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Designation: B 666/B 666M – 08

Standard Practice for

Identification Marking of Aluminum and Magnesium
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B 666/B 666M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope* B 881 Terminology Relating to Aluminum- and

1.1 This practice establishes the physical item marking Magnesium-Alloy Products
requirements for identification purposes for aluminum and 2.3 ANSI Standards:
magnesium products. Package marking for shipment and H35.1/H35.1(M) Alloy and Temper Designation Systems
inspection acceptance is not within the scope of this standard. for Aluminum4
1.2 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units 2.4 Military Standards:
are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in MIL-STD-409 Alloy Nomenclature and Temper Designa-
each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each tion System for Magnesium Base Alloys5
system shall be used independently of the other. Combining 3. Terminology
values from the two systems may result in non-conformance
with the standard. 3.1 Definitions—Refer to Terminology B 881 for definitions
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the of product terms used in this specification.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 3.2.1 Marking:
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 3.2.2 spot marking—marking the identification only once
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. on the product.
3.2.3 continuous marking—recurring marking of the iden-
2. Referenced Documents tification in intervals not greater than 40 in. [1000 mm]
2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on the throughout the length of the product.
date of material purchase form a part of this specification to the 3.2.4 perimeter marking—marking continuously the identi-
extent referenced herein: fication in one or two rows adjacent to the four edges of the
2.2 ASTM Standards: 2 product.
B 361 Specification for Factory-Made Wrought Aluminum 3.2.5 tagging—attaching tags bearing the required identifi-
and Aluminum-Alloy Welding Fittings cation markings to coils, bundles, or containers of items which
B 404/B 404M Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum- are too small to mark or whose configuration preclude marking
Alloy Seamless Condenser and Heat-Exchanger Tubes otherwise.
with Integral Fins3
4. Basic Marking Requirements and Application
B 547/B 547M Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-
Alloy Formed and Arc-Welded Round Tube 4.1 When this practice is required by the material specifi-
cation or specified in the contract or purchase order, wrought
aluminum and magnesium mill products shall be marked for
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B07 on Light identification purposes only with the following information on
Metals and Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B07.03 on
Aluminum Alloy Wrought Products.
the product or on tags attached to the product:
Current edition approved July 15, 2008. Published August 2008. Originally
approved in 1980. Last previous edition approved in 2001 as B 666/B 666M – 01.
2 4
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or Available from Aluminum Association, Inc., 1525 Wilson Blvd., Suite 600,
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM Arlington, VA 22209, http://www.aluminum.org.
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, DODSSP, Bldg. 4,
the ASTM website. Section D, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098, http://
Withdrawn. www.dodssp.daps.mil.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

