Note: A branch will study either the subjects corresponding to Sr. No. Marked A or corresponding to Sr. No. marked B in one particular semester.
Induction Program (Three weeks duration) is a part of scheme of first year in 1st semester for all branches.
Cluster –II: Common with B.Tech in (a) Computer Sci. & Engg. (b) Information Technology (c) Electronics & Communication Engg. (d)
Electrical Engineering (e) Electrical & Electronics Engineering (f) Electronics Engg.
Note: A branch will study either the subjects corresponding to Sr. No. Marked A or corresponding to Sr. No. marked B in one particular semester.
BS-115 A Semiconductor Physics
L T P Credit Major Minor Test Total Time
3 1 - 4 75 25 100 3h
Purpose To introduce the fundamentals of solid state physics and its applications to the students.
Course Outcomes
CO1 To make the students aware of basic terminology of crystal structure.
CO 2 Introduce the elementary quantum mechanics, which will be useful in understanding the
concepts of solid state physics.
CO 3 Discussion of classical free electron theory, quantum theory and Band theory of solids.
CO 4 Basics and applications of semiconductors.
Unit - I
Crystal Structure: Crystalline and Amorphous solids, Crystal Structure: lattice translation vector, symmetry operations
, space lattice, basis; Unit cell and Primitive cell, Fundamental types of lattices: two-dimensional and three dimensional
Bravais lattices; Characteristics of Unit cells: Simple Cubic (SC), Body Centred Cubic (BCC), Face Centred Cubic (
FCC), Hexagonal Close Packed (HCP) structure; Simple crystal structures: Sodium Chloride, Cesium Chloride,
Diamond, Cubic Zinc Sulfide; Miller Indices, Bonding in Solids, Point defects in crystals: Schottky and Frenkel defects.
Unit – II
Quantum Theory: Need and origin of Quantum concept, Wave-particle duality, Phase velocity and group velocity,
Uncertainty Principle and Applications; Schrodinger’s wave equation: time-dependent and time –independent; Physical
Significance of wave function ψ.
Unit – III
Free Electron Theory: Classical free electron theory: electrical conductivity in metals, thermal conductivity in metals,
Wiedemann-Franz law, success and drawbacks of free electron theory; Quantum free electron theory: wave function,
eigen values; Fermi-Dirac distribution function, Density of states, Fermi energy and its importance, Thermionic
Emission (qualitative).
Band theory of Solids: Bloch theorem, Kronig-Penney Model (qualitative), E versus k diagram, Brillouin Zones,
Concept of effective mass of electron, Energy levels and energy bands, Distinction between metals, insulators and
semiconductors, Hall effect and its Applications.
Unit –IV
Semiconductors: Conduction in Semiconductors, Intrinsic Semiconductors: Conductivity of charge carriers, Carrier
concentration in intrinsic semiconductors; Extrinsic Semiconductors: n-type semiconductors, p-type semiconductors,
charge carrier concentration in extrinsic semiconductors.
Semiconductor Devices: The p-n junction, Current-voltage characteristics of p-n junction; The Transistor: Bipolar
Junction Transistor (BJT), Field Effect Transistor (FET), Metal-Semiconductor Junction (Ohmic and Schottky);
Semiconductor Laser.
Suggested Books:
1. Applied Physics for Engineers, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Introduction to Solid State Physics, John Wiley & Sons. .
3. Concepts of Modern Physics (5th edition), Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.
4. Solid State Physics, New Age International (P) Limited.
5. A Textbook of Quantum Mechanics, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited.
Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley & Sons.
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BS-117LA Semiconductor Physics Lab
L T P Credit Practical Minor Test Total Time
- - 3 1.5 30 20 50 3h
Purpose To give the practical knowledge of handling the sophisticated instruments.
Course Outcomes
CO To make the students familiar with the experiments related with Semiconductor Physics.
Note: Student will be required to perform at least 10 experiments out of the following list.
