Irc 112 2019 PDF
Irc 112 2019 PDF
Irc 112 2019 PDF
(First Revision)
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Price : ` xxx/-
(Plus Packing & Postage)
First Published : November, 2011
Reprinted : December, 2012
Reprinted : February, 2016
First Revision : November, 2019
Normative Annexures
A-1 Actions, Design Situations and Combination of Actions
A-2 Additional Information and Data about Properites of Concrete and Steel
A-3 List of Standards and other Normative References
A-5 Test on Mild Steel and Corrugated HDPE sheathing ducts.
A-6 Design Consideration for Construction Stages.
A-7 State wise Average Annual Relative Humidity (As per IH June, 2018)
Informative Annexures
B-1 Concrete Shell Elements
B-2 Mechanisms of Deterioration of Concrete Structures
B-3 Effect of Live Loads on Deck Slabs.
(as on xxrd xx, 2019)
1. Pandey, I.K. Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary to Govt. of
(Convenor) India, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi
2. Additional Director General, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways,
(Co-convenor) New Delhi
3. Kumar, Sanjeev Chief Engineer (R), S, R &T, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways,
(Member-Secretary) Transport Bhavan, New Delhi
4. Bagish, Dr. B.P. Chief Engineer (Retd.), Road Construction Department, Bihar
5. Banerjee, A.K. Member (Technical) (Retd.), National Highway Authority of India
6. Basa, Ashok Managing Director, CEM Consultant (P) Ltd.
7. Bhide, D.A. Vice President (Design), MRMPL
8. Bhowmick, Alok Managing Director, B&S Engineering Consultants Pvt. Ltd., UP
9. Chakrapani, R.V. Managing Director, Aarvee Associate
10. Gairola, Co.l Pradeep GM (Project), BRIDCUL, Dehradun
11. Garg, Sanjay Chief Engineer, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi
12. Ghoshal, A. Principal Advisor, STUP Consultants (P) Ltd. Kolkata
13. Gupta, Dr. Supratic Assistant Professor, IIT Delhi
14. Heggade, V.N. President, Gammon Engineers & Contractors (GECPL). Mumbai
15. HOD Bridge Division, CRRI (G.K. Sahu), CSIR-CRRI, New Delhi
16. Jaigopal, R.K. MD, Struct Geotech Research Laboratories (P) Ltd. Banglore
17. Jatkar, Mohan Advisor, Gammon India Ltd.
18. Joshi, S.B. Consulting Engineer-freelancer, Mumbai
19. Kataria, Ranjan Executive Director (Technical), Delhi Metro
20. Koshi, Ninan DG(RD)&AS (Retd.), Ministry of Surface Transport, New Delhi
21. Maheshwari, Dr. B.K. Professor, IIT Roorkee
22. Managing Director, RSRDC (M.G. Maheshwari, MD) RSRDC
23. Managing Director, UPSBC (Ranjan Mittal, MD) UPSBC, Lucknow
24. Manisekar, Dr. R. Sr. Scientist, CSIR-SERC, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
25. Mishra, Dr. Sudhir Professor, IIT Roorkee
26. Nirmal, S.K. Secretary General, IRC
27. Patankar, V.L Addl. Director General (Retd.), Ministry of Road Transport and
Highways, New Delhi
28. Prasad, Mathura Superintending Engineer, PWD Delhi
29. Puri, S.K. DG(RD)&SS (Retd.), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New
30. Rao, P. Ravinder Engineer-in-Chief (R&B) State Roads, CRN, PPP & RDC, Telangana
31. Director General, BRO (Anil Kumar, Chief Engineer) Border Road Organization
32. Sharan, G. DG(RD)&SS (Retd.), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New
33. Sharma, R.S. Managing Director, M/s Sugam Technocrats Pvt. Lt., New Delhi
34. Sinha, B.K. Chief Engineer, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi
35. Sinha, N.K. DG(RD)&SS (Retd.), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New
36. Subbhiya, Ravindra Chief Design Engineer, L&T, Chennai
37. Tandon, Prof. Mahesh Managing Director, Tandon Consultants (P) Ltd., New Delhi
38. Tawade, D.O. Member (Technical), National Highway Authority of India (NHAI), New
39. The Engineer-in-Chief, MES Military Engineer Service (MES), New Delhi
(Sharma AVSM, Lt. Gen.
40. Viswanathan, T Consultant, Delhi
Corresponding Members
1 Manjure, P.Y. Director, Freyssinet Prestressed Concrete Co. Ltd, Mumbai
2 Sinha, Prof. Ravi Professor, IIT Mumbai
3 Subbarao, Dr. Chairman & Managing Director, Construma Consultancy (P) Ltd.
Harshavardhan Mumbai
Ex-Officio Members
1 President, (Basar, Toli)
Indian Roads Congress Chief Engineer
Highway Zone, PWD
2 Honorary Treasurer, (Singh, B.N.)
Indian Roads Congress Director General (Road Development) & Spl. Secretary, Ministry of Road
Transport and Highways
3 Secretary General, Nirmal, Sanjay Kumar
Indian Roads Congress
The Design Criteria for Prestressed Concrete Road Bridges (Post-Tensioned Concrete); IRC:18
and Standard Specification and Code of Practice for Road Bridges Section III, Cement Concrete
(Plain and Reinforced); IRC: 21, both based on working stress method, were first published in
December 1965 and October 1966 respectively. The last revisions of these two documents were
carried out in the year 2000. These two codes stands withdrawn on publication of this Code.
The past two decades have seen unprecedented growth of knowledge in the field of concrete
bridges, development of new structural forms, new methods of computer-based analysis and
design and development of high strength materials. The need for a new rationalized code for
bridge structures in general, based on the limit state approach, in line with international practices,
has been felt for a long time. Keeping this in view, the task of writing a new code based on the
Limit State Method, was taken up in 2001 by the Concrete (Plain, Reinforced and Prestressed)
Structures Committee (B-4) and continued over several terms of the Committee. The present
composition of the Committee is as follows:
The Concrete (Plain, Reinforced and Prestressed) Structures Committee (B-4) of the Indian
Roads congress was reconstituted in 2018 with the following personnel:
Bhide, D.A. Mullick, Dr.A.K.
Goswami, Dr. Rupen Nagpal, Dr. A.K.
Gupta, Vinay Parameswaran, Dr (Mrs) Lakshmy
Heggade, V.N. Rajeshirke, Umesh
Kataria, Ranjan Rep. of BRO
Koshi, Ninan Salecha, Aravind
Mathur, Ashok Sharma, Aditya
Mukherjee, M.K. Venkataram, P.G.
Corresponding Members
Joglekar, S.G. Menan, Dr. Devdas
Kurian, Jose Nayak, N.V.
Ex-Officio Members
President, DG(RD) & SS MORTH
(Pradhan, N.K.) (Pandey, I.K.)
Secretary General, IRC
(Nirmal, S.K.)
The task of drafting and finalization of the new Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridge was
completed by the B-4 Committee in September 2010. The draft was approved by the Bridges
Specifications and Standards Committee at its meeting held at New Delhi on 25th October 2010
and later by the Executive Committee on 27th October 2010. The draft was discussed and
approved by the Council of the Indian Roads Congress at the 192nd Council Meeting held at
Nagpur on 12th November 2010.
The object of issuing the new Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges is to establish a
common procedure for design and construction of road bridges in India based on the limit state
method. This publication is meant to serve as a guide to both design and construction engineers,
but compliance with the provisions therein does not relieve them, in any way, of the responsibility
for the stability, soundness, durability and safety of the structures designed and constructed by
The design and construction of road bridges require an extensive and thorough knowledge
of the science and technology involved and should be entrusted only to specially qualified
engineers with adequate experience of bridge engineering, capable of ensuring correct design
and execution of bridge works.
interval for which the design will demonstrate that relevant limit states are not exceeded. Refer
Annexure A-1.
Transient Design Situation
Design situation that is relevant during a period much shorter than the design working life of the
structure and which has a high probability of occurrence.
Note: A transient design situation refers to temporary conditions of the structure, of use or exposure,
e.g. during construction or repair.
Persistent Design Situation
Design situation that is relevant during a period of the same order as the design working life of
the structure.
Note: Generally it refers to conditions of normal use.
Irreversible Serviceability Limit States
Serviceability limit states where some consequences of actions exceeding the specified service
requirements will remain when the actions are removed.
Reversible Serviceability Limit States
Serviceability limit states where no consequences of actions exceeding the specified service
requirements will remain when the actions are removed.
Serviceability Criterion
Design criterion for a serviceability limit state.
Frequent Value of a Variable Action (Ψ1QK)
Value determined, insofar as it can be fixed on statistical basis, so that either the total time,
within the reference period, during which it is exceeded is only a small given part of the reference
period, or the frequency of it being exceeded is limited to a given value. It may be expressed as
a determined part of the characteristic value by using a factor Ψ1≤1.
Quasi-Permanent Value of a Variable Action (Ψ2QK)
Value of a variable action as a fraction of characteristic load, which is present for substantial part
of the references period.
Accompanying Value of a Variable Action (ΨQK)
Value of a variable action that accompanies the leading action in a combination.
Note: The accompanying value of a variable action may be the combination value, the frequent value or
the quasi-permanent value.
Representative Value of an Action (Frep)
Value used for the verification of a limit state. A representative value may be the characteristic
value (Fk) or an accompanying value (ΨFK).
Design Value of an Action (Fd)
Value obtained by multiplying the representative value by the partial factor γf.
Combination of Actions
Set of design values used for the verification of the structural reliability for a limit state under the
simultaneous influence of different actions.
3.1.5 Terms relating to structural analysis
Structural Analysis
Procedure or algorithm for determination of action effects in every point of a structure.
Note: A structural analysis may have to be performed at three levels using different models: global
analysis, member analysis, local analysis.
Global Analysis
Determination, in a structure, of a consistent set of either internal forces and moments or stresses
that are in equilibrium with a particular defined set of actions on the structure, and depend on
geometrical, structural and material properties.
First order linear-elastic analysis without redistribution
Elastic structural analysis based on linear stress/strain or moment/curvature laws and performed
on the initial geometry of the structure.
First order linear-elastic analysis with redistribution
Linear elastic analysis in which the internal moments and forces are modified for structural
design, consistent with the given external actions and without more explicit calculation of the
rotation capacity.
Second order linear-elastic analysis
Elastic structural analysis, based on linear stress/strain and moment/curvature laws, applied to
the geometry of the deformed structure.
First order non-linear analysis
Structural analysis, performed on the initial geometry of the structure, that takes account of the
non-linear deformation properties of materials.
Note: This definition includes first order analysis with non-linearity of any type, including plastic behaviour
with or without hardening (e.g. bilinear diaphragms of stress-strain).
First order elastic-perfectly plastic analysis
Structural analysis performed on the initial geometry of the structure based on moment/curvature
relationships consisting of a linear elastic part followed by a plastic part without hardening.
Second order non-linear analysis
Structural analysis, performed on the geometry of the deformed structure that takes account of
the non-linear deformation properties of materials.
Second order elastic-perfectly plastic analysis
Structural analysis performed on the geometry of the displaced (or deformed) structure based
on moment/curvature relationships consisting of a linear elastic part followed by a plastic part
without hardening.
Elasto-plastic analysis (first or second order)
Structural analysis that uses stress-strain or moment/curvature relationships consisting of a linear elastic
part followed by a plastic part with or without hardening.
Rigid Plastic Analysis
Analysis, performed on the initial geometry of structure, that uses limit analysis theorem for
direct assessment of ultimate loading.
Note: The moment-curvature law is assumed without elastic deformation and without hardening in
plastic stage.
3.2 Notations
The following notations are generally used unless otherwise specified in the text or figures.
A Accidental action
A Cross-Sectional area;
Ac Cross-Sectional area of concrete
Ap Area of prestressing tendon or tendons
As Cross-Sectional area of reinforcement
As,min Minimum cross-sectional area of shear reinforcement
Asw Cross-Sectional area of shear reinforcement
D Diameter of mandrel
E Effect of action; or general expression for modulus of elasticity as per the context.
Ec Tangent modulus of elasticity of normal weight concrete at a stress of σc =0.
Ec,eff Effective modulus of elasticity of concrete
Ecd Design value of modulus of elasticity of concrete
Ecm Secant modulus of elasticity of concrete
Ec(t) Tangent modulus of elasticity of normal weight concrete at a stress of σc =0 and time t.
Ep Design value of modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel
Es Design value of modulus of elasticity of reinforcing steel
EI Bending stiffness
Equ Static equilibrium
F Action
Fd Design value of an action
Fk Characteristic value of an action
Gk Characteristic value of permanent action
I Second moment of area of concrete Section
L Length
M Bending moment
MEd Design value of the applied internal bending moment
N Axial force
a Distance
a Geometrical data
Δa Deviation for geometrical data
b Overall width of a cross-section, or actual flange width in a T or L beam
bw Width of the web of T, I or L beams
d Diameter; Depth
d Effective depth of a cross-section
dg Largest nominal maximum aggregate size
e Eccentricity
fb d Design Value of Ultimate bond stress
fc Compressive strength of concrete
fcd Design value of concrete compressive strength
fck Characteristic compressive cube strength of concrete at 28 days
fcm Mean value of concrete cube compressive strength
fctk Characteristic axial tensile strength of concrete
fctm Mean value of axial tensile strength of concrete
fp Tensile strength of prestressing steel
fpk Characteristic tensile strength of prestressing steel which is same as fp corresponding
to breaking load given in the rlevant IS codes listed in Table 18.2.
fp0,1 0.1% proof-stress of prestressing steel
fp0,1k Characteristic 0.1% proof-stress of prestressing steel
f0,2k Characteristic 0.2% proof-stress of reinforcement
ft Tensile strength of reinforcement
ftk Characteristic tensile strength of reinforcement
α Angle; ratio
β Angle; ratio; coefficient
γ Partial factor
γA Partial factor for accidental actions, A
γc Partial factor for concrete
γF Partial factor for actions, F
γG Partial factor for permanent actions, G
γM Partial factor for a material property, taking account of uncertainties in the material
property itself, in geometric deviation and in the design model used.
γP Partial factor for actions associated with prestressing, P
γQ Partial factor for variable actions, Q
γS Partial factor for reinforcing or prestressing steel
γS,fat Partial factor for reinforcing or prestressing steel under fatigue loading
γf Partial factor for actions without taking account of model uncertainties
γg Partial factor for permanent actions without taking account of model uncertainties
γm Partial factors for a material property, taking account only of uncertainties in the
material property
δ Increment/redistribution ratio
ζ Reduction factor/distribution coefficient
εc Compressive strain in the concrete
εc1 Compressive strain in the concrete at the peak stress fc
εcu Ultimate compressive strain in the concrete
εu Strain of reinforcement or prestressing steel at maximum load
εuk Characteristic strain of reinforcement or prestressing steel at maximum load.
θ Angle
λ Slenderness ratio
µ Coefficient of friction between the tendons and their ducts
v Poisson’s ratio
v Strength reduction factor for concrete cracked in shear
ξ Ratio of bond strength of prestressing and reinforcing steel
ρ Oven-dry density of concrete in kg/m3
ρ1000 Value of relaxation loss (in %), at 1000 hours after tensioning and at a mean
temperature of 20°C.
ρ1 Reinforcement ratio for longitudinal reinforcement
ρw Reinforcement ratio for shear reinforcement
σc Compressive stress in the concrete
σcp Compressive stress in the concrete from axial load or prestressing
σcu Compressive stress in the concrete at the ultimate compressive strain Єeu
τ Torsional shear stress
φ - Diameter of a reinforcing bar or of a prestressing duct
φ - Sometimes used for creep coefficient without further suffixes.
φ (t,t0) Creep coefficient, defining creep between times t and to, related to elastic deformation
at 28 days
φ (∞,t0) Final value of creep coefficient
ψ Factors defining representative values of variable actions
ψo for combination values
ψ1 for frequent values
ψ2 for quasi-permanent values .
ηk Non-Dimensional ratio of axial load to the capacity of concrete section (without
4.1 Scope
The Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Code’, strives
to establish common procedures for the design and construction of Concrete road bridges, foot
bridges and culverts.
The requirements specified in the Code aim at achieving construction of safe, serviceable,
durable and economical bridges. It covers design principles, detailed design criteria and practical
rules, material specifications, workmanship, quality control and all such aspects which affect the
characteristics/ability of the bridge to meet the aims.
This Code deals with the structural use of plain cement concrete, reinforced concrete, prestressed
concrete and composite construction using concrete elements in bridges and is applicable to all
structural elements using normal weight concrete (density in the range of 24 ± 4 kN/m3) and
made using cements, aggregate, mineral admixtures, chemical admixtures and water, as given
in the Section dealing with material specifications in the Code.
All provisions of the Code may not be applicable for hybrid structural systems, or for structures
using other types of concrete. However, for concrete portion of hybrid elements/structures and
for other type of concrete, relevant provision of this Code may be used. The term “other types of
concrete” includes, but is not restricted to:
(1) Light Weight Concrete (density <20 kN/m3) and Heavy Weight Concrete (density >28 kN/m3).
(2) Concretes using cements, aggregates, mineral and chemical admixtures other than
those covered in Section 18.
(3) Concretes with specially modified properties.
Such uses shall be based on the specialist knowledge, specialist literature and/or experimental
data at the discretion and responsibility of owners/designers.
Requirements of blast resistance and fire resistance are not covered in the Code.
5.2 Limit State Philosophy of Design
(1) The response of the structure when subjected to different magnitudes of loads lies
in different states (domains). ‘Limit States’ are defined as limits of domains beyond
which the structure does not meet specified performance criteria.
In ‘Limit State Philosophy’ of design, various boundaries of acceptable/unacceptable
performance are defined together with the circumstances in which such performances
are expected.
(2) Two basic groups of limit states are considered:
(a) Ultimate Limit States (ULS): These limit states cover static equilibrium and
failure of structural elements or structure as a whole, when acted upon by
‘ultimate design loads’.
(b) Serviceability Limit States (SLS): These limit states deal with the condition
of the structure subjected to influence of ‘serviceability design loads’. These
conditions include level of internal stress, fatigue failure, deflection, damage to
structural element such as cracking and discomfort to users due to vibrations.
(3) The representative values of actions and combination of actions representing different
design situations are defined. The representative values of loads are modified by
using load factors for each of the basic limit states, which are then combined using
combination factors. The combination factors take into account the probability of
simultaneous occurrence of loads.
(4) The response of the structure is calculated using principles of mechanics and simplified
established models describing behavior of concrete members. These methods also
account for inherent geometric variations which are kept within acceptable construction
(5) The response of the structure is required to lie within acceptable domain for different
combinations of actions.
(6) The structure designed by following this philosophy, and constructed by satisfying other
stipulations of the Code are deemed to meet the general performance requirements
stipulated in Clause 5.1.1.
5.5.1 General
The constituent materials of structure acting singly or in a composite action with other materials
have certain properties which determine their own response and the behaviour of the structural
elements when acted upon by various loads. Some of the material and structural properties
depend upon the type of load, its duration, magnitude and the loading history. Some properties
are time-dependent, while others are affected by environmental actions. Some properties depend
upon the physical size (dimensions) of the structural member.
Almost all the properties exhibit statistical variation in their numerical values. Many of the
properties show strong co-relations with other properties, which permit sufficiently accurate, if
not exact, estimation of their value from the values of other properties by use of mathematical
expressions. Correlations are based on laboratory or field observations and statistical regression
analysis. A few of these properties are chosen as descriptive and/or representative properties
of the materials (e.g. self compacting concrete). They are often used to define the material
itself or its grade (e.g. concrete grade M40 and reinforcing steel Fe 500). Standard methods of
testing for measuring such values are specified by Bureau of Indian Standards or other national
/ international authorities.
5.8.6 Maintenance
Periodic inspection and adequate maintenance are prerequisites for ensuring durability of
structure. All records of inspection and repairs should be available with concerned authority.
6.1 General
6.1.1 The analysis and design of the structure and its elements require knowledge of
the physical, chemical, mechanical, load-dependent, time-dependant and process dependent
properties of its materials. The properties include those governing the composite action of
materials acting interactively with one another as well as acting individually. Simplified rules
describing these properties which are consistent with the analysis and design models permitted
by this Code are given in the following Clauses.
6.1.2 In special cases where more exact analyses and models of behaviour are to be
considered, more representative rules describing these properties are needed, some of which
are given in Annexure A-2. In addition, reference to international Codes, published literature,
laboratory test reports or field tests, may also be made. However, the reliability of the referenced
source and/or reproducibility of test values should be established.
6.1.3 Some of the properties are strongly influenced by activities of construction and work
procedures. Use of appropriate technological methods, deployment of qualified and trained work
force combined with methods of quality assurance are requisite preconditions for realising in
practice the properties assumed in the design. Minimum acceptable standards of workmanship
are given in Section 18.
6.1.4 Specifications of structural materials to be used in construction of bridges shall
conform to the Indian Standards given in Section 18.
6.1.5 Materials conforming to other international standards can be used provided they meet
the minimum requirements (lower or upper values as the case may be) given in the relevant
Indian Standards and this Code.
f yk = f 0.2k
ft E
f yk modulus of elasticity =
1 E = slope of linear portion
modulus of elasticity =
E = slope of linear portion
0.2 %
(a) Mild Steel (b) Hot rolled / Heat treated
HYSD Steel
f yk = f 0.2k
E modulus of elasticity =
E = slope of linear portion
0.2 %
For design purposes any one of the two diagrams, viz. idealised bilinear or simplified bilinear
diagram as given in Fig. 6.2 may be used; after reducing the stresses by material factor γs.
Idealised Bilinear Diagram
ft ft
ft / s
f yk
f yk
f yd =
1 Simplified Bilinear Diagram
Factored Simplified Design Bilinear Diagram
Notes: (1) γs is taken as 1.15 for basic and seismic combination, and 1.0 for accidental combination
(2) Value of εuk shall be taken as the uniform elongation given in the standard governing the
manufacture of reinforcement.
Fig. 6.2 Bilinear Stress-Strain Diagram of Reinforcing Steel for Design
f yk
The idealised bilinear diagram has sloping top branch joining yk E ; f yk and (εuk, ft), where
fyk; ft, εuk are the minimum values required by relevant IS Codes referred to in Clause 18.2.1
(Table 18.1). The factored idealised design diagram is obtained by factoring stress values by
1 f yk
, that is by taking fyd= , and limiting design strain to εud = 0.9εuk.
s s
6.3 Prestressing Steel Ductility
The requirements of ductility of steel are deemed to be satisfied by use of steel having the
minimum elongations specified in Section 18, Clause 18.3.
The wires/strands shall also pass the bendability test (reverse bending) as specified in relevant
Indian Standards.
For the purpose of analysis and design, either the diagrams shown in Fig. 6.3 or the simplified
bilinear diagram as shown in Fig. 6.4 (any one of shape A and shape B) can be used. The ‘E’
value of 200 GPa for wires and 195 GPa for strands can be used in the design up to the elastic
limit (first part of bilinear diagram unless more exact value is required, (e.g. for verification of
elongation during stressing operations, which should be taken on the basis of actual field tests.
Fig. 6.3 Representative Stress-Strain Curve for Wires (Stress Relieved), Strands and Bars
Idealised Bilinear Diagram
f pk
f pk
f p0.1k
f p0.1k A Factored Idealised Idealised Bilinear Diagram
f pd =
s Design Bilinear Diagram = s
B Factored Simplified Design
Bilinear Diagram
f pd ud uk
= Ep
Note: γs is taken as 1.15 for basic and seismic combinations, and 1.0 for accidental
(εuk, fpk), where fp0.1k is taken from manufacturer's data, or established by tests in field. In absence
of specific data, fp0.1k can be taken as 0.87 fpk. For strands, stress values shall be based on the
nominal cross-sectional area given in Table 18.4. The idealised design shape (A) is obtained by
factoring idealised bilinear diagram by , and taking design strain not greater than 0.9 εud, with
corresponding value of design stress.
For simplified bilinear design diagram shape (B), having horizontal branch, the strain limit need
not be checked.
Initial Stress Relaxation loss for Normal Relaxation loss for low
relaxation steel (%) relaxation steel (%)
≤0.5 fp 0 0
0.6 fp 2.5 1.25
0.7 fp 5.0 2.5
0.8 fp 9.0 4.5
For periods less than 1000 hours, the value of relaxation loss may be taken as per Table 6.3.
For the early age relaxation in case of initial temperatures higher than 40 °C, as in case of steam
curing, Annexure A-2 may be referred.
6.4 Concrete
Cement, fine aggregates, coarse aggregates, mineral admixtures and water constitute the
main material ingredients of concrete. Chemical admixtures are added to fresh concrete to
improve its workability. For specification of constituents of concrete Section 18 and the relevant
Indian Standards may be referred. For use of concretes designed to have special and different
characteristics from those given in this Section, specialist literature may be referred.
Table 6.4 Main Groups of Concrete and its Strength-Grades
materials, like, cement, aggregates, water and chemical admixtures, and adopting
normal mixing, placing and curing practices. Use of mineral admixtures is required.
These performance requirements can be high strength, high early strength, high
workability (including Self-Compacting Concrete), low permeability and high durability
for severe service environments, etc. or combinations thereof. Production and use
of such concrete in the field necessitates high degree of uniformity between batches
and very stringent quality control.
(d) Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is a type of High Performance Concrete, that fills
uniformly and completely every corner of formwork by its own weight and fluidity without
application of any vibration, without segregation, whilst maintaining homogeneity. It is
suitable in situations where;
• reinforcement is very congested,
• access to allow vibration is not available,
• complicated geometry of the formwork,
• pouring is possible only from a single point,
• speedy placement is required,
It has also the other advantages of no noise due to vibration and no requirement of finishing. General
(1) The recommended design properties are co-related to 28 days characteristic
compressive strength, unless specified otherwise.
(2) Depending on the purpose of analysis, some of the properties are used either at their
mean (average) value, or at lower characteristic value or at upper characteristic value
based on 5 percent fractile or 95 percent fractile respectively.
(3) Stress-strain relationship for overall analysis of structure, stress-strain relationship for
sectional design, various moduli of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio, tensile strength, fracture
mechanical strength, multiaxial strengths, etc., are the mechanical properties needed
for various purposes of design. Unless greater accuracy is needed justifying separate
and direct testing for these characteristics, the values given in Table 6.5 may be
used in design, which are based on their relation to the compressive strength. The
co-relation equations are given in Annexure A-2.
(4) Some of the time-dependent behaviours of structure and time dependent effects
are permitted to be evaluated by using simplified expressions, using appropriately
modified values of some properties, (e.g. factored value of the modulus of elasticity to
incorporate creep effects). Where greater accuracy is needed, specialist literature or
relevant international codes may be referred.