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B 666/B 666M – 08
4.1.1 Name or Registered Trademark of the Company, 5. Marking of Wrought Aluminum and Magnesium Mill
which performs the final processing or finishing operation such Products
as rolling, stretching, thermal treatment, etc., prior to market- 5.1 When this practice is required by the material specifi-
ing the product; cation or specified in the contract or purchase order, wrought
NOTE 1—The company that performs nothing more than a simple aluminum and magnesium mill products shall be marked as
shearing or sawing operation may be excluded from marking the product follows:
with its name. 5.1.1 Lot Number, All Products—Spot marking the product.
4.1.2 Alloy and Temper of the Product—Designations shall 5.1.2 Coiled Sheet—Spot marking in one or more rows near
be in accordance with ANSI H35.1/H35.1M for aluminum and the outside end as shown in Fig. 1 [1M].
MIL-STD-409 for magnesium; 5.1.3 Flat Sheet and Plate: Flat sheet less than 0.012 in. [up through 0.30 mm]
4.1.3 Basic Number of the Specification to which the Prod-
(for O temper, less than 0.020 in. [up through 0.50 mm]) in
uct was Produced—The basic number does not include the
thickness—Spot marking near one end,
revision indicator; Plate and flat sheet 0.012 in. and over [over 0.30
4.1.4 Specified (Ordered) Dimensions of the Following
mm] (for O temper, 0.020 in. and over [over 0.50 mm]) in
thickness and less than 6 in. [up through 150 mm] wide— Sheet and Plate—Thickness in inches [millimetres],
Continuous marking in one row, Coiled Wire and Spooled Wire—Diameter in inches Plate up through 0.375 in. [10 mm] and flat sheet
0.012 in. and over [over 0.30 mm] (for O temper, 0.020 in. and Tube: over [over 0.50 mm]) in thickness, 6 through 60 in. [over 150
(1) Straight Lengths—Outside diameter and wall thick- through 1500 mm] in width, and 36 through 200 in. [over 1000
ness, in inches [millimetres], through 5000 mm] in length—Continuous marking in rows
(2) Coiled—Wall thickness, in inches [millimetres], running the direction of rolling on 6 in. [150 mm] centers Pipe—Nominal pipe size and ANSI schedule num- across the width on one surface as shown in Fig. 2 [2M] and
ber; Fig. 3[3M]. Using the marking pattern of Fig. 2 [2M], every
4.1.5 Lot number shall be included in the product marking. third row shall contain the producer’s name or trademark and
The definition of lot shall be that as defined in the material the ordered thickness. The other two rows shall each contain
specification. the alloy and temper and the specification number, and shall be
4.1.6 For magnesium products, the applicable lot number staggered. Using the marking pattern of Fig. 3[3M], there are
shall be marked on each piece in at least one location. two alternating rows. One row shall contain the producer’s
4.1.7 When required by the material specification, the word name or trademark and the ordered thickness, and the alternat-
“seamless” on certain tube or pipe. ing row shall contain the alloy and temper and the specification
NOTE 2—The requirements specified in 4.1 are minimum; marking number. Both the marking patterns shown in Fig. 2[2M] and
systems that involve additional information shall be as agreed upon Fig. 3[3M] provide the same information and either can be
between the producer and the purchaser. used. Plate over 0.375 in. [10 mm] in thickness, flat sheet
4.2 When this practice is required by the material specifi-
and plate over 60 in. [1500 mm] in width or over 200 in. [5000
cation or specified in the contract or purchase order, marking of
mm] in length—Same marking as or perimeter marking
cast aluminum products shall be in accordance with Section 6.
4.3 Product marking shall be such that it shall not rub off or
be otherwise obliterated by contact arising from normal han-
dling, exposure to the elements, shipment, and storage. The
height of the characters shall be commensurate with the size of
the product being marked; for example, not less than 0.375 in.
[9 mm] for flat sheet and plate, not less than 0.250 in. [6 mm]
for hand forgings and not less than 0.125 in. [3 mm] for tubular
products. Legibility of all markings shall be such as required
for ready readability and the required permanency of identifi-
Fig. 1 Spot Marking for Coiled Sheet
4.4 Product marking shall be accomplished in a manner that
will not adversely affect the subsequent fabrication of the
material, or produce stresses that would be deleterious to the
functioning of the finished product. Marking on the product
shall be with marking fluid applied by printing, stamping, or
stenciling. Ghost images of the characters may remain upon the
removal of marking applied. Impression stamping is consid-
ered detrimental and shall not be used except on ingot,
castings, forging, and certain tube products, or when required
by prior agreement between the producer and purchaser. FIG. 1 M Spot Marking for Coiled Sheet

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B 666/B 666M – 08

Note—Marking pattern is three staggered rows: two rows contain alloy, temper, and specification number, and every third row contains producer’s name and ordered
thickness. Figure shows spot marking of the lot number.
FIG 2 Continuous Marking for Plate Through 0.375 in. and Flat Sheet 0.012 in. and over (for O Temper, 0.020 in. and over) in Thickness, 6 Through 60 in.
in Width, and 36 Through 200 in. in Length

