaller in all
directions is to allow for any irregular cutting.
The extra 1/2-inch is trimmed off to the exact
size later.
Comply with general safety instructions in
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
preparations in Work Package 006. (9) Repeat step (8) on the other end.
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(12) Before proceeding to cut out the marked area,
note the cutout lines on one side may travel across the
pump fitting flange, MS29554 (See Figure 16-70).

(13) With a skiving knife, lightly cut along the outer

edge of the flange from where the outer cutout lines cross
the flange (See Figure 16-70).


Do not peel the flange back beyond the outer

lines (See Figure 16-71).

(14) Peel the flange back to the accessed edge of the

fitting, but only in the lined area.


The inside baffle shoe may be removed prior to

cutting the cell and reused later when the cell is
Figure 16-69. Marking Fuel Cell for
complete. If the shoe is very difficult to remove,
Fitting Removal
then cut it out and replace it with a
manufactured shoe.

(15) With a skiving knife, puncture the cell and

proceed to cut out a section of the cell along the inner
cutout line, being particularly careful at the edge of the
pump flange (See Figure 16-72).

Figure 16-70. Cutting Along Fitting Flange

(Rear View)

(10) Stand the cell on end with the marked area


(11) Place the cell in a holding fixture. Figure 16-71. Peeling Flange
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(16) Remove the cutout section and repeat step (15) Only experienced personnel should use power
on the other end of the cell. buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
(19) Using an air motor and a 2-inch sanding arbor
with a medium grit sanding band, lightly buff a 2-inch band
around the outside of the cell cutout area.
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
engaged in buffing operations.

Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner

liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
barrier is broken.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all

gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine Figure 16-72. Removal of Fitting and
scratches. However, care must be exercised to Cell Section
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
during the buffing operation.
(20) On the pump fitting side, buff very carefully
over the fitting flange to avoid damage.
Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished (21) Repeat steps (17) through (20) on the other end
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If of the fuel cell.
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
Fitting damage in some instances is cause for rejection of
(17) Buff the edge of the cutout very lightly in order
an entire fuel cell, particularly when replacement fittings
to level off the cut edge. This is to prepare the edge so that
are not available. This situation, unfortunately, is most
it will mate with the stepback section that is to be installed.
prevalent with fuel cells of limited production, used in
aircraft no longer being manufactured. Since there is
(18) On the outside of the cell, measure back from normally a requirement for this type of equipment, it is
the cut edge two inches, and mark a broken line around the necessary to maintain the capability of servicing these fuel
entire cutout area. cells and replacing or repairing the fittings.

It is advisable to retain a stockpile of salvaged
fittings from scrap fuel cells in order to readily
replace damaged fittings without undue delay.
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all a. O-Ring Groove Area Damage Evaluation. The
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine most commonly occurring fitting damages are cracks of the
scratches. However, care must be exercised to O-ring groove and flanges. These result from improper
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged disassembly and alignment when connected to adjacent
during the buffing operation. assemblies. The O-ring groove flanges are generally thin in
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cross-section as compared to the body of the fitting, and conveniently shaped scrapers, which are also
therefore break more readily. When the damaged fitting used in dressing the completed repair. Figure
cannot be conveniently replaced, or a replacement fitting is 16-73 illustrates the tang end of a file being
not obtainable and the break is confined to the fitting O-ring used as a scraper. Note the ground taper.
groove area, a satisfactory repair can be made.
(1) If the fitting is distorted, reshape using the bolt-
NOTE ring portion of the mating part as a guide.

Fittings should not be repaired if badly

distorted, or if the cracks are other than simple
straight or slightly curved cracks.

Do not repair cracks through O-ring groove area

if longer than twice the distance between,
adjacent threaded inserts.

Do not make more than two repairs on any

fitting. Both types of repair are to be at least 90
degrees apart, and in no case closer than 9
inches measured circumferentially between the
ends of the repairs.

Do not repair broken O-ring flanges if the

damaged area is over 1-inch long.

Figure 16-73 illustrates a typical crack.

b. Broken O-Ring Groove Flange Repair. To repair

broken O-ring groove flange, proceed as follows:
Figure 16-73. Fitting – Flange Crack

Comply with general safety instructions in

Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
preparations in Work Package 006.
Epoxies may cause skin sensitization or other
allergic reactions. Avoid inhalation of vapor
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, and prevent skin contact. Use personal
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection protective equipment. If skin contact occurs,
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous wash immediately with soap and water. Ensure
ventilation of the cell. continuous ventilation.

(2) Contour the damage area to receive the epoxy

NOTE adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 15).

To restore fitting to its normal shape, use (3) Using a rotary file, clean up the jagged edges of
shaped dolly blocks and soft-faced hammers. the break.

Use suitably shaped rotary files and scrapers for (4) Cut a taper in the bottom of the O-ring groove
contouring. Old files can be ground to form (See Figure 16-73). The taper shall be such that the outer
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 016 00
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diameter of the O-ring groove remains at its original level
while the inner diameter of the retainer land base will be
ground to within 1/64-inch to 1/32-inch from the inner
surface of the fitting.

(5) Ensure taper is in the radial direction. The taper

shall extend circumferentially from one end of the repair to
the other.

Safety goggles, GG-G-531, shall be worn when

drilling, scoring, or grinding fuel cell fittings.


As the grinding tool approaches the end of the

damaged area, rotate the tool to maintain the
angle of taper on the bottom of the O-ring
groove while meeting the inner face of the O-
ring groove flange at an angle of 30 degrees to
the tangent.
Figure 16-74. Installing Retainer Ring

(6) Holding the tool in this position, grind a 30- (11) Form the rings so that spring-back will hold
degree knife edge taper on the inner face of the flange. them in place. The inner ring should be approximately 1/16-
inch to 1/8-inch higher than the flange. The outer ring can
(7) Fair the tapers into each other at this be adjusted to the same height by sliding it up or down (See
intersection. (A cone-shaped rotary file is best for grinding Figure 16-74.)
the inner face of the flange).
(12) Cover the faces of the rings that will be in
(8) Using 180-grit abrasive cloth, P-C-451, sand all contact with the patching compound with tape, MIL-T-
ground surfaces thoroughly. 22085 (AMS-T-22085).
(13) Clean the damaged fitting with Acetone, ASTM
D329, and install the rings in place on the fitting, being sure
that they contact the repair area securely.
ASTM D329 7
(9) Wash all dirt and grit from the repair area with PRIMER
Acetone, ASTM D329. PR1826 B-1 22
(10) Fabricate two retainer rings from aluminum (14) Mix the epoxy adhesive per manufacturer's
alloy sheet of convenient thickness to retain the patching instructions and fill the space between the rings with
compound. (One ring is to fit the inner face of the flange, patching compound, using a thin instrument such as a
and the other ring is to fit the outer face.) torque depressor to work the compound (See Figure 16-75).
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 016 00
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(19) Dress the repair to match the contour and
surface finish of the fitting.

(20) Maintain the dimensions of the O-ring groove

accurately (See Figure 16-77).

c. Cracked O-Ring Groove Flange Repair. (See

Figure 16-78.) Cracks of this type occur on fittings having a
wide O-ring retainer land and a relatively thin cross-section
through the bottom of the O-ring groove. To repair, proceed
as follows:

Comply with general safety instructions in

Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
preparations in Work Package 006.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.

Figure 16-75. Filling Retainer Ring (1) Straighten the fitting if it is bent to avoid further
damage to the fitting.

PR1826 B-1 22

NOTE Safety goggles, GG-G-531, shall be worn when

drilling, scoring, or grinding fuel cell fittings.

Avoid entrapment of air pockets. As the space

between the rings is filled, the compound oozes (2) Stop-drill the ends of the crack with a No. 50
under the ring and onto the taper on the bottom drill (See Figure 16-79).
of the O-ring groove.
(3) Working from the inside, vee the crack so that
the bottom of the vee is approximately one-half way
(15) Spread the compound, as necessary, to bring the through the work piece. The included angle between the
level slightly higher than the surrounding area. faces of the vee should be approximately 60 degrees (See
Figure 16-80).
(16) Allow the repair to cure at room temperature 8
to 16 hours, or until it is solid. (4) Use 180-grit abrasive cloth, P-C-451, to sand
the surrounding area thoroughly (See Figure 16-81).
(17) Remove the retainer rings.
(5) Use a jeweler’s disc to score the insert bosses
(18) Remove any excess epoxy from the O-ring and land to 1/32-inch depth (See Figure 16-82).
groove with a scraper; also, use a vacuum cleaner to
remove the epoxy particles during the scraping operation (6) Score the fitting along two lines (See Figure 16-
(See Figure 16-76). 82).
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 016 00
Page 51

NOTE (11) plaster, or other convenient materials. Avoid

contaminating the bonding surface of the repair area with
these materials.)
Do not score the fitting in areas, which cannot
be reached by the hacksaw blade scraper. (12) Prepare the epoxy adhesive (Refer to Table 15-
4, usage column 15) and apply to the repair area (See
(7) Use a hacksaw blade scraper, ground to have a Figure 16-83). Do not trap air bubbles.
round cutting edge, to remove the sharp corners at the
bottom of the jeweler’s saw scores. (13) Arrange the cell so that gravity will assist to
hold the repair material in place as it cures.
(8) Vee out the portion of the crack remaining in
the O-ring groove. (14) Allow the compound to cure.

ASTM D329 7 Safety goggles, GG-G-531, shall be worn when
drilling, scoring, or grinding fuel cell fittings.
(15) Dress the repaired area in the O-ring groove to
Since the cracks usually occur next to the rear conform to the original dimensions and surface finish.
vertical face of the groove, it will be necessary
to slightly undercut this face in order to clean (16) Dress the edge of the reinforcement on the
up the crack. inside surface of the fitting, using a powered cone-shaped
rotary stone (See Figure 16-84).
(9) Vacuum clean the repair area, and then wipe the
area with Acetone, ASTM D329. (17) Ensure that all debris is removed from the cell

(18) Inspect repair to determine that adhesion is

complete and that the patching compound is well cured.
When well cured, the compound cannot be dented with the
The use of Room Temperature Vulcanizers
(RTVs) or other silicone base compounds is not (19) Inspect for porosity. A small number of
authorized due to the possible contamination of pinpoint bubbles are acceptable.
the bonding surface by the silicones.
d. Scratched O-Ring Groove Flange Repair.
Scratches in the fitting seal area may be repaired with
(10) Provide a dam for holding the epoxy compound epoxy adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 15)
in place. (Use noncuring aircraft sealers, modeling clay, using the procedures of paragraphs 8b through 8c.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 016 00
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Figure 16-76. Cleaning Retainer Ring Groove

Figure 16-77. Filling Repaired Area
With Vacuum Cleaner

Figure 16-78. Fitting – Body Crack Figure 16-79. Stop-Drilling Ends of Crack
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Figure 16-80. V-Grooving Crack Figure 16-81. Fitting Area to be Sanded

Figure 16-82. Scoring Insert Bosses and Land Figure 16-83. Applying Epoxy Compound
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Page 54

9. FUEL CELL FITTING CORROSION REMOVAL. (2) After completion of corrosion removal, clean
This paragraph briefly outlines corrosion control methods. the area with a clean abrasive mat, A-A-58054, saturated
For complete corrosion control, refer to NAVAIR 01-1A- with water.
509, Aircraft Weapons Systems Cleaning and Corrosion
a. Fuel Cell Fitting Corrosion Control Evaluation.
Visible corrosion of aluminum fuel cell fittings will appear To protect the fuel cell rubber surface from
on the surface as grey-white powdery deposits, pitting, or damage by the chemical conversion coating, the
bumps and blisters. rubber surrounding the fuel cell fitting shall be
covered with polyethylene film, LP-378, or
b. Fuel Cell Fitting Corrosion Treatment. To treat the equivalent.
corroded areas, proceed as follows:

(3) Following the cleaning of the area, treat it with

a chemical conversion coating in accordance with NAVAIR
01-1A-509, Aircraft Weapons Systems Cleaning and
Corrosion Control.
Comply with general safety instructions in
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
preparations in Work Package 006.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.

(1) Remove the visible corrosion by lightly sanding

the corroded area with 240-grit, aluminum oxide cloth, P-C-
451, followed by sanding with 320-grit, aluminum oxide
cloth, P-C-451 (A-A-1048). Figure 16-84. Dressing Edge of Repair
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31 August 2005 Page 1 of 8


Reference Material
General Composite Repair Manual.......................................................................................................................... NA 01-1A-21
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program ......................................................................... COMNAVAIRFORINST 4970.2 Series

Alphabetical Index

Subject Page
Detection of Weakened Fuel Cell Structure .................................................................................................................................2
Fuel Cell Baffles............................................................................................................................................................................6
Fiberglass Baffle Repair.....................................................................................................................................................6
Metal Baffle Repair............................................................................................................................................................6
Rubber-Coated Fabric Baffle Repair.................................................................................................................................6
Fuel Cell Baffle Retainers .............................................................................................................................................................6
Fuel Cell Baffle Nylon Cord Replacement .......................................................................................................................6
Fuel Cell Baffle Nylon Tube and Rod Repair...................................................................................................................7
Fuel Cell Hangers..........................................................................................................................................................................3
Hanger Button Replacement and Repair ...........................................................................................................................3
Hanger Strap Reinforcement .............................................................................................................................................4
Reinforcement of Weakened Fuel Cell Structure.........................................................................................................................2
Applying Fuel Cell Structure Exterior Protective Coating ...............................................................................................2
Fuel Cell Structure Patch Application ...............................................................................................................................2
Fuel Cell Structure Patch Material.....................................................................................................................................2

1. GENERAL. This section provides general Collapse of cell in aircraft cavity or during
information and procedures for reinforcement of self- storage and/or shipment
sealing fuel cells and repair of fuel cell components.
Reinforcement of self-sealing fuel cells is required when it
has been determined that a weakness exists in the cell NOTE
structure. Some common causes of weakening are as
Damage to fuel cells occurring in service should
Repeated catapult launchings be reported to the responsible Fleet Support
Team (FST) or In-Service Support Team (ISST)
in accordance with COMNAVAIRFORINST
Arrested landings 4790.2 Series so that corrective action can be
taken to eliminate the problem where possible.
Extreme flight maneuvers
The following warning appears many times in
Repeated folding to facilitate installation this chapter:
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 017 00
Page 2

The patch should extend two and one half

inches beyond the area of weakness.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, Apply a double patch with increased overlap for
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection normal repairs before accomplishing
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous reinforcement.
ventilation of the cell.

