Learning Style
Learning Style
Learning Style
Ronel V. Mendrano
Angeleka A. Laurente
This chapter includes the background of the study, statement of the problem, significance
Learning style refers to the preferential way in which the student absorbs, processes,
comprehends and retains information. Schools generally use linguistic or logical learning styles,
but other styles may be more effective for some learners. When students are not performing as
well as they could be, it is likely they just need to be taught in a different way. It is important to
remember; diversity is not exclusively about qualities, beliefs and faith, it can also determine on
The idea of individualized learning styles started in the 1970s and since then has greatly
influenced education. This notion of individualized learning styles has gained widespread
recognition in education theory and classroom management strategy. Individual learning styles
depend on cognitive, emotional and environmental factors, as well as one’s prior experience. The
different learning style of students is theorized by Howard Gardner – the seven learning styles.
The seven learning styles of students are Visual (Spatial), Aural (Auditory-Musical), Verbal
Visual learners are those that learn best when they have an image to help them process
the information. If visual learners learn best by seeing, auditory learners learn best when they
listen to something. Verbal learners learn best both under verbal auditory instruction and writing.
They typically excels with both. Physical learners learn best by going through the motions of
what they are learning. A Logical learner is someone who understands the bigger picture, along
with the logic, reasoning and systems behind a concept. Social learners learn best when they
associate with others or a group of people. Solitary learners are the opposite of Social learners as
they learn best when they are alone or in a quiet environment. [ CITATION Dia03 \l 13321 ]
Senior High School or SHS refers to the last two years of the K-12 program that has been
implemented by the Department of Education here in the Philippines since 2012 – namely,
Grades 11 and 12. Students are now required to choose their preferred Senior High Strands upon
their entrance and to begin studying the subjects that are going to introduce them to the career
path that they want to take. In the old system in our country, High School education consisted of
the first year up to the fourth year. Today, those four years correspond to Grades 7 to 10,
otherwise known as Junior High School or JHS. It should be noted that currently “Senior High”
no longer just means the very last year of High School but rather the two grade levels after it.
Likewise, “Junior High” also does not just mean the year before the last of High School but
rather the four Grade levels under Senior High. [ CITATION Tua05 \l 13321 ]
Students take Senior High School for college because when they did not graduate in
Senior High School they cannot go to college. Senior High School is required to take by students
because in college they will not let anyone in unless they are graduated as Senior High School.
In our country, there are plenty of strands that a person can choose. It is about for what
they want and what they will take which is particularly related to their course in college. Every
student has a freedom to choose only one from the three tracks which are Academic, Technical-
Vocational-Livelihood and Sports and Arts. There are four different Strands under the Academic
Track namely Accountancy Business and Management (ABM), General Academic Strand
(GAS), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMMS), and the Science Technology Engineering
Mathematics (STEM) strands. Every strand has its own specializations and set of struggles.
Each student chose their strand, some may be undecided but almost all of them chose a
strand because they think they specialize in that specific strand or they want to be better at
something. Their learning style may be connected to the strand they chose.
Therefore, as researchers, this study is conducted to know the different learning styles of
Grade 11 Senior High School students and to further identify the ways to develop their learning
This study aims to determine the learning styles of Grade 11 Senior High School students
of Manaoag National High School, SY 2019-2020. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following
1. What are the learning styles of Grade 11 Senior High students of MNHS among the
a. Visual (Spatial)
c. Verbal (Linguistic)
d. Physical (Kinesthetic)
e. Logical (Mathematical)
f. Social (Interpersonal)
g. Solitary (Intrapersonal)
2. How does the learning style/s help the respondents in their academic performances?
3. What measures should be taken in order to develop the learning styles of the
The researchers conducted this study to benefit not only the Grade 11 Senior High School
students but also for all grade levels because they will know on how they will interact and
respond to the learning environment and also for teachers who wish to teach their students
effectively. This research’s main purpose is to identify the applied different learning styles of the
Grade 11 Senior High School students of MNHS in their daily encounter in school and to
This study focuses on the learning styles of Grade 11 Senior High School students of
MNHS. The data collection will be conducted to 61 Grade 11 Senior High students of Manaoag
National High School, School Year 2019-2020. This study limits its coverage only to Grade 11
Senior High School students of Manaoag National High School. This study would be done
through the utilization of questionnaires to the students as survey to determine the different
Conceptual Framework
Every student is different, each and one of them has their own way of learning, some may
be good at learning through seeing the process and some may be good at learning through
hearing the information. This paper examines the different learning styles of students. A research
to determine the learning styles of Grade 11 Senior High School students of MNHS.
Research Paradigm
Learning Styles
This part of the study explains and expands the information on the research design of the
study, population and locale of the study, data gathering procedures and data gathering tool.
Research Design
This study used a qualitative design of research to determine the Learning Styles of
Grade 11 Senior High students at Manaoag National High School. Qualitative research is used to
gather non-numerical data by observations of the corresponding learning styles of the students.