Note—Marking pattern is three staggered rows: two rows contain alloy, temper, and specification number, and every third row contains producer’s name and ordered
thickness. Figure shows spot marking of the lot number.
FIG. 2 M Continuous Marking for Plate Through 10 mm and Flat Sheet over 0.30 mm (for O Temper, over 0.50 mm) in Thickness, over
150 Through 1500 mm in Width, and 1000 Through 5000 mm in Length

on one surface. When perimeter marking of two rows is partial sheets or plates are supplied, an arrow shall be applied near one
chosen, one row shall contain the producer’s name or trade- corner of each partial sheet or plate indicating the direction of rolling.
mark and the ordered thickness, and the second row shall 5.1.4 Circles:
contain alloy and temper, and the specification number as Circles 24 in. and over [over 600 mm] in diameter—
shown in Fig. 4 [4M]. Spot marking on each circle unless the circle was cut from
NOTE 3—If perimeter marking is applied to a full piece as produced but sheet or plate having continuous marking, and

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B 666/B 666M – 08

Note—Marking pattern is two alternating rows: one row contains alloy, temper, and specification number, and the alternating row contains the producer’s name and
ordered thickness. Figure shows spot marking of the lot number.
FIG 3 Continuous Marking for Plate Through 0.375 in. and Flat Sheet 0.012 in. and over (for O Temper, 0.020 in. and over) in Thickness, 6 Through 60 in.
in Width, and 36 Through 200 in. in Length.

Note—Marking pattern is two alternating rows: one row contains alloy, temper, and specification number, and the alternating row contains the producer’s name and
ordered thickness. Figure shows spot marking of the lot number.
FIG. 3 M Continuous Marking for Plate Through 10 mm and Flat Sheet over 0.30 mm (for O Temper, over 0.50 mm) in Thickness, over
150 Through 1500 mm in Width, and 1000 Through 5000 mm in Length. Circles less than 24 in. [up through 600 mm] in 5.1.6 Foil—Marking of this product is not required. Pack-
diameter—Tagging or marking of shipping container. age marking only.
NOTE 4—Alclad one side flat sheet, plate, circles, and coiled sheet shall 5.1.7 Rod, Bar, and Extruded Profiles—Continuous mark-
be marked on the bare side. ing of straight lengths as shown in Fig. 5 [5M], of sizes having
5.1.5 Tread Plate—Spot marking near one end on the back an accessible flat surface of 1⁄2 in. or more [over 12.5 mm] in
side. width (with less than 1⁄8 in. [3 mm and less] indented surface),

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B 666/B 666M – 08

Note—Figure shows spot marking of the lot number. Arrow indicates the rolling direction.
FIG 4 Perimeter Marking for Plate over 0.375 in. in Thickness, Flat Sheet and Plate over 60 in. in Width or over 200 in. in Length.

Note—Figure shows spot marking of the lot number. Arrow indicates the rolling direction.
FIG. 4 M Perimeter Marking for Plate over 10 mm in Thickness, Flat Sheet and Plate over 1500 mm in Width or over 5000 mm in

FIG 5 Continuous Marking for Rod, Bar, Profiles, and Tube in Straight Lengths

FIG. 5 M Continuous Marking for Rod, Bar, Profiles, and Tube in Straight Lengths

or a diameter of 1⁄2 in. [over 12.5 mm] or more. Tagging is 5.1.8 Structural Profiles—Spot marking near one end as
applicable to smaller sizes, lengths under 3 ft [1 m] and coils. shown in Fig. 6 [6M].

