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Lesson Plan in Family Planning

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The key takeaways are about defining Family Planning, recognizing its importance, and creating a timeline about it.

The topic of the lesson is Family Planning.

The benefits of Family Planning discussed are preventing pregnancy-related health risks in women, reducing infant mortality, helping to prevent HIV/AIDS, empowering people and enhancing education, reducing adolescent pregnancies, and slowing population growth.

Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education

Lesson Plan in Health 10

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. Define Family Planning
B. Recognize the importance of Family Planning
C. Create a timeline about Family Planning

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Family Planning
B. Values Integration: Cooperation, Appreciation
C. Reference: Our World of MAPEH 10
D. Materials: Visual Aids, Powerpoint Presentation, and Speaker

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer (A student will lead the prayer)
2. Greetings Good morning sir!
3. Checking of attendance (The President of the class will tell the
teacher the number of absentees)

B. Motivation: “Decode”

Before we start our discussion let us

first have a review about our topic

(The teacher will ask students about the

topic yesterday)

I have a friend named Victor, he is a

teacher and he has to start the class early
as soon as possible because there is a
visitor. Now he forgot the code of his
computer, he is worried because the
Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education

topic for the day is on the computer but

he could not open it.

Let’s help Victor to decode it!

(The teacher will group the students into

2 groups and each group should answer
the logical quiz that is posted on the

C. Discussion
Before we discuss about Family
Planning let’s take a glimpse about the
definition of family.

'Family' is a single word, with many

different meanings. People have many
ways of defining a family and what
being a part of a family means to them.
Families differ in terms of economic,
cultural, social, and many other facets,
but what every family has in common is
that the people who call it a family are
making clear that those people are
important in some way to the person
calling them his family.

(The teacher will begin his lesson about

Family Planning)

Before we start our discussion Let’s

take a look at this Timeline about (The student will going to give attention
Family Planning, as you can see we to the timeline)
have here different stages of life, we
will correlate the stages of life in
making plan for family.
Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education

(The teacher will ask a student to read (Student will read the definition of each
the definition of the different benefits of benefits)
Family Planning)

(After each discussion the teacher will (The students will going to share their
give examples regarding the topic) thoughts about the topic)

D. Application

(The teacher will divide the students (The students will go to their respective
into two and choose leaders for each group and start to share their thoughts
group) about making timeline in Family
‘Class, for your activity you are going to
make a timeline about Family Planning.
I’ll give you 10 minutes to finish the

Time is up, now let’s start with the Yes Sir!

presentation of group 1

E. Assessment
So class, it seems that you really
understand the Elements of Music, now
please get ¼ sheet of paper for our short

Answers: Short Quiz:

1. Father, Mother and Children 1. What makes a Family?

2. Allows people to attain their 2. What is Family Planning?
desired number of children and 3. These are devices used to prevent
determine the spacing of pregnancy
pregnancies. 4. What are the benefits of Family
3. Contraceptives Planning?
Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education

4. Preventing pregnancy-related
health risks in women
 Reducing infant mortality
 Helping to prevent
 Empowering people and
enhancing education
 Reducing adolescent
 Slowing population growth

F. Valuing

Game entitled: Game ka na ba?

The teacher will give a category, for
example, Animal that starts with letter
H, the student will give answer quickly.
The student who did not answer
correctly will be asked a question about
Family Planning

G. Assignment

Make a Poster about planned and (The students will copy the assignment)
unplanned Family

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