(5) Relationship between Strength and Time:
The development of compressive strength of concrete depends on the type of cement,
curing conditions and maturity of concrete. Maturity is measured as a sum of the
product of time and mean temperature of concrete, measured in appropriate units as
given below:
Maturity in day Celsius or hour Celsius = ∑ time in days (or hours) x (temperature in
°C+11°C). Eq. 6.1
In normal applications instead of the exact strength-maturity relationship simplified
strength-time relationship is used, with limits of validity as given in Clause
For special applications, where temperature history deviates from the limits given,
Annexure A-2 may be referred.
(1) Strength designation of concrete, (based on characteristic strength) and corresponding properties
to be used in the design are given above. The strains are expressed in per thousand by o/oo sign.
The co-relation equations used are given in Annexure A-2.
(2) The tabulated values of Ecm are for quartzite/granite aggregates. For other aggregates, they
should be multiplied by factors as given below:
limestone = 0.9, sandstone = 0.7, basalt = 1.2.
(3) Properties of materials to be used in bridge construction given in Section 18 and the acceptance
criteria based on sampling theory of statistics are to be used for procurement purposes only.
fcm (t) = βcc (t) fcm Eq. 6.2
1/ 2
Bcc t exp s 1
Eq. 6.3
t /t
f cm (t) = Mean concrete compressive strength at age ‘t’ days.
f cm = Mean concrete compressive strength at age ‘28’ days.
βc (t) = Co-efficient depending on age ‘t’ and type of cement.
t = Age of concrete in days.
t1 = 1 day
S = Co-efficient whose value is taken as 0.25 for Ordinary Portland cement. Refer
Annexure A-2 for other cements.
Effect of substantial temperature deviation in the range of 0°C to 80°C (for example
in steam curing), is to be included by substituting equivalent time (tT) in place of time
‘t’ at 20°C in Eq. 6.2 & 6.3. The expression for equivalent time tT is given in Annexure
(2) Effect of sustained loading and gain of strength with time
Although concrete gains strength with age due to continued chemical reactions, it
also exhibits reduction of strength under the effect of sustained loading. This long
term effect together with effect of the size of the structural element is taken into
account while recommending design values of strength in this Code e.g. long term
compressive strength in-structure is taken as 0.67 times of 28 days cube strength. (It
is directly incorporated in formula for ultimate bending strength).
(3) Verification of early age strength by testing
To avoid irreversible damages like local cracking (eg. due to early age prestressing)
the achievement of early age strength shall be verified by testing. Refer Section 18
for details.
(4) Use of strengths beyond 28 days strength
Gain of strength beyond 28 days should not be considered in new designs except as
per Note No.3 below Table 6.4. For evaluation of strength/load carrying capacity of
old existing bridges and for retrofitting purposes, strength at ages other than 28 days
can be used after making allowance for age, sustained load effect, state of cracking
and fatigue effects, for which specialist literature may be referred.
fctm = 0.6 fb for beam size of 100 x 100 x 400 mm and
0.66 fb for beam size of 150 x 150 x 600 mm Eq. 6.5
fb =
modulus of rupture measured as per IS 516.
(2) Co-relation to the 28 days cube compressive strength
In absence of tensile tests, the values of tensile strengths fctm given in Table 6.5 can be adopted.
(3) Flexural tensile strength for other sizes
The mean flexural tensile strength in solid beams depends on the mean axial tensile strength fctm
and the depth of the cross-section. The following relationship may be used:
fctm. f l max. 1.6
fctm ; fctm Eq. 6.6
fctm,fl = mean flexural tensile strength of solid beam.
h = total depth of member in mm
fctm = mean axial tensile strength from Table 6.5.
The relation given in Eq. 6.6 also applies for the characteristic tensile strength values.
(4) Direct tensile strength for use in elements fully in tension
For members fully in tension, having more or less uniform tension (like bottom/top slabs of box
girders) fctk,0.05 given in Table 6.5 may be used.
Strength gain with time
(a) The development of tensile strength with time is strongly influenced by curing
and drying conditions as well as by the dimensions of the structural members.
As a first approximation it may be assumed that the tensile strength :
fctm(t) = (βcc(t)) fctm Eq. 6.7
βcc(t) follows from Eq. (6.3)
α = 1 for t < 28 days
= 2/3 for t ≥28 days
The design values for fctm are given in Table 6.5.
(b) Where the development of the tensile strength with time is important (e.g. for
control of cracking) it is recommended that tests are carried out taking into
account the exposure conditions and the dimensions of the structural member.
main elements. However, in design of local zones, the increased strength is made use of (e.g.
near concentrated loads, in design of concrete hinges and anchorage zones of prestressing
anchorages). Annexure A-2 and specialist literature may be referred for the relevant design
The creed co-efficient ø(t,to) is defined as the ratio of creep strain at time (t) to initial elastic strain.
cc (t )
(t , t0 ) Eq. 6.9
ci (t0 )
The shrinkage and creep strains are to be estimated as given in Clauses and
(3) However, for the purpose of analysis of overall structure under normal temperature
variations and its response to loads for static, equivalent static or linear dynamic
response to earthquake loads, approximate simplified values given in this Code
are adequate. Where greater accuracy is desired and for non-linear elastic analysis
Annexure A2 and specialist literature should be referred.
(4) The load-deformation characteristics of structure are dependent on duration of load,
age at loading and stress level up to which the material of the structure is loaded.
These are calculated by use of appropriate modulus of elasticity as under:
(i) For static and quasi-static loads acting for short duration, secant modulus of
elasticity of concrete Ecm, (slope of line connecting the origin of stress/strain
diagram to 0.33 fcm) may be used. Values of Ecm are given in Table 6.5 for
different grades of concrete.
(ii) The Poisson’s ratio for uncracked concrete may be taken as 0.2 and that for
cracked concrete as zero.
(iii) In general, the effects of long term loading (due to creep) shall be obtained
separately and added to those obtained from short term analysis. As a
simplification for the overall analysis of structure (not for local analysis), the
value of Ecm can be modified by a factor 1 accounting for long term creep
effects where φ is the creep co-efficient defined by Eq. 6.9 and Table 6.9.
(iv) For calculating creep effects of shorter duration, either separate analysis should
be done or Ecm can be modified by factor consistent with the creep of the same
(v) The effect of shrinkage shall be separately calculated and added. It is taken as
part of dead load analysis.
(vi) For calculating effects of seasonal temperature variation, value of 0.5 times Ecm
may be used to account for temperature induced stresses as modified by creep
effects. For diurnal variation of temperatures, value of Ecm may be used.
(vii) For elastic analysis of structure under dynamic loads (such as earthquake, wind
etc where structures are not permitted to enter overall plastic range), Ecm given
in Table 6.5 may be used.
(viii) For resistance to impact/shock loading dynamic modulus of elasticity can be
taken as 1.25 times Ecm in absence of tests.
(ix) For non-linear analysis, suitable techniques for representing non-linearity of
material properties shall be used for which Annexure A-2 and/or specialist
literature may be referred.
(x) Effect of early age loading on Ecm
Variation of modulus of elasticity with time (t) is given by Eq. 6.10. Relationship
between fcm(t) and fcm is given by Eq. 6.2 and Eq. 6.3.
f cmt
E cm t
Ecm Eq. 6.10
f cm
(xi) For loading beyond 28 days, increase in Ecm is small and can normally be
neglected. Shrinkage
(1) The total shrinkage of concrete depends upon the constituents of concrete, size of
the member and environmental conditions. For a given humidity and temperature, the
total shrinkage of concrete is most influenced by the total amount of water present in
the concrete at the time of mixing and to a lesser extent, by the cement content.
(2) The total shrinkage strain is composed of two components, the autogenous shrinkage
strain and the drying shrinkage strain.
The value of the total shrinkage strain εcs is given by :
ε cs = ε cd + ε ca Eq. 6.11
ε cs is the total shrinkage strain
ε cd is the drying shrinkage strain
ε ca is the autogenous shrinkage strain
(3) The major part of the autogenous shrinkage strain develops during hardening of
the concrete in the early days after casting. Autogenous shrinkage can be taken as
a function of the concrete strength. It should be considered specifically when new
concrete is cast against hardened concrete.
In absence of accurate field/laboratory data, the values given in Table 6.6 may be
considered in design:
Table 6.6 Autogenous Shrinkage Strain of Concrete
ho in mm kh
100 1.0
200 0.85
300 0.75
500 0.70
Table 6.8 Unrestrained Drying Shrinkage Values (εcd x 106)
(for concrete with Portland cement)
fck (MPa) Relative Humidity (in %)
20 50 80
25 620 535 300
50 480 420 240
75 380 330 190
95 300 260 150
(5) The development of autogenous shrinkage with time can be taken as:
εca (t) = βas (t) εcw Eq. 6.12
as t
1 exp 0.2 t
Eq. 6.13
where t is in days
(6) The development of the drying shrinkage strain in time can be taken as:
cd t ds t, ts kh . cd
Eq. 6.14
ds t, ts
t ts
t ts 0.04 h03
Eq. 6.15
t = is the age of the concrete in days at the time considered
ts = is the age of the concrete in days at the beginning of drying shrinkage. Normally
this is at the end of curing.
kh = from Table 6.7. Creep
(1) Creep of concrete depends, on the stress in the concrete, age at loading and duration
of loading in addition to the factors listed in Clause As long as the stress
in concrete does not exceed 0.36 fcm(to), creep may be assumed to be proportional to
the stress.
(2) The creep co-efficient cc
ci t
εcc (t) is creep strain at time t>to
εci (t) is initial strain at loading.
The values given in Table-6.9 can be considered as final creep co-efficient for design for normal
weight concrete, subject to condition that the compressive stress does not exceed 0.36 fcm at
the age of loading. In case the compressive stress exceeds 0.36 fcm, at loading, non-linear creep
shall be considered.
Table 6.9 Final Creep Co-efficient [φ (70 Yr)] of Concrete
at age of t = 70 years or more
0 cm
Eq. 6.18
RH 0
0 cm
Eq. 6.19
RH = Relative humidity expressed as percent.
RH 0 = 100 (i.e. 100 percent)
α = is coefficient to consider the influence of the concrete strength:
f cm Eq. 6.20
fcm in MPa
Where 45 and fcm in numerator has units of MPa.
2 Ac
h = Notional size of member in mm =
Ac = Cross Sectional Area in mm2.
u = Perimeter in contact with atmosphere in mm.
(4) Where greater accuracy is required in estimating φ(t,to), Annexure A-2 and/or the
specialist literature may be referred.
Eq. 6.21
c f cd for c 2 c cn 2
Eq. 6.22
n = Exponent as given in Table 6.5
ε c2 = Strain at reaching characteristic strength as given in Table 6.5.
ε cu2 = Ultimate strain as given in Table 6.5.
f ck
f cd
α = 0.67
γm = 1.5 For Basic & Seismic Combination
= 1.2 for Accidental Combination
In terms of the behaviour of the structure, the following methods of analysis may be used:
(1) Linear elastic analyses for both static and dynamic response
(2) Linear elastic analyses with limited redistribution of forces for static response
(3) The ‘Strut and Tie’ method for achieving internal equilibrium within the elements
in conjunction with overall elastic analysis of the structure, where stiffness of the
structural elements is based on assumptions (a) or (b) as described in Clause 7.2(1).
(4) Non-linear analyses, (material and/or geometric non-linearity) for both static and
dynamic response.
The solutions based on failure mechanisms of structure or plastic behaviour of
elements shall not be used in design of bridges; except for the case of analysing
response to earthquake. This shall be done only after adequate investigation of all
significant modes of failure.
(1) Reduction at one location is accompanied by increase in other location in such a way
as to maintain equilibrium with applied loads.
(2) Reduction is restricted to not more than 15 percent of the maximum moment in SLS
and 20 percent of that in ULS.
Redistribution shall not be carried out in circumstances where the rotation capacity and the
section to which the redistributed moments are to be transferred, cannot be defined (e.g. in
curved bridges and skew bridges with more than 15° angle of skew).
elements may be based on any of the following:
(a) Concrete Section: The entire cross-section of member, ignoring the presence
of reinforcement.
(b) Gross Transformed Section: The entire cross-section of member including the
reinforcement transformed on the basis of effective modular ratio, E s
A consistent approach should be used to reflect the behaviour of various parts
of the structure.
(2) For limit state checks of deformation, stresses and crack control of beams having
wide compression flanges, a constant effective width should be used over the full
span while working out the sectional properties. (Refer Clause Where
greater accuracy is required variation in the effective width along the spans should be
(3) Modulus of elasticity and shear modulus of concrete should be appropriate for the
type of action under consideration.
(4) For verification of steel stresses and control of cracks in discontinuity zones, strut-
and–tie model as adopted in the ULS design may be used.
7.4.2 In general, where the torsional resistance or stiffness of members has not been taken
into account in the analysis of the structure, no specific calculations for resisting torsion will be
necessary. In such cases adequate control of any torsional cracking should be achieved by
providing nominal reinforcement to resist torsion. However, in applying this clause it is essential
that sound engineering judgement is exercised in deciding whether torsion plays only a minor
role in the behaviour of the structure; otherwise torsional stiffness should be used in the analysis.
7.6.1 Beams
eff b eff ,i bw b Eq. 7.1
beff ,i 0.2bi 0.1lo 0.21o
with ,
beff ,i bi
and (For the notations see Fig. 7.1)
(2) la = The distance between the points of zero moments (in the absence of rigorous
calculations for continuous span it may be taken as 0.7 times effective span). The
effective width may be taken as constant for the full span.
(3) For limit state check of vibration for footbridge the actual flange width may be used.
7.6.2 Slabs
7.6.3 Columns Definitions
A reinforced concrete column is a compression member whose largest lateral crosssectional
dimension is less than or equal to four times its lesser lateral dimension. A column should be
considered as short if the ratio le /i in each plane of buckling is such that the failure takes place
without involving secondary effects. In practice, the limits upto which the secondary effects can
be neglected is given in Clause 11.2.
moments induced by lateral deflection should be considered. The bases and/or other
members connected to the ends of such columns should also be designed to resist
these additional moments.
(2) In columns with moments it is generally sufficient to consider the maximum and
minimum ratios of moment/axial load in designing reinforcement areas and concrete
sections. Definition
A wall is a vertical load bearing concrete member whose larger lateral dimension is more than
four times its lesser lateral dimension. A wall may be considered as short where the ratio of its
effective length (height) to its thickness does not exceed 12. It should otherwise be considered
as slender. Retaining walls, wing walls, abutments and other similar wall-like elements where
ultimate axial load is less than 0.1 fcd Ac may be designed as bending elements, neglecting axial
7.7.1 General
(1) These recommendations apply to flexural members consisting of precast concrete
units acting in conjunction with cast-in-situ concrete, where provision has been made
for the transfer of horizontal shear at the contact surface. The precast units may be of
either reinforced or prestressed concrete.
(2) Differential shrinkage and creep of the component concrete members requires
consideration in analysing composite members for the serviceability limit states.
Differential shrinkage and creep need not be considered for the ultimate limit state.
(3) In general, the analysis and design of composite concrete structures and their
component members should be in accordance with the principle defined earlier except
that effects of differential shrinkage and creep should be treated as a primary action.
Particular attention should be given in the design of the component parts and the
composite section to take into account the effect on stresses and deflections arising
out of the method of construction (e.g. whether props are used or not used).
(4) A check for adequacy of components/whole section should be made for each stage
of construction. The relative stiffness of members should be based on the concrete
or gross transformed section properties as described in Clause 7.2. If the concrete
strengths of the two components of the composite member differ by more than 10N/
mm2, allowance for the difference in moduli of elasticity should be made in assessing
stiffness and stresses.
(5) When at least one of the components is a prestressed member, the combined effect of
shrinkage and creep movements of the prestressed member(s) with respect to other
member(s) create time dependent variation of stresses, which may be more severe
at intermediate stages leading to tensile cracking. The time dependent properties of
shrinkage and creep given in Section 6 should be used in this evaluation.
(6) When only the shrinkage effects are involved, it is sufficient to analyse for the maximum
value of differential shrinkage.
IRC:112-2019 Creep redistribution due to dead load and prestress in the precast Unit
When a concrete structure’s statical system is changed during construction, creep of the concrete
will modify the as-built bending moments (and shear forces) towards the ‘instantaneous’ moments
(and shear) distributions. The additional moment due to creep redistribution, Mcr should be taken
Mcr = (Minst - Mas- built )α Eq. 7.4
Minst is the bending moment, which would have been set up in case the composite section as a
continuous structure had been subjected to the dead load and prestress component, which was
actually applied in the precast unit.
M as-built is the actual bending moment set up in the structure as constructed.
Note: This will depend upon the time gap when composite action is established after casting pre-cast
portion and whether in-situ concrete is cast while pre-cast beam is supported on props and
decentred after achieving composite section or cast on the beam which takes full self-weight and
weight of shuttering without help of composite action.
Values of reduction coefficient α1 are calculated from expressions below using φ value taken
from Table 6.9.
α = [1-e-φ] Eq. 7.5
Where, e is the base of Naperian Logarithms
7.9.1 General
(1) Prestressing is considered as an action and its effect should be included in the forces/
moments and applied to the structure.
(2) Prestressing force is time-dependent. Its magnitude also varies from the intended
value due to technological reasons. Both the effects should be considered in selection
of design prestressing force.
(3) The contribution of prestressing tendons to the resistance developed by the member
shall be limited to the additional forces mobilized by their further deformation,
consistent with the ultimate deformation of the member.
IRC:112-2019 Immediate losses of prestress in post-tensioning
(1) Losses due to the elastic deformation of concrete
Loss in tendon force corresponding to elastic shortening of concrete at the level of
tendon shall be taken into account. The order in which the tendons are stressed shall
be considered for calculation of loss.
(2) Losses due to friction and wobble
(a) The losses due to friction and wobble ∆Pμ are calculated by Eq.7.6 where P0 is
the initial prestressing force which reduces by ∆Pμ (x), at distance x
∆Pμ (x) = P0 (1–e–(μθ + kx)) Eq. 7.6
Measured in radians is the sum of the angular displacements over a distance x
(irrespective of direction or sign)
μ is the coefficient of friction between the tendon and its duct.
k is a coefficient for wobble effect (representing angular displacement per unit
length of duct multiplied by μ ).
x is the distance along the tendon from the point where the prestressing force is
equal to Po.
Po force at x=0. It is maximum force at active end during tensioning.
(a) The value of μ depends on the surface characteristics of the tendons and the
duct, on configuration of the tendon profile, and on the presence of rust, if
any. The value k for wobble (μ times unintentioned angular displacement per
unit length) depends on the quality of workmanship, distance between tendon
supports, type of duct or sheath and degree of vibration while compacting the
(b) In the absence of more exact data values for μ and k given in Table 7.1 may be
adopted for design. The values of μ and k used in design shall be indicated on
the drawings for guidance in selection of the material and the methods that will
produce results approaching the assumed values.
(c) For external tendons, consisting of parallel wires or strands, the loss of prestress
due to wobble effect between the deviators may be ignored.
(d) During construction the value of effective prestress obtained on basis of values
assumed in design should be verified by stressing a few typical tendons. For
this purpose, two jacks shall be used between the activities - one for pulling
the tendon (active jack) and other as passive jack. The force in tendon should
be measured at both ends by means of pressure gauges or load cells. The
difference between forces at two ends will indicate the actual loss due to friction
and wobble. If the loss is more than ±5 percent of that adopted in design, it
should be referred to designer for corrective action.
(3) Losses at Anchorage
(a) Losses due to wedge draw-in of the anchorage devices, during anchoring and
due to the deformation of the anchorage itself, should be taken into account.
(b) Values of (a) as normally given by the manufacturer, shall be used in the design.
If the manufacturer is not finalised at the time of design, values based on
experience shall be used and stated on the drawing or on stressing schedule to
enable proper adjustments to be made at site.
Table 7.1 Coefficients of Friction (μ) & Wobble Effect (k) of Post
Tensioned Tendons and External Unbonded Tendons
tendon shall be taken as nil, and partial factor γp=1.
(4) Where external/unbonded tendons are used for achieving stability and where decrease
of force or increase of force becomes unfavourable for stability, partial factors of 0.8
and 1.25 shall be used to decrease or increase the force, as required.
Note: These factors account for the possible adverse variation in prestressing force. This shall be over
and above the overall safety factors against overturning and sliding required for global stability
(5) In verification of local effects γp.unfav =1.3 shall be used.
(6) In serviceability limit state, two characteristic values of prestressing force shall be
Pk.sup=γ (x) Eq. 7.7
P.k.inf . γinf Pm (t) (x) Eq. 7.8
pmt (x) is effective prestressing force at point ‘x’ at time ‘t’ and Pk.sup and Pk.inf are corresponding
superior and inferior characteristic values. The values of γsup and γinf shall be as follows:
- for pre-tensioning or unbonded tendons γsup =1.05 and γinf = 0.95.
- for post-tensioning with bonded tendons γsup =1.10 and γinf = 0.9.
punching shear as well as overall bending and shear in the curved members. The following
additional checks shall be carried out in such situations.
Fig. 7.2 Radial Thrust of Tendons Causing Local Punching and Global Bending in Shear in Webs (Slab)
7.11 Special Load Transferring Devices
7.11.1 General
Devices like bearings of various types, dislodgement preventing stoppers and shock transmission
units are used to transmit loads between parts of bridge elements. The global analysis of the
structure should include the overall behaviour of these elements in terms of their load/deformation
characteristics in a simplified way, by defining the released and restrained movements of the
structure to which they are connected. However, the design of these elements themselves shall
be based on the details of internal load transferring mechanism and materials used in their
8.1 Scope
(1) This Section covers structural members which can be idealised as linear members
having the following characteristics: (a) one of the dimension (length or height) is
sufficiently large as compared to other two dimensions of its cross-section (breadth,
width, thickness), (b) the cross-sections which were plane before loading remain
approximately plane after loading and loading is such that the distortion of the section
by shear and torsional strains is not large enough to vitiate this assumption, (c) the
regions of geometric discontinuity and heavy transverse loads where the assumption
in (b) does not hold good locally, form a small part of the total length.
(2) Generally, members having length larger than 4 times the largest linear dimension of
cross-section, can be considered to belong to this class. Under certain conditions of
loading members having length between 1 to 4 times the cross-sectional dimensions
will qualify for being treated as linear members (e.g. short columns without bending
created by transverse shear).
(3) Ultimate load carrying capacity of predominantly axially loaded members is
adversely affected by instability (buckling) for long members by effect of second-
order deformations caused by initial geometric imperfections, unintentional and small
eccentricity of external loads or effect of lateral deflection due to transverse loading
or end fixity conditions (moments). Additional checks for such effects and design of
slender members in general are included in Section 11.
(4) Simplified methods for bi-axial bending are covered.
(5) Simplified methods for small magnitudes of axial forces acting together with bending
moments are covered.
(4) If changes in the position of the reinforcement such as at a lap can lead to a localised
reduction in the effective depth, the most unfavourable value should be used in the
cross-section analysis.
(5) For prestressed members with permanently unbonded internal or externally
prestressed tendons, it is generally necessary to take the deformation of the whole
member into account. Refer Clause 7.9 for the suitable method of analysis.
(6) In the analysis of a cross-section which has to resist bending and only a small
longitudinal force, the effect of the design ultimate longitudinal compressive force
may be ignored, if it does not exceed 0.08 fck times the cross-sectional area. The
tensile force due to bending and the axial tensile force on the member shall be entirely
carried by reinforcement.
(7) The bending resistance calculated on the basis of above assumptions, is strictly
valid for bending in the planes of principal axes. For bending at any other axis, the
approximate solutions given in Clause 8.3.2 may be used.
(8) Based on the principles and assumptions given in this Section, exact solutions for
cross-sections of variable width/depth may be evolved. Local large openings in cross-
section should be accounted for (e.g. those caused by transversely or obliquely
running cable ducts).
Zone-2: Compressive load with eccentricity, having neutral axis within Section, and
ultimate strength governed by tensile steel
The maximum strain in the concrete is less than the limiting value of εcu2 thus the strength of the
concrete is not exhausted. The tensile strain at steel is at the upper design limit of εud .
Zone-3 : Compressive load with eccentricity, having neutral axis within section, and steel
beyond yield, ultimate strength governed by concrete
The concrete compression strain at the upper fibre is at upper design limit εcu2. The steel strain
lies between εyd and εud.
Zone-4 : Compressive load with eccentricity, with ultimate strength governed by concrete
and steel strain is below yield strain.
This is typically the cause of steel strength not fully exploited giving over-reinforced non-ductile
The boundary between Zone-3 and Zone-4 is called the balanced condition, where the maximum
concrete strain (εcu2) and reinforcement strain at yield (ε yd) are present simultaneously.
Zone-5: Compressive load with eccentricity, having neutral axis outside the section (i.e.
full section in compression)
The entire section (with exception of possibly existing prestressing steel) is in compression.
All strain profiles pass through point C. The maximum compressive strain of concrete at C is
between εcu2 and 0. C lies where the line BO (which defines the boundary between sections
partially in tension and sections in compression) intersects the vertical line characterized by εc2
= constant. The distance of this point from the outermost compressive fibre is taken as equal to
1 h of the total depth of the section.
cu 2
8.3 Biaxial Bending
(2) Separate design in each principal direction, disregarding bi-axial bending, is done as
a first step. Imperfections need to be taken into account only in the direction where
they will have the most unfavourable effect.
(3) No further check is necessary if the slenderness ratios satisfy the following two
conditions expressed by Eq.8.1 and if the relative eccentricities ez / b and ey / h satisfy
one of the following conditions expressed by Eq.8.2 (Refer Fig. 8.3 for notations).
λy/λz ≤ 2 and λz/λy ≤ 2 Eq. 8.1
ey / heq e /b
0.2 or z eq 0.2
ez / beq ey / heq
Eq. 8.2
z, y Two principal axes of the cross-section.
b,h Width and depth of section
beq = iy √12 12 and heq = iz √12 for arbitrary section, and equal to width/depth for rectangular
sections as applicable w.r.t. plane of bending.
λy , λz are the slenderness ratios io/i with respect to y-axis and z-axes respectively.
iy, iz Radius of gyration with respect to y-axis and z-axis respectively.
ez, ey Eccentricity of NEd with reference to z and y axis, as shown in Fig. 8.3.
NEd Design value of resultant axial load in the respective load combinations.