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B 666/B 666M – 08

FIG 6 Spot Marking for Structural Profiles

FIG. 6 M Spot Marking for Structural Profiles

5.1.9 Tube and Pipe—Continuous marking of non-round 6.3 Ingot or Billet for Fabricating—When specified in the
straight lengths in a single row of sizes having both a wall contract or purchase order, marking shall include the produc-
thickness of 0.029 in. and greater [over 0.72 mm] and a flat er’s name or trademark, alloy and cast number. Specification
surface of 1⁄2 in. or more [over 12.5 mm] in width. Continuous data shall not be required to be marked on these products.
marking of round straight lengths in a single row of sizes
having both a wall thickness of 0.029 in. and greater [over 0.72 7. Marking of Unalloyed Aluminum and Magnesium
mm] and a diameter of 1⁄2 in. or more [over 12.5 mm]. Tagging Ingot
is applicable to each coil or bundle of smaller sizes and lengths
7.1 When specified in the contract or purchase order,
under 3 ft [1 m].
unalloyed aluminum ingot shall be marked as follows:
5.1.10 Wire—Tagging of coils and straight lengths, and spot
marking on one flange of spools. 7.1.1 Producer’s name, logo, or trademark,
5.1.11 Bus Bar—Spot marking near one end except that 7.1.2 Production location either permanently cast in, im-
specification number shall not be required to be marked on this pression stamped, or otherwise marked,
product. 7.1.3 Metal grade or aluminum designation impression
5.1.12 Forgings: stamped or otherwise marked with legible characters, and Hand Forging—Spot marking on one place of each 7.1.4 Cast number, or other identification, by convention
piece. which allows traceability of specific ingot to a specific chemi- Die Forging—Marking in accordance with the cal composition.
requirements of the forging drawing. 7.2 When specified in the contract or purchase order,
unalloyed magnesium ingot shall be permanently marked on
6. Marking of Cast Aluminum Products each ingot, pig, billet, or pallet as follows:
6.1 Castings—Marking shall be that as specified by the 7.2.1 Producer’s name or trademark,
applicable material specification or as agreed upon between the 7.2.2 Cast number, or other identification by convention
producer and the purchaser. which allows traceability of the product to a specific chemical
6.2 Remelt Ingot for Castings: composition.
6.2.1 Marking of Aluminum Ingot—The producer’s name or
trademark (see 4.1.1), alloy designation (see 4.1.2) and cast 8. Marking of Special Products
number shall be impressioned-stamped or otherwise perma-
nently marked on each ingot or if strapped together, not less 8.1 When specified in the contract or purchase order,
than four ingots in each bundle, two in the top layer and two in marking of special products that are not covered in this
the bottom layer. Specification number shall not be required to specification shall be in accordance with that specified by the
be marked on this product. applicable material specification.
6.2.2 Marking of Magnesium Ingot—The producer’s name 8.2 Special products that are to be marked in accordance
or trademark (see 4.1.1), alloy designation (see 4.1.2), and cast with requirements in the applicable material specification are
number shall be impression-stamped or otherwise permanently welding fittings (Specification B 361); condenser and heat
marked on each ingot or bundle, if strapped together. Specifi- exchanger tubes with integral fins (Specifications B 404/
cation number shall not be required to be marked on this B 404M); and formed and arc-welded round tube (Specifica-
product. tion B 547/B 547M).

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B 666/B 666M – 08
9. Keywords
9.1 aluminum products; identification markings; magne-
sium products


Committee B07 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(B 666/B 666M – 01) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved July 15, 2008)

(1) Deleted ANSI H35.1(M) in Section 2 and replaced ANSI (8) Renumbered Figures to accommodate addition of a new
H35.1 with H35.1/H35.1(M). Fig. 3[3M].
(2) Provided reference to B 881 for definitions of terminology (9) Added text to clarify that rolling direction is to be marked
and deleted definitions that are provided in B 881. on “each partial sheet or plate”.
(3) Section 4.1.5 was re-worded to require marking of lot (10) Reference to the lot number marking in the schematics of
number. the Figures was included in Figure notes.
(11) Lot number marking was added to the schematics of Figs.
(4) Section 4.2 was deleted since lot number marking is a
general requirement of 4.1.5.
(12) Arrow indicating rolling direction has been added to Fig.
(5) Added Fig. 3[3M] with alternative marking pattern of two 4 [4M] along with an explanation in a figure note.
alternating rows. (13) Inserted Lot Number, All Products – Spot marking the
(6) Replaced lot designation “AB12345” with “LOT123” in product as 5.1.1 and renumbered subsequent sections.
Fig. 2 [2M] to be consistent with Fig. 1 [1M]. (14) Added reference to this practice for clarity in sections 4.1
(7) Provided notes in Fig. 2 [2M] and Fig. 3[3M] to identify and 4.2.
two distinct marking patterns. (15) Change 6061–T to 6061–T6 in Fig. 1[1M].

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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