Use square-woven fabric, if available.

The use of the air-supplied respirator or SCBA
is required when working inside cells installed
in an aircraft. If the cells have been removed Patch fabric should be applied on the bias
from the aircraft and are being worked in a shop relative to the line of damage to increase
environment, then the use of a half-face strength.
respirator with a cartridge appropriate to the
hazard is a suitable alternative to the use of an
b. Fuel Cell Structure Patch Material. Reinforcing
air-supplied respirator.
fabric may be selected using the materials list in Work
Package 015.
STRUCTURE. Periodic inspection of the fuel cell c. Applying Fuel Cell Structure Exterior Protective
structure in accordance with the applicable aircraft Coating. A careful inspection of the fuel cell will determine
Maintenance Instruction Manual (MIM) and the applicable if additional protective coating is required to prevent fuel
Maintenance Requirement Card (MRC) deck is penetration due to spillage or plumbing leaks. If additional
recommended. Inspect for the following: exterior protective coating is require proceed as follows:

Ply breaks

Inner liner splits Acetone

ASTM D329 7
Separation along an edge or fabric lap
(1) Clean and aerate the exterior surface with
Fitting rubber cracks Acetone, ASTM D329 to remove surface residues.

Flange cracks

Cell wall delaminations

Attachment button and hanger strap tears When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
3. REINFORCEMENT OF WEAKENED FUEL approved respiratory protection suitable to the
CELL STRUCTURE. Normally required repairs are exposure. Always wear eye protection when
generally inadequate to restore the fuel cell to its original engaged in buffing operations.
condition. Reinforcement of the fuel cell structure should
be accomplished to prevent recurring problems.

a. Fuel Cell Structure Patch Application. Reinforcing

patches may be applied in accordance with the procedures
in Work Package 015. In addition, the following guidelines Only experienced personnel should use power
should be observed: buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
Both exterior and interior should be patched. this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 017 00
Page 3

(2) Lightly buff the exterior surfaces to be coated

until surface residues and rubber deterioration are removed
and a uniform roughened surface is produced.

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff

them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
Acetone approved respiratory protection suitable to the
ASTM D329 7 exposure. Always wear eye protection when
(3) Clean the surface with Acetone, ASTM D329 to engaged in buffing operations.
remove any loose particles and freshen the surface.

(4) Allow the treated surface to dry.

Allow sufficient drying time between coats. Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
(5) Apply two coats of Buna-Vinylite lacquer surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
(Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 10), or equivalent, to this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
buffed area.
(2) Buff the chafing strip from the hanger button
4. FUEL CELL HANGERS. Fuel cell hanger buttons
fabric flange and one inch beyond.
and straps are subject to extreme loading conditions during
service operations.
(3) Remove the fabric flange with duckbill pliers.
a. Hanger Button Replacement and Repair. Hanger
buttons are often broken or pulled from the fuel cell during
service operations, removal, or adjustment of the fuel cell.
Use the following procedures as a guide when repairing or
replacing hanger buttons:

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.
Comply with general safety instructions in
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
preparations in Work Package 006. them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, exposure. Always wear eye protection when
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection engaged in buffing operations.
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
(1) Remove the hanger button from the fuel cell by liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
cutting around the edge of the metal flange. barrier is broken.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 017 00
Page 4
(8) Apply three coats of adhesive (Refer to
Table 15-4) to both interior and exterior surfaces of the
fuel cell and all surfaces of the button fabric flanges.
(9) Allow adhesive to cure.
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged Acetone
during the buffing operation. ASTM D329 7
(10) Install the new button assembly in the prepared
(4) Buff the exterior and interior surfaces of the fuel hole. Use Acetone, ASTM D329, to moisten the mating
cell in the area of the removed fabric flange and one inch surfaces previously coated with adhesive.
(11) Stitch mating surfaces in place.

(12) Apply clamp pressure to mating surfaces and

allow two hours to cure.

(13) Remove clamps.

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH (14) Inspect for defects.
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
exposure. Always wear eye protection when (15) Moisten the exterior fabric flange-coated
engaged in buffing operations. surface with Acetone, ASTM D329.


The reinforcing patches should overlap the

fabric flange by a minimum of one inch.
Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
(16) Prepare and buff the exterior reinforcing patch
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
in accordance with Work Package 015.
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
(17) Inspect for defects or loose edges.
(5) Buff and taper the edges of the button hole to
closely fit the new hanger buttons. (18) Allow to cure for a total of seventy-two hours
before air testing, installation, or exposure to fuel.
(6) Place the new button with assembled fabric
flanges in the buffed and skived hole to check for proper fit. b. Hanger Strap Reinforcement. Hanger strap
reinforcement is often required when excessive loads have
(7) Remove the new button. pulled the fabric straps loose during service. Reinforce
fabric straps as follows:

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection Comply with general safety instructions in
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
ventilation of the cell. preparations in Work Package 006.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 017 00
Page 5
(5) Apply three coats of adhesive (Refer to Table
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
15-4, usage column 8) to the buffed fuel cell surface and the
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
hanger strap base.
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.
(6) Allow adhesive to cure until tacky.

(1) Mark hanger strap locations to allow for correct (7) Locate and stitch hanger strap and fuel cell
replacement. mating surfaces in place.

(8) Apply clamp pressure and allow two hours to

ASTM D329 7 (9) Apply three coats of adhesive (Refer to Table
15-4, usage column 8) to the previously buffed top surface
NOTE of the hanger strap base.

Acetone, ASTM D329, or heat lamps may be NOTE

used to weaken hanger strap bond.
The cover patch should be slotted to clear the
(2) Remove loosened hanger straps by carefully strap attachment lug or collar.
peeling back fabric base with duckbill pliers or equivalent.
(10) Cut a reinforcing cover patch to extend a
minimum of 1 1/2 inches beyond the edge of the hanger

(11) Lightly buff the patch and apply three coats of

adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 8).
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH (12) Allow treated adhesive surfaces to cure until
approved respiratory protection suitable to the tacky.
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
engaged in buffing operations. (13) Stitch hanger strap and reinforcing cover patch
into place.

(14) If vulcanization is used as a cure method, and

the appropriate adhesive has been previously applied,
proceed as follows:

Only experienced personnel should use power (a) Place strap and patch under molds or plates
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished, and apply clamp pressure.
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. (b) Cure at 290oF (143oC) +5oF for one hour.

(3) Buff fuel cell hanger strap area a minimum of 1

3/4 inches beyond the edge of hanger strap base.

(4) Buff the base and top surface of the new or

reusable hanger strap. If clamps and platens used in the vulcanization
process are disassembled from the patches
NOTE before room temperature is reached, the bonded
If vulcanization will be used as a cure method, patch material will not cure flat but will assume
use adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage a permanent set conforming to the shape in its
column 8). relaxed position.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 017 00
Page 6

(c) Allow heating unit and mold to cool to room (4) Cut two patches to lap the damaged area by a
temperature before removing from fuel cell. minimum of 1 1/2 inches (Refer to Table 15-3).

5. FUEL CELL BAFFLES. Fuel cell baffles support (5) Buff one side of each patch.
the cell internally and distributes the forces caused by
movement of fuel. The materials most frequently used for
baffle construction are rubber coated fabric, fiberglass, and
metal. Acetone
ASTM D329 7.
a. Rubber-Coated Fabric Baffle Repair. Torn,
abraded, or otherwise damaged rubber-coated fabric baffles Clean all buffed areas with Acetone, ASTM D329.
are repaired using the same basic methods as those for self- (6) Apply three coats of adhesive to all buffed
sealing cells. However, the repair material for baffles does areas. Allow each coat to dry before applying next coat.
not require a nylon barrier. Rubber-coated fabric baffles
with holes in them may be repaired as follows: (7) Allow adhesive to dry until tacky.

NOTE (8) Stitch patches in place.

(9) Apply clamp pressure and allow two hours to

The absence of a nylon barrier allows the fuel to cure.
wick and diffuse through the fabric baffle
material. A 24-hour drying period should elapse (10) Inspect for defects or loose edges.
between exposure to fuel and repairs to fabric
baffles. (11) Inspect for loose or damaged grommets and
replace, if required.
(1) Cut out the hole using a punch.
b. Fiberglass Baffle Repair. Fiberglass delaminates
and cracks due to usage and can generally be repaired.
NOTE Fiberglass baffles can be repaired with epoxy resin and
fiberglass materials. If repairs are required, consult the NA
01-1A-21 General Composite Repair Manual.
Materials that are of different thicknesses than
that of the baffle require buffing or lamination
to match baffle thickness.

(2) Cut a plug of material that is the same thickness

as the baffle.
Fiberglass may cause eye, skin, and respiratory
irritation. Use personal protective equipment.

c. Metal Baffle Repair. Metal baffles are repaired

using standard sheet metal techniques and practices.
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH 6. FUEL CELL BAFFLE RETAINERS. The fabric
approved respiratory protection suitable to the baffles are generally held in place in the fuel cell by nylon
exposure. Always wear eye protection when cord, MIL-C-5040, which is laced through the baffle
engaged in buffing operations. grommets, internal hanger supports, and straps. Some fuel
cells retain the baffles using nylon tubes or rods instead of
Do not shut down air blower or hot air blower cord.
when air duct is connected to the aircraft.
a. Fuel Cell Baffle Nylon Cord Replacement. The
nylon cord should be inspected regularly for abrasion.
(3) Buff a minimum of 1 3/4 inches beyond the When abrasion causes breaks in the cord fibers, the nylon
damaged area on both sides of the baffle. cord should be replaced as follows:
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 017 00
Page 7
New nylon cord will not be coated. (7) Recoat any knots and cord ends with
adhesive mixture.
b. Fuel Cell Baffle Nylon Tube and Rod Repair. The
nylon tubes or rods may break, causing the fuel cell baffles
Acetone to hang loose. Broken parts may be repaired as follows:
ASTM D329 7
(1) Prepare a solution with equal parts of adhesive NOTE
(Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 8) and Acetone, ASTM
Nylon tubing or rods, which show crazing of
(2) Pour adhesive mixture into a vat or tub. 1/64 inch or deeper should be replaced.

(3) Pull cord through adhesive mixture, thoroughly

(1) Inspect tubing or rods for breaks.
coating all sides (See Figure 17-1).

(4) Place cord on a frame to dry before re-spooling. (2) Cut pieces of aluminum sleeve using aluminum
tubing, AMS-T-7081.
(5) Cut cord to proper length using old cord as a
guide, if available. (3) Place sleeve over broken tubing or rods and
push broken ends together.
(6) Tie a figure-eight knot in each end of the cord
lacing. (4) Using a crimping tool, or equivalent, crimp the
sleeve ends.
(5) Inspect all repairs for looseness.
Uncoated knots or cord ends may cause
slipping or fraying of cord lacing. (6) Inspect all unbroken nylon tubing or rods for
crazing of 1/64 inch or deeper.
Short pieces of cord should be tied together
using square knots. (7) Replace defective tubing.
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Figure 17-1. Coating Nylon Baffle Cord

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Reference Material
None .......................................................................................................................................................................................

Alphabetical Index
Subject Page
General ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Urethane Fuel Cell Damage/Defect Repair Procedures ....................................................................................................... 1
Urethane Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations...................................................................................................... 1

1. GENERAL. This Work Package provides procedures

for evaluation and inspection of Urethane Fuel Tanks of the
CEPTABLE LIMITATIONS. (Refer to Tables 18-1 and
following constructions manufactured by Engineered Fab-
18-2.) Urethane fuel cell defects that are within established
rics Corporation:
tolerances will not be cause for removal and/or repair.
REPAIR PROCEDURES. Refer to Work Package 0019
for repair instructions for Urethane Fuel Cells. Repair pro-
cedures in Work Package 019 are for non-self sealing areas
of the fuel cells. Refer to Work Package 0016 for repair
instructions of Self Sealing Urethane Fuel Cell Fittings.
Refer to Work Package 022 for repair instructions of Non-
self Sealing (bladder) Urethane Fuel Cell Fittings.
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Page 2
Table 18-1. Uninstalled Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations

Defect/Condition Limitation

1. Cell Interior

a. Edge looseness on liner reinforcements, corner Acceptable up to 1/4-inch width for complete length of liner
patches, and chafing patches. lap if 1-inch bond is maintained on fabric liner and 1/4-inch on
rubber liner. 1/2-inch maximum looseness, provided loose area
does not exceed 15 percent of total area. Blisters or separations
in other than the edge area allowable up to 15 percent of total
b. Looseness under cemented components such as 15 percent of individual area, provided 1/4-inch bond is
attaching straps, baffle shoes, etc. maintained around the edge (See Figure 14-2).

c. Blisters between liner and fitting flange. 1/4-inch maximum dimension; maximum one per lineal foot
and two per fitting, provided 1-inch bond is maintained (See
Figure 14-1).

d. Damaged grommets in accessories. Acceptable, provided serviceability is not affected.

e. Damaged coating on accessories (metal, wood or Acceptable, provided corrosion or other deterioration is not
rubber. present.

f. Checking due to weather, ozone, dry cracking, or Acceptable, provided there is no penetration beyond 50
surface imperfections. percent of the inner liner material thickness (See Figure 14-

g. Blisters, delaminations, or ply separations. 1-inch maximum dimension, provided there is a 6-inch bond
between blisters and no more than one per square foot of
total cell area.

h. Channels around entire outer edge of fitting 1/4-inch maximum width (See Figure 14-1).

i. Channels at tapered construction step-off area, or 1/4-inch maximum width entire length of lap (See Figure 14-
edge of lap splices of any ply. 4).

j. Cuts or holes in inner liner. Not acceptable.

k. Buffing through inner liner. Not acceptable.

l. Vertical edge looseness in fillet material at edge Separations on either side of flange are acceptable around the
if fitting metal. entire circumference of the fitting provided that when flexed,
there is no fabric damage. (See Figure 18-1 and 18-2)

m. Lumps in innerliner surface. Acceptable. (See Figure 18-3)

n. Voids in innerliner surface. Acceptable. (See Figure 18-5)

o. Cement runs, drips, and/or sags on surface. Acceptable. (See Figure 18-4)
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Table 18-1. Uninstalled Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations - Continued

Defect/Condition Limitation

p. Uncovered buffed areas in self-sealing areas of Not acceptable.

tank. Note: This is in addition to item “k”.

q. Translucency (light shines through tank wall). Acceptable.