Fig. 8.3 Definition of Eccentricities ey and ez of Applied Axial Force Resultant NED
(4) If the condition of Eq.8.1 and Eq.8.2 are not fulfilled, bi-axial bending should be taken
into account including the second order effects in each direction (unless they may
be ignored according to Clause 11.1.5. In the absence of an accurate cross-section
design for biaxial bending, the following simplified criterion may be used.
M Edx M Edy
M Rdx M Rdy
Eq. 8.3
MEdx, MEdy Design moment around the respective axis, including nominal 2nd order moments.
MRdx, MRdy Moment resistance in the respective direction;
Section 9
Ultimate Limit State Of Two And Three Dimensional Elements For
Out Of Plane And In Plane Loading Effects
9.1 Scope
This Section deals with plate and shell type elements and sub-elements where out of plane
loading effects as well as in plane loading effects are present. The permissible simplifications for
separating in plane and out of plane effects and designing for the same are given. A method of
providing reinforcement for in plane effects is indicated.
For use of three dimensional elements as bridge elements (e.g. shell elements as in case of
fish-belly superstructure) apart from designing for sectional strength, overall and local buckling
checks may be required. Specialist literature may be referred for the same.
9.4 General Solution for Two-Way Slabs, Walls and Shell Elements
For plate type elements having complex geometry and edge conditions and having inplane as well
as out-of–plane (transverse) effects due to loading, the resultant stress fields may be obtained
by use of suitable finite elements in the FEM analysis. The analysis yields resultant stresses
which represent combined effects of in-plane membrane stresses and local bending effects.
These stress resultants can be directly used to design tensile reinforcement and for verifying
safety in compression. A general method of design using sandwich model given in Informative
Annexure B-1 may be referred. Alternatively, the stresses can be converted to equivalent axial
forces and bending effects in orthogonal directions and used for designing the sections following
conventional methods.
9.4.1 Simplified design for tensile reinforcement for orthogonal in-plane effects
The following simplified method may be used for proportioning of tensile reinforcement based on
the in-plane stresses σEdx > σEdy and τ Edxy.
(1) Compressive stresses should be taken as positive, with σEdx> σEdy, and the direction
of reinforcement should coincide with the x and y axes.
(2) The tensile strengths ftdx and ftdy provided by reinforcement should be determined
ftdx = ρ x f yd and ftdy = ρ y f yd
Eq. 9.1
Where ρ x and ρ y are the geometric reinforcement ratios, along the x and y axes respectively.
(3) In locations where σ Edx and σ Edy are both compressive and σ Edx. σ Edy > τ2 Edxy
design reinforcement is not required. However, the maximum compressive stress
should not exceed fcd.
(4) In locations where σ Edy is tensile or σ Edx. σ Edy ≤ τ2 Edxy reinforcement is required.
(5) The optimum reinforcement, indicated by superscript (‘) and placed in directions of
concerned principal stresses are determined by :
The concrete stress, σcd, should not exceed v. fcd. The minimum reinforcement is obtained if the
direction of reinforcement is identical to the direction of principal stresses, where value of u s
obtained from Eq. 10.6.
Alternatively, for the general case the necessary reinforcement and the concrete stress can be
determined by:
where θ is the angle of the concrete compressive stress to the x-axis. The value of cot θ shall be
chosen to avoid compressive value of ftd.
(1) In order to avoid unacceptable cracks for the serviceability state, and to ensure the required
deformation capacity for the ultimate limit state, the reinforcement derived from Eq.9.8 and Eq.
9.9 for each direction should not be more than twice and not less than half the reinforcement
determined by Eq. 9.2 and Eq. 9.3 or, alternatively, from Eq.9.5 and 9.6.
These limitations are expressed by 1/2 f’tdx ftdx 2 f’tdy and 1/2 f’tdy ftdy 2f’tdy
(2) The reinforcement should be fully anchored at all free edges by following appropriate detailing, as
described in Section 15.
9.4.3 Simplified design of combined in-plane forces and out of plane bending and shears
The plate is substituted by a sandwiched plate of the same thickness consisting of three layers of
1/3rd thickness. The central 1/3rd thickness is designed to carry in-plane forces using methods
of Clause 9.4.1.
The outer two layers are designed to resist tensile and compressive fields with appropriate lever-
arm to develop resistance to bending and shear in two directions as per Clause 9.4.2.
10.1 Scope
This Section applies to design of flexural members for web shear, interface shear between
the web and flanges, and torsion. The punching shear due to transverse concentrated loads/
reactions acting over a small area is covered. Design verification for shear is carried out at
Ultimate Limit State of strength only. The design of members requiring shear reinforcement is
based on truss model. For members without shear reinforcement truss model is not applicable.
For concrete of grades higher than M60, the shear strength shall be limited to that of strength
grade M60 for design purpose.
10.2.2 Shear Design Shear design model of members with shear reinforcement Zone of Shear design
These elements subjected to bending and significant shear forces exhibit three zones as shown in
Fig. 10.1(a) namely uncracked zone (Zone A); Zone with shear cracks in web without any flexural
cracks (Zone B);Zone with combined flexural and shear cracks (Zone C, comprising Zones C1
& C2) and Zone with only flexural cracks (Zone D). The compression fields in concrete in these
zones together with the shear resistance provided by concrete cracks and the reinforcement,
provide mechanism to carry shear forces to the support.
In Zone ‘A’, the type of support effects the compression field in concrete near the support.
In case of direct support [Fig. 10.1 (b)], a fan like compression field exists. When structure is
subjected to predominantly uniformly distributed loads, in area, confined by the beam end and
the steepest inclination (θmax= 45º) of the compression field (generally within a distance equal to
effective depth from centre of support), no shear reinforcement is required.
For concentrated loads the steepest inclination may the taken as 26.5º (measured with respect
to vertical face of beam end, generally within a distance of half the effective depth from centre
of support) and for loads within this distance no shear reinforcement is required. It is however,
necessary to extend the shear reinforcement up to the support from the section within this region
‘A’ (distance d or half of d, as the case may be) and provide tensile reinforcement for resisting
the horizontal components of these internal compressive forces in addition to the steel provided
for bending.
In case of indirect support [Fig.10.1(c)], as a consequence of compatibility condition, a fan
like compression field does not exist. For the design it is assumed on the safer side that the
compressive stresses are distributed equally over the full depth of the section. Additionally, in the
common inter-section zone of the supporting and the supported beam, reinforcement is required
over and above the shear reinforcement.
Fig. 10.2 Truss Model and Notation for Members with Shear Reinforcement
(2) Beam of variable depth
A schematic truss model for beam with both tensile and compressive chords inclined to the
central axis as shown in Fig. 10.3 may be used for design of shear resistance. The forces in the
chord and web may be determined on the basis of this or other suitable truss models.
As a simplification, local zones of short length of a beam with inclined chords may be designed
using method given for beam with parallel chord. For this shear force to be carried by the web
shall be corrected by taking into account the components of chord forces parallel to the shear
force as shown in Fig. 10.4.
(2) In case of indirect support, shear force shall be taken at face of the support both for
design of reinforcement and checking compressive stresses.
(3) In the elements of variable depth, where VEd, MEd, and NEd, are concurrently acting
forces, the design shear force VEd from sectional analysis shall be reduced by the
favorable contribution from any inclined compression chord and tension chord as
shown in Fig. 10.4. Any unfavorable contributions, depending on direction of inclination
of chords shall be added to VEd. In Fig. 10.4, VNS≈VEd ~Vccd ~Vtd.
(4) In case of prestressed members the design prestressing force is considered as
external load in the analysis and is accounted for in the analysis of the sectional shear
VNs including its hyperstatic effects in case of indeterminate members.
Further increase in force in bonded tendons due to cracking of concrete under ULS
load only !s to be included in the analysis of shear resistance of truss in the same way
as that of untensioned reinforcement.
In case of pretensioned members the reduction in the maximum developable force under
UTS in prestressing tendons within development length shall be taken into account.
(5) For members not requiring shear reinforcement the net design force shall be taken
as VEd ignoring components of inclined chords and increase in bonded prestressing
10.3.1 Notation
For verification of shear resistance, the following additional notations over those given in Section
3 are required:
VRd.c The design shear resistance of the member without shear reinforcement.
VRd.max The design value of maximum shear force which can be sustained by the member
limited by crushing of the compression struts.
VRd.S The design value of the shear force which can be sustained by the yielding shear
Vccd Design value of the shear component of the force in the compression area, in the
case of an inclined compression chord.
Vtd Design value of the shear component of the force in the tensile reinforcement, in
the case of an inclined tensile chord.
VRd The shear resistance of a member with shear reinforcement
≈ Minimum of (VRd.s; VRdmax) + Vccd+ Vtd
VEd The design shear force at a cross-section resulting from external loading and that
due to prestressing (Vpd) (boned or unbonded tendon)
VNS Net Design Shear Force
=Algebraic sum of VED, Vccd and Vtd
Vpd Shear component of prestressing tendon
ρw Asw
s.b.sin where a is as defined in Fig. 10.2(a).
k1 lx/ lpt2 ≤ 1.0 for pre-tensioned tendons, for other types of prestressing k1=1.
lx is the distance of section considered from the starting point of the transmission
lpt2 is the upper bound value of the transmission length of the prestressing element,
lpt2= 1.2 lpt (for lpt & lpt2 refer Eq.15.9 & Eq. 15.10, Section 15)
αcw Constant as defined below
For Structural element having axial force
1 2.0 where d is depth in milimeters. Eq. 10.2
and vmm = 0.031K3/2 fck1/2 Eq. 10.3
σcp is limited to 0.2 fcd (MPa) where cp NEd / Ac 0.2 fcd (MPa)
1 0.02
bw .d (Fig. 10.5)
l bd l bd
Asl A Asl A
A Asl
VEd lbd
A - section considered
Ast is the tensile reinforcement which extends by length greater than lbd+d beyond section
considered (Fig. 10.5)
(3) In prestressed single span members without design shear reinforcement both Zone
B and Zone C may exist. For Zone C, cracked in bending the expression for VRd.c
as given in Eq 10.1 can be used. For Zone B uncracked in bending, where flexural
tensile stress in the region under maximum bending moment is smaller than fctk 0.05/γm,
the shear resistance should be limited by the tensile strength of concrete . In these
regions the shear resistance is given by
VRd .c fctd 2 k1 cp fctd Eq. 10.4
Where notations are as per Section 10.3.1
For cross-sections where the width varies over the height, the maximum principal stress may
occur on an axis other than the centroidal axis. In such a case the minimum value of the shear
capacity should be found by calculating VRd.c at axes cross-section.
4) The calculation of the shear resistance according to the Eq. 10.4 is not required for
cross-sections between the support and the section which contains• the intersection
of the elastic centroidaI axis and a line inclined from the inner edge of the support at
an angle of 45°.
5) For members with concentrated loads applied on the upper side at a distance αv
where αv is within 0.5d to 2d from the edge of a support (or centre of bearing where
flexible bearings are used), the contribution of this load to the shear force VEd may
be multiplied β= αv/2d. This reduction may be applied for checking VRd.c in Eq.10.1.
This is only valid provided that the longitudinal reinforcement is fully anchored at the
support. For αv≤0.5d, the value of αv=0.5d should be used.
The shear force VEd, calculated without reduction by β should however always satisfy
the condition.
VEd<0.5bwdvfcd Eq. 10.5
where v is a strength reduction factor for concrete cracked in shear.
v 0.6 1 ck fck in MPa
310 where fck is in MPa Eq. 10.6
(6) For the design of longitudinal reinforcement in the region cracked in flexure, the MEd
line shall be shifted over a distance αl = d in the unfavourable direction (Ref. Section and Fig. 16.2).
lbd the anchorage length (Fig. 10.5). The area of bonded prestressing steel may be
(2) Failure ascribable to web compression will be sudden and hence shall be avoided.
(3) The shear at the interface between concrete cast at different times requires additional
precautions as detailed in Clause 10.3.4.
(4) To find the least amount of shear reinforcement, for low and intermediate shear
stresses, the lower limits of θ given in Clause will normally govern the design.
For higher shear stresses, the value of θ may be found by equating the design shear
force VNS to VRd.max. The amount of shear reinforcement is then found by equating the
design shear force VNs to VRd.s. The value of θ may alternatively selected to optimize
the design, for example by minimizing the total amount of reinforcement.
1.25 for 0.25 fcd < σcp <0.5fcd
2.5 (1 – σcp /fcd) for 0.5 fcd < σcp < 1.0 fcd Eq. 10.9
σcp = is the mean compressive stress. measured p9 sitive, in the concrete due to the design axial
force. This should be obtained by averaging it over the concrete section taking account of the
reinforcement. The value of σcp need not be calculated at a distance less than 0.5d cot θ from
the edge of the support.
Note : The maximum effective cross-sectional area of the shear reinforcement, Asw.max for cot θ=1 is given
Asw.max f ywd 1
cwv1 fcd
bw s 2 Eq. 10.10
(2) The sub clause to (8) will also be applicable for members provided with
vertical shear reinforcement where α is taken as 90°.
For non-grouted ducts, grouted plastic ducts and unbonded tendons the nominal web
thickness is:
bw.nom =bw-1.2ΣΦ Eq. 10.15
The value 1.2 in Eq. 10.15 is introduced to take account of splitting of the concrete
struts due to transverse tension. If adequate transverse reinforcement is provided this
value may be reduced to 1.0
(6) The additional tensile force, ∆Ftd in the longitudinal reinforcement due to shear VED
shall be provided in the tensile chord and may be calculated from:
∆Ftd = 0.5 VEd (Cot.θ –Cot.α) Eq. 10.16
M Ed M
Ftd should be taken not greater than Edz.max where MEd.max is the maximum
moment along the beam.
In case of prestressed members the spare capacity in prestressing cable if available
can be used to account for this requirement.
(7) For members with concentrated loads applied on the upper side within a distance
0.5 ≤ av ≤ 2d the Contribution of this load to the Shear force VEd may be reduced by
β = a v /2d.
(8) The shear force VEd calculated in this way, should satisfy the condition
VEd ≤ ASW fywd sinα Eq. 10.17
Where Asw fywd is the resistance of the shear reinforcement crossing the inclined shear crack
between the loaded areas (refer Fig. 10.6). Only the shear reinforcement within the central 0.75
av should be taken into account. The reduction of β should only be applied for calculating the
shear reinforcement. It is only valid provided the longitudinal reinforcement is fully anchored at
the support.
0.75av 0.75av
Inclined shear
reinforcement Inclined shear
d reinforcement d
av av
Fig. 10.6 Loads Near Supports and Shear Reinforcement with Direct Strut Action
Note 1 Beams with loads near to supports and corbels may alternatively be designed with strut and tie
Note 2 Where the load is not acting at the top of the beam, or when the support is not at the bottom of the
beam, suspension reinforcement should be provided to transfer the load to the top of the design
truss system.
IRC:112-2019 Diagonal stress fields for members having unbonded tendon
(1) Sections having both bonded and unbonded tendons shall be treated as in Clause
10.3.3 making use of only bonded tendons as reinforcement.
(2) In the case of precast elements joined by unbonded prestressing tendons in the
tension chord (e.g. segmental construction), the section at ULS may act as tied
arch with joints partially opening. This effect of opening of joints on shear resistance
should be considered. Under these conditions, in absence of detailed analysis, the
force in the tension chord, provided by the unbonded tendons should be assumed
to remain unchanged after the joints have opened. In consequence, as the applied
load increases and joints open further, the inclination of concrete strutt within the web
increases. The depth of concrete section available for the flow of the web compression
decreases to a value of hred. (Refer Fig. 10.7)
A B Compression field for max
any field for min
Fig. 10.7 Diagonal Stress Fields Across the Joint in the Web
The shear capacity can be evaluated in accordance with Eq.10.7 and Eq.10.11 as applicable,
by assuming a value of θ and effective reinforcement area derived from the minimum value of
residual depth hred.
hred cot tan
bw .v. fed Eq. 10.18
Shear reinforcement stirrups, having the following area (Eq. 10.19) per unit length should be
provided within a distance hred cot θ, but not greater than the segment length, from both edges
of the joint.
s hred f ywd cot
Eq. 10.19
The prestressing force should be increased, if necessary, such that at the ultimate limit state
under the combination of bending moment and shear, the joint opening is limited to the value
h-hred. The value of hred shall be more than 0.5h.
IRC:112-2019 Minimum shear reinforcement
For beams, minimum shear reinforcement ratio (ρmin) shall be
0.072 fck
f yk
Eq. 10.20
ρ = As/Ai where As is the area of reinforcement working the joint Ai is the interface area of the joint.
Minimum reinforcement across the horizontal interface to resist the interface shear shall be 0.15
percent of interface area
10.3.5 Shear in the flange portion of flanged beams and box sections
Flexural compression and tension is carried mainly by the flanges and the variation of flexure
leads to shear at the junction of flanges with the webs. The flanges also will be subjected to
shear flow in their own plane. The design for this shear is based on a truss model in the plane of
the flanges with compression struts and tensile reinforcement (Fig. 10.9).
The longitudinal shear stress VEd t at the junction between one side of flange and the web is
determined by the change of normal (longitudinal) force in a definite distance.
VEd t d
ht . x Eq. 10.22
where h, is the thickness of flange at the junction of the flange and the web
∆X is the length under consideration,
∆Fd is the change of the normal force in the flange over the length ∆X
Fig. 10.9 Shear Design Between Flange & Web of Compression Flange
(Tension slab has similar truss with direction of F1, F+ ∆F reversed)
(2) The transverse reinforcement per unit length may be determined as follows:
Asf vEdf . h f
sf f yd cot f
Eq. 10.23
For verification of concrete compression h, should be reduced by the depth of concrete
compression zone in transverse bending.
To prevent crushing of the compression struts in the flange, the following condition should be
VEd < vfcd sinθ f . cosθf
Note: The recommended values in the absence of more rigorous calculation are:
1.0 ≤ cot θf ≤ 2,0 for compression flanges (45° ≥ θf ≥ 26,5°)
1.0 ≤ cot θf ≤ 1,25 for tension flanges (45° ≥ θf ≥ 38,6°)
(3) In the case of combined shear between the flange and the web, and transverse
bending, the area of steel should be the greater of that given by Eq.10.23 or half that
given in Eq. 10.23 plus that required for transverse bending.
(4) If vEd is less than or equal to 0.4fctd no extra reinforcement above that for flexure is
(5) Longitudinal tension reinforcement in the flange should be anchored beyond the strut
required to transmit the force back to the web at the section where this reinforcement
is required (Refer Fig. 10.9).
10.4.1 General
The rules in this Section are complementary to those given in earlier Sections. This Section
covers shear due to punching force (penetrating force) on two dimensional structural elements
such as deck slabs, soffit slab, well caps and open foundations. The word ‘slab’ represents all
these in Clause10.4.
The punching normally happens when a concentrated force (load or reaction) acts over a small
area of the two dimensional structural element and causes local shear failure surrounding the
concentrated force in the element.
2d u1 2d u1
bz 2d u0
u0 u0
(3) For a loaded area situated near an edge, on the edge or at a corner, the control
perimeter should be taken as shown in Fig. 10.11. In such cases special edge
reinforcement shall be provided, as per Clause
(4) Control perimeters at a distance less than 2d should be considered for checking
punching shear where the concentrated force of loaded area is partly resisted by a
high pressure such as soil pressure on a base (e.g. foundation slab/raft) or by effects
of a reaction or load within a distance of 2d of the periphery of the area of application
of force such as pile caps.(Refer Clause 10.4.5).
Fig. 10.11 Control Perimeters for Loaded Areas Close to or at Edge or Corner
W1 is a property which corresponds to a distribution of shear as illustrated in Fig.10.12
and is a function of the basic control perimeter u1; and the axis about which the
moment is considered.
W1 f | e | dl
o Eq. 10.26
dl is the length increment of the perimeter
e is the distance of dl from the axis about which the moment MEd act.
(2) For rectangular interior column
W1 = 0.5(c1)2 + c1c2 + 4c2d + 16d2 + 2πdc1 Eq. 10.27
C1 is column dimension parallel to the eccentric load
C2 is column dimension perpendicular to the eccentricity of the load.
Value of k for Rectangular Loaded Areas
C1 / C2 ≤ 0.5 1.0 2.0 ≥3.0
k 0.45 0.6 0.7 0.8
For an internal rectangular column where the loading is eccentric to both axes, the approximate
value of β is given by :
2 2
e y ez
1 1.8
bz by
Eq. 10.28
M Ed
ey and ez are the eccentricities vEd
along y and z axes respectively (Fig. 8.3)
by and bz is the dimensions of the control perimeter (Fig. 10.10).
Note: ey results from a moment about the z axes and ez from a moment about the y axis.
(3) For internal circular column:
1 0.6
D 4d
Eq. 10.29
Where D is the diameter of the circular column.
(4) For edge column connections, where the eccentricity perpendicular to the slab
edge (resulting from a moment about an axis parallel to the slab edge) is toward
the interior. and there is no eccentricity parallel to the edge, the punching force may
be considered to be uniformly distributed along the reduced control perimeter u2, as
shown in Fig. 10.13(a).
Where there are eccentricities in both orthogonal directions, β may be determined
using the following expression:
u1 u
k 1 e par
u2 W1
Eq. 10.30
u1 is the basic control perimeter (Fig. 10.11)
u2 is the reduced basic control perimeter, refer Fig. 10.13(a).
epar is the eccentricity parallel to the slab edge resulting from a moment about an axis
perpendicular to the slab edge.
k may be determined with the ratio c1 / c2 replaced by c1 / 2c2
W1 is a property calculated for the basic control perimeter u1
= 1.5d
= 0.5c 1
= 1.5d
=0.5c 2
u2 u2
= 1.5d
C1 2d = 0.5c 1
For corner column, where the eccentricity is toward the interior of the slab, it is assumed that
the punching force is uniformly distributed along the reduced control perimeter u2, as defined in
Fig. 10.14(b). The β - value may then be considered as:
u2 Eq. 10.32
If the eccentricity is toward the exterior, Eq.10.25 applies.
The value of W1 will change depending upon the axis about which the bending moment acts.
1 2.0 where d is depth in milimeters. Eq. 10.34
l ly .lz 0.02 Eq. 10.35
ρly.ρlz relate to the bonded tension steel in y – and z – directions respectively. The
values ρly and ρlz should be calculated as mean values taking into account a
slab width equal to the column width plus 3d each side.
cy cz Eq. 10.36
σcy, σcz are
the axial concrete stresses in the critical section and directions in MPa,
(positive if compression):
N Ed . y N Ed .z
cp and c, z
Acy Acz Eq. 10.37
NEdy, NEdz are the longitudinal forces. The force may be from a load of prestressing action.
Acy, Acz are the area of concrete resisting axial forces.
vmin = 0.031K3/2 fck1/2
vRd .max .v. fcd
2 Eq. 10.43
Where v is given in Eq. 10.6
(3) The following checks should be carried out:
(a) At the column perimeter or the perimeter of the loaded area, the maximum
punching shear stress should not be exceeded:
vEd < vRd.max Eq. 10.44
Where vEd is given by Eq. 10.24 with ui = u0
where u0
– for an inner column = length of column, periphery in mm,
– for edge column = C2+3d ≤ C2+2C1(mm)
– for corner column =3d ≤ C1+C2 (mm)
(b) Punching shear reinforcement is not necessary if at control section.
vEd < vRd.c Eq. 10.45
10.5 Torsion
10.5.1 General
(1) Torsional resistance in concrete elements, in which its longitudinal fibres are free to
deform in longitudinal direction, is categorized into equilibrium torsion and compatibility
torsion. Where the longitudinal fibres are restrained by external element, warping
torsion results. For example, when longitudinal restraint to the deformation of external
walls of hollow sections or surfaces of solid sections exists, warping torsion results.
(2) Equilibrium torsion is that which is essential to keep the element in equilibrium. Such
elements shall be designed to cater for full torsional resistance in the ultimate limit
state [Fig. 10.14(a)].
Torsion on Beam AB
Torsion on Beam AB
(3) If torsional resistance is not essential for stability or static equilibrium of the element,
but arises out of compatibility of displacement/ rotations of connected element, it is
termed as compatibility torsion. It will not be necessary to consider torsion at ultimate
limit state [Fig. 10.14(b)].
Such elements will be subjected to torsional deformations in service leading to
cracking and deflection.
To limit the crack width and deformations in the limit state of serviceability, checks as
given in Clause 12.3.5 shall be performed. Suitable reinforcement as per detailing
Sections shall be provided
(4) The torsional resistance of a closed section may be calculated on the basis of a thin-
walled closed section, in which equilibrium is satisfied by a closed shear flow. Solid
sections may be modelled by equivalent thin-walled sections.
Complex shapes, such as T-sections, may be divided into a series of sub- sections,
each of which is modelled as equivalent thin walled hollow section. The total torsional
resistance is taken as sum of the individual sub-sections.
(5) The distribution of the acting torsional moments over the subsections should be in
proportion to their uncracked torsional stiffnesses. For hollow sections such as box
sections, the equivalent wall thickness should not exceed the actual wall thickness.
(6) Each sub-section may be designed separately. For conversion of solid sub- section
to equivalent hollow section procedure given in Fig. 10.15 defining the effective
thickness of wall tef.i may be followed.
In the analysis, torsional stiffness may be calculated on the following basis:
(a) In case of equilibrium torsion, the stiffness should be based on uncracked
sectional resistance, i.e. gross-section.
(b) In case of compatibility torsion, the torsional stiffness may be calculated on the
basis of cracked section.
Torsional stiffness of cracked section may be assumed as 25 percent of that of the
uncracked section (Refer Clause 7.4).
(4) The maximum resistance of a member subjected to torsion and shear is limited by
the capacity of the concrete struts. In order not to exceed this resistance the following
condition should be satisfied:
TEd / TRd max + VNs / VRd max < 1.0 Eq. 10.47
TEd is the design torsional moment
VEd is the design transverse force
TRd,max is the design torsional resistance moment according to
TRd .max 2vcw fcd Ak tef .i sin cos Eq. 10.48
where v a strength reduction factor for concrete cracked in shear as is referred in Eq.
10.6 and αcw is as given in Notations.
VRd,max is the maximum design shear resistance according to Clause and In solid cross-sections the full width of the web may be used to determine
(5) The required cross-sectional area of the longitudinal reinforcement for resisting torsion
(∑Asl) may be calculated from the equation mentioned below:
Asl f yd TEd
cot Eq. 10.49
uk 2 Ak
uk is the perimeter of the area Ak
fyd is the design yield stress of the longitudinal reinforcement Asi
θ is the angle of compression struts
In compressive chords, the longitudinal reinforcement may be reduced in proportion to the
available compressive force. In tensile chords the longitudinal reinforcement for torsion should be
added to the other reinforcement. The longitudinal reinforcement should generally be distributed
over the length, zi (Fig. 10.16).
