Important: You must register before Login to the Online Application System.
Note: Please use Mozilla Firefox browser to fill up the form. The system accepts only alphanumeric
characters in the application. Single quote (‘), double quote (“), semi-colon (;) or other special
characters are not accepted.
2. At any point in time, you can save your partially filled up application. Only when the application
is complete you can finally freeze the application and take print outs.
5. Fee Payment: This link deals with the payment of application fee.
a. First step is to print Fee Pay-in-Slip.
b. Go to any Core Banking Branch of State Bank of India with pay-in-slip. Note down the
Bank Branch Code on pay-in-slip. Pay the fee to the bank. The bank official will enter a
Unique Journal Number (UJN) on the counterfoil of the pay-in-slip.
c. Again login using your email address and password, click on the Fee Payment tab.
d. Enter payment information. Enter the Unique Journal Number, amount, date of
payment, bank branch code carefully.
6. Photo Upload
a. Browse the jpg/png/jpeg file of your passport size image. The photo should be a front
face passport size photo (preferably not more than 100Kb size).
7. Print Application
a. Application form can be printed from here. Prior to taking a print out of filled up
application, please freeze the information you have provided which will lock your
entered information. After this step, you can take the print out.
Without the testimonials, your application will not be considered. You may keep
photocopies of printed application and counterfoil of bank pay in slip for future reference.
The address to which the above are to be posted:
IIT Kharagpur
Contact No : (03222)-282052
All application related information will be posted on the site. You must login to check status
of your application.