Disbursement of carbon black can result in
translucent areas that do not affect strength or
sealing integrity.

2. Cell Exterior

a. Blisters or ply separation between any plies 1-inch maximum dimension.

except liner and sealant.

b. Skim coat blisters. Acceptable.

c. Loose hanger straps or hanger attaching points. Acceptable up to 15 percent of total area provided 1/4-inch
bond is maintained around the edge.

d. Loose or damaged tapes, corner patches and 1/2-inch maximum allowable looseness, provided this
other outside accessories. looseness does not exceed 15 percent of the total area.

e. Checking due to weather, ozone, dry cracking or Acceptable up to 50 percent of material thickness.
surface imperfections (See Figure 9-4).

f. Damaged grommets in accessories. Acceptable, provided serviceability is not affected.

g. Damage through outer cord or fabric ply. Not acceptable.

h. Channels or bridging of outer plies at cord or 1/2-inch maximum width full length of splice (See Figure 9-
fabric splice. 8).

i. Outer ply cuts or splits parallel to cords where Not acceptable; may result in outside activation.
cords are not damaged.
j. Mold marks and impressions on external surface. Acceptable. (See Figure 18-7)

k. Raised areas in external surface. Acceptable up to 1/8 inch above normal tank surface as long
as the area is solid. (See Figure 18-6)
l. Step-off or mis-match at ferrule caps, fitting Acceptable. (See Figures 18-8, 18-9, and 18-10)
flanges, and/or tank join lines.

m. Vertical Edge Looseness in fillet material at edge Separations on either side of flange are acceptable around the
of fitting metal. entire circumference of the fitting provided that when flexed,
there is no fabric damage. (See Figure 18-1 and 18-2)
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Table 18-1. Uninstalled Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations - Continued

Defect/Condition Limitation

n. Loose Lenoweave (Encapsulated and Non- Maximum allowable looseness is one (1) square inch in any
encapsulated) either encapsulated or non- given loose area with at least three (3) inches of separation
encapsulated is applicable to specific surfaces of between loose areas.
tank positions 1C, 1D, 2C/D, 3C/D, and 4C/D. NOTE
Non-encapsulated Lenoweave is applicable to Lenoweave is an open weave cloth cemented to the exterior
tank positions 2E/F, 3E/F, and 4E/F. Location of surface of the tank. See Figure 18-10 for graphical
the Lenoweave for each position is defined in representation of nominal non-encapsulated Lenoweave and
Figures 18-13 through 18-20. Figure 9K for nominal encapsulated Lenoweave.

o. Dimpling in Lenoweave (Encapsulated). The exterior surface of encapsulated Lenoweave fabric

contains local areas where the textured appearance of the
Lenoweave cloth may be observed. This condition may range
from slight dimples in the coating to complete Lenoweave
cloth definition and is acceptable as long as the area does not
exceed nine (9) square inches in any one (1) square foot of
area. See Figure 18-12 for graphical representation of
dimpling in encapsulated Lenoweave.

p. Splits and Edge looseness at tank join line. Acceptable up to 1/8 inch in width on either side of join line
(Tank join line is defined as the seam area where gap with no more than 3 inches in total length allowed in any
the top and bottom halves of the tank are joined 5 linear feet of seam. (See Figures 18-22 and 18-23)
together). The join line areas for each position
are illustrated in Figures 18-13 through 18-20.

q. Uncovered buffed areas in self-sealing areas of Not acceptable.

tank. Note: This is in addition to item “p”.
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Table 18-2. Installed Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations

Defect/Condition Limitation

1. Cell Interior

a. Edge looseness on liner reinforcements, corner 1/2-inch maximum looseness, provided loose area does not
patches, and chafing patches. exceed 20 percent of total area. Blisters or separations in
other than the edge area allowable up to 20 percent of total

b. Looseness under cemented components such as 20 percent of individual area, provided 1/4-inch bond is
attaching straps, baffle shoes, etc. maintained around the edge (See Figure 14-1).

c. Blisters between liner and fitting flange. 1/2-inch maximum dimension, maximum two per lineal foot
and three per fitting, provided 1 -inch bond is maintained
(See Figure 14-1).

d. Damaged grommets in accessories. Acceptable, provided serviceability is not affected.

e. Damaged coating on accessories (rubber, metal Acceptable, provided corrosion or other deterioration is not
or wood). present.

f. Checking due to weather, ozone, dry cracking, or Acceptable, provided there is no penetration beyond 50
surface imperfections. percent of the inner liner material thickness (See Figure 14-

g. Blisters, delaminations, or ply separations. 1 1/2-inches maximum, provided there is a 6-inch bond
between blisters and no more than one per square, foot of
total cell area.

i. Channels around entire outer edge of fitting 1/2-inch maximum width (See Figure 14-1).

j. Channels at tapered construction step-off area, or 1/2-inch maximum width entire length of lap (See Figure 14-
edge of lap splices of any ply. 6).

k. Cuts or holes in inner liner. Not acceptable.

l. Buffing through inner liner. Not acceptable.

m. Activated areas. Not acceptable.

n. Broken stiffeners or supports. Not acceptable.

o. Vertical Edge Looseness in fillet material at edge Separations on either side of flange are acceptable around the
if fitting metal. entire circumference of the fitting provided, that when
flexed, there is no fabric damage. (See Figure 18-1 and 18-2)
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 018 00
Page 6

Table 18-2. Installed Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations - Continued

Defect/Condition Limitation

p. Lumps in innerliner surface. Acceptable. (See Figure 18-3)

q. Voids in innerliner surface. Acceptable. (See Figure 18-5)

r. Cement runs, drips, and/or sags on surface. Acceptable. (See Figure 18-4)

s. Uncovered buffed areas in self-sealing areas of Not acceptable.

tank. Note: This is in addition to item “p”.

t. Translucency (light shines through tank wall). Acceptable.

Disbursement of carbon black can result in
translucent areas that do not affect strength or
sealing integrity.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 018 00
Page 7

Table 18-2. Installed Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations - Continued

Defect/Condition Limitation

Only accessible portions of the fuel cells will be inspected.

Fuel cells need not be removed from aircraft for inspection.

2. Cell Exterior

a. Blisters or ply separations between any plies 1 1/2 inches maximum dimension.
except liner and sealant.

b. Skim coat blisters. Acceptable.

c. Loose hanger straps or hanger attaching points. Acceptable up to 20 percent of total area, provided 1/4-inch
bond is maintained around edge.

d. Loose or damaged tapes, corner patches, or other Acceptable, provided sealant is not activated.
outside accessories.

e. Checking due to ozone, weather, or dry cracking. Acceptable.

f. Damaged grommets in accessories. Acceptable, provided serviceability is not affected.

g. Damage through outer cord or one fabric ply. 1-inch maximum dimension.

h. Channels or bridging of outer plies at cord or 1/2-inch width maximum full length of splice (See Figure
fabric splice. 14-5).

i. Outer ply cuts or splits parallel to cords where Acceptable, provided activation of sealant is not evident.
cords are not damaged.

j. Mold marks and impressions on external surface. Acceptable. (See Figure 18-7)

k. Raised areas in external surface. Acceptable up to 1/8 inch above normal tank surface as long
as the area is solid. (See Figure 18-6)

l. Step-off or mismatch at ferrule caps, fitting Acceptable. (See Figures 18-8, 18-9, and 18-10)
flanges, and/or tank join lines.

m. Vertical Edge Looseness in fillet material at edge Separations on either side of flange are acceptable around the
of fitting metal. entire circumference of the fitting provided that when flexed,
there is no fabric damage. (See Figure 18-1 and 18-2)

n. Translucency (light shines through tank wall). Acceptable.

Disbursement of carbon black can result in
translucent areas that do not affect strength or
sealing integrity.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 018 00
Page 8

Looseness Not Acceptable In This Area

Vertical Edge Looseness

Acceptable Either Side
of Flange
Outer Tank

Fitting Metal Tank Wall




Figure 18-1. Fitting Cross Section Vertical Edge Looseness


Figure 18-2. Acceptable Vertical Edge Looseness

NAVAIR 01-1A-35 018 00
Page 9

Figure 18-3. Lumps on Innerliner Surface

Figure 18-4. Runs, Drips, and Sags on Innerliner

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Figure 18-5. Voids in Innerliner Surface

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Figure 18-6. Raised Areas on External Surface

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Page 12

Figure 18-7. Mold Mark on External Surface

Figure 18-8. Step-off at Fitting Flange

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Page 13




Figure 18-9. Step-off at Ferrule

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Page 14

Figure 18-10. Step-off at Tank Join Line

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Page 15

Figure 18-11. Non-Encapsulated Lenoweave

Figure 18-12. Encapsulated Lenoweave

Figure 18-13. Texture and Dimpling on Encapsulated Lenoweave

NAVAIR 01-1A-35 018 00
Page 16

Figure 18-14 Figure 18-15

Figure 18-16 Figure 18-17

FIGURES 18-14 THROUGH 18-18:



Figure 18-18
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Figure 18-19 Figure 18-20

Figure 18-21

FIGURES 18-19 THROUGH 18-21:


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Page 18

Figure 18-22 Figure 18-23

FIGURES 18-22 AND 18-23:


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31 August 2005 Page 1 of 4


Reference Material

Alphabetical Index
Subject Page
Quick Cure Repair Method ...........................................................................................................................................................1
Repair of Abraded or Missing Top Coat ...........................................................................................................................1
Repair of holes, punctures, cuts, and tears.........................................................................................................................2

1. GENERAL. This section provides repair procedures Do not shake the mixture as shaking can result in formation
for urethane fuel cells. of air bubbles. Mixture should be uniform in color with no
residual material on the sides or corners of the container.
2. QUICK CURE AND REGULAR CURE REPAIR Add Part 3 to the mixture of Part 1 and Part 2. Stir for three
METHOD. This repair method is the primary method for (3) to five (5) minutes. Do not "whip" the material, as this
repairing polyurethane fuel cells and is intended for will cause air bubbles.
repairing cells with minor damage. This repair may be
accomplished without removing the cell from the aircraft if
the damage is accessible for repairs. This repair may also be
accomplished on a fuel cell that has not been installed or
has been removed from an aircraft. The fuel cell must be
purged and fuel residue cleaned if repairs are required on
the inside of the cell. Damage that can be repaired is listed Comply with general safety instructions in
in Table 18-1 and 18-2 of Work Package 018. Work Packages 003 and 004, and fuel cell entry
preparations in Work Package 006.
a. Adhesives. The choice of two adhesives are
authorized for this repair. When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
(1) Quick Cure Method: For a quick cure process, suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
where use of heat is not authorized and quick turn around is ventilation of the cell.
required, use Engineered Fabrics Corporation 82C32 two
part adhesive. Mix the quick cure adhesive 82C32 as
follows: Pour part 2 into the container of part 1 and mix b. Repair of Abraded or Missing Top Coat. To repair
thoroughly for 5 minutes. Allow repair to cure for 6 hours abraded or missing top coat with no fabric ply damage
at a minimum temperature of 70oF (21oC). The fuel cell using the quick-cure method, proceed as follows:
may be refueled after adhesive is cured.
(1) Abrade surface adjacent to the damaged area.
(2) Regular Cure Method: For a longer working
time adhesive, use Engineered Fabrics Corporation 5923C
three parts adhesive. Vigorously shake the contents of Part
2 prior to mixing with Part 1. Mix Part 1 and Part 2 by Acetone
pouring Part 2 into Part 1 and stirring to blend the materials. ASTM D329 7
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Page 2
(3) Mix the adhesive (choose one of the following):
(a) Quick Cure Method: Mix 82C32 per
instructions in paragraph 2a(1)

Organic solvents or adhesives containing (b) Regular Cure Method: Mix 5923C per
organic solvents are flammable. Avoid instructions in paragraph 2a(2)
breathing of vapors or prolonged skin contact.
Use personal protective equipment. (3) Carefully and uniformly brush two coats of
repair adhesive over the buffed area.
Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,
when applying solvents by hand. (4) Apply the second coat 90o to the application of
the first coat.
(2) Clean abraded area with cheesecloth, CCC-C-
(5) Cure time:
440, moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329.
(a) Quick Cure Method: If 82C18 quick cure
adhesive is used, allow the finished repair to air cure for 6
hours at 70ºF.