11.1 General
(1) This Section deals with structures and structural members whose load deformation
behaviour and ultimate capacity are significantly affected by second order effects.
Second order effects are defined as the additional effects of actions caused by
structural deformations. Second order effects can be global, involving structure
as a whole, and/or local, involving some of its members, such as columns, walls,
compression flanges of beams etc.
(2) Classical buckling defined as sudden failure due to instability of perfectly axially
loaded members without horizontal load does not usually occur in practical reinforced/
prestressed concrete members. However, long slender members at ultimate load
exhibit large and disproportionate increase of deflections due to combined effect of
geometric non-linearity (P-∆ effect) and non-linear structural response due to material
non-linearity, progressive cracking and local plasticity. This reduces the ultimate load
carrying capacity as compared to the short members of identical cross-section and
steel ratio. Therefore, long members should be designed to have higher moment
resisting capacity as compared to short members of identical sectional details.
(3) Second order linear elastic method of analysis shall be used for calculating second
order effects. Equilibrium and resistance shall be verified in the deformed state for the
most unfavourable combination of actions at ultimate limit state, taking into account
uncertainties in geometry and position of axial loads as additional first order effects.
(4) The distinction between treatment of long column and short column for purpose of
this Section 11 is based on 10 percent criteria given in (5) below.
Structural behaviour shall be considered in all directions in which significant second
order effects can occur. Biaxial bending shall be taken into account when necessary.
(5) Second order effects may be ignored if they are less than 10 percent of the
corresponding first order effects, calculated on the basis of (3) above.
(6) In place of method described in (4) & (5) above, simplified criteria for identifying short and
long members are given for isolated members of uniform cross-section in Clause 11.2.
(7) For piers with variable sections and those acting as long composite system together
with piles which are not laterally supported below pile caps, (as in case of piles in river
portion between the pile cap and scour depth), full height of the substructure shall be
analysed using method described in (3). For piles fully embedded in soil, the piers
alone can be separately analysed for slenderness effects.
(8) Compression members that can be isolated from rest of the bridge, whose boundary
conditions can be represented by an effective length applied to the member, are
defined as isolated members for the purpose of second order analysis.
(9) Second order analysis shall be carried out under Ultimate Limit State only.
(10) Braced and Unbraced members:
(a) Braced members: Members that are held in position at both ends and which
may or may not have restraining rotational stiffness at ends.
(b) Unbraced members: Members where one end of the member can translate with
respect to other end and which have restraining rotational stiffness at one or
both ends.
B = 1 2
C = 1.7 - rm
ω = Asfyd/(Acfcd) mechanical reinforcement ratio.
As = is the total area of longitudinal reinforcement.
n = NEd/(Ac fcd) relative normal force
rm = M01/M02 moment ratio
M01, M02 are the first order end moments at two ends of member as calculated from
the analysis of structure, where |M02|≥|M01|.
If the end moments M01 & M02 give tension on the same side, rm should be taken
positive (i.e. C 1.7).
In the following cases, rm should be taken as 1.0 (i.e. C=0.7):
- For unbraced members in general.
- For braced members in which the first order moments arise predominantly from
imperfections or transverse loading.
Note: For initial dimensioning of member, simplified values of A =0.7, B =1.1, C =0.7 may be used.
(3) In case of biaxial bending, the slenderness criterion may be checked separately for
each direction. Depending on the outcome of this check, second order effects (a) may
be ignored in both directions, (b) should be taken into account in one direction, or (c)
should be taken into account in both directions.
( ) ( El )
M le
θ/M = is the rotation of restraining members at a joint for unit bending moment (M=1
El = is the bending stiffness of compression member
le = is the clear height of compression member between end restraints.
(i) In the definition of effective lengths, the stiffness of restraining members should include the effect
of cracking, unless they can be shown to be uncracked in ULS.
(ii) k = 0 is the theoretical limit for rigid rotational restraint, and k=∞ represents the limit for no restraint
at all. Since fully rigid restraint is rare in practise, a minimum value of 0.1 is recommended for k1
and k2, if they are considered as fully rigid.
(2) Alternatively, for piers/columns the effective length (height) le in a given plane of
bucking may be obtained from Table 11.1 where lo is the clear height between end
restraints. The values are based on the following assumptions:
4 El 8 El
(a) rotational restraint is at least lo for cases 2 to 6 and lo for case 7, where El is
the flexural rigidity of the column cross section.
(b) lateral and flexural rigidities of elastomeric bearings are zero.
Where more accurate evaluation of the effective length is required or where end
restraint values are less than those specified in (a), the effective length should
be derived using Eq. 11.2 or Eq. 11.3 whichever is applicable.
Table 11.1 Effective Length, le for Columns / Piers
Case Idealised column and Restraints in Plane of Buckling Effective
buckling mode Length, le
Location Position Rotation
Top Full None
l 1.0lo
Bottom Full None
l 0.70 lo
Bottom Full Full
Top Full None
l 0.85 lo
Bottom Full Full *
Top None* None*
l Elastomeric 1.3 lo
bearing Bottom Full Full*
Top None None
1.4 lo
Bottom Full Full*
l 1.5 lo
Bottom Full Full*
l 2.3 lo
Bottom Full Full*
1. Positional restraints are given for directions at right angles to the member.
2. Class 1 to 5 shows superstructure held in position which means the deck is held in position at
some location other than the pier under consideration (say typically either at another pier or at the
3. In case of any floating deck on elastomeric bearings (simply supported or continuous), Case 7 will
be applicable.
4. For a continuous deck fixed at any pier/abutment Case 7 applies for the design of fixed pier/
abutment. For design of other piers in the longitudinal direction. Case 4 applies for piers with
elastomeric bearings and Case 5 applies for piers with free metallic bearings.
11.3.1 General
The methods of analysis include two simplified methods and one general method based on non
linear analysis.
(1) The simplified methods are.
(a) Method based on nominal curvature.
(b) Method based on nominal stiffness.
(2) For isolated member method based on nominal curvature is applicable.
(3) For a group of compression members, as in a framed structure or where they are
connected integrally to the same superstructure or a group of piles connected through
a pile cap, which cannot be isolated as they collectively resist the side sway of the
structure bringing unequal axial loads on the compression members, only the method
based on nominal stiffness as per clause is applicable.
(4) General method based on non-linear analysis.
Non linear analysis may be used for all members with any boundary conditions
a) In case of members having varying sections and different types of loading such
as permanent and quasi-permanent loads leading to creep effects and short
term loads such as live loads, generalized methods of non-linear analysis taking
into account the geometric non-linearity of structure and or material non linearity
need to be used.
b) Stress-strain relationships for concrete given in Annexure (A2.7) and for steel
given in Section 6 (Fig. 6.2 and 6.4) may be used. With stress-strain diagrams
based on design value, a design value of the ultimate load is obtained directly
from the analysis. In equation Eq.A2-28 and in the calculation of k-value, fcm is
then substituted by the design compressive strength fcd and Ecm is substituted by:
Ecd cm
cE , where γcE is taken as 1.2.
c) In the absence of more refined models, creep may be taken into account by
modifying all strain values in the concrete stress-strain diagram using effective
E value as per Clause (iii)
11.3.2 Method based on nominal curvature General
This method is primarily suitable for isolated members with constant normal force and a defined
effective length le. The method gives a nominal second order moment based on a deflection,
which in turn is based on the effective length and an estimated maximum curvature.
Limited to 50 mm.
lo is the height of pier in mm.
(2) Differing first order end moments M01 and M02 may be replaced by an equivalent first
order end moment Moe:
M0e=0.6 M02 +0.4M01 ≥ 0.4 M02 Eq. 11.5
M01 and M02 should have the same sign if they give tension on the same side, otherwise opposite
signs. Furthermore, | M02 | ≥ | M01 |.
Eq. 11.5 is applicable only to the braced member and also when no transverse load
is applied within the height of the member. Further the first order moment due to
imperfections shall be added to the equivalent first order moment to get total first
order moment in the middle of the member.
M0Ed = M0e+ moment due to imperfections
(3) The nominal second order moment M2 in Eq.11.4 is
M2 = NEd .e2 Eq. 11.6
NEd is the design value of axial force
1 le 2
e2 is the deflection = .
r c
1/r is the curvature, see Clause
l e is the effective length, see Clause 11.2.2
c is a factor depending on the curvature distribution.
(4) For constant cross-section, c≈10 (≈π2) is normally used. If the first order moment is
constant, a lower value should be considered (8 is a lower limit, corresponding to
constant total moment).
Note: The value π2 corresponds to a sinusoidal curvature distribution. The value for constant curvature
is 8. Note that c depends on the distribution of the total curvature. Curvature
(1) The curvature of any member may be calculated by using
For simplification it can be assumed that the strain in extreme compression fiber εc reaches
failure strain and can be taken as εcu2 and in the tension steel strain εy reaches the yield strain εyd
d is the effective depth in the plane of bending
kr is a correction factor depending upon axial load as given in (3)
kφ is a factor for taking account of creep as given in (4).
(2) For members with constant symmetrical cross section ( including reinforcement)
having reinforcement on both faces which reach the yield strains and are separated
by lever arm, z = 0.9d, the curvature is given by
1 yd
ro 0.45d
( )
Eq. 11.8
Where is is the radius gyration of the total reinforcement area.
(3) As a simplification kr in expression (11.7) may be taken as 1.0 on the conservative
side. Alternatively kr can be calculated as shown below:
kr = (nu-n)/ (nu-nbal) ≤1 Eq. 11.9
NED= design value of axial force
nu=1+ ω
nbal is the value of n calculated using the balanced axial force corresponding to the maximum
moment of resistance of section which shall be obtained by constructing the Axial Load-Moment
interaction diagram.
For symmetrically reinforced rectangular sections nbal can be taken as 0.4.
As= is the total area of reinforcement, and,
Ac= is the area of concrete cross - section. Design Bending moment for braced and un-braced member
The design bending moment shall be evaluated as given below:
(a) For braced member:
Equivalent first order moment including, moment due to imperfections in the middle
of the member and moment due to second order effect shall be added to arrive at the
design bending moment at middle of the member.
Numerically initial larger first order end moment assuming no moments due to
imperfections and second order effect develop will be the design moment at this end.
(b) For un-braced member:
First order end moment including, moment due to imperfections and moment due to
second order effects shall be added to arrive at the design bending moment at the
(c) For cantilever member:
First order moment including, moment due to imperfections and moment due to
second order effect shall be added to get the design moment at different sections.
k1 = fck / 25 MPa
K2 is a factor which depends on axial force and slenderness,
k2 = n 0.20
k2 = 0.30n 0.20
(4) As a simplified alternative, provided the following factors may be used in Expression
(given in (1)).
Ks = 0 Kc = 0.3/ 1+ 0.5ef
Note The simplified alternative may be suitable as a preliminary step, followed by a more accurate
calculation according to (3)
(5) For determining the effective lengths of compression members in regular frames the
effect of cracking of the adjacent members on the rotational restraint provided by
them shall be taken into account in accordance with equation 11.2 and 11.3.
(b) For un-braced members:
First order end moments including moments due to imperfections shall be magnified.
as per clause
(c) For cantilever members:
The first order moment and the moment due to imperfections shall be added and
magnified throughout its height as per clause
11.4.1 General
(1) Lateral instability of slender beams shall be taken into account where necessary viz.
for precast beams during transport and erection and for beams without sufficient
lateral bracing in the construction stage and in the completed structure. Geometric
imperfections shall also be taken into account.
(2) A lateral deflection of l / 300 should be assumed as a geometric imperfection in the
verification of beams in unbraced conditions, with l = total length of beam. In finished
structures, bracing from connected members may be taken into account.
(3) Second order effects in connection with lateral instability may be ignored if the
following conditions are fulfilled:
I ot 50
- in persistent situations: and h/b ≤ 2.5 Eq. 11.12
b h / b1/ 3
I ot 70
- in transient situations: and h/b ≤ 3.5 Eq. 11.13
b h / b1/ 3
lot is the distance between torsional restraints
h is the total depth of beam in central part of lot
b is the effective width of compression flange
(4) Torsion associated with lateral instability should be taken into account in the design of
supporting structures.
11.4.2 Slenderness limits for beams
To ensure lateral stability, a simply supported or continuous beam should be so proportioned
that the clear distance between lateral restraints does not exceed 60 be or, 250 b2/h whichever
is the lesser,
h is the effective depth to tension reinforcement.
b is the breadth of the compression face of the beam midway between restraints.
For cantilevers with lateral restraint provided only at the support, the clear distance from the free
end of the cantilever to face of the support should not exceed 25b or 100b2/h, whichever is the
12.1 General
(1) In order to verify that the structure and structural elements perform adequately during
service life. The serviceability limit states shall have to be satisfied. The serviceability
limit states are:-
- Stress level
- Crack width
- Deflection
Other limit states such as vibration may be of importance in a particular structure, but
are not covered in this Section.
(2) In calculation of stresses and deflection, the cross-section shall be assumed
as uncracked provided tensile stress in concrete does not exceed fctm or fctm.fl and
calculation of minimum tension reinforcement is also based on the same value of fctm
or fctm.fl .Where tensile stresses exceed fctm or fctm.fl cross-section shall be considered
as cracked.
12.3 Limit State of Cracking
12.3.1 General
Cracking takes place in tensile regions of concrete structures due to load effects, such as bending,
shear, torsion and direct tension. Cracks may also be caused due to internal deformations such
as shrinkage and temperature effects. The intent of the following provisions is to ensure, with
acceptable probability, that the cracks will not impair the proper functioning or durability of the
structure or cause its appearance to be unacceptable. Cracks due to other effects such as
expansive chemical reactions need to be controlled by measures given under Section 14.
(2) For the crack width checks under combinations which include temperature distribution,
the resulting member forces should be calculated using gross section concrete
properties. The effect of self-equilibrating thermal stresses within a section may be
(3) For members with only unbonded tendons, requirements for reinforced concrete
elements apply. For members with a combination of bonded and unbonded tendons,
requirements for prestressed concrete members with bonded tendons apply.
(4) Crack width may be calculated according to Clause 12.3.4. Alternatively, limiting
maximum bar size or spacing as per Clause 12.3.6 may be deemed to satisfy crack
control criteria for reinforced concrete members.
the reinforcement, fyk. A lower value may, however, be needed to satisfy the crack
width limits according to the maximum bar size or the maximum bar spacing [refer
Clause 12.3.6 (2)].
fct.eff is the mean value of the tensile strength of the concrete effective at the time when the
cracks may first be expected to occur fct.eff = fctm or lower, fctm(t), if the minimum area of
reinforcement is to be calculated for control of cracking earlier than 28 days.
In calculating the minimum reinforcement to cater for shrinkage fct,eff should be taken as the
greater of 2.9 MPa or fctm (t).
k is the coefficient which allows for the effect of non-uniform self equilibrating stresses,
which lead to a reduction of restraint forces
= 1.0 for webs with h < 300 mm or flanges with widths less than 300 mm
= 0.65 for webs with h > 800 mm or flanges with widths greater than 800 mm.
Intermediate values may be interpolated.
k c is a coefficient which takes account of the stress distribution within the section just
prior to cracking and of the change of the lever arm:
For pure tension kc = 1.0
For bending or bending combined with axial forces:
- For rectangular sections and webs of box sections and T-sections:
0.4 1 1
k1 h / h * f ct ,eff
Eq. 12.2
- For flanges of box sections and T-sections:
kc 0.9 0.5
Act fct ,eff
Eq. 12.3
σc is the mean stress of the concrete acting on the part of the section under consideration:
c Ed
bh Eq. 12.4
NEd is the axial force at the serviceability limit state acting on the part of the cross-section
under consideration (compressive force positive).
NEd should be determined under the relevant combination of actions considering the
characteristic value of prestress and axial forces.
k1 is a coefficient considering the effects of axial forces on the stress distribution:
k1 = 1.5 if NEd is a compressive force
2h *
3h if NEd is a tensile force
h* =h for h < 1.0 m
h* = 1.0 m for h ≥ 1.0 m
Fcr is the absolute value of the tensile force within the flange just prior to cracking due to
the cracking moment calculated with fct,eff
(3) Contribution of prestressing steel towards minimum reinforcement for crack
control shall be ignored.
(4) In prestressed members, no minimum reinforcement is required in sections where the
concrete is in compression under the rare combination of loads and the characteristic
value of prestress.
However minimum reinforcement for other considerations such as, early thermal
and shrinkage cracking, prior to application of prestressing, shall be provided as per
Section 16.
(3) In situations where spacing of bonded reinforcement within the tension zone is
reasonably close (i.e. ≤ 5(c+φ/2)), the maximum final crack spacing may be calculated
from Eq. 12.8.
0.425 k1 k2
Eq. 12.8
φ is the bar diameter. Where bars of different diameters are used in a section, an
equivalent diameter, φeq, should be used. For a section with n1 bars of diameter φ1 and
n2 bars of diameter φ2, the Eq. 12.9 should be used.
n1 12 n2 22
n11 n22 Eq. 12.9
c is the clear cover to the longitudinal reinforcement. Wherever the clear cover exceeds
50 mm a value of 50 mm shall be used in the calculation.
k1 is a coefficient which takes account of the bond properties of the bonded reinforcement:
= 0.8 for deformed bars
= 1.6 for bars with an effectively plain surface
For epoxy coated bars, the above values shall be increased by 25 percent.
k2 is a coefficient which takes account of the distribution of strain:
= 0.5 for bending
= 1.0 for pure tension
For cases of eccentric tension or local areas, intermediate values of k2 should be
used which may be calculated from Eq. 12.10:
1 2
21 Eq. 12.10
Where ε1 is the greater and ε2 is the lesser tensile strain at the boundaries of the section
considered, assessed on the basis of a cracked section.
For the case of deformed bars associated with pure bending
3.4c 0.17
Eq. 12.11
Where the spacing of the bonded reinforcement exceeds 5(c+φ/2) or where there is no bonded
reinforcement within the tension zone, an upper bound limit to the crack width may be found by
assuming maximum crack spacing:
Sr.max= 1.3(h-x) Eq. 12.12
Where ‘h’ is the effective depth and ‘x’ is depth of neutral axis from the compression face.
(4) Where the angle between the axes of principal stress and the direction of the
reinforcement, for members reinforced in two orthogonal directions ‘y’ & ‘z’, is
significant (>15°), then the crack spacing Sr,max may be calculated from the following
Sr ,max
cos sin
Sr ,max. y Sr ,max.z
Eq. 12.13
θ is the angle between the reinforcement in the y direction and the direction of the
principal tensile stress.
Sr,max,y Sr,max,z are the crack spacings calculated in the y and z directions respectively, according
to Clause 12.3.4 (3).
Note: Where simplified methods of calculating crack width are used they should be based on the
properties given in this Code or substantiated by tests.
Table 12.3 Maximum Bar Spacing for Crack Control
12.4.1 General
Cable supported bridges are not in the purview of this Code, for which specialist literature may
be followed.
(1) The deflections/deformations of a member or structure shall not be such that it
adversely affects its proper functioning or appearance. In some cases, expected
deflections may need to be adjusted in the structural geometry by pre-cambering, so
as to attain the requisite profile at the time of placing expansion joints and wearing
(2) Appropriate limiting values of deflection taking into account the nature of the structure,
bridge deck furniture and functional needs of the bridge, should be established. In
the absence of other criteria, the following deflection limits under Live Load may be
Vehicular : Span/800,
Vehicular and pedestrian or pedestrian alone : Span/1000,
Vehicular on cantilever : Cantilever Span/300, and
Vehicular & pedestrian and pedestrian only on : Cantilever Span/375
cantilever arms
12.4.2 Calculation of deflection due to sustained loads
(1) The calculation method adopted shall represent the true behaviour of the structure
under relevant actions with accuracy appropriate to the objectives of the calculation.
In case of cracked members, appropriate value of cracked moment of inertia shall be
used. If, actual value of cracked moment of inertia cannot be determined, it may be
taken equal to 70 percent of uncracked moment of inertia. For uncracked members
such as prestressed concrete members, fully under compression, uncracked moment
of inertia may be used.
(2) For loads with long enough duration to cause creep, the total deformation including
creep may be calculated by using an effective modulus of elasticity for concrete
according to Eq.12.15
1 , to
Eq. 12.15
φ (∞,t0) is the creep coefficient relevant for the load and time interval (see Clause
(3) Shrinkage curvatures may be assessed using Eq 12.16
1 S
cs e
rcs I Eq. 12.16
1/rcs is the curvature due to shrinkage
εcs is the free shrinkage strain (refer Clause 6.4.2(6))
S is the first moment of area of the reinforcement about the centroid of the section
I is the second moment of area of the section
α e is the effective modular ratio = Es / Ec,eff
13.1 General
This Section covers requirements of the parts of prestressing systems which are incorporated
in the structure. Prestressing systems manufactured by specialist manufacturers shall be
compatible with the standard prestressing wires/strands covered in Section 6. The stressing
equipment, de-stressing/re-stressing facilities, and grouting arrangements shall be compatible
with the tendons.
(2) Dynamic load test with tendon-anchorage assembly.
(3) Load transfer test.
above respectively. For larger diameter ducts, thickness of sheathing shall be based
on recommendations of prestressing system supplier.
(4) The metal sheathing shall conform to the requirements specified in Annexure A5 and
a test certificate shall be furnished by the manufacturer. The joints of all sheathing
shall be watertight and conform to provisions specified in Annexure A5.
IRC:112-2019 Group of anchorages
Where groups of anchorages or bearing plates occur, the end block should be divided into a
series of symmetrically loaded prisms and each prism treated in the same manner. In detailing
the reinforcement for the end block as a whole, it is necessary to ensure that the groups of
anchorages are appropriately tied together. Special attention should be paid to end blocks
having a cross-section different in shape from that of the general cross-section of the beam
and reference should be made to specialist literature. Compliance with the above requirements
will generally ensure that bursting tensile forces along the loaded axis are provided for. In case
where large concentrated tendon forces are involved alternative methods of design based on
specialist literature and manufacturer’s data as per Clause 13.5.3 may be more appropriate.
(2) Unbonded tendons placed either in ducts embedded in concrete or externally located
shall be protected from corrosion by suitable fillers. Grouting by cement, wax, nuclear
grade (low sulphur) grease are some of the options. For materials other than cement
or such long life permanent materials, arrangements for inspection and refilling or
replacement of grouting materials shall be made. Factory made coated wires/strands
embedded in polyethylene ducts with suitable fill are acceptable. Manufacturer’s
recommendations shall be followed for the specialist materials and techniques.
14.1 General
This Section covers design for durability and suggests provisions to ensure that adequate
durability is achieved.
The structure shall be designed such that deterioration over its design service life does not
impair the performance of the structure below that intended, having due regard to the service
environment and the anticipated level of maintenance.
One of the main characteristics influencing the durability of concrete is its permeability to the
ingress of water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, chloride, sulphate and other potentially deleterious
substances. Degree of permeability is governed by the constituents, the mix proportions and
workmanship used in making concrete. A suitably low permeability can be achieved by having
adequate cement content, low water cement ratio and ensuring complete compaction of the
concrete followed by adequate curing. Use of blended cements will also help to achieve low
The factors influencing durability of concrete include:
(1) The environment,
(2) The cover to embedded steel,
(3) The type and quality of constituent materials,
(4) The cement content and water/cement ratio,
(5) Workmanship, to obtain full compaction and efficient curing and
(6) The shape and size of the member.
cover should also take into account other structural aspects like safe transmission of bond forces
and control of crack width.
Taking these considerations into account, the requirements of concrete mix properties and cover
for different exposure conditions considered in Table 14.1, for 20 mm size aggregate are given
in Table 14.2.
Table 14.2 Durability Recommendations for Service Life of at Least 100 Years
(20 mm Aggregate)
IRC:112-2019 Chloride content
All constituents of concrete, viz. cement, aggregate, water, chemical admixture and mineral
admixture, may contain chlorides. Concrete may be contaminated by diffusion of chlorides from
the external environment. Total acid soluble chloride content in the concrete mix, expressed as
chloride ions, shall not exceed the following values by mass of cement;
14.4.2 Sulphate attack
Depending upon the concentration of SO3 ions in soil, subsoil or ground water, appropriate
protective measures comprise selection of proper type of cement, mix proportions and protective
coatings in severe cases. The details are given in Table 14.4.
Total SO3, SO3 in 2:1 water, g/l (Note ii) content, cement concrete
% water: soil kg/m3 ratio
extract, g/l
1 Traces <1.0 <0.3 OPC PPC 280 0.5 M25
2 0.2 to 0.5 1.0 to 1.9 0.3 to 1.2 OPC PPC 330 0.5 M25
-SRPC 310
3 0.5 to 1.0 1.9 to 3.1 1.2 to 2.5 -SRPC 330 0.5 M25
0.45 M30
-PPC or 350
4 1.0 to 2.0 3.1 to 5.0 2.5 to 5.0 -SRPC 370 0.45 M35
5 >2 >5.0 >5.0 -SRPC 400 0.4 M40
Notes :
(i) If the requirements of maximum water/cement ratio, minimum grade of concrete and
minimum cement content from other durability considerations as given in Table 14.2 are
more stringent than those given in Table 14.4 then the former will govern.
(ii) Type of cements: OPC: Ordinary Portland Cement, PPC: Portland Pozzolona Cement,
PSC: Portland Slag Cement, SRPC: Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement.
(iii) Where chloride is encountered along with sulphates in soil, ground water or in ambient
air, ordinary portland cement with C3A content from 5 to 8 percent shall be desirable to be
used in concrete instead of sulphate resisting cement.
14.4.3 Alkali – silica reaction
The alkali-silica reaction can be alleviated by the following methods:-
(1) Use of aggregates which have been found to perform satisfactorily in practice,
(2) Use of non-reactive aggregate from alternate sources,
(3) Use of low-alkali OPC having total alkali content not more than 0.6 percent (Na2O
equivalent). Further advantage can be obtained by use of fly ash, ground granulated
blast furnace slag or silica fume as part replacement of low alkali OPC. In such cases,
fly ash content should be at least 20 percent or slag content at least 50 percent,
(4) Measures to reduce the degree of saturation of concrete during service such as use
of impermeable membranes,
(5) Limiting the cement content of the concrete mix and thereby limiting total alkali content
in the concrete mix,
For more guidance, specialist literature may be referred.
15.1 General
(1) The following detailing requirements apply to all structures using normal weight
concrete, uncoated steel for reinforcement and prestressing. These are supplemented
for specific applications by additional rules in Sections 16 & 17.