Suggested Books:
BS-101A Chemistry
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L T P Credit Major Minor Total Time
Test Test
3 1 - 4 75 25 100 3h
Purpose To familiarize the students with basic and applied concept in chemistry
CO1 An insight into the atomic and molecular structure
CO2 Analytical techniques used in identification of molecules
CO3 To understand Periodic properties
CO4 To understand the spatial arrangement of molecules
Atomic and molecular structure (10 lectures)
Molecular orbitals of diatomic molecules (N2, O2, CO) Equations for atomic and molecular orbitals.
Energy level diagrams of diatomics. Pi-molecular orbitals of butadiene and benzene and aromaticity.
Crystal field theory and energy level diagrams of [Co(NH3)6], [Ni(CO)4], [PtCl2(NH3)2] and magnetic
properties of metal complexes. Band structure of solids and the role of doping on band structures.
Spectroscopic techniques and applications (8 lectures)
Principles of spectroscopy and selection rules. Electronic spectroscopy(basic concept). Fluorescence
and its applications in medicine. Vibrational and rotational spectroscopy of diatomic molecules.
Applications. Basic concepts of Nuclear magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance imaging,
Diffraction and scattering.
Use of free energy in chemical equilibria (4 lectures)
Thermodynamic functions: energy, entropy and free energy. Estimations of entropy and free
energies. Free energy and emf. Cell potentials, the Nernst equation and applications.
Periodic properties (4 Lectures)
Effective nuclear charge, penetration of orbitals, variations of s, p, d and f orbital energies of atoms in
the periodic table, electronic configurations, atomic and ionic sizes, ionization energies, electron
affinity and electronegativity, polarizability, oxidation states, coordination numbers and geometries,
hard soft acids and bases, molecular geometries (H2O, NH3, PCl5, SF6, CCl4, Pt(NH3)2Cl2
Stereochemistry (6 lectures)
Representations of 3 dimensional structures, structural isomers and stereoisomers, configurations
and symmetry and chirality, enantiomers, diastereomers, optical activity, absolute configurations
and conformational analysis.
Organic reactions and synthesis of a drug molecule (4 lectures)
Introduction to reactions involving substitution, addition, elimination, oxidation, reduction,
cyclization and ring openings. Synthesis of a commonly used drug molecule (paracetamol and
Suggested Books:
1) University chemistry, by B. M. Mahan, Pearson Education
2) Chemistry: Principles and Applications, by M. J. SienkoandR. A. Plane
3) Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, by C. N. Banwell
4) Engineering Chemistry (NPTEL Web-book), by B. L. Tembe, Kamaluddin and M. S.Krishnan
5) Physical Chemistry, by P. W. Atkins
6)Organic Chemistry: Structure and Function by K. P. C. Volhardt and N. E. Schore,5th Edition
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L T P Credit Practical Minor Total Time
- - 3 1.5 30 20 50 3h
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L T P Credit Major Minor Total Time
Test Test
3 - - 3 75 25 100 3h
Purpose To familiarize the students with the basics of Computer System and C Programming
Course Outcomes
CO 1 Describe the overview of Computer System and Levels of Programming Languages.
CO 2 Learn to translate the algorithms to programs (in C language).
CO 3 Learn description and applications of conditional branching, iteration and recursion.
CO 4 To use arrays, pointers and structures to formulate algorithms and programs.
Overview of Computers: Block diagram and its description, Number systems, Arithmetic of number
systems, Computer Hardware: Printers, Keyboard and Mouse, Storage Devices.
Introduction to programming language: Different levels of PL: High Level language, Assembly
language, Machine language; Introduction to Compiler, Interpreter, Debugger, Linker, Loader,
Problem Analysis: Problem solving techniques, Algorithms and Flowchart representation.
Overview of C: Elements of C, Data types; Storage classes in C; Operators: Arithmetic, relational,
logical, bitwise, unary, assignment and conditional operators, precedence & associativity of
Input/output: Unformatted & formatted I/O function in C.
Control statements: if statement, switch statement; Repetition: for, while, and do-while loop; break,
continue, go to statements.
Arrays: Definition, types, initialization, processing an array, String handling.
Functions: Definition, prototype, parameters passing techniques, recursion, built-in functions,
passing arrays to functions, returning arrays from functions.
Pointers: Declaration, operations on pointers, pointers and arrays, dynamic memory allocation,
pointers and functions, pointers and strings.
