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East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church: Welcome, Visitors!

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Welcome, Visitors!

If this is your first time worshiping with us, we welcome you. As a

East Stroudsburg church we are committed to Love Jesus Christ and to Share His Love.
United Methodist Church We offer three services: 8:30 and 11 a.m. are traditional, and 9:45 a.m.
is contemporary. Our ushers and greeters are here to serve you. Please
ask them for any help you may need.
Mission: To love Jesus Christ and to share His love.
Sunday, December 12, 2010 ~ Our Holy Grounds Café is a place for light refreshments and coffee
from 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. each Sunday in our Fellowship Hall. The café
provides an informal opportunity for fellowship.
~ Our Infant and Toddler Nurseries are available every Sunday from
8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. They are located on the lower level of the church and
are staffed with our full-time, professional attendants and parent
~ Children's Church for ages four through third grade is offered at the
11 a.m. service and is guided by a parent volunteer. Children will be
dismissed after the Children's Message. Please pick up your children
from the lower level classrooms of the church following worship.
Our Weekly News is a snapshot of activities in our church and
community. It showcases new events that may not be present in our
monthly newsletter. The Weekly News is also posted on our website:
www.esumc.net. Please make your submissions to the church office
before 10 a.m. on Tuesdays. Submissions can be emailed to
koney@esumc.net or brought to the church office.