(2) Modifications in provisions required for use of coated steels are given in Clause 15.4.
The minimum bend diameter of the bar shall be such as to avoid bending cracks in the bar and
crushing or splitting of the concrete inside the bend.
The minimum diameter of the mandrel used for bending should be not less than the values given
in Tables 15.1 & 15.2.
Table 15.1 Minimum Mandrel Diameters for Bending of Bent-up Bars and
Curved Bars to Avoid Splitting/Crushing of Concrete (φ : Diameter of Bar)
Table 15.2 Minimum Mandrel Diameters for Cold Bending of Bars to
Avoid Bending Cracks (φ : Diameter of Bar)
15.2.3 Bond
(Favourable Bond Condition in Hatched Zones and Unfavourable Bond in Unhatched Zone)
Fig. 15.1 Description of Bond Conditions
Table 15.3 Design Values fbd (N/mm2) for Favourable Bond Conditions
[These Values Incorporate (γc) Value Equal to 1.5].
(i) For unfavourable bond condition, the values given above should be multiplied by factor of 0.7.
(ii) For φ >32 mm, additional rules are given in Clause 15.2.6.
(iii) For value of γc= 1.2. The above values can be increased by a factor 1.2 = 1.25
(iv) For concrete grade higher than M60, recommended fbd is limited due to increased brittleness of
(1) For unfavourable bond condition the above values should be multiplied by factor of 1.43.
(2) For φ >32 mm, these lengths should be increased by multiplying factor
15.2.4 Anchorage of longitudinal reinforcement General
(1) The reinforcing bars shall be so anchored that while their compressive or tensile
forces are transmitted to the concrete the longitudinal cracking or spalling of concrete
is avoided. Transverse reinforcement shall be provided in accordance with Clause In calculation of area of transverse reinforcement, the steel provided for
any other reason such as distribution steel in slabs or shear reinforcement in beams,
can be counted.
(2) Where mechanical devices are used, their effectiveness shall be proven and capacity
to transmit the concentrated force at the anchorage shall be established by tests.
IRC:112-2019 Design anchorage length
(1) Bars
The design anchorage length may be calculated from :
As.req a lb lb.min
As. prov Eq. 15.2
Where : as shown in Fig. 15.2.
lb= k.φ : as given by Eq. (15.1) and Table 15.4.
As.req and As.prov.: Area of reinforcement required by design and that actually provided,
αa is a coefficient which has the following values.
αa = 1 for straight bars and bars in compression.
αa = 0.7 for bent bars and loop bars in tension, if the concrete cover perpendicular to
the plane of bending is at least 3φ in the region of the hook, bend, and bars having
transverse welded bars (Fig. 15.2)
lb.min : Denotes the minimum anchorage length.
- for anchorages in tension lb.min = 0.3 lb
- for anchorages in compression. lb.min = 0.6 lb
lb.min: shall not be less than 10 φ or 100 mm
(2) Anchorage of links and shear reinforcement
(a) The anchorage of links and shear reinforcement shall normally be achieved by means
of hooks, bends or by welded transverse reinforcement. For hooked or bent bar, a
transverse bar of same or larger dia should be provided inside hook or bend.
(b) For the permissible curvature of hooks and bends, see Table 15.2.
(c) The anchorage as a whole is considered to be satisfactory, where either (i) or (ii)
below is satisfied.
(i) The curve of a hook or bend is extended by a straight length which is not less
than 5φ or 50 mm if it is a continuation of an arc of 135° or more; Fig. 15.3(a), or
10φ or 70 mm if it is a continuation of any arc of 90°, Fig. 15.3(b).
(ii) Near the end of a straight bar there are :
- either two welded transverse bars, where dia. is not less than 0.7 dia. of anchored
bar, Fig. 15.3(c).
- or a single welded transverse bar, the diameter of which is not less than 1.4 times the
diameter of the bar, Fig. 15.3(d).
Note: For (c) and (d) cover should not be less than 3 ø or 50 mm
Fig. 15.3 Anchorage of Links and Shear Reinforcement
15.2.5 Splices
Splices of reinforcement shall be formed by
(1) Laps of bars with straight ends or with end hooks.
(2) Welding
(3) Mechanical devices
The detailing of splices between bars shall be such that the transmission of forces from one
bar to the next is assured and spalling of concrete or unacceptable crack widths (from durability
point of view), do not occur in the neighbourhood of the splice.
(f) All bars in compression and secondary (distribution) reinforcement may be
lapped at one section except where ductile detailing is required.
(6) All bars shall be butt welded except for smaller diameter bars with diameter of less
than 20 mm which may be lap welded. Single-V or Double-V butt joints may generally
be used. For vertical bars single bevel or double bevel butt joints may be used.
(7) Welded joints shall be located well away from bends and not less than twice the bar
diameter away from a bend.
(8) Joint welding procedures which are to be employed shall invariably be established by
a procedure specification and shall be qualified prior to use by tests as prescribed in
IS 2751. All welders and welding operators to be employed shall have to be qualified
by tests prescribed in IS 2751. Inspection of welds shall conform to IS 822 and
destructive or non-destructive testing may be undertaken when deemed necessary.
Joints with weld defects detected by visual inspection or dimensional inspection shall
not be accepted.
Additional rules for high yield steel deformed (HYSD) bars exceeding 32 mm in
diameter General
(1) The rules given below are complementary to those given in Clause 15.2.3.
(2) Splicing by lapped joints shall not be used either for tension or compression bars.
(3) Bars of φ>32 mm shall be used only in elements whose minimum depth is not less
than 15 times, the diameter of the bar.
(4) When large bars are used, adequate crack control shall be ensured either by using
surface reinforcement as per Clause 16.3.4(3), or by calculation as per Section 12.
(5) Splitting forces are higher and dowel action is greater with the use of large diameter
bars. Such bars should be anchored with mechanical devices. As an alternative
they may be anchored as straight bars, but links should be provided as confining
(6) Generally large diameter bars should not be lapped. Exceptions include sections with
a minimum dimension 1.0 m or where the stress in steel is not greater than 80 percent
of the design ultimate strength.
(7) Transverse reinforcement, additional to that for shear, should be provided in the
anchorage zones where transverse compression is not present.
(8) For straight anchorage lengths (see Fig. 15.6 for the notation used) the additional
reinforcement referred to in (7) above should not be less than the following:
- in the direction parallel to the tension face:
Ash = 0.25 As.n1 Eq. 15.4
- in the direction perpendicular to the tension face:
Asv = 0.25 As.n2 Eq. 15.5
AS is the cross sectional area of an anchored bar,
n1 is the number of layers with bars anchored at the same point in the member
n2 is the number of bars anchored in each layer.
(9) The additional transverse reinforcement should be uniformly distributed in the
anchorage zone and the spacing of bars should not exceed 150 mm.
(10) For surface reinforcement provisions of Section (16.5.4) applies.
The area of surface reinforcement should not be less than 0.01 Act, eff where Act,eff is the
area of cover portion outside the stirrups/links. General
(1) Bundle of same Types of Bars
Unless otherwise stated, the rules for individual bars also apply for bundles of bars. In a bundle,
all the bars shall be of the same characteristics, type and grade, and preferably of same dia.
Bars of different diameters can be bundled provided the ratio of diameters does not exceed 1.7.
(2) Equivalent Diameter
In design, the bundle is replaced by a notional bar having the same sectional area and the same
centre of gravity as the bundle.
The ‘equivalent diameter’ φn of this notional bar is such that:
n nb 55mm Eq. 15.6
where nb is the number of bars in the bundle, which is limited to:
- Four for vertical bars in compression and for bars in a lapped joint for lap length
- Three for all other cases.
(3) Use of Equivalent Diameter
For a bundle, provision of Section 15.2.1 applies using the equivalent diameter φn, in place of
φ. Where two touching bars are positioned one above the other, and where bond conditions are
favourable, such bars need not be treated as a bundle.
(4) Minimum Concrete Cover and Spacing of Bar
The equivalent diameter φn, is taken into account in evaluation of the minimum cover and spacing
between bundles. However, the minimum cover and spacing are measured from the actual
outside contour of the bundle of bars.
(3) For compression anchorages, bundled bars need not be staggered. For bundles with
an equivalent diameter ≥32 mm, at least four links having a diameter of ≥12 mm
should be provided at the ends of the bundle within distance of 0.33 lo. One number
of further link should be provided just beyond the end of the curtailed bar.
These requirements can be relaxed locally near transition lengths of the cable, provided the
minimum clear spacing between the adjacent cables along the line joining the centers of two
cables is maintained as Min [φduct or 50 mm].
Note: Where φ is the diameter of post-tension duct and dg is the maximum size of aggregate
Fig. 15.9 Minimum Clear Spacing between Ducts
Note: Where φ is the diameter of pre-tensioned tendon and dg is the maximum size of Aggregate
Fig. 15.10 Minimum Clear Spacing between Pre-tensioned Tendons Cable spacing for thin sections and curved portions of cables
Refer Clause 7.10 for special checks and additional recommendations.
(6) If tendons are anchored at a construction joint or within a concrete member (whether
on an external rib, within a pocket or entirely inside the member), it should be checked
that a minimum residual compressive stress of at least 3 MPa is present in the
direction of the anchored prestressing force, under the frequent load combination.
If the minimum residual stress is not present, reinforcement should be provided to
cater for the local tension beyond terminated tendon near the anchor. The check for
residual stress is not required if the tendon is coupled at the anchorage considered.
(7) Anchorage of tendons in top surface of deck shall not be permitted.
(8) For tendons anchored in the deck slab and soffit slab, local thickening or blisters shall
be so provided that minimum cover to anchorage shall not be less than 200 mm.
ldisp σpd
lpt lbpd
ηp1 = 3.2 for 3 and 7-wire stands.
η1 = 1.0 for good bond conditions.
= 0.7 otherwise.
fctd(t) = is the design tensile strength at time of release 't' (Refer Clause, taken
as 0.7 fctm(t)/γc
Note: Values of ηp1 for types of tendons other than those given above may be obtained by actual testing.
(b) The basic value of the transmission length lpt is given by:
1 2 pm.o
fbpt Eq. 15.8
α 1 = 1.0 for gradual release
= 1.25 for sudden release
α2 = 0.25 for tendons with circular cross section
= 0.19 for 3 and 7-wire strands
φ = is the nominal diameter of tendon
σpm.o = is the tendon stress just after release
(c) The design value of the-transmission length should be taken depending on the
design situation, given in Eq. 15.9 and 15.10.
lpt,1 = 0.8lpt Eq. 15.9
lpt, 2 = l.2tpt Eq. 15.10
Note: The lower value is used for verifications of local stresses at release, the higher value for ultimate
limit states (shear, anchorage etc.).
(d) Concrete stresses may be assumed to have a linear distribution outside the
dispersion length.
= 1.2 for 7-wire strands
η1 is as defined in Eq. 15.7.
(c) Due to increasing brittleness with higher concrete strength, fctk,0.05 should here be
limited to the value for M75.
(d) The total anchorage length for anchoring a tendon with stress σpd is:
lbpd = lpt2 + α2φ (σpd - σpm.∞)/fbpd Eq. 15.13
l pt2 is the upper design value of transmission length = 1.2 lpt
α2 as defined in Clause (2)
σpd is the tendon stress corresponding to the force described in (a).
σpm.∞ is the prestress after all losses.
(e) Tendon stresses in the anchorage zone are illustrated in Fig. 15.12.
(f) In case of combination of ordinary and pre-tensioned reinforcement, within the
same zone of concrete the anchorage capacities of each may be separately
calculated and added for design verification.
(4) Deviators
(a) A deviator shall satisfy the following requirements:
- Withstand both longitudinal and transverse forces that the tendon applies
to it and transmit these forces to the structure;
- ensure that the radius of curvature of the prestressing tendon does not
cause any overstressing or damage to it.
(b) In the deviation zones the tubes forming the sheaths shall be able to sustain the
radial pressure and longitudinal movement of the prestressing tendon, without
damage and without impairing its proper functioning.
(c) The radius of curvature of the tendon in a deviation zone shall not be less than
40 times the diameter of wire/strand.
(d) Designed tendon deviations up to an angle of 0.01 radians may be permitted
without using a deviator. The forces developed by the change of angle shall be
considered in design.
16.1 General
(1) Detailing requirements given below are in addition to those given in Section 15.
(2) Minimum areas of reinforcement are given in order to prevent a brittle failure, wide
cracks and also to resist forces arising from restrained actions.
(3) In addition to the detailing of reinforcement and prestressing steel, the dimensional
restrictions on various types of elements are also covered.
fyd is the design yield strength of the reinforcement,
NEd is the design axial compression force.
Ac is the gross cross-sectional area of concrete.
(4) The maximum cross-sectional area of reinforcement, outside lap portion shall not be
more than 0.04 Ac. At lap section, it shall not be greater than 0.08 Ac.
(5) The longitudinal bars should be distributed around the periphery of the section. For
columns of circular cross-section the minimum number of bars is six. For columns
having a regular polygonal cross section or having two adjacent surfaces meeting at
any angle, at least one bar shall be placed near the junction of the two surfaces.
16.2.3 Transverse reinforcement
Concrete columns shall have transverse reinforcement to hold the longitudinal reinforcement
in place and avoid its buckling. The transverse reinforcement shall be in the form of lateral ties
(polygonal links), circular rings, helix and open ties, used singly or in combination as required.
(1) Helical reinforcement intended for making use of increased load capacity by
confinement of concrete, shall satisfy requirements in (i) & (ii) in addition to other
requirements given in (2) to (9).
(i) The end of helical reinforcement consisting of evenly spaced helical turns shall
be properly anchored. The splicing of the helical turns shall be made by welding
or by a lap of one and a half turns.
(ii) The pitch of the helical turns shall not be more than 75 mm nor more than one
sixth the diameter of the core of the column.
(2) The diameter of the transverse reinforcement shall not be less than 8 mm or one
quarter of the maximum diameter of the longitudinal bar, whichever is greater.
(3) The transverse reinforcement shall be adequately anchored.
(4) The spacing of the transverse reinforcement along the column axis shall not exceed
the lesser of the following:
- 12 times the minimum diameter of the longitudinal bars,
- the least dimension of the column,
- 200 mm
(5) At location of laps, the transverse reinforcement shall satisfy requirements of Clause
(6) Where the direction of the longitudinal bar changes (e.g. at changes in column size),
the spacing of transverse reinforcement should be calculated, taking account of the
lateral forces involved. These effects may be ignored if the change of direction is less
than or equal to 1 in 12.
(7) At the location of change in dimension of concrete section (e.g. flaring of section)
transverse reinforcement should be provided to balance internal transverse tensile
stresses in concrete.
(8) Every longitudinal bar (or group of longitudinal bars) placed at a corner should be held
in two directions by transverse reinforcement. The included angle between these two
directions should not be more than 135 degrees.
(9) A maximum of 3 bars on one face and not more than 5 bars on two faces meeting at
each corner including the corner bar, can be secured against buckling by any one set
of transverse reinforcement. The distance of the farthest bar thus supported from the
corner of column shall not be more than 150 mm.
(10) No bar within a compression zone should be further than 150 mm from a restrained
(2) The amount and proper detailing of reinforcement may be derived from FEM analysis
or strut-and-tie model within the dispersal zone of concentrated loads. For walls
subjected to predominantly out of plane bending, the rules of slab apply if they are
more severe.
16.5 Beams
IRC:112-2019 Length of the longitudinal tension reinforcement and anchorage in tension Zone
The curtailment of longitudinal steel and anchorage of the same in tension zone is done as
described below with help of Fig. 16.2.
(1) Fs is the tensile force in the longitudinal reinforcement obtained by a cross-section
analysis according to Sections 8 & 9 including effect of axial force in member, if any.
(2) For members with shear reinforcement the additional tensile force in the longitudinal
reinforcement due to shear shall be provided in the tensile chord and should be
calculated from ∆Ftd = 0.5.VED (Cot θ-Cot α).
M Ed M
The total force z Ftd should be taken not greater than Edz.max where MEd.max is the
maximum moment along the beam.
In the case of prestressed member the spare capacity in the prestressing cable if
available can be used for this requirement.
(3) For members without shear reinforcement ∆Ftd may be estimated by shifting the moment
curve a distance al=d in unfavourable direction according to Clause 10.3.2(6). This
‘shift rule’ may also be used as an alternative for members with shear reinforcement,
cot cot
ai z
2 Eq. 16.2
where θ is the angle of the concrete strut with the longitudinal axis for the shear reinforcement
calculated according to the variable strut inclination method, as per Section 10.
The additional tensile force is illustrated in Fig. 16.2.
(4) The envelope line of the tensile force carried by the longitudinal reinforcement is
obtained by a horizontal displacement ‘al‘ of the envelop line of Fs.
(5) The resistance of bars within their anchorage lengths may be taken into account,
assuming a linear variation of force as shown in Fig. 16.2. As a simplification this
contribution may be ignored.
(6) For reinforcement in the flange, placed outside the web al should be further increased
by the distance equal to the distance of the bar from the web. (distance x1, x2 in
Fig. 16.1).
(7) Curtailed reinforcement should be effectively anchored beyond point where it is no
longer required. The anchorage length (lα) should not be less than larger of distance
‘d’ or where ‘d’ is the effective depth of member and is calculated as per Eq.
15.2 of Section 15.
(8) The diagram of the resisting tensile forces should lie outside the envelope line of the
acting tensile force, displaced as described.
(9) The anchorage lengths of bent-up bars which contribute to the resistance to shear
should be not less than 1.3 when anchored in the tension zone and 0.7 when
anchored in the compression zone.
A /bd
C /bd
F td
F td
/bd /bd
/bd /bd
Curtailment of reinforcement
A - Envelope of design B - Tensile force F s C - Tensile capacity F Rs
requirement F S=M Ed/ Z+N Ed increased by E td of reinforcement
> F S + F td
178 146
16.5.2 Shear reinforcement
(1) The shear reinforcement should form an angle of 45° to 90° with the longitudinal axis
of the structural element.
(2) The shear reinforcement may consist of a combination of
(a) Links enclosing the longitudinal tensile reinforcement as well as the compression
zone of concrete,
(b) Bent-up bars;
(c) Shear assemblies in the form of cages, ladders etc. of HYSD bars which do not
enclose the longitudinal reinforcement, but are properly anchored both in the
compression and tension zones.
(3) At least 50 percent of the necessary shear reinforcement should be in the form of
(4) Links should be effectively anchored. A lap joint may be allowed in web only for high
yield strength deformed bars.
(5) The shear reinforcement ratio is given by Eq. 16.4
w .sin Eq. 16.4
The minimum value ρw.min for ρw is as given by:
0.072 fck
f yk
Eq. 16.5
In above equations:
ρw = is the shear reinforcement ratio.
Asw = is the area of shear reinforcement within lengths.
s = is the spacing of the shear reinforcement, measured along longitudinal axis
of the member.
bw = is the minimum breadth of the web of the member.
α = is the angle between the shear reinforcement and the longitudinal axis (i.e.
for vertical stirrups α = 90° and sin α = 1).
(6) The minimum clear distance between vertical legs of shear reinforcement should be
largest of :
• dg + 10 mm
• 40 mm
• 2φ of shear Reinforcement.
(7) The maximum longitudinal spacing sl.max of successive series of stirrups or shear
assemblies should not exceed sl.max , where,
sl.max =0.75d (1+ cot α) Eq, 16.6
(8) The maximum longitudinal spacing of bent-up bars should not exceed sb.max where,
sb.max = 0.6 d (1+cot α) Eq, 16.7
(9) The transverse spacing of the legs in a series of shear links should not exceed:
st.max = 0.75d ≤ 600 mm Eq. 16.8
16.6.1 Flexural reinforcement General
(1) For curtailment of the main reinforcement, clauses for beam given in Clause
(2) The minimum and maximum steel percentages in the main direction should be as for
beam given in Clause
(3) Secondary transverse reinforcement should be provided in one-way slab. This should
be at least 20 percent of the main reinforcement.
(4) The maximum spacing of the bars for structural purposes is as follows where ‘h’
denotes the total depth of the slab:
- For the principal reinforcement in one-way slab and reinforcement in both
directions in two-way slab : Smax shall be lesser of 2 h or 250 mm.
- For secondary reinforcement in one way slab Smax shall be lesser of 3 h or 400
(5) For slabs provided with shear reinforcement, additional force in the main
longitudinal reinforcement as per Clause shall be considered, taking
ae = effective depth.
(6) Rules as per Clause also apply to slabs.
(7) Where the principal reinforcement in a slab which is considered as the flange of a
T-beam or L-beam is parallel to the beam, transverse reinforcement shall be provided
at the top of the flange. This reinforcement shall not be less than sixty percent of the
main reinforcement of the slab at its mid-span unless it is specially calculated. The
length of such reinforcing bars shall be as indicated in Fig. 16.5.
IRC:112-2019 Anchorage of bottom main steel at intermediate supports
The anchorage should have a minimum length of 10 φ for straight bars or not less than the
diameter of mandrel for hooks and bends. Refer Fig. 16.3.
across the direction of traffic in addition to that required for articulation and
local strengthening for expansion joint, if any. In this strip, the top and bottom
reinforcement each shall not be less than the average area of longitudinal
reinforcement for 500 mm width at the end of the cantilever.
(2) For other cases where end stiffening is not required to carry traffic across, detailing
shall be as follows:
(a) Along a free (unsupported) edge, a slab should normally contain longitudinal
and transverse reinforcement generally arranged as shown in Fig. 16.6.
(b) The normal reinforcement provided for a slab may be detailed in such a way as
to act as edge reinforcement.
16.7 Corbels
16.7.1 General
(1) Corbels may be designed by using strut and tie model. The inclination of strut with
respect to axial direction of the member to which corbel is attached, should lie between
220 and 450.
(2) The reinforcement, corresponding to the ties designed using strut and tie model
should be fully anchored beyond the node under the bearing plate, by using U-hoops
or anchorage devices such as welding to a cross bar, unless a length is available
between the node and the front of the corbel. should be measured beyond the full
width of compressive strut. It shall be fully anchored at the other end in the body of
the member to which the bracket is attached.
(3) In corbels where ac ≤ 0.5 hc closed horizontal or inclined links with area shall be
provided in addition to the main tension reinforcement as shown in Fig. 16.7(a) or
Fig. 16.7(c), where: > 0.25 A s.main Eq. 16.11
(4) In corbels where ac > 0.5 hc and FEd >. VRd.c (Refer Section 10) closed vertical stirrups
with area As.stirrup shall be provided in addition to the main tension reinforcement as
shown in Fig. 16.7(b), where:
As.stirrup ≥ 0.5 FEd / f yd Eq. 16.12
ac ac ac
As.main As.main As.main Looped
Note: Provide chamfer to avoid re-entrant corners for corbels as in 16.7(a), 16.7(b) and 16.7(c)
Fig. 16.7 Reinforcement of a Corbel
16.8 Articulations
(1) The articulation acts analogously to the corbels, except that the local bearing load is
distributed to full section by inclined tensile steel.
(2) The general shape and arrangement of reinforcement shall be as shown in Fig. 16.8.
The design of bearings at articulations shall ensure that concentrated edge stresses
will not be induced and the angular rotation of the cantilevers and the suspended
span is possible without any damage to the articulation.
16.11.1 General
(1) Where one or more concentrated forces act at the end of a member or at the
intersection of two structural members, local supplementary reinforcement should be
provided capable of resisting the transverse tensile forces caused by these forces.
(2) This supplementary reinforcement may consist of links or of layers of reinforcement
bent in the shape of hair pins.
(3) For uniform distribution of load on area ACO, (Fig. 16.9), the concentrated resistance
force can be determined as follows:
A - Line of action
of Load
h d 2 3d 1
FRdu Aco fcd 3 f cd Aco
Eq. 16.13
fcd = α fck / γc for concrete grade ≤ M60
Aco denotes the loaded area.
Acl denotes the maximum design distribution area at distance h with a similar shape to
Acohaving the same centre of area, which it is possible to inscribe in the total area Ac
situated in the same plane as that of Ac1 The distance h satisfies conditions given in
the figure.
The value of FRdu obtained from Eq. 16.13 should be reduced if the load is not uniformly
distributed on area Aco.
(4) For concrete classes equal to or higher than M60, in Eq.16.13 fcd should be substituted
0.396 fck 2 / 3 fck
1 .08 fck c Eq. 16.14
(5) If the axial load is accompanied by large shear forces, three dimensional finite
element analyses may be carried out using appropriate elements and mesh size and
the relevant material properties.
(6) Where prestressing anchorages are placed bearing on external surface, manufacturer’s
recommendation should be followed, as per Section 13.
16.11.2 Zones below bearings
(1) The design of bearing zones of bridges should be in accordance with the rules given
in this clause in addition to those in Clause 16.11.1.
(2) The distance from the edge of the loaded area to the free edge of the concrete
section should not be less than 1/6 of the corresponding dimension of the loaded
area measured in the same direction. In no case should the distance to the free edge
be less than 50 mm.
(3) In order to avoid edge sliding, uniformly distributed reinforcement parallel to the
loaded face should be provided to the point at which local compressive stresses are
dispersed. This point is determined as follows:
A line inclined at an angle θ (30°) to the direction of load application is drawn from
the edge of the section to intersect with the opposite edge of the loaded surface, as
shown in Fig. 16.10. The reinforcement provided to avoid edge sliding (At) shall be
calculated using the expression At . f yd 2 and shall be adequately anchored on both
sides of the failure plane. Reinforcement provided for other purposes may also be
utilized for this requirement.
Fig. 16.11 Extent of the Inter-Section Zone (in Plan) for the
Connection of Secondary Beams
17.1 General
(1) Ductile detailing shall be carried out for bridges located in zones III, IV and V of
seismic zone map of IRC:6.
(2) The rules of this Section apply to bridges designed for ductile behaviour for improving
their seismic resistance and aim to ensure a minimum level of curvature/rotation
ductility at the plastic hinges. These are supplementary to the rules given in Sections
15 & 16 which remain applicable, unless specifically modified in this Section.
(3) In general, plastic hinge formation is not allowed in the superstructure. Therefore
there is no need for application of detailing rules of this Section for the superstructure.
(4) Bridge foundation system shall be designed, as far as practicable, to remain elastic
under design seismic action and foundations shall not be intentionally used as a
means of energy dissipation through phenomenon of hysteresis.
(5) The bridge shall be proportioned and detailed in such a manner that plastic hinges
can occur only at pre-determined locations and not at any other locations.
(6) Where longitudinal reinforcement is curtailed potential of formation of hinge shall
be avoided just beyond the point of curtailment. Not more than 1/3 of longitudinal
reinforcement available at the section shall be curtailed.