Structure & Union: Definition, processing, passing structures to functions, use of union.
Data files: Opening and closing a file, I/O operations on files.
Suggested Books:
1. Brian W. Kernighan Dennis Ritchie, “C Programming Language” Pearson Education India.
2. Subrata Saha, Subhodip Mukherjee: Basic Computation & Programming with ‘C’-Cambridge
University Press.
3. Ajay Mittal, “Programming in C - A Practical Approach”, Pearson.
4. E Balagurusamy :Programming in ANSI C,TMH Education.
5. Pradip Dey and Manas Ghose, “Computer Fundamental and Programming in C”, Oxford Pub.
6. ForouzanBehrouz, “Computer Science: A Structured Programming Approach Using C”,
Cengage Learning.
7. Ashok Kamthane, “Programming in C, 3e”, Pearson Education India..
8. Yashwant Kanetker, “Let us C”, BPB Publications.
9. A K Sharma, “ Fundamentals of Computers & Programming” Dhanpat Rai Publications
10.Rajaraman V., “Computer Basic and C Programming”, Prentice Hall of India Learning.
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ES- Programming for Problem Solving Lab
L T P Credit Practica Minor Total Time
l Test
- - 2 1 30 20 50 3h
Purpose To Introduce students with problem solving using C Programming language
Course Outcomes
CO 1 To formulate the algorithms for simple problems
CO 2 Implementation of arrays and functions.
CO 3 Implementation of pointers and user defined data types.
CO 4 Write individual and group reports: present objectives, describe test procedures
and results.
1. Write a program to find the sum of individual digits of a positive integer.
2. Write a program to generate the first n terms of the Fibonacci sequence.
3. Write a program to generate all the prime numbers between 1 and n, where n is the input
value given by the user.
4. Write a program to find the roots of a quadratic equation.
5. Write a function to generate Pascal’s triangle.
6. Write a program for addition of Two Matrices
7. Write a program for calculating transpose of a matrix.
8. Write a program for Matrix multiplication by checking compatibility
9. Write programs to find the factorial of a given integer by using both recursive and non-
recursive functions.
10. Write a function that uses functions to perform the count the lines, words and characters in a
given text.
11. Write a program to explores the use of structures, union and other user defined variables
12. Write a program to print the element of array using pointers
13. Write a program to implement call by reference
14. Write a program to print the elements of a structure using pointers
15. Write a program to read a string and write it in reverse order
16. Write a program to concatenate two strings
17. Write a program to check that the input string is a palindrome or not.
18. Write a program which copies one file to another.
19. Write a program to reverse the first n characters in a file.
Note: At least 10 programs are to be performed & executed from the above list.
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HM-101 A English
L T P Credit Major Minor Total Time
Test Test
2 - - 2 75 25 100 3h
Course Outcomes
CO 1 Building up the vocabulary
CO 2 Students will acquire basic proficiency in English including writing skills
Vocabulary Building
1.1 The concept of Word Formation
1.2 Root words from foreign languages and their use in English
1.3 Acquaintance with prefixes and suffixes from foreign languages in English to form derivatives.
1.4 Synonyms, antonyms, and standard abbreviations.
Basic Writing Skills
2.1 Sentence Structures
2.2 Use of phrases and clauses in sentences
2.3 Importance of proper punctuation
2.4 Creating coherence
2.5 Organizing principles of paragraphs in documents
2.6 Techniques for writing precisely
Identifying Common Errors in Writing
3.1 Subject-verb agreement
3.2 Noun-pronoun agreement
3.3 Misplaced modifiers
3.4 Articles
3.5 Prepositions
3.6 Redundancies
3.7 Clichés
Nature and Style of sensible Writing
4.1 Describing
4.2 Defining
4.3 Classifying
4.4 Providing examples or evidence
4.5 Writing introduction and conclusion
4.6 Comprehension
4.7 Précis Writing
4.8 Essay Writing
Suggested Books:
(i) Practical English Usage. Michael Swan. OUP. 1995.