(b) Regular Cure Method: If 5923C slow cure

Isocyanate exposure may produce severe adhesive is used, allow the adhesive to cure for 72 hours
allergic reaction and permanent sensitization. undisturbed at 70ºF. Alternatively 5923C may be cured at
Persons with history of allergies or previous 240ºF for 2 hours.
sensitization shall not be assigned tasks
involving isocyanates. Personal protective c. Repair of holes, punctures, cuts, and tears. To
equipment for skin and eyes and proper repair holes, punctures, cuts, and tears, using the quick-cure
respiratory protection (BUMEDINST 6260.16) method, proceed as follows:
shall be required when polyurethane coatings or
adhesives are used for fuel cell repairs.

ASTM D329 7

Do not apply hot-cure methods on repairs

requiring 82C32 adhesive.

The adhesive, 82C32, has a usable life of 15 to When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
45 minutes after mixing. Recapping the wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
adhesive between applications aids in extending suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
the usable life. ventilation of the cell.
The adhesive, 5923C, has a usable life of 2
hours after mixing. Recapping the adhesive Organic solvents or adhesives containing
between applications aids in extending the organic solvents are flammable. Avoid
usable life breathing of vapors or prolonged skin contact.
Use personal protective equipment.

Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,

ADHESIVE 9 when applying solvents by hand.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 019 00
Page 3

(1) Clean the inside surface of the cell with

cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, moistened with acetone, ASTM

D329, approximately 12 inches beyond the damage in all

directions. Isocyanate exposure may produce severe
allergic reaction and permanent sensitization.
Persons with history of allergies or previous
NOTE sensitization shall not be assigned tasks
involving isocyanates. Personal protective
When the repair is being made with the cell still equipment for skin and eyes and proper
installed in the aircraft, only an inside patch is respiratory protection (BUMEDINST 6260.16)
required. shall be required when polyurethane coatings or
adhesives are used for fuel cell repairs.
(2) Determine the size of the patches required. (The
inside patch size must extend beyond the damaged area at (6) Mix the adhesive (choose one of the following):
least 1 inch in all directions.)
(a) Quick Cure Method: Mix 82C32 per
instructions in paragraph 2a(1)

(b) Regular Cure Method: Mix 5923C per

instructions in paragraph 2a(2)

Only materials specified for use in the NOTE

following procedures shall be used to repair
Goodyear Vithane bladder fuel cells. Due to short work life, fresh adhesive should be
Substitutions shall not be made. mixed when adhesive becomes thick and
unbrushable. Recapping the adhesive between
(3) Cut an inside patch from the repair material, the applications will aid in extending the work
3604N (491 alternate) (Refer to Work Package 015). (The life of the adhesive.
patch must have a rounded outline.)
(7) Apply one brush coat of adhesive to the clean
(4) Center the patch over the defect and mark the abraded areas; let dry for 15 minutes.
cell surface 1/2 inch beyond the patch in all directions.
(8) Apply second brush coat of adhesive and let dry
15 minutes.

Organic solvents or adhesives containing ASTM D329 7
organic solvents are flammable. Avoid
breathing of vapors or prolonged skin contact.
Use personal protective equipment.

Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,

when applying solvents by hand.
Organic solvents or adhesives containing
(5) Lightly abrade the cell surface surrounding the organic solvents are flammable. Avoid
damage as marked with 120 grit abrasive cloth, P-C-451, breathing of vapors or prolonged skin contact.
moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329. Use personal protective equipment.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 019 00
Page 4

Wear disposable polyethylene gloves, MR-100,

when applying solvents by hand.
(9) Apply third coat of adhesive. Dip fabric patch, ADHESIVE 9
3604N, in Acetone, ASTM D329 and shake out the excess 82C18
(10) While the third coat of adhesive is still wet, lay
the nylon fabric patch, 3604N (491 alternate), in the wet (a) Quick Cure Method: If 82C18 quick cure
cement and smooth out with a brush removing all entrapped adhesive is used, allow the finished repair to air cure for 6
air. hours at 70ºF.

(11) Apply a final coat of adhesive over the 3604N (b) Regular Cure Method: If 5923C slow cure
(491 alternate) cloth patch, extending the adhesive ½ inch adhesive is used, allow the adhesive to cure for 72 hours
past the edge of the patch. undisturbed at 70ºF. Alternatively 5923C may be cured at
240ºF for 2 hours.
(12) Cure time:
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31 August 2005 Page 1 of 8


Reference Material

Alphabetical Index

Subject Page
Evaluation of Non-self Sealing (Bladder) Fuel Cells for Damage and Defect............................................................................2
Fuel Seepage ......................................................................................................................................................................2
Inner Liner Crazing ............................................................................................................................................................2
Inner Liner Imperfections ..................................................................................................................................................2
Inner Liner Weather or Ozone Cracking ...........................................................................................................................2
Description .........................................................................................................................................................................1
Non-self Sealing Fuel Cell Construction...........................................................................................................................1

1. GENERAL. This section provides definitions, from the aircraft and are being worked in a shop
construction design, and instructions for evaluating damage environment, then the use of a half-face
to nonself-sealing (bladder) fuel cells. Organizational and respirator with a cartridge appropriate to the
Intermediate level Maintenance Activities are authorized to hazard is a suitable alternative to the use of an
repair fuel cell punctures, rips or tears that are 1 inch in air supplied respirator.
length or less provided such damage is not within 2 inches
of a fuel cell fitting. Additionally, touchup of abraded a. Description. A non-self-sealing fuel cell,
exterior protective coating is authorized. commonly called a bladder fuel cell, is a fuel container that
does not self-seal holes or punctures. The advantage of
using a bladder fuel cell results from the saving in weight
NOTE and the comparative simplicity of repair techniques. The
cell is made slightly larger than the aircraft cavity so that
The following warning appears many times in the weight and internal pressure of the fuel is supported by
this chapter: the aircraft structure. Different materials and methods are
used for repairing the different types of bladder cells. The
two basic types of synthetic rubber bladders currently in use

Cells constructed of a combination of nitrile

(Buna-N) synthetic rubber, nylon fuel barrier,
and fabric.
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
Cells constructed of a combination of
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
polyurethane synthetic rubber, nylon fuel
ventilation of the cell.
barrier, and fabric.
The use of the air-supplied respirator or SCBA
is required when working inside cells installed b. Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Construction. The
in an aircraft. If the cells have been removed typical bladder fuel cell has three primary layers of
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 020 00
Page 2
material: the inner liner, the fuel barrier, and the retainer NOTE
(See figure 20-1).
(1) Fuel cell inner liner. The inner liner consists of Certain imperfections in the mold or building
nitrile (Buna-N) synthetic rubber coated nylon fabric or form or contamination on its surface may cause
polyurethane (VITHANE) synthetic coated nylon fabric. inner liner blemishes. Minor surface
The purpose of the inner liner is to contain the liquid fuel imperfections are allowable because the nylon
and provide protection for the nylon barrier. barrier will prevent fuel leakage.

(2) Fuel cell fuel barrier. The nylon fuel barrier

consists of three to four coats of nylon applied hot by brush, The inner and outer liners are only for
roller, or spray. The purpose of the nylon fuel barrier is to protection of the nylon barrier, and are not
prevent the fuel and fuel vapors from diffusing through the intended to be fuel barriers.
cell wall.
c. Inner Liner Crazing. (See Figure 14-3). Crazing or
(3) Fuel cell retainer. The retainer consists of nitrile
cracking of the coating (mold release) used on the forms or
(Buna-N) synthetic rubber coated heavy nylon fabric or
molds allow the uncured rubber to flow into these cracks
polyurethane (VITHANE) synthetic rubber coated heavy
during cure.
nylon fabric. The retainer forms the exterior of the fuel cell
and provides strength for the fuel cell. Additionally, it
provides the protection for the nylon fuel barrier. NOTE

2. EVALUATION OF NONSELF-SEALING Crazing will be raised, whereas weather

(BLADDER) FUEL CELLS FOR DAMAGE AND checking or other detrimental cracking will be
DEFECT. (Refer to Table 20-1 and 20-2). The correct depressed.
analysis and determination of possible defects is necessary
to determine if a fuel cell is acceptable or if it must be
repaired and the extent of repair required. The following Crazing of the inner liner is not detrimental to
descriptions of conditions, defects and damage will assist in serviceability.
the inspections of fuel cells.
d. Inner Liner Weather or Ozone Checking. (See
a. Fuel Seepage. A bladder cell, when being pressure
Figure 14-3). Weather checking can be very detrimental to
tested, may appear to seep or weep fuel over a general area,
fuel cell serviceability and may be cause for rejection.
creating the illusion that there are numerous small pin holes
in the cell or porous liners. Causes for this condition are as
(1) Description. Weather checking is an actual
breakdown of the molecular structure of the rubber
The exterior of the fuel cell comes in contact resulting in cracks or fissures in the surface that can
with fuel from leaking fittings, plumbing, penetrate to the nylon barrier. Since the nylon barrier is
interconnectors or accidental spillage. bonded to the inner liner, such cracks will eventually
penetrate the nylon fuel barrier, destroying the fuel integrity
Fuel is trapped in the airframe cavity seeping of the cell.
into the outer ply fabric, which retains the fuel
in much the same manner as a sponge. (2) Causes. Compounded into the rubber used in
the inner liner is an agent called a plasticizer. After
Internal pressure on the cell, which squeezes or
exposure to fuel, the fuel extracts the plasticizer and
forces the fuel to the surface. This condition is
replaces it in the rubber compound. This condition is not
correctly called weeping and is not a defect.
harmful unless the fuel is allowed to evaporate. If this
b. Inner Liner Imperfections. The synthetic rubber occurs, the rubber will weather or crack. To prevent this,
coating on the inner liner fabric ply may not be perfectly once a cell has been exposed to fuel or a test fluid, it must
smooth or may be imbedded with small pieces of foreign either be kept in a fuel-wet environment or preserved to
matter, causing indentations on the liner surface. prevent evaporation.
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Page 3

Figure 20-1. Bladder Cell Construction (Typical)

Table 20-1. Uninstalled Bladder Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations

Defect Limitation

1. Cell Interior

a. Vertical Edge Looseness. Separation of Rubber Around the entire metal fitting is an acceptable condition for
Material (Fillet) from the vertical surface of the Urethane Fuel Cell (See Figure 18-1). Unacceptable for Nitrile
metal fitting. Fuel Cells.

b. Loose liner at throat of fitting Edge looseness at 1/2-inch looseness in width around entire circumference at edge
liner lap. of fitting (See Figure 14-4).
Acceptable up to 1/4-inch width (depth) maximum length of liner
lap, provided 1-inch bond is maintained. If fitting fabric flange is
less than 1-inch in size, 100% bond must be maintained.

c. Looseness on liner reinforcements and chafing Blisters or separations other than in the edge area allowable or up
patches. to 15 percent of the total area.

d. Looseness of cemented internal support components Acceptable up to 15 percent of component area

such as attaching straps, baffle supports, etc. provided 1/4-inch solid bond is maintained around the
edge (See Figure 14-5).

e. Blisters between fitting flange and adjacent ply. 1/4-inch maximum dimension; maximum one per linear foot
and two per fitting provided 1-inch bond is maintained
(See Figure 14-4).

f. Damaged grommets in accessories. Acceptable provided serviceability is not affected.

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Page 4
Table 20-1. Uninstalled Bladder Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations - Continued

Defect Limitation

g. Damaged coating on accessories (rubber, Acceptable provided no rust, corrosion or deterioration

composite or metal). is apparent.

h. Minor surface imperfections in liner ply and Acceptable provided serviceability is not affected.
reinforce-ments (Refer to paragraphs 12-2c and
12-2d and see figure 9-6).

i. Blisters between inner laps. 1/4-inch maximum dimension; average one per 5 linear feet
of splice with a maximum of five in any one 5-foot length
of splice (See Figure 14-7).

j. Blisters between plies (in cell panels). 1/4-inch maximum dimension; minimum of 6-inch bond
between blisters and no more than one per square foot of
cell area.

k. Channels in liner laps. 1/8-inch maximum for length of lap splice.

l. Channels around entire outer edge of fitting 1/8-inch maximum width around entire fitting flange (See
flange. Figure 14-4).

m. Buffing through inner liner. Not acceptable.

n. Exposed fabric. For fabric inner liners, acceptable provided fabric is not damaged.
For rubber only inner liners, not acceptable.

o. Delamination between plies. 1-inch maximum dimension; average of one per 5 square feet
of area with a maximum of five in any one 5 square feet of
area. Minimum 6-inch solid bond between delaminations.

p. Cuts or holes in inner liners. Not acceptable.

q. Porosity. Not acceptable.

2. Cell Exterior

a. Skim coat blisters. Acceptable.

b. Lap splice edge looseness. 1/4 by 3 inch maximum dimension provided there are no
more than one per linear foot and a one inch wide bond is

c. Loose or damage hanger straps or hanger Acceptable up to 15 percent of component area provided
attaching points. 1/4 inch solid bond is maintained around the edge.

d. Loose tapes, corner patches or other outside non- 1/2 inch maximum allowable looseness provided this loose-
load carrying accessories. ness does not exceed 15 percent of the total area.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 020 00
Page 5
Table 20-1. Uninstalled Bladder Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations - Continued

Defect Limitation

e. Skim coat off outer ply. Acceptable provided cords or fabrics are not cut or broken.

f. Mislocated, blistered, split or weather checked Unacceptable; missing or damaged tape shall be replaced.
rubber tape.

g. Blisters or looseness between labels or decals and Acceptable.

body of cell.

h. Weather checked or surface imperfections in Acceptable provided fabric is not damaged or broken.
outer ply or reinforcements.

i. Blistered, loose or missing lacquer coating. Acceptable.

j. Blisters between fitting flange and adjacent ply. 1/4-inch maximum dimension; maximum of one per linear foot
and two per fitting provided 1 inch bond is maintained (See
Figure 14-4).

k. Delamination between plies. 1-inch maximum dimension; average of one per 5 square feet
of area with a maximum of five in any one 5 square foot area.
Minimum 6 inch solid bond between delaminations.

l. Damaged grommets in accessories. Acceptable provided serviceability is not affected.

m. Blisters between outer ply laps. 1/4 inch maximum dimension; average one per 5 linear feet
of splice with a maximum of five in any one 5 foot length of

n. Blisters between plies (in cell panels). 1/4 inch maximum dimension; minimum of 6-inch bond
between blisters and no more than one per square foot of
cell area.

o. Channels in outer ply laps. 1/4 inch width entire length of lap.

p. Channels around entire outer edge of fitting 1/8-inch maximum around entire fitting flange (See Figure
flange. 14-4).

q. Damage through any cord or fabric ply. Not acceptable.