17.2.1 Confinement General requirements
(1) Within the potential plastic hinge regions, ductile behaviour of the compression zone
of concrete shall be ensured by providing confinement of concrete.
(2) Confinement is implemented through rectangular hoops and/or cross-ties or through
circular hoops or spirals.
(3) In potential hinge regions where the normalised axial force ηk exceeds the limit:
nk 0.064
Ac fck Eq. 17.1
Confinement of the compression zone in accordance with Clause shall be
(4) The required quantity of confining reinforcement expressed as ratio ωwd is calculated
as per Eq. 17.2 and shall satisfy the requirements of Clause
w . f yd
fcd Eq. 17.2
(a) In rectangular sections:
ρw is the volumetric ratio of transverse reinforcement defined as:
S L .b Eq. 17.3
A sw = is the area of the stirrups and ties in one direction of confinement.
SL = is the spacing of hoops or ties in the longitudinal direction
b = is the dimension of the concrete core perpendicular to the direction of the
confinement under consideration, measured to the outside of the perimeter
(b) In circular sections:
Volumetric ratio ρw of the hoops/spiral reinforcement relative to the concrete
core is given by Eq. 17.4:
4 Asp
D .S
sp L Eq. 17.4
Asp is the area of the spiral or hoop bar
Dsp is the diameter of the spiral or hoop
SL is the spacing of these bars
Note: Bars inclined at an angle a to the transverse direction shall be assumed to contribute to the total
area Asw or Asp in Eq. 17.3 by their area multiplied by (cos α)
(4) For circular sections, the minimum confining reinforcement provided by hoops/spiral
is determined as the higher of two values given in Eq. 17.7
ωwd.c ≥ max (1.4ωw.req; 0.18) Eq. 17.7
(5) When rectangular hoops and cross-ties are used, the minimum reinforcement
condition shall be satisfied in both transverse directions
(1) When the design length Lh of potential plastic hinges shall be estimated
as the larger of the following two values:
- the depth of the pier section within the plane of bending (perpendicular to the
axis of rotation of the hinge);
- the distance from the point of maximum design moment to the point where the
design moment is 80 percent of the value of the maximum moment.
(2) When 0.48 ≥ ηk > 0.24 the design length of the potential plastic hinges as determined
in (1) shall be increased by 50 percent.
(3) The design length of plastic hinges (Lh) estimated above should be used exclusively
for detailing the reinforcement of the plastic hinge. It should not be used for estimating
the plastic hinge rotation.
(4) When confinement is required, the reinforcement specified in Clause shall
be provided over the entire length of the plastic hinge. Outside the length of the
hinge, the transverse reinforcement196 may be gradually reduced to that required by
other criteria. The amount of transverse reinforcement provided over an additional
length Lh adjacent to the theoretical end of the plastic hinge, shall not be less than 50
percent of the confining reinforcement required in the region of plastic hinge.
(5) The confinement shall extend at least upto the length where the value of the
compressive strain exceeds 0.5 εcu2.
17.2.2 Buckling of longitudinal compression reinforcement
(1) Buckling of longitudinal reinforcement shall be avoided along the length of the potential
hinge areas, even after several hysterics cycles in post-yield region of stress-strain
diagram of steel.
To meet this requirement all main longitudinal bars should be restrained against
out ward bucking by transverse reinforcement (hoops or crossties for rectangular
section and though circular hoops or spirals for circular section) perpendicular to
the longitudinal bars at a (longitudinal) spacing SL not exceeding five times dbL, the
diameter of the smallest longitudinal bars.
(2) Along straight section boundaries, restraining of longitudinal bars should be achieved
in either one of the following ways:
(a) Through a perimeter tie engaged by intermediate cross-ties at alternate locations
of longitudinal bars, at transverse (horizontal) spacing St not exceeding 200 mm.
The cross-ties shall have 135° hooks at one end, and 135º or 90º bend at the
other end. Bends of 90º are not permitted if ηk is greater than 0.24. Cross ties
having 135º on both ends may consist of two lapped spliced pieces. In sections
of large dimensions the perimeter tie may be spliced using appropriate lapping
length combined with hooks; or
(b) Through overlapping closed ties arranged so that every corner bar and at least
every alternate internal longitudinal bar is engaged by a tie leg. The transverse
(horizontal) spacing of the tie legs should not exceed 200 mm.
(3) The minimum amount of transverse ties shall be determined as follows:
At As f ys
1.6 f yt
in mm2 / m
Eq. 17.8
At is the area of one tie leg, in mm2
sT is the transverse distance between tie legs) in m;
ΣAs is the sum of the areas of the longitudinal bars restrained by the tie, in mm2;
fyt is the yield strength of the tie; and
fys is the yield strength of the longitudinal reinforcement.
17.2.4 Hollow piers
(1) The ratio of the clear width b to the thickness h of the walls, in the plastic hinge region
(length Lh in accordance with Clause of hollow piers with a single or multiple
box cross-section, should not exceed 8.
(2) For hollow cylindrical piers the ratio of clear inside diameter, to thickness of wall shall
not exceed 8.
(3) In piers with simple or multiple box section and when the value of the ratio ηk does
not exceed 0.20, there is no need for verification of the confining reinforcement in
accordance with Clause 17.2.1, provided that the requirements of controlling buckling
of longitudinal bars given in Clause 17.2.2 are met.
17.3 Foundations
17.3.1 General
Spread foundations (such as footings, rafts), wells, box-type caissons, etc. shall not enter the
plastic range under the design seismic action and hence do not require any special ductile
detailing of reinforcement.
18.1 General
This Section gives specifications of materials to be used in construction of new concrete bridges
and standards to which they should conform. For new construction, the Indian Standards,
referred below or any specific international standards governing these materials, shall be the
latest revisions thereof. The tables and notes below table given in this Section are reproduced
for ready reference from the relevant IS Codes listed in Annexure A-3.
For assessment of properties of materials in existing bridges, the standards in force at the time
of their construction or the actual standards used for procurement, shall be referred to. The time
dependency of properties shall also be taken into account in such cases.
Table 18.1 Reinforcing Steel
Type of Steel
Relevant BIS
proof stress/
Yield Stress/
actual 0.2%
as % of the
stress ƒyk
Grade /
Min. %
than a
Bars upto & including
Mild Steel Grade-I (Part-1)- 410 MPa 23
20mm dia. = 250 MPa
20mm ≤dia 50mm
410 MPa 23
240 Mpa
110% (not less than
Fe 415 14.5
IS:1786 415 MPa 112% (not less than
Fe 415D 18.0
High Strength 500MPa)
Fe 415S ≥ 125% 18.0
Steel (HSD
Steel) 108% (not less than
Fe 500 12.0
IS:1786 500 MPa 110% (not less than
Fe 500D 16.0
Fe 500S ≥ 125% 16.0
106% (not less than
Fe 550 10.0
IS:1786 550 MPa
108% (not less than
Fe 550D 14.5
106% (not less than
Fe 600 IS:1786 600 MPa 10.0
1. Elongation on a gauge length of 5.65√A, where A is the cross-sectional area of the
test piece, when tested in accordance with IS:1608 -1995.
2. For seismic zones III, IV & V, HSD steel bars having minimum elongation of 14.5%
and conforming to other requirements of IS:1786 shall be used.
3. For seismic zones III, IV and V, HSD steel bars shall possess following properties:
a. The actual 0.2% proof strength of steel bars based on tensile test must not
exceed their characteristic 0.2% proof strength by more than 20 percent.
b. The ratio of the actual ultimate strength to the actual 0.2 percent proof strength/
yield strength shall be at least 1.15.
The strength as well as elongation and bond properties are not adversely affected by
18.3.2 Nomenclature, grade designation, strength, elongation and relaxation
The following grades of steel having characteristics as mentioned in Table 18.3 to 18.5, are
permitted for use in bridges designed for normal life.
For other bridges mentioned in Clause 5.8.1 wires/strands having smaller diameters than those
given in the Tables, but otherwise meeting the requirements of Indian Standards mentioned
therein, can be used. Ductility
The requirements of ductility at fracture are deemed to be satisfied by use of steel having the
minimum elongations specified in Clause 18.3.2.
The wires/strands shall pass the bendability test (reverse bending test) as specified in relevant
Indian Standards.
18.4.1 Cement
The cement shall be any of the following. The selected type should be appropriate for the
intended use.
18.4.4 Aggregates General
All coarse and fine aggregates shall conform to IS 383 and shall be tested to conform to IS:2386
Parts I to VIII.
IRC:112-2019 Coarse and fine aggregates
(1) Coarse aggregates shall consist of clean, hard, strong, dense, nonporous and durable
pieces of crushed stone, crushed gravel, natural gravel or a suitable combination
thereof or other approved inert material.
(2) The maximum size of the coarse aggregate may be as large as possible within the
limits specified, but in no case greater than (a) one quarter of the minimum thickness
of member, (b) 10 mm less than the minimum lateral clear distance between individual
reinforcements or (c) 10 mm less than the minimum clear cover to any reinforcement.
(3) The preferred nominal size of aggregate is 20 mm for reinforced concrete and
prestressed concrete. However, larger sizes upto 40 mm may be permitted in special
cases, when there is no restriction to flow of concrete in a section.
For plain concrete, preferred nominal sizes may be between 20 mm and 40 mm.
However, larger sizes may be permitted only in special cases, subject to supplemental
specifications and precautions.
(4) Fine aggregates shall consist of hard, strong, durable clean particles of natural sand,
crushed stone or gravel or suitable combination of natural sand and crushed stone or
(5) The coarse and fine aggregates shall not contain dust, lumps, soft or flaky particles,
mica and other deleterious materials in such quantities as would reduce the strength
or durability of concrete or attack the reinforcement.
(6) Grading of aggregates shall be such as to produce a dense concrete of the specified
strength, which can be worked readily into position without segregation and without
the use of excessive water content.
18.4.5 Water
Water used for mixing and curing shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids,
alkalis, salts, sugar, organic materials or other substances that may be deleterious to concrete
or steel.
(1) In case of doubt regarding development of strength, the suitability of water for producing
concrete shall be ascertained by the compressive strength and initial setting time
tests specified in (3) & (4).
(2) The sample of water taken for testing shall represent the water proposed to be used
for concreting, due account being paid to seasonal variation. The sample shall not
receive any treatment before testing other than that envisaged in the regular supply
of water proposed for use in concrete. The sample shall be stored in a clean container
previously rinsed out with similar water.
(3) Average 28 days compressive strength of at least three 150 mm concrete cubes
prepared with water proposed to be used, shall not be less than 90 percent of the average
strength of three similar concrete cubes prepared with distilled water. The cubes shall be
prepared, cured and tested in accordance with the requirements of IS 5l6.
(4) The initial setting time of test block made with the appropriate cement and the water
proposed to be used, shall not be less than 30 minutes and shall not be more than
30 minutes from the initial setting time of control test block prepared with the same
cement and distilled water. The test blocks shall be prepared and tested in accordance
with the requirements of IS 4031 (Part 5).
(5) The pH value of water shall not be less than 6. Potable water is generally considered
satisfactory for mixing concrete. As a guide the following concentrations represent the
maximum permissible values:
(a) To neutralise 100 ml sample of water, using phenolphthalein as an indicator, it
should not require more than 5 ml of 0.02 normal NaOH. The details of test are
given in Clause 8.1 of IS 3025 (Part 22).
(b) To neutralise 100 ml sample of water, using mixed indicator, it should not require
more than 25 ml of 0.02 normal H2S04. The details of test shall be as given in
Clause 8 of IS 3025 (Part 23).
(c) Permissible limits for solids shall be as given in Table 18.6.
(6) Mixing or curing of concrete with sea water is not permitted due to presence of harmful
salts in sea water.
(7) Water found satisfactory for mixing is also suitable for curing concrete. However,
water used for curing should not produce any objectionable stain or unsightly deposit
on the concrete surface. The presence of tannic acid or iron compounds in the water,
is objectionable.
The concrete shall be designated by one of its types as described in Clause 6.4.2 – Ordinary
Concrete, Standard Concrete, or High Performance Concrete - and its grade-designation based
on characteristic strength as described in Table 6.8.
Except ordinary concrete with strength designations of M-15 & M-20, the design mix of standard
concrete and high performance concrete shall be established by laboratory / field testing and
controlled at site by conducting tests to confirm suitability of constituent materials, as per the
relevant codes mentioned in Clause 18.4. The concrete shall meet the acceptance criteria as per
Clause 18.6. Mix design shall be modified if it does not meet the acceptance criteria.
18.5.2 Proportion of ordinary concrete
(1) The proportions of ordinary concrete shall be as per Table 18.7.
(2) Chemical and Mineral admixtures shall not be used for Ordinary Concrete.
Table 18.7 Proportion of Ordinary Concrete
Concrete Total Quantity of dry aggregate by mass Proportion of fine Maximum quantity
Grade per 50 kg of cement to be taken as the aggregate to coarse of water per 50kg
sum of individual masses of fine and aggregate (by mass) of cement (litres)
coarse aggregate (Kg) P.C.C. R.C.C.
M15 350 Generally 1:2, 25 -
M20 250 subject to upper limit 25 22
1:1.5 and lower limit
compressive strength of concrete and water/cement ratio (or water-cement + cementitious
materials ratio, when part of the cement is replaced by mineral admixtures) and between water
content and workability will have to be established by laboratory trials for the grade of concrete,
the materials to be used, and the water-reducing efficiency of the superplasticiser.
The minimum cement content of concrete, inclusive of any mineral admixtures, shall be not less
than 380 kg/m3.
The ratio of water/(all cementitious materials including cement) should generally not exceed
0.33, but in no case more than 0.40.
Field Trial Mixes: Mix proportions arrived at by laboratory trials shall, in addition, be verified to
be satisfactory under field conditions and necessary adjustments made. Field trial mixes shall be
prepared for all grades of concrete, using samples of approved materials.
The concreting plant and means of transportation employed to make trial mixes and to transport
them to representative distances shall be similar to the corresponding plant and transport to be
used in the works. The optimum sequence of mixing of ingredients shall be established by trials.
Mixing time may be longer than in normal grade concrete mixes.
The temperature of concrete at the time of placement shall not exceed 25°C. The temperature
of concrete at the mixing stage should be lower, to allow for rise in temperature during transport.
When considerable distance of transport is involved, particular attention should be paid to ensure
retention of slump as targeted for placement.
Use of Mock-up Testing: Further mock-up testing may be carried out to ensure that the concrete
can be satisfactorily placed and compacted, taking into account the location of placement and
provision of reinforcement, and adjustments made in concrete mix design and/or detailing of
reinforcement accordingly.
purpose, the acceptable values should be arrived at, based on actual testing. In all
the cases, the equivalent 28 days compressive strength shall be the criterion for the
acceptance/rejection of the concrete.
(d) Additional samples may be required for various purposes such as to determine the
strength of concrete at 7 days or at the time of transfer of prestress or striking the
formwork, or to determine the duration of curing, or to check the testing error. Additional
samples may also be required for testing samples cured by accelerated methods as
described in IS 9013. The specimen shall be tested as described in IS 516.
(2) Test Specimen and Sample Strength
Three test specimens constitute one sample for any type of test at specified age of testing. The
average of these results of three samples constitute the test result of sample provided that the
individual variation is within ±15 percent of average. If variation is larger, the sample shall be
(3) Frequency of Sampling
The minimum frequency of sampling of concrete of each grade shall be in accordance with
Table 18.8.
At least one sample shall be taken from each batch of work. For the purpose of acceptance as
per Table 18.8, quantity of concrete represented by a group of four consecutive samples shall
include all batches and single sample shall represent the batch from which it is taken.
Where concrete is provided continuously at site from a batching plant or RMC plant, groups of
four consecutive samples, shall not have overlapping common samples. Irrespective of other
methods of controlling production used at the batching/RMC plant the requirements of this
Clause shall be met.
18.6.1 General
Acceptance or rejection of concrete is mostly based on compressive strength. However, other
properties of the concrete in fresh and hardened states including durability are also important.
Apart from meeting the acceptance criteria given below, concrete is liable to be rejected if it is
porous or honey-combed, its placing has been interrupted without providing a proper construction
joint, the reinforcement has been displaced beyond the tolerances specified, or construction
tolerances have not been met. However, the hardened concrete may be accepted after carrying
out suitable remedial measures.
When both the following conditions are met, the concrete shall be deemed to comply with the
specified compressive strength:
(a) The mean strength determined from any group of four consecutive non-overlapping
samples shall exceed the specified characteristic compressive strength by 3 MPa.
(b) Strength of any sample is not less than the specified characteristic compressive
strength minus 3 MPa.
Concrete of each grade shall be assessed separately.
If the concrete is deemed not to comply as per the above criteria, the structural adequacy of the
bridge elements affected shall be investigated and any consequential action as needed, shall
be taken.
When both the following conditions are met, the concrete complies with the specified flexural
(a) The mean strength determined from any group of four consecutive non-overlapping
samples exceeds the specified characteristic flexural strength by at least 0.3 MPa.
(b) The strength determined from any sample is not less than the specified characteristic
flexural strength minus 0.3 MPa.
Where minimum density of fresh concrete is specified, the mean of any four consecutive non-
overlapping samples shall not be less than the specified value and any individual sample result
shall not be less than 97.5 percent of the specified value.
Where minimum density of hardened concrete is specified, the mean of any four consecutive
non-overlapping samples shall not be less than the specified value and any individual sample
result shall not be less than 97.5 percent of the specified value.
The chloride content in the concrete can be measured as described in IS 14959 – Part I (for fresh
concrete) or Part II (for hardened concrete). Alternatively it can be calculated, in which case, the
method of calculation shall be based upon the measured chloride-ion contents of all constituents
and the mix proportion of concrete. The chloride-ion content so measured or calculated and
expressed as the percentage of chloride-ion by mass of cement, shall not exceed the value
specified in Clause
Unlike the tests on concrete described above, there is no specified test method for durability,
which can be completed within a reasonably short time. The requirement of long term durability
of concrete is ‘deemed to be satisfied’ by following the recommended provisions in this Code for
maximum water-cement ratio, minimum cement content, cover thickness, type of cement and
amounts of chlorides and sulphates in concrete etc. All these recommendations taken together
tend resulting concrete being dense, workable, and placeable and having as low permeability as
possible under the given situation.
When durability of concrete is the main reason for adopting high performance concrete, or in
other specific situations, Rapid Chloride Ion Permeability Test (RCPT) as per ASTM C1202
shall be carried out. Suggested upper limits of values of RCPT for 56 days for various exposure
conditions (refer Table 14.1) are:
(1) Extreme 800 Coulombs
(2) Very Sever 1200 Coulombs
(3) Severe 1500 Coulombs
Additional durability tests, such as Water Permeability test as per DIN 1048 Part 5 or Initial
Surface Absorption test as per BS 1881 Part 5 can also be specified. The permissible values in
such tests have to be specified taking into account the severity of the exposure condition. The
acceptance criteria shall be arrived at prior to testing.
18.7.1 Constituents
VMA’s are hydrophilic, water-soluble polymers having high molecular weight. Such polymers
can form a network of large molecules extending throughout the mass. The dimensions of the
polymers or particles are in colloidal range; hence these are called ‘colloidal admixtures’. These
can also be used as ‘anti-washout’ admixtures for underwater placement.
The filling ability and stability of self-compacting concrete in the fresh state can be defined by
four key characteristics. Each characteristic can be assessed by one or more test methods
(Table 18.9).
Table 18.9. Characteristics of SCC and Tests
18.8 Grouting
18.8.1 General
Grout is a homogenous mixture of cement and water. It may contain chemical admixtures which
modify the properties of grout in its fluid state. These recommendations cover the cement grouting
of post tensioned tendons of prestressed concrete members of bridges.
The purpose of grouting is to provide permanent protection to the post tensioned steel against
corrosion and to develop bond between the prestressing steel and the surrounding structural
concrete. The grout ensures encasement of steel in an alkaline environment for corrosion
protection and by filling the duct space it prevents water collection and freezing.
A critical feature of grout is that it should remain pumpable for the time required to fully inject the
18.8.2 Materials
(1) Water
Only clean potable water free from impurities conforming to Clause 18.4.5 shall be used. No sea
or creek water is to be used at all.
(2) Cement
The same type of cement as used in construction of prestressed elements, should be used for
preparation of the grout. It should be as fresh as possible and free from any lumps.
(3) Sand
It is not recommended to use sand for grouting of prestressing tendons.
(4) Admixtures
Acceptable admixtures conforming to IS 9103 may be used if tests have shown that their use
improves the properties of grout, i.e. increasing fluidity, reducing bleeding, entraining air or
expanding the grout. Admixtures must not contain chlorides, nitrates, sulphides, sulphites or
any other products which are likely to damage the steel or grout. When an expanding agent is
used, the total unrestrained expansion should not exceed 10 percent. Aluminium powder as an
expanding agent is not recommended as doubts exist about its long term effects.
(3) Temperature
The temperature of the grout after accounting for the ambient temperature of the structure, shall
not exceed 25°C.
(4) Compressive Strength
The compressive strength of 100 mm cube of the grout shall not be less than 17 MPa at 7 days.
Cubes shall be cured in a moist atmosphere for the first 24 hours and subsequently in water.
These tests shall be conducted in advance to ascertain the suitability of the grout mix.
(5) Setting Time
Initial setting time of grout shall be more than three hours and less than 12 hours. The final
setting time shall not be less than 24 hours.
(6) Bleeding
Bleeding is the separation of free water from the grout mix. It includes the filtering effect of
strands where the cavities between the wires constituting the strand, block cement particles and
permit water under pressure to move ahead of the grout in the direction of general flow of grout.
The bleeding shall be sufficiently low to prevent excessive segregation and sediment of the grout
material. The bleeding shall not exceed 0.3 percent of volume of the initial volume of grout after
three hours kept at rest.
(7) Volume Change
The volume change of grout kept at rest for 24 hours and tested as per ASTM C1090 shall be
within the range of (-) 0.5 percent and 5.0 percent of the original volume.
(8) Fluidity
Fluidity is tested as per ASTM C939 standard using standard flow cone.
Note: The fluidity of grout changes from time of mixing to time of setting in the ducts. The requirement
given above are for general guidance and may be modified as per the specific application,
depending upon the total temperature, length of tendons, head of pumping, requirement of
simultaneous grouting of closely spaced tendons etc. provided that other specifications and
functions are satisfied.
18.9.1 General
This Clause covers the requirements of proper workmanship in all operations of construction
of concrete structures and related quality assurance and quality control measures, so that
the structure is built as designed and the intended performance over the design service life is
achieved. Concrete is made with ingredients with inherent variability. The operations of production,
placement, compaction and curing of concrete under site conditions can also exhibit variability.
In order that concrete is obtained with reasonable amount of consistency in its characteristics,
the properties of ingredients and the resultant concrete should be monitored diligently as per an
appropriate plan of testing and all site operations should be carried out with adequate proficiency,
as detailed in this Section. A Quality Assurance (QA) Plan should be in position to ensure that
the construction results in satisfactory strength, serviceability and long term durability which will
lower the overall lifecycle cost of the structure.
The concrete shall be sourced from on-site or off-site batching and mixing plants, or from
approved ready-mixed concrete plants, preferably having quality certification.
Except where supply of properly graded aggregate of uniform quality can be maintained over a
period of work, the grading of aggregate should be controlled by obtaining the coarse aggregate in
different sizes and blending them in the right proportions when required, the different sizes being
stocked in separate stock piles. The material should be stock piled several hours, preferably a
day before use. The grading of coarse and fine aggregate should be checked as frequently as
possible to ensure that the specified grading is maintained.
The accuracy of the measuring equipment shall be within ±3 percent of the quantity of cement,
aggregate, admixtures and water being measured. All measuring equipment shall be maintained
in a clean and serviceable condition. Their accuracy shall be checked over the range in use,
when set up at site and maintained thereafter.
It is important to maintain the water-cement ratio constant at its correct value. To this end,
determination of moisture contents in both fine and coarse aggregates shall be made as frequently
as possible, being determined according to weather conditions. The amount of the added water
shall be adjusted to compensate for any observed variations in the moisture contents. To allow for
the variation in mass of aggregate due to variation in their moisture content, suitable adjustments
in the masses of aggregates shall also be made. Accurate control shall be kept on the quantity of
mixing water, which when specified, shall not be changed without approval.
(3) Mixing
All concrete shall be machine-mixed. In order to ensure uniformity and good quality of concrete,
the ingredients shall be mixed in a power driven batch mixer with hopper and suitable weigh
batching arrangement or in a central mix plant. The concrete shall be mixed until it is of even
colour, cohesive and of uniform consistency throughout. When mineral admixtures are added
at the mixing stage, their thorough and uniform blending with the cement shall be ensured, if
necessary, by longer mixing time. In general, the mixing time shall be at least 2 minutes after
all the ingredients are in the mixer. For other types of more efficient mixers, manufacturer’s
recommendations should be followed. The addition of water after the completion of the initial
mixing operation, shall not be permitted.
When concrete is conveyed by chute, the plant shall be of such size and design as to ensure
practically continuous flow in the chute. The slope of the chute shall be such as to allow the
concrete to flow freely and without segregation of the ingredients. The delivery end of the chute
shall be as close as possible to the point of deposit. The chute shall be thoroughly flushed
with water before and after each working period and the water used for this purpose shall be
discharged outside the formwork.
In case of concrete is to be transported by pumping, the fresh concrete should have adequate
fluidity and cohesiveness to be pumpable. Proper concrete mix proportioning and initial trials
should be carried out to ensure this. The conduit shall be primed by pumping a batch of mortar
through the line to lubricate it. Once the pumping is started, it shall not be interrupted, as
concrete standing idle in the line is liable to cause a plug. The operator shall ensure that some
concrete is always there in the pump’s receiving hopper during operation. The lines shall always
be maintained clean and free of dents.
(2) Placing and Compacting Concrete
Concrete shall be placed as nearly as practicable in its final position to avoid rehandling.
Methods of placing should be such as to preclude segregation. Care should be taken to avoid
displacement of reinforcement or movement of formwork. To achieve this, concrete should be
lowered vertically into the forms and horizontal movement of concrete inside the forms should,
as far as practicable, be minimised.