(ii) Remedial English Grammar. F.T. Wood. Macmillan.2007
(iii)On Writing Well. William Zinsser. Harper Resource Book. 2001
(iv) Study Writing. Liz Hamp-Lyons and Ben Heasly. Cambridge University Press. 2006.
(v) Communication Skills. Sanjay Kumar and Pushp Lata. Oxford University Press. 2011.
(vi) Exercises in Spoken English. Parts. I-III. CIEFL, Hyderabad. Oxford University Press
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HM- Language Lab
L T P Credit Practical Minor Tota Time
Test l
- - 2 1 30 20 50 3h
1. Listening Comprehension
2. Pronunciation, Intonation, Stress and Rhythm
3. Common Everyday Situations: Conversations and Dialogues
4. Communication at Workplace
5. Interviews
6. Formal Presentations
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BS-133 A Calculus and Linear Algebra
L T P Credit Major Minor Total Time
Test Test
3 1 - 4 75 25 100 3h
Purpose To familiarize the prospective engineers with techniques in calculus, sequence & series,
multivariable calculus, and linear algebra.
Course Outcomes
CO1 To introduce the idea of applying differential and integral calculus to notions of improper
integrals. Apart from some applications it gives a basic introduction on Beta and Gamma
CO 2 To introduce the fallouts of Rolle’s Theorem that is fundamental to application of analysis to
Engineering problems.
CO 3 To develop the essential tool of matrices and linear algebra in a comprehensive manner.
CO 4 To familiarize the student with vector space as an essential tool in most branches of
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BS-134 A Probability & Statistics
L T P Credit Major Test Minor Test Total Time
4 1 - 4.5 75 25 100 3h
Purpose To familiarize the prospective students with techniques of probability and statistics.
Course Outcomes
CO1 Probability theory provides models of probability distributions( theoretical models of the observable
reality involving chance effects) to be tested by statistical methods which has various engineering
applications, for instance, in testing materials, control of production processes, robotics, and
automatization in general, production planning and so on.
CO 2 To develop the essential tool of statistics in a comprehensive manner.
CO 3 To familiarize the student with the problem of discussing universe of which they in which complete
enumeration is impractical, tests of significance plays a vital role in their hypothesis testing.
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8.Veerarajan T., Engineering Mathematics (for semester III), Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2010.
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1 2 0 3 75 25 100 3h
Course Outcomes
Objective- To expose students to the basics of Engineering Drawing , graphics and
CO-1 To learn about construction of various types of curves and scales.
CO-2 To learn about orthographic projections of points, lines and planes.
CO-3 To Learn about the sectional views and development of Right regular solids
CO-4 To Learn about the construction of Isometric Projections and conversion of
Isometric views to Orthographic views and vice-versa.
Introduction to Engineering Drawing:
Principles of Engineering Graphics and their significance, usage of Drawing instruments, lettering,
Conic sections including the Rectangular Hyperbola (General method only); Cycloid, Epicycloid,
Hypocycloid and Involute; Scales – Plain, Diagonal and Vernier Scales;
Orthographic Projections:
Principles of Orthographic Projections-Conventions-Projections of Points and lines inclined to both
planes; Projections of planes inclined to one principal Plane.
Projections of Regular Solids:
Solid with axis inclined to both the Planes;
Sections and Sectional Views of Right Regular Solids:
Sectional views of simple right regular soilds like prism, pyramid, Cylinder and Cone. Development
of surfaces of Right Regular Solids-Prism, Pyramid, Cylinder and Cone;
Isometric Projections:
Principles of Isometric projection – Isometric Scale, Isometric Views, Conventions; Isometric Views
of lines, Planes, Simple and compound Solids; Conversion of Isometric Views to Orthographic Views
and Vice-versa, Conventions;
Suggested Books:
1. Engineering Graphics using AUTOCAD 2000: T. Jeyapoovan, Vikas Publishing House.
2. Engineering Drawing: Plane and Solid Geometry: N.D. Bhatt and V. M. Panchal, Charotar
Publishing House.
3. Engineering Drawing: Amar Pathak, Dreamtech Press, New Delhi.
4. Thomas E. French, Charles J. Vierck, Robert J. Foster, “Engineering drawing and graphic
technology”, McGraw Hill International Editions.