NAVAIR 01-1A-35 020 00
Page 6

Table 20-2. Installed Bladder Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations

Defect Limitation

1. Cell Interior

a. Loose liner at throat of fitting, except sump type 1/2 inch looseness in width around entire circumference at
and three plane fittings. throat of fitting (See Figure 14-4).

a. Vertical Edge Looseness. Separation of Around the entire metal fitting is an acceptable condition for
Rubber Material (Fillet) from the vertical Urethane Fuel Cell (See Figure 18-1). Unacceptable for Nitrile Fuel
surface of the metal fitting. Cells.

b. Loose liner at throat of fitting Edge looseness 1/2-inch looseness in width around entire circumference at edge of
at liner lap. fitting (See Figure 14-4).
Acceptable up to 1/4-inch width (depth) maximum length of liner
lap, provided 1-inch bond is maintained. If fitting fabric flange is
less than 1-inch in size, 100% bond must be maintained.

d. Edge looseness on liner reinforcements and 1/2 inch maximum looseness provided looseness does not
chafing patches. exceed 25 percent of total area; blisters or separations other
than in the edge are allowable up to 25 percent of the' total

e. Looseness of cemented internal support com- Acceptable up to 25 percent of component area provided 1/4
ponents such as attaching straps, baffle supports, inch solid bond is maintained around the edge (See Figure
etc. 14-5).

f. Blisters between fitting flange and adjacent ply. 1/2 inch maximum dimension; maximum two per linear foot
and three per fitting provided 1-inch bond is maintained
(See Figure 14-4).

g. Damaged grommets in accessories. Acceptable provided serviceability is not affected.

h. Weather checking or minor surface imperfections Acceptable provided serviceability is not affected.
in liner ply and reinforcements (refer to
paragraphs 12-2c and 12-2d and see figure 9-6).

i. Blisters between liner laps. 1/2 inch maximum dimension; maximum of five in any 5
linear feet of splice with a minimum of 6-inch bond between
blisters (See Figure 14-7).

j. Blisters between plies (in cell panels). 1 inch maximum dimension; minimum of 6 inch bond between
blisters and no more than one per square foot of cell area.

k. Channels in inner liner laps. 1/4-inch by 3-inch maximum dimension with a maximum of
one in any 5 linear feet of splice (See Figure 14-7).

l. Channels around entire outer edge of fitting 1/4-inch maximum width around entire fitting flange (See
flange. Figure 14-4).

m. Damaged coating on accessories (rubber, metal or Acceptable provided rust, corrosion or other deterioration is
wood). not apparent.

n. Exposed fabric. Acceptable provided cords are not cut or broken.

NAVAIR 01-1A-35 020 00
Page 7

Table 20-2. Installed Bladder Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations - Continued

Defect Limitation

o. Split or damaged corner reinforcements. Acceptable.

q. Delamination between plies. 1 1/2 inches maximum dimension; average one per 5 square feet
of area with a maximum of five in any 5 square feet of area,
minimum of 6-inches between delaminations.

r. Broken stiffeners or supports. Not acceptable.


Only accessible portions of the cells will Cells need not be removed from aircraft for
be inspected. inspection.

2. Cell Exterior

a. Skin coat blisters. Acceptable.

b. Loose or damaged hanger straps or hanger attaching Acceptable up to 20 percent of component area.

c. Loose tapes, corner patches, or other outside non- 1/2 inch allowable looseness provided this looseness does not
load carrying accessories. exceed 20 percent of the total area.

d. Lap splice edge looseness. 3/8 inch by 3 inch maximum dimension provided there are no
more than one per linear foot.

e. Skin coat off outer ply. Acceptable provided cords or fabric are not broken.

f. Mislocated, blistered, split or weather checked tape. Acceptable.

g. Blisters or looseness between labels or decals and Acceptable.

body cell.

h. Weather checked or surface imperfections in outer Acceptable.

ply or reinforcements.

i. Blistered, loose or missing lacquer coating. Acceptable.

j. Damaged grommets in accessories. Acceptable provided serviceability is not affected.

k. Damage through any cord or fabric ply. Not acceptable.

l. Delamination between plies. 1 1/2 inches maximum dimension; average one per 5 square feet
of area with a maximum of five in any 5 square feet. Minimum of
6-inches between delaminations.
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Page 8

Table 20-2. Installed Bladder Fuel Cell Defects and Acceptable Limitations - Continued

Defect Limitation

m. Blisters between fitting flange and adjacent ply. 1/2 inch maximum dimension with a maximum of two per
linear foot and three per fitting, provided 1-inch bond is
maintained (See Figure 14-4).

n. Blisters between outer ply laps. 1/2 inch maximum dimension; average two per 5 linear feet of
splice with a maximum of five in any one 5-foot length of

o. Blisters between plies (in cell panels). 1 inch maximum dimension with a minimum of 6-inches
between blisters and no more than one per square foot of cell

p. Channels in outer ply laps. 1/4 inch by 3-inch maximum dimension with a maximum of
one in any 5 linear feet of splice.

q. Channels around entire edge of fitting flange. 1/4 inch maximum width around entire fitting flange (See
Figure 14-4).
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Reference Material

Alphabetical Index

Subject Page
Alternative Repair Methods ..........................................................................................................................................................5
Air-Cure Bonding Method.................................................................................................................................................6
Blister Repair......................................................................................................................................................................9
Corner Patch Repair ...........................................................................................................................................................8
Double Patch Repair ..........................................................................................................................................................7
Excessive Damage Repair................................................................................................................................................14
Filler Plug Repair Limitations ...........................................................................................................................................9
Filler Plug Repair Method .................................................................................................................................................9
Hot-Cure Bonding Method ................................................................................................................................................7
Inside Corner Patch Repair ................................................................................................................................................9
Inside Repair Patch Procedures .........................................................................................................................................5
Loose Seam Patch Repair ..................................................................................................................................................9
Outside Corner Patch Repair .............................................................................................................................................9
Outside Patch Repair..........................................................................................................................................................8
Plug Build-Up Repair Method.........................................................................................................................................12
Nitrile (BUNA-N) Synthetic Rubber Bladder Fuel Cell Repair ..................................................................................................2
Fuel Cell Repair Preparation..............................................................................................................................................2
Nitrile (Buna-N) Synthetic Rubber Fuel Cell Repair Limitations ....................................................................................2
Quick Cure Repair Method ...........................................................................................................................................................3
Repair of Abraded or Missing Top Coat ...........................................................................................................................3
Repair of Holes, Punctures, Cuts, and Tears .....................................................................................................................3

1. GENERAL. This section provides instructions for the

repair of regular construction non-self sealing (bladder) fuel
cells. Repair of polyurethane non-self sealing fuel cells is
covered in WP 018 and 019. Organizational and
Intermediate level Maintenance Activities are authorized to
repair fuel cell punctures, rips or tears that are 1 inch in When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
length or less provided such damage is not within 2 inches wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
of a fuel cell fitting. Additionally, touchup of abraded suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
exterior protective coating is authorized. ventilation of the cell.

The use of the air-supplied respirator or SCBA
is required when working inside cells installed
The following warning appears many times in
in an aircraft. If the cells have been removed
this chapter:
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 021 00
Page 2
from the aircraft and are being worked in a shop
environment, then the use of a half-face
respirator with a cartridge appropriate to the
hazard is a suitable alternative to the use of an Acetone
air supplied respirator. ASTM D329 7
(3) Wipe area to be bonded with cheesecloth CCC-
C-440, moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329.
synthetic rubber bladder fuel cell repair procedures are
provided in the following paragraphs.
Repair materials should be prepared in a warm,
heated area (radiators are a good source).
cells shall be drained, cleaned and thoroughly air dried as (4) Allow vapors to dissipate.
soon as possible after detection of a leak (refer to Work
Package 006). To ensure proper bonding of fuel cell repairs, (5) Apply adhesive immediately.
the repair area should have an ambient temperature of 65oF
(18oC) to 90oF (32oC) with a maximum of 65% relative (6) Dampen adhesive on repair area and adhesive
humidity. High humidity, especially in combination with a on patch material with Acetone, ASTM D329.
low temperature, will cause condensation to form on the
fuel cell surface and prevent the proper bonding of repair (7) Allow vapors to dissipate.
patches. When desired environmental conditions are not
available fuel cell repair should be accomplished in existing (8) Apply patch material immediately.
shop environment. To prepare fuel cells for repair, refer to
Work Package 015 and proceed as follows: (9) Stitch to ensure proper bond.

(10) Inspect for proper bonding following the

application of each layer of repair material.

(11) Correct discrepancies as required using standard

repair procedures (Refer to Work Package 015).
Comply with general safety instructions in
(12) Remove bad areas and rework as required.
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
preparations in Work Package 006.
(13) Inspect for proper bonding.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, b. NITRILE (BUNA-N) SYNTHETIC RUBBER
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection FUEL CELL REPAIR LIMITATIONS. The following is a
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous general list of repair limitations for nitrite (BUNA-N)
ventilation of the cell. synthetic rubber bladders:

(1) Inside patches shall be at least 1 1/2 inches

(1) Inspect for condensation on fuel cell surface.
larger than damaged area in each direction.

NOTE (2) Pin hole leaks require an inside patch only.

(3) Outside patches shall be at least 2 inches larger
If conditions are such that condensation is than the damaged area.
excessive and the reliability of any repair would
be questionable, delay adhesive repairs until (4) Damage, such as punctures, cuts or tears,
favorable environmental conditions exist. requires both an inside and outside patch.

(2) If condensation exists, use exhaust air (5) Damage over 2 inches shall require a double
ducts or air movers to create a flow of air across the patch; the top patch shall overlap the first patch by 1 inch in
surface of the area to be repaired. all directions.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 021 00
Page 3
(2) Clean abraded area with cheesecloth, CCC-C-
(6) External damage confined to a single ply in a
440, moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329.
three ply area requires an outside cover patch only.

(7) A loose lap may be trimmed provided that a 1-

inch effective bond remains.

(8) Hot repair patches can be inspected, air tested,

installed and fueled as soon as repair is cooled to ambient Isocyanate exposure may produce severe
temperature. allergic reaction and permanent sensitization.
Persons with history of allergies or previous
(9) Cold repair patches may be inspected after air sensitization shall not be assigned tasks
curing for 24 hours. involving isocyanates. Personal protective
equipment for skin and eyes and proper
(10) Cold repair patches must air cure for 72 hours respiratory protection (BUMEDINST 6260.16)
before exposure to fuel. shall be required when polyurethane coatings or
adhesives are used for fuel cell repairs.
(11) Outside patches, when required, are to be
applied and cured prior to installing inside patches.


repair method is the primary method for repairing bladder
fuel cells and is intended for repairing cells with minor
damage. This repair may be accomplished without Do not apply hot-cure methods on repairs
removing the cell from the aircraft if the damage is requiring 82C32 adhesive.
accessible for repairs. Damage that can be repaired is listed
in Table 20-1 and 20-2 of Work Package 020.

The adhesive, 82C32, has a usable life of 15 to

45 minutes after mixing. Recapping the
Comply with general safety instructions in adhesive between applications aids in extending
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry the usable life.
preparations in Work Package 006.
(2) Mix the quick cure adhesive (Refer to Work
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, Package 015) as follows: Pour part 2 into the container of
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection part 1 and mix thoroughly for 5 minutes.
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.
(3) Carefully and uniformly brush two coats of
a. REPAIR OF ABRADED OR MISSING TOP repair adhesive over the buffed area.
COAT. To repair abraded or missing top coat with no fabric
ply damage using the quick-cure method, proceed as (4) Apply the second coat 90o to the application of
follows: the first coat.

(1) Abrade surface adjacent to the damaged area.

(5) Allow the finished repair to air cure for 6 hours.


Acetone AND TEARS. To repair holes, punctures, cuts, and tears,
ASTM D329 7 using the quick-cure method, proceed as follows:
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 021 00
Page 4

ASTM D329 7
Isocyanate exposure may produce severe
allergic reaction and permanent sensitization.
Persons with history of allergies or previous
sensitization shall not be assigned tasks
involving isocyanates. Personal protective
equipment for skin and eyes and proper
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, respiratory protection (BUMEDINST 6260.16)
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection shall be required when polyurethane coatings or
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous adhesives are used for fuel cell repairs.
ventilation of the cell.

(6) Mix the adhesive, 82C32, (Refer to Table 15-6,

(1) Clean the inside surface of the cell with usage column 11) for the repair in accordance with
cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, moistened with acetone, ASTM paragraph 2a(3).
D329, approximately 12 inches beyond the damage in all

NOTE Due to short work life, fresh adhesive should be

mixed when adhesive becomes thick and
unbrushable. Recapping the adhesive between
When the repair is being made with the cell still
the applications will aid in extending the work
installed in the aircraft, only an inside patch is
life of the adhesive.