Concrete shall be placed and compacted before its initial setting so that it is amenable to
compaction by vibration. The workability of concrete at the time of placement shall be adequate
for the compaction equipment to be used. If there is considerable time gap between mixing and
placing of concrete, as in the case of ready mixed concrete plants or off-site batching and mixing
plants, concrete mix shall be designed to have appropriately higher workability at the time of
discharge from the mixer, in order to compensate the loss of workability during transit. This is
generally achieved by use of suitable chemical admixtures. Keeping these considerations in
view, the general requirement for ready mixed concrete plants or off-site batching and mixing
plants, is that concrete shall be discharged from the truck mixer within two hours of the time of
loading. A longer period may be permitted if suitable retarding admixtures are used. In case of
on-site mixing, fresh concrete shall preferably be placed and compacted within 30 minutes of
In wall forms, drop chutes attached to hoppers at the top should preferably be used to lower
concrete to the bottom of the form. As a general guidance, the permissible free fall of concrete
may not exceed 1.5 m and under no circumstances; shall it be more than 2 m.
When free fall of larger height is involved, self compacting concrete having adequate fluidity,
cohesiveness and viscosity shall be used. Self compacting concrete completely fills every
corner of the formwork by its own weight without segregation, whilst maintaining uniformity. No
compaction by vibration is required.
When concrete is to be deposited by means of tremie, the lower end of the vertical pipe shall
always be inserted sufficiently deep into the concrete which has been placed previously but has
not set. The top section of the tremie shall be a hopper large enough to hold one entire batch of
the mix or the entire contents of the transporting bucket, if any. The tremie pipe shall be large
enough to allow a free flow of concrete and strong enough to withstand the external pressure of
the water in which it is suspended, when concrete is deposited under water. It will be necessary
to raise the tremie slowly in order to cause a uniform flow of the concrete, but the tremie shall
not be emptied allowing water to enter the pipe. At all times after the placing of concrete is
started and until all the concrete is placed, the lower end of the tremie pipe shall be below the
top surface of the plastic concrete.
Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted during the operation of placing and carefully worked
around the reinforcement, around embedded fixtures and into the corners of the form work. To
achieve proper compaction vibrators may be used. The vibrator can be internal or external type
and depending upon the shape and size of the member, both types may be used individually or
When internal vibrators are used, they shall be inserted vertically to the full depth of the layer
being placed and ordinarily shall penetrate the layer below for a few centimetres. The vibrator
should be kept in place until air bubbles cease escaping from the surface and then withdrawn
slowly to ensure that no hole is left in the concrete, care being taken to see that it remains in
continuous operation while being withdrawn. Internal vibrators shall be inserted in an orderly
manner and the distance between insertions should be about 1½ times the radius of the area
visibly affected by vibration. Internal vibrators should not be used for spreading the concrete.
(3) Construction Joints
Concreting shall be carried out continuously up to construction joints, the position and arrangement
of which shall be pre-determined by the designer. Joints should be positioned where they are
readily accessible for preparation and concreting. Construction joints should be positioned to
minimise the effects of the discontinuity on the durability, structural integrity and appearance of
the structure. As far as possible, joints should be provided in non-aggressive zones, but if joints
in aggressive zones can not be avoided, they should be sealed. Joints should be located away
from regions of maximum stress caused by loading; particularly where shear and bond stresses
are high. Joints should be either vertical or horizontal. For a vertical construction joint, the lifts
of concrete shall finish level or at right angles to the axis of the member. Concreting shall be
continued right up to the joint.
Before resuming work at a construction joint when concrete has not yet fully hardened, all
laitance shall be removed thoroughly. The surface should be roughened, care being taken to
avoid dislodgement of coarse aggregates. Concrete may be brushed with a stiff brush soon after
casting, while the concrete has only slightly stiffened. If the concrete has partially hardened, it
may be treated by wire brushing or with a high pressure water jet, followed by drying with an air jet,
just before the new concrete is placed. Fully hardened concrete shall be treated with mechanical
hand tools or grit blasting, taking care not to split or crack the aggregates. The practice of first
placing a layer of mortar or grout when concreting joints is not recommended. The old surface
should be soaked with water, without leaving puddles, just before starting concreting. The new
concrete shall be thoroughly compacted against it.
Where there is likely to be a delay before placing the next concrete lift, protruding reinforcement
shall be protected. In all cases, where construction joints are made, the joint surface shall not be
contaminated with release agents, dust, or sprayed curing membrane and reinforcement shall
be firmly fixed in position at the correct cover.
The sequence of concreting, striking of forms and positioning of construction joints for every
individual structure shall be decided, well in advance of the commencement of work.
(4) Curing and Protection of Concrete
The concrete shall be kept constantly wet for a minimum period of 14 (fourteen) days by ponding
or covering with a layer of wet (but not dripping) sacking, canvas, hessian or similar absorbent
material. Water should be applied on unformed surfaces as soon as it can be done without
marring the surface and on formed surfaces immediately after the forms are stripped.
High Performance Concrete containing silica fume is more cohesive than normal mixes hence,
there is little or no bleeding and no bleed water to rise to the surface to offset water lost due to
evaporation. Plastic shrinkage cracking is possible, if curing is not proper. Initial curing should
commence soon after initial setting of concrete. Concrete should be covered with moist covers
(sacking, canvas or hessian), opaque colour plastic sheets or suitable curing compound. Final
moist curing should commence after final setting of concrete and continue for at least 14 days.
Liquid membrane-forming curing compounds conforming to ASTM C 309, may be used in lieu
of moist curing after approval. The curing efficiency shall be tested as per ASTM C 156. Such
compounds shall be applied to all exposed surfaces of the concrete as soon as possible after
the concrete has set, but not dried out. The membrane formed shall be stripped off afterwards.
Impermeable membranes, such as sheet materials for curing concrete conforming to ASTM C
171, or polyethylene sheeting covering closely the concrete surface, may also be used to provide
effective barrier against evaporation.
Steam curing under atmospheric pressure is adopted to develop high early strength of concrete,
so that concrete members can be removed from the formwork and handled as early as possible.
This is particularly suitable for precast concrete members. Steam curing is applied in enclosures
or tunnels through which concrete members are transported on a conveyor system; alternatively,
portable enclosures or plastic covers are placed over precast members. Steam is supplied to
the enclosures. Various elements of the steam curing cycle, e.g. the delay in commencement
of heating (i.e. extending pre-steaming period), the rate of increase of temperature, the level
and time of constant temperature, and the rate of decrease of temperature, shall receive careful
consideration. As a general guidance, the pre-steaming period should be about one to three
hours, the rate of increase or decrease of temperature should not exceed 10 to 20°C per hour
and the maximum temperature of curing can be about 70°C.The ideal steam curing cycle in
a particular situation, is governed by the concrete mix proportions and type of cementitious
materials and the strength required at the end of steam curing period, and shall be decided by
prior trials. Steam curing of concrete shall be followed by water curing for at least seven days.
After placing and during the first stages of hardening, concrete shall be protected from harmful
effects of sunrays, drying winds, cold, running water, shocks, vibrations, traffic including
construction traffic etc.
18.9.5 Concreting in extreme weather
(1) Concreting in Hot Weather
Special problems are encountered in the production, placement and curing of concrete in hot
weather. The climatic factors affecting concrete in hot weather are high ambient temperature,
reduced relative humidity, high wind velocity and combination thereof. High temperatures result in
rapid hydration of cement, increased evaporation of mixing water, greater mixing water demand,
rapid loss of workability and large volume changes resulting in cracks.
The temperature of the concrete at the time of placement should be as low as possible, but in no
case more than 35°C. For high performance concrete, the temperature at the time of placement
shall not exceed 25°C. If concreting has to be done in hot weather at ambient temperatures
exceeding these limits of concrete temperature, steps shall be taken to sufficiently lower the
temperature of ingredients of the concrete below the ambient. The contribution of each ingredient
to the temperature of concrete is a function of the temperature, specific heat and quantity of that
Aggregates and mixing water exert the most pronounced effects on the temperature of concrete.
Thus, in hot weather, all available means shall be used for maintaining these materials at as low
temperature as practicable, such as;
• Use of chilled mixing water
• Use of crushed ice or flaked as a part of mixing water.
• Shading stockpiles of aggregates from direct rays of Sun.
• Sprinkling stockpiles of coarse aggregate with water and keeping them moist.
• Limiting temperature of cement to be preferably not in excess of 30°C at the
time of use.
Period between mixing of concrete and placing shall be as short as possible. Immediately after
compaction and surface finish, concrete shall be protected from evaporation of moisture, without
letting ingress of external water, by means of wet (not dripping) gunny bags, hessian etc. Once
the concrete has attained some degree of hardening (approximately 12 hours after mixing),
moist curing shall be commenced and satisfactorily continued throughout the requisite period.
(2) Concreting in Cold Weather
Effects of cold weather on concrete, in absence of special precautions, include;
• Delayed setting and hardening, slower rate of gain of strength,
• Irreparable loss of strength and durability, if freezing of concrete takes place at
early ages, when it is still in plastic state. Even one cycle of freezing of concrete
during the prehardening period may lower the compressive strength by 30 to 50
• Disruptive effects of freezing of pore water make hardened concrete vulnerable
to repeated cycles of freezing and thawing, resulting in loss of compressive
strength and modulus of elasticity.
• Stresses due to temperature differential within the concrete member at the time
of removal of form insulations, may promote cracking.
When depositing concrete at or near freezing temperature, precautions shall be taken to ensure
that the concrete shall have a temperature of at least 5°C at the time of placing. When necessary,
concrete ingredients shall be heated before mixing, but cement shall not be heated artificially
other than by the heat transmitted to it from other ingredients of the concrete. In general, heating
of only the mixing water to about 65°C may suffice for this purpose.
The temperature of the concrete shall be maintained above freezing temperature (preferably
above 2°C) until it has thoroughly hardened. This may be achieved with the help of proper
insulating methods before the protection is removed.
Use of air-entraining admixtures conforming to IS 9103 increases the resistance of hardened
concrete to freezing and thawing. To counter slower setting of concrete, non chloride-bearing
accelerators can be used after approval. However, accelerators containing chloride shall not be
No frozen material or materials containing ice shall be used. All concrete damaged by frost shall
be removed.
18.9.7 Falsework
For design, fabrication, and erection of falsework, IRC:87 “Guidelines for the Design and Erection
of Falsework for Road Bridges” shall be followed.
The formwork should be robust and strong and the joints should be leak proof. Form release
agents of approved quality shall be used. The staging, scaffolding and shuttering are required
to be properly designed so that their erection as well as striking can be conveniently done. The
design should also ensure that at the time of striking, the concrete does not get disturbed and
the forms are conveniently removed. Staging shall be of steel pipes or steel sections.
Where centering trusses or launching trusses are adopted for casting of superstructure, the
joints of the centering or launching arrangement, whether welded, riveted or bolted, shall be
thoroughly checked and various members of the centering trusses shall be examined for proper
alignment and unintended deformation before proceeding with the concreting. Launching trusses
and travelling forms shall be load tested.
The locations where fixing of reinforcement and placing of concrete are being done, shall be
accessible to the inspecting officers at all stages of construction.
Forms shall not be released until the concrete has achieved strength of at least twice the stress
to which the concrete may be subjected at the time of removal of formwork. In absence of tests,
generally, the striking period may be as specified in IRC:87.
of the grade of concrete specified for the corresponding age and no individual core has strength
less than 75 percent.
Core tests may also be required for other purposes like repair, retrofitting and strengthening of
structure where requirement of strength could differ.
A1-1 General
Section 5.0 “Basis of Design” describes the approach adopted for taking into consideration
various limit states, which shall not be exceeded by the bridge structure and its elements, when
subjected to combined effect of actions in various design situations. The values of actions and
partial factors to be used in different combinations for verification of design by Limit State Method
are given in IRC:6, Annexure B.
The description of actions, their classification, nomenclature of design situations and combination
for verifying different limit states as applicable to concrete bridges, are explained in this Annexure.
The terms loads and force (arising out of friction, buoyancy etc) are also used to represent
‘Actions’ in IRC:6, and in the description below.
(ii) Surfacing and Wearing Coat
In Limit State Method superior and inferior values may be used, which
should account for re-surfacing, with or without removing existing coat,
and possibility of change in type of surfacing.
(iii) Snow Load
Snow loads, if present, are treated in the same way as Dead Load
depending on the depth of snow on superstructure. The design value of
live load is modified depending on the restrictions on operation of vehicular
loads which give rise to different design situations.
(c) Quasi-Permanent Loads
There are variable loads which act for a major part of the structure's design
life. By convention, loads acting for more than 50% of the design life are called
quasi-permanent. In load combinations, they are treated as variable loads with
different values depending on the action effects under evaluation. Temperature
load is an example, where it has a permanent component (casting temperature),
semi-permanent component (seasonal variation from casting temperature) and
varying component (daily variation from seasonal temperature).
(2) Variable Actions – Q
(a) Vehicular
(i) Vehicular live load (Q)
Load due to gravity
(ii) Impact factor due to vehicular gravity load (Qim)
A factor for converting dynamic increment of gravity load, due to vehicle
travelling at high speed on uneven surface of wearing coat, to equivalent
static load.
(iii) Longitudinal forces
- Caused by tractive effort of vehicles (Fa) or by braking (Fb) and / or
- Longitudinal force from bearings due to their type and configuration
(iv) Centrifugal force of vehicles travelling at high speed along a curved track
(v) Pedestrian Load/Foot Path Load
(vi) Earth Pressure Surcharge Effect due to Live Load (Fcp)
(b) Loads of Environmental Origin
(i) Temperature effects due to restraints to free structural deformation
(Fde) (excluding restraints due to frictional resistance at bearings).
(ii) Effect of thermal gradient in the structure.
(iii) Wind Load (W)
Normally used as static load acting on bridge elements. For wind sensitive
structure or elements of structure, dynamic analysis and dynamic wind
force is stipulated.
(c) Hydraulic Actions
These are variable loads, grouped together as sub-set of variable loads and
their significant effect in bridge design.
(i) Buoyancy effect (Gb)
(ii) Water current forces (Fwc)
Including both drag and lift effects.
(iii) Wave Pressures (Fwp)
(3) Accidental Actions
Accidental loads are those loads whose occurrence or frequency cannot be predicted, and
originate from unintended or undesirable situations.
Impact of external bodies
(i) Vehicle collision on elements of bridge structure (Vc).
(ii) Barge impact or impact due to floating bodies in water current.
(iii) Vehicular Impact on Crash Barriers.
Seismic Hazards
Seismic situations considered in the design are rare events [even more rare
than type 3(a)] having return period of the order of few hundred years. They
produce following types of loads.
(i) Inertial loads due to self-mass, generated in bridge structure by ground
(ii) Inertial loads due to mass of vehicular live load.
(iii) Hydrodynamic forces generated on parts of bridge submerged under
(iv) Increased earth pressures.
(v) Effects of liquefaction of soils.
Transient Design Situation
It is the design situation that is relevant during a period much shorter than the design working life
of the structure but which has a high probability of occurrence.
A transient design situation refers to temporary conditions of the structure, of use, or exposure,
such as those arising during construction or when restrictions are put on its use.
Accidental Design Situation
It is the design situation involving exceptional conditions of the structure or its exposure, including
fire, explosion, impact or local failure.
For concrete bridge structures, vehicle impact load is usually considered. The fire hazard or
explosion pressures, if specified, (e.g. as in case of material storage or human occupancy below
city flyovers) shall be based on the Indian Standards specifying fire resistance (as per IS 456, IS
1641 and IS 1642) and blast resistance (as per IS 4991).
Seismic Design Situation
It is the design situation involving exceptional conditions of the structure when subjected to a
seismic event.
Generally, it is not economical to design bridge structure to remain within elastic limits when
subjected to ‘Design Basis Earthquake’ which is defined in IRC:6. Parts of the bridge structure
are permitted to suffer damage during the design event. At higher level of seismic event, the
bridge elements are expected to suffer large but repairable damage without failure or collapse.
Presently, IRC:6 is specifying force-based design methods, which are deemed to achieve the
aim of satisfactory performance.
Since the structural behaviour of the bridge under seismic conditions is completely different (i.e.
non-elastic response is considered) from the response to other loads (which are essentially in
elastic range), the seismic situations are separately treated.
Other limit states such as limit state of vibration and limit state of fatigue may be important for
some bridge structures. Specialist literature or international standards may be referred for the
Different serviceability limit states are governed by different sets of load combinations. The
following sets of load combinations are defined in Section 12.
(a) Rare combinations (also called Characteristic Combination or Infrequent
In these situations bridge elements, are subjected to maximum design loads leading
to maximum stress levels. These basic combinations are used for checking ‘limit state
of maximum stress levels’ in bridge elements.
(b) Frequent Combinations
These represent design situations that occur repeatedly in service.
The maximum allowable deflections, crack width in prestressed elements with bonded
tendons (and vibration where specified) are checked for the frequently occurring
(c) Quasi-Permanent Combinations
These combinations are used to consider long term action effects. Crack widths in
reinforced concrete elements and prestressed elements with unbonded tendons where
durability is affected and effects of settlement, creep etc., caused by permanent or
more or less permanent actions listed in A-1.2(1), are evaluated with quasi-permanent
A2.1 General
Section 6 gives values of various design properties. The co-relations on which these are based
are given in the following Sub-sections. Also, the expressions for creep and shrinkage for
different types of cements and in different conditions of relative humidity, are given. Effect of high
temperature curing, and multi-axial stresses is indicated. High temperature curing also increases
the rate of relaxation loss of steel in pre-tensioned precast members. Method of calculating the
same is given.
An informative Sub-section is added about partial material factor for concrete, and use of cores
taken for measuring in-situ strength of concrete structures. The test results of cores taken from
existing structure are also used for retrofitting of old bridges by using probable equivalent design
cube strength fck, few observations on the co-relation between the two are given for guidance of
For more detailed information on these and various other properties of concrete which may be
needed for special applications, while still using the general principles of this Code specialist
literature may be referred.
A2.2 Co-relation between Compressive Cube Strength and Other Concrete Properties
Table 6.5 gives directly the design properties of concrete in terms of its 28 days compressive
(cube) strength. The values are based on the following co-relationships, which are experimentally
established. However, the scatter in values is larger than the scatter in cube strengths, since co-
relationship is not exact, but is a best fit to actual data.
(1) fcm = fck + 10, fcm and fck in MPa Eq. A2-1
(2) (i) fctm = 0.259 (fck)2/3 For fck≤ 60 MPa Eq. A2-2
(ii) fctm = 2.27 ln[1+(fcm /12.5)] For fck > 60 MPa
(3) fctk;0,05 = 0.7 fctm fctk;0,05 is 5% fractile Eq. A2-3
(4) fctk;0,95 = 1.3 x fctm fctk;0,95 is 0.95% fractile Eq. A2-4
(5) Ecm 22 cm , Ecm inGPA
in GPA Eq, A2-5
c 2 (0 / 00 )
2.0 0.085(0.8 fck 50)0.53
(8) Eq. A2-8
for fck> 60 MPa
0 90 0.8 fck
cu 2 ( / 00
) 2.6 35
(9) 100 Eq. A2-9
for fck> 60 MPa
90 0.8 fck
1.4 23.4
(10) n
Eq. A2-10
for fck> 60 MPa
c3 0
/ 00 0.8 fck 50
1.75 0.55
(11) Eq. A2-11
for fck> 60 MPa
cu 3 0
90 0.8 fck
/ 00 2.6 35
(12) Eq. A2-12
for fck> 60 MPa
tT = is the temperature adjusted concrete age which replaces time t in the corresponding
T(∆ti) = is the temperature in °C during the time period ∆ti
∆ti = is the number of days where a temperature T prevails.
to = 1°C
1 RH /100
RH 1 x 1 a2 for fcm > 45 MPa Eq. A2-17
0.1.3 ho
fcm 6
0.85 220 110. ds1 .exp ds 2 .
cd .0 .10 . RH
Eq. A2-26
RH 3
RH 1.55 1
RH o
Eq. A2-27
fcm is the mean compressive strength (MPa)
fcmo = 12.5 MPa
α ds1 is a coefficient which depends on the type of cement.
= 3 for slow setting cement.
= 4 for Normal cement.
= 6 for rapid hardening.
α ds2 is a coefficient which depends on the type of cement.
= 0.13 for slow setting cement.
= 0.12 for Normal cement.
= 0.11 for rapid hardening cement.
RH is average of relative humidity (RH) of atmosphere)
RHO = 100 percent.
c k 2
fcm 1 k 2 Eq. A2-28
η = c1
f cm
0.33 f cm
tan E cm
ε c1
c1 ε cu1
ε c
Note: The use 0.33 fcm for the definition of Ecm is approximate
Fig. A2-1 Schematic Representation of the Stress-Strain Relation for Structural Analysis
A2.8 Multi-Axial Stresses
Confinement of concrete results in higher strength and higher critical strains. As a result stress-
strain relationship is modified. The other basic material characteristics may be considered as
unaffected for design.
In the absence of more precise data, the stress-strain relationship shown in Fig. A2.2 may be
used, with increased characteristic strength and strains as given below:
fck.c = fck(1+5σ2 / fck) for σ2 ≤ 0.05 fck Eq. A2-29
fck.c = fck(1.125+2.5σ2 / fck) for σ2 > 0.05 fck Eq. A2-30
εc2.c = εc2 ( fck.c / fck)2 Eq. A2-31
εcu2.c = εcu2 + 0.2σ2 / fck Eq. A2-32
Where σ2 (=σ3) is the effective lateral compressive stress at the ULS due to confinement and
εc2 and εcu2 follow from Table 6.5. Confinement can be achieved by adequately closed links or
crossties, which reach the plastic condition due to lateral extension of the concrete.
A rectangular stress distribution (as given in Fig. A2.4) may be assumed. The factor
λ, defining the effective height of the compression zone and the factor η defining the
effective strength, follow from:
λ = 0.8 for fck ≤ 60 MPa Eq. A2-33
λ = 0.8 – (fck – 60) / 500 for 60 < fck ≤ 110 MPa Eq. A2-34
η = 1.0 for fck ≤ 60 MPa Eq. A2-35
η = 1.0 – (fck– 60)/250 for 60 < fck ≤ 110 MPa Eq. A2-36
Note: If the width of the compression zone decreases in the direction of the extreme compression fibre,
the value η fcd should be reduced by 10 percent.
VR = V 2
m VG2 V f2
Vt = 0.15 coefficient of variation of material properties.
Vm = 0.05 coefficient of variation of model uncertainties.
VG = 0.05 coefficient of variation of geometrical properties.
Consequently the part of γ M which represents the variability of material properties is:
γM1 = exp [αR βVf ] = 1.23
The part γM2 represents the variation of geometrical properties and model uncertainties:
M 1.30
M1 1.23
second part of γc is a conversion factor γ conv =1.15, used with cylindrical strength which takes into
account the decrease of in-place strength versus the characteristic strength fck. In the literature
the inverse value of 0.85 often is used. (This factor for use with cube strength becomes 0.67).
The mean values of concrete compressive strength controlled at plant and the mean value of
in-situ concrete compressive strength are approximately of the same magnitude for the concrete
age at 28 days. But due to other effects, such as transportation temperature changes, placing,
compaction and curing, the variation of insitu concrete strength is essentially larger (coefficient of
variation is about 0.23) than the variation of strength of concrete at plant (coefficient of variation is
about 0.13). Therefore, the safety factor γM =1.3 is not adequate to cover this increase of variation
and additional factor should be used γ conv.To find this additional factor the in-situ strength, or a
fs fs
ratio f ckwas evaluated. The ratio (fs in place strength of concrete was considered as a
f ck
random variable (log-normally distributed). Based on the German and Canadian data the 5
percent fractile of this ratio was found as a value of 0.90 for columns and walls and as a value
of 0.83 for slabs and beams. These results corroborate the use of γconv =1.15, increasing γm from
1.3 to 1.5 which correspond to the factor 0.85 used with the cylinder strength (or 0.67 used with
cube strength).
For bars/rods IS 2090 does not specify 100 hour relaxation loss value. Also 1000 hour relaxation
loss value is not expressed as % value. For this reason the applicable strength, ρ1000, ρ100 loss
values will have to be obtained from the manufacturer’s data.
For steels conforming to other national standards reference shall be made to the respective
1.14 max
T 20 n
Tmax 20 T t 20 ti
i 1 Eq. A2-39
teq is the equivalent time (in hours)
T(∆ti ) is the temperature (in °C) during the time interval ∆ti
Tmax is the maximum temperature (in °C) during the heat treatment.
(Refer Clause 13.4.2 and Clause 13.4.3)
load is applied approximately at the centre of two corrugations, Fig. A5-2. The load as specified
below is applied in increments.
Between more than more than more than more than more than more than
Dia: 25 mm 35 mm 45 mm 55 mm 65 mm 75mm 85 mm
to Up to Up to Up to Up to Up to Up to
35 mm 45 mm 55 mm 65 mm 75 mm 85 mm 90 mm
Load: 250 N 400 N 500 N 600 N 700 N 800 N 1000 N
The sample is considered acceptable if the permanent deformation is less than 5 per cent of the
original diameter.
M S Plate 100 x 10 x 10
A coupler is screwed on and the sample loaded in increments, till specified load. If no deformation
of the joints nor slippage of couplers is noticed, the test shall be considered satisfactory:
Dia in mm Load
25 upto 35 300 N
More than 35 upto 45 500 N
More than 45 upto 55 800 N
More than 55 upto 65 1100 N
More than 65 upto 75 1400 N
More than 75 upto 85 1600 N
More than 85 upto 90 1800 N
1.4 Water Loss Test
The sample is sealed at one end. The sample is filled with water and after sealing, the end is
connected to a system capable of applying a pressure of 0.05 MPa, Fig. A5-4 and kept constant
for 5 minutes, hand pump and pressure gauge or stand pipe system can be used.
The sample is acceptable if the water loss does not exceed 1.5 per cent of the volume . The
volume is worked out as follows:
Another sample 500 mm long is sealed at one end and the volume of hallow space arrived at by
pouring water from a measuring cylinder.
The computation of relative profile volume is worked out as follows:
Va - Premeasured quantity of water in measuring cylinder
Vb - Balance quantity of water left in the cylinder after completely filling of the test
Actual Volume ‘Vp’ = Va - Vb
Relative Profile Volume = Vp - cm3/ cm3
Where l is length of specimen and φ internal nominal dia. of sheathing.