5. Engineering Graphics and Drafting: P.S. Gill, Millennium Edition, S.K. Kataria and Sons.
6. A Primer on Computer aided Engineering Drawing-2006, published by VTU, Belgaum.
7. A. Yarwood, Introduction to AutoCAD 2017, Published by CRC Press.
8. O. Ostrowsky, Engineering Drawing with CAD applications, Butterworth Heinemann,1999.
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9. BSI, Technical production documentation (TPD) – specification for defining, specifying and
graphically reporting products, BS8888, 2002.
10. Corresponding set of CAD Software Theory and User Manuals.
Note: The paper setter will set the paper as per the question paper templates provided.
Course code ES-113LA
Course title Engineering Graphics & Design Practice
- - 3 1.5 30 20 50 3h
Pre-requisites(if any) -
Aim: To make student practice on engineering graphics and design softwares and provide expo
sure to the visual aspects of engineering design.
CO-1 To give an overview of the user interface and toolboxes in a CAD software.
CO-2 To understand to customize settings of CAD software and produce CAD drawing.
CO-3 To practice performing various functions in CAD softwares.
CO-4 To Learn about solid modelling and demonstration of a simple team design project.
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Suggested Books(ES-113L):
1. Chris McMahon and Jimmie Browne, CAD/CAM – Principle Practice and Manufacturing
Management, Addison Wesley England, Second Edition, 2000.
2. Chougule N.K.; CAD/CAM /CAE, Scitech Publications India Pvt. Ltd.
3. Vikram Sharma; Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, S.K. Kataria and Sons.
4. Rogers, D.F. and Adams, A., Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics, McGraw Hill Inc,
NY, 1989
5. Ibrahim Zeid, CAD/CAM theory and Practice, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New
Delhi, 1992.
6. M.P. Groover, Automation, Productions systems and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing by
Prentice – Hall.
7. A Primer on Computer aided Engineering Drawing-2006, published by VTU, Belgaum.
8. A.Yarwood, Introduction to AutoCAD 2017, Published by CRC Press.
9. O. Ostrowsky, Engineering Drawing with CAD applications, Butterworth Heinemann,1999.
10. BSI, Technical production documentation (TPD) – specification for defining, specifying and
graphically reporting products, BS8888, 2002.
11. (Corresponding set of)CAD Software Theory and User Manuals
12. Ibrahim Zeid, Mastering CAD/CAM, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
13. P. Radhakrishnan, S. Subramanayan and V.Raju, CAD/CAM/CIM, New Age International (P)
Ltd., New Delhi.
14. Groover M.P. and Zimmers E. W., CAD/CAM: Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing,
Prentice Hall International, New Delhi, 1992.
15. Dr. Sadhu Singh, Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi,
Second Edition, 2000.
16. Thomas E.French, Charles J.Vierck, Robert J.Foster, “Engineering drawing and graphic
technology”, McGraw Hill International Editions.
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Course code ES-111LA
Course title Manufacturing Processes Workshop
Scheme and L T P Credits Practical Minor Total Time
0 0 3 1.5 60 40 100 3h
Suggested Books:
1. Kalpakjian S. And Steven S. Schmid, “Manufacturing Engineering and Technology” ,
7th edition, Pearson Education India Edition.
2. Hajra Choudhury S.K., Hajra Choudhury A.K. and Nirjhar Roy S.K., “ Elements of
Workshop Technology” , Vol. I 2008 and Vol. II 2010, Media promoters and
publishers private limited, Mumbai.
3. Gowri P. Hariharan and A. Suresh Babu,” Manufacturing Technology – I” Pearson
Education, 2008.
4. Roy A. Lindberg, “ Processes and Materials of Manufacture” , 4th edition, Prentice Hall
India, 1998
5. Rao P.N., “Manufacturing Technology” , Vol. I and Vol. II, Tata McGraw-Hill House,
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BS-141A Biology
L T P Credit Major Minor Test Total Time
2 1 - 3 75 25 100 3h
Purpose To familiarize the students with the basics of Biotechnology
Course Outcomes
CO1 Introduction to essentials of life and macromolecules essential for growth and
CO2 Defining the basic concepts of cell division, genes and Immune system
CO3 Introduction of basic Concept of Thermo Genetic Engg. & Biochemistry
CO4 Introduction of basic Concept of Microbiology & Role of Biology in Different Fields
Unit – I
Introduction to living world: Concept and definition of Biology; Importance of biology in major discoveries
of life Characteristic features of living organisms; Cell ultra-structure and functions of cell organelles like
nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplast, ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum; Difference between prokaryotic
and eukaryotic cell; Difference between animal and plant cell.
Classification of organisms: Classify the organisms on the basis of (a) Cellularity;- Unicellular and
Multicellular organisms. (b) Energy and Carbon Utilization:- Autotrophs, Hetrotrophs and Lithotrops (c)
Habitat (d) Ammonia excretion:- ammonotelic, 17ricotelic and ureotelic. (e) Habitat- acquatic or terrestrial (
e) Molecular taxonomy- three major kingdoms of life
Introduction to Biomolecules: Definition, general classification and important functions of carbohydrates,
lipids, proteins, nucleic acids (DNA& RNA: Structure and forms). Hierarch in protein structure: Primary
secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure. Proteins as enzymes, transporters, receptors and structural
Enzymes as biocatalysts: General characteristics, nomenclature and classification of Enzymes. Effect of
temperature, Ph, enzyme and substrate concentrations on the activity of enzymes. Elementary concept of and
coenzymes. Mechanism of enzyme action. Enzyme kinetics and kinetic parameters (Km and Vmax)
Genetics:-Mendel’s laws of inheritance. Variation and speciation. Concepts of recessiveness and dominance.
Genetic Disorders: Single gene disorders in human. Human traits: Genetics of blood groups, diabetes type I &
Cell Division:- Mitosis and its utility to living systems. Meiosis and its genetic significance. Evidence of nucleic
acids as a genetic material. Central Dogma of molecular biology
4. Role of immune system in health and disease: Brief introduction to morphology and pathogenicity of
bacteria, fungi, virus, protozoa beneficial and harmful for human beings.
Metabolism:-Concept of Exothermic and endothermic reactions. Concept of standard free energy and
Spontaneity in biological reactions. Catabolism (Glycolysis and Krebs cycle) and synthesis of glucose (
Photosynthesis:- Light and Dark Reaction) of glucose. ATP as Energy Currency of the cell
Microbiology: Concept of species and strains, sterilization and media compositions, growth kinetics.
Role of Biology :Role of Biology in Agriculture, Medicine, Forensic science, Bioinformatics, Nanotechnology,
Micro-electromechanical systems (Bio-MEMS) and Sensors (Biosensors).
Text Book:
1. Introduction to Biotechnology, By Deswal & Deswal, Dhanpat Rai Publications N.A
2.Campbell, J. B. Reece, L. Urry, M. L. Cain and S. A. Wasserman, “Biology: A global approach”, Pearson
Education Ltd, 2014.
3. E. E. Conn, P. K. Stumpf, G. Bruening and R. H. Doi, “Outlines of Biochemistry”, John Wiley and Sons, 2009.
D. L. Nelson and M. M. Cox, “Principles of Biochemistry”, W.H. Freeman and Company, 2012.
4.G. S. Stent and R. Calendar, “Molecular Genetics”, Freeman and company, 1978.
Note: The paper setter will set the paper as per the question paper templates provided
Suggested Books:
1. Molecular Biology of cell, 4th ed. Alberts, Bruce et al. Garland Science Publishing, New York.
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2. Microbiology. Pelczar Jr., M.J.; Chan, E.C.S. and Krieg, N.R. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Lehninger: Principles of Biochemistry, 3rd edition, by David L. Nelson and M.M. Cox. Maxmillan/ Worth
4. Genetics by Snusted& Simmons.
5. Molecular Biotechnology: Principles Application of Recombinant DNA. Glick, B. R. and Pasternak, J. J. ASM
press Washington DC.
6. Kuby’s Immunology, Goldsby, R A,.Kindt, T.J, Osborne, B.A.(2003) W. H. Freeman and company, New York.
7. Recombinant DNA 2nd Edition. Watson, James D. and Gilman, M. (2001) W.H Freeman and Company,
8. Essentials of Molecular Biology 4thed, Malacinski, G. M. (2003) Jones &Bartlet Publishers, Boston.
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L T P Credit Major Test Minor Test Total Time(Hrs)
4 1 - 5 75 25 100 3
To familiarize the students with the basics of Electrical
Purpose Engineering
Course Outcomes
CO1 Deals with steady state circuit analysis subject to DC.
CO 2 Deals with AC fundamentals & steady state circuit response subject to AC.
Deals with introductory Balanced Three Phase System analysis and Single Phase
CO 3 Transformer.
CO 4 Explains the Basics of Electrical Machines & Electrical installations
D.C. circuits: Ohm’s Law, junction, node, circuit elements classification: Linear & nonlinear, active &
passive, lumped & distributed, unilateral & bilateral with examples. KVL, KCL, Loop and node-voltage
analysis of resistive circuit. Star-Delta transformation for resistors.
Network Theorems: Superposition, Thevenin’s, Norton’s and Maximum power transfer theorems in a
resistive network.
AC Fundamentals: Mathematical representation of various wave functions. Sinusoidal periodic signal,
instantaneous and peak values, polar & rectangular form of representation of impedances and phasor
quantities. Addition & subtraction of two or more phasor sinusoidal quantities using component
resolution method. RMS and average values of various waveforms.
A.C. Circuits: Behavior of various components fed by A.C. source (steady state response of pureR, pure L,
pure C, RL, RC, RLC series with waveforms of instantaneous voltage, current & power on simultaneous
time axis scale and corresponding phasor diagrams), power factor, active, reactive & apparent power.
Frequency response of Series & Parallel RLC ckts. including resonance, Q factor, cut-off frequency &
bandwidth. Generation of alternating emf.
Balanced Three Phase Systems: Generation of alternating 3- phase emf). 3-phase balanced circuits,
voltage and current relations in star and delta connections. Measurement of 3-phase power by two
wattmeter method for various types of star & delta connected balanced loads.
Single Phase Transformer (qualitative analysis only): Concept of magnetic circuits. Relation between
MMF & Reluctance. Hysteresis & Eddy current phenomenon. Principle, construction & emf equation
Phasor diagram at ideal, no load and on load conditions. Losses & Efficiency, regulation. OC & SC test,
equivalent circuit, concept of auto transformer.
Electrical Machines (qualitative analysis only): Construction and working of dc machine with
commutateor action, speed control of dc shunt motor. Generation of rotating magnetic fields,
Construction and working of a three-phase induction motor, Significance of torque-slip characteristic.
Basics of Single-phase induction motor, capacitor start capacitor run Single-phase induction motor
working. Basic construction and working of synchronous generator and motor.
Electrical Installations (LT Switchgear): Switch Fuse Unit (SFU), MCB, ELCB, MCCB, Types of Wires and
Cables, Earthing.
Suggested Books:
1. Basic Electrical Engg: A complete Solution by Vijay Kumar Garg, Wiley India Ltd.
2. Electrical Engg. Fundamentals by Rajendra Prasad, PHI Pub.
3. Basic Electrical Engg. by S.K. Sahdev, Pearson Education
4. Electrical Engg. Fundamentals: by Bobrow, Oxford Univ. Press
5. Basic Electrical Engg. By Del Toro.
6. Saxena & Dasgupta: Fundamentals of Electrical Engg (Cambridge University Press).
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L T Practic Credit Minor Test (Practical) Tota Time (Hrs)
al l
- - 2 1 20 30 50 3
To familiarize the students with the Electrical Technology
Purpose Practicals
Course Outcomes
Understand basic concepts of Network
CO1 theorems
Deals with steady state frequency response of RLC circuit parameters solution
CO 2 techniques
Deals with introductory Single Phase Transformer
CO 3 practicals
Explains the constructional features and practicals of various types of Electrical
CO 4 Machines
Note: At least 9 out of the listed experiments to be performed during the semester.
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Summary of Annotations