Qualitative survey is used to gain in-depth information on the problems and open-ended survey
The researchers selected 60 Grade 11 Senior High School students of Manaoag National
This study will be conducted at Manaoag National High School-Senior High School
The researchers prepared an interview sheet for data gathering. To conduct the survey the
researchers will hand out the survey questionnaires randomly from Grade 11 Senior High
students of MNHS. The respondents will answer a series of question regarding the learning
styles of Grade 11 Senior High students. The researchers will collect the answered questionnaires
and analyze the data. The gathered data will be interpreted by the researchers to summarize the
The researchers started on the second semester of the 2019-2020. Survey questionnaire
was developed by the researchers to gather the data needed in the study and was validated by the
research adviser. An approval sheet was signed by the school authority for the conduct of the
The data gathering tool used by the researchers in the study is a written questionnaire
sheet or open-ended questions for gathering the needed data. The questionnaire was divided into
three parts.
First, to determine the learning styles of students whether it is Visual (Spatial), Aural
Lastly, what can be proposed to develop the learning styles of Grade 11 Senior High
This part of the research shows the data gathered and interpretation of findings. These are
presented in tables following the sequence of research problems regarding the learning style of
Table1. This table shows the different learning styles of Grade 11 Senior High School students
and the number of students that answered in which learning style they are.
Table2. This table shows the number of ways on how the learning style helps the Grade 11
I can perform
TP/F Think I can think 7 11%
Properly/Focus properly during
It helps me to
focus on my
I understand the
discussions even
Table3. This table shows the measures the respondents have to do to develop their learning
The gathered data was collected through questionnaires and was analyzed by the
In table 1 it presents the different learning styles of Grade 11 Senior High students. The
numbers of respondents are 60, 76% of them chose Aural (A) as their learning style, 58% for
Visual (V), 46% for Social (S), 45% for Verbal(S), 35% for Logical (L), 25% for Physical (P),
and 21% for Solitary (S). According to the data gathered in problem number 1, some Grade 11
Senior High students had only one learning style but the majority of the students have multiple
learning styles.
In table 2 it shows on how the respondents learning styles help them in their academic
performances. From the 60 respondents, 38% of them answered they had a better performance
(BT), 20% understands the topic even better (UTP), 11% can think and focus properly (TP/F),
10% helps them to improve their skills (IS), 8% gains more knowledge (GK), 8% makes the
tasks easier (MTE), and 3% can memorize easier (M), a total of 100%.
In table 3 it presents the measures or the approach that the respondents have to take to
develop their learning style/s. From the 60 respondents 55% of them answered to do related tasks
(RT), 23% answered to study hard (SH), and 17% to listen to the discussions (LD), a total of
This chapter will show the answers to the problems in chapter 1 and the conclusion of the
Summary of Findings
1. What are the learning style/s of Grade 11 Senior High students of MNHS among the
a. Visual
b. Aural
c. Verbal
d. Physical
e. Logical
f. Social
g. Solitary
The majority of the Grade 11 Senior High School students are Aural learners or those that
prefers to listen to discussions. Second are Visual learners or those that prefers to see the
information. Third are Social learners or those that prefers to learn with group of people. Fourth
are Verbal learners or those that prefers to use words in both speech and writing. Fifth are
Logical learners or those that prefers to solve analytical problems. Sixth are Physical learners or
those that prefers to learn by doing the task physically. The least learners are Solitary learners or
2. How does the learning style/s help the respondents in their academic performances?
The learning style of most Grade 11 Senior High students had helped them to have a
better performance in their academic performances. It helped them to understand the topic even
better and to focus on their studies. It helped them to improve their skills related to their learning
style. It helped them to gain more knowledge and makes the tasks easier. It also helped them to
3. What measures should be taken in order to develop the learning styles of the
The most possible action to develop the students learning styles is to do related tasks that
correspond to their learning styles and will improve their skills in the process. They also have to
study hard and listen to the discussions to develop their learning style.
2. The learning styles of the students had helped them to have a better performance in their
academic performances.
3. The learning styles of students can be develop by doing related tasks about their learning
STUDENTS should learn more about their learning styles to cope with their study.
Students should try a different approach in their studies if their style of learning isn’t effective
TEACHERS should consider the students learning style by trying a different approach of
teaching in a way that suits the students learning style. A teacher should understand their
students learning styles, so that they can implement the best strategies into their daily activities,
FUTURE RESEARCHERS should conduct a study about the factors that are affecting
the learning styles of students. This study will be of great help in the future studies.
Hoerner, Natalie, “The Seven Learning Styles”, Inspire Education, April 9, 2013,
“All Students Are Created Equally (and Differently.)”, Teach.com, Accessed February 27, 2020,
“Overview of Learning Styles”, Learning Styles Online.com, Accessed February 27, 2020,