Church Staff
Senior Pastor Edward C. Kimes ekimes@ esumc.net
Associate Pastor Candy Labar clabar@esumc.net
Congregational Care Peggy Strack pstrack@esumc.net
Church Administrator Sharmune Burgess sburgess@esumc.net
Lay-Led Ministries Kelli Oney koney@esumc.net
Children’s Ministry Sue Randall srandall@esumc.net
Youth Ministry Scott Kuhnle skuhnle@esumc.net
Music - Organist Pauline Fox foxes@esumc.net
- Choirs Norman Fox foxes@esumc.net
83 South Courtland Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Contemporary W orship Dan Daccardi
Church Office email: church@esumc.net Administrator of Finances Sue Mertz smertz@esumc.net
Website: www.esumc.net Financial Secretary Cyndie Faunce cfaunce@esumc.net
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Building Facilitator Bruce Johnson bjohnson@esumc.net
Sextons Harvey Smith & Sal Lapadula
570-421-3280 Nursery Attendants Ana Price, Jennessy Hernandez, Kimberly Eaton
General giving last week: $14,316
Prayers and Praise Average December weekly general expense needs: $18,335
If you have a prayer request, please list it either on the prayer sheet in the
Attendance last week: (12/5/10) 414 Last year: (12/6/09) 310
rear of the sanctuary or on the back of the friendship pad, making sure to
include your name on the request. This aids us in updating weekly requests. Worship
Confidentiality is very important; we want to honor everyone’s right to
privacy. Please be mindful of this in writing your requests. The person Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God the altar flowers are
making the request is listed in ( ). given to the Glory of God and in memory of Jack Swineford, Helen
Dymond and Pat Alexander by the Swinefords. (1ga 1 pu)
Healing and Illness
Colleen, return to health (Ragonese family) Contemporary Worship Praise Team Leader: Dan Daccardi
Karlene Smith - recovery from surgery (Harvey Smith) Ushers and Greeters - 8:30 a.m.: Harvey Smith, Dick & Pam Finney,
Diane Gasper, back surgery (Holly Belviso) Bill Reese, Bill Zacharias, Bill Williams, Linda Frace, Marie Babcock
Karlene Kohler, leukemia (Maria J.) 9:45 a.m.: John & Amy Hollister, Brian Farris, Angie & Evan Simmons
Monique, good test results 11 a.m.: Rich Strack, Jean Eden, Janett Raughley, Bobby Cruse, Denise
Barbara Anderson, relief from pain (Loretta A.) Thompson, Mike Carlson
Howard & Kaitlin (Dinkle family) Lay Readers: 8:30 a.m. Linda Johnson 11 a.m.: Chris Perfetti
Danielle Argot, recovery from brain surgery (Liz Green) Sound Technicians: Connie Godleski, Bryan Wallie
Kate Koehler, upcoming surgery (Kelli Mercurio) Acolytes 8:30 a.m.: Cassidy Miller
Gloria Shane (Kelli Oney) 11 a.m.: Evan Simmons and Morgan Carlson
Julie, healing after being hit by a car (Ally Jaggard) Children's Church: Melisa Ransome Church Driver: Linda Kissel
Undergoing Cancer Treatments: Trish Walker (Rebecca Stager); Chris
Altar Flowers Delivery for December Ashlee Lavin
(Barbara & Leon Warner); Joellen Berryman (Tom & Leigh Balcik); John
(Ministry Placement Team);Gordon Lyons (Mercurio family); Florence (Ed Many Thanks to Patty Swineford and Jenni Poole for playing timpani
& Sue Bommerito); Tommy C. (Traub family);Terry Johnson (Sandy today at 8:30 and 11 a.m., to Annette Warner for the meaningful vocal
Snedden) solo, to student Kaitlyn O’Brien for offering a piano song, and to the
Other Youth and Chime ringers. Our Chimers are Crew Bunn, Grace Doolittle,
The family of Tim McKee MacKenzie Kross, Jahsaiah Moses, Emily Perfetti, and Madison Trump.
The family of RoseMary Miller)
Today’s Meditative Organ Prelude is based on the hymn “Savior of
The family of Ken Whitman (Bill Cunningham)
the Nations, Come.” Words were written by Martin Luther in 1523 and
Praise for employment (Sharon Lee)
Alexandrea Jackson, protection while on internship (Blanche)
may be read in our hymnal p. 214. The coming of Christ continues to be
Carl Cyphers and family, loss from fire (Joan Patti) longed for and celebrated in many times, places, and styles.
Rev. Appler & family, loss from fire (Candy LaBar) Carol Playing in Oberholtzer Hall next Sunday, December 19 between
Dan & Debra Wines, loss of daughter (Bob Williams) services is open to all wind and string players from grade 4up. Young
Gensamers, comfort in loss of sister (Betty Ladlee)
players must be in a school band or orchestra. Arrangements are very
Those Serving in Missions and the Miltary - Strength, safety and easy. Final rehearsal is Saturday, December 18 from 12-12:30 p.m. First
protection while serving God: Megan Sanders, Ryan Moyer, Ben Drake, time players, please contact Pauline for music and other flexible
Jas Poole, Ally Jaggard; Marines: Joshua Hummel, Damon McHinney; Iraq: rehearsal times.
Kyle, August Jackson; Pacific: Faith Gibbs; Afghanistan: Jason Lamboy,
Scott Kiess, Ryan Maciejczak, Everett Horton, Chris Stowe, Kevin For further information about the music program, contact Norman or
Overcash, Nic Chighizola; Air Force: Amelia Gordon, Dave Bennett; Pauline Fox at foxes@esumc.net or 223-9889.
Army: Kamahl Gordon, Japan; Josh Kimple, Germany . Information and Events
Stewardship Update
If We Are the Body - We have received 200 commitment cards, so the church office before Tuesday, December 14.
there are some of you who did not fill out yours for 2011; please take
Salvation Army Food Drive - Please bring your donations to the church
some time this next week to do so. Extra cards are on the Informational
office or place in the Food Bank box located in Oberholtzer Hall by
Center in the hallway leading to Fellowship Hall. Every person is needed
December 19. Items needed are boxed stuffing, potatoes, pancake mix
as we serve Christ through our church and in our community!
and cereal; canned cranberry sauce, vegetables, gravy, milk, meats,
Advent Study Continues! This family-friendly opportunity includes pasta, soups; fruit juices, ketchup, mustard and mayo.
programming for adults, youth, and children at the church. Each
The Chancel Choir will lead carols at Quiet Valley Historical Farm
session will include a meal from 5:30 –6 p.m., a carol-sing at 6:15 today from 3-5 p.m. Our choirs feel honored and humbled to be invited
p.m., a video-based Bible study starting at 6:30 p.m. followed by to return annually and encourage you to attend.
small group discussions. So, please mark your calendar for these
sessions and sign up in Fellowship Hall today! Session Three—Give Christmas Season Soup Kitchens - If you would like to serve or
More Presence: Wednesday, December 15 - Remember to bring your prepare a lunch to be served at noon December 27, 28, 30, 31 please call
donations for the Salvation Army, Session Four—Love All: Nancy Gargone 421-1456. These are great opportunities for families to
Wednesday, December 22. serve and help those in need.

Older Kids (55+ group) meets tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. for a ham dinner Red Cross Blood Drive will be held at our church, Wednesday,
in Fellowship Hall. Bring a dish or dessert to share. Pastor & Mrs. December 29 from 12-6 p.m. Please come and give the gift of life by
Kimes will share their experiences from England. For food planning, donating blood.
please call Jean at 421-0485 if you are coming. 14th Christmas Eve Feast for the Hungry - This community outreach
Merry Martha’s and the Mister’s will meet Saturday, December 18 dinner is Friday, December 24 from 12-4 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
at 10 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. Everyone is invited to enjoy a cookie Lisa Hoey organizes this annual event at our church that reaches out to
exchange, game and a candy making workshop by Sue Mertz. Please hundreds of people, please call her at 422-9561.
bring four dozen cookies, a cookbook you no longer use wrapped, and
Children’s Ministry - Birth - 6th Grades
$2 to cover expenses. Call Lila to register your cookie at 421-6345 by
To register for events or for information, please contact Sue Randall at
December 16.
Snow Blower Needed - Our snow blower is not repairable. If you have
a large 26" used snow blower you could donate to the church, please REMINDER for the Choir and Cast of "The Bethlehem Miracle"
contact Bruce at 421-3280, ext. 18. Anybody with a speaking part rehearsal is tomorrow, (12/13) at 4 p.m.,
finishing by 6 p.m. Transportation is available from ESE, and must be
Weekly Adult Basketball in Fellowship Hall - Recreational arranged with Sue Randall. Other rehearsals: Sundays at 9 a.m. for choir;
(co-ed) meets Monday at 8 p.m. For information call John at Saturday, December 18 from 10 a.m. until Noon for everyone.
426-7574. Adult Men meets Tuesday at 7 p.m. For information call
Backyard Buddies and Lord's Army will be throwing a Christmas
Eric at 242-6047.
party for the residents of Eagle Valley Senior Apartments this Tuesday,
Hiking led by Dave Strunk and Bob Rosenberger meets Sunday, December 14. Transportation is limited to Stroudsburg Middle and
December 19 at 12:15 p.m. in the church parking lot. Hikes are for Intermediate and JM Hill schools. Parents who drive their children may
anyone who can hike trails of 2-5 miles, rated easy to moderate. meet us at the apartment building at 4 p.m.
Outreach Opportunities During Advent Children’s Ministry, continued
Monday Night Basketball focuses on teaching children basic
Angel Tree Gifts are due today. If you forgot yours, please bring it to basketball skills and sportsmanship. These groups meet weekly in
Fellowship Hall through March 28. Ages 6-8 meet from 6-6:45 p.m.
and ages 9-12 meet from 6:45- 8 p.m. For information call John New Year's Flag Football Bowl is Sunday, January 2, from 12:30
Mercurio at 426-7574. - 2:30 p.m. at Dansbury Park.

Youth Praise Dance (9 years and up) meets in the Fellowship Hall Overnight Ski Trip: We will team up with Hopewell UMC for
every Sunday from 5 - 6 p.m. For more information, contact Tracy overnight stay at our church with activities Friday, January 28 and skiing
Martin at 570-424-5511 or tcmartin@ptd.net. and snow boarding Saturday, January 29 at Camelback. For the
complete information, visit the youth website.
th th
Youth Ministries - 7 - 12 grades
For information, please contact Scott Kuhnle at skuhnle@esumc.net or Congregational Care
check out the youth website www.esumc.net/youth where you can find Sewing Enthusiasts are needed to make memory bears that will bring
permission forms and information on upcoming trips and events. comfort to grieving families. For information or to enroll in a training
Sunday Night Youth Program is weekly from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Snack class sponsored by VNA/Hospice, call Tammy Hiestand, 421-5390.
Bar is open from 6:30 - 7 p.m. (snacks and can drinks are .50), followed
Homebound and Care Facility members are happy to be remembered
by fellowship, games, worship, message and small group discussion.
by the church family. Encouraging cards can be sent to: Robert Mosher,
Jr. & Sr. High Sunday School Classes meet weekly at 11 a.m. in the Easton Nursing Center, 498 Washington St, Easton, Pa. 18042.
Youth Room. We split into Jr. and Sr. High classes at 11:15 a.m.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program,(LIHEAP), helps pay
Youth Praise Band practices every Wednesday from 7 - 8:30 p.m. in heating bills through grants. See flier on the Congregational Care
the Youth Room Bulletin Board or call 570-849-2068.

Church-Wide Advent Study - Wednesday, December 15 and 22. There So then, men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and as
will be a dinner at 5:30 p.m, video segment at 6:30 p.m. followed by those entrusted with the secret things of God. 1 Corinthians 4:1
small groups specifically designed for Jr. and Sr. High youth.
As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we are part of a big
Weekly Thursday Discipleship Schedule network of care. There are thousands of Stephen Ministry congregations
• 2:45-5 p.m. - J.A.M, after-school program for 6-8th grade students. representing over 150 Christian denominations across the U.S., Canada,
Church vans are available to pick up any interested students from and the world. The Stephen Ministries headquarters is based in St.
JTL, Stroudsburg Middle and Jr. High. Permission forms required. Louis, Missouri, and can connect our Stephen Leaders with Stephen
• 5-6 p.m. - Fellowship Meal for all 6 - 12th grade students. Ministry congregations virtually everywhere in the country. So if you
• 6-7:30 p.m. - Small Group Bible Studies for 7-12th grade students. have a relative or friend far away who is in need of care, talk to one of
our Stephen Leaders. They may be able to connect your friend to a
Youth Rally to Ocean City, MD is January 7-9. To see the bands and
Stephen Ministry congregation in their own neighborhood. If you would
speakers visit www.umyoungpeople.org. To sign up for this trip please
like more information about Stephen Ministry please contact Peggy
email Scott. If you need more information, please visit the “forms and
Strack in the church office at 421-3280, or speak to any Stephen Leader.
info” page on this website.
FREE Washer, Dryer, and Kerosene Heater! If interested, call Alice at
Youth Ministry, continued
Hiking Club is Sunday December 19. Meet in the church parking lot at
noon. Anyone 18 and under needs a permission form to attend. Forms It’s Poinsettia Time !
are available to download on the youth website.
Flowers this year are $6 each. One dollar from each poinsettia will be
contributed to our Eastern Pa Conference district mission project. The
goal is to provide funds for the Mpasa Health Clinic in Kinshasa,
Democratic Republic of Congo. These funds will help provide
desperately needed medical supplies, a children’s food program and
basic electricity through the use of solar panels.

As an alternative to purchasing a poinsettia a donation can be made

towards this district mission project. Please fill out this form and mail it
to the church or leave in the offering plate with your payment.

Please use a separate form for each order. Extra forms are available
in the Narthex and on the Information Center in the Fellowship Hallway.
Poinsettia orders will be limited to the first 100. Order deadline is
December 13! Poinsettias may be picked up Christmas Eve following
the 10 p.m. service or Tuesday, December 28 during office hours.

Your Name __________________________Phone_____________

In Honor of:___________________________________________
In Memory of:_________________________________________
Given by______________________________________________
_____ Number of Poinsettias at $6 each totals $___________
_____ Number of Congo Donations at $6 each totals $__________

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