(7) Apply one brush coat of adhesive to the clean

(2) Determine the size of the patches required. (The
abraded areas; let dry for 15 minutes.
inside patch size must extend beyond the damaged area at
least 1 inch in all directions.)
(8) Apply second brush coat of adhesive and let dry
15 minutes.

Only materials specified for use in the ASTM D329 7
following procedures shall be used to repair
Goodyear Vithane bladder fuel cells. (9) Apply third coat of adhesive. Dip fabric patch,
Substitutions shall not be made. 3604N, in Acetone, ASTM D329 and shake out the excess

(3) Cut an inside patch from the repair material, (10) While the third coat of adhesive is still wet, lay
3604N (Refer to Work Package 015, Table 15-3). (The the nylon fabric patch, 3604N, in the wet cement and
patch must have a rounded outline.) smooth out with a brush removing all entrapped air.

(4) Center the patch over the defect and mark the (11) Apply a final coat of adhesive over the 3604N
cell surface 1/2 inch beyond the patch in all directions. fabric patch.

(5) Lightly abrade the cell surface surrounding the (12) Allow repair to cure for 6 hours at a minimum
damage as marked with 120 grit abrasive cloth, P-C-451, temperature of 70ºF (21ºC). (Aircraft may be refueled after
moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329. 6 hours of curing.)
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 021 00
Page 5
4. ALTERNATIVE REPAIR METHODS Alternative Only experienced personnel should use power
repair methods may be used if the conditions for using the buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
quick cure method, described in paragraph 3, is not surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
appropriate or the materials are not available. this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.


apply inside repair patches, proceed as follows: NOTE
Buffing and grinding should be conducted in
exhaust ventilated booths having a minimum
face velocity of 200 linear feet per minute.

(2) Buff area to be repaired 1 3/4 inches in all

Comply with general safety instructions in directions from the edge of the damaged area with 120 grit
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry emery cloth Remove surface gloss only, leaving the surface
preparations in Work Package 006. covered with fine scratches.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous Acetone
ventilation of the cell. ASTM D329 7

(1) Support the cell in the area around the damage

so that the edges will be in line in their natural position.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff (3) After buffing, dust off the surface and clean the
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH buffed area with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440 moistened with
approved respiratory protection suitable to the Acetone, ASTM D329. Do not soak the buffed area.
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
engaged in buffing operations. (4) Clean lightly until all grit and buffing dust is
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if NOTE
barrier is broken.
The patch must have a rounded outline and
edges skived (beveled) or cut at an angle by
tilting the shears or skiving knife instead of
cutting straight (See Figure 15-4).

(5) Cut a patch from repair material, to extend 1 1/2

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all inches in all directions from the edge of the damage.
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to (6) Hand buff the side of the repair patch that will
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged be bonded to the fuel cell using 120-grit abrasive cloth, P-
during the buffing operation. C-451.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 021 00
Page 6
b. AIR-CURE BONDING METHOD. To bond the reached the proper stage of tackiness as air
repair patch to the fuel cell using the air-cure method, bubbles or blisters may form under the patch. If
proceed as follows: the adhesive has reached the proper stage
before the patch is applied, there will be no
skidding or sliding of the patch immediately
after application.
Acetone (8) Apply patch immediately after third coat of
ASTM D329 7 adhesive is tacky to touch, using knuckle test.

(9) Center the patch over the area and roll down
firmly with a 1/4-inch hand roller starting from the center of
the patch and working to the outer edges. (This will help to
prevent trapped air or a blistered condition.)
Comply with general safety instructions in (10) Remove trapped air blisters by using a looped
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry wire wet with Acetone, ASTM D329.
preparations in Work Package 006.
(11) Snake the looped wire under patch to blister.
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection (12) Close opening created between cell and patch
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous with finger pressure behind loop as wire is slowly
ventilation of the cell. withdrawn.
(1) Clean the buffed area of the cell and the repair (13) Roll patch down firmly.
patch using cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, moistened with
Acetone, ASTM D329. (14) If blisters cannot be removed or poor adhesion
is evident in the patch, remove patch.
(2) Immediately after the buffed areas are dry,
apply a thin coat of adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage (15) Remove the adhesive on the cell and patch
column 1 or 2) to the fuel cell and to the patch. using a piece of cheesecloth moistened with Acetone,
ASTM D329 and rub briskly over the adhesive-coated
(3) When the first coat has completely dried surface.
(approximately 30 minutes) apply another coat of adhesive
to both the cell and the patch and let dry completely. (16) After the solvent has completely evaporated and
the area dried (approximately one hour), start the repair
(4) Apply a third coat and allow it to become tacky over again.
before placing the coated surfaces together.

(5) If the third coat dries out before the coated

surfaces can be placed together, activate by wiping the
adhesive-coated surfaces with cheesecloth moistened with
Acetone, ASTM D329 to effect a tacky condition.
Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of
(6) To determine if the adhesive is tacky, test by 72 hours prior to installation or being subjected
pressing a knuckle gently against the coated surface and to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first
withdrawing it. This is known as the knuckle test (See 24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in
Figure 9-10). any type of heating chamber to accelerate
curing; such action will cause the cell to
(7) If a few threads of adhesive stick to the knuckle, deteriorate and shrink beyond safe dimensions.
the adhesive is ready and the patch can be installed.
(17) Apply pressure to the patch during the cure
cycle by one of the following methods:

(a) Clamping: Place a metal or wooden platten

over the patch and apply pressure by clamping the platten in
Do not apply the patch before the adhesive has place using regular shop C-clamps.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 021 00
Page 7
(b) Weighting: When the configuration of the aluminum alloy or steel backup plate on the opposite
cell, or the location of the patch make it difficult or surface of the cell wall.
impossible to use clamps, weight may be applied to the
patch area using bags of shot. 2 Place a sheet of Holland cloth, MIL-C-
17564, or equivalent, between the plates and the cell.
(c) Vacuum Bagging: After the adhesive has
been applied and the patch is positioned and properly 3 Apply a heating unit to the plate covering
stitched down, lay a piece of peel ply material (Table 2-5, the patch and secure with a C-clamp.
Item 12u) over the patch and extending 1 to 2 inches in all
directions beyond the edge of the patch. Place 2 or 3 layers 4 Tighten until firm. Do not distort the cell.
of breather material (Table 2-5, Item 12v), over the repair
area. Surround the area with vacuum bagging tape (Table 5 Apply heat for one hour at 285oF to 295oF
2-5, Item 11d), cover the area with vacuum bagging film (143 C).
(Table 2-5, Item 12w), and attach vacuum hose connections
(Table 2-5, Item 12x). Obtain a vacuum of at least 25 (b) Vacuum Bagging: Lay a piece of peel ply
inches Hg and cure according to adhesive specifications. material (Table 2-5, Item 12u), over the patch and
extending 1 to 2 inches in all directions beyond the edge of
(18) After two hours, remove plates and clamps and the patch. If a heated cure is being used, place a heat
check for patch looseness. blanket over the peel ply with a thermocouple underneath
the peel ply and near the center of the patch. Next, place 2
or 3 layers of breather material (Table 2-5, Item 12v), over
the repair area. Surround the area with vacuum bagging
Adhesive tape (Table 2-5, Item 11d), cover the area with vacuum
MIL-PRF-9117 8 bagging film (Table 2-5, Item 12w), and attach vacuum
hose connections (Table 2-5, Item 12x). Obtain vacuum of
(19) Seal the patch edge with two coats of adhesive, at least 25 inches Hg and cure according to adhesive
MIL-PRF-9117. specifications.
(20) Allow to dry completely.


(vulcanized) method of applying a cover patch is the same
as the air-cure method except for the adhesive (Refer to
Table 15-4, usage column 4) and the curing cycle. For this
method, proceed as follows: If clamps and platens used in the vulcanization
process are disassembled from the patches
before room temperature is reached, the bonded
patch material will not cure flat but will assume
a permanent set conforming to the shape in its
relaxed position.

Comply with general safety instructions in

Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry (2) Allow the unit to cool to room temperature
preparations in Work Package 006. before removing the C-clamp and plates.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, (3) Apply two coats of adhesive (Refer to Table 9-
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection 6, usage column 8) to seal the patch skived edge.
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell. (4) Allow adhesive to dry completely.
(1) When the prepared patch has been placed in (5) When the edge coats of adhesive have dried, the
position and stitched in place, apply pressure and heat to the fuel cell can be flexed, tested, inspected and installed
repair in one of the following ways: without affecting the repair. Upon completion of the
(a) Clamping: vulcanization process, the repair patch is considered fully
cured, except for the edge coating.
1 Locate a 1/8 to 1/4 inch aluminum alloy or
steel plate over the patch and place a rubber-padded d. DOUBLE PATCH REPAIR. A double patch
repair is required when damage through the cell is over two
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 021 00
Page 8
inches in length. To apply the double patch repair, proceed e. CORNER PATCH REPAIR. Corner patching and
as follows: some internal edge patching necessitate separate ply build-
up. Refer to Work Package 015.
e. OUTSIDE PATCH REPAIR. To apply outside
repair patches, proceed as follows:

Comply with general safety instructions in NOTE

Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
preparations in Work Package 006.
Wooden blocks or boards may be used as a
means of support and should be padded and
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
covered with cloth to protect the liner from
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
damage (See Figure 15-2).
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.
(1) Support the fuel cell in the area to which repairs
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff will be made.
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
engaged in buffing operations.

Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner

liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
barrier is broken.
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
(2) Buff an area on the outside of the cell extending
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
1 3/4 inches in all directions from the edge of the damaged
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
during the buffing operation.

Only experienced personnel should use power NOTE

buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. Damage more than two inches in length or
diameter require a double patch (Refer to Work
Package 015).
The double patch may be prefabricated on a (3) For double patch, buff 2 3/4 inches in all
workbench and installed in the fuel cell in one directions to allow the proper application of a second patch.
operation rather than by a separate ply build-up.
This method simplifies application technique
and is preferred for flat surface repairs. NOTE

(1) Buff the inner liner of the fuel cell 2 3/4 inches For applicable repair material, refer to Work
in all directions from the edge of the damaged area. Package 015
(2) Prepare the plies of the double patch as
specified in Work Package 015. (4) Cut the round or oval patch or patches of repair
material large enough to extend beyond the edges of the
(3) Use repair materials specified in Work Package damage 1 1/2 inches for the first patch and 2 1/2 inches for
015 for bladder cell repair. the second patch.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 021 00
Page 9
h. BLISTER REPAIR. An inner liner blister is
caused by air, fuel vapor or fuel trapped between the liner
Acetone and the outer ply, and is often mistaken for separation of
ASTM D329 7 plies. Ply separation is the loss of adhesion between
successive layers. Repair blisters the same way as self-
(5) Clean the buffed surfaces of the cell and patch sealing cells except that bladder cell repair materials are
with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, moistened with Acetone, used. Blisters under one inch in diameter are not considered
ASTM D329. damaged and need not be repaired. Refer to Work Package
015 for materials and repair procedures.
(6) Apply three coats of adhesive (Refer to Table 9-
6, usage column 1 or 2) to each surface, allowing each coat i. LOOSE SEAM PATCH REPAIR. Loose lap
to dry completely before applying the next coat. seams on the inside of the cell should be repaired, as soon
as they are noticed, to prevent the separation from
(7) Allow the third coat to dry tacky. spreading. Repair is the same as that for self-sealing cells
except that bladder cell materials are used. Refer to Work
(8) If the third coat is completely dry, wipe the Package 015 for materials and repair procedures.
patch and cell with cheesecloth moistened with Acetone,
ASTM D329 solvent to produce a tacky condition on both j. FILLER PLUG REPAIR LIMITATIONS.
coated areas. Structural integrity of fuel cells in repaired areas must be
maintained. This is particularly important since damaged
(9) Center the patch over the damaged area and roll areas may result from repeated poking by instruments,
down starting from the center of the patch and working out, structures or other objects. Some damaged conditions may
being careful to remove all trapped air. be repaired with filler plugs. The following is a list of
limitations and guidelines for filler plug repairs.

(1) Use a single patch to repair damage when

Adhesive damage is limited to the inner liner.
MIL-PRF-9117 8
(10) After 2 hours room temperature cure, seal the (2) Use a double patch (interior and exterior) to
edges of the patch with two coats of adhesive, MIL-PRF- repair cell wall damage.
(3) Replace with undamaged material those injuries
(11) Allow 8 to 10 hours curing time. such as tears, rips, cuts, cracks and punctures, which have
penetrated through the cell wall.
(12) Apply two coats of buna vinylite lacquer, which
contains organic solvent, on the patch and edge area, (4) Use a double patch (interior and exterior) to
allowing each coat to dry. repair damage to cell walls when damage is limited to the
f. INSIDE CORNER PATCH REPAIR. Inside edge of the injury.
corner repairs require a double (2-layer) patch. To prevent
wrinkling or stretching the repair material, these patches (5) Use a filler plug made from vulcanization stock
must be cone-shaped and must fit accurately into the corner. or a built-up plug to repair damage of one inch diameter or
Apply the inside corner patch repair for bladder cells in the less when material removal is required (See Figure 21-1).
same manner as for self-sealing cells except use the repair
material for bladder cells. Refer to Work Package 015 for (6) Use a built-up plug to repair damage over one
materials and repair procedures. inch in diameter when material removal is required. This
type of plug is made by laminating approved repair
g. OUTSIDE CORNER PATCH REPAIR. The materials together, which closely duplicate the original
outside corner patch repairs for bladder cells are the same construction (See Figure 12-2).
as for self-sealing cells except that bladder cell repair
materials are used. Refer to Work Package 015 for k. FILLER PLUG REPAIR METHOD. To apply the
materials and repair procedures. filler plug repair method, proceed as follows:
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 021 00
Page 10

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all

gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
during the buffing operation.

Only experienced personnel should use power

Figure 21-1. Repairing Filler Plug Up to buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
One Inch Diameter surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.

(2) Buff the area of the inner liner extending from

the circle outward for a distance of 1 3/4 inches.

Comply with general safety instructions in
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry A template may be used as a guide if desired. A
preparations in Work Package 006. punch may also be used provided a backup
block is held in position to support the cell.
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection (3) Using the circle as a guide, cut away the
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous damaged fuel cell material with a knife blade held at right
ventilation of the cell. angles to the cell wall.

(4) When the hole is not punched out but cut only
(1) Mark a circle with a white marking pencil, SS-
by knife, bevel-cut the edge of the hole. (This results in a
P-00196, around the damaged area on the inside of the fuel
shallow bevel of about 30 degrees and provides adhesion
cell. (Draw the circle large enough to include all damaged
cord plies and ragged edges.)

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff

them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
engaged in buffing operations.

Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner

liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if Figure 21-2. Repairing Filler Plug Over One Inch
barrier is broken. Diameter
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 021 00
Page 11
(11) Cut a plug slightly larger in diameter than
the cutout of the damaged area.

(12) Trim to fit from the outside of the fuel cell.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine NOTE
scratches. However, care must be exercised to Rotation and careful alignment of the plug are
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged required to assure proper fit. The interior patch
during the buffing operation. that has been applied to the fuel cell provides a
Only experienced personnel should use power base to support the plug during fitting and
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished installation.
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If (13) When the cell damage has been punched out,
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. the filler plug may also be punched out to the same size and
fitted in place. (Material from a scrap cell may be used, new
(5) Buff the outer ply to 1 3/4 inches beyond the material laminated, or vulcanizing stock stitched and cured
edge of the hole. in place.)

(6) Prepare an inside patch to extend 1 1/2 inches (14) When the plug has been properly prepared and
beyond the hole. fitted, clean with cheesecloth moistened with Acetone,
ASTM D329, and apply three coats of adhesive to the edge
and base to the plug and the fuel cell cavity.

(15) When the adhesive becomes tacky, knuckle test

Acetone and install the plug.
ASTM D329 7
(16) Stitch firmly in place and apply clamp support.
(7) Clean with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, moistened
with Acetone, ASTM D329, and apply three coats of (17) Allow two hours drying time.
adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 1 or 2) to the
buffed inner liner of the fuel cell patch.
(8) When proper tackiness is obtained, center the
patch over the damaged area and stitch in place. If vulcanization stock is used, cure at 290oF
(143oC) for one hour. Use 1/8 to 1/4 inch
aluminum alloy or steel plates and clamp.

(18) Remove clamps and inspect for any defects.
MIL-PRF-9117 8 (All defects must be corrected before applying the exterior
(9) When completely dry, seal patch and edge with
two coats of adhesive, MIL-PRF-9117.

(10) Allow adhesive to dry thoroughly.

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff

NOTE them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
Before installing the filter plug or the outside
engaged in buffing operations.
patch, provide support for the cell interior under
the area to be repaired. Wooden blocks and
boards used inside cells should be padded or Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
covered with cloth and sponge rubber to protect liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
the inner liner from damage (See Figure 15-2). barrier is broken.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 021 00
Page 12

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all If clamps and plates used in the vulcanization
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine process are disassembled from the patches
scratches. However, care must be exercised to before room temperature is reached, the bonded
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged patch material will not cure flat but take on a
during the buffing operation. permanent set conforming to the shape in its
relaxed position.
Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
(27) Remove clamps and inspect for
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.

(19) Lightly buff the exposed surface of the plug to

provide a good base for the patch and to ensure that the
edges are flush with the adjacent retainer outer ply surface. Adhesive

(20) Cut an exterior patch large enough to lap the MIL-PRF-9117 8

plug 1 1/2 inches all around.
(28) Apply two coats of adhesive, MIL-PRF-9117,
around the edges of the patch.

ASTM D329 7
(21) Clean the surface with cheesecloth moistened
with Acetone, ASTM D329 prior to the bonding operations. Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of
72 hours prior to installation or being subjected
(22) Apply three coats of adhesive to the prepared to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first
outer surface. 24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in
any type of heating chamber to accelerate
(23) Allow proper drying time between coats. Check curing; such action will cause the cell to
tackiness by the knuckle test. deteriorate and shrink beyond safe dimensions.

(24) At the same time, coat the patch with three coats
of adhesive. Allow each coat to dry before applying the (29) Allow 72 hours drying time after completion of
next coat. the repair before exposure to fuel.

(25) When the third coat becomes tacky, position the (30) If vulcanization method is used, apply three
patch in place and stitch down firmly. coats of vulcanizing adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage
column 4) and cure at 290oF (143oC) for one hour while
under clamp or platen pressure.
(31) Allow the bonded patches and clamping tools to
Patches that are over 8 inches in diameter can return to room temperature before disassembly.
be applied with better control if a liner of
Holland cloth, MIL-C-17564, or equivalent, is l. PLUG BUILD-UP REPAIR METHOD. To apply
used between the coated patch and the coated the plug build-up repair method proceed as follows:
area of the fuel cell. This separation sheet shall
be removed as the patch is stitched down. (1) Cut as many patches of repair material as there
are layers in the damaged area. Use repair material
(26) Apply sponge-covered plates to the surface and comparable in thickness to the material in the damaged
clamp for 8 to 10 hours. area.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 021 00
Page 13
(5) If vulcanization method is used, apply adhesive
and vulcanize at 290oF (143oC) for 1 hour.

ASTM D329 7
It is necessary that either the interior or the
exterior patch be applied first to provide a base
to support the plug during fitting and
Comply with general safety instructions in
(6) Trim the buildup plug to fit the prepared
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
hole in the fuel cell.
preparations in Work Package 006.
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
Do not apply the patch before the adhesive has
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
reached the proper stage of tackiness; air
ventilation of the cell.
bubbles or blisters may form under the patch. If
the adhesive has reached the proper stage
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff before the patch is applied, there will be no
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH skidding or sliding of the patch immediately
approved respiratory protection suitable to the after application.
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
engaged in buffing operations. (7) Rotation and careful alignment of the patch is
required to assure proper fit.
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
barrier is broken.
MIL-PRF-9117 8
(8) When the plug has been prepared and fitted
properly, apply three coats of adhesive, MIL-PRF-9117, to
the edge and base of the plug and the fuel cell cavity.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all (9) When the adhesive becomes tacky, knuckle test
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine and install the plug.
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged (10) Stitch firmly in place and apply clamps.
during the buffing operation.
(11) Allow 2 hours drying time.
Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.

(2) Buff, clean with cheesecloth, CCC-C-440, If clamps and platens used in the vulcanization
moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329, and apply three process are. disassembled from the patches
coats of adhesive to each layer (Refer to Table 15-4, usage before room temperature is reached, the bonded
column 1 and 2). patch material will not cure flat but will assume
a permanent set conforming to the shape in its
(3) Allow the third adhesive coat to become tacky relaxed position.
and apply each layer separately, stitching down each layer
(12) Remove clamps and inspect for any defects.
(4) Bond the layers of coated fabric and inner liner (All defects must be corrected before applying the
together, clamp, and allow 8 to 10 hours cure. remaining reinforcement patch.)
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 021 00
Page 14
original damage exceeds two inches in length or diameter,
proceed as follows:

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff

them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
Comply with general safety instructions in
engaged in buffing operations.
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
preparations in Work Package 006.
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
barrier is broken.
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.

(1) Prepare the double patches require separately

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all and install as described in Work Package 015, or apply each
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine layer separately to fuel cell.
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged (2) The fuel cell will require additional buffing to
during the buffing operation. accommodate the second patch.

Only experienced personnel should use power

buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. Acetone
ASTM D329 7
(13) Lightly buff the exposed surface of the plug to (3) When only one layer of the fuel cell is
provide a good base for the patch and to ensure that the separated, repair by buffing and cleaning with cheesecloth,
edges are flush with the adjacent surface. CCC-C-440, moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329 and
apply adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage columns 1 and
(14) Bond the layers and patches together using three 2).
coats of adhesive on each surface.
(4) Apply three coats to each surface, allowing each
(15) Allow 8 to 10 hours cure. coat to dry before applying the next coat.

(16) If the vulcanization method is used, apply (5) When the last coat becomes tacky, press the two
adhesive and vulcanize at 290oF (143oC) for 1 hour. surfaces together, stitch and clamp in place.

(6) Allow 8 to 10 hours drying time.

(7) After buffing the outside surface 1 3/4 inches in

all directions from the separation, apply a patch over the
Fuel cell patches should air-cure a minimum of repaired area.
72 hours prior to installation or being subjected
to fuel. Do not flex the repaired area for the first
24-hour period. Do not place a repaired cell in
any type of heating chamber to accelerate
curing; such action will cause the cell to
deteriorate and shrink beyond safe dimensions.
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
(17) Apply three coats of adhesive around the edges
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
of the patches and allow 72 hour lapse time before exposure
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
to fuel.
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assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
during the buffing operation.
engaged in buffing operations.
Only experienced personnel should use power
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
barrier is broken. this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.

(8) Buff the patch on one side, skive it and cut it to

a size 1 1/2 inches larger in all directions than the
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine (9) Repeat steps (10) through (13).
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
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31 August 2005 Page 1 of 12


Reference Material

Alphabetical Index

Subject Page
Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Designs........................................................................................................................1
Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Evaluation ...................................................................................................................2
Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Replacement...........................................................................................................................2
Damaged Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting .....................................................................................................................2
Metal Reinforcement Ring.................................................................................................................................................4
Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Installation...................................................................................................................5
Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Installation – New Location .......................................................................................7
Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Removal ......................................................................................................................4
Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Repair .....................................................................................................................................8
Compression-Type Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Damage Repair ...........................................................................8
Fabric Tears, Abrasion, and Surface Defects ..................................................................................................................10
Fitting Insert Replacement...............................................................................................................................................11
Molded Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Face Repair....................................................................................................8
Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Flange Crack Repair ...................................................................................................8
Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Flange Cracks..............................................................................................................8
O-Ring Fitting Replacement and Repair .........................................................................................................................11
Repair of Torn or Elongated Bolt Holes in Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fittings...............................................................9

1. GENERAL. This section provides instructions for

The use of the air-supplied respirator or SCBA
evaluating damage to non-self-sealing fuel cell fittings.
is required when working inside cells installed
Additionally, it contains repair and replacement techniques,
in an aircraft. If the cells have been removed
materials, and procedures.
from the aircraft and are being worked in a shop
NOTE environment, then the use of a half-face
respirator with a cartridge appropriate to the
The following warning appears many times in hazard is a suitable alternative to the use of an
this chapter: air supplied respirator.

a. Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Designs. There

is a variety of different types of fitting and fitting designs
that are used in fuel cell construction. On non-self-sealing
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
fuel cell constructions there are rubber-molded fittings with
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
single or double flanges. Fittings may be provided with
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 022 00
Page 2

O-ring sealing grooves, exposed metal sealing surfaces,

rubber molded sealing surfaces, or some combination of

(1) Interchangeable fittings. Each fuel cell

manufacturer has fittings designed to fit a specific fuel cell Comply with general safety instructions in
structure and perform an interconnector function for Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
internal and external components. Although some fuel cell preparations in Work Package 006.
fittings are interchangeable between manufacturers, a
verification of this fact is needed before any repair When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
substitution is made. wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
b. Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Evaluation. Fuel ventilation of the cell.
cell fittings should be reevaluated at the same time that the
fuel cell structure is being examined. However, there are
occasions when a fitting alone is suspect in fuel leaks and
should be inspected separately. Close inspection of fuel cell
fittings is necessary due to potential fuel leaks resulting
from damage to the fitting sealing surfaces and improper Whenever possible, a replacement fitting should
installation of connecting plumbing and fuel components. be of the same type as the fitting that was
Table 22-1 should be used as an aid in the evaluation of fuel removed from the cell.
cell fittings.
Relocation of fitting openings requires a great
deal of skill and experience. This should not be
NOTE attempted unless a locating template is used or
accurate measuring can be achieved by layout
Fittings and connections should not be
disturbed for inspection unless leakage is
Whenever the inspection process has
determined that replacement of a fitting is
required, the fuel cell shall be cleaned and
2. NONSELF-SEALING FUEL CELL FITTING supported by bracing of the structure internally
REPLACEMENT. This section describes the procedures (See Figure 15-2).
for the replacement of several types of fittings considered
typical. Other fitting replacements not specifically covered a. Damaged Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fittings.
can be accomplished using the same principles contained in When cell fittings are damaged or deteriorated, the cell
this section. When replacing fuel cell fittings, the following should be removed from the aircraft as soon as possible and
guidelines should be observed: the fitting replaced or another cell installed.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 022 00
Page 3

Table 22-1. Nonself-Sealing (Bladder) Fuel Cell Fitting, Defect Evaluation

Defect Limitation

1. Rubber Face Fittings.

a. Gouges, splits or indentations on the sealing surface. 1/16-inch maximum depth by 1/16-inch maximum length.

b. Weather checking of surfaces other than sealing Acceptable.


2. O-Ring Fittings.

a. Sealing surface without groove:

(1) Scratches within the sealing area. Not acceptable (See Figure 16-1.)

(2) Burrs on mating surface. Not acceptable (See Figure 16-1.)

(3) Corrosion. Not acceptable.

b. Sealing surface with groove:

(1) Minor surface damage outside O-ring groove Acceptable (See Figure 16-1.)
other than rust, corrosion or burrs.

(2) Physical damage to O-ring groove. Not acceptable.

(3) Corrosion. Not acceptable.

(4) Cement or other foreign matter in O-ring groove. Not acceptable.

3. Bent or broken fittings and/or damaged dome nuts. Not acceptable.

4. Elongated or torn holes in fitting areas of cells using Acceptable provided the elongation or tear does not extend
removable two-piece metal compression fittings. beyond the outer or inner sealing grooves of the inner ring,
or over one-half the distance to the next hole.

5. Thread damaged fittings. Acceptable provided serviceability is not affected.

NAVAIR 01-1A-35 022 00
Page 4
(4) Gently apply the flat side of a knife blade all the
way around the finishing collar, working the blade between
the collar edge of the outside fitting flange and the cell,
being careful not to damage the cell undercord by cutting
into the cell.
Comply with general safety instructions in
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry (5) Use the knife to carefully slice the adhesive
preparations in Work Package 006. interface between the collar and the cell (See Figure 16-2).

(6) Work the outside fitting flange edge loose with

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,
a screwdriver-type dull-pointed tool.
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
(7) By gradually forcing the tool under the flange
ventilation of the cell.
and prying upward, loosen the flange.

b. Metal Reinforcement Ring. The replacement of

fittings is required if the metal reinforcement ring is broken NOTE
or bent sufficiently to cause a weakening in the structure of
the fitting. Whenever a bent reinforcement ring is Always peel fabric in the same direction as the
straightened to its original shape, visually inspect the bent cord, never across the cord.
area for evidence of continued distortion. Also, carefully
inspect bent area for any very small surface cracks and the
following: (8) Use duckbill pliers to peel back the outside
flange from the fuel cell.
(1) Residual distortion or fine surface cracks are
cause for rejection of the ring. (9) Peel the flange back as far as possible to the
metal insert ring (See Figure 16-3).
(2) Broken or cracked O-ring groove flanges
require repair or fitting replacement. (10) Cut the loosened outer flange away from the
fitting ring (See Figure 16-4).
(3) Damage to rubber or metal sealing surfaces that
cannot be adequately repaired requires fitting replacement.

c. Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Removal. To

remove fittings, proceed as follows:

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff

them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
engaged in buffing operations.
Some fuel cell fittings are interchangeable
between manufacturers. Interchangeability must
be verified before making any repair Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
substitution to avoid fuel leaks. liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
barrier is broken.
(1) Locate the old fitting accurately by measuring
from selected points of the cell so that the new fitting can
be centered exactly in the original position.

(2) Use a sharp white marking pencil, SS-P-196, to

mark position of the old fitting.
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
(3) Warm the area to be repaired with a heat lamp gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
before beginning repairs. (This makes the rubber and scratches. However, care must be exercised to
adhesives more pliable and less likely to be damaged during assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
repair.) during the buffing operation.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 022 00
Page 5
Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
(11) Remove the inside fitting flange by buffing gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
away the flange and part of the inner liner overlap. scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
during the buffing operation.

Only experienced personnel should use power

buffers. Power buffing may produce polished
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
engaged in buffing operations. (14) Mark the cell with white marking pencil, SS-P-
00196, and lightly buff the inner liner to the mark.
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if NOTE
barrier is broken.
This worked area should extend approximately
2-3/4 inches beyond the edge of the fitting
flange when the new fitting is set in place.

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all (15) On fittings without a molded-in ring, cut the
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine fitting and flange flush with the outside surface of the cell.
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
during the buffing operation. NOTE

Only experienced personnel should use power Avoid cutting the cell, which would enlarge the
buffers. Power buffing may produce polished original opening.
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
(16) Cut out the core of the fitting to the edge of the
cell wall.
(12) Buff down to the inner liner surface but do not
buff down to the nylon barrier (See Figure 16-5).
Frequently dip knife blade in water. This will
The molded-in metal ring of the fitting is not lubricate the blade and make cutting easier.
removed until after buffing. The ring supports
the cell opening edge during the buffing (17) Remove the fitting ring by cutting the fitting
operation. through with a sharp knife at the edge of the metal insert
ring (See Figure 16-6).
(13) After all of the excess rubber has been removed,
line up the template for the location of the inside d. Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Installation. To
reinforcement patches. install new fittings, proceed as follows:
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 022 00
Page 6

Before inserting the fitting through the opening,

measure the size and shape carefully with
Comply with general safety instructions in calipers. The cutout opening should conform
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry exactly with the size and shape of the throat of
preparations in Work Package 006. the new fitting.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

(1) Place an outside patch template on the cell,
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
mark the area with white marking pencil, SS-P-196, and
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
buff to the mark (See Figure 16-7).
ventilation of the cell.
(2) Buff approximately 1 3/4 inches in all directions
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
from the depth of the new fitting flange.
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
(3) Constantly check the new fitting in the cell
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
engaged in buffing operations.

Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner NOTE

liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
barrier is broken. If the opening is too small, it must be buffed out
until the new fitting fits exactly.

(4) If the opening is too large, the excess area

should be filled with sufficient vulcanizing stock (Refer to
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all Table 15-3, usage column 11) to assure a perfect fit.
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to (5) If the cell wall does not have sufficient
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged thickness to fill the space between the flanges of the new
during the buffing operation. fitting, apply a filler patch of material similar to the inside
construction of the cell.
Whenever possible, a replacement fitting should
be of the same type as the fitting that was NOTE
removed from the cell.
Apply filler patch in the same manner as
Relocation of fitting openings requires a great applying an inside patch.
deal of skill and experience. This should not be
attempted unless a locating template is used or
accurate measuring can be achieved by layout This patch must be large enough to extend one-
method. inch beyond the area to be covered by the fitting
Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If The center must be cut out to match the hole in
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. the cell.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 022 00
Page 7

If the vulcanization method is used, the

application technique will be the same with the
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff exception that the adhesive shall be selected
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH from Work Package 015, Table 15-4, usage
approved respiratory protection suitable to the column 4 or 5.
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
engaged in buffing operations.
e. Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Installation--
New Location. To install fittings in a new location, proceed
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner as follows:
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
barrier is broken.

When a fitting is to be installed in a new

location in a nonself-sealing fuel cell it is
important that the location be accurately
Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to Dimensions taken from a drawing can be
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged accurately duplicated on the fuel cell surface if
during the buffing operation. a layout template is used. Where possible, use
adjacent fittings or other attachments as tram
Only experienced personnel should use power points.
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If (1) Mark the location with a sharp while marking
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. pencil, SS-P-00196, or equivalent.

(6) Before applying the filler patch, buff the (2) Extend the lines beyond the adjacent surface
surfaces and feather the outside edge. sufficiently to assure retention after the required buffing
operation is performed.
(7) Apply three coats of adhesive (Refer to Table
15-4, usage column 4 and 5) and stitch in place.

(8) After making sure the fit is satisfactory, remove

the fitting and prepare it for installation.

(9) The installation is accomplished in the same When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
manner as self-sealing cell fittings except materials them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
specified for bladder cells shall be used. Refer to Work approved respiratory protection suitable to the
Package 016. exposure. Always wear eye protection when
engaged in buffing operations.
(10) Fittings that are not to be used as a result of a
new location shall be blanked off with a cover place, bolts
installed and properly torqued, and safety-wired as Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
applicable. Use the gasket seal method adaptable to the liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
fitting. barrier is broken.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 022 00
Page 8
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.

(1) Clean the cracked flange area with cheesecloth,

Buffing must be heavy enough to remove all CCC-C-440, moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329.
gloss, leaving the surface covered with fine
scratches. However, care must be exercised to
assure that the nylon barrier is not damaged
during the buffing operation.

Only experienced personnel should use power

buffers. Power buffing may produce polished When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. approved respiratory protection suitable to the
exposure. Always wear eye protection when
engaged in buffing operations.
(3) Buff the marked area.

(4) Cut out the fuel cell to receive the fitting. Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
(5) Install as described in preceding paragraph 2d. barrier is broken.

3. NONSELF-SEALING FUEL CELL FITTING Only experienced personnel should use power
REPAIR. The following paragraphs provide information buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
and procedures for the repair of non-self-sealing fuel cell surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
fittings. this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.

a. Nonself-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Flange Cracks.

When the fitting flanges are cracked, check the crack in the (2) Buff the crack to a V-shape, being extremely
fitting area to determine the extent of damage. Remove the careful not to remove the fabric of the fuel cell.
damaged fitting and replace with a new fitting if there is
any doubt as to the remaining structural integrity. (3) Clean the buffed area with cheesecloth
moistened with Acetone, ASTM D329.
b. Non-self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Flange Crack
Repair. To repair fitting flange cracks the procedure is the (4) Coat the exposed fabric and V-shape patch with
same as Work Package 016 with one exception. When the two coats of adhesive (Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 4
depth of the crack is through to the fuel fabric, proceed as or 5).
(5) Allow each coat to dry 20 minutes.

(6) Complete the repair in the manner described in

Work Package 016.
ASTM D329 7
c. Molded Non-self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fitting Face
Repair. The molded fitting face on non-self-sealing fuel
cells is used with or without a gasket for sealing against
fuel leaks during installation and use in the aircraft. Cuts,
deformities, etc., in the rubber surface of the sealing face of
fittings must be repaired to restore the surface to the
Comply with general safety instructions in original condition as outlined in Work Package 016.
Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
preparations in Work Package 006. d. Compression-Type Non-self-Sealing Fuel Cell
Fitting Damage Repair. A compression-type fitting is a
two-part removable metal fitting, not attached to the cell.
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, The fitting area in the cell is critical and sealing is
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection dependent upon the correct thickness of material between
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 022 00
Page 9
the metal rings. When damage occurs to the fuel cell in this
area, such as elongated bolt holes, torn bolt holes, fabric
tears or abrasions, the repair must result in a uniform Acetone
thickness throughout the fitting clamp ring area. ASTM D329 7

e. Repair of Torn or Elongated Bolt Holes in Non- (2) Clean again with Acetone, ASTM D329, and
self-Sealing Fuel Cell Fittings. To repair fabric or rubber coat the damaged bolt hole with three coats of adhesive
bolt holes as used in compression-type fittings, proceed as (Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 4 or 5).
(3) Allow each coat to dry, then stitch vulcanizing
stock into the bolt hole.

Acetone NOTE
ASTM D329 7

The stock should fill the hole and extend not

over 1/32 inch above the surface on one side

Comply with general safety instructions in

Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry (4) Apply plates and heating unit, clamp and
preparations in Work Package 006. vulcanize at 290oF (143oC) + 5oF for 1 hour.

When working inside uninstalled fuel cells,

wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.
If clamps and platens used in the vulcanization
process are disassembled from the patches
When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff before room temperature is reached, the bonded
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH patch material will not cure flat but will assume
approved respiratory protection suitable to the a permanent set conforming to the shape in its
exposure. Always wear eye protection when relaxed position.
engaged in buffing operations.

(5) Allow plates to return to room temperature, then

Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner remove and inspect the repair.
liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
barrier is broken.

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff

Only experienced personnel should use power them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished approved respiratory protection suitable to the
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If exposure. Always wear eye protection when
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand. engaged in buffing operations.

(1) Clean the bolt hole with Acetone, ASTM D329, Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
and cut or buff off any ragged edges or material extending liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
from the surface. barrier is broken.
NAVAIR 01-1A-35 022 00
Page 10
Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner
liner material. Fuel, diffusion will occur if
barrier is broken.

Only experienced personnel should use power

buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.

Only experienced personnel should use power

(6) Any excess rubber should be uniformly buffed buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
flush with the adjacent surface. surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
(1) Buff the surface, wipe, and clean with
Acetone, ASTM D329.
The use of a template will accurately locate hole
for punching.
(2) Apply three coats of adhesive (Refer to Table
15-4, usage column 4 or 5).
(7) Locate new hole.
(3) Allow each coat to dry before applying the next
(8) Select a leather punch or equivalent and punch a coat.
new hole in the vulcanized area.
(4) Cut a reinforcement ring patch of material
f. Fabric Tears, Abrasions, and Surface Defects similar to the fuel cell material to fit the sealing ring area.
Repair. To repair fabric tears, abrasions, and surface defects
in the compression-type fitting area, proceed as follows:

Acetone Do not buff the nylon barrier side of the inner

ASTM D329 7 liner material. Fuel diffusion will occur if
barrier is broken.

Comply with general safety instructions in

Work Package 004, and fuel cell entry
preparations in Work Package 006.
Only experienced personnel should use power
buffers. Power buffing may produce a polished
When working inside uninstalled fuel cells, surface that is too smooth for good adhesion. If
wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection this occurs, surface should be rebuffed by hand.
suitable to the exposure and ensure continuous
ventilation of the cell.
(5) Buff the surface to be cemented.

When buffing uninstalled fuel cells, either buff (6) Apply three coats of vulcanizing adhesive to the
them in a booth or while wearing NIOSH patch (Refer to Table 15-4, usage column 4 or 5).
approved respiratory protection suitable to the
exposure. Always wear eye protection when (7) Position the patch in place and stitch down
engaged in buffing operations. firmly.
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Page 11/(12 Blank)
(8) Apply platens, heating unit, and clamp in place. (10) When room temperature is reached,
remove platens, heating unit, and clamps.
(9) Vulcanize for 1 hour at 290oF (143oC) + 5oF. (11) Inspect the surface area for uniformity and
(12) Punch out the required holes in the
reinforcement patch, assemble fitting rings, and check for
fit and seal.
g. Fitting Insert Replacement. Fitting inserts can be
If clamps and platens used in the vulcanization replaced as outlined in Work Package 016.
process are disassembled from the patches
before room temperature is reached, the bonded h. O-Ring Fitting Replacement and Repair. When the
patch material will not cure flat but will assume O-ring groove is cracked, the O-ring generally ceases to
a permanent set conforming to the shape in its prevent fuel from leaking out. Replace or repair the
relaxed position. damaged fitting as outlined in Work Package 016
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