Table A5-2 : Summary of requirements, methods of verification and acceptance criteria for polymer-duct systems -
Recommended specification
No. of
Sr. No. Requirement Method of verification Acceptance criteria Frequency of Test
No. 75,
1 Material 5.2 Table Material certificates based on Material to comply with certificates, specified As specified in footnote of Table 5.2 of
requirements 5.2 testing properties, and declared properties fib75
Test reports Specified
properties Declared material
requirements Annex Assembly drawings - Existence of assembly drawings b) When there is a change in design
A.1 Fabrication drawings - Existence of fabrication drawings c) For each type of material used
- Dimensions and tolerances of actual
components to comply with specified
resistance of Annex of duct specified transverse load for immediate duct b) When there is a change in design
duct A.4 -at room temperature 23 0C deformation c) For each type of material used
-at high temperature 45 0C -No transverse deformation exceeding 10% or
5 mm after release of transverse load
6 Flexibility of 6.5 Flexibility test of duct system -No visual damage to duct or connector a) Initially,
duct system Annex -at room temperature 23 0C -No deformation of cross section > 5% b) When there is a change in design
A.5 -at low temperature -15 0C c) For each type of material used
-at high temperature 45 0C d) When a new connector is proposed
for use
7 Leak tightness 6.6 Leak tightness test of duct -Leak tight for tendons (5minutes) a) Initially,
of duct system Annex system b) When there is a change in design
A.6 -at room temperature 230C c) For each type of material used
d) When a new connector is proposed
for use
8 Concrete 6.7 Concrete pressure test on -Deformation of duct cross section when a) Initially,
pressure on Annex duct bent to minimum radius of curvature for field b) When there is a change in design
duct A.7 -at room temperature 23 0C installation ≤ 10% under negative pressure c) For each type of material used
of 0.75 bar or 0.25 bar for Class I or Class II,
9 Wear 6.8 Wear resistance test of duct -Residual wall thickness of duct ≥ 1.5 mm for a) Initially,
resistance of Annex -at room temperature 23 0C tendons b) When there is a change in design
duct A.8 -at high temperature 45 0C c) For each type of material used
10 Wear 6.9 Wear of duct under sustained -Residual wall thickness of duct ≥ 1.0 mm for a) Initially,
d) When a new anchorage or trumpet is
proposed for use.
15 Full scale 7.4 Full scale PT and duct -Duct profile complies with specified profile a) Initially,
duct system Annex system assembly test -no apparent tendon profile kinks or b) When a new duct or connector or a
assembly B.4 -at ambient temperature discontinuities or loss connections new installation method is proposed
-no excessive duct deformations on support or for use.
A6-1 General
(i) For bridges built in stages, the design and detailing shall take into account of the
construction procedure, sequence etc., as appropriate. Some situations are illustrated
in the following.
a) Where forces, other than those produced on the completed structure, occur in
any structural section during the phases of construction (e.g. deck erection by
incremental launching, bridges built by balanced cantilever, change in sections
during construction, change of support conditions during construction etc.).
b) Where redistribution of forces due to Creep, shrinkage and steel relaxation is
originated by changes to the structural arrangement during the construction
process (e.g. continuous bridges built span by span on false work or by
c) Where distribution of stresses due to Creep, shrinkage and steel relaxation is
originated by changes to structural sections during the construction process
(e.g. decks consisting of precast beams and an insitu slab).
d) Where the erection or construction sequence may have an influence on: the
stability of the structure / capacity of section during construction, the forces in
the completed structure, or the geometry of the completed structure.
(ii) For structures in which any of the circumstances described in paragraphs (i) a) to d)
apply, the serviceability limit states and ultimate limit states should be verified during
various construction stages.
(iii) For structures in which the circumstances described in paragraphs (i) b) or c) apply,
long term values of forces or stresses should be determined from an analysis of
redistribution effects. Step by step or approximate methods may be used in these
(iv) For structures in which the circumstances described in paragraph (i) d) apply erection
and casting sequences / procedures should be indicated on drawings or detailed in
a construction procedure document along with assumed construction and equipment
loads / configurations etc.
A6-2.1 General
(a) Distributed construction live load taken as 50 kg/m2 of deck area for cantilever
construction, sequential / span by span construction etc.
(b) Specialized construction equipment load from launching gantry, from traveler, beam
and winch, movement of precast segments over constructed portion etc.
(c) Dynamic load of equipment may be taken as 10% of the lifting load.
(d) Longitudinal forces arising from construction equipment loads according to the type
of the machinery.
(e) Unbalanced load resulting from sequence / construction stage.
(f) Horizontal wind load on structure shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of
IRC:6 for construction stages.
(g) Effects arising from imposed deformations shall be taken into account. These effects
can be of permanent nature, depending upon the situation. In such situations the
strains and stresses shall be algebraically superimposed as per applicable section at
various construction stages.
(h) The support restraints during all construction stages shall be ensured tor stability
against sliding and overturning. The situation may arise when restraint, particularly in
longitudinal direction, may be absent during construction stage. Need of temporary
restraint for this situation shall be either accounted for in suggested sequence &
detailing or constructor shall be instructed to provide appropriate restraint.
Annexure A-7
S. No. Station Average Annual S. No. Station Average Annual
Relative Humidity (%) Relative Humidity (%)
1 Diu 66 66 1 Badarwah 73 58
GOA 2 Banihal 72 52
1 Dabolim (N.A.S.) 77 69 3 Batote 67 60
2 Marmugao 79 74 4 Gulmarg 73 67
3 Panjim 82 71 5 Jammu 71 56
6 Kathua 75 -
7 Katra 66 61
8 Kukernag 72 65
1 Ahmedabad 67 41
9 Kupwara 85 64
2 Amreli 69 39
10 Pehalgam 83 66
3 Balsar ( Valsad) 77 65
11 Quazigund 79 59
4 Baroda 70 42
12 Srinagar 79 56
5 Baroda (A) 70 45
6 Bhavnagar (A) 64 44
1 Agumbe 89 82
7 Bhuj (Rudramata)(A) 73 41
2 Bagalkote 74 60
8 Deesa 68 39
3 Balehonnur 85 -
9 Dohad 70 41
4 Bangalore /Bangaluru 80 52
10 Dwarka 80 70
5 Bangalore /Bangaluru (A) 81 52
11 Idar 55 36
6 Belgaum 75 -
12 Keshod(A) 69 46
7 Belgaum Samra(A) 74 53
13 Naliya 76 52
8 Bellary 65 47
14 New Kandla 72 51
9 Bidar 67 52
15 Okha 76 71
10 Bijapur 71 47
16 Porbandar (A) 72 57
11 Chickmagalur 74 62
17 Rajkot(A) 71 38
12 Chitradurga 74 49
18 Surat 73 53
13 Gadag 73 45
19 VallabhVidyanagar 77 50
14 Gulbarga 62 41
20 Veraval 73 72
15 Hassan 82 63
16 Honavar 81 72
1 Ambala 74 52
17 Karwar 80 72
2 Bhiwani 69 50
18 Kolar Gold Field 75 54
3 Gurgaon 68 48
19 Mandya 81 57
4 Hissar 72 46
20 Mangalore (Panambur) 84 73
5 Karnal 73 55
21 Mangalore / Bajpe (A) 82 70
6 Narnaul 56 46
22 Mercara 88 76
7 Rohtak 69 50
23 Mysore 82 61
24 Raichur 59 42
1 Bhuntar(A) 80 48
25 Shimoga 81 58
2 Dharmsala 64 63
26 Shirali 81 75
3 Kalpa (GL) 59 49
27 Tumkur 71 48
4 Manali 78 64
5 Nahan 70 64
1 Alleppy 86 78
6 Nauni / Solan 68 54
2 Kozhicode 83 75
7 Shimla 60 65
3 Cannanore 79 73
8 Sundernagar 83 54
4 Cochin (N. A. S.) 83 73
9 Una 77 59
S. No. Station Average Annual S. No. Station Average Annual
Relative Humidity (%) Relative Humidity (%)
5 Karipur (Airport) 80 71 36 Shajapur 61 43
6 Kottayam 84 72 37 Sheopur 69 47
7 Palakkad (Palghat) 81 61 38 Shivpuri 61 47
8 Punalur 87 66 39 Sidhi 66 47
9 Thiruvananthapuram 83 73 40 Thikri 65 -
(Trivandrum) 41 Tikamgarh 65 60
LAKSHADWEEP 42 Ujjain 69 42
1 Agatti(A) 77 73 43 Umaria 70 54
2 AminiDivi 82 75 44 Vidisha 73 50
3 Minicoy 82 75 MAHARASHTRA
MADHYA PRADESH 1 Ahmednagar 65 48
1 Alirajpur (Jhabua) 56 50 2 Akola 61 42
2 Bagratawa 61 46 3 Akola(A) 60 41
3 Betul 70 50 4 Alibag 80 71
4 Bhopal (Bairagarh) 60 43 5 Amravati 64 51
5 Chhindwara 70 52 6 Aurangabad (Chikalthana)(A) 64 45
6 Damoh 62 - 7 Baramati 61 39
7 Datia 65 52 8 Bhira 84 63
8 Dhar 70 60 9 Bir (Beed) 69 45
9 Ginabahar 66 55 10 Brahmapuri 68 49
10 Guna 62 43 11 Buldhana 63 44
11 Gwalior 63 46 12 Chandrapur (Chanda) 67 48
12 Hoshangabad 65 47 13 Dahanu 73 70
13 Indore 60 40 14 Devgad (Devgarh) 78 73
14 Jabalpur 65 48 15 Gondia 66 50
15 Jashpurnagar 66 58 16 Harnai 71 75
16 Kannod 67 50 17 Jalgaon 68 43
17 Khajuraho 65 45 18 Jeur 68 46
18 Khandwa 59 37 19 Kolhapur 78 55
19 Khargone 68 62 20 Mahabaleshwar 69 69
20 Malanjkhand 69 54 21 Malegaon 64 40
21 Mandla 69 54 22 Miraj (Sangali) 78 51
22 Narsinghpur 67 46 23 Mumbai(Colaba) 81 71
23 Nimach 60 43 24 Mumbai(Bombay) (Santa Cruz) 74 63
24 Nowgong 68 51 25 Nagpur (Mayo-Hospital) - -
25 Panna 61 52 26 Nagpur (Sonegaon) 62 47
26 Pendra Road 64 53 27 Nanded 66 43
27 Raigarh 67 52 28 Osmanabad 68 54
28 Raisen - - 29 Ozar(A) 67 44
29 Rajgarh 62 43 30 Parbhani 62 44
30 Rajnandgaon 68 53 31 Pune 74 47
31 Ratlam 63 41 32 Pusad 63 46
32 Rewa 61 54 33 Ratnagiri(PBO) 74 69
33 Sagar 59 45 34 Satara 73 51
34 Satna 65 47 35 Solapur 67 38
35 Seoni 63 55 36 Sironcha 71 52
S. No. Station Average Annual S. No. Station Average Annual
Relative Humidity (%) Relative Humidity (%)
37 Vengurla 82 68 3 Banswara 62 43
38 Wardha 61 47 4 Bharatpur 68 49
39 Yeotmal 56 44 5 Barmer 59 32
MANIPUR 6 Bhilwara 65 -
1 Imphal/ Tulihal(A) 78 70 7 Bikaner(P.B.O) 56 30
MEGHALAYA 8 Chambal /(RawatBhatta Dam) 61 41
1 Barapani 78 - 9 Chittorgarh 66 42
2 Cherrapunji 75 83 10 Churu 62 34
3 Shillong (C.S.O.) 70 84 11 Dholpur 57 50
MIZORAM 12 Ganganagar 70 43
1 Aizwal - - 13 Jaipur (Sanganer) 58 36
NEW DELHI 14 Jaisalmer 60 31
1 New Delhi Palam (A) 68 45 15 JawaiBandh/Erinpura 66 45
2 New Delhi (Safdarjang) 68 46 16 Jhalawar 66 43
3 New Delhi C.H.O 70 47 17 Kota (A) 53 35
ORRISA 18 Kota (PB-Micromet) 55 37
1 Angul 72 60 19 Phalodi 59 33
2 Balasore 72 71 20 Pilani 66 42
3 Baripada 77 70 21 SawaiMadhopur 63 42
4 Bhawani Patna 65 54 22 Sikar 57 43
5 Bhubaneshwar (A) 77 67 23 Udaipur 65 -
6 Bolangir 69 58 24 Udaipur (Dabok)(A) 62 39
7 Chandbali 79 72 SIKKIM
8 Cuttack 78 65 1 Gangtok 86 83
9 Gopalpur 81 78 2 Tadong 81 73
10 Jharsuguda 67 51 TAMILNADU
11 Keonjhargarh 70 61 1 Adiramapatinam 77 73
12 Paradip Port 81 79 2 Ariyalur 73 61
13 Pulbani 77 66 3 Chennai (Minambakkam) (A) 74 65
14 Puri 80 78 4 Chennai (Nungambakkam) 76 69
15 Sambalpur 72 58 5 Coimbatore (Pilamedu) 80 54
16 Sundergarh 70 62 6 Coonoor 69 -
17 Titlagarh 65 60 7 Cuddalore 78 71
PONDICHERRY 8 Dharmapuri 71 52
1 Pondicherry 77 76 9 Erode 67 56
2 Pondicherry (M.O) 81 75 10 K. Paramathy 78 54
PUNJAB 11 Kanniyakumari 75 74
1 Amritsar (Rajasansi) 77 52 12 Kodaikanal 73 81
2 Kapurthala 79 70 13 Karaikal 79 73
3 Ludhiana 73 51 14 Koradacherry 81 65
4 Ludhiana P.A.U. 76 54 15 Kudumiamalai 73 49
5 Patiala 78 57 16 Madurai 74 -
6 Patiala (Rs/Rw) 78 58 17 Madurai (A) 69 50
RAJASTHAN 18 Mettur Dam 69 45
1 Abu 66 53 19 Nagapattinam 78 71
2 Ajmer 55 34 20 Octacamund 77 75
S. No. Station Average Annual S. No. Station Average Annual
Relative Humidity (%) Relative Humidity (%)
21 Palayamkottai 74 60 21 Kheri- Lakhimpur 78 58
22 Pamban 76 73 22 Lucknow (Amausi) 72 55
23 Port Novo 82 72 23 Mainpuri 76 59
24 Salem 75 52 24 Mathura 65 58
25 Tanjavur 80 58 25 Meerut 76 -
26 Tiruchirapalli (A) 73 50 26 Moradabad 79 65
27 Tiruchi 85 - 27 Mukhim 64 59
28 Tiruppattur 77 62 28 Muzaffarnagar 74 53
29 Tiruttani 72 57 29 Najibabad 76 55
30 Tondi 76 76 30 Shahajahanpur 75 59
31 Tuticorin 77 73 31 Sultanpur (M.O.) 78 64
32 Vedaranniyam 80 74 32 Varanasi 72 57
33 Vellore 78 55 33 Varanasi (Babatpur) 71 55
1 Agartala(A) 79 75 1 Bagati 82 71
2 Kailashahar(A) 83 75 2 Balurghat 78 74
UTTARAKHAND 3 Bankura 69 68
1 Dehra Dun 73 61 4 Bankura (M.O.) 78 68
2 Mukteswar (Kumaun) 62 69 5 Berhampore 79 70
3 Pantnagar 76 60 6 Calcutta (Alipur) 77 69
4 Roorkee 74 56 7 Calcutta (Dum Dum) (A) 75 68
UTTAR PRADESH 8 Canning 79 73
1 Agra 70 51 9 Contai 79 77
2 Aligarh 71 55 10 Cooch Behar (A) 80 72
3 Allahabad 68 53 11 Darjeeling 85 84
4 Bahraich 74 59 12 Digha 79 76
5 Ballia 77 66 13 Diamond Harbour 82 76
6 Banda 66 54 14 Haldia 78 73
7 Barabanki 73 59 15 Jalpaiguri 83 78
8 Bareilly P.B.O. 76 56 16 Kalimpong 88 89
9 Churk 67 59 17 Krishnanagar 72 66
10 Etawah 73 59 18 Malda 72 64
11 Faizabad 74 - 19 Midnapore 70 66
12 Fatehgarh 70 60 20 Purulia 71 59
13 Fatehpur 69 63 21 Sagar Island 80 78
14 Gazipur 71 61 22 Sandheads 79 77
15 Gonda - - 23 Shanti-Niketan 76 65
16 Gorakhpur(P.B.O) 76 61 24 Ulberia 86 74
17 Hamirpur 69 55
18 Hardoi 73 57
19 Jhansi 62 45
20 Kanpur (A) 73 54 I – corresponds to observation at 0830 IST
II –corresponds to observation at 1730 IST
B1.1 This section applies to shell elements, in which there are generally eight components
of internal forces. The eight components of internal forces are listed below and shown in Figure
B1.1.1 for an element of unit dimensions:
- 3 plate components ηEdx ,ηEdy and ηEdxy= ηEdyx
- 3 slab components mEdx , mEdy and mEdxy= mEdxy
- 2 transverse shear forces vEdx, vEdy,
B1.2 The first stage in the verification procedure is to establish if the shell element is
uncracked or cracked.
B1.3 In uncracked elements the only verification required is to check that the minimum
principle stress is smaller than the design compressive strength fcd. It may be appropriate to take
into account the multiaxial compression state in the definition of fcd.
B1.4 In cracked elements a sandwich model should be used for design or verification of the
shell element.
B1.5 In the sandwich model three layers are identified (Fig. B1.2): The two outer layers
resist the membrane actions arising form ηEdx, ηEdy, ηEdxy, mEdx, mEdy, mEdxy and the inner layer carries
the shear forces vEdx, vEdy. The thickness of the different layers should be established by means of
an iterative procedure (B1.13 and B1.15) (Fig. B1.2).
B1.6 The inner layer should be designed according to 6.2 taking into account the principal
shear, its principal direction and the longitudinal reinforcement components in that direction
(B1.13 to B1.15).
B1.7 In order to establish whether shell elements are cracked, the principal stresses at
different levels within the thickness of the element should be checked. In practice the following
inequality shall be verified.
J2 J2 I1
1 0 Eq. B1-1
f cm f cm f cm
J 2
( 1 2) 2 ( 2 3) 2 ( 3 1) 2 Eq. B1-2
( 1 m )( 2 m )( 3 m )
J3 Eq. B1-3
I 1 1 2 3 Eq. B1-4
m ( 1 2 3 ) / 3 Eq. B1-5
Eq. B1-6
9k 1.4
c1cos ar cos(C 2cos 3 ) for cos3 0
3 Eq. B1-7
c1 cos ar cos(C 2 cos 3 ) for cos3 0
3 3
Eq. B1-8
3.7k 1.1
cos 3 3 3 33
J2 2 Eq. B1-9
0.7k 0.9 Eq. B1-10
c 2 1 6.8(k 0.07 ) 2 Eq. B1-11
f ctm
f cm Eq. B1-12
If inequality (in Eq. B1-1) is satisfied, then the element is considered to be uncracked; otherwise
it should be considered as cracked.
B1.8 If the shell element is considered to be cracked, the forces within the outer layers of
the sandwich model shall be determined according to the following equations (Fig. B1-3 and
z y m
n Edxs nEdx x xs Edx Eq. B1-13
zx zx
z y m
n Edxi nEdx x xi Edx Eq. B1-14
zx zx
z y y ys m Edy
n Edys nEdy
zy zy Eq. B1-15
z y y yi m Edy
n Edyi nEdy
zy zy Eq. B1-16
z yx y yxs m Edyx
n Edyxs nEdyx
z yx z yx Eq. B1-17
z yx y yxi m Edyx
n Edyxi nEdyx
z yx z yx Eq. B1-18
z xy y xys m Edxy
n Edxys nEdxy
z xy z xy Eq. B1-19
z xy y xyi m Edxy
n Edxyi nEdxy
z xy z xy
Eq. B1-20
zx and zy are the lever arms for bending moments and membrane axial forces;
yxs,yxi,yys, yyi are the distances from the centre of gravity of the reinforcement to
mid-plane of the element in the x and y directions, in relation to bending and
axial membrane forces; therefore zx = yxs+yxi and zy = yys+ yyi
yyxs, yyxi, yxys, yxyi are the distances from the centre of gravity of the reinforcement to
the mid plane of the element, in relation to torque moment and shear membrane
forces; therefore zyx=yyxs+yyxi and zxy = yxys+yxyi
Fig. Anx.B1-3 Axial Actions and Bending Moments in the Outer Layer
Fig. B1-4 Membrane Shear Actions and Twisting Moments in the Outer Layer
Out of plane shear forces vEdx and vEdy are applied to the inner layer with the layer arm zc, determined
with reference to the centroid of the appropriate layers of reinforcement.
B1.9 For the design of the inner layer the principal shear vEdo and its direction φ0 shall be
evaluated as follows:
members requiring shear reinforcement. In Expression 10.3.2 ρ1 should be taken as:
1 x cos2 o y sin 2 o
Eq. B1-23
B1.11 When shear reinforcement is necessary, the longitudinal force resulting from the truss
model vEdo Cot θ gives rise to the following membrane forces in x and y directions:
nEdyc cot
vEdo Eq. B1-24
vEdx vEdy
nEdxyc cot
vEdo Eq. B1-25
v 2
nEdxc Edx cot
vEdo Eq. B1-26
vEdx vEdy
nEdyxc nEdxyc cot
vEdo Eq. B1-27
B1.12 The outer layers shall be designed as membrane elements, using the design rules of
Section 9.
B1.13 The following simplified approach may generally be adopted with respect to Fig.B1-3
and Fig.B1-4.
yns y xs y ys
Eq. B1-28
yni y xi y yi
Eq. B1-29
z x z y zn yns yni
Eq. B1-32
z xy z yx zt yts yti
Eq. B1-33
The difference between zn and zt may generally be ignored, assuming the thickness of
the outer layers to be twice the effective concrete cover, therefore:
yns yts ys Eq. B1-34
yni yti yi Eq. B1-35
zn zt z Eq. B1-36
B1.14 Based on the above assumptions, the forces in the outer layers can be evaluated as
(a) In the case for which no shear reinforcement is required to resist vEdx and vEdy
z ys mEdx
nEdxs nEdx
z z Eq. B1-37
z yi mEdx
nEdxi nEdx
z z Eq. B1-38
z ys mEdy
nEdys nEdy
z z Eq. B1-39
z yi mEdy
n Edyi n Edy
z z Eq. B1-40
z y s mEdxy
nEdxys n Edxy
z z Eq. B1-41
z yi mEdxy
n Edxyi n Edxy
z z Eq. B1-42
b) In the case for which shear reinforcement is required to resist vEdx and vEdy.
z y s mEdx 1 v Edx2
nEdxs nEdx cot
z z 2 v Edo Eq. B1-43
z yi mEdx 1 v Edx2
n Edxi n Edx cot
z z 2 v Edo Eq. B1-44
z y s mEdy 1 v Edy
n Edys n Edy cot
z z 2 v Edo Eq. B1-45
z yi mEdy 1 vEdy
nEdy cot
z z 2 vEdo Eq. B1-46
z ys mEdxy 1 vEdx vEdy
nEdxy cot
z z 2 vEdo Eq. B1-47
z yi mEdxy 1 vEdx vEdy
nEdxyi nEdxy cot
z z 2 vEdo Eq. B1-48
B1.15 If the verification in (B1-12) above is not satisfied, one of the following procedures
shall be followed.
a) increase the concrete cover and consequently reduce the internal lever arm;
b) use different values for zn and zt with zn>zt ; internal concrete stresses should then be
added vectorially;
c) Increase the layer thickness to satisfy the concrete verification and leave the
reinforcement position unchanged. This will cause the reinforcement to become
eccentric in the layer; as a consequence two internal bending moments arise, and
these should be in equilibrium within the shell element. In these circumstances, the
forces in internal reinforcement become:
t t
n*Eds nEds h s bi' nEdi i b 'i / h bi 'b's
2 2
Eq. B1- 49
n*Edi n Eds n Edi n*Eds
Eq. B1- 50
ts and ti are the thickness of top and bottom layers, respectively.
b’i is the distance from the external surface of the layer to the axis of the reinforcement within
the layer.
The internal layer should be checked for an additional out of the plane shear corresponding to
the force transfer between the layers of reinforcement.
This Annexure gives description of the main deterioration mechanisms which may need to be
considered in design.
B2.3 Alkali-aggregate Reactions
There are two basic forms of reaction which occasionally occur and can damage concrete: viz.
- the alkali-silica reaction and the alkali-carbonate reaction. The alkali-silica reaction is the more
common in India. It is a reaction between the alkalis (sodium and potassium salts) in the cement and
certain forms of glassy or crypto-crystalline silica in the aggregate, which results in the formation of
a hygroscopic ‘silica gel’. This gel expands when in contact with water, resulting in the formation of
cracks, which may be large (several millimeters wide are not uncommon). In relatively unstressed
and unreinforced concrete, these cracks can form a random ‘map’ pattern. In other cases, the cracks
will tend to form parallel to the direction of compressive stress or reinforcement. The cracks are
usually not deep, only extending 50-70 mm into the section. Their effect on structural performance
is not as great as might be imagined from looking at the cracks. A reduction in the compressive and
tensile strengths and modulus of elasticity of the concrete occurs, but this is commonly not more
than about 20-30 percent.
In India, siliceous rocks like granite, granite gneiss and schist, quartzite and sandstone, containing
‘strained quartz’ have been found to be reactive. The methods of evaluation are given in IS 2386;
more refined methods of detection of reactivity of aggregates are being evolved, for which, specialist
literature may be consulted.
B2.7 Abrasion
Abrasion of concrete surfaces may occur due to movement of boulders, sand or gravel suspended in
turbulent water, or air borne sand particles. Resistance to abrasion can be obtained by using higher
strength concrete and abrasion resistant aggregates. Resistance is also markedly improved by good
curing of surfaces likely to be exposed to abrasive action.
B3.1 Scope
The effect of concentrated loads on slabs spanning in one or two directions or on cantilever
slabs may be calculated from the influence fields of such loads or by any other rational method. A
value of 0.2 may be assumed for Poisson’s ratio. A simplified method for estimating the action of
concentrated loads on slab, based on effective width method for cantilever and simply supported
slab, is described below, which may be used where more detailed calculations are not performed.
bef = the effective width of slab on which the load acts,
l o = the effective span as indicated in Section B3-4,
a = the distance of the centre of gravity of the concentrated load from the nearer
b 1 = the breadth of concentration area of the load, i.e., the dimension of the tyre
or track contact area over the road surface of the slab in a direction at right
angles to the span plus twice the thickness of the wearing coat or surface
finish above the structural slab, and
α = a constant having the following values depending upon the ratio b/lo where b
is the width of the slab.
Provided that the effective width shall not exceed the actual width of the slab;
and provided further that in case of a load near the unsupported edge of a slab,
the effective width shall not exceed the above value nor half the above value
plus the distance of the load from the unsupported edge.
(ii) For two or more concentrated loads
If the effective width of slab for one load overlaps the effective width of slab for
an adjacent load, resultant effective width for the two loads shall be taken as
equal to the sum of the respective effective width for each load minus the width
of overlap, provided that the slab so designed is tested